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Table of Streets

This is an experimental wikitable of OGF data, in the early phase of development. Do not update this table - it is based on data extracted from the OGF map database using a semi-automated script. To change a value in this table, edit the OSM tags associated with the streets listed below (nodes, areas and relations). Note, however, that updates will only show up after Luciano downloads a backup file, runs the script, and pastes the output - it is not an automated connection.


  • Name - the name of the street or highway
  • Ref - highway ref id (if exists) and link to map
  • Type - highway - highway type
Name Ref Type
Angel Keum Road way 180160 tertiary
Angel Keum Road way 180162 tertiary
Cape Street DS 98 secondary
Angel Keum Road way 180167 tertiary
Gotts Place Avenue DS 98 secondary
Angel Keum Road way 180172 tertiary
Gotts Place Avenue DS 98 secondary
way 180230 unclassified
way 180234 residential
Johnson Curve Drive way 180236 unclassified
Californio Côté Road way 180238 unclassified
Cypress Street way 180241 unclassified
way 180242 residential
way 180243 residential
Slope Street way 180244 unclassified
way 180245 residential
Kepplinne Road way 180246 tertiary
Evangelist Street way 180247 tertiary
Harbour Street way 180249 unclassified
way 180252 residential
way 180253 residential
Kepplinne Road way 180254 tertiary
Kepplinne Road way 180255 tertiary
way 180256 residential
Garden Drive way 180260 unclassified
way 180261 residential
Castle Street way 180262 tertiary
way 180263 residential
way 180264 residential
way 180265 residential
Kepplinne Road way 180350 tertiary
Douglas Drive way 180351 residential
Kepplinne Road way 180355 unclassified
Angel Keum Road way 180358 tertiary
Kepplinne Road way 180359 unclassified
Kepplinne Road way 180361 tertiary
way 180362 residential
Kepplinne Road way 180363 tertiary
way 181901 residential
way 181902 residential
Joy Street way 181903 unclassified
Cyclops Road way 181905 unclassified
way 181906 residential
way 181910 residential
Castle Street way 181911 tertiary
way 181912 residential
way 181915 residential
way 181916 residential
way 181917 residential
Morris Drive way 181918 unclassified
way 181920 residential
way 181921 residential
way 181922 residential
way 181923 residential
Calle Velero way 183387 unclassified
Calle Canal way 183391 tertiary
Calle Volcán way 183392 unclassified
Avenida Ángel Keum way 183394 residential
Calle Hueso way 183395 unclassified
Calle Piedra Blanca way 183398 unclassified
Calle Lanza way 183399 unclassified
Calle Desierto way 183402 unclassified
Calle Original way 183404 unclassified
Calle Gaviotas way 183406 unclassified
Calle Jaguares way 183410 unclassified
Calle Tela way 183418 unclassified
Calle Ruinas way 183419 unclassified
Stovepipe Street way 229815 unclassified
way 229816 residential
Paradox Street way 229817 unclassified
Daniel Menores Street way 229818 unclassified
way 229819 unclassified
way 229820 residential
Via Desolada way 231031 unclassified
way 231106 pedestrian
way 231107 pedestrian
Camino del Estado RN 5; RN 31 primary
Calle 2 way 231109 unclassified
Calle Puerto way 231110 unclassified
Calle 1a way 231113 unclassified
Puente Azul RN 5 primary
Calle Libertad way 231400 unclassified
Calle Banderas way 231401 unclassified
Calle 3 way 231402 unclassified
Calle Camino way 231403 unclassified
Calle Independencia way 231404 unclassified
Calle Cervantes way 231405 unclassified
Calle Vivienda way 231406 unclassified
Calle Ateneo way 231407 unclassified
Via del Arroyo RN 5; RN 31 primary
Camino Estatal RN 5; RN 31 primary
Via del Arroyo way 231416 unclassified
Via del Arroyo - Puente de Flores RN 5; RN 31 primary
Via del Arroyo RN 5; RN 31 primary
Camino Estatal - Túnel de Flores RN 5; RN 31 primary
Via del Arroyo RN 31 primary
Via Bahia Negra RN 5 primary
Via Cerezas way 231422 unclassified
Camino de la Costa - Puente Estrecho Gómez RN 98 primary
Camino Gómez way 231426 tertiary
Calle Colonia Rocas way 231452 service
Via del Bosque way 231453 unclassified
Calle Policarpo Domínguez way 231454 unclassified
Calle Arenas way 231457 unclassified
Calle Calisto Saa way 231458 residential
Calle Laguna way 231459 unclassified
Calle 1 way 231461 unclassified
Glorieta del Faro way 231462 unclassified
Camino del Faro way 231464 unclassified
Calle Colegio way 231465 unclassified
Calle Vargas way 231466 unclassified
Calle Palacios way 231468 residential
Calle 4 way 231469 residential
Calle Sepulcros way 231470 residential
Calle 6 way 231471 unclassified
Calle 5 way 231472 unclassified
Calle Parque way 231550 unclassified
Calle Mercado way 231551 unclassified
Calle Bahia Negra way 231552 unclassified
Calle Pedro Sainz way 231553 unclassified
Calle Salazar way 231554 unclassified
Calle 10 way 231555 unclassified
Calle 8 way 231556 unclassified
Camino las Ramblas way 231557 unclassified
Calle 11 way 231558 residential
Calle 12 way 231559 residential
Calle 7 way 231560 unclassified
Calle 9 way 231561 unclassified
Calle Oso way 231653 residential
Calle Jaguares way 231654 residential
Calle Fundación way 231655 residential
Calle 26 way 231656 residential
Calle 6 way 231658 tertiary
Calle 14 way 231659 residential
Calle 2 way 231660 residential
Calle 10 way 231661 tertiary
Calle Bisonte way 231663 residential
Calle 46 way 231687 residential
Calle 38 way 231690 residential
Calle 42 way 231692 residential
Calle 78 way 231703 residential
Calle 98 way 231704 residential
Calle 102 way 231705 residential
Calle 74 way 231707 tertiary
Calle 90 way 231708 residential
Calle 86 way 231709 residential
Calle 82 way 231710 residential
Calle 13 way 231758 residential
Calle Pinos way 231761 residential
Via Desolada RN 5 primary
Calle Huerta way 231763 unclassified
Calle Frontera way 231764 unclassified
Calle Cerro way 231765 unclassified
Calle García way 231766 unclassified
Calle Corta way 231767 residential
Calle Errazúriz way 231768 unclassified
Calle Sol way 231769 unclassified
Calle Divisiones way 231770 unclassified
Calle Vista way 231773 unclassified
Vía Pájaros way 231775 tertiary
Calle Sol way 231828 unclassified
Calle Ateneo way 231829 residential
Aeropuerto way 231830 service
Calle Insurgentes way 231835 unclassified
Camino de la Costa RN 98 primary
Paseo Douglas way 231895 unclassified
Paseo Huertas way 231896 unclassified
Paseo del Templo way 231897 unclassified
Calle 110 way 232053 unclassified
Calle 114 way 232055 residential
Calle 146 way 232058 unclassified
Calle 118 way 232060 unclassified
Avenida de Armas way 232249 residential
Calle Cerro RN 5 primary
Calle 62 way 232503 residential
Calle 50 way 232504 residential
Calle 26 way 232505 tertiary
Calle 42 way 232508 residential
Calle 66 way 232509 residential
Calle 70 way 232512 residential
Calle 54 way 232515 residential
Calle 82 way 232534 tertiary
Calle 94 way 232537 residential
Calle 158 way 232554 unclassified
Calle 86 way 232558 residential
Calle Águila way 232890 unclassified
Camino del Peñasco way 232891 unclassified
Calle Porvenir way 232892 unclassified
Paseo Lluvias way 232893 residential
Calle E way 232894 residential
Calle F way 232895 residential
Camino de Bosque way 232896 unclassified
Paseo Borges way 232897 unclassified
Calle B way 232898 residential
Calle G way 232899 residential
Paseo Azulejos way 232900 unclassified
Paseo Alerces way 232901 residential
Camino Gato Negro way 232902 residential
Paseo Comedores way 232903 unclassified
Calle A way 232904 residential
Camino Martínez way 232905 residential
Paseo Luz de Estrella way 232906 unclassified
Calle D way 232907 residential
Avenida Aeropuerto way 232908 unclassified
Calle G way 232909 unclassified
Paseo Torres way 232910 unclassified
Paseo de Campos way 232911 residential
Camino Quebrada Alta del Desolado way 232919 tertiary
Camino de la Costa RN 98 primary
Camino de la Costa - Puente Alvarado RN 98 primary
Calle Huerta - Puente Muertos way 232943 tertiary
Camino del Estado way 232944 primary
Calle Independencia way 232945 unclassified
Calle Huerta way 232946 tertiary
Camino del Estado RN 5 primary
Calle Puerto - Puente Parque Lázaro way 232949 unclassified
Calle Puerto way 232950 tertiary
Calle Alegre way 232962 residential
Avenida Juárez way 232963 unclassified
Avenida Carteles way 232964 unclassified
Calle Zaragoza way 232965 unclassified
Avenida Rosas way 232966 unclassified
Camino Quebrada Baja del Desolado way 232967 unclassified
Camino Rancho Vásquez way 232968 unclassified
Camino Quebrada Baja del Desolado way 232969 unclassified
Calle Álvaro Erickson way 232970 residential
Avenida Portales way 232971 unclassified
Camino Quebrada Baja del Desolado way 232972 unclassified
Camino Quebrada del Desolado - Conector way 232976 unclassified
Paseo Templo del Valle Estrecho way 232977 unclassified
Calle Sobre Frontera way 232978 unclassified
Avenida Los Moreno way 232979 residential
Calle Jueves way 232980 residential
Calle Viernes way 232981 residential
Calle Domingo way 232982 unclassified
Calle Lunes way 232983 residential
Calle Alambres way 232984 unclassified
Calle Carro de Oro way 232985 residential
Calle Miércoles way 232986 unclassified
Calle Sábado way 232987 residential
Avenida Abejas way 232988 unclassified
Paseo Carbón way 232989 unclassified
Calle Martes way 232990 residential
Calle Providencia way 232991 residential
Paseo Manzanales way 232992 unclassified
Vía de Acceso way 232993 service
way 232994 unclassified
Calle Límite way 232998 unclassified
Calle 88 way 233028 residential
Calle 93 way 233119 residential
Calle 41 way 233174 residential
Calle 48 way 233176 residential
Calle 55 way 233212 tertiary
Calle 49 way 233214 residential
Calle 45 way 233218 residential
Calle 52 way 233223 residential
Calle 51 way 233224 residential
Calle 60 way 233227 residential
Calle 43 way 233230 residential
Calle 47 way 233249 residential
Calle 53 way 233261 residential
Calle 111 way 233336 tertiary
Calle del Desolado way 233452 residential
Calle Grillos way 233453 tertiary
Calle 1a way 233454 residential
Calle Largartos way 233459 tertiary
Calle 3 way 233460 residential
Calle 8 way 233461 residential
Calle Cabras way 233462 residential
Calle Elefantes way 233465 residential
Calle 16 way 233466 tertiary
Calle 4 way 233467 residential
Calle Pinares way 233469 residential
Calle Ibis way 233470 residential
Calle Huertas way 233471 residential
Calle 5 way 233472 residential
Calle 12 way 233473 residential
Calle Alerces way 233474 residential
Calle Ruiseñor way 233475 residential
Calle 28 way 233476 residential
Calle Roble way 234309 residential
Calle Castillo way 234310 residential
Malecón Sur way 234311 residential
Calle Puerto way 234312 residential
Malecón Norte way 234313 residential
Calle Jaguares way 234314 residential
Calle Gobernador Núñez way 234316 residential
Malecón Central way 234319 residential
Calle Trébol way 234320 residential
Calle Oso way 234321 residential
Calle Serpientes way 234322 tertiary
Calle Las Ramblas way 234337 residential
Calle Cresta way 234338 residential
Calle Cresta - Puente way 234339 residential
Calle Bahía Negra way 234340 residential
Calle Borges way 234341 residential
Calle Cresta way 234342 residential
Malecón Sur way 234343 tertiary
Avenida de la Playa way 234344 residential
Calle Luna way 234345 tertiary
Calle de Monumentos way 234346 pedestrian
Calle de Rayos way 234347 residential
Calle Rulfo way 234348 residential
Calle Pájaros way 234349 residential
Calle Yerba Mate way 234350 residential
Calle Mar way 234351 residential
Túnel del Malecón Sur way 234352 tertiary
Calle Palmeras way 234353 residential
Calle Malecón (Continuación) way 234355 tertiary
Calle Bahía Negra way 234356 residential
Calle Cerro de Abejas - Túnel way 234357 residential
Calle Caballos way 234358 residential
Calle Cerro de Abejas way 234359 residential
Calle Municipio way 234360 residential
Calle Sol way 234361 tertiary
Calle Punta way 234362 residential
Calle Gallos way 234363 tertiary
Calle Cerro de Abejas way 234364 residential
Calle Cortázar way 234365 residential
Bulevar 3 way 234453 residential
Bulevar 4 way 234454 residential
Calle Perdido way 234455 residential
Calle Vista del Mar way 234456 residential
Bulevar 5 way 234457 tertiary
Calle Oro y Plata way 234458 residential
Bulevar 1 way 234459 unclassified
Bulevar 2 way 234460 unclassified
Bulevar Muralla way 234461 residential
Avenida Central way 234613 tertiary
Calle 1a RN 98 primary
Vía Cañones way 234616 tertiary
Camino Islas DS 77 secondary
Calle 116 way 234987 unclassified
Calle 96 way 234988 residential
Calle 80 way 234991 residential
Calle 170 way 234992 unclassified
Calle 76 way 234995 residential
Calle 84 way 234998 residential
Calle 64 way 235000 residential
Calle 72 way 235003 residential
Calle 92 way 235012 residential
Calle Recto way 235017 residential
Calle Marineros way 235019 residential
Calle Parque way 235020 residential
Calle Desierto de Leones way 235021 residential
Calle Presidente Davies way 235022 residential
Calle Camello way 235023 residential
Calle Amistad way 235024 residential
Calle Monjes way 235025 residential
Avenida Richard way 235563 tertiary
Calle 200 way 235564 tertiary
Calle 188 way 235568 unclassified
Calle 192 way 235574 unclassified
Calle 196 way 235581 unclassified
Calle 208 way 235598 unclassified
Calle 220 way 235601 unclassified
Calle 216 way 235608 unclassified
Calle 212 way 235611 tertiary
Calle 202 way 235613 unclassified
Bulevar 3 way 235922 residential
Avenida Central DS 75 secondary
Camino San Miguel way 235977 unclassified
Calle Templo way 235980 unclassified
Calle de Armas way 235982 unclassified
Calle Ángel Keum way 235983 unclassified
Calle Marina way 235984 tertiary
Avenida Central DS 75 secondary
Calle Marina way 235986 tertiary
Calle Marina way 235987 tertiary
Calle Alerces way 236009 unclassified
Malecón way 236011 unclassified
Vía Vieja Orilla Derecha way 236015 residential
Calle 83 way 236167 residential
Calle 81 way 236168 residential
Calle 79 way 236169 residential
Calle 75 way 236170 tertiary
Calle 77 way 236171 residential
Calle 89 way 236173 residential
Calle 85 way 236174 residential
Calle 99 way 236176 residential
Calle 73 way 236177 residential
Calle 71 way 236178 residential
Calle 95 way 236179 residential
Calle 87 way 236180 residential
Calle 91 way 236181 residential
Calle 97 way 236182 residential
Calle 115 way 236229 residential
Calle 63 way 236233 residential
Calle 117 way 236235 unclassified
Calle 159 way 236245 unclassified
Calle 157 way 236252 unclassified
Calle 25 way 236380 residential
Calle 9 way 236382 residential
Calle 27 way 236385 residential
Calle Central way 236389 residential
Calle 15 way 236391 residential
Calle 11 way 236393 residential
Calle 7 way 236395 residential
Plaza de la Frontera way 236870 primary
Bulevar 1 way 237383 residential
Avenida del Estado Lado Sur RN 3 primary
Calle 17 way 237395 residential
Calle Pinos way 237405 tertiary
Bulevar 2 way 237407 residential
Avenida del Estado Lado Sur RN 3 primary
Avenida del Estado Lado Sur RN 9 primary
Calle Octubre way 237704 unclassified
Calle Guarnición way 237705 residential
Calle Julio way 237708 unclassified
Calle Junio way 237709 unclassified
Calle Noviembre way 237710 unclassified
Calle Almirante way 237712 residential
Calle Marineros way 237714 residential
Calle 226 way 237715 unclassified
Calle Febrero way 237716 unclassified
Avenida Soldados - Conector way 237717 tertiary
Calle del Paso way 237719 unclassified
Calle de Cerca way 237720 unclassified
Calle Agosto way 237722 unclassified
Calle Torres way 237723 tertiary
Calle Vásquez way 237724 tertiary
Calle 234 way 237725 unclassified
Calle Diciembre way 237726 unclassified
Calle Terminal way 237727 unclassified
Calle Setiembre way 237728 unclassified
Calle Florencio Flood way 237729 unclassified
Calle Coronel way 237730 unclassified
Calle Embarcadero way 237731 unclassified
Calle Artillería way 237733 unclassified
Calle Enero way 237734 unclassified
Calle 230 way 237735 unclassified
Avenida Richard way 237737 tertiary
Calle Mayo way 237738 unclassified
Calle Castillo way 237808 unclassified
Avenida Ángel Keum RN 5 primary
Calle Máquina way 237811 residential
Calle Ferrocarriles way 237812 residential
Calle Nieves way 237814 residential
Calle Centro way 237816 unclassified
Calle Regimiento way 237818 residential
Calle Francia way 237819 residential
Avenida Ángel Keum RN 5 primary
Calle Libertad way 237821 unclassified
Calle Alemania way 237823 residential
Calle Darcodia way 237824 residential
Calle Ispelia way 237830 unclassified
Calle Mar Verde way 237831 residential
Calle Escocia way 237833 unclassified
Calle Islas way 237835 residential
Calle la Plata way 237887 unclassified
Calle Pistolas way 237888 unclassified
Calle Iguana way 237890 unclassified
Calle Quiroga way 237891 unclassified
Bulevar 1 way 237892 unclassified
Calle Darcodia way 237893 pedestrian
Calle el Oro way 237894 unclassified
Calle Darcodia way 237897 unclassified
Bulevar 2 way 237898 unclassified
Calle Pulpos way 238824 unclassified
Calle Ballenas way 238827 unclassified
Calle Calamar way 238834 unclassified
Calle Langosta way 238835 unclassified
Calle Cangrejo way 238836 unclassified
Calle Tiburón way 238837 unclassified
Calle Medusa way 238838 residential
Calle 185 way 238839 unclassified
Calle 179 way 238840 residential
Calle 175 way 238841 residential
Calle 181 way 238846 residential
Calle 236 way 238852 tertiary
Calle 244 way 238860 unclassified
Calle 240 way 238866 unclassified
Bulevar Cipreses way 238868 unclassified
Bulevar Manzanos way 238869 residential
Calle 239 way 238870 unclassified
Calle 229 way 238871 unclassified
Calle 193 way 238873 unclassified
Bulevar Avellanos way 238874 unclassified
Bulevar Tejos way 238877 unclassified
Bulevar Arces way 238878 unclassified
Calle 217 way 238879 unclassified
Calle 213 way 238880 secondary
Bulevar Abetos way 238881 unclassified
Calle 219 way 238882 unclassified
Calle 237 way 238883 unclassified
Calle 235 way 238884 unclassified
Calle 209 way 238885 unclassified
Calle 195 way 238886 unclassified
Calle 233 way 238887 unclassified
Calle 199 way 238888 unclassified
Calle 207 way 238890 unclassified
Calle 201 way 238891 unclassified
Calle 189 way 238892 unclassified
Bulevar Naranjos way 238894 unclassified
Calle 205 way 238895 unclassified
Bulevar Abedules way 238896 unclassified
Calle 197 way 238897 tertiary
Bulevar Cedros way 238898 unclassified
Bulevar Hayas way 238899 tertiary
Calle 187 way 238901 unclassified
Calle 245 way 238902 unclassified
Calle 191 way 238903 unclassified
Calle 227 way 238904 unclassified
Bulevar Castaños way 238905 unclassified
Calle 231 way 238906 unclassified
Calle 241 way 238907 unclassified
Calle 243 way 238909 unclassified
Calle 211 way 238911 unclassified
Bulevar Fresnos way 238912 unclassified
Calle 215 way 238913 unclassified
Calle Mar Verde way 239041 unclassified
Calle Nieves way 239042 unclassified
Calle Desiertos way 239043 unclassified
Calle Casas way 239044 unclassified
Calle Cocina way 239045 unclassified
Calle Máquina way 239046 unclassified
Calle Regimiento way 239047 unclassified
Avenida Ángel Keum RN 5 primary
Calle Quiroga way 239082 unclassified
Calle Irlanda way 239083 unclassified
Calle de Clavo way 239084 unclassified
Calle Islas way 239085 unclassified
Calle Calavera way 239086 unclassified
Calle de Ajo way 239087 unclassified
Calle del Paso way 239088 unclassified
Bulevar 3 way 239089 unclassified
Calle de Gales way 239090 unclassified
Calle Granjas way 239091 unclassified
Calle de Pimienta way 239092 unclassified
Calle de Chile way 239093 unclassified
Calle de Perejil way 239094 unclassified
Calle Canela way 239095 tertiary
Calle Ingueraterra way 239096 unclassified
Calle las Olas way 239097 unclassified
Calle Pasteles way 239098 unclassified
Calle Lluvia way 239099 unclassified
Bulevar 3 way 239914 residential
Diagonal Poetas way 239916 residential
Calle 32 way 239947 residential
Calle 31 way 239948 residential
Calle 31 way 239952 residential
Bulevar 1 way 239954 residential
Bulevar 2 way 239955 residential
Calle Paralela way 239956 tertiary
Paseo Playa way 240057 tertiary
Avenida Presidente Ángel Keum RN 5 primary
Avenida de América way 241279 secondary
Bulevar Cipreses way 242065 residential
Avenida Presidente Ángel Keum RN 5 primary
Bulevar Avellanos way 242068 residential
Calle Zaragoza way 242069 unclassified
Avenida Presidente Ángel Keum RN 5 primary
Bulevar Olmos way 242071 unclassified
Bulevar Naranjos way 242072 unclassified
Bulevar del Sur way 242073 unclassified
Bulevar Robles way 242074 unclassified
Calle Arkham way 242076 residential
Calle Arkham way 242077 residential
Bulevar Sauces way 242080 unclassified
Calle Ingeniería way 242082 residential
Calle Cruces way 242085 unclassified
Bulevar Arces way 242086 residential
Calle Arkham way 242087 residential
Calle Yacimientos Petroleros way 242088 unclassified
Bulevar Castaños way 242091 unclassified
Calle Ciénegas way 242093 unclassified
Bulevar Jacarandas way 242095 tertiary
Calle Regimiento way 242098 residential
Bulevar Cedros way 242100 residential
Calle Mar Verde way 242101 residential
Bulevar Cipreses way 242102 unclassified
Bulevar Piceas way 242104 unclassified
Calle Albañiles way 242105 unclassified
Calle Ferrocarriles way 242106 tertiary
Avenida el Haya way 242107 tertiary
Bulevar Manzanos way 242110 unclassified
Calle Onírica way 242111 unclassified
Bulevar Tejos way 242112 tertiary
Calle Tigre way 242115 residential
Callejón Alverado way 242116 residential
Callejón Loro way 242121 residential
Calle Moneda way 242122 unclassified
Avenida Campo de Marte way 242124 tertiary
Calle Ciénegas way 242127 unclassified
Calle Facultades way 242128 residential
Calle 171 way 242133 unclassified
Diagonal Trabajadores way 242135 residential
Avenida Richard way 242153 tertiary
Avenida Richard way 242154 tertiary
Avenida Richard way 242155 tertiary
Avenida Richard way 242157 tertiary
Charlotte Island Drive way 242290 tertiary
Broad Street way 242291 tertiary
Avenida Cebada RN 3 primary
Avenida del Estado Lado Sur RN 3 primary
Avenida del Estado Lado Sur RN 3 primary
Bulevar 3 way 243698 residential
Calle 37 way 243702 residential
Hill Street way 244372 residential
Charlotte Island Drive way 244373 tertiary
Block Street way 244374 residential
Wind Street way 244375 residential
Dock Street way 244376 residential
Flower Street way 244383 residential
way 244402 service
Boat Street way 244403 unclassified
Gold Street way 244404 unclassified
Bay Street way 244405 unclassified
La Xurre Avenue DS 98 secondary
Island Highway DS 98 secondary
Orchard Beach Drive way 244505 unclassified
Camino Islas RN 98 primary
Fine Street way 244581 unclassified
Avenida 3 way 244582 unclassified
Calle Embarcadero way 244583 tertiary
Avenida 2 way 244584 tertiary
Calle 2 way 244585 unclassified
Calle B way 244586 unclassified
La Xurre Street way 244587 unclassified
Calle 1a RN 98 unclassified
Calle A way 244591 unclassified
Calle C way 244592 unclassified
Calle Embarcadero way 244767 unclassified
Vía Puerto Desolado RN 5 primary
Vía Entrada del Aeropuerto way 245204 tertiary
Maaiza Drive way 245206 unclassified
way 245207 tertiary
Avenida Aeropuerto way 245209 tertiary
Hill Street way 245223 tertiary
Calle Jacaranda way 245792 unclassified
Calle el Castillo way 245793 unclassified
Calle Tierra Pura way 245796 unclassified
Calle La Xurre way 245797 unclassified
Avenida Central way 245798 unclassified
Calle José María Núñez way 246092 unclassified
Calle Cámbricos way 246093 unclassified
Calle Coreanos way 246095 unclassified
Calle Castellaneses way 246096 unclassified
Calle Inguéricos way 246101 unclassified
Calle Arroz way 246102 residential
Avenida Independencia way 246107 tertiary
Calle Trigo way 246110 residential
Calle Cármicos way 246111 unclassified
Avenida José Errázuriz way 246113 unclassified
Avenida Bodegas way 246114 unclassified
Calle 296 (CM#50E) way 247610 tertiary
Calle 356 (CM#60E) way 247621 tertiary
Calle 538 (CM#90E) way 247624 tertiary
Calle 418 (CM#70E) way 247626 tertiary
Calle 198 way 252687 unclassified
Calle 204 way 252829 unclassified
way 252841 unclassified
Avenida del Estado Lado Sur RN 3 primary
way 252845 unclassified
Calle 466 (CM#78E) way 253068 tertiary
Camino Meridiano No. 71 E. way 253069 unclassified
Calle Isabel Richard (Calle 454) way 253070 tertiary
Calle 436 (CM#73 E) way 253072 tertiary
Calle 412 (CM#69E) way 253081 tertiary
Calle 350 (CM#59E) way 253083 tertiary
Calle 380 (CM#64E) way 253086 tertiary
Calle 368 way 253088 tertiary
Calle 406 (CM#68E) way 253089 tertiary
Bulevar Hayas (CP#1S) way 253106 tertiary
Bulevar del Sur (CP#2S) way 253108 unclassified
Camino Paralelo No. 2 S. way 253110 unclassified
(CP#2S) way 253112 unclassified
Camino Jabalíes (CP#3S) way 253143 tertiary
Avenida la Bahía (CM#46E) way 253153 tertiary
Calle 248 (CM#42E) way 253156 tertiary
Calle 242 (CM#41E) way 253162 tertiary
Calle Cerro RN 5 primary
Calle Gallos way 253784 residential
Bulevar 2 way 253787 residential
Ovalada de los Jueces way 253790 primary
Avenida del Estado Lado Sur RN 3 primary
Bulevar 2 way 253796 residential
Calle Huertas way 253797 residential
Avenida del Estado way 253799 residential
Calle Cerro RN 5 primary
way 253802 residential
Bulevar 2 way 253803 residential
Bulevar Costera Dir. Oeste AC 5 motorway
way 253810 residential
Calle Hortensias way 253823 residential
Calle Claveles way 253824 residential
Calle Lirios way 253825 residential
Calle Caléndula way 253826 residential
Calle Gladiolas way 253827 residential
Calle Magnolias way 253828 residential
Calle Tristezas way 253829 residential
Calle Amapolas way 253830 residential
Calle Narcisos way 253832 residential
Calle Violetas way 253845 residential
Calle Jacintos way 253850 residential
Calle Pensamientos way 253856 residential
Calle Tulipanes way 253858 residential
Calle Alhelíes way 253861 residential
Calle Malvones way 253862 residential
Carretera Costera AC 5 motorway
Avenida Ángel Keum RN 5 primary
Bulevar Costera Dir. Oeste AC 5 motorway
Bulevar Costera Dir. Este AC 5 motorway
Avenida Ángel Keum RN 5 primary
Calle 16 way 253923 tertiary
Calle 27 way 253925 residential
Calle 29 way 253926 residential
Calle 30 way 253927 residential
Calle 28 way 253929 residential
Calle 33 way 253932 tertiary
Bulevar Costera - Calle Servicio way 253937 tertiary
Calle 36 way 253939 tertiary
Calle 31 way 253943 residential
Calle 29 way 253944 residential
Calle 32 way 253947 residential
Bulevar Costera - Calle Servicio way 253949 tertiary
Calle 30 way 253953 residential
Calle Estuario way 253955 residential
Bulevar 6 way 253959 residential
Bulevar 7 way 253960 residential
Bulevar 5 way 253961 residential
Bulevar 12 way 253962 residential
Calle Industria way 253963 residential
Bulevar 9 way 253965 residential
Bulevar 12 way 253966 residential
Bulevar 7 way 253968 residential
Calle 39 way 253969 residential
Bulevar 11 way 253970 residential
Bulevar 10 way 253971 residential
Bulevar 8 way 253972 residential
Bulevar 11 way 253973 residential
Bulevar 4 way 253974 residential
Calle 42 way 253975 residential
Bulevar 13 way 253977 residential
Calle 39 way 253978 residential
Bulevar 11 way 253979 residential
Bulevar 4 way 253980 residential
Bulevar 4 way 253981 residential
Bulevar 5 way 253982 residential
Bulevar 5 way 253983 residential
Calle 38 way 253984 residential
Bulevar 11 way 253985 residential
Calle 40 way 253986 residential
Calle 39 way 253988 residential
Bulevar 6 way 253989 tertiary
Calle 37 way 253990 residential
Calle Industria way 253991 residential
Calle 38 way 253992 residential
Bulevar 3 way 253993 residential
Bulevar 6 way 253994 residential
Bulevar 13 way 253995 residential
Bulevar 6 way 253996 residential
Bulevar 10 way 253998 residential
Paseo Molinos de Viento way 254021 tertiary
Paseo Castor way 254022 residential
Bulevar 5 way 254023 residential
Calle 90 way 254024 residential
Bulevar 4 way 254025 residential
Paseo Molinos de Viento way 254026 tertiary
Paseo Castor way 254027 residential
Paseo Castor way 254028 residential
Calle 91 way 254029 residential
Calle 92 way 254031 residential
Calle 89 way 254032 tertiary
Bulevar 3 way 254105 residential
Calle 83 way 254106 residential
Paseo Molinos de Viento way 254178 tertiary
Paseo Molinos de Viento way 254180 tertiary
Bulevar 4 way 254181 residential
Bulevar 3 way 254287 residential
Calle 80 way 254288 residential
Bulevar 6 way 254289 residential
Calle 79 way 254291 residential
Bulevar 5 way 254293 residential
Calle 80 way 254295 residential
Bulevar 7 way 254296 residential
Calle 81 way 254297 residential
Bulevar 4 way 254298 residential
Calle Azucenas way 254323 residential
Calle Gardenias way 254328 residential
Calle Nenúfares way 254346 residential
Calle 5 way 257119 residential
Avenida Arena way 257120 residential
Camino Onírico DS 75 secondary
Calle Arcano way 257122 residential
Avenida Mar DS 75 secondary
Calle 6 way 257126 residential
Avenida Refugio way 257127 residential
Avenida Delfín way 257128 residential
Calle El Loco way 257129 residential
Calle 4 way 257131 residential
Avenida Araña way 257132 residential
Avenida Ballena way 257133 residential
Calle 3 way 257134 residential
Calle 2 way 257135 residential
Calle 1 DS 75 secondary
Calle El Sacerdote way 257139 residential
Avenida Araña way 257140 residential
Camino Onírica-Bahía Negra DS 75 secondary
Calle La Emperatriz way 257144 residential
Calle El Mago way 257145 residential
Bulevar del Arca DS 75 secondary
Calle El Ermitaño way 257148 residential
Avenida Luciérnaga way 257149 residential
Calle El Enamorado way 257151 residential
Calle La Sacerdotisa way 257153 residential
Avenida Ciempiés way 257155 residential
Avenida Grillo DS 75 secondary
Calle El Carro way 257157 residential
Calle La Rueda de la Fortuna way 257158 residential
Calle La Justicia way 257159 residential
Calle La Fuerza way 257160 residential
Calle El Ahorcado way 257161 residential
Calle La Muerte way 257162 residential
Calle El Sol way 257163 residential
Calle El Diablo way 257164 residential
Calle El Mundo way 257165 residential
Calle La Estrella way 257167 residential
Calle La Luna way 257168 residential
Calle El Juicio way 257169 residential
Calle La Torre way 257171 residential
Calle Comuna way 257172 residential
Avenida Hormiga way 257173 residential
Avenida Tábano way 257174 residential
Bulevar del Arca way 257178 tertiary
Calle Verano way 257179 residential
Calle El Enamorado way 257180 residential
Calle Orilla Este way 257181 residential
Calle Equis way 257182 residential
Avenida Polilla way 257183 residential
Calle El Emperador way 257184 residential
Calle Otoño way 257185 residential
Avenida Cigarra DS 75 secondary
Avenida Libélula way 257188 residential
Calle Invierno way 257189 residential
Calle Primavera way 257190 residential
Avenida Tábano way 257193 residential
Calle La Sacerdotisa way 257194 residential
Calle Federación way 257195 residential
Calle El Enamorado way 257196 residential
Avenida Escarabajo way 257197 residential
Calle Atún way 257204 unclassified
Avenida Soldados way 257205 tertiary
Calle Caimán way 257206 unclassified
AC 5 motorway
Calle Huidobro way 257209 unclassified
Calle Lombriz way 257210 unclassified
Calle Polilla way 257211 tertiary
Calle Martí way 257214 unclassified
way 257215 tertiary
Calle Malecón Caracol way 257217 tertiary
Avenida Campo de Marte way 257219 tertiary
Calle Calderón de la Barca way 257221 tertiary
Calle Cervantes way 257222 tertiary
Calle Bécquer way 257223 unclassified
Avenida Campo de Marte way 257225 tertiary
way 257226 tertiary
Calle Anguila way 257227 unclassified
Calle Quevedo way 257229 unclassified
AC 5 motorway
Calle Darío way 257232 unclassified
Avenida Campo de Marte way 257233 tertiary
Avenida Soldados way 257234 tertiary
way 257235 tertiary
Calle Labordeta way 257236 unclassified
Glorieta Cipreses way 257237 tertiary
Avenida Soldados way 257239 tertiary
way 257241 tertiary
Calle Camaleón way 257242 unclassified
Bulevar Cipreses way 257243 unclassified
Calle Atún way 257244 unclassified
Calle Lazarillo way 257245 unclassified
way 258676 motorway
way 258679 motorway
way 258682 motorway
way 258683 motorway
way 258684 motorway
way 258689 motorway
way 258692 motorway
way 258697 motorway
way 258701 motorway
way 258741 motorway
Calle Máquina way 258744 unclassified
Calle Quiroga way 258745 unclassified
Calle Nieves way 258746 unclassified
way 258747 motorway
Bulevar Castaños way 258748 unclassified
Calle Cruces way 258749 unclassified
Calle Regimiento way 258750 unclassified
Bulevar 2 way 258751 unclassified
Bulevar Avellanos way 258754 unclassified
way 258757 motorway
way 258758 unclassified
way 258759 motorway
Calle Zaragoza way 258760 unclassified
way 258761 motorway
way 258762 unclassified
way 258763 motorway
way 258764 unclassified
way 258765 unclassified
Calle Islas way 258766 unclassified
way 258767 motorway
Calle Pasteles way 258768 unclassified
Calle Granjas way 258769 unclassified
Avenida El Enamorado way 258770 unclassified
Avenida El Carro way 258771 unclassified
Avenida El Sacerdote way 258773 unclassified
Avenida El Ermitaño way 258775 unclassified
Calle Zeta way 258778 unclassified
Calle Ygriega way 258780 unclassified
Avenida El Emperador way 258782 unclassified
Calle Equis way 258783 unclassified
Avenida El Mago way 258784 unclassified
Avenida El Ermitaño way 258785 unclassified
Avenida La Emperatriz way 258788 unclassified
Avenida El Loco way 258790 unclassified
Avenida La Sacerdotisa way 258791 unclassified
Avenida La Justicia way 258793 unclassified
Calle Hormiga way 258794 unclassified
Calle de Anclas way 258796 unclassified
Calle Sapos way 258798 unclassified
Avenida La Rueda de la Fortuna way 258799 unclassified
Calle Anguilas way 258800 unclassified
Calle Delfines way 258801 unclassified
Calle Uve way 258802 unclassified
Calle Sastres way 258803 unclassified
Avenida La Fuerza way 258804 unclassified
Avenida El Ahorcado way 258805 unclassified
Calle Ranas way 258806 unclassified
Calle El Carro way 258829 residential
Calle La Rueda de la Fortuna way 258830 residential
Avenida Libélula way 258831 residential
Calle El Emperador way 258832 residential
Calle El Sacerdote way 258833 residential
Calle El Sacerdote way 258834 residential
Calle El Carro way 258835 residential
Calle Federación way 258836 residential
Calle El Carro way 258837 residential
Avenida Luciérnaga way 258838 residential
Calle La Sacerdotisa way 258839 residential
Avenida Libélula way 258840 residential
Calle El Ermitaño way 258841 residential
Calle La Rueda de la Fortuna way 258842 residential
Calle El Enamorado way 258843 residential
Calle Federación way 258844 residential
Calle El Enamorado way 258845 residential
Calle La Sacerdotisa way 258846 residential
Avenida Polilla way 258847 residential
Calle La Justicia way 258848 residential
Calle El Carro way 258849 residential
Calle La Templanza way 258885 residential
Avenida Viejo Presidio way 258886 residential
Avenida Richard way 259010 tertiary
Avenida Richard way 259014 tertiary
Conector way 259017 tertiary
Calle Polilla way 259019 tertiary
Calle Camaleón way 259020 tertiary
Conector way 259021 tertiary
Calle Polilla way 259022 tertiary
Calle Camaleón way 259023 tertiary
Avenida Ramiro Dozy DS 75 secondary
Calle Desiertos way 260065 unclassified
Calle la Plata way 260066 unclassified
Calle el Oro way 260067 unclassified
Avenida La Emperatriz way 260068 unclassified
Avenida El Mago way 260069 unclassified
Avenida El Emperador way 260070 unclassified
Avenida El Sacerdote way 260071 unclassified
Avenida La Justicia way 260072 unclassified
Calle Castillo way 260073 unclassified
Calle del Paso way 260074 tertiary
Calle el Oro way 260075 unclassified
Calle Desiertos way 260076 unclassified
Avenida El Emperador way 260077 unclassified
Calle Cocina way 260078 unclassified
Avenida El Mago way 260079 unclassified
Avenida La Emperatriz way 260080 unclassified
Calle Castillo way 260081 unclassified
Avenida La Sacerdotisa way 260082 unclassified
Calle del Paso way 260083 unclassified
Calle Lluvia way 260084 unclassified
Avenida El Sacerdote way 260085 unclassified
Avenida La Sacerdotisa way 260086 unclassified
Avenida El Enamorado way 260087 unclassified
Calle Equis way 260088 unclassified
Calle Castillo way 260089 unclassified
Calle la Plata way 260090 unclassified
Avenida El Mago way 260091 unclassified
Calle Hormiga way 260092 unclassified
Avenida La Sacerdotisa way 260093 unclassified
Avenida Ángel Keum RN 5 primary
Calle la Plata way 260095 unclassified
Calle el Oro way 260096 unclassified
Calle Canela way 260097 tertiary
Calle Zabalcunde way 260098 unclassified
Calle Dueños way 260099 unclassified
Calle Zeta way 260100 unclassified
Avenida El Enamorado way 260101 unclassified
Calle Castillo way 260102 unclassified
Avenida El Emperador way 260103 unclassified
Calle Ygriega way 260104 unclassified
Calle el Oro way 260105 unclassified
Avenida El Emperador way 260106 unclassified
Calle Hormiga way 260107 unclassified
Avenida La Sacerdotisa way 260108 unclassified
Avenida El Sacerdote way 260109 unclassified
Calle Canal Grande way 260110 unclassified
Calle Hormiga way 260111 unclassified
Calle Cocina way 260112 unclassified
Calle Dueños way 260113 unclassified
Calle el Oro way 260114 unclassified
Calle Cocina way 260115 unclassified
Calle Hormiga way 260116 unclassified
Calle Yacimientos Petroleros way 260117 unclassified
Avenida La Justicia way 260118 unclassified
Calle Lluvia way 260119 unclassified
Avenida El Emperador way 260120 unclassified
Calle Lluvia way 260121 unclassified
Calle Dueños way 260122 unclassified
Calle Hormiga way 260123 unclassified
Calle del Paso way 260124 unclassified
Avenida La Sacerdotisa way 260125 unclassified
Avenida La Justicia way 260126 unclassified
Calle el Oro way 260127 unclassified
Calle Cocina way 260128 unclassified
Calle Equis way 260129 unclassified
Avenida La Emperatriz way 260130 unclassified
Calle Dueños way 260131 unclassified
Avenida La Emperatriz way 260132 unclassified
Avenida El Ermitaño way 260133 unclassified
Calle Cocina way 260134 unclassified
Calle Hormiga way 260135 unclassified
Calle Cocina way 260136 unclassified
Calle Zeta way 260137 unclassified
Calle Hormiga way 260138 unclassified
Calle Equis way 260139 unclassified
Calle Desiertos way 260140 unclassified
Avenida El Mago way 260141 unclassified
Calle Desiertos way 260142 unclassified
Avenida La Sacerdotisa way 260143 unclassified
Avenida La Justicia way 260144 unclassified
Avenida El Sacerdote way 260146 unclassified
Avenida La Emperatriz way 260147 unclassified
Calle la Plata way 260148 unclassified
Calle Hormiga way 260149 unclassified
Calle el Oro way 260150 unclassified
Calle Zeta way 260151 unclassified
Avenida La Emperatriz way 260152 unclassified
Avenida El Emperador way 260153 unclassified
Calle Equis way 260154 unclassified
Calle Zeta way 260155 unclassified
Calle el Oro way 260156 unclassified
Calle la Plata way 260157 unclassified
Calle Zeta way 260158 unclassified
Avenida El Sacerdote way 260159 unclassified
Calle Ygriega way 260160 unclassified
Avenida El Mago way 260161 unclassified
Calle la Plata way 260162 unclassified
Calle Lluvia way 260163 unclassified
Calle Lluvia way 260164 unclassified
Calle Dueños way 260165 unclassified
Calle Dueños way 260166 unclassified
Calle Equis way 260167 unclassified
Calle el Oro way 260168 unclassified
Calle Equis way 260169 unclassified
Avenida La Sacerdotisa way 260170 unclassified
Calle del Paso way 260171 unclassified
Calle Ygriega way 260172 unclassified
Calle Lluvia way 260173 unclassified
Calle Zabalcunde way 260174 unclassified
Calle Castillo way 260175 unclassified
Calle Ciénegas way 260176 unclassified
Calle el Oro way 260177 unclassified
Calle Equis way 260178 unclassified
Avenida La Justicia way 260179 unclassified
Avenida La Papisa way 260180 unclassified
Avenida El Enamorado way 260181 unclassified
Avenida El Sacerdote way 260182 unclassified
Avenida El Sacerdote way 260183 unclassified
Avenida La Emperatriz way 260184 unclassified
Calle Ciénegas way 260185 unclassified
Calle Yacimientos Petroleros way 260186 unclassified
Calle Desiertos way 260187 unclassified
Calle de Anclas way 260188 unclassified
Avenida El Sacerdote way 260189 unclassified
Calle Canela way 260190 tertiary
Calle Cocina way 260191 unclassified
Calle Lluvia way 260192 unclassified
Calle Castillo way 260193 unclassified
Avenida El Sacerdote way 260194 unclassified
Calle el Oro way 260195 unclassified
Calle Ygriega way 260196 unclassified
Avenida La Justicia way 260197 unclassified
Calle el Oro way 260198 unclassified
Calle Desiertos way 260199 unclassified
Calle del Paso way 260200 unclassified
Avenida Ángel Keum RN 5 primary
Calle del Paso way 260202 unclassified
Calle el Oro way 260203 unclassified
Bulevar del Sur way 260204 unclassified
Calle del Paso way 260205 unclassified
Calle Hormiga way 260206 unclassified
Avenida La Sacerdotisa way 260207 unclassified
Calle Lluvia way 260208 unclassified
Avenida La Sacerdotisa way 260209 unclassified
Avenida El Sacerdote way 260210 unclassified
Avenida El Mago way 260211 unclassified
Avenida La Sacerdotisa way 260212 unclassified
Calle la Plata way 260213 unclassified
Avenida El Emperador way 260214 unclassified
Calle Castillo way 260215 unclassified
Avenida El Emperador way 260216 unclassified
Calle Cocina way 260217 unclassified
Calle Hormiga way 260218 unclassified
Calle del Paso way 260219 unclassified
Calle del Paso way 260220 unclassified
Avenida La Justicia way 260221 unclassified
Avenida La Emperatriz way 260222 unclassified
Calle Dueños way 260223 unclassified
Calle Castillo way 260224 unclassified
Avenida El Mago way 260225 unclassified
Avenida La Emperatriz way 260226 unclassified
Calle Desiertos way 260227 unclassified
Avenida El Mago way 260228 unclassified
Calle del Paso way 260229 unclassified
Avenida El Sacerdote way 260230 unclassified
Avenida El Emperador way 260231 unclassified
Avenida El Emperador way 260232 unclassified
Calle Lluvia way 260233 unclassified
Avenida El Mago way 260234 unclassified
Calle la Plata way 260235 unclassified
Avenida El Mago way 260236 unclassified
Calle el Oro way 260237 unclassified
Calle la Plata way 260238 unclassified
Calle Desiertos way 260239 unclassified
Avenida El Enamorado way 260240 unclassified
Calle Hormiga way 260241 unclassified
Avenida El Carro way 260242 unclassified
Avenida El Carro way 260243 unclassified
Avenida La Emperatriz way 260244 unclassified
Calle Hormiga way 260245 unclassified
Avenida La Sacerdotisa way 260246 unclassified
Avenida El Enamorado way 260247 unclassified
Bulevar Naranjos way 260248 unclassified
Calle Cocina way 260249 unclassified
Avenida El Emperador way 260250 unclassified
Avenida El Mago way 260251 unclassified
Calle la Plata way 260252 unclassified
Calle Lluvia way 260253 unclassified
Calle Lluvia way 260254 unclassified
Calle de Anclas way 260255 unclassified
Avenida El Emperador way 260256 unclassified
Avenida El Mago way 260257 unclassified
Avenida El Ermitaño way 260258 unclassified
Avenida El Sacerdote way 260259 unclassified
Calle Equis way 260260 unclassified
Calle Zeta way 260261 unclassified
Calle la Plata way 260262 unclassified
Calle Original way 260263 unclassified
Calle Amarilla way 260264 unclassified
Calle de Pez way 260265 unclassified
Bulevar Manzanos way 260266 unclassified
Calle Porotos way 260267 unclassified
Calle Porotos way 260268 unclassified
Calle Original way 260269 unclassified
Bulevar Manzanos way 260270 unclassified
Calle Porotos way 260271 unclassified
Bulevar del Sur way 260273 unclassified
Paseo de la Ría AC 5 motorway
way 260278 unclassified
way 260280 unclassified
Bulevar Robles way 260281 unclassified
Paseo de la Ría AC 5 motorway
Paseo de la Ría AC 5 motorway
Paseo de la Ría way 260286 motorway
Paseo de la Ría AC 5 motorway
Paseo de la Ría way 260291 motorway
Paseo de la Ría AC 5 motorway
Paseo de la Ría AC 5 motorway
Avenida Richard way 260296 tertiary
Paseo de la Ría AC 5 motorway
Paseo de la Ría AC 5 motorway
Avenida Richard way 260299 tertiary
Bulevar Sauces way 260300 unclassified
Diagonal Agricultura way 260301 tertiary
Bulevar Abedules way 260303 residential
Calle 207 way 260308 unclassified
Calle 208 way 260309 unclassified
Calle 210 way 260310 unclassified
Calle 208 way 260311 unclassified
Bulevar Abedules way 260312 unclassified
Avenida del Estado Lado Sur RN 3 primary
Calle del Paso way 260320 unclassified
way 260321 secondary
Calle 213 way 260322 secondary
way 260323 secondary
Calle 213 way 260326 secondary
Calle 216 way 260328 unclassified
way 260331 unclassified
way 260332 unclassified
way 260336 unclassified
way 260339 unclassified
Calle 214 way 260391 unclassified
Calle 218 way 260393 tertiary
Calle 206 way 260395 unclassified
Avenida Atlándida way 260401 tertiary
Calle A way 260529 residential
Calle 26 way 260530 tertiary
Calle D way 260531 residential
Calle J way 260533 residential
Calle Nenúfares way 260534 residential
Calle B way 260535 residential
Calle 26 way 260536 tertiary
Calle Nenúfares way 260538 residential
Calle F way 260540 residential
Calle H way 260541 residential
Calle I way 260543 residential
Calle C way 260548 residential
Calle G way 260553 residential
Calle E way 260554 residential
Paseo Puerto de la Ría way 260571 tertiary
Paseo Puerto de la Ría way 260585 tertiary
Paseo Puerto de la Ría way 260596 tertiary
Paseo Puerto de la Ría way 260598 tertiary
Avenida Ángel Keum RN 5 primary
Paseo Puerto de la Ría way 260600 tertiary
Malecón Ría Exiliados way 260603 tertiary
Autopista de Peaje Suroriental AP 5 motorway
Calle 238 way 262432 unclassified
way 262436 motorway
Avenida del Estado Lado Sur way 262446 primary
Calle 237 way 262448 unclassified
Glorieta Gloria way 262452 primary
Bulevar Abedules way 262453 unclassified
Avenida del Estado Lado Sur RN 3 primary
Avenida del Estado Lado Sur way 262459 primary
(CP#4S) way 262461 residential
Calle 236 (CM#40E) way 262462 tertiary
Calle 218 (CM#37E) way 262463 unclassified
Calle 230 (CM#39E) way 262464 tertiary
Calle 224 (CM#38E) way 262465 tertiary
Calle 206 (CM#35E) way 262466 tertiary
Calle 200 (CM#34E) way 262469 tertiary
Calle 194 (CM#33E) way 262470 tertiary
Calle 212 (CM#36E) way 262471 tertiary
Calle 230 (CM#39E) way 264157 unclassified
Calle 224 (CM#38E) way 264158 tertiary
Calle 224 (CM#38E) way 264160 tertiary
Calle 230 (CM#39E) way 264161 unclassified
Calle 224 way 264187 tertiary
Calle 222 way 264194 unclassified
way 264208 motorway
Calle 218 (CM#37E) way 264211 tertiary
Calle 218 (CM#37E) way 264212 tertiary
way 264213 motorway
way 264214 motorway
way 264215 motorway
way 264216 motorway
way 264217 motorway
way 264218 motorway
way 264224 motorway
Autopista Suroriental AC 5 motorway
Calle 223 way 264226 unclassified
Avenida Ángel Keum RN 5 primary
Bulevar Naranjos way 264228 unclassified
Avenida Presidente Ángel Keum RN 5 primary
way 264230 unclassified
way 264232 unclassified
way 264236 unclassified
way 264237 unclassified
Calle 221 way 264238 unclassified
Bulevar del Sur (CP#2S) way 264239 unclassified
way 264241 unclassified
Bulevar del Sur (CP#2S) way 264242 tertiary
Calle 224 way 264243 unclassified
Bulevar Naranjos way 264244 unclassified
Calle 224 way 264245 unclassified
Bulevar del Sur (CP#2S) way 264247 unclassified
Bulevar Naranjos way 264248 unclassified
Bulevar del Sur (CP#2S) way 264250 unclassified
way 264252 unclassified
Bulevar Manzanos way 264253 unclassified
Avenida Presidente Ángel Keum way 264254 primary
Bulevar Naranjos way 264256 unclassified
Avenida Presidente Ángel Keum RN 5 primary
Calle 224 way 264259 unclassified
Bulevar Tejos way 264260 unclassified
Bulevar Manzanos way 264262 unclassified
Calle 225 way 264264 unclassified
Bulevar Tejos way 264265 unclassified
Calle 223 way 264267 unclassified
Bulevar Tejos way 264268 unclassified
Calle 226 way 264270 unclassified
Bulevar Naranjos way 264271 unclassified
Calle 223 way 264272 unclassified
Bulevar Tejos way 264273 unclassified
Calle 224 way 264274 unclassified
Calle 226 way 264275 unclassified
Calle 230 way 264278 unclassified
Bulevar Jacarandas way 264279 unclassified
Calle 228 way 264280 unclassified
Calle 227 way 264282 unclassified
Calle 228 way 264283 unclassified
Diagonal el Fangal way 264284 tertiary
Bulevar Jacarandas way 264285 unclassified
Calle 232 way 264286 unclassified
Calle 231 way 264287 unclassified
Bulevar Piceas way 264288 residential
Bulevar Robles way 264289 unclassified
Bulevar Jacarandas way 264290 unclassified
Calle 233 way 264292 unclassified
Bulevar Jacarandas way 264293 unclassified
Calle 233 way 264294 unclassified
way 264299 service
Bulevar Sauces way 264300 unclassified
Calle 233 way 264301 unclassified
Diagonal el Fangal way 264302 tertiary
Diagonal el Fangal way 264304 tertiary
Calle 228 way 264305 unclassified
Calle 228 way 264306 unclassified
Diagonal el Fangal way 264307 tertiary
Diagonal el Fangal way 264310 tertiary
Calle 229 way 264316 unclassified
way 264317 unclassified
way 264319 unclassified
way 264321 unclassified
way 264323 unclassified
way 264326 unclassified
Vía Acceso del Estadio way 264327 unclassified
way 264328 unclassified
Bulevar Sauces way 264329 unclassified
way 264330 unclassified
way 264332 unclassified
way 264335 unclassified
Vía Acceso del Estadio way 264336 unclassified
Calle 246 way 264372 unclassified
Bulevar Piceas way 264373 unclassified
Camino Canastos way 264374 unclassified
Diagonal Canastos way 264375 tertiary
Calle 232 way 264376 unclassified
Bulevar Hayas way 264377 tertiary
Avenida Electricidad way 264378 residential
Calle Arbusto way 264379 residential
Calle Orlando way 264380 residential
Bulevar Olmos way 264383 unclassified
Bulevar Olmos way 264385 unclassified
Calle Pérez way 264386 residential
Bulevar Robles way 264387 unclassified
Bulevar Olmos way 264388 unclassified
Bulevar Sauces way 264389 unclassified
Bulevar Hayas way 264390 tertiary
Calle Alambres way 264391 residential
Bulevar Olmos way 264402 residential
Bulevar Cedros way 264403 unclassified
Calle 234 way 264404 unclassified
Calle Fresas way 264405 unclassified
Calle 225 way 264406 unclassified
Bulevar Fresnos way 264407 unclassified
Bulevar Fresnos way 264408 unclassified
way 264409 motorway
Calle 233 way 264410 unclassified
way 264411 motorway
Diagonal el Fangal way 264413 tertiary
way 264414 motorway
Diagonal el Fangal way 264417 tertiary
Calle 233 way 264418 unclassified
Calle 231 way 264420 unclassified
Bulevar Cipreses way 264421 unclassified
Calle 235 way 264422 unclassified
Bulevar Abetos way 264423 unclassified
Bulevar Castaños way 264424 unclassified
Bulevar Castaños way 264426 unclassified
way 264427 motorway
way 264428 motorway
way 264429 motorway
way 264430 motorway
Calle 232 way 264433 unclassified
way 264434 motorway
Diagonal el Fangal way 264435 tertiary
Calle 236 way 264436 tertiary
Bulevar Avellanos way 264437 unclassified
Diagonal el Fangal way 264438 tertiary
Bulevar Olmos way 264440 unclassified
Bulevar Hayas way 264441 tertiary
Diagonal Canastos way 264443 unclassified
Calle Fresas way 264444 unclassified
Calle 233 way 264445 unclassified
way 264447 motorway
Bulevar Hayas way 264449 tertiary
Bulevar Arces way 264450 unclassified
Calle 231 way 264451 unclassified
way 264452 motorway
Calle 233 way 264453 unclassified
Diagonal Canastos way 264454 tertiary
Bulevar Avellanos way 264455 unclassified
Bulevar Castaños way 264457 unclassified
Bulevar Abetos way 264458 unclassified
Calle Fresas way 264459 unclassified
way 264460 motorway
way 264462 motorway
Calle 229 way 264463 unclassified
Bulevar Fresnos way 264464 unclassified
Calle 230 way 264465 tertiary
Calle 227 way 264502 unclassified
Calle 227 way 264504 unclassified
Calle 226 way 264505 unclassified
Bulevar Sauces way 264506 unclassified
Calle 218 (CM#37E) way 264507 unclassified
Bulevar Sauces way 264508 unclassified
Calle 225 way 264509 unclassified
Bulevar Robles way 264510 unclassified
Calle 226 way 264511 unclassified
Calle 218 (CM#37E) way 264512 tertiary
Calle 226 way 264513 unclassified
Calle Fuerte Cuadrado way 264514 unclassified
Calle 225 way 264515 unclassified
Bulevar Manzanos way 264516 unclassified
Calle Fuerte Cuadrado way 264517 unclassified
Calle 200 (CM#34E) way 264536 tertiary
Calle 194 (CM#33E) way 264537 tertiary
Calle 194 (CM#33E) way 264539 tertiary
AC 5 motorway
Calle 212 (CM#36E) way 264542 unclassified
Calle 212 (CM#36E) way 264543 unclassified
AC 5 motorway
Calle 206 (CM#35E) way 264546 unclassified
AC 5 motorway
Calle 206 (CM#35E) way 264550 unclassified
Calle 200 (CM#34E) way 264552 tertiary
Paseo Laguna way 264553 unclassified
Avenida Ría way 264554 tertiary
AC 5 motorway
Calle Portugal way 265236 unclassified
Calle 232 way 265243 unclassified
Avenida del Estado Lado Sur RN 3 primary
Avenida del Estado Lado Sur RN 3 primary
Calle 40 way 266476 residential
Camino Cualahualú way 270486 tertiary
Camino Cebada-Cualahualú way 270487 unclassified
Calle Juan María Núñez way 270555 residential
Calle Daniel La Xurre way 270557 residential
Calle Geofredo Davies way 270558 residential
Malecón Palmeras way 270559 secondary
Bulevar Isabel Richard way 270560 unclassified
Calle Juan María Núñez way 270562 secondary
Puente Federación way 270565 secondary
Malecón Palmeras way 270566 tertiary
Malecón Palmeras way 270567 tertiary
Puente Federación way 270572 secondary
Calle Juan María Núñez way 270580 secondary
Puente Federación way 270582 secondary
Puente Federación way 270584 secondary
Calle Aquiles Huidobro way 270587 residential
Calle Juan Ortiz way 270590 residential
Calle Luna way 270592 unclassified
Calle Efraín García way 270593 residential
Avenida Sol way 270594 tertiary
Calle Horacio Hollingsworth way 270595 unclassified
Calle Isabel Richard way 270596 residential
Calle Jorge Chang way 270597 residential
Calle Octavio La Fourchet way 270598 unclassified
Calle Omar Vías way 270599 residential
Bulevar Yago Krohn way 270600 tertiary
Avenida Duna way 270601 tertiary
Calle Ángel Keum way 270603 residential
Avenida Duna way 270604 tertiary
Calle Santa María way 270606 unclassified
Calle Daniel Menores way 270607 residential
Avenida Duna way 270608 tertiary
Avenida Basílica way 270611 tertiary
Calle Dolores Gottlieb way 270613 unclassified
Avenida Basílica way 270614 tertiary
Avenida Duna way 270615 tertiary
Avenida Basílica way 270620 tertiary
Calle Azulejos way 270621 residential
Callejón Mercado way 270623 residential
Calle Gran Páramo way 271130 residential
Bulevar Universidad way 271131 tertiary
Calle Escolares way 271132 residential
Calle Decanos way 271133 residential
Calle Obispo way 271135 residential
Calle Rosales way 271136 unclassified
Calle 180 way 271692 residential
Calle 184 way 271696 residential
Calle 190 way 272225 tertiary
Calle 194 way 272273 tertiary
Calle Islas way 272334 unclassified
Calle Islas way 272351 unclassified
Calle Bahía way 272413 unclassified
Calle Calamares way 272414 unclassified
Avenida La Sacerdotisa way 272415 unclassified
Calle Barcazas way 272416 unclassified
Avenida El Enamorado way 272417 unclassified
Calle Pengüinos way 272418 unclassified
Avenida La Justicia way 272419 unclassified
Avenida El Diablo way 272420 unclassified
Avenida El Sacerdote way 272421 unclassified
Avenida El Mago way 272422 unclassified
Calle Cámeras way 272423 unclassified
Avenida La Torre way 272424 unclassified
Avenida La Estrella way 272425 unclassified
Avenida El Diablo way 272426 unclassified
Avenida La Muerte way 272427 unclassified
Calle Pulpos way 272428 unclassified
Calle Albatroses way 272429 unclassified
Calle Osos Blancos way 272430 unclassified
Calle Salamandras way 272431 unclassified
Calle Medusas way 272432 unclassified
Calle Lagartos way 272433 unclassified
Calle Ballenas way 272434 unclassified
Calle Focos way 272435 unclassified
Avenida La Templanza way 272436 unclassified
Calle Gaviotas way 272437 unclassified
Avenida El Emperador way 272438 unclassified
Avenida La Emperatriz way 272439 unclassified
Calle Bahía way 272440 unclassified
Avenida El Loco way 272441 unclassified
Avenida El Carro way 272442 unclassified
Callejón Tigre way 272448 residential
Calle Sastres way 272449 unclassified
Bulevar Abedules way 272450 residential
Calle Gorra way 272451 unclassified
Calle Hormiga way 272452 unclassified
Avenida El Sol way 272453 unclassified
Avenida La Luna way 272454 unclassified
Bulevar Abedules way 272455 residential
Calle Puente way 272582 tertiary
Bulevar 11 way 272583 residential
Calle Puente way 272585 tertiary
Bulevar 10 way 272586 residential
Calle Puente way 272588 tertiary
Calle Estación way 272589 residential
Isla del Canal way 272590 residential
Avenida Ángel Keum RN 5 primary
Calle 74 way 272611 residential
Bulevar 10 way 272623 residential
Calle Elemento way 272627 residential
Bulevar 11 way 272629 residential
Bulevar 11 way 272631 residential
Vía Katnelson way 273204 residential
Vía Léopoldville way 273205 residential
Vía Markvade way 273206 residential
Vía Mariora way 273207 residential
Vía Fanshawe way 273208 residential
Vía Gaviotas way 273209 residential
Vía Ciudad Delta way 273210 residential
Vía Necar way 273211 residential
Vía Constance-Reid way 273212 residential
Vía Fortuna way 273213 residential
Vía 9 way 273214 unclassified
Vía Ciudad Old way 273215 residential
Vía 10 way 273216 unclassified
Vía Bellos Horizontes way 273217 residential
Vía Friyalshogue way 273218 residential
Vía Kirtemon way 273220 residential
Vía Givullion way 273221 residential
Vía Mourem way 273222 residential
Vía Oriana way 273223 residential
Vía Karixon way 273224 residential
Vía Antonia way 273225 unclassified
Vía Ezayun way 273228 residential
Vía Mar y Flora way 273229 unclassified
Vía Oyoñaja way 273230 residential
Vía 8 way 273231 unclassified
Vía Malojdeh way 273232 residential
Vía 5 way 273233 unclassified
Vía Monhiel way 273234 residential
Vía Oyanatsie way 273235 residential
Vía Norve way 273237 residential
Paseo Canal way 273238 unclassified
Vía First Harbor way 273239 residential
Vía Niscavo way 273240 residential
Vía Ciudad Latina way 273241 residential
Vía Pingchum way 273242 residential
Vía Domcarad way 273243 residential
Vía Cascanda way 273246 residential
Vía Mopaso way 273247 residential
Vía Eraede way 273249 residential
Vía Casiar way 273250 residential
Vía 15 way 273251 unclassified
Vía Ergolaño way 273252 residential
Vía Gloria way 273253 residential
Vía 1 way 273254 unclassified
Vía Mendoza way 273255 residential
Vía Derindonderac way 273256 residential
Vía Elisabethville way 273257 residential
Vía 14 way 273258 unclassified
Vía 13 way 273259 unclassified
Vía el Muelle way 273261 residential
Vía Nante way 273262 residential
Vía Pialei way 273263 residential
Vía Cibolerang way 273264 residential
Vía Cerro y Casa way 273265 residential
Vía Escuic way 273266 residential
Vía 4 way 273267 unclassified
Vía Belleville way 273268 residential
Vía Arenas way 273269 residential
Vía Pakuan way 273270 residential
Vía Duerst way 273271 residential
Vía Otenkravedal way 273272 residential
Vía 16 way 273273 unclassified
Vía Franklinsburgo way 273275 residential
Vía Atarajia way 273276 unclassified
Vía Eraso way 273277 residential
Vía Lago Grander way 273278 residential
Vía Peña way 273279 residential
Vía Finquiase way 273281 residential
Vía Paranabi way 273282 residential
Vía Korson way 273283 residential
Vía Pargíter way 273284 tertiary
Vía Caerarthen way 273285 residential
Vía 3 way 273287 unclassified
Vía Tierra Pura way 273288 residential
Vía Quichago way 273289 residential
Vía Gilagonas way 273290 residential
Vía Barra da Grama way 273291 residential
Vía Quentinsburgo way 273292 residential
Vía Casanegra way 273293 residential
Vía Lelúa way 273294 residential
Vía Itacolimi way 273295 residential
Vía Liguria way 273296 residential
Vía Jaihún way 273297 residential
Vía Frederikshogue way 273298 residential
Vía Lidgate way 273300 residential
Vía Du Bois way 273301 residential
Vía Barra da Grama way 273302 residential
Paseo Embarcadero way 273303 pedestrian
Vía 11 way 273304 unclassified
Vía Mireña way 273306 residential
Vía Bengonia way 273307 residential
Vía Cordoba way 273308 residential
Vía Puerto Emporia way 273309 residential
Vía Markham way 273311 residential
Vía Gentofte way 273312 residential
Vía Erzaleria way 273313 residential
Vía Campo Verde way 273314 residential
Vía Madison way 273315 tertiary
Vía Carispul way 273316 residential
Vía 6 way 273317 unclassified
Vía 12 way 273318 unclassified
Vía Coleraine way 273319 residential
Vía Bahía Delfi way 273320 residential
Vía Norad way 273321 residential
Paseo Tierra Roja way 273322 unclassified
Vía el Muelle way 273323 unclassified
Paseo Haciendas way 273325 residential
Vía Jerendur way 273326 residential
Vía Gobraso way 273330 residential
Vía Ciudad Graham way 273332 residential
Paseo Corazón way 273333 residential
Paseo Lagunita way 273334 residential
Paseo Corales way 273335 residential
Vía Calumet way 273336 residential
Paseo Lagunita way 273337 residential
Paseo Lagunita way 273338 residential
Paseo Esocia way 273339 residential
Vía Murtuhete way 273340 residential
Paseo de Altas way 273342 residential
Paseo Barcos way 273344 unclassified
Avenida de América way 273345 secondary
Avenida de América way 273346 secondary
Paseo del Palo way 273347 residential
Paseo del Estrecho way 273348 tertiary
Vía Henrico way 273350 residential
Paseo Arenas way 273352 unclassified
Paseo de la Punta way 273353 residential
Paseo del Hoyo 18 way 273354 residential
Paseo Dunas way 273356 unclassified
Vía el Muelle way 273357 unclassified
Vía Domcarad way 273439 residential
Paseo Barbacoa way 273440 unclassified
Vía Carispul way 273441 residential
Paseo Barcos way 273442 unclassified
Paseo Barcos way 273443 unclassified
Vía Divanto way 273445 residential
Vía Elegantia way 273446 residential
Vía 12 way 273448 unclassified
Vía Alejandría way 273449 unclassified
Vía Amberes way 273450 unclassified
Avenida 23 way 273451 unclassified
Avenida 1 way 273452 unclassified
Avenida 8 way 273453 unclassified
Avenida 15 way 273454 unclassified
Avenida Federación way 273455 unclassified
Avenida 1 way 273456 unclassified
Calle Malecón way 273457 unclassified
Avenida 3 way 273459 unclassified
Avenida 22 way 273460 unclassified
Calle Numitor Gold Peretti way 273462 tertiary
Avenida Ángel Keum RN 5 primary
Avenida 9 way 273464 unclassified
Avenida 6 way 273465 unclassified
Avenida 7 way 273466 unclassified
Avenida 18 way 273467 tertiary
Avenida 21 way 273470 unclassified
Avenida 5 way 273472 unclassified
Avenida 20 way 273473 unclassified
Avenida 2 way 273474 unclassified
Avenida 14 way 273475 unclassified
Avenida Constitución way 273476 unclassified
Avenida 19 way 273477 unclassified
Avenida 4 way 273479 unclassified
Avenida 16 way 273480 tertiary
Avenida Guardia Civil way 273482 unclassified
Vía 11 way 273483 unclassified
Calle Faro way 273484 unclassified
Calle Palmeras Grises way 273485 unclassified
Calle Independencia way 273487 unclassified
Vía 2 way 273488 unclassified
Avenida 25 way 273508 unclassified
Paseo Persiles way 273509 unclassified
Calle Luna way 273510 unclassified
Calle Coloquio way 273511 unclassified
Calle Cervantes way 273512 unclassified
Paseo Vidriera way 273513 unclassified
Calle California way 273514 unclassified
Avenida 25 way 273515 unclassified
Calle Nebraska way 273517 unclassified
Calle Sol way 273518 unclassified
Paseo Sapo way 273519 unclassified
Paseo Lagarto way 273520 unclassified
Calle Espejos way 273521 unclassified
Calle Independencia way 273522 unclassified
Avenida 13 way 273523 unclassified
Avenida 12 way 273524 unclassified
Camino de Delta way 273525 tertiary
Avenida 25 way 273526 unclassified
Avenida Presidente Ángel Keum RN 5 primary
Avenida Anochecer way 273529 tertiary
Calle Hormigón way 273530 unclassified
Avenida 14 way 273532 unclassified
Avenida Lazarillo way 273533 unclassified
Avenida 18 way 273534 tertiary
Calle Palmeras Grises way 273535 unclassified
Calle Templo way 273536 unclassified
Calle Bodegas way 273537 unclassified
Glorieta Americana way 273538 unclassified
Avenida de América way 273539 secondary
Calle Palmeras Grises way 273540 unclassified
Avenida 11 way 273544 unclassified
Avenida 10 way 273546 unclassified
Vía 6 way 273547 unclassified
Avenida 8 way 273548 unclassified
Avenida 11 way 273550 unclassified
Avenida 10 way 273551 unclassified
Avenida 9 way 273552 unclassified
Calle Franceses way 273564 tertiary
Avenida Independencia way 273571 tertiary
Calle Caracol way 273663 unclassified
(CP#8S) way 273846 unclassified
Camino de Delta RN 5 primary
Camino El Chivo way 273851 unclassified
Camino de Delta (CM#72E) RN 5 primary
(CP#6S) way 273856 unclassified
(CP#6S) way 273859 unclassified
Bulevar Altazor way 273860 tertiary
Calle 1 way 274006 unclassified
Calle Davies way 274007 unclassified
Calle Efraín García way 274009 unclassified
Calle 6 way 274011 unclassified
Calle 11 way 274012 unclassified
Calle 9 way 274013 unclassified
Calle Errázuriz way 274014 unclassified
Calle de Redes way 274015 unclassified
Calle 2 way 274016 unclassified
Calle Malecón way 274017 tertiary
Calle 10 way 274018 unclassified
Calle 7 way 274019 unclassified
Calle 424 (CM#71E) way 274020 tertiary
Calle 1 way 274021 unclassified
Calle 5 way 274022 unclassified
Calle de Armas way 274023 unclassified
Avenida Inmigrantes way 274024 unclassified
Avenida del Estado Lado Sur RN 3 primary
Calle 4 way 274026 unclassified
Calle Isabel Richard way 274027 unclassified
Calle 8 way 274028 unclassified
Calle 3 way 274029 unclassified
Calle Cabildo way 274030 unclassified
Calle Emperador way 274031 unclassified
Avenida Raimundo Kershaw (CP#9S) way 274032 tertiary
Calle de Navigantes way 274033 tertiary
Calle de Cantantes way 274034 unclassified
Calle Templo de Fuentes way 274036 unclassified
Calle Arañas way 274037 tertiary
Calle Pasteles way 274038 unclassified
Calle Poetas way 274039 unclassified
Callejón Madera way 274040 unclassified
Calle Monos way 274041 unclassified
Calle Músicos way 274043 unclassified
Calle de Caminantes way 274044 unclassified
Calle Diseñadores way 274045 tertiary
Bulevar Caracol way 274046 unclassified
Plaza Fuentes way 274047 tertiary
Calle Soldados way 274049 unclassified
Calle de Puertas Amarillas way 274050 unclassified
Calle de Ricos way 274051 unclassified
Calle Balcones way 274052 unclassified
Calle Gaviota way 274053 unclassified
Calle Latina way 274075 unclassified
Calle Arnolein way 274076 unclassified
Calle Larvernia way 274077 unclassified
Calle Farmonia way 274078 unclassified
Calle Asturialand way 274079 unclassified
Calle Vega way 274080 unclassified
Calle Veronia way 274081 unclassified
Calle Celesto way 274082 unclassified
Calle Chonova way 274083 unclassified
Calle Trabajadores way 274084 unclassified
Calle Molinos way 274085 unclassified
Calle Wiwaxia way 274086 unclassified
Calle Orinoco way 274087 unclassified
Calle Ataraxia way 274088 unclassified
Calle Noro way 274089 unclassified
Calle Eureisia way 274090 unclassified
Calle Puerto way 274091 secondary
Calle Tunin way 274092 unclassified
Calle Seeosa way 274093 unclassified
Calle Zylanda way 274094 unclassified
Calle Farmonia way 274095 unclassified
Calle Nueces way 274096 unclassified
Calle Olivos way 274097 unclassified
Calle Ismikk way 274098 unclassified
Calle Liberia way 274110 unclassified
Calle Nueces way 274112 unclassified
Glorieta Ismikk way 274113 unclassified
Calle de Violetas way 274114 unclassified
Calle Grillos way 274115 unclassified
Calle Ismikk way 274116 unclassified
Calle Noro way 274118 unclassified
Calle Kanguros way 274124 tertiary
Calle 302 (CM#51E) way 276300 tertiary
Calle 314 (CM#53E) way 276302 tertiary
Avenida Nicolás Jameson (CM#49E) way 276577 secondary
Avenida Nicolás Jameson (CM#49E) AP 5 motorway
Avenida Nicolás Jameson (CM#49E) AP 5 motorway
Autopista Suroriental AC 5 motorway
Avenida Aéropuerto way 276607 tertiary
Avenida Nicolás Jameson (CM#49E) way 276610 secondary
Avenida Nicolás Jameson (CM#49E) way 276611 secondary
Avenida Palomas way 276612 unclassified
Avenida Efraín García way 276614 unclassified
Avenida Geofredo Davies way 276615 unclassified
Avenida Federación way 276617 unclassified
Glorieta Grande way 276663 tertiary
Calle Puestos way 276664 unclassified
Avenida Galcianos way 276665 unclassified
Avenida Galcianos way 276666 unclassified
Avenida Rusos way 276667 unclassified
Avenida Latinos way 276669 unclassified
Avenida Brasileños way 276672 unclassified
Avenida Sol way 276673 unclassified
Avenida Luslandeses way 276675 residential
Avenida Melánicos way 276676 unclassified
Autopista de Peaje Suroriental AP 5 motorway
Avenida Geofredo Davies way 276678 unclassified
Avenida Sol way 276680 unclassified
Avenida Planicie way 276681 tertiary
Avenida Táricos way 276683 unclassified
Avenida Aquiles Huidobro way 276684 unclassified
Avenida Planicie way 276685 tertiary
Avenida Melánicos way 276686 unclassified
Avenida Grande way 276687 tertiary
Avenida Librémicos way 276688 unclassified
Avenida Planicie way 276690 tertiary
Calle Servicio Carretera Independencia way 276692 tertiary
Avenida Independencia way 276694 tertiary
Avenida Efraín García way 276695 unclassified
Avenida Isabel Richard way 276696 unclassified
Avenida José Errázuriz way 276697 unclassified
Avenida Grande way 276698 tertiary
Avenida Sol way 276700 unclassified
Calle Servicio Carretera Independencia way 276702 tertiary
way 276703 tertiary
way 276704 tertiary
Avenida Grande way 276705 tertiary
Avenida Nipónicos way 276706 unclassified
Camino Meridiano No. 47 E. way 276707 tertiary
Avenida Oscar Robertson way 276708 unclassified
Avenida Campo de Golf (CM#47E) way 276709 tertiary
Calle Industria way 276711 unclassified
Avenida Táricos way 276712 unclassified
way 276713 tertiary
Avenida Librémicos way 276714 unclassified
Avenida Carlos Chang way 276715 unclassified
way 276716 tertiary
Avenida Galcianos way 276717 unclassified
Avenida Grande way 276718 tertiary
Avenida Rusos way 276719 unclassified
Avenida Daniel Menores way 276720 unclassified
Avenida Isabel Richard way 276726 unclassified
Bulevar Sicarios (CM#45E) way 276728 secondary
Calle 254 (CM#43E) way 276729 tertiary
Avenida Daniel Menores way 276730 unclassified
Bulevar Sicarios (CM#45E) way 276731 secondary
Avenida la Bahía (CM#46E) way 276732 tertiary
Avenida Oscar Robertson way 276734 unclassified
Calle 254 (CM#43E) way 276735 unclassified
Bulevar Garceta (CM#46E) way 276736 tertiary
Avenida Aquiles Huidobro way 276737 unclassified
Paseo Corazón way 276782 unclassified
Paseo Laguna way 276784 unclassified
Paseo de Peces way 276785 unclassified
Paseo Acebos way 276786 unclassified
Paseo Bahía way 276787 unclassified
Paseo de Árboles way 276788 unclassified
Paseo Parque way 276789 unclassified
Paseo Carretera way 276790 unclassified
Avenida Armas way 276791 unclassified
Paseo Alerces way 276792 unclassified
Paseo Escuela way 276793 unclassified
Paseo Ría way 276794 tertiary
Paseo Presidentes way 276796 unclassified
Paseo Pinares way 276798 unclassified
Avenida Pequeña way 276799 unclassified
Avenida Camiones way 276802 unclassified
Avenida Barcos way 276803 unclassified
Calle Trébol way 279321 residential
Avenida del Estado Lado Sur RN 3 unclassified
Camino Persson-Quiroga RN 3 primary
Avenida del Estado Lado Norte RN 3 primary
Paseo Miscatónico way 280130 tertiary
AC 5 motorway
Calle Sastres way 280132 unclassified
Calle Yacimientos Petroleros way 280134 unclassified
Bulevar Fresnos way 280135 tertiary
Calle Zaragoza way 280136 unclassified
Bulevar Fresnos way 280137 motorway
Bulevar Fresnos way 280139 tertiary
Paseo de la Ría way 280140 motorway
Calle Salamandras way 280141 unclassified
Bulevar Fresnos way 280142 unclassified
Bulevar Fresnos way 280143 unclassified
Calle Barcazas way 280144 unclassified
Paseo de la Ría way 280145 motorway
AC 5 motorway
Bulevar Fresnos way 280147 motorway
Calle Sastres way 280148 unclassified
Calle Albañiles way 280149 unclassified
Calle Barcazas way 280151 unclassified
AC 5 motorway
AC 5 motorway
Bulevar Fresnos AC 5 motorway
way 280155 unclassified
Bulevar Fresnos way 280156 motorway
Calle Albañiles way 280159 unclassified
AC 5 motorway
way 280162 unclassified
Paseo de la Ría way 280163 tertiary
Bulevar Fresnos way 280165 motorway
way 280166 unclassified
way 280168 unclassified
AC 5 motorway
Calle Focos way 280170 unclassified
Bulevar Fresnos way 280171 motorway
Calle Cruces way 280172 unclassified
AC 5 motorway
Calle Yacimientos Petroleros way 280174 unclassified
Calle Ciénegas way 280175 unclassified
Calle Cruces way 280177 unclassified
AC 5 motorway
Bulevar Fresnos AC 5 motorway
AC 5 motorway
AC 5 motorway
Calle Salamandras way 280183 unclassified
Calle Focos way 280184 unclassified
Bulevar Fresnos way 280187 motorway
Calle Ciénegas way 280189 unclassified
Calle Calavera way 280232 unclassified
Calle Castillo way 280234 unclassified
Calle Calavera way 280235 unclassified
Calle Desiertos way 280236 unclassified
Calle Canela way 280237 tertiary
Calle Lluvia way 280239 unclassified
Calle la Plata way 280240 unclassified
Calle Amarilla way 280241 unclassified
Calle el Oro way 280242 unclassified
Calle Ruinas way 280243 tertiary
Calle de Anclas way 280245 unclassified
Calle Hormiga way 280246 unclassified
Calle Ruinas way 280247 tertiary
Calle Castillo way 280248 unclassified
Calle Canal Grande way 280249 unclassified
Calle del Paso way 280251 tertiary
Calle el Oro way 280252 unclassified
Calle Lluvia way 280254 unclassified
Calle Zabalcunde way 280255 unclassified
Calle Cocina way 280256 unclassified
Calle la Plata way 280257 unclassified
Calle del Paso way 280258 tertiary
Calle Desiertos way 280259 unclassified
Calle Hormiga way 280260 unclassified
Calle de Anclas way 280261 unclassified
Calle Amarilla way 280264 unclassified
Calle Canela way 280265 tertiary
Calle Canal Grande way 280266 unclassified
Calle Cocina way 280267 unclassified
Calle Casas way 280268 unclassified
Calle Lago Castillo way 280300 unclassified
Calle Oceano Índico way 280301 unclassified
Calle Piedra Blanca way 280303 unclassified
Calle Oceano Pacífico way 280304 unclassified
Calle Oceano Atlántico way 280306 unclassified
Calle Piedra Blanca way 280307 unclassified
Calle Ispelia way 280308 unclassified
Calle Bellas Aguas way 280309 unclassified
Calle Piedra Blanca way 280310 unclassified
Calle Extranjeros way 280312 unclassified
Bulevar Fresnos way 280313 unclassified
Calle Verde way 280315 unclassified
Calle Peces way 280317 unclassified
Calle Oceano Pacífico way 280330 unclassified
Calle Oceano Pacífico way 280335 unclassified
Calle Castillo way 280340 unclassified
Paseo Ilusiones way 280344 unclassified
Calle Jirafa way 280345 unclassified
AC 5 motorway
Calle Donosio Kim way 280347 unclassified
AC 5 motorway
Calle Anguila way 280349 unclassified
Calle Gloria way 280350 unclassified
AC 5 motorway
Calle Atún way 280352 unclassified
Calle Donosio Kim way 280354 unclassified
Calle Princesa way 280355 unclassified
Calle Embarcadero way 280356 unclassified
AC 5 motorway
Calle Cebada way 280358 unclassified
Avenida Soldados way 280359 tertiary
Calle Donosio Kim way 280360 unclassified
Calle Costa way 280361 unclassified
Calle Anguila way 280362 unclassified
Calle Pinos way 280363 unclassified
Calle Trigales way 280364 unclassified
Calle Atún way 280365 unclassified
Calle Cedros way 280366 unclassified
Calle Monumento way 280367 unclassified
Calle Mariposa way 280368 unclassified
Calle Galesa way 280369 unclassified
Calle Polilla way 280371 tertiary
Calle Iglesia way 280372 unclassified
Calle Galesa way 280373 unclassified
Calle Iglesia way 280374 unclassified
Calle Iglesia way 280376 unclassified
Calle Amarilla way 280377 unclassified
Calle Tomates way 280378 unclassified
Calle Hueso way 280379 unclassified
Calle Desierto way 280380 unclassified
Calle Polilla way 280381 tertiary
Avenida Pittsbourg way 280382 tertiary
Calle Lanza way 280383 unclassified
Avenida Pittsbourg way 280384 tertiary
Calle Viña way 280385 unclassified
Calle Ruinas way 280386 tertiary
Calle Playa way 280387 unclassified
Calle Dueños way 280388 unclassified
Calle Pinos way 280389 unclassified
Calle Tela way 280390 unclassified
Avenida Pittsbourg way 280391 unclassified
Calle Coco way 280392 unclassified
Calle Trigales way 280393 unclassified
Calle Botella way 280394 unclassified
Calle Dragones way 280395 unclassified
Calle Cebada way 280396 unclassified
Calle la Esquina way 280397 unclassified
Calle Velero way 280398 unclassified
Calle Pinos way 280399 unclassified
Calle Trigales way 280400 unclassified
Calle Goma way 280401 unclassified
Calle Cebada way 280402 unclassified
Calle Ceviche way 280404 unclassified
Calle Desierto way 280405 unclassified
Calle Zeta way 280406 unclassified
Calle Gaviotas way 280407 unclassified
Avenida Richard way 280408 tertiary
Calle Desierto way 280409 unclassified
Calle Desierto way 280410 unclassified
Calle Polilla way 280411 tertiary
Calle Volcán way 280412 unclassified
Calle de Pez way 280413 unclassified
Calle Jaguares way 280414 unclassified
Calle Ygriega way 280415 unclassified
Calle Arena way 280416 unclassified
Camino de Delta RN 5 primary
Carretera Costera AC 5 motorway
Avenida Ángel Keum RN 5 unclassified
Calle Caimán way 280422 unclassified
Carretera Costera AC 5 motorway
Calle Quevedo way 280425 unclassified
Avenida Presidente Ángel Keum way 280426 unclassified
Calle Poetas way 280427 unclassified
Bulevar Costera Dir. Este AC 5 motorway
Bulevar Costera Dir. Oeste way 280429 tertiary
Carretera Costera AC 5 motorway
Carretera Costera AC 5 motorway
Carretera Costera AC 5 motorway
Avenida Ángel Keum RN 5 primary
Carretera Costera AC 5 motorway
Carretera Costera AC 5 motorway
Calle Caimán way 280442 unclassified
Camino del Estado RN 5 primary
Avenida Ángel Keum RN 5 primary
Avenida Ángel Keum RN 5 primary
way 280469 motorway
Bulevar Fresnos way 280470 motorway
Bulevar Fresnos way 280471 motorway
Bulevar Fresnos way 280472 motorway
Calle Lagartos way 280473 unclassified
way 280474 motorway
way 280475 motorway
way 280476 motorway
way 280477 motorway
Bulevar Fresnos way 280478 motorway
way 280479 motorway
Calle Zaragoza way 280480 unclassified
Bulevar Fresnos way 280481 motorway
Calle Lagartos way 280482 unclassified
way 280483 motorway
way 280484 motorway
Autopista de Peaje Suroriental AP 5 motorway
Autopista Suroriental AC 5 motorway
Autopista Suroriental AC 5 motorway
Autopista de Peaje Suroriental AP 5 motorway
Bulevar Usinas (CP#4S) way 280503 tertiary
Bulevar Usinas (CP#4S) way 280504 tertiary
Bulevar Usinas (CP#4S) way 280505 tertiary
Bulevar Usinas (CP#4S) way 280506 tertiary
Calle 230 (CM#39E) way 280507 unclassified
Calle 230 (CM#39E) way 280509 unclassified
Bulevar Usinas (CP#4S) way 280510 tertiary
Bulevar Usinas (CP#4S) way 280511 tertiary
Calle la Florida way 281085 unclassified
Bulevar Abetos way 281106 unclassified
way 281190 service
Avenida Campo de Marte way 281199 tertiary
Avenida Campo de Marte way 281201 tertiary
Calle Ruinas way 281216 tertiary
Calle Ruinas way 281217 tertiary
Calle Oceano Índico way 281227 unclassified
Calle La Valla way 281235 unclassified
Calle Donosio Kim way 281236 tertiary
Calle Camaleón way 281237 unclassified
Calle Polilla way 281238 unclassified
Calle Polilla way 281239 unclassified
Calle Donosio Kim way 281240 tertiary
Calle Bares way 281241 unclassified
Calle Bares way 281242 unclassified
Calle La Valla way 281243 unclassified
Calle Bares way 281244 unclassified
Calle La Valla way 281245 unclassified
Calle Camaleón way 281246 tertiary
Calle Boletero way 281247 unclassified
Calle Boletero way 281248 unclassified
Bulevar Abetos way 281249 unclassified
Calle Torres way 281250 unclassified
Avenida Soldados way 281251 tertiary
Calle Embarcadero way 281252 tertiary
Calle Transbordadores way 281253 unclassified
Avenida Soldados way 281254 tertiary
Avenida Soldados way 281255 tertiary
Calle Transbordadores way 281256 unclassified
Calle Donosio Kim way 281257 tertiary
Calle Transbordadores way 281258 unclassified
Bulevar 4 way 290083 residential
Carretera Constitución way 290091 motorway
Paseo Molinos de Viento way 290101 tertiary
Carretera Constitución way 290114 motorway
Paseo Molinos de Viento way 290116 tertiary
Paseo Molinos de Viento way 290119 tertiary
Paseo Molinos de Viento way 290120 tertiary
Carretera Constitución way 290122 motorway
Bulevar 4 way 290126 residential
Carretera Constitución way 290131 motorway
Carretera Constitución way 290134 motorway
Bulevar 8 way 290139 residential
Carretera Constitución way 290141 motorway
Richard Street way 290148 residential
Talus Street way 290149 tertiary
Guyon Street way 290150 unclassified
Paridell Street way 290151 residential
Merlin Street way 290152 residential
Núñez Street way 290153 residential
Campbell Street way 290154 residential
Redcrosse Street way 290155 tertiary
Abessa Street way 290157 residential
Gull Street way 290158 unclassified
Duessa Street way 290160 residential
La Xurre Street way 290161 residential
Belerophon Street way 290162 tertiary
Boat Street way 290163 unclassified
Embark Street way 290164 unclassified
Blatant Beast Street way 290166 tertiary
Ate Street way 290167 residential
Scudamour Street way 290168 residential
Sansfoy Street way 290169 residential
Una Street way 290170 unclassified
Sansjoy Street way 290171 unclassified
Trompart Street way 290172 residential
Clout Street way 290173 unclassified
Orgoglio Street way 290174 residential
Malecasta Street way 290175 unclassified
Gloriana Street way 290176 residential
High Street way 290177 residential
Apple Street way 290178 unclassified
Spenser Street way 290179 residential
Horse Street way 290180 unclassified
Archimago Street way 290181 tertiary
Broadway Street way 290182 residential
Pastorella Street way 290183 unclassified
Triamond Street way 290184 residential
Castle Street way 290241 tertiary
Old Temple Street way 290243 unclassified
Oar Street way 290244 unclassified
Forest Drive way 290245 tertiary
Rock Creek Drive way 290246 unclassified
Forest Drive way 290247 tertiary
Church Street way 290272 residential
Skye Street way 290273 unclassified
Constitution Street way 290274 unclassified
Star Street way 290275 unclassified
Golde Street way 290276 unclassified
Moon Street way 290278 unclassified
Doctor Street way 290280 unclassified
House Street way 290281 unclassified
Calle Roja way 298064 unclassified
Calle Blanca way 298069 unclassified
Calle Alegría way 298070 unclassified
Malecón Pulpo Centro way 298071 residential
Bulevar Alfonso Schumann RN 5 primary
Camino de Delta RN 5 primary
Calle Roja way 298075 unclassified
Calle Negra way 298076 unclassified
way 298081 unclassified
Calle Negra way 298082 unclassified
Camino de Delta RN 5 primary
Malecón Pulpo Norte way 298086 residential
Puente Schumann RN 5 primary
Calle Aguamarina way 298088 unclassified
Calle Alegría way 298089 unclassified
Malecón Pulpo Sur way 298090 residential
Malecón Pulpo Centro way 298091 residential
Avenida Mariscal way 298093 residential
Calle Alegría way 298095 unclassified
Avenida Mariscal way 298097 unclassified
Avenida Pungazán way 298098 residential
Plaza Mateo Batlle way 298100 unclassified
way 298101 unclassified
Calle Amarilla way 298102 unclassified
Bulevar Ventosa way 298103 unclassified
Plaza Omar Vías way 298104 residential
Calle Constitución way 298105 unclassified
Plaza Roque Santisidro way 298106 residential
Plaza Sempronio Cassanova way 298108 unclassified
Avenida Mariscal way 298111 unclassified
Bulevar Revolución way 298112 unclassified
Plaza Juan López Bogosian way 298115 residential
way 298118 unclassified
Plaza Ivo Baek way 298119 unclassified
Calle Azul way 298120 unclassified
Bulevar Revolución way 298121 unclassified
Calle Verde way 298122 unclassified
Plaza Mario Atrajasi way 298123 residential
Bulevar Ventosa way 298124 unclassified
Plaza Eduardo Paine Roo way 298126 residential
Plaza Quentín di Battista way 298127 residential
Plaza Donosio Kim way 298128 unclassified
Bulevar Revolución way 298129 unclassified
Calle Alegría way 298131 unclassified
Avenida Pungazán way 298132 unclassified
Calle Verde way 298133 unclassified
Plaza Jack Woss way 298134 unclassified
way 298135 unclassified
Avenida Zigurat way 298137 residential
Bulevar Revolución way 298138 residential
Bulevar Ventosa way 298139 residential
Avenida Zigurat way 298140 residential
Calle Col way 298141 residential
Avenida Zigurat way 298142 residential
Plaza Quentín di Battista way 298143 residential
Avenida Ur way 298144 residential
Bulevar Revolución way 298145 residential
Bulevar Ventosa way 298146 residential
Plaza Quentín di Battista way 298147 residential
Bulevar Revolución way 298148 residential
Calle Terminal way 298149 residential
Bulevar Blambulambo Bolián way 298150 residential
Calle Col way 298151 residential
Avenida Babalagüé way 298152 residential
Bulevar Ventosa way 298153 residential
Bulevar Revolución way 298154 residential
Bulevar Ventosa way 298155 residential
Calle Col way 298156 residential
Avenida Babalagüé way 298157 residential
Bulevar Blambulambo Bolián way 298158 residential
Avenida Babalagüé way 298159 residential
Bulevar Blambulambo Bolián way 298160 residential
Avenida Ur way 298161 residential
Avenida Ur way 298162 residential
Avenida Chozas way 298163 residential
Calle Dorotea way 298164 residential
Bulevar Achúgabar Jantu way 298165 residential
Avenida Joya way 298166 residential
Calle Dorotea way 298167 residential
Bulevar Imperio way 298168 residential
Avenida Vladimir Smith way 298169 tertiary
Calle Dorotea way 298170 residential
Avenida Tarquino Pak Palacios way 298171 residential
way 298172 unclassified
Calle Rábano way 298173 residential
Bulevar Altazor way 298174 residential
Calle Zanahoria way 298175 residential
Avenida Carlos de Leuze way 298176 residential
Sumter Boulevard way 300763 unclassified
Sumter Boulevard way 300766 unclassified
Abel Lane way 300946 unclassified
Major Street way 300947 unclassified
Earnaness Boulevard way 300948 unclassified
Grendel Drive way 300949 unclassified
Dragon Road way 300950 unclassified
Cain Road way 300952 tertiary
Avenida Eucaliptos way 301082 unclassified
Avenida Eucaliptos way 301093 unclassified
Calle 252 way 301479 unclassified
Calle 250 way 301482 unclassified
Calle 256 way 301628 unclassified
Calle 256 way 301630 unclassified
Calle 255 way 301631 unclassified
Camino de la Costa RN 98 primary
Camino Islas DS 77 secondary
Camino Islas DS 77 secondary
Camino de la Costa RN 98 primary
Efraín García Street way 308976 unclassified
Grasshopper Avenue way 308978 tertiary
Eucalyptus Drive way 308982 unclassified
Kune Road way 308983 unclassified
First Avenue DS 98 secondary
Beach Drive way 308989 unclassified
Silver Street way 308994 unclassified
Market Street way 308995 tertiary
Laramie Street way 308996 unclassified
Armament Street way 308997 unclassified
Redwood Drive way 308999 unclassified
Lomax Street way 309000 unclassified
Gift Street way 309001 unclassified
Ransom Street way 309003 unclassified
Harbour Road way 309004 unclassified
Poll Street way 309005 unclassified
Jameson Street way 309006 unclassified
Third Avenue way 309007 unclassified
Seagull Street way 309008 unclassified
Second Avenue way 309009 unclassified
Fourth Avenue way 309011 unclassified
Kingdom Street way 309012 unclassified
Grasshopper Avenue way 309013 tertiary
Island Highway DS 98 secondary
Archimago Street way 309015 tertiary
Gotts Place Avenue DS 98 secondary
Gotts Place Avenue DS 98 secondary
Island Highway DS 98 secondary
Archimago Street way 309019 tertiary
Island Highway DS 98 secondary
Island Highway DS 98 secondary
Forest Drive way 309022 tertiary
Hill Street way 309023 tertiary
Kepplinne Road way 309024 tertiary
Una Street way 309025 unclassified
Island Highway DS 98 unclassified
Una Street way 309027 unclassified
Hill Street way 309028 tertiary
Island Highway DS 98 unclassified
Northshore Drive way 309030 tertiary
Doctor Street way 309031 unclassified
Redcrosse Street way 309032 residential
Government Hill Road way 309033 unclassified
Redcrosse Street way 309034 tertiary
Island Highway DS 98 secondary
Dungeon Street way 309036 residential
Sansfoy Street way 309037 residential
Island Highway DS 98 unclassified
Government Hill Road way 309039 tertiary
Doctor Street way 309040 unclassified
Island Highway DS 98 secondary
Forest Drive way 309042 tertiary
Island Highway DS 98 secondary
Northshore Drive way 309044 tertiary
Gotts Place Avenue way 309045 tertiary
Kepplinne Road way 309046 tertiary
Gotts Place Avenue DS 98 secondary
Sansfoy Street way 309048 residential
Grasshopper Avenue way 309049 tertiary
Belerophon Street way 309051 tertiary
George Chang Street way 309052 unclassified
Redcrosse Street way 309053 tertiary
Cave Street way 309054 residential
Anchor Street way 309063 unclassified
Tower Boulevard way 309067 tertiary
Tower Boulevard way 309068 tertiary
Bulevar 1 way 310378 residential
Bulevar 1 way 310392 residential
way 310450 residential
Bulevar 7 way 310451 residential
Bulevar 5 way 310452 residential
Calle 86 way 310453 residential
way 310454 residential
Bulevar 3 way 310457 residential
way 310458 residential
Calle 92 way 310461 residential
way 310462 residential
Bulevar 3 way 310463 residential
Calle 87 way 310464 residential
Bulevar 6 way 310465 tertiary
Bulevar 2 way 310468 residential
Bulevar 6 way 310470 tertiary
Calle 87 way 310471 residential
Calle 86 way 310472 residential
Callejón 86 way 310474 residential
way 310475 residential
Bulevar 9 way 310477 residential
Bulevar 10 way 310480 residential
Callejón 86 way 310482 residential
way 310483 residential
Calle 80 way 310484 residential
Calle 75 way 310485 residential
Bulevar 11 way 310486 residential
Avenida Ángel Keum RN 5 primary
Calle 79 way 310488 residential
Bulevar 11 way 310489 residential
Calle 76 way 310490 residential
Calle 77 way 310496 residential
Calle 78 way 310499 residential
Bulevar 2 way 312045 residential
Calle Refugio way 312069 unclassified
Avenida El Ahorcado way 312076 tertiary
Avenida El Ahorcado way 312078 tertiary
Avenida Veleros way 312080 unclassified
Avenida Ángel Keum RN 5 primary
Calle Rocosas way 314050 unclassified
Calle Vargas way 314051 unclassified
Calle Cava way 314052 unclassified
Calle Crimea way 314053 unclassified
Calle Rocosas way 314054 unclassified
Calle Premio way 314055 residential
Calle Apalachas way 314056 unclassified
Calle Cortes way 314057 unclassified
Avenida Ángel Keum RN 5 primary
Calle Guevara way 314059 unclassified
Calle Sierra Madre way 314060 unclassified
Calle Castro way 314061 unclassified
Calle Pireneos way 314062 unclassified
Calle Barriles way 314063 unclassified
Calle Riobamba way 314064 unclassified
Calle Volquetes way 314065 unclassified
Calle Matías Leveque way 314066 unclassified
Calle Urales way 314067 unclassified
Calle Alpes way 314069 unclassified
Calle Vallano way 314070 unclassified
Calle Himalayas way 314071 unclassified
Calle Murciélagos way 314072 unclassified
Calle Andes way 314073 unclassified
Calle Urales way 314074 unclassified
Avenida Ángel Keum RN 5 primary
Calle Sierra Nevada way 314076 unclassified
Calle Hispania way 314077 unclassified
Calle Esclavos way 314078 unclassified
Calle Cóndor way 314079 unclassified
Calle Fuji way 314080 unclassified
Calle Kilamanjiro way 314081 unclassified
Calle Colegio way 314082 unclassified
Camino Venado way 314681 tertiary
Calle 156 way 315643 unclassified
Calle Donosio Kim way 316118 unclassified
Calle de Cerca way 316119 unclassified
Calle Torres way 316120 unclassified
Calle Donosio Kim way 316121 unclassified
Calle Transbordadores way 316127 unclassified
Calle Transbordadores way 316130 residential
Calle Torres way 316135 unclassified
Calle Muelle Uno way 316884 unclassified
Avenida Universidad way 317097 tertiary
Diagonal Universidad way 317098 tertiary
Avenida Universidad way 317108 tertiary
Diagonal Universidad way 317116 tertiary
Bulevar Usinas way 317609 tertiary
(CP#4S) way 317610 unclassified
Calle 214 way 317615 tertiary
Calle del Dique way 317627 unclassified
Calle 214 way 317628 tertiary
Avenida El Ahorcado way 317629 unclassified
Avenida El Ahorcado way 317630 unclassified
Bulevar Usinas (CP#4S) way 317635 tertiary
Bulevar Usinas (CP#4S) way 317636 tertiary
Calle 212 (CM#36E) way 317639 unclassified
Calle 212 (CM#36E) way 317640 unclassified
Calle 214 way 317641 tertiary
Calle 214 way 317642 tertiary
Calle Bares way 317922 residential
Calle La Valla way 317923 unclassified
Calle Prado way 317924 unclassified
Calle Prado way 317925 residential
Calle Fénix way 317926 unclassified
Calle Gómez way 317927 unclassified
Calle Quetzal way 317981 residential
Bulevar Abetos way 318428 residential
Calle Ciencias way 318429 residential
Calle Facultades way 318430 residential
Calle Anguilas way 318431 unclassified
Bulevar Abetos way 318432 residential
Calle Anguilas way 318433 unclassified
Calle Ciencias way 318434 residential
Calle Facultades way 318435 residential
Calle Máquina way 318502 unclassified
Calle Corneta way 318503 unclassified
Calle Peces way 318504 unclassified
Calle la Plata way 318505 unclassified
Calle Extranjeros way 318516 unclassified
Calle Nieves way 318520 unclassified
Bulevar Arces way 318525 unclassified
Calle Locura way 318526 residential
Calle Regimiento way 318531 unclassified
Calle el Oro way 318534 unclassified
Calle Nieves way 318542 unclassified
Calle Onírica way 318544 unclassified
Bulevar Arces way 318550 unclassified
Bulevar Castaños way 318574 unclassified
Bulevar Abetos way 318576 tertiary
Bulevar Abetos way 318580 unclassified
Calle Calavera way 318604 unclassified
Bulevar Abetos way 318605 unclassified
Calle Yacimientos Petroleros way 318606 unclassified
Calle Yacimientos Petroleros way 318607 unclassified
Calle Ciénegas way 318608 unclassified
Calle Salamandras way 318609 unclassified
Calle Barcazas way 318610 unclassified
Bulevar Abetos way 318611 residential
Calle Canela way 318613 tertiary
Calle Ciénegas way 318614 unclassified
Calle de Anclas way 318615 unclassified
Calle Cruces way 318616 unclassified
Calle Hormiga way 318617 unclassified
Calle Calavera way 318618 unclassified
Calle Lluvia way 318620 unclassified
Calle Canal Grande way 318621 unclassified
Calle Sastres way 318623 unclassified
Calle Albañiles way 318624 unclassified
Calle Canal Grande way 318625 unclassified
Calle Hormiga way 318626 unclassified
Calle Cruces way 318627 unclassified
Calle Pequeña Escobar (CM#79E) way 318794 tertiary
Calle Fundación way 320431 residential
Calle Fundación way 320432 tertiary
Calle Fundación way 320433 tertiary
Calle Fundación way 320435 tertiary
Calle Fundación way 320439 tertiary
Avenida de Armas way 320441 tertiary
Avenida del Estado way 320442 residential
Avenida de Armas way 320445 tertiary
Bulevar Muralla way 320449 residential
Avenida de Armas way 320456 tertiary
Avenida de Armas way 320457 tertiary
Bulevar 5 way 320459 residential
way 320460 service
Alameda del Faro way 323993 pedestrian
Alameda del Faro way 323995 pedestrian
Alameda del Faro way 323996 pedestrian
Alameda del Faro way 323997 pedestrian
Calle Manzano way 325833 tertiary
Bulevar Muralla way 325957 residential
Bulevar Muralla way 325960 residential
Plaza del Metro way 326003 pedestrian
Calle 30 way 327294 tertiary
Camino Isla Gigantes way 327300 unclassified
Camino Isla Gigantes way 327301 unclassified
Camino Isla Gigantes way 327304 unclassified
Star Street way 337766 residential
Castle Street way 337768 residential
Charlotte Island Drive way 337781 tertiary
Sun Street way 337782 residential
Charlotte Island Drive way 337783 tertiary
way 338174 service
Calle Embarcadero way 338232 tertiary
Calle Embarcadero way 338233 tertiary
Calle Embarcadero way 338234 tertiary
Calle Embarcadero way 338235 tertiary
Calle Embarcadero way 338236 tertiary
Calle Anchoas way 338242 unclassified
Calle Bizancio way 338243 unclassified
Calle Marzo way 338250 unclassified
way 338251 unclassified
way 338253 unclassified
way 338256 unclassified
way 338257 unclassified
Calle Bizancio way 338259 unclassified
Calle Abril way 338261 unclassified
way 338262 unclassified
way 338263 unclassified
way 338264 unclassified
Calle Hidalgo way 338275 unclassified
way 338278 service
way 338283 service
way 338287 service
Calle Oscuridad way 338288 unclassified
Calle Saavedra way 338289 unclassified
Calle La Valla way 338290 residential
Calle Gómez way 338291 unclassified
Calle Hidalgo way 338292 residential
Calle Saavedra way 338293 unclassified
Bulevar 7 way 338294 residential
Calle Saavedra way 338295 unclassified
Avenida Niebla way 338296 tertiary
Calle 115 way 338298 tertiary
Paseo Niebla way 338300 tertiary
Paseo Niebla way 338301 tertiary
Calle Algodón way 338302 unclassified
Calle Dulces way 338304 unclassified
Paseo Niebla way 338308 tertiary
Bulevar 3 way 338312 tertiary
Calle Seda way 338314 unclassified
Calle Frontera way 338316 unclassified
Paseo Niebla way 338317 tertiary
Paseo Niebla way 338318 tertiary
Bulevar 3 way 338322 tertiary
Avenida Niebla way 338324 tertiary
Paseo Niebla way 338325 tertiary
Calle Lana way 338331 unclassified
Avenida Ortiz way 338334 residential
Calle 114 way 338347 unclassified
Calle Talleres way 338351 residential
Calle San Patricio way 338353 residential
Calle Central way 344787 residential
Calle Bisonte way 344788 residential
Calle del Desolado way 344789 residential
Avenida de Armas way 344790 tertiary
Avenida de Armas way 344791 tertiary
Calle Alerces way 344792 residential
Calle Trébol way 344793 residential
Calle Trébol way 344794 tertiary
Avenida de Armas way 344795 tertiary
Calle Cerro de Abejas way 344796 residential
Calle Elefantes way 344797 residential
Avenida del Estado way 344798 secondary
Calle Central way 344799 residential
Avenida de la Playa way 344800 residential
Calle Cerro de Abejas way 344801 residential
Bulevar 5 way 344802 residential
Calle Cabras way 344803 residential
Malecón Sur way 344804 tertiary
Diagonal Central way 344805 residential
Avenida de la Playa way 344807 residential
Bulevar 5 way 344808 tertiary
Calle Elefantes way 344809 residential
Calle Amistad way 350843 residential
Calle Las Ramblas way 350844 residential
Calle Las Ramblas way 350845 residential
Calle Las Ramblas way 350846 residential
Calle Oro y Plata way 350847 residential
Calle Presidente Davies way 350848 residential
Calle Rulfo way 350849 residential
Calle Serpientes way 350850 tertiary
Calle de Monumentos way 350851 residential
Callejón Armonia way 350852 pedestrian
Plaza de Armonia way 350854 pedestrian
Avenida Escollera way 405961 unclassified
Avenida Parque Cerrito de Ídolos way 405962 unclassified
Calle Albor Morton way 405963 unclassified
Calle Cerrito way 405964 unclassified
Calle Cuadernos way 405965 unclassified
Calle Danilo Forrest way 405966 unclassified
Calle Danilo Forrest way 405967 unclassified
Calle Impresores way 405968 unclassified
Calle Las Gaviotas way 405969 unclassified
Calle Lobos way 405970 unclassified
Calle Lobos way 405971 unclassified
Calle Nicanor Jiménez way 405972 unclassified
Calle Península way 405973 unclassified
Calle Ídolos way 405974 unclassified
Callejón Armonia way 405975 residential
Callejón Barriles way 405976 residential
Callejón Carlos Batlle way 405977 residential
Callejón de Mecánicos way 405978 residential
Calle 68 way 408855 tertiary
Calle 69 way 408856 residential
Camino Fronterizo way 412762 residential
Camino Fronterizo way 412763 unclassified
Camino Fronterizo way 412764 unclassified
Camino de la Costa RN 98 primary
Via Desolada way 412904 tertiary
Calle 213 way 428432 secondary
Calle 213 way 428433 secondary
Calle 213 way 428438 secondary
Calle 213 way 428439 secondary
Avenida Cebada RN 3 primary
Avenida del Estado way 429786 tertiary
Avenida del Estado Lado Sur RN 3 primary
Avenida del Estado Lado Sur RN 3 primary
Bulevar Hayas (CP#1S) way 429799 tertiary
Bulevar Hayas (CP#1S) way 429800 tertiary
Bulevar Hayas (CP#1S) way 429801 tertiary
Bulevar Hayas (CP#1S) way 429802 tertiary
Bulevar Hayas (CP#1S) way 429803 tertiary
Bulevar Hayas (CP#1S) way 429804 tertiary
Bulevar Hayas (CP#1S) way 429805 tertiary
Bulevar Hayas (CP#1S) way 429806 tertiary
Bulevar Hayas (CP#1S) way 429807 tertiary
Bulevar Hayas (CP#1S) way 429808 tertiary
Bulevar Hayas (CP#1S) way 429809 tertiary
Bulevar Hayas (CP#1S) way 429810 tertiary
Bulevar Hayas (CP#1S) way 429811 tertiary
Bulevar Hayas (CP#1S) way 429812 tertiary
Bulevar Hayas (CP#1S) way 429813 tertiary
Bulevar Hayas (CP#1S) way 429814 tertiary
Calle 406 (CM#68E) way 429832 tertiary
Calle 406 (CM#68E) way 429833 tertiary
Calle 412 (CM#69E) way 429835 tertiary
Calle 418 (CM#70E) way 429837 tertiary
Calle 424 (CM#71E) way 429839 tertiary
Calle 430(CM#72E) way 429841 tertiary
Calle 430(CM#72E) way 429842 tertiary
Calle 436 (CM#73 E) way 429844 tertiary
Calle 442 (CM#74 E) way 429845 tertiary
Calle 442 (CM#74 E) way 429847 tertiary
Calle 448 (CM#75 E) way 429849 tertiary
Calle 448 (CM#75 E) way 429851 tertiary
Calle 460 (CM#77E) way 429853 tertiary
Calle 466 (CM#78E) way 429855 tertiary
Calle Pequeña Escobar (CM#79E) way 429856 tertiary
Calle Paloma Blanca (CM#80E) way 429857 tertiary
Calle 484 (CM#81E) way 429858 tertiary
Calle 490 (CM#82E) way 429859 tertiary
Calle 496 (CM#83E) way 429864 tertiary
Calle 502 (CM#84E) way 429865 tertiary
Calle 508 (CM#85E) way 429866 tertiary
Calle 514 (CM#86E) way 429867 tertiary
Calle 520 (CM#87E) way 429868 tertiary
Calle 538 (CM#90E) way 429872 tertiary
Calle Isabel Richard (Calle 454) (CM#76E) way 429912 tertiary
Avenida de América (338 CM#57E) way 431028 tertiary
Avenida del Estado Lado Sur RN 3 primary
Avenida del Estado Lado Sur RN 3 primary
Avenida del Estado Lado Sur RN 3 primary
Avenida del Estado Lado Sur RN 3 primary
Avenida del Estado Lado Sur RN 3 primary
Avenida la Linea (344 CM#58E) way 431041 tertiary
Bulevar Abedules way 431042 unclassified
Bulevar Abetos way 431043 unclassified
Bulevar Castaños way 431044 unclassified
Bulevar Cedros way 431045 unclassified
Bulevar Fresnos way 431046 unclassified
Bulevar Hayas (CP#1S) way 431047 tertiary
Bulevar del Sur (CP#2S) way 431048 unclassified
Calle 246 way 431054 unclassified
Calle 247 way 431056 unclassified
Calle 249 way 431058 unclassified
Calle 251 way 431061 unclassified
Calle 252 way 431063 unclassified
Calle 253 way 431064 unclassified
Calle 254 (CM#43E) way 431065 tertiary
Calle 278 (CM#47E) way 431069 tertiary
Calle 284 (CM#48E) way 431070 tertiary
Calle 290 (CM#49E) way 431071 tertiary
Calle 308 (CM#52E) way 431074 tertiary
Calle 326 (CM#55E) way 431077 tertiary
Calle 362 (CM#61E) way 431080 tertiary
Calle 374 (CM#63E) way 431084 tertiary
Calle 386 (CM#65E) way 431086 tertiary
Calle 400 (CM#67E) way 431087 tertiary
Calle Guevara way 431107 unclassified
Calle Raimundo Kershaw way 431112 unclassified
Camino Jabalíes (CP#3S) way 431121 unclassified
394 (CM#66E) way 431230 tertiary
Avenida Ivo Baek way 433895 tertiary
Bulevar Arces way 433897 residential
Bulevar Avellanos way 433898 residential
Calle Artes way 433957 residential
Calle Ciencias way 433971 residential
Calle Humanidades way 433993 tertiary
Calle Tigre way 434043 residential
Camino Unicornio (CP#4S) way 441959 tertiary
(CP#7S) way 441971 tertiary
Camino Pascual Baez (CP#8S) way 442022 tertiary
Avenida A way 442322 unclassified
Avenida B way 442327 unclassified
Avenida C way 442328 unclassified
Avenida D way 442339 unclassified
Avenida E way 442340 unclassified
Avenida F way 442342 unclassified
Avenida de la Playa way 442363 tertiary
Avenida de la Playa way 442364 unclassified
Avenida de la Playa way 442365 tertiary
Avenida de las Islas way 442367 unclassified
Avenida del Pino way 442371 unclassified
Avenida del Pino way 442372 tertiary
Calle Montano d'Arcy (P) way 442395 tertiary
Bulevar del Sur (CP#2S) way 442396 tertiary
Bulevar del Sur (CP#2S) way 442397 tertiary
Calle 320 (CM#54E) way 442562 tertiary
Calle 350 (CM#59E) way 442577 tertiary
Calle 350 (CM#59E) way 442578 tertiary
Calle Ataraxia way 442779 unclassified
Calle Campenillas way 442792 residential
Calle Carlos de Leuze way 442796 unclassified
Calle Carlos de Leuze way 442797 unclassified
Calle Carlos de Leuze way 442798 unclassified
Calle Estación way 442818 unclassified
Calle Estación Nueva way 442819 unclassified
Calle Eureisia way 442820 unclassified
Calle Frente way 442825 unclassified
Calle Frente way 442826 unclassified
Calle Geofredo Davies way 442832 unclassified
Calle Geofredo Davies way 442833 unclassified
Calle Hilda Mercy way 442849 unclassified
Calle Hilda Mercy way 442850 unclassified
Calle José Errázuriz way 442861 unclassified
Calle José Errázuriz way 442862 unclassified
Calle Largartos way 442871 residential
Calle Leonardo Komatsu way 442872 unclassified
Calle Leonardo Komatsu way 442873 unclassified
Calle Manzano way 442885 tertiary
Calle Naranjo way 442911 residential
Calle Orinoco way 442928 unclassified
Calle Oro y Plata way 442929 residential
Calle Pinares way 442952 residential
Calle Quetzal way 442971 residential
Calle Quetzal way 442972 tertiary
Calle Ricardo Aviles way 442978 unclassified
Calle Ricardo Aviles way 442979 unclassified
Calle Ricardo Aviles way 442980 unclassified
Calle Roble way 442985 residential
Calle Ruiseñor way 442994 residential
Calle Jack Woss way 443014 unclassified
Calle Veleros way 443066 unclassified
Calle Veleros way 443067 tertiary
Calle Veleros way 443068 unclassified
Calle Vista del Mar way 443073 residential
Calle Wiwaxia way 443085 unclassified
Calle Yolanda Castro de Gris way 443090 unclassified
Calle Yolanda Castro de Gris way 443091 unclassified
Calle Yolanda Castro de Gris way 443092 unclassified
Calle Ángel Keum way 443137 tertiary
Calle Ángel Keum way 443138 tertiary
Calle Ángel Keum way 443139 tertiary
Camino Desarrollo (CP#6S) way 443142 tertiary
Camino Islas RN 98 primary
Camino Islas RN 98 primary
Camino Islas RN 98 primary
Camino Islas RN 98 primary
Camino Islas RN 98 primary
Camino Islas RN 98 primary
Camino Islas RN 98 primary
Camino Islas RN 98 primary
Camino Islas RN 98 primary
Camino Islas RN 98 primary
Camino Jabalíes (CP#3S) way 443157 tertiary
Camino Mateo Batlle way 443158 tertiary
Camino Onírica-Bahía Negra DS 75 secondary
Camino Onírica-Bahía Negra DS 75 secondary
Camino de Acceso del Supercollider CIFAVA way 443172 service
Camino de Delta (CM#72E) RN 5 primary
Camino de Delta (CM#72E) RN 5 primary
Camino de Mantenimiento del Supercollider CIFAVA way 443176 service
Pasaje Princesa way 443344 residential
Pasaje Vista Mar way 443347 residential
Plaza de la Frontera (Lado del Centro) way 443360 pedestrian
Plaza de la Frontera (Lado del Sur) way 443361 pedestrian
Vía Barra da Grama way 443401 residential
Vía Barra da Grama way 443402 residential
Avenida Armas way 451230 tertiary
Avenida Armas way 451231 tertiary
Avenida Bodegas way 451243 unclassified
Avenida Bodegas way 451244 unclassified
Avenida Constantino Stanck way 451265 tertiary
Avenida José Errázuriz way 451311 unclassified
Avenida José Errázuriz way 451312 unclassified
Bulevar del Sur (CP#2S) way 451446 tertiary
Bulevar del Sur (CP#2S) way 451447 tertiary
Calle 1 way 451456 unclassified
Calle 2 way 451461 unclassified
Calle 243 way 451462 unclassified
Calle 244 way 451463 unclassified
Calle 245 way 451464 unclassified
Calle 246 way 451465 unclassified
Calle 246 way 451466 unclassified
Calle 248 (CM#42E) way 451467 tertiary
Calle 248 (CM#42E) way 451468 tertiary
Calle 254 (CM#43E) way 451469 tertiary
Calle 254 (CM#43E) way 451470 tertiary
Bulevar Sicarios (CM#45E) way 451471 secondary
Calle 266 (CM#45E) way 451472 tertiary
Calle 3 way 451473 unclassified
Calle 4 way 451474 unclassified
Calle 5 way 451489 unclassified
Calle 6 way 451510 unclassified
Calle 6 way 451511 unclassified
Calle 6 way 451512 unclassified
Calle Alerces way 451560 unclassified
Calle Andrágoras Rhennes way 451561 residential
Calle Ambrosio Anil Yi way 451562 unclassified
Calle Cabo Inglés way 451568 unclassified
Calle Cabo Inglés way 451569 unclassified
Calle Carlos de Leuze way 451572 unclassified
Calle Carlos de Leuze way 451573 unclassified
Calle Darío Yaruzelski way 451584 unclassified
Calle Diego de Gillidette way 451586 unclassified
Calle Lomas way 451605 unclassified
Calle Muelle way 451607 unclassified
Calle Piceas way 451608 unclassified
Calle de Armas way 451616 unclassified
Calle de Pinos way 451621 unclassified
Camino Derecho way 451623 tertiary
Camino Derecho way 451624 tertiary
Camino Derecho way 451625 tertiary
Camino Islandia way 451627 tertiary
Camino Jabalíes (CP#3S) way 451628 tertiary
Camino Jabalíes (CP#3S) way 451629 tertiary
way 451744 service
Avenida Aquiles Huidobro way 453448 unclassified
Avenida Aquiles Huidobro way 453449 unclassified
Avenida Armas way 453450 tertiary
Avenida Armas way 453451 tertiary
Avenida Armas way 453452 tertiary
Avenida Armas way 453453 tertiary
Avenida Armas way 453454 tertiary
Avenida Atlándida way 453455 tertiary
Avenida Bodegas way 453456 unclassified
Avenida Campo de Golf (CM#47E) way 453457 unclassified
Avenida Carlos Chang way 453458 unclassified
Avenida Carlos Chang way 453459 unclassified
Avenida Melánicos way 453460 unclassified
Avenida Constantino Stanck way 453461 residential
Avenida Daniel Menores way 453462 unclassified
Avenida Efraín García way 453463 unclassified
Avenida Efraín García way 453464 unclassified
Avenida Federación way 453465 unclassified
Avenida Geofredo Davies way 453466 unclassified
Avenida Independencia way 453467 tertiary
Avenida Independencia way 453468 tertiary
Avenida Independencia way 453470 tertiary
Avenida Independencia way 453471 tertiary
Avenida Industrial way 453473 unclassified
Avenida Industrial way 453476 unclassified
Avenida Irlandeses way 453477 tertiary
Avenida Isabel Richard way 453478 unclassified
Avenida Lauro Owens way 453479 residential
Avenida Oscar Robertson way 453480 unclassified
Avenida Palomas way 453481 unclassified
Avenida Palomas way 453482 unclassified
Avenida Pedro Comala way 453483 tertiary
Avenida Pedro Comala way 453484 tertiary
Avenida Pedro Comala way 453485 tertiary
Avenida Pedro Comala way 453486 tertiary
Avenida Pedro Comala way 453487 tertiary
Avenida Pedro Comala way 453488 tertiary
Avenida Pequeña way 453489 unclassified
Avenida Planicie way 453490 unclassified
Avenida Presidente Ángel Keum RN 5 primary
Avenida Presidente Ángel Keum RN 5 primary
Avenida Sol way 453493 unclassified
Avenida Valle way 453494 unclassified
Avenida Ventana way 453495 unclassified
Avenida Vietnamitos way 453496 unclassified
Avenida Volante way 453497 unclassified
Avenida Víboras way 453498 unclassified
Avenida el Haya way 453499 unclassified
Bulevar Abetos way 453506 residential
Bulevar Arces way 453507 residential
Bulevar Avellanos way 453508 residential
Bulevar Avellanos way 453509 unclassified
Bulevar Castaños way 453510 residential
Bulevar Jacarandas way 453511 unclassified
Bulevar Jacarandas way 453512 unclassified
Bulevar Manzanos way 453513 unclassified
Bulevar Naranjos way 453514 unclassified
Bulevar Román Gore way 453515 tertiary
Bulevar Román Gore way 453516 tertiary
Bulevar Román Gore way 453517 tertiary
Bulevar Tejos way 453518 unclassified
Bulevar del Sur (CP#2S) way 453519 unclassified
Bulevar del Sur (CP#2S) way 453520 unclassified
Calle 184 way 453531 residential
Calle 185 way 453532 unclassified
Calle 185 way 453533 unclassified
Calle 185 way 453534 unclassified
Calle 185 way 453535 unclassified
Calle 187 way 453538 unclassified
Calle 187 way 453539 unclassified
Calle 188 way 453540 unclassified
Calle 188 way 453541 unclassified
Calle 189 way 453542 unclassified
Calle 189 way 453543 unclassified
Calle 191 way 453544 unclassified
Calle 192 way 453545 unclassified
Calle 193 way 453546 unclassified
Calle 195 way 453547 unclassified
Calle 196 way 453548 unclassified
Calle 197 way 453550 tertiary
Calle 198 way 453551 unclassified
Calle 199 way 453552 unclassified
Calle 200 way 453553 tertiary
Calle 201 way 453554 unclassified
Calle 203 way 453555 unclassified
Calle 203 way 453556 unclassified
Calle 204 way 453557 unclassified
Calle 205 way 453558 unclassified
Calle 206 way 453559 tertiary
Calle 214 way 453560 pedestrian
Calle 214 way 453561 pedestrian
Calle 214 way 453562 pedestrian
Calle 214 way 453563 unclassified
Calle 215 way 453564 unclassified
Calle 254 (CM#43E) way 453567 tertiary
Calle 254 (CM#43E) way 453568 tertiary
Calle 255 way 453569 residential
Calle 256 way 453570 residential
Calle 260 (CM#44E) way 453571 tertiary
Calle 260 (CM#44E) way 453572 tertiary
Calle 260 (CM#44E) way 453573 tertiary
Calle 260 (CM#44E) way 453574 tertiary
Calle 263 way 453575 unclassified
Calle 264 way 453576 unclassified
Calle 265 way 453577 unclassified
Bulevar Sicarios (CM#45E) way 453578 secondary
Calle 267 way 453579 unclassified
Calle 267 way 453580 residential
Calle 268 way 453581 unclassified
Calle 269 way 453582 unclassified
Bulevar Garceta way 453583 tertiary
Calle 273 way 453585 unclassified
Calle 273 way 453586 unclassified
Calle 274 way 453587 unclassified
Calle 275 way 453588 unclassified
Calle 276 way 453589 unclassified
Calle 277 way 453590 unclassified
Avenida Nicolás Jameson (CM#49E) way 453591 secondary
Avenida Nicolás Jameson (CM#49E) way 453592 secondary
Calle Albrecht Müller way 453593 residential
Calle Albrecht Müller way 453594 residential
Calle Alegre way 453595 unclassified
Calle Almas way 453596 residential
Calle Ambrosio Anil Yi way 453597 residential
Calle Artes way 453598 residential
Calle Artes way 453599 unclassified
Calle Macrobio Bretaña way 453600 residential
Calle Carlos de Leuze way 453601 residential
Calle Cefalopodes way 453602 residential
Calle Cerradura way 453603 tertiary
Calle Cerradura way 453604 tertiary
Calle Cerradura way 453605 tertiary
Calle Neiva Grosberg Núñez way 453606 residential
Calle Ciegos way 453607 residential
Calle Ciencias way 453608 residential
Calle Ciencias way 453609 unclassified
Calle Creadores way 453610 residential
Calle Curva way 453611 unclassified
Calle Hermino Klang way 453612 residential
Calle Diego de Gillidette way 453613 residential
Calle Dolores Gottlieb way 453614 unclassified
Calle Dánao Escoto way 453615 residential
Calle Espacio way 453616 residential
Calle Espacio way 453618 residential
Calle Ispella way 453619 unclassified
Calle Gaya way 453620 residential
Calle Genios way 453621 residential
Calle Leonardo Komatsu way 453624 residential
Calle Liceo way 453625 residential
Calle Lirio Kovács way 453626 residential
Calle McGillicuddy way 453627 unclassified
Calle Mercadito way 453628 unclassified
Pasaje Mirlos way 453629 residential
Calle Mudos way 453630 residential
Calle Sicarios way 453631 residential
Calle Octavio La Fourchet way 453632 unclassified
Calle Octavio La Fourchet way 453633 residential
Calle Panóptico way 453634 residential
Calle Playa Americana way 453635 unclassified
Calle Normando Ptak way 453636 residential
Calle Lalo Meddeldorff way 453637 residential
Calle Rosario Batlle way 453638 residential
Calle Suelo way 453639 residential
Calle Sueños way 453640 residential
Calle Techo way 453641 residential
Pasaje Gavilanes way 453642 residential
Calle Terraza way 453643 residential
Calle Urnas way 453644 residential
Pasaje Víveres way 453645 residential
Camino Cerro Palomas way 453646 tertiary
Camino Cerro Sombrero way 453647 tertiary
Camino Cerro Sombrero way 453648 tertiary
Camino Cerro Sombrero way 453649 tertiary
Camino Tesoro(CP#5S) way 453650 tertiary
Camino Unicornio (CP#4S) way 453651 tertiary
Camino Unicornio (CP#4S) way 453652 tertiary
Camino Unicornio (CP#4S) way 453653 tertiary
Camino Unicornio (CP#4S) way 453654 tertiary
Diagonal el Fangal way 453655 tertiary
Pasaje 255 way 453733 residential
Pasaje Burbujas way 453734 residential
Pasaje Contador way 453735 residential
Pasaje Corredor way 453736 residential
Pasaje Diamante way 453737 residential
Pasaje Domocilio way 453738 residential
Pasaje El Gato way 453739 residential
Pasaje Jarrito way 453740 unclassified
Pasaje Lotos way 453741 residential
Pasaje Magdalena way 453742 residential
Pasaje Papel way 453743 residential
Pasaje Simpáticos way 453744 residential
Pasaje Topaz way 453745 residential
Pasaje Trastos way 453746 residential
Pasaje Árbol de la Ciencia way 453747 residential
Paseo Bahía way 453748 unclassified
Paseo Cafeto way 453749 residential
Paseo Callejón way 453750 residential
Paseo Casas way 453751 residential
Paseo Cañones way 453752 unclassified
Paseo Cañones way 453753 residential
Paseo Cebada way 453754 residential
Paseo Cebada way 453755 unclassified
Paseo Centuriones way 453756 residential
Paseo Cerros way 453757 residential
Paseo Cerros way 453758 residential
Paseo Cielo way 453759 residential
Paseo Colegio way 453760 residential
Paseo Congreso way 453761 residential
Paseo Congreso way 453762 residential
Paseo Cooperativo way 453763 residential
Paseo Corto way 453764 residential
Paseo Dragones way 453765 unclassified
Paseo Marcos Sorensen way 453766 unclassified
Paseo Miscatónico way 453767 tertiary
Paseo Oscuridad way 453768 unclassified
Paseo Tapos way 453769 unclassified
Paseo de la Ría way 453770 tertiary
way 453860 service
AC 5 motorway
AC 5 motorway
AC 5 motorway
AC 5 motorway
AC 5 motorway
AC 5 motorway
AC 5 motorway
way 453878 tertiary
AC 5 motorway
Bulevar Sauces way 455024 unclassified
Calle 187 way 455033 unclassified
Calle 188 way 455034 unclassified
Calle 189 way 455035 unclassified
Calle 190 way 455036 tertiary
Calle 191 way 455037 unclassified
Calle 191 way 455038 unclassified
Calle 192 way 455039 unclassified
Calle 192 way 455040 unclassified
Calle 193 way 455041 unclassified
Calle 193 way 455042 unclassified
Calle 194 way 455043 tertiary
Calle 195 way 455044 unclassified
Calle 195 way 455045 unclassified
Calle 196 way 455046 unclassified
Calle 196 way 455047 unclassified
Calle 197 way 455048 tertiary
Calle 198 way 455049 unclassified
Calle 198 way 455050 unclassified
Calle 199 way 455051 unclassified
Calle 199 way 455052 unclassified
Calle 200 way 455055 tertiary
Calle 201 way 455056 unclassified
Calle 202 way 455057 unclassified
Calle 203 way 455058 unclassified
Calle 204 way 455059 unclassified
Calle 205 way 455060 unclassified
Calle 206 way 455061 tertiary
Calle Anexo way 455068 unclassified
Calle Buitre way 455069 unclassified
Calle Carbón way 455070 unclassified
Calle Dámocles way 455076 unclassified
Calle Earness way 455077 unclassified
Calle Fiero way 455081 unclassified
Calle Ganga way 455089 unclassified
Calle Horizonte way 455103 unclassified
Calle Imperio way 455119 unclassified
Calle Juvenal way 455121 unclassified
Calle Kasse way 455122 unclassified
Calle Lanza way 455123 unclassified
Calle Mendigo way 455124 unclassified
Calle Mendigo way 455125 unclassified
Calle Natural way 455126 unclassified
Calle Natural way 455127 unclassified
Calle Ofelia way 455130 unclassified
Calle Ofelia way 455131 unclassified
Calle Potencia way 455132 unclassified
Calle Potencia way 455133 unclassified
Bulevar Hayas way 465978 tertiary
Bulevar Hayas way 465979 tertiary
Bulevar Usinas (CP#4S) way 465980 tertiary
Calle 248 (CM#42E) way 466000 tertiary
Calle Albatroses way 466005 unclassified
Calle Humanidades way 466008 tertiary
Calle Tranvía way 466009 pedestrian
Camino Jabalíes (CP#3S) way 466010 tertiary
Camino Jabalíes (CP#3S) way 466011 tertiary
(CM#100E) way 472644 unclassified
(CM#100E) way 472645 unclassified
(CM#100E) way 472646 unclassified
(CM#100E) way 472647 unclassified
(CM#100E) way 472648 unclassified
Camino Cien (CM#100E) way 472649 tertiary
(CM#100E) way 472650 unclassified
(CM#100E) way 472651 unclassified
Camino Cien (CM#100E) way 472652 tertiary
(CM#100E) way 472653 unclassified
(CM#101E) way 472654 unclassified
(CM#101E) way 472655 unclassified
(CM#101E) way 472656 unclassified
(CM#101E) way 472657 unclassified
Camino Julieta Barbudo Torreblanca (CM#101E) way 472658 tertiary
Camino Julieta Barbudo Torreblanca (CM#101E) way 472659 tertiary
(CM#101E) way 472660 unclassified
(CM#101E) way 472661 unclassified
(CM#101E) way 472662 unclassified
(CM#102E) way 472663 residential
(CM#102E) way 472665 unclassified
(CM#102E) way 472666 residential
(CM#102E) way 472667 unclassified
(CM#102E) way 472668 unclassified
(CM#102E) way 472669 unclassified
(CM#102E) way 472671 residential
(CM#102E) way 472672 unclassified
(CM#103E) way 472673 unclassified
(CM#103E) way 472674 unclassified
(CM#103E) way 472675 unclassified
(CM#103E) way 472676 unclassified
(CM#103E) way 472677 unclassified
(CM#103E) way 472678 unclassified
(CM#103E) way 472679 residential
(CM#103E) way 472680 residential
(CM#103E) way 472681 unclassified
(CM#103E) way 472683 unclassified
(CM#104E) way 472684 residential
(CM#104E) way 472686 residential
(CM#104E) way 472687 residential
(CM#104E) way 472688 unclassified
Camino Aquilino Sanpedro (CM#104E) way 472689 tertiary
(CM#104E) way 472690 unclassified
Camino Aquilino Sanpedro (CM#104E) way 472691 tertiary
(CM#104E) way 472692 residential
(CM#104E) way 472693 unclassified
(CM#105E) way 472695 residential
(CM#105E) way 472696 residential
(CM#105E) way 472697 unclassified
(CM#105E) way 472698 unclassified
(CM#105E) way 472699 unclassified
(CM#105E) way 472700 residential
(CM#105E) way 472702 unclassified
Avenida Punta Occidental (CM#106E) way 472703 unclassified
(CM#106E) way 472705 unclassified
Avenida Justo Picard Murió (CM#106E) way 472707 tertiary
(CM#106E) way 472708 unclassified
(CM#106E) way 472710 residential
(CM#106E) way 472711 residential
(CM#106E) way 472712 unclassified
Avenida Justo Picard Murió (CM#106E) way 472713 tertiary
(CM#107E) way 472714 residential
(CM#107E) way 472715 unclassified
(CM#107E) way 472719 residential
Avenida Estadio (CM#107E) way 472720 tertiary
(CM#107E) way 472721 residential
(CM#107E) way 472722 unclassified
Calle Federación (CM#107E) way 472724 tertiary
Camino Nochebuena (CM#108E) way 472725 residential
Avenida Hermosa (CM#108E) way 472728 residential
Camino del Puente Nuevo (CM#108E) RN 31 primary
Camino del Puente Nuevo (CM#108E) RN 31 primary
(CM#108E) way 472731 residential
Camino Nochebuena (CM#108E) way 472732 unclassified
Camino Cerro Reyes (CM#109E) way 472734 residential
(CM#109E) way 472735 residential
(CM#109E) way 472736 residential
(CM#109E) way 472739 unclassified
(CM#109E) way 472741 residential
(CM#109E) way 472742 residential
Bulevar Elvira Ordon-Grabb (CM#109E) way 472743 tertiary
Camino Cerro Reyes (CM#109E) way 472744 unclassified
Calle P (CM#109E) way 472745 residential
Camino Chupaconejos (CM#111E) RN 31 primary
(CM#111E) way 472749 residential
(CM#111E) way 472750 residential
(CM#111E) way 472751 unclassified
(CM#111E) way 472753 residential
Camino Chupaconejos (CM#111E) RN 31 primary
Camino de Ovejas (CM#111E) way 472755 tertiary
(CM#111E) way 472756 residential
Camino de Ovejas (CM#111E) way 472757 tertiary
(CM#111E) way 472758 residential
(CM#112E) way 472759 residential
(CM#112E) way 472760 residential
(CM#112E) way 472761 residential
(CM#112E) way 472762 residential
(CM#112E) way 472763 residential
(CM#112E) way 472764 unclassified
(CM#112E) way 472766 residential
(CM#112E) way 472767 residential
(CM#112E) way 472768 unclassified
Camino Florio Gasquet (CM#112E) way 472769 tertiary
Camino Florio Gasquet (CM#112E) way 472770 tertiary
(CM#113E) way 472771 residential
(CM#113E) way 472772 residential
(CM#113E) way 472773 residential
(CM#113E) way 472774 residential
(CM#113E) way 472775 residential
(CM#113E) way 472776 unclassified
(CM#113E) way 472777 unclassified
(CM#113E) way 472778 unclassified
Camino Genaro Biedma (CM#113E) way 472779 tertiary
Camino Genaro Biedma (CM#113E) way 472780 tertiary
(CM#114E) way 472781 residential
(CM#114E) way 472782 residential
(CM#114E) way 472783 residential
(CM#114E) way 472784 unclassified
(CM#114E) way 472785 residential
(CM#114E) way 472786 residential
(CM#114E) way 472787 unclassified
(CM#114E) way 472788 residential
(CM#114E) way 472790 residential
(CM#115E) way 472792 residential
(CM#115E) way 472793 residential
(CM#115E) way 472794 residential
(CM#115E) way 472795 unclassified
(CM#115E) way 472796 residential
(CM#115E) way 472797 residential
(CM#115E) way 472798 residential
(CM#116E) way 472802 residential
(CM#116E) way 472803 residential
(CM#116E) way 472805 unclassified
(CM#116E) way 472807 residential
Camino Ascanio Psellos (CM#116E) way 472808 residential
(CM#116E) way 472809 unclassified
Camino Ascanio Psellos (CM#116E) way 472810 residential
(CM#117E) way 472811 residential
(CM#117E) way 472812 residential
(CM#117E) way 472813 unclassified
(CM#117E) way 472815 residential
(CM#117E) way 472816 residential
Camino de Espinacas (CM#117E) way 472817 tertiary
(CM#117E) way 472819 residential
(CM#117E) way 472820 unclassified
Camino de Espinacas (CM#117E) way 472822 tertiary
Camino Paloma Azul (CM#118E) way 472830 tertiary
(CM#118E) way 472831 residential
Calle Puerto del Río (CM#120E) way 472850 residential
Camino Lirios (CM#121E) way 472854 unclassified
(CM#72E) way 472927 residential
(CM#91E) way 472935 tertiary
(CM#91E) way 472936 tertiary
(CM#91E) way 472937 tertiary
(CM#91E) way 472938 tertiary
(CM#91E) way 472939 tertiary
(CM#91E) way 472940 tertiary
(CM#91E) way 472941 tertiary
(CM#91E) way 472942 tertiary
(CM#92E) way 472943 tertiary
(CM#92E) way 472944 tertiary
(CM#92E) way 472945 tertiary
(CM#92E) way 472946 tertiary
(CM#92E) way 472947 tertiary
(CM#92E) way 472948 tertiary
(CM#92E) way 472949 tertiary
(CM#92E) way 472950 tertiary
(CM#92E) way 472951 tertiary
(CM#92E) way 472952 tertiary
(CM#93E) way 472953 unclassified
(CM#93E) way 472954 unclassified
(CM#93E) way 472955 unclassified
(CM#93E) way 472956 unclassified
(CM#93E) way 472957 unclassified
(CM#93E) way 472958 residential
(CM#93E) way 472959 unclassified
(CM#93E) way 472960 residential
(CM#93E) way 472961 unclassified
(CM#94E) way 472962 unclassified
(CM#94E) way 472963 unclassified
(CM#94E) way 472964 unclassified
(CM#94E) way 472965 unclassified
(CM#94E) way 472966 unclassified
(CM#94E) way 472967 unclassified
(CM#94E) way 472968 unclassified
(CM#94E) way 472969 unclassified
(CM#94E) way 472970 residential
(CM#94E) way 472971 unclassified
(CM#94E) way 472972 residential
(CM#94E) way 472973 unclassified
(CM#95E) way 472974 unclassified
(CM#95E) way 472975 unclassified
(CM#95E) way 472976 unclassified
(CM#95E) way 472977 unclassified
(CM#95E) way 472978 unclassified
(CM#95E) way 472979 unclassified
(CM#95E) way 472980 residential
(CM#95E) way 472981 unclassified
(CM#95E) way 472982 residential
(CM#95E) way 472983 unclassified
(CM#96E) way 472984 unclassified
(CM#96E) way 472985 unclassified
(CM#96E) way 472987 unclassified
(CM#96E) way 472988 unclassified
(CM#96E) way 472989 unclassified
(CM#96E) way 472990 residential
(CM#96E) way 472991 unclassified
(CM#96E) way 472992 residential
(CM#97E) way 472993 residential
(CM#97E) way 472994 residential
(CM#97E) way 472995 residential
(CM#97E) way 472996 unclassified
(CM#97E) way 472997 unclassified
(CM#97E) way 472998 unclassified
(CM#97E) way 472999 unclassified
(CM#97E) way 473000 residential
(CM#97E) way 473001 residential
(CM#97E) way 473002 unclassified
(CM#97E) way 473003 unclassified
(CM#97E) way 473004 unclassified
(CM#97E) way 473005 unclassified
(CM#98E) way 473006 residential
(CM#98E) way 473007 residential
(CM#98E) way 473008 residential
(CM#98E) way 473009 residential
(CM#98E) way 473010 unclassified
(CM#98E) way 473011 unclassified
(CM#98E) way 473012 unclassified
(CM#98E) way 473013 unclassified
(CM#98E) way 473014 unclassified
(CM#98E) way 473015 residential
(CM#98E) way 473016 unclassified
(CM#98E) way 473017 unclassified
(CM#99E) way 473018 residential
(CM#99E) way 473019 unclassified
(CM#99E) way 473020 unclassified
(CM#99E) way 473021 unclassified
(CM#99E) way 473022 residential
(CM#99E) way 473023 unclassified
(CM#99E) way 473024 residential
(CM#99E) way 473025 unclassified
(CM#99E) way 473026 residential
(CM#99E) way 473027 unclassified
(CM#99E) way 473028 unclassified
(CP#10S) way 473033 residential
(CP#10S) way 473034 residential
(CP#10S) way 473035 unclassified
(CP#10S) way 473036 residential
Camino Avena (CP#10S) way 473037 tertiary
Camino Avena (CP#10S) way 473038 tertiary
(CP#10S) way 473039 unclassified
(CP#10S) way 473040 unclassified
(CP#11S) way 473045 unclassified
(CP#11S) way 473046 unclassified
(CP#11S) way 473047 unclassified
(CP#11S) way 473048 residential
(CP#11S) way 473050 unclassified
(CP#11S) way 473051 unclassified
(CP#11S) way 473052 residential
(CP#11S) way 473053 residential
(CP#11S) way 473054 unclassified
(CP#12S) way 473060 unclassified
(CP#12S) way 473061 unclassified
(CP#12S) way 473063 unclassified
(CP#12S) way 473064 residential
(CP#12S) way 473065 unclassified
(CP#12S) way 473066 unclassified
(CP#12S) way 473067 residential
(CP#12S) way 473068 unclassified
Camino Libro Bueno (CP#12S) way 473069 unclassified
(CP#12S) way 473070 unclassified
(CP#13S) way 473076 residential
(CP#13S) way 473077 unclassified
(CP#13S) way 473078 unclassified
(CP#13S) way 473079 unclassified
(CP#13S) way 473080 unclassified
(CP#13S) way 473081 unclassified
(CP#13S) way 473082 unclassified
(CP#13S) way 473085 unclassified
(CP#14S) way 473087 residential
(CP#14S) way 473088 unclassified
(CP#14S) way 473090 unclassified
(CP#14S) way 473091 unclassified
(CP#14S) way 473092 unclassified
(CP#14S) way 473093 unclassified
(CP#14S) way 473094 unclassified
(CP#14S) way 473095 unclassified
(CP#15S) way 473100 unclassified
(CP#15S) way 473101 unclassified
Camino Nona Aguinaga (CP#15S) way 473102 unclassified
(CP#15S) way 473104 unclassified
(CP#15S) way 473105 unclassified
Camino Nona Aguinaga (CP#15S) way 473106 unclassified
(CP#15S) way 473107 unclassified
(CP#16S) way 473112 unclassified
(CP#16S) way 473113 unclassified
(CP#16S) way 473114 unclassified
(CP#16S) way 473115 unclassified
(CP#16S) way 473116 unclassified
(CP#16S) way 473117 unclassified
(CP#16S) way 473118 unclassified
(CP#16S) way 473119 unclassified
(CP#17S) way 473125 unclassified
(CP#17S) way 473126 unclassified
(CP#17S) way 473128 unclassified
(CP#17S) way 473129 unclassified
(CP#17S) way 473130 unclassified
(CP#17S) way 473131 unclassified
Camino Apoxiomeno Larulla (CP#17S) way 473132 tertiary
(CP#18S) way 473138 unclassified
(CP#18S) way 473140 unclassified
Ronda Carolia (CP#18S) way 473141 secondary
(CP#18S) way 473142 unclassified
(CP#18S) way 473143 unclassified
(CP#18S) way 473144 unclassified
(CP#18S) way 473145 unclassified
(CP#18S) way 473146 unclassified
(CP#19S) way 473153 unclassified
(CP#19S) way 473155 unclassified
Bulevar Isabel Richard (CP#19S) way 473156 residential
(CP#19S) way 473157 unclassified
(CP#19S) way 473158 unclassified
(CP#19S) way 473160 unclassified
(CP#19S) way 473162 unclassified
(CP#19S) way 473163 unclassified
(CP#19S) way 473164 unclassified
Avenida Literaria (CP#1N) way 473165 tertiary
(CP#1S) way 473169 unclassified
(CP#1S) way 473170 unclassified
(CP#1S) way 473171 unclassified
Camino Datames Capetillo (CP#1S) way 473172 residential
(CP#1S) way 473174 unclassified
(CP#20S) way 473181 unclassified
Camino Febo Dutra (CP#20S) DS 33 secondary
(CP#20S) way 473183 unclassified
Camino Febo Dutra (CP#20S) way 473184 tertiary
Camino Febo Dutra (CP#20S) DS 33 secondary
(CP#20S) way 473186 unclassified
(CP#20S) way 473187 unclassified
(CP#21S) way 473192 unclassified
(CP#21S) way 473194 unclassified
(CP#21S) way 473195 unclassified
(CP#21S) way 473196 unclassified
(CP#21S) way 473197 tertiary
(CP#21S) way 473198 unclassified
(CP#21S) way 473199 unclassified
(CP#21S) way 473200 unclassified
Camino Gato Blanco (CP#21S) way 473201 tertiary
(CP#22S) way 473204 unclassified
(CP#22S) way 473205 unclassified
(CP#22S) way 473206 unclassified
(CP#22S) way 473208 unclassified
(CP#22S) way 473209 unclassified
(CP#22S) way 473210 unclassified
(CP#22S) way 473211 unclassified
(CP#22S) way 473212 unclassified
(CP#22S) way 473213 unclassified
(CP#23S) way 473216 unclassified
(CP#23S) way 473217 unclassified
Camino Moscada (CP#23S) way 473218 tertiary
(CP#23S) way 473219 unclassified
(CP#23S) way 473220 unclassified
(CP#23S) way 473221 unclassified
(CP#23S) way 473222 unclassified
(CP#23S) way 473223 unclassified
(CP#23S) way 473224 unclassified
(CP#23S) way 473225 unclassified
(CP#23S) way 473227 unclassified
(CP#23S) way 473228 unclassified
(CP#24S) way 473233 unclassified
Camino Ursulina Santiago de Pell (CP#24S) way 473234 tertiary
(CP#24S) way 473235 unclassified
(CP#24S) way 473236 unclassified
(CP#24S) way 473237 unclassified
Camino Ursulina Santiago de Pell (CP#24S) way 473238 tertiary
(CP#24S) way 473239 unclassified
(CP#24S) way 473240 unclassified
(CP#24S) way 473241 unclassified
(CP#24S) way 473242 unclassified
(CP#25S) way 473245 unclassified
(CP#25S) way 473247 unclassified
(CP#25S) way 473248 unclassified
(CP#25S) way 473249 unclassified
(CP#25S) way 473250 unclassified
(CP#25S) way 473251 unclassified
(CP#25S) way 473252 unclassified
(CP#25S) way 473253 unclassified
(CP#25S) way 473254 unclassified
Camino San Jorge (CP#25S) way 473255 tertiary
(CP#25S) way 473256 unclassified
(CP#25S) way 473257 unclassified
(CP#25S) way 473258 unclassified
(CP#26S) way 473261 residential
(CP#26S) way 473262 residential
(CP#26S) way 473263 residential
(CP#26S) way 473264 residential
(CP#26S) way 473265 residential
(CP#26S) way 473266 residential
(CP#26S) way 473267 residential
(CP#26S) way 473268 residential
(CP#26S) way 473269 residential
(CP#26S) way 473270 residential
(CP#26S) way 473272 residential
(CP#26S) way 473273 residential
(CP#26S) way 473275 residential
(CP#26S) way 473276 residential
(CP#26S) way 473277 residential
(CP#26S) way 473278 residential
(CP#26S) way 473279 residential
(CP#26S) way 473280 residential
(CP#27S) way 473283 residential
(CP#27S) way 473284 residential
(CP#27S) way 473285 residential
(CP#27S) way 473286 residential
(CP#27S) way 473287 residential
(CP#27S) way 473288 residential
(CP#27S) way 473289 residential
(CP#27S) way 473290 residential
(CP#27S) way 473291 residential
Camino Nachancha (CP#27S) way 473292 tertiary
way 473293 residential
(CP#27S) way 473294 residential
(CP#27S) way 473295 residential
(CP#27S) way 473296 residential
(CP#28S) way 473299 residential
(CP#28S) way 473300 residential
Bulevar Victoria Persson (CP#28S) way 473301 tertiary
Bulevar Victoria Persson (CP#28S) way 473302 residential
(CP#28S) way 473303 residential
(CP#28S) way 473304 residential
(CP#28S) way 473305 residential
Bulevar Victoria Persson (CP#28S) way 473307 tertiary
(CP#28S) way 473308 residential
(CP#28S) way 473309 residential
(CP#28S) way 473310 residential
(CP#29S) way 473313 residential
(CP#29S) way 473314 residential
(CP#29S) way 473315 residential
(CP#29S) way 473316 residential
(CP#29S) way 473317 residential
(CP#29S) way 473318 residential
(CP#29S) way 473319 residential
(CP#29S) way 473320 residential
(CP#29S) way 473321 residential
(CP#29S) way 473322 residential
(CP#29S) way 473323 residential
(CP#29S) way 473324 residential
(CP#29S) way 473325 residential
Camino Sombra de Nubes (CP#2S) way 473329 residential
(CP#2S) way 473330 unclassified
(CP#2S) way 473333 unclassified
(CP#30S) way 473336 residential
(CP#30S) way 473337 residential
(CP#30S) way 473338 residential
(CP#30S) way 473339 residential
(CP#30S) way 473340 residential
(CP#30S) way 473341 residential
(CP#30S) way 473342 residential
(CP#30S) way 473343 residential
(CP#30S) way 473344 residential
(CP#30S) way 473345 residential
(CP#30S) way 473346 residential
(CP#31S) way 473348 residential
(CP#31S) way 473349 residential
(CP#31S) way 473350 residential
(CP#31S) way 473351 residential
(CP#31S) way 473352 residential
(CP#31S) way 473353 residential
Camino Pantanos (CP#31S) way 473354 residential
(CP#31S) way 473355 residential
(CP#31S) way 473356 residential
(CP#31S) way 473357 residential
(CP#31S) way 473358 residential
Camino Pantanos (CP#31S) way 473359 tertiary
(CP#32S) way 473360 residential
(CP#32S) way 473361 residential
(CP#32S) way 473363 residential
(CP#32S) way 473364 residential
(CP#32S) way 473365 residential
(CP#32S) way 473366 residential
(CP#32S) way 473367 residential
(CP#32S) way 473368 residential
Camino Manuela Benítez de O (CP#32S) way 473369 residential
(CP#32S) way 473370 residential
(CP#32S) way 473371 residential
(CP#33S) way 473372 residential
(CP#33S) way 473374 residential
(CP#33S) way 473375 residential
(CP#33S) way 473376 residential
(CP#33S) way 473377 residential
(CP#33S) way 473378 residential
(CP#33S) way 473379 residential
(CP#33S) way 473380 residential
(CP#33S) way 473381 residential
(CP#33S) way 473382 residential
(CP#33S) way 473383 residential
(CP#34S) way 473384 unclassified
(CP#34S) way 473385 unclassified
(CP#34S) way 473386 unclassified
(CP#34S) way 473387 unclassified
(CP#35S) way 473388 unclassified
(CP#35S) way 473389 unclassified
(CP#35S) way 473390 unclassified
(CP#36S) way 473391 unclassified
(CP#36S) way 473392 unclassified
(CP#36S) way 473393 unclassified
(CP#4S) way 473400 unclassified
(CP#4S) way 473401 unclassified
(CP#4S) way 473402 unclassified
(CP#4S) way 473403 residential
(CP#4S) way 473404 residential
Camino Ariadne Fierro (CP#4S) way 473405 unclassified
(CP#5S) way 473475 unclassified
(CP#5S) way 473476 unclassified
(CP#5S) way 473477 residential
(CP#5S) way 473478 residential
(CP#5S) way 473479 unclassified
(CP#5S) way 473480 unclassified
Camino Plácida Narvaja (CP#5S) way 473481 tertiary
(CP#6S) way 473583 unclassified
(CP#6S) way 473584 unclassified
(CP#6S) way 473585 unclassified
(CP#6S) way 473586 residential
(CP#6S) way 473587 unclassified
(CP#6S) way 473588 unclassified
(CP#6S) way 473589 residential
Camino Justino Gotou (CP#6S) way 473590 tertiary
(CP#6S) way 473591 unclassified
(CP#7S) way 473608 unclassified
(CP#7S) way 473609 unclassified
(CP#7S) way 473610 unclassified
(CP#7S) way 473612 residential
(CP#7S) way 473613 unclassified
(CP#7S) way 473614 unclassified
Bulevar Carrera (CP#7S) way 473615 tertiary
(CP#7S) way 473616 unclassified
(CP#7S) way 473617 unclassified
Bulevar Carrera (CP#7S) way 473618 tertiary
(CP#8S) way 473621 unclassified
(CP#8S) way 473622 residential
Paseo Guardia Civil (CP#8S) way 473623 tertiary
(CP#8S) way 473624 residential
(CP#8S) way 473625 residential
(CP#8S) way 473627 residential
(CP#8S) way 473628 residential
Camino Manicomio (CP#8S) way 473629 tertiary
(CP#8S) way 473630 unclassified
(CP#8S) way 473631 unclassified
(CP#8S) way 473632 unclassified
(CP#8S) way 473633 unclassified
Camino del Ajo (CP#9S) way 473637 tertiary
(CP#9S) way 473638 unclassified
(CP#9S) way 473639 residential
(CP#9S) way 473640 residential
Camino de Robles (CP#9S) way 473641 tertiary
Camino de Robles (CP#9S) way 473643 tertiary
Camino del Ajo (CP#9S) way 473644 tertiary
(CP#9S) way 473645 unclassified
Avenida Ignacio Quiroga (CM#110E) way 473720 tertiary
Avenida Quiroga (CM#110E) way 473721 residential
Avenida Quiroga (CM#110E) way 473722 residential
Avenida Ignacio Quiroga (CM#110E) way 473723 tertiary
Avenida Quiroga (CM#110E) way 473724 residential
Avenida Quiroga (CM#110E) way 473725 residential
Avenida Quiroga (CM#110E) way 473726 residential
Avenida Ignacio Quiroga (CM#110E) way 473727 tertiary
Avenida Quiroga (CM#110E) way 473728 unclassified
Avenida Quiroga (CM#110E) way 473729 unclassified
Avenida Quiroga (CM#110E) way 473731 residential
Avenida del Estado way 473734 residential
Avenida del Estado way 473735 tertiary
Avenida del Estado way 473736 tertiary
Avenida del Estado way 473737 tertiary
Avenida del Estado way 473738 tertiary
Avenida del Estado way 473739 tertiary
Avenida del Estado way 473740 tertiary
Avenida del Estado way 473741 tertiary
Calle 400 (CM#67E) way 473941 tertiary
Calle 400 (CM#67E) way 473942 tertiary
Bulevar Cuatrocientos (CM#67E) way 473943 tertiary
Bulevar Cuatrocientos (CM#67E) way 473944 tertiary
Calle 406 (CM#68E) way 473947 tertiary
Camino Abundio Conrad (CM#69E) way 473953 tertiary
Calle 412 (CM#69E) way 473955 tertiary
Calle 412 (CM#69E) way 473956 tertiary
Calle 412 (CM#69E) way 473957 tertiary
Calle 418 (CM#70E) way 473959 unclassified
Bulevar Tío Arturo (Calle 418 CM#70E) way 473960 tertiary
Calle 418 (CM#70E) way 473961 tertiary
Calle 418 (CM#70E) way 473962 tertiary
Calle 424 (CM#71E) way 473964 tertiary
Calle 424 (CM#71E) way 473965 tertiary
Camino Calmagai (Calle 424 CM#71E) way 473966 tertiary
Calle 430(CM#72E) way 473968 tertiary
Calle 430(CM#72E) way 473969 tertiary
Calle 430(CM#72E) way 473970 tertiary
Calle 436 (CM#73 E) way 473971 tertiary
Calle 436 (CM#73 E) way 473972 tertiary
Calle 436 (CM#73 E) way 473973 tertiary
Calle 436 (CM#73 E) way 473974 tertiary
Camino del Cruce way 473975 tertiary
Camino Garzas (CM#74 E) way 473976 tertiary
Calle 442 (CM#74 E) way 473977 tertiary
Calle 442 (CM#74 E) way 473978 tertiary
Calle 442 (CM#74 E) way 473979 tertiary
Calle 442 (CM#74 E) way 473980 tertiary
Camino Río Albañiles (CM#75 E) way 473981 tertiary
Calle 448 (CM#75 E) way 473982 tertiary
Calle 448 (CM#75 E) way 473983 tertiary
Calle 448 (CM#75 E) way 473985 tertiary
Calle 460 (CM#77E) way 473987 unclassified
Calle 460 (CM#77E) way 473988 tertiary
Calle 460 (CM#77E) way 473990 tertiary
Calle 466 (CM#78E) way 473993 tertiary
Calle 466 (CM#78E) way 473994 tertiary
Calle 466 (CM#78E) way 473997 tertiary
Calle 466 (CM#78E) way 473998 tertiary
Calle 466 (CM#78E) way 474000 tertiary
Calle Pequeña Escobar (CM#79E) way 474007 residential
Calle Pequeña Escobar (CM#79E) way 474008 tertiary
Calle Pequeña Escobar (CM#79E) way 474009 unclassified
Camino Península (CM#79E) way 474010 unclassified
Calle Pequeña Escobar (CM#79E) way 474012 residential
Calle Pequeña Escobar (CM#79E) way 474014 residential
Calle Pequeña Escobar (CM#79E) way 474016 unclassified
Camino Jesús Lonsdale Farrar (CM#80E) way 474018 tertiary
Calle Paloma Blanca (CM#80E) way 474019 residential
Calle Paloma Blanca (CM#80E) way 474020 unclassified
Calle Paloma Blanca (CM#80E) way 474022 tertiary
Calle Paloma Blanca (CM#80E) way 474024 residential
Calle Paloma Blanca (CM#80E) way 474025 residential
Calle 484 (CM#81E) way 474029 tertiary
Camino La Regla (CM#81E) way 474030 tertiary
Calle 484 (CM#81E) way 474031 tertiary
Calle 484 (CM#81E) way 474032 tertiary
Calle 484 (CM#81E) way 474033 tertiary
Calle 484 (CM#81E) way 474034 tertiary
Calle 484 (CM#81E) way 474036 tertiary
Calle 484 (CM#81E) way 474037 tertiary
Calle 490 (CM#82E) way 474042 tertiary
Calle 490 (CM#82E) way 474043 tertiary
Calle 490 (CM#82E) way 474044 tertiary
Calle 490 (CM#82E) way 474045 tertiary
Calle 490 (CM#82E) way 474048 tertiary
Calle 496 (CM#83E) way 474050 tertiary
Calle 496 (CM#83E) way 474051 tertiary
Calle 496 (CM#83E) way 474053 tertiary
Calle 496 (CM#83E) way 474054 tertiary
Calle 496 (CM#83E) way 474056 tertiary
Calle 502 (CM#84E) way 474057 unclassified
Calle 502 (CM#84E) way 474058 tertiary
Calle 502 (CM#84E) way 474060 tertiary
Calle 508 (CM#85E) way 474061 tertiary
Calle 508 (CM#85E) way 474062 tertiary
Calle 508 (CM#85E) way 474063 tertiary
Calle 508 (CM#85E) way 474065 tertiary
Calle 508 (CM#85E) way 474066 tertiary
Calle 508 (CM#85E) way 474067 tertiary
Calle 508 (CM#85E) way 474068 tertiary
Calle 514 (CM#86E) way 474069 tertiary
Calle 514 (CM#86E) way 474070 tertiary
Calle 514 (CM#86E) way 474071 tertiary
Calle 514 (CM#86E) way 474073 tertiary
Calle 514 (CM#86E) way 474075 tertiary
Calle 514 (CM#86E) way 474076 tertiary
Calle 520 (CM#87E) way 474077 tertiary
Calle 520 (CM#87E) way 474078 tertiary
Calle 520 (CM#87E) way 474079 tertiary
Calle 520 (CM#87E) way 474080 tertiary
Calle 520 (CM#87E) way 474081 tertiary
Calle 520 (CM#87E) way 474082 tertiary
Calle 520 (CM#87E) way 474083 tertiary
Calle 520 (CM#87E) way 474084 tertiary
Calle 526 (CM#88E) way 474085 tertiary
Calle 526 (CM#88E) way 474086 tertiary
Calle 526 (CM#88E) way 474087 tertiary
Calle 526 (CM#88E) way 474088 tertiary
Calle 526 (CM#88E) way 474089 tertiary
Calle 526 (CM#88E) way 474090 tertiary
Calle 526 (CM#88E) way 474091 tertiary
Calle 526 (CM#88E) way 474092 tertiary
Calle 526 (CM#88E) way 474093 tertiary
Calle 526 (CM#88E) way 474094 tertiary
Camino Pausanias Anzaldua (CM#88E) way 474095 tertiary
Calle 532 (CM#89E) way 474099 tertiary
Calle 532 (CM#89E) way 474100 tertiary
Calle 532 (CM#89E) way 474101 tertiary
Calle 532 (CM#89E) way 474102 tertiary
Calle 532 (CM#89E) way 474103 tertiary
Calle 532 (CM#89E) way 474104 tertiary
Calle 532 (CM#89E) way 474105 tertiary
Calle 538 (CM#90E) way 474107 tertiary
Calle 538 (CM#90E) way 474108 tertiary
Calle 538 (CM#90E) way 474109 tertiary
Calle 538 (CM#90E) way 474110 tertiary
Calle 538 (CM#90E) way 474111 tertiary
Calle 538 (CM#90E) way 474112 tertiary
Calle 538 (CM#90E) way 474113 tertiary
Calle 538 (CM#90E) way 474114 tertiary
Calle Canela way 474171 tertiary
Calle Danza way 474174 unclassified
Calle Danza way 474175 unclassified
Calle Duque way 474178 unclassified
Calle Gabanes way 474195 unclassified
Calle Isabel Richard (Calle 454) (CM#76E) way 474208 tertiary
Calle Isabel Richard (Calle 454) (CM#76E) way 474210 tertiary
Vía 7 (Calle 454 CM#76E) way 474211 tertiary
Calle Isabel Richard (Calle 454) (CM#76E) way 474213 tertiary
Calle Metasecoya way 474255 unclassified
Calle Pico Neblado way 474267 unclassified
Calle Pico Neblado way 474268 unclassified
Calle Pico Neblado way 474269 unclassified
Calle Pico Neblado way 474270 unclassified
Calle Radio way 474277 unclassified
Calle Radio way 474278 unclassified
Calle Radio way 474279 unclassified
Camino Cebada-Cualahualú way 474290 unclassified
Camino Cebada-Cualahualú way 474291 unclassified
Camino Jabalíes (CP#3S) way 474309 unclassified
Camino Jabalíes (CP#3S) way 474310 residential
Camino Jabalíes (CP#3S) way 474311 unclassified
Camino Jabalíes (CP#3S) way 474312 residential
Camino Jabalíes (CP#3S) way 474313 tertiary
Camino Jabalíes (CP#3S) way 474314 unclassified
Camino Orígen-Onírica DS 75 secondary
Camino Orígen-Onírica DS 75 secondary
Camino Orígen-Onírica DS 75 secondary
Camino Orígen-Onírica DS 75 secondary
Camino Persson-Quiroga RN 3 primary
Camino San Sebastián DS 75 secondary
Camino San Sebastián DS 75 secondary
Camino Persson-Quiroga RN 3 primary
Camino Orígen-Quiroga (CM#96E) DS 75 secondary
Camino Orígen-Quiroga (CM#96E) DS 75 secondary
Camino Orígen-Quiroga (CM#96E) DS 75 secondary
Camino Orígen-Quiroga (CM#96E) DS 75 secondary
Camino Nuevo Lidgate way 474337 tertiary
Camino de Delta RN 5 primary
Camino de Delta RN 5 primary
Camino de Delta RN 5 primary
Camino de Delta RN 5 primary
Camino de Delta RN 5 primary
Camino de Delta RN 5 primary
Camino de Delta RN 5 primary
Camino de Delta RN 5 primary
Camino de Delta RN 5 primary
Camino de Delta RN 5 primary
Camino de Delta (CM#89E) RN 5 primary
Camino de Delta (CM#89E) RN 5 primary
Avenida El Ahorcado way 476105 unclassified
Avenida El Ahorcado way 476106 unclassified
Avenida El Emperador way 476107 unclassified
Avenida El Sacerdote way 476108 unclassified
Avenida La Estrella way 476109 unclassified
Avenida La Fuerza way 476110 unclassified
Avenida La Muerte way 476111 unclassified
Avenida La Torre way 476112 unclassified
Avenida Petrolera way 476113 unclassified
Avenida Petrolera way 476114 unclassified
Avenida Petrolera way 476115 unclassified
Bulevar Cedros way 476119 pedestrian
Bulevar Cedros way 476120 residential
Bulevar Cipreses way 476121 residential
Bulevar Fresnos way 476122 residential
Bulevar Hayas way 476123 tertiary
Bulevar Hayas way 476124 tertiary
Bulevar Telégrafo way 476125 unclassified
Calle 212 (CM#36E) way 476136 unclassified
Calle 213 way 476137 secondary
Calle 214 way 476138 tertiary
Calle 215 way 476139 unclassified
Calle 218 way 476140 tertiary
Calle 218 (CM#37E) way 476141 unclassified
Calle Amadeo Prezinski way 476142 unclassified
Calle Ascalón way 476143 unclassified
Calle Au way 476144 unclassified
Calle Au way 476145 unclassified
Calle Bahagala way 476146 unclassified
Calle Bahagala way 476147 unclassified
Calle Bellas Aguas way 476148 unclassified
Calle Delicias way 476149 unclassified
Calle Extranjeros way 476150 unclassified
Calle Lago Castillo way 476151 unclassified
Calle Muelle Petroquímico way 476152 unclassified
Calle Oceano Atlántico way 476153 unclassified
Calle Oceano Índico way 476154 unclassified
Calle Paralela way 476155 unclassified
Calle Peces way 476156 unclassified
Calle Pino y Playa way 476157 unclassified
Calle Redcrosse way 476158 unclassified
Calle Refinerías way 476159 unclassified
Calle Tanques way 476160 unclassified
Calle Vidrio way 476161 unclassified
Calle Vidrio way 476162 unclassified
Calle del Dique way 476163 unclassified
Diagonal Canastos way 476167 tertiary
Diagonal Grandes Lagos way 476168 tertiary
Diagonal Grandes Lagos way 476169 secondary
Pasaje Párapel way 476220 pedestrian
Paseo Estadio way 476221 unclassified
Paseo Estadio way 476222 unclassified
Plaza Parque Párapel way 476226 pedestrian
AC 5 motorway
AC 5 motorway
AC 5 motorway
AC 5 motorway
way 477987 service
Calle Adriano van der Donck way 481074 unclassified
Avenida Araña way 505658 residential
Avenida Araña way 505659 residential
Avenida Basílica way 505666 tertiary
Avenida Basílica way 505667 tertiary
Avenida Basílica way 505668 tertiary
Avenida Basílica way 505669 tertiary
Avenida Basílica way 505670 tertiary
Avenida Basílica way 505671 tertiary
Avenida Basílica way 505672 tertiary
Avenida Cien Años way 505679 tertiary
Avenida El Ahorcado way 505680 tertiary
Avenida Enkidu way 505682 residential
Avenida Escarabajo way 505683 residential
Avenida Federación way 505684 secondary
Avenida Federación way 505685 secondary
Avenida Federación way 505686 secondary
Avenida Federación way 505687 secondary
Avenida Federación way 505688 secondary
Avenida Federación way 505689 secondary
Avenida Gilgamesh way 505692 residential
Avenida Gregorio Redcrosse way 505693 secondary
Avenida Gregorio Redcrosse way 505694 secondary
Avenida Gregorio Redcrosse way 505695 secondary
Avenida Hormiga way 505696 residential
Avenida Hormiga way 505697 residential
Avenida Perseo Washburn way 505710 tertiary
Avenida Perseo Washburn way 505711 tertiary
Avenida Pittsbourg way 505714 tertiary
Avenida Pittsbourg way 505715 tertiary
Avenida Polilla way 505718 residential
Avenida Raimundo Kershaw way 505731 tertiary
Avenida Sol way 505741 tertiary
Avenida Soldados way 505742 tertiary
Avenida Soldados way 505743 tertiary
Avenida Valentino Gombrowicz way 505755 tertiary
Avenida Vladimir Smith way 505756 tertiary
Avenida Vladimir Smith way 505757 tertiary
Avenida de la Playa way 505785 residential
Avenida la Linea way 505827 tertiary
Belerophon Street way 505845 tertiary
Belerophon Street way 505846 tertiary
Belerophon Street way 505847 tertiary
Belerophon Street way 505848 tertiary
Belerophon Street way 505849 tertiary
Bulevar 3 way 505852 residential
Bulevar Alfonso Schumann RN 5 primary
Bulevar Altazor way 505854 tertiary
Bulevar Altazor (CM#66E) way 505855 tertiary
Bulevar Ideológico way 505877 tertiary
Bulevar Lagarto Alegre way 505884 tertiary
Bulevar Langostas way 505885 tertiary
Bulevar Metasecoyas way 505891 tertiary
Bulevar San Francisco way 505899 tertiary
Bulevar Universidad way 505900 tertiary
Bulevar Universidad way 505901 tertiary
Bulevar Universidad way 505902 tertiary
Bulevar Universidad way 505903 tertiary
Bulevar Universidad way 505904 tertiary
Bulevar Universidad way 505905 tertiary
Bulevar Universidad way 505906 tertiary
Bulevar Universidad way 505907 tertiary
Bulevar Universidad way 505908 tertiary
Calle 10 way 505928 unclassified
Calle 11 way 505941 unclassified
Calle 2 way 506083 unclassified
Calle 3 way 506121 unclassified
Calle 4 way 506159 unclassified
Calle 418 (CM#70E) way 506168 tertiary
Calle 6 way 506211 unclassified
Calle 7 way 506223 unclassified
Calle 8 way 506227 unclassified
Calle 82 way 506236 tertiary
Calle 82 way 506237 tertiary
Calle 82 way 506238 residential
Calle 82 way 506239 residential
Calle 82 way 506240 tertiary
Calle 9 way 506254 unclassified
Calle A way 506265 unclassified
Calle Albatroses way 506274 unclassified
Calle Albatroses way 506275 unclassified
Calle Albatroses way 506276 unclassified
Calle Albatroses way 506277 unclassified
Calle Avellanos way 506288 residential
Calle B way 506289 unclassified
Calle Baules way 506292 residential
Calle C way 506302 unclassified
Calle Canada way 506310 unclassified
Calle Carros way 506319 residential
Calle Centro way 506322 unclassified
Calle Chonova way 506324 unclassified
Calle Claudio Márquez way 506325 tertiary
Calle Claudio Márquez way 506326 residential
Calle Corazones way 506329 residential
Calle Cresta way 506330 pedestrian
Calle Cresta way 506332 residential
Calle Cáncer way 506333 unclassified
Calle D way 506336 unclassified
Calle Desiertos way 506337 unclassified
Calle Desiertos way 506338 unclassified
Calle Dirigibles way 506342 residential
Calle Dolores Gottlieb way 506344 residential
Calle E way 506347 unclassified
Calle Efraín García way 506349 residential
Calle Elena Gómez-Burroughs way 506351 residential
Calle Elevadores way 506352 residential
Calle Energía way 506353 unclassified
Calle Enero way 506354 unclassified
Calle Entrerrieles way 506357 unclassified
Calle Escocia way 506358 unclassified
Calle Ispelia way 506360 unclassified
Calle Ispelia way 506361 unclassified
Calle Estación way 506362 unclassified
Calle F way 506367 unclassified
Calle Florencio Flood way 506373 unclassified
Calle Francia way 506374 unclassified
Calle Francia way 506375 unclassified
Calle Fundadores way 506378 unclassified
Calle Fábricas way 506379 residential
Calle G way 506380 unclassified
Calle Gobierno way 506383 unclassified
Calle H way 506386 unclassified
Calle Horacio Hollingsworth way 506392 residential
Calle Hospital way 506395 residential
Calle Huertas way 506396 unclassified
Calle I way 506400 unclassified
Calle Ignacio Papuart way 506403 residential
Calle Iguana way 506404 unclassified
Calle Invierno way 506407 residential
Calle J way 506409 unclassified
Calle José Errázuriz way 506410 residential
Calle Juan Card Díaz way 506412 unclassified
Calle Juan Carlos Sozzini way 506413 residential
Calle Juan María Núñez way 506415 secondary
Calle Juana Lizardi way 506416 residential
Calle K way 506417 unclassified
Calle L way 506422 unclassified
Calle La Justicia way 506424 residential
Calle Las Ramblas way 506427 tertiary
Calle Las Ramblas way 506428 residential
Calle Luna way 506436 residential
Calle Luna way 506437 unclassified
Calle M way 506439 unclassified
Calle Malecón way 506441 unclassified
Calle Miel way 506447 residential
Calle Moises Tarski way 506448 residential
Calle Máquina way 506456 residential
Calle Méjico way 506457 unclassified
Calle N way 506458 unclassified
Calle Néstor Pierce way 506467 residential
Calle O way 506468 unclassified
Calle Orlando Duquederrosas way 506472 residential
Calle Orlando Duquederrosas way 506474 residential
Calle Otoño way 506475 residential
Calle Palmeras way 506477 residential
Calle Quetzal way 506497 tertiary
Calle Román Gore way 506502 residential
Calle Rueda way 506505 unclassified
Calle Rulfo way 506508 residential
Calle Ruth Morris de Yi way 506509 residential
Calle Telégrafo way 506532 residential
Calle Tristezas way 506539 residential
Calle Tristezas way 506540 residential
Calle Verano way 506546 residential
Calle Viaducto way 506547 residential
Calle Viaducto way 506548 residential
Calle Viaducto way 506549 residential
Calle Yolanda Castro de Gris way 506553 residential
Calle Zabalcunde way 506554 unclassified
Calle el Oro way 506560 unclassified
Calle Ángel Keum way 506564 unclassified
Callejón Zumalacárregui way 506569 unclassified
Camino Orilla Derecha way 506596 unclassified
Camino Orilla Derecha way 506597 unclassified
Camino San Francisco way 506604 tertiary
Avenida Estoque RN 5 primary
Camino de Delta RN 5 primary
Camino de Delta RN 5 primary
Avenida Estoque RN 5 primary
Cape Street way 506628 unclassified
Carretera Costera AC 5 motorway
Carretera Costera AC 5 motorway
Carretera Costera AC 5 motorway
Carretera Costera AC 5 motorway
Diagonal 17 de Noviembre way 506709 tertiary
Diagonal 17 de Noviembre way 506710 tertiary
Diagonal Grandes Lagos way 506725 secondary
Diagonal Grandes Lagos way 506728 secondary
Diagonal Grandes Lagos way 506734 secondary
Glorieta Federación way 506825 secondary
Glorieta Nacional way 506828 primary
Gotts Place Avenue DS 98 secondary
Malecón Palmeras way 506919 tertiary
Malecón Palmeras way 506920 tertiary
Malecón Palmeras way 506921 tertiary
Malecón Palmeras way 506922 residential
Malecón Palmeras way 506923 tertiary
Malecón Palmeras way 506924 tertiary
Malecón Pulpo Norte way 506925 residential
Malecón Pulpo Sur way 506926 residential
Mary Street way 506929 tertiary
Nicholas Jameson Boulevard way 506941 tertiary
Northshore Drive way 506942 tertiary
Overhill Road way 506944 tertiary
Pasaje Ayuntamiento way 507059 residential
Pasaje Cabra way 507060 residential
Pasaje Carrito way 507064 residential
Pasaje Coloquios way 507065 pedestrian
Pasaje Coloquios way 507066 pedestrian
Pasaje Coloquios way 507067 residential
Pasaje Cresta way 507070 pedestrian
Pasaje Escalera way 507075 residential
Pasaje Escalera way 507076 residential
Pasaje Gerardo Robinson way 507078 unclassified
Pasaje Joyas way 507085 residential
Pasaje Joyerías way 507086 unclassified
Pasaje Lobo way 507088 unclassified
Pasaje Lobo way 507089 unclassified
Pasaje Lombriz way 507090 residential
Pasaje Metasecoya way 507093 residential
Pasaje Músicos way 507096 residential
Pasaje Oraciones way 507098 residential
Pasaje Pasto way 507100 residential
Pasaje Pintores way 507101 residential
Pasaje Poetas way 507102 residential
Pasaje Quentín di Battista way 507103 residential
Pasaje Roca Roque Santisidro way 507104 pedestrian
Pasaje Roca Roque Santisidro way 507105 pedestrian
Pasaje Roca Roque Santisidro way 507106 residential
Pasaje Roca Roque Santisidro way 507107 pedestrian
Pasaje Topacio way 507108 residential
Pasaje Vista way 507110 residential
Pasaje Vista way 507111 residential
Paseo Jirafa way 507140 pedestrian
Plaza 17 de Noviembre way 507177 tertiary
Plaza Día Nuevo way 507182 pedestrian
Plaza Gerardo Robinson way 507184 pedestrian
Plaza Hexágono way 507186 residential
Plaza Máquina way 507188 pedestrian
Plaza San Jorge way 507191 pedestrian
Plaza Zabalcunde way 507193 pedestrian
Plaza de Ilusiones way 507197 pedestrian
Plaza de la Frontera - Estación way 507198 pedestrian
Plaza debajo Rieles - Pittsbourg de Caracol way 507199 pedestrian
Puerto Contenedores Acceso way 507202 service
Redcrosse Street way 507212 tertiary
Redcrosse Street way 507213 unclassified
Vía Azar way 507282 unclassified
Vía Azar way 507283 unclassified
way 507822 service
way 507823 service
way 507857 unclassified
way 507874 service
way 507875 service
way 507886 service
way 507890 service
way 507891 service
way 507896 service
way 507897 service
way 507900 service
way 507931 service
Avenida Bombas way 510220 unclassified
Avenida Camiones way 510221 unclassified
Avenida Central way 510222 pedestrian
Avenida Central way 510223 unclassified
Avenida Cuadro way 510224 unclassified
Avenida División way 510225 unclassified
Avenida Guardia Civil way 510226 unclassified
Avenida Parque way 510227 tertiary
Avenida Raimundo Kershaw (CP#9S) way 510228 tertiary
Avenida Raimundo Kershaw (CP#9S) way 510229 tertiary
Avenida Refinerías way 510230 tertiary
Avenida Reina way 510231 tertiary
Avenida Rey way 510232 tertiary
Avenida Tanques way 510233 unclassified
Avenida Volquete way 510234 unclassified
Bulevar Coco Loco way 510236 unclassified
Bulevar Lope de Grey way 510238 tertiary
Bulevar Lope de Grey (CM#68E) way 510239 tertiary
Bulevar Metasecoyas way 510240 tertiary
Bulevar Palmeras way 510241 tertiary
Bulevar Palmeras way 510242 tertiary
Bulevar Rumbirrazuria way 510243 secondary
Bulevar Rumbirrazuria way 510244 secondary
Bulevar Rumbirrazuria way 510245 secondary
Bulevar Rumbirrazuria way 510246 secondary
Bulevar Rumbirrazuria way 510247 secondary
Bulevar Rumbirrazuria way 510248 secondary
Punto de Rumbirrazuria way 510249 secondary
Calle Alerces way 510250 tertiary
Calle Alerces way 510251 tertiary
Calle Alerces way 510252 tertiary
Calle Alerces way 510253 unclassified
Calle Alerces way 510254 unclassified
Calle Ambrosio Anil Yi way 510255 residential
Calle Arañas way 510256 motorway
Calle Arañas way 510257 motorway
Calle Arañas way 510258 motorway
Calle Arañas way 510259 motorway
Calle Arañas way 510260 motorway
Calle Arañas way 510261 motorway
Calle Arañas way 510262 tertiary
Calle Arañas way 510263 tertiary
Calle Arañas way 510264 secondary
Calle Arañas way 510265 secondary
Calle Aristoteles Worthington way 510266 residential
Calle Avellanos way 510267 unclassified
Calle Bosque way 510268 unclassified
Calle Casandra Baum Sepúlveda way 510269 unclassified
Calle Casandra Baum Sepúlveda way 510270 unclassified
Calle Castaños way 510271 unclassified
Calle Iglesia way 510272 unclassified
Calle Iglesia way 510273 unclassified
Calle Inmigrantes way 510274 unclassified
Calle Malecón way 510275 tertiary
Calle Manzanos way 510276 tertiary
Calle Manzanos way 510277 tertiary
Calle Metasecoyas way 510278 tertiary
Calle Naranjos way 510279 unclassified
Calle Naranjos way 510280 unclassified
Calle Parroquia way 510281 unclassified
Calle Perales way 510282 tertiary
Calle Perales way 510283 tertiary
Calle Piceas way 510284 unclassified
Calle Pinos way 510285 unclassified
Calle Pinos way 510286 unclassified
Calle Robles way 510287 unclassified
Calle Rocío Sainz Thorvald way 510288 unclassified
Calle Rufino Chue way 510289 unclassified
Calle San Pedro way 510290 unclassified
Calle Sempronio Cassanova way 510291 unclassified
Calle Velorio Daralbeid way 510292 unclassified
Calle Zeno Pérez Petrovich way 510293 unclassified
Calle de Navigantes way 510294 unclassified
Calle de Navigantes way 510295 unclassified
Calle de Navigantes way 510296 unclassified
Camino Vertedero way 510297 unclassified
Carretera de la Playa way 510298 motorway
Carretera de la Playa way 510299 motorway
Carretera de las Playas way 510300 motorway
Carretera de las Playas way 510301 motorway
Túnel Carretera de las Playas way 510302 motorway
Túnel Carretera de las Playas way 510303 motorway
Malecón Igriegapé way 510308 unclassified
Malecón Igriegapé way 510309 pedestrian
Malecón Isabel Richard way 510310 tertiary
Paseo Playa way 510317 tertiary
Paseo Playa way 510318 tertiary
Carretera de la Playa way 510319 motorway
Paseo Playa way 510320 tertiary
Plaza Sol y Luna way 510323 pedestrian
way 510368 service
way 510369 service
Avenida Agamemnon way 517605 residential
Avenida Aquiles way 517606 residential
Avenida Barcaza way 517607 tertiary
Avenida Hector way 517608 residential
Avenida Helena way 517609 residential
Avenida Iliada way 517610 residential
Avenida Julián Hawkesmoor way 517611 tertiary
Avenida Julián Hawkesmoor way 517612 tertiary
Avenida Julián Hawkesmoor way 517613 tertiary
Avenida Odisea way 517614 residential
Avenida Petronio Robilyle way 517615 unclassified
Avenida Petronio Robilyle way 517616 unclassified
Avenida Petronio Robilyle way 517617 unclassified
Avenida Tetrarca Puig way 517618 unclassified
Avenida Troya way 517619 tertiary
Avenida Troya way 517620 tertiary
Avenida Troya way 517621 tertiary
Avenida Ángel Keum RN 5 primary
Avenida Ángel Keum RN 5 primary
Avenida Ángel Keum RN 5 primary
Avenida Ángel Keum RN 5 primary
Avenida Ángel Keum RN 5 primary
Avenida Ángel Keum RN 5 primary
Avenida Ángel Keum RN 5 primary
Avenida Ángel Keum RN 5 primary
Avenida Ángel Keum RN 5 primary
Avenida Ángel Keum RN 5 primary
Bulevar 1 way 517639 residential
Bulevar 2 way 517640 residential
Bulevar 3 way 517641 residential
Bulevar 4 way 517642 residential
Bulevar 5 way 517643 residential
Bulevar 6 way 517644 residential
Bulevar 7 way 517645 residential
Bulevar 7 way 517646 residential
Bulevar 8 way 517647 residential
Bulevar 8 way 517648 residential
Bulevar 8 way 517649 residential
Bulevar 9 way 517650 residential
Bulevar 9 way 517651 residential
Calle 67 way 517663 tertiary
Calle 67 way 517664 tertiary
Calle 67 way 517665 tertiary
Calle 68 way 517666 tertiary
Calle 68 way 517667 tertiary
Calle 78 way 517675 residential
Calle Apolonio Condedetorres way 517678 residential
Calle Arquíloco Aguirre way 517679 residential
Calle Baltasar Chong way 517680 residential
Calle Camal Asidi way 517683 residential
Calle Carlos de Leuze way 517684 residential
Calle Casandra Baum Sepúlveda way 517685 residential
Calle Catalina Echevarría Schwartz way 517686 residential
Calle Eneas Gurtubay Marx way 517687 residential
Calle Faustino Korzeniowski way 517688 unclassified
Calle Faustino Korzeniowski way 517689 unclassified
Calle Gregorio Redcrosse way 517690 residential
Calle Ildefonso Narbáez way 517691 residential
Calle Ivo Baek way 517693 residential
Calle Jack Woss way 517694 residential
Calle Lombrices way 517695 tertiary
Calle Lombrices way 517696 tertiary
Calle Marciano Way Ordóñez way 517697 residential
Calle Mateo Batlle way 517698 residential
Calle Montano d'Arcy (P) way 517699 tertiary
Calle Montano d'Arcy (P) way 517700 tertiary
Calle Numitor Gold Peretti way 517701 tertiary
Calle Numitor Gold Peretti way 517702 unclassified
Calle Orlando Duquederrosas way 517703 residential
Calle Petronio Robilyle way 517705 residential
Calle Q way 517706 unclassified
Calle R way 517707 unclassified
Calle S way 517708 unclassified
Calle T way 517710 unclassified
Calle Tiberio Kirk way 517711 residential
Calle Trabajadores way 517712 unclassified
Calle U way 517713 unclassified
Autopista de Peaje Suroriental AP 5 motorway
Autopista de Peaje Suroriental AP 5 motorway
Autopista de Peaje Suroriental AP 5 motorway
Autopista de Peaje Suroriental AP 5 motorway
Autopista de Peaje Suroriental AP 5 motorway
Autopista de Peaje Suroriental AP 5 motorway
Carretera de las Playas way 517729 motorway
Carretera de las Playas way 517730 motorway
Carretera de las Playas way 517731 motorway
Carretera de las Playas way 517732 motorway
Carretera de las Playas way 517733 motorway
Carretera de las Playas way 517734 motorway
Carretera de las Playas way 517735 motorway
Carretera de las Playas way 517736 motorway
Carretera de las Playas way 517737 motorway
Carretera de las Playas way 517738 motorway
Carretera de las Playas way 517739 motorway
Carretera de las Playas way 517740 motorway
Carretera de las Playas way 517741 motorway
Carretera de las Playas way 517742 motorway
Carretera de las Playas way 517743 motorway
Carretera de las Playas way 517744 motorway
Conector way 517748 tertiary
Conector way 517749 tertiary
Diagonal Historia way 517751 tertiary
Pasaje Abundio Conrad way 517792 residential
Pasaje Abundio Conrad way 517793 residential
Paseo Dido Quintana Song way 517794 tertiary
Paseo Dido Quintana Song way 517795 tertiary
Paseo Montano d'Arcy way 517796 tertiary
Paseo Montano d'Arcy way 517797 tertiary
Paseo Montano d'Arcy way 517798 tertiary
Paseo Pantanos way 517799 unclassified
Paseo Sempronio Cassanova way 517800 tertiary
Paseo Sempronio Cassanova way 517802 tertiary
Paseo de los Gansos way 517805 residential
Plaza Estación Gran Playa way 517807 pedestrian
way 517876 service
Bulevar Coco Loco way 519544 tertiary
Bulevar Coco Loco way 519545 residential
Bulevar Iruña way 519546 tertiary
Bulevar Jacarandas way 519547 unclassified
Bulevar La Ballena way 519548 tertiary
Bulevar San Gil way 519549 tertiary
Calle Acianos way 519554 residential
Calle Begonias way 519555 residential
Calle Camomilas way 519556 residential
Calle Damascos way 519557 tertiary
Calle Driadas way 519558 residential
Calle Driadas way 519559 residential
Calle Enjauladas way 519560 residential
Calle Enjauladas way 519561 residential
Calle Fumarias way 519562 unclassified
Calle Fumarias way 519563 residential
Calle Gaspar Graves García way 519564 residential
Calle Geranios way 519565 residential
Calle Hierbabuena way 519566 residential
Calle Ilusiones way 519567 residential
Calle Jacarandas way 519568 residential
Calle Lotos way 519569 residential
Calle Rocío Sainz Thorvald way 519570 residential
Calle Suburbios way 519571 unclassified
Calle Tetrarca Puig way 519572 residential
Camino Medialuna way 519576 tertiary
Camino Tumbas way 519577 tertiary
Pasaje Frente way 519584 unclassified
Paseo Playa way 519585 tertiary
Paseo Playa way 519586 tertiary
Bulevar Castaños way 520953 residential
Bulevar Cedros way 520954 residential
Bulevar Cipreses way 520955 residential
Bulevar Fresnos way 520956 residential
Bulevar Olmos way 520957 residential
Bulevar Piceas way 520958 residential
Calle Artes way 520959 residential
Calle Ciegos way 520960 residential
Calle Ciencias way 520961 residential
Calle Facultades way 520962 residential
Calle Genios way 520963 residential
Calle Mudos way 520964 residential
Calle Sueños way 520965 unclassified
Calle Tigre way 520966 residential
Calle Urnas way 520967 residential
Avenida Aurelio Sombroek way 521983 tertiary
Avenida Aurelio Sombroek way 521984 tertiary
Avenida Aurelio Sombroek way 521985 tertiary
Avenida Aurelio Sombroek way 521986 tertiary
Avenida Aurelio Sombroek way 521987 tertiary
Avenida Ángel Keum RN 5 primary
Avenida Ángel Keum RN 5 primary
Avenida Ángel Keum RN 5 primary
Avenida Ángel Keum RN 5 primary
Bulevar 7 way 521992 residential
Calle 35 way 521993 tertiary
Calle 35 way 521994 tertiary
Calle 36 way 521995 residential
Avenida Soldados way 524810 tertiary
Avenida Soldados way 524811 tertiary
Avenida del Estado way 524812 residential
Bulevar 1 way 524813 residential
Bulevar 2 way 524814 residential
Bulevar 3 way 524815 unclassified
Bulevar 4 way 524816 residential
Bulevar 4 way 524817 residential
Bulevar 5 way 524818 residential
Bulevar 5 way 524819 residential
Bulevar 7 way 524820 residential
Bulevar 9 way 524821 residential
Calle 91 way 524829 residential
Calle Agosto way 524830 unclassified
Calle Agosto way 524831 unclassified
Calle Agosto way 524832 unclassified
Calle Agosto way 524833 unclassified
Calle Algodón way 524834 unclassified
Calle Octubre way 524841 unclassified
Calle Setiembre way 524842 unclassified
Calle Épica way 524844 residential
way 525128 service
way 525129 service
Calle Bellas Aguas way 532966 unclassified
Calle Cocina way 532968 unclassified
Calle Focos way 532971 unclassified
Diagonal Grandes Lagos way 532979 secondary
Diagonal Grandes Lagos way 532980 secondary
Diagonal Grandes Lagos way 532981 secondary
Diagonal Grandes Lagos way 532982 secondary
way 533100 service
(CM#72E) way 558479 residential
(CP#22S) way 558480 unclassified
(CP#24S) way 558481 unclassified
(CP#24S) way 558482 unclassified
(CP#25S) way 558483 unclassified
(CP#25S) way 558484 unclassified
Avenida Cien Años way 558576 tertiary
Avenida Cien Años way 558577 tertiary
Avenida Elodio Takehashi way 558578 secondary
Avenida Elodio Takehashi way 558579 secondary
Bulevar 10 way 558586 tertiary
Bulevar Costera Dir. Este way 558587 tertiary
Bulevar Costera Dir. Este way 558588 tertiary
Bulevar Costera Dir. Este way 558589 tertiary
Bulevar Costera Dir. Oeste way 558590 tertiary
Bulevar Costera Dir. Oeste way 558591 tertiary
Calle 102 way 558609 tertiary
Calle 406 (CM#68E) way 558652 residential
Calle 418 (CM#70E) way 558653 tertiary
Camino del Cruce (CM#73 E) way 558654 tertiary
Calle 442 (CM#74 E) way 558655 tertiary
Calle 74 way 558656 tertiary
Calle 74 way 558657 tertiary
Calle 75 way 558658 tertiary
Calle 75 way 558659 tertiary
Calle 77 way 558660 residential
Calle 77 way 558661 residential
Calle 78 way 558663 residential
Calle 78 way 558664 residential
Calle 79 way 558665 residential
Calle 79 way 558666 residential
Calle 80 way 558667 residential
Calle 80 way 558668 residential
Calle 83 way 558669 residential
Calle 83 way 558670 residential
Calle 84 way 558671 residential
Calle 84 way 558672 residential
Calle 85 way 558674 residential
Calle 86 way 558675 residential
Calle 86 way 558676 residential
Calle 87 way 558677 residential
Calle 88 way 558678 tertiary
Calle 89 way 558679 tertiary
Calle 89 way 558680 tertiary
Calle Bailadores way 558688 residential
Calle Buendía way 558689 residential
Calle Caballero way 558690 residential
Calle Centro de la Islita way 558693 pedestrian
Calle Centro de la Islita way 558694 pedestrian
Calle Complejidades way 558695 residential
Calle Jardín way 558715 residential
Calle León way 558718 residential
Calle Madreselva way 558720 residential
Calle Mercadito way 558724 residential
Calle Plomo way 558729 residential
Calle Simpleza way 558738 residential
Calle Templo way 558742 residential
Carretera Constitución way 558750 tertiary
Carretera Constitución way 558751 tertiary
Paseo Molinos de Viento way 558899 tertiary
Paseo Molinos de Viento way 558900 tertiary
Paseo Molinos de Viento way 558901 tertiary
Paseo Molinos de Viento way 558902 tertiary
Plaza Puente way 558921 pedestrian
Bulevar Caminos way 564750 residential
Bulevar Canales way 564751 residential
Bulevar Costera Dir. Este way 564752 tertiary
Bulevar Costera Dir. Este way 564753 tertiary
Bulevar Costera Dir. Este way 564754 tertiary
Bulevar Costera Dir. Oeste way 564755 tertiary
Bulevar Costera Dir. Oeste way 564756 tertiary
Bulevar Costera Dir. Oeste way 564757 tertiary
Bulevar Costera Dir. Oeste way 564758 tertiary
Bulevar Puentes way 564759 residential
Bulevar Puertos way 564760 residential
Bulevar Túneles way 564761 residential
Calle 89 way 564763 residential
Calle 89 way 564764 tertiary
Calle Armadura way 564765 residential
Calle Bolero way 564766 residential
Calle Compañía way 564767 residential
Calle Javier Bloefeldt way 564768 residential
Calle Muamar Uqbar way 564769 residential
Calle Piñas way 564770 pedestrian
Calle Piñas way 564771 residential
Calle Primo way 564772 residential
(CP#28S) way 574762 residential
Camino Playa Petrolia (CP#29S) way 574763 tertiary
Camino Playa Petrolia (CP#29S) way 574764 tertiary
(CP#30S) way 574765 residential
(CP#30S) way 574766 residential
Calle de Granjas (CP#30S) way 574767 residential
Camino de Jonia way 575250 tertiary
Malecón de Jonia way 575402 residential
(CM#102E) way 583161 unclassified
(CM#103E) way 583162 unclassified
(CM#104E) way 583163 unclassified
(CM#105E) way 583164 unclassified
(CM#106E) way 583165 unclassified
(CP#11S) way 583166 unclassified
(CP#12S) way 583167 unclassified
(CP#13S) way 583168 unclassified
way 589448 residential
way 589449 residential
way 589450 residential
way 589451 residential
way 589452 residential
way 589453 residential
way 589454 residential
way 589455 residential
way 589456 residential
way 589457 tertiary
way 589458 residential
way 589459 residential
way 589460 residential
way 589461 residential
way 589462 residential
way 589463 residential
way 589464 residential
way 589514 residential
way 589515 residential
Calle 101 way 589517 residential
way 589518 residential
way 589519 residential
way 589520 residential
way 589521 residential
way 589522 residential
way 589523 residential
way 589524 residential
way 589525 residential
way 589526 residential
way 589527 residential
way 589528 residential
way 589529 residential
way 589530 residential
way 589531 residential
way 589533 residential
way 589534 residential
way 589535 residential
way 589536 residential
way 589537 residential
way 589538 tertiary
way 589539 residential
way 589540 residential
way 589541 residential
Calle Lago Victoria way 596305 unclassified
Apple Road way 600722 tertiary
Astral Road way 600723 unclassified
Beer Cross Street way 600724 residential
Belerophon Circus way 600725 tertiary
Belerophon Street way 600726 tertiary
Belerophon Street way 600727 tertiary
Billly Street way 600728 unclassified
Blood Canyon Drive way 600729 tertiary
Brain Drive way 600731 residential
Cantata Street way 600732 unclassified
Caravel Street way 600733 unclassified
Carmen Street way 600734 unclassified
Cork Street way 600735 tertiary
Corsair Street way 600736 unclassified
Cyclops Road way 600738 unclassified
Daniel Menores Street way 600739 unclassified
Davies Street way 600740 residential
De Leon Street way 600741 residential
Delta Street way 600742 unclassified
Delta Street way 600743 unclassified
Delta Street way 600744 unclassified
Diamond Drive way 600745 residential
Elephant Street way 600746 unclassified
Elephant Street way 600747 unclassified
Elephant Street way 600748 unclassified
Fairfax Street way 600749 unclassified
Felinity Road way 600750 unclassified
Ferry Street way 600751 unclassified
Fifth Avenue way 600752 unclassified
Fong Street way 600753 unclassified
Ford Beach Drive way 600755 tertiary
Forest Drive way 600756 tertiary
Foucault Street way 600757 residential
Garden Road way 600758 residential
Glass Street way 600759 residential
Golde Creek Drive way 600760 residential
Gordon Road way 600761 unclassified
Gotham Road way 600762 tertiary
Grape Street way 600764 unclassified
Grape Street way 600765 unclassified
Gunn Street way 600766 residential
Harbour Road way 600768 tertiary
Huidobro Street way 600769 unclassified
Huidobro Street way 600770 unclassified
Incarnadine Road way 600771 residential
Incarnadine Road way 600772 residential
Loro Street way 600773 unclassified
Magadasca Road way 600774 residential
Marks Road way 600776 tertiary
Mission Road way 600777 tertiary
Mission Road way 600778 tertiary
Mission Road way 600779 tertiary
Mission Road way 600780 tertiary
Mission Road way 600781 tertiary
Mission Road way 600782 tertiary
Musket Street way 600783 unclassified
Palace Street way 600785 residential
Pepper Street way 600786 unclassified
Playera Street way 600787 unclassified
Pork Street way 600788 residential
Premier Street way 600789 unclassified
Pyle Street way 600790 unclassified
Red Dragon Street way 600792 unclassified
Redcrosse Street way 600793 tertiary
Ridge Drive way 600794 unclassified
Robilyle Street way 600795 unclassified
Rule Street way 600796 unclassified
Stevens Road way 600797 unclassified
Stone Street way 600798 unclassified
Sunshine Road way 600799 unclassified
Syndicates Road way 600800 tertiary
Syndicates Road way 600801 tertiary
Syndicates Road way 600802 tertiary
Syndicates Road way 600803 tertiary
Syndicates Road way 600804 tertiary
Syndicates Road way 600805 tertiary
Tamarin Street way 600806 residential
Tew Street way 600808 residential
Valley Street way 600809 tertiary
Westpoint Drive way 600810 unclassified
White Lion Road way 600812 tertiary
Workingmans Street way 600814 unclassified
Bulevar 1 way 622259 residential
Calle 38 way 622274 tertiary
Calle Huertas way 622279 tertiary
Calle Serpientes way 622291 tertiary
Avenida del Estado Lado Sur RN 3 primary
Bulevar 3 way 630815 service
Bulevar 3 way 630816 residential
Calle 41 way 630817 residential
Calle 43 way 630819 residential
Calle 44 way 630821 residential
Calle 45 way 630823 residential
Calle Adalia Bedalia way 630824 residential
Calle Adán Mamedovi way 630825 residential
Calle Cipriano Márquez Hoffman way 630826 residential
Calle Ginebra Camilleri way 630827 residential
Paseo Puerto de la Ría way 630843 tertiary
Avenida del Estado Lado Sur RN 3 primary
Avenida Germán Carlyle way 639559 tertiary
Avenida Germán Carlyle way 639560 tertiary
Calle 56 way 639561 residential
Calle 61 way 639567 residential
Pasaje Aurora McKenzie way 639580 residential
Pasaje Benedicto Ponte Ribera way 639582 residential
Pasaje Diógenes Carapreta way 639583 residential
Pasaje Dulcina Haight way 639584 residential
Pasaje Ernesto Colón way 639585 residential
Pasaje Fabio Rocha way 639586 residential
Pasaje Garabina Matanzas Saa way 639587 residential
Pasaje Julieta Merrion way 639588 residential
Pasaje Pitágoras Gyongu So way 639589 residential
Pasaje Romeo Locke way 639590 residential
Pasaje Susana Fitzsimmon Obando way 639591 residential
Pasaje Tobías Goh way 639592 residential
Pasaje Ursulina Santiago de Pell way 639593 residential
Pasaje Virgilio Saint-James way 639594 residential
(CP#13S) way 649590 unclassified
(CP#14S) way 649591 unclassified
Camino Cerro Tempestad way 649592 tertiary
(CM#100E) way 649597 unclassified
(CM#101E) way 649598 unclassified
(CP#2S) way 649599 unclassified
Camino Jabalíes (CP#3S) way 649600 unclassified
Camino Cebada-Cualahualú way 649607 unclassified
Camino Cebada-Quiroga RN 3 primary
(CP#11S) way 649871 unclassified
(CP#12S) way 649872 unclassified
(CP#9S) way 649873 unclassified
Camino Avena (CP#10S) way 649874 tertiary
Camino Libro Bueno (CP#12S) way 649875 tertiary
Paseo Guardia Civil (CP#8S) way 649876 tertiary
Paseo Guardia Civil (CP#8S) way 649877 tertiary
(CP#7S) way 649898 unclassified
Avenida Constitución way 649899 residential
Avenida Los Ferrocarrileros way 649900 residential
Avenida Puente Viejo RN 31; RN 34 primary
Avenida Puente Viejo RN 31; RN 34 primary
Avenida Puente Viejo RN 31; RN 34 primary
Avenida Puente Viejo RN 31; RN 34 primary
Bulevar Verde y Blanco RN 34 primary
Bulevar Victoria Persson RN 3 primary
Bulevar Victoria Persson RN 3 primary
Calle Federación way 649909 tertiary
Calle Iglesia way 649910 residential
Calle Ignacio Quiroga way 649911 residential
Calle Independencia way 649912 residential
Calle Mercado way 649913 residential
Calle del Loro (CP#8S) way 649914 tertiary
Camino Aquilino Sanpedro (CM#104E) way 649915 tertiary
Camino Aquilino Sanpedro (CM#104E) way 649916 tertiary
Malecón Derecho de Quiroga RN 3 primary
Malecón Derecho de Quiroga RN 3 primary
Malecón Derecho de Quiroga way 649953 residential
Malecón Izquierdo de Quiroga way 649954 residential
Marina Street way 745804 unclassified
Reina McQueen Street way 745805 unclassified
Apple Jim Drive way 745916 unclassified
Cold Street way 745917 unclassified
Grass Street way 745918 unclassified
West Island Road way 745999 unclassified
Camino Jabalíes (CP#3S) way 837492 unclassified
Camino Jabalíes (CP#3S) way 837493 unclassified
Calle Bahia Negra way 958214 unclassified
Calle Coluto Scarborough way 958215 unclassified
Calle Victoria Persson way 958216 unclassified
Camino Norte way 958217 tertiary
Camino Sur way 958218 tertiary
Camino Sur way 958219 tertiary
Camino Sur way 958220 tertiary
Calle Corta way 958237 unclassified
Calle Embarcación way 958238 unclassified
Calle Lagarto way 958239 unclassified
Bulevar 6 way 969847 residential
Calle 65 way 969848 residential
Bulevar Avellanos way 969853 residential
Calle Arbustos way 969860 residential
Calle la Florida way 969882 unclassified
Calle 1a way 969887 unclassified
Calle 3 way 969888 unclassified
Calle Palacios way 969889 residential
way 969897 service
way 969898 service
way 969899 service
Calle Huerta way 969914 tertiary
Calle Huerta way 969915 unclassified
Camino del Estado way 969916 primary
Camino del Estado way 969917 primary
Apple Road way 970293 tertiary
Blood Canyon Drive way 970294 tertiary
Bone Jouke Street way 970296 residential
Chaos Court way 970297 service
Connector way 970298 tertiary
Elvira Ordon-Grabb Way way 970299 residential
Fair Street way 970300 residential
Forest Drive way 970301 residential
Government Hill Road way 970302 tertiary
Kepplinne Road way 970303 unclassified
Lion Street way 970304 residential
Marks Road way 970305 tertiary
New Maaiza Canyon Road way 970306 tertiary
New Maaiza Canyon Road way 970307 tertiary
New Maaiza Canyon Road way 970308 tertiary
Promanade Way way 970309 residential
Talus Street way 970310 unclassified
Knocker Street way 1086087 residential
Regina Street way 1086088 unclassified
Pancreas Street way 1086089 residential
Lemontree Street way 1086090 tertiary
Tarborough Street way 1086091 unclassified
Cerro Street way 1086092 residential
Saint Basil Road way 1086093 unclassified
Gravity Road way 1086094 residential
Party Road way 1086095 unclassified
Fish Street way 1086096 unclassified
Guy Lego Road way 1086097 tertiary
Cove Street way 1086098 residential
Carnation Street way 1086099 unclassified
Balloon Street way 1086100 residential
Sempronius Cassanova Street way 1086101 unclassified
Balavalonia Street way 1086102 unclassified
Livingstone Court way 1086103 residential
Guyenne Street way 1086104 unclassified
Soaring Brick Street way 1086105 residential
Teak Court way 1086106 unclassified
Hippopotamus Place way 1086107 residential
Akinyaka Street way 1086108 residential
Hiltonia Street way 1086110 residential
Trevor Court way 1086111 unclassified
Botany Court way 1086112 unclassified
Purple Hat Street way 1086113 unclassified
Seahorse Court way 1086114 residential
Zoo Street way 1086115 unclassified
Pine Street way 1086116 residential
Plate Court way 1086117 residential
Orion Place way 1086118 unclassified
Alliance Street way 1086119 residential
Ecstasy Street way 1086120 residential
Schwaldia Street way 1086121 residential
Consul Place way 1086122 residential
Pisces Place way 1086123 unclassified
James Place way 1086124 unclassified
Goblin Street way 1086125 residential
Flag Street way 1086126 residential
Pile Street way 1086127 residential
Clove Street way 1086128 unclassified
Doubt Street way 1086129 residential
Lyr Street way 1086130 residential
Bright Street way 1086131 unclassified
Perfume Street way 1086132 residential
Speckled Egg Street way 1086133 residential
Theater Court way 1086134 unclassified
Mahogany Court way 1086135 unclassified
Alora Street way 1086136 residential
Scale Court way 1086137 unclassified
Tiger Street way 1086138 unclassified
Marble Street way 1086139 residential
Drum Street way 1086140 unclassified
Wheel Street way 1086141 unclassified
Cordoba Street way 1086142 residential
Birch Court way 1086143 unclassified
Florescenta Place way 1086144 unclassified
Albor de Gronik Street way 1086145 residential
Nellappe Street way 1086146 unclassified
Toast Court way 1086147 unclassified
Hack Street way 1086148 residential
Vine Street way 1086149 residential
Northurland Street way 1086150 unclassified
Tarephia Place way 1086151 residential
Cthulu Court way 1086152 unclassified
Agamemnon Court way 1086153 unclassified
Anarchy Place way 1086154 unclassified
Ponderosa Court way 1086155 unclassified
Castro de Gris Street way 1086156 residential
Mighty Street way 1086157 residential
Moron Street way 1086159 residential
Squid Street way 1086160 unclassified
Vashion Court way 1086161 unclassified
Basket Street way 1086162 residential
Cask Street way 1086163 unclassified
Soapstone Place way 1086164 residential
Syrup Gulch Court way 1086165 residential
Philosophy Place way 1086166 residential
Finger Place way 1086167 unclassified
Ispelia Street way 1086168 unclassified
Flame Street way 1086169 unclassified
Mud Street way 1086170 unclassified
Zone Street way 1086171 unclassified
Darcodia Place way 1086172 residential
Almond Street way 1086173 unclassified
Mephistopheles Court way 1086174 unclassified
Center Street way 1086175 unclassified
Uletha Street way 1086176 unclassified
Donkey-Hotay Road way 1086177 tertiary
Hero Street way 1086178 tertiary
Willowyck Road way 1086179 tertiary
Skyline Drive way 1086180 tertiary
Time Street way 1086181 unclassified
Bristlecone Street way 1086182 unclassified
Castaway Street way 1086183 residential
Rocinante Street way 1086184 residential
Salad Street way 1086185 unclassified
Cariocas Street way 1086186 residential
Grand Street way 1086187 unclassified
Piston Street way 1086188 unclassified
Ray Street way 1086189 residential
Dumptruck Street way 1086190 residential
Prospect Place way 1086191 unclassified
Code Street way 1086192 residential
Napoleon Street way 1086193 residential
Karolia Street way 1086194 unclassified
Vane Street way 1086195 unclassified
Agency Court way 1086196 residential
Driver Street way 1086197 unclassified
Terrace Place way 1086198 residential
Rifle Street way 1086199 residential
Lusland Street way 1086200 residential
Rockland Street way 1086201 unclassified
Bus Street way 1086202 unclassified
Water Street way 1086203 residential
Perfect Place way 1086204 unclassified
Paravel Street way 1086205 residential
Paxtar Street way 1086206 residential
Umbrella Place way 1086207 unclassified
Nickel Street way 1086208 unclassified
Byorn Street way 1086209 residential
Fool's Notion Place way 1086210 residential
Mill Street way 1086211 unclassified
Dusk Street way 1086212 unclassified
Rolling Dog Road way 1086213 unclassified
Black Sheep Drive way 1086214 unclassified
Slavonia Street way 1086215 unclassified
Costume Place way 1086216 residential
Inara Street way 1086217 unclassified
Tomato Street way 1086218 unclassified
Paxton Place way 1086219 residential
Turkey Street way 1086220 residential
Luna Mork Place way 1086221 residential
Brythion Street way 1086222 residential
Scandmark Street way 1086223 unclassified
Woolonia Street way 1086225 unclassified
Rocinante Street way 1086226 residential
Gelland Street way 1086227 unclassified
Frankonia Place way 1086228 unclassified
Three Monkeys Street way 1086229 residential
Machine Street way 1086230 residential
Fantasy Court way 1086231 residential
Balfour Street way 1086232 residential
Guitar Street way 1086233 residential
Grantham Place way 1086234 residential
Kangaroo Street way 1086235 residential
Turtle Street way 1086236 residential
Vortex Street way 1086237 unclassified
Quack Street way 1086238 residential
Justo Espantoso Street way 1086239 unclassified
Egg Street way 1086240 unclassified
Smoke Street way 1086241 unclassified
Cloak Street way 1086242 residential
Rainbow Street way 1086243 unclassified
Peanut Street way 1086244 residential
Cram Street way 1086245 unclassified
Box Street way 1086246 residential
Coriolus Place way 1086247 unclassified
Drill Street way 1086248 unclassified
Bullion Drive way 1086249 residential
Yellow Street way 1086250 unclassified
Six Birds Street way 1086251 residential
Ataraxia Place way 1086252 residential
Ant Street way 1086253 unclassified
Blackford Street way 1086254 unclassified
Vega Street way 1086255 residential
Pink Bucket Street way 1086256 residential
Sancho Street way 1086257 residential
Rogolnika Street way 1086258 residential
Rice Street way 1086259 residential
Cascande Street way 1086260 unclassified
Redolent Street way 1086261 unclassified
Mordor Street way 1086262 unclassified
Solipsism Street way 1086263 residential
Sulpher Street way 1086264 residential
Southpoint Way way 1086265 unclassified
Wooden Way way 1086266 residential
Sonela Gohi Street way 1086267 residential
Lackluster Drive way 1086268 unclassified
Swamp Street way 1086269 residential
Orinoco Place way 1086270 residential
Bellevue Street way 1086271 unclassified
Llama Place way 1086272 residential
Porto Colon Place way 1086273 unclassified
Mug Street way 1086274 unclassified
Cake Street way 1086275 unclassified
Dorcas Place way 1086276 residential
Latin Street way 1086277 residential
Embers Place way 1086278 unclassified
Cherry Blossom Place way 1086279 unclassified
Wheat Street way 1086280 unclassified
Casper Street way 1086281 unclassified
Zigzag Street way 1086282 residential
Dubious Drive way 1086283 residential
Ralph Throop Street way 1086284 residential
Chessbridge Street way 1086285 unclassified
Mann Street way 1086286 residential
Eschaton Street way 1086287 residential
Van Pelt Street way 1086288 residential
Delenter Street way 1086289 unclassified
Mahhal Street way 1086290 unclassified
Blast Street way 1086291 unclassified
Violet This Place way 1086292 unclassified
Alligator Street way 1086293 residential
Orange Street way 1086294 unclassified
Quota Street way 1086295 unclassified
Planet Street way 1086296 residential
Blaire Street way 1086297 residential
Coriander Drive way 1086298 unclassified
Gloom Street way 1086299 residential
Cleongart Street way 1086300 residential
Kyrie Street way 1086301 residential
Sire Street way 1086302 unclassified
Hogwart Street way 1086303 unclassified
Vernor Street way 1086304 unclassified
Sunrise Street way 1086305 residential
Graves Garcia Street way 1086306 residential
Cassandra Street way 1086307 residential
Donkey-Hotay Road way 1086308 unclassified
Mall Street way 1086309 unclassified
Brace Street way 1086310 unclassified
Skyline Drive way 1086311 tertiary
Parker Drive way 1086312 tertiary
Socket Road way 1086313 residential
Mooly Moz Drive way 1086314 residential
Fashion Park Drive way 1086315 residential
Astral Road way 1086615 unclassified
Belgravia Street way 1086616 unclassified
Blackbird Street way 1086617 unclassified
Blow Street way 1086618 unclassified
Bodhi Street way 1086619 unclassified
Cable Street way 1086620 residential
Calles Street way 1086621 unclassified
Chestnut Street way 1086623 unclassified
Chieftain Street way 1086624 unclassified
Cormorant Street way 1086625 unclassified
Dawn Redwood Street way 1086626 unclassified
Dolores Glen Road way 1086627 tertiary
Donkey-Hotay Road way 1086628 tertiary
Dostoyevsky Street way 1086629 unclassified
Draught Street way 1086630 unclassified
Earth Street way 1086631 unclassified
Earth Street way 1086632 unclassified
Eighth Avenue way 1086633 unclassified
Fifth Avenue way 1086635 unclassified
Fifth Avenue way 1086636 unclassified
Fifth Avenue way 1086637 unclassified
Flake Street way 1086638 unclassified
Foal Street way 1086639 unclassified
Fourth Avenue way 1086640 unclassified
Fourth Avenue way 1086641 unclassified
Freedom Street way 1086642 unclassified
Game Street way 1086643 unclassified
Garnet Street way 1086644 unclassified
Gobras Street way 1086645 unclassified
Gold Street way 1086646 unclassified
Graff Street way 1086649 unclassified
Holly Street way 1086650 unclassified
Huidobro Street way 1086651 unclassified
Jason Street way 1086652 unclassified
Key Street way 1086653 unclassified
Khaiwoon Street way 1086654 unclassified
Lambert Street way 1086655 unclassified
Locke Street way 1086656 unclassified
Locke Street way 1086657 unclassified
Lolcat Road way 1086658 unclassified
Lomax Street way 1086659 unclassified
Maitreya Street way 1086660 unclassified
Nicholas Jameson Boulevard way 1086661 unclassified
Nicholas Jameson Boulevard way 1086662 tertiary
Ninth Avenue way 1086663 unclassified
Oracle Street way 1086664 tertiary
Oracle Street way 1086665 unclassified
Oracle Street way 1086666 service
Pear Street way 1086667 unclassified
Pear Street way 1086668 unclassified
Pretany Street way 1086669 unclassified
Saint Basil Road way 1086670 tertiary
School Road way 1086671 unclassified
Seacombe Street way 1086672 unclassified
Seventh Avenue way 1086673 unclassified
Sixth Avenue way 1086674 unclassified
Sixth Avenue way 1086675 unclassified
Soul Street way 1086676 unclassified
Tang Court way 1086677 unclassified
Third Avenue way 1086679 unclassified
Third Avenue way 1086680 unclassified
Tin Street way 1086681 unclassified
Torch Street way 1086682 unclassified
Tribe Street way 1086683 unclassified
Tripp Street way 1086684 unclassified
Troubador Alley way 1086685 unclassified
Cronshire Street way 1086686 unclassified
Crisis Street way 1086687 residential
Nezteca Street way 1086688 unclassified
Lucian Jones Drive way 1086689 residential
Glee Drive way 1086690 unclassified
Wisteria Street way 1086691 residential
Bilious Drive way 1086692 unclassified
Borax Drive way 1086693 unclassified
Falcon Street way 1086694 residential
Delenshire Street way 1086695 unclassified
Polidor Grijalva Street way 1086696 unclassified
Ash Street way 1086697 unclassified
Thunderbird Road way 1086698 service
Engden Street way 1086699 service
Syntax Street way 1086700 unclassified
Hamilton Street way 1086701 residential
Lucid Place way 1086702 unclassified
Belphenia Street way 1086703 unclassified
Brewery Street way 1086704 unclassified
Rose Street way 1086705 residential
Usonia Street way 1086706 unclassified
Wall Court way 1086707 unclassified
Mecyna Street way 1086708 residential
Sovereignty Place way 1086709 residential
Surrender Place way 1086710 residential
Coconut Street way 1086711 residential
Norman Place way 1086712 unclassified
Liddy Lane way 1086713 unclassified
Platypus Court way 1086714 unclassified
Dolphin Street way 1086715 residential
Franklin Street way 1086716 residential
Drevet Street way 1086717 unclassified
Ghost Court way 1086718 residential
Pencil Place way 1086719 unclassified
Oil Street way 1086720 unclassified
Paint Street way 1086721 unclassified
Iguana Court way 1086722 unclassified
Green Cow Court way 1086723 residential
Grey Court way 1086724 unclassified
Docent Court way 1086725 unclassified
Short Street way 1086726 residential
Two Stones Court way 1086727 residential
Gregtonia Street way 1086728 residential
Grok Place way 1086730 unclassified
Arataran Street way 1086731 unclassified
Blueberry Street way 1086732 residential
Beaudry Street way 1086733 residential
Morgan Street way 1086734 residential
Milbrae Court way 1086735 unclassified
Cleopatra Street way 1086736 unclassified
Mariana Underwood Street way 1086737 unclassified
Truck Street way 1086738 unclassified
Habibi Place way 1086740 unclassified
Xerxes Street way 1086741 unclassified
Sink Street way 1086742 unclassified
Royal Place way 1086743 unclassified
Union Place way 1086744 service
Federation Place way 1086745 unclassified
Valdivia Street way 1086746 residential
Banana Street way 1086747 residential
Greg Street way 1086748 unclassified
Alchemist Street way 1086749 residential
Bank Street way 1086750 unclassified
Pan Court way 1086751 unclassified
Oyster Court way 1086752 unclassified
Vitamin Street way 1086753 service
Dandria Place way 1086754 residential
Lawn Place way 1086755 unclassified
Chara Street way 1086756 residential
Daisy Court way 1086757 unclassified
Kraken Court way 1086758 unclassified
Deadman Court way 1086759 residential
Crossbow Place way 1086760 unclassified
Meilan Street way 1086761 residential
Chionova Street way 1086762 unclassified
Mint Street way 1086763 residential
Synagogue Place way 1086764 residential
Beard Street way 1086765 residential
Flea Street way 1086766 unclassified
Golem Street way 1086767 residential
Goat Street way 1086768 residential
Quinoa Street way 1086769 unclassified
Traffic Place way 1086770 unclassified
Pylon Hill Place way 1086771 unclassified
Pico Court way 1086772 unclassified
Georgian Street way 1086773 unclassified
Barnacle Place way 1086774 residential
Nucia Street way 1086775 unclassified
Clover Court way 1086776 unclassified
Oat Street way 1086777 unclassified
Thomas Hiyakawa Court way 1086778 unclassified
Lobby Street way 1086779 unclassified
Booker Street way 1086780 residential
Pluto Court way 1086781 residential
Poseidon Court way 1086782 unclassified
Root Street way 1086783 unclassified
Plane Street way 1086784 service
Thul Street way 1086785 residential
Unamuno Street way 1086786 residential
Moth Court way 1086787 unclassified
Thurston Street way 1086788 residential
Jessitim Street way 1086789 unclassified
Jump Street way 1086790 unclassified
Hosusi Street way 1086791 unclassified
Underpass Street way 1086792 unclassified
Lagoon Street way 1086793 unclassified
Albertson Court way 1086794 residential
Salvora Street way 1086795 unclassified
Mire Street way 1086796 unclassified
Fakir Place way 1086797 unclassified
Clipper Street way 1086798 residential
Ismikk Street way 1086799 unclassified
Harda Street way 1086800 service
Can Street way 1086801 unclassified
Andover Street way 1086802 unclassified
Darling Street way 1086803 tertiary
Autonomy Place way 1086804 residential
Bourbon Street way 1086806 unclassified
Pencil Place way 1086807 residential
Carbon Court way 1086808 residential
Altazor Street way 1086809 residential
Oa Street way 1086810 residential
Veteran Place way 1086811 unclassified
Saxondale Street way 1086812 unclassified
Winburgh Street way 1086813 residential
Paradise Place way 1086814 residential
Migrant Street way 1086815 unclassified
Compass Rose Place way 1086816 residential
Cinnamon Street way 1086817 unclassified
Penrose Street way 1086818 residential
Ostrich Place way 1086819 unclassified
Tarrases Street way 1086820 unclassified
Lucid Place way 1086821 unclassified
Copper Street way 1086822 residential
Viper Road way 1086823 residential
Fox Street way 1086824 residential
Charlotte Street way 1086825 service
Symbol Street way 1086826 residential
Rakka Street way 1086827 unclassified
Piracy Place way 1086828 residential
Bayland Street way 1086829 unclassified
Asylum Street way 1086830 residential
Strawberry Place way 1086831 residential
Navy Street way 1086832 service
Honeysuckle Court way 1086833 unclassified
Track Street way 1086834 residential
Victoria Persson Place way 1086835 unclassified
Chicken Street way 1086836 residential
Takora Street way 1086837 unclassified
Cog Street way 1086838 unclassified
Iron Crown Street way 1086839 unclassified
Corpus Street way 1086840 residential
Reaper Street way 1086841 unclassified
Sector Place way 1086842 unclassified
Wool Street way 1086843 residential
Weather Street way 1086844 unclassified
Vogon Street way 1086845 residential
Periwinkle Court way 1086846 residential
Kiln Street way 1086847 unclassified
Freedemia Street way 1086848 residential
Koala Place way 1086849 unclassified
Petrarch Hong Hollister Street way 1086850 unclassified
Hagegart Street way 1086851 unclassified
Leopard Court way 1086852 unclassified
Northrop Court way 1086853 service
Polo Street way 1086854 unclassified
Giraffe Street way 1086855 unclassified
Filament Street way 1086856 unclassified
Galicia Street way 1086857 residential
Argyle Street way 1086858 residential
Blunt Court way 1086859 unclassified
Black's Hill Place way 1086860 residential
Barbican Street way 1086861 unclassified
Mazan Street way 1086862 unclassified
Skeleton Place way 1086863 unclassified
Pest Road way 1086864 unclassified
Jirki Street way 1086865 unclassified
Ceres Court way 1086866 residential
Octopus Street way 1086867 residential
Rye Street way 1086868 unclassified
Mystery Place way 1086869 unclassified
Argon Street way 1086870 residential
Meridonia Street way 1086871 unclassified
Saxen Halley Street way 1086872 unclassified
Blanco Christensen Place way 1086873 unclassified
Bocabanga Street way 1086874 residential
Bison Street way 1086875 unclassified
Dark Street way 1086876 unclassified
Rosalie Street way 1086877 unclassified
Tara Street way 1086878 residential
Erihents Street way 1086879 residential
President Street way 1086880 service
Revolution Place way 1086881 residential
Sharanmut Street way 1086882 residential
Florio Gasquet Street way 1086883 residential
Fang Street way 1086884 residential
Austral Street way 1086885 unclassified
Grace Street way 1086886 unclassified
Inretsk Street way 1086887 unclassified
Lack Street way 1086888 unclassified
Sigismund Dexter Street way 1086889 residential
Hospice Street way 1086890 unclassified
Jackal Street way 1086891 unclassified
Mint Street way 1086892 residential
Hesiod Le Blond Street way 1086893 residential
Volt Street way 1086894 unclassified
Bread Street way 1086895 tertiary
Kelp Street way 1086897 unclassified
Pasundan Street way 1086898 unclassified
Kelp Street way 1086899 unclassified
Onnutu Street way 1086900 unclassified
Pool Street way 1086901 residential
Mounfolk Street way 1086902 unclassified
Crown Street way 1086903 unclassified
Brotherhood Place way 1086904 residential
Dystopian Drive way 1086905 residential
Colsex Street way 1086906 unclassified
Newton Place way 1086907 residential
Spider Street way 1086908 unclassified
Garlis Street way 1086909 unclassified
Puh Street way 1086910 residential
Barley Street way 1086911 residential
Vineyard Place way 1086912 unclassified
Imp Street way 1086913 unclassified
Zylanda Street way 1086914 residential
Bradlen Street way 1086915 unclassified
Rum Street way 1086916 unclassified
Deer Street way 1086917 unclassified
Pie Street way 1086918 unclassified
Ignorance Street way 1086919 residential
Blooming Hill Drive way 1086920 unclassified
Gin Street way 1086921 unclassified
Sluice Street way 1086922 residential
Industrial Street way 1086923 unclassified
Cannibal Court way 1086924 residential
Picard Street way 1086925 residential
Victoria Persson Place way 1086926 residential
Mountain Street way 1086927 residential
Heretic Drive way 1086928 unclassified
Camel Street way 1086929 unclassified
Antarephia Street way 1086930 residential
Gloaming Street way 1086931 unclassified
Pumpernickel Street way 1086932 unclassified
Phlogiston Street way 1086933 unclassified
Flax Street way 1086934 unclassified
Pest Road way 1086935 unclassified
Tyranny Street way 1086936 residential
Slanshire Street way 1086937 unclassified
Nixon Street way 1086938 unclassified
Color Street way 1086939 residential
Che Kim Street way 1086940 unclassified
Gumby Drive way 1086941 residential
Pheasant Street way 1086942 unclassified
Taxonomy Street way 1086943 residential
Hellion Street way 1086944 unclassified
Fungus Street way 1086945 unclassified
Hemp Street way 1086946 unclassified
Peter Comala Street way 1086947 residential
Coastal Drive way 1086948 unclassified
Snake Street way 1086949 residential
Pantaloon Place way 1086950 unclassified
Seaview Street way 1086951 unclassified
Rocky Point Drive way 1086952 unclassified
Frog Street way 1086953 unclassified
Combat Street way 1086954 residential
Midland Street way 1086955 unclassified
Rocky Point Drive way 1086956 unclassified
Wesfolk Street way 1086957 unclassified
Pentacle Street way 1086958 residential
Null Street way 1086959 unclassified
Hampton Place way 1086960 unclassified
Voluptuous Place way 1086961 residential
Palm Street way 1086962 unclassified
Fog Street way 1086963 unclassified
Four Crosses Street way 1086964 unclassified
Darling Street way 1086965 residential
Gunnery Street way 1086966 unclassified
Prester John Street way 1086967 residential
Sculptors Place way 1086968 residential
Jasperham Street way 1086969 tertiary
Donosio Kim Street way 1086970 unclassified
Van Kill Street way 1086971 unclassified
Veil Place way 1086972 unclassified
Walnut Street way 1086973 unclassified
Wiwaxia Street way 1086974 unclassified
Chessbridge Street way 1087000 unclassified
Chessbridge Street way 1087001 unclassified
Northshore Drive way 1087003 tertiary
Polidor Grijalva Street way 1087004 unclassified
Alice Michaelson Múñoz Street way 1087089 residential
Black's Hill Lookout way 1087092 pedestrian
Blatant Beast Street way 1087093 residential
Bronze Street way 1087094 unclassified
Captain Place way 1087095 residential
Cargo Street way 1087096 unclassified
Cargo Street way 1087097 unclassified
Clipper Street way 1087098 unclassified
Column Court way 1087099 residential
Cutten Place way 1087100 residential
Cutten Place way 1087101 residential
Dolores Glen Square way 1087102 pedestrian
Garlic Place way 1087103 residential
Gorgon Steps way 1087104 pedestrian
Government Hill Road way 1087105 tertiary
Government Hill Road way 1087106 residential
Library Street way 1087109 residential
Lichen Court way 1087110 residential
Magic Street way 1087111 residential
Moss Court way 1087113 residential
Parsley Street way 1087114 residential
Petrarch Hong Hollister Street way 1087115 residential
Roast Street way 1087116 unclassified
Saxondale Street way 1087117 unclassified
Saxondale Street way 1087118 unclassified
Thunderbird Road way 1087119 service
Track Street way 1087120 unclassified
Winburgh Square way 1087121 pedestrian
Archanta Boulevard way 1087162 tertiary
Astrolabe Street way 1087163 unclassified
Axel Road way 1087164 tertiary
Barrack Court way 1087165 residential
Belmont Street way 1087166 residential
Bottle Street way 1087167 unclassified
Bourne Street way 1087168 residential
Bread Street High Bridge way 1087169 tertiary
Bread Street way 1087170 tertiary
Capybara Street way 1087171 residential
Chisel Road way 1087172 residential
Cluster Place way 1087173 residential
Cluster Place way 1087174 residential
Cockle Road way 1087175 residential
Dryden Street way 1087176 service
Duck Street way 1087177 residential
Elm Street way 1087178 unclassified
Frankonia Place way 1087179 pedestrian
Fulsom Street way 1087180 residential
Fulsom Street way 1087181 residential
Grout Street way 1087182 residential
Gryphon Court way 1087183 unclassified
Hammer Road way 1087185 residential
Hole Street way 1087186 residential
Horst Street way 1087187 residential
Incarnadine Road way 1087189 tertiary
Industrial Street way 1087190 unclassified
Industrial Street way 1087191 unclassified
Lubbock Street way 1087192 residential
Mango Street way 1087193 unclassified
Mount Garrison Road way 1087195 tertiary
Null Street way 1087197 unclassified
Peele Street way 1087198 residential
Pond Street way 1087199 residential
Porpoise Street way 1087200 residential
Port Colon Square way 1087202 pedestrian
Queene Street way 1087203 residential
Queene Street way 1087204 residential
Rampart Street way 1087205 residential
Rhode Street way 1087206 unclassified
Rumpus Road way 1087207 residential
Science Court way 1087208 residential
Slowell Street way 1087209 residential
Smoot Road way 1087210 residential
Snow Street way 1087211 unclassified
Stadium Street way 1087212 residential
Tangerine Street way 1087213 unclassified
Tarott Road way 1087214 residential
Theodosius Johnson Street way 1087215 residential
Thilo Street way 1087216 residential
Tiberius Kirk Place way 1087217 residential
Tinder Place way 1087218 residential
Toll Place way 1087219 unclassified
Vat Hill Place way 1087221 residential
Vladimir Smith Street way 1087222 unclassified
Zebullon Road way 1087224 residential
way 1087225 service
Axiom Boulevard way 1087323 tertiary
Axiom Boulevard way 1087324 tertiary
Capricorn Way way 1087325 residential
Cerro Street way 1087326 tertiary
Costa Way way 1087327 residential
Day Street way 1087328 residential
Desert Way way 1087329 residential
Ecstasy Street way 1087330 residential
Ingerland Street way 1087332 residential
Kalm Street way 1087333 residential
Lake Way way 1087334 residential
Mount Garrison Road way 1087336 tertiary
Mount Garrison Road way 1087337 tertiary
Night Street way 1087338 residential
Ocean Way way 1087339 residential
Orthodox Way way 1087340 residential
Astrolabe Way way 1087341 residential
Pleides Way way 1087342 residential
Centaur Way way 1087343 residential
Pitcavage Way way 1087344 residential
River Way way 1087345 residential
Roantra Street way 1087346 residential
Sagitarrius Way way 1087347 residential
Sathria Street way 1087348 residential
Scoop Street way 1087349 residential
Sierra Way way 1087350 residential
Sunset Street way 1087351 residential
Beach Drive way 1087452 unclassified
Cape Street way 1087453 tertiary
Earnaness Boulevard way 1087454 tertiary
Gotts Place Avenue DS 98 secondary
Joy Street way 1087457 unclassified
Kune Road way 1087458 tertiary
Sumter Boulevard way 1087459 unclassified
Bilious Drive way 1087490 unclassified
Corn Street way 1087491 unclassified
Craft Street way 1087492 unclassified
Oscar Street way 1087493 residential
Party Road way 1087494 unclassified
Party Road way 1087495 unclassified
Quartz Street way 1087496 unclassified
Tomb Street way 1087498 unclassified
Traveller Street way 1087499 unclassified
Bell Court way 1087518 unclassified
Bluff Street way 1087519 unclassified
Bottom Street way 1087520 unclassified
Cemetery Street way 1087521 unclassified
Cobbler Place way 1087522 unclassified
Collar Court way 1087523 unclassified
Covenant Street way 1087524 unclassified
Drake Street way 1087525 unclassified
Fall Street way 1087526 unclassified
Farm Street way 1087527 unclassified
Kepplinne Road way 1087529 residential
Knife Court way 1087530 unclassified
Kringle Street way 1087531 unclassified
Load Street way 1087532 unclassified
Luke Street way 1087533 unclassified
Mission Road way 1087534 tertiary
Orchard Street way 1087535 unclassified
Oven Street way 1087536 unclassified
Overlook Street way 1087537 unclassified
Pebble Street way 1087538 unclassified
Rake Street way 1087539 unclassified
Shire Street way 1087541 unclassified
Stranger Street way 1087542 unclassified
Una Street way 1087543 unclassified
Vast Court way 1087544 unclassified
War Street way 1087545 unclassified
Alexander Court way 1087670 residential
Basalt Place way 1087671 residential
Bonnet Street way 1087672 residential
Buckle Street way 1087673 residential
Chessbridge Street way 1087674 unclassified
Chessbridge Street way 1087675 unclassified
Civil Guard Way way 1087676 residential
Flood Place way 1087677 residential
Granite Place way 1087678 residential
Grasshopper Avenue way 1087679 tertiary
Grasshopper Avenue way 1087680 tertiary
Gravity Road way 1087681 residential
Gravity Road way 1087682 residential
Grubb Street way 1087683 residential
Hero Street way 1087684 tertiary
Hero Street way 1087685 tertiary
Hero Street way 1087686 tertiary
Hero Street way 1087687 tertiary
Jeremy Drive way 1087688 residential
Knocker Street way 1087689 residential
Knocker Street way 1087690 residential
Lemontree Street way 1087691 tertiary
Lemontree Street way 1087692 tertiary
Ooqabar Street way 1087693 residential
Peacock Court way 1087694 residential
Scarlet Drive way 1087695 residential
Taylor Street way 1087696 residential
Turkey Street way 1087697 residential
Turkey Street way 1087698 residential
way 1087699 service
way 1087700 service
way 1087701 service
way 1087702 service
way 1087703 service
way 1087704 service
way 1087705 service
way 1087706 service
way 1087707 service
way 1087708 service
way 1087709 service
way 1087710 service
way 1087711 service
way 1087712 service
way 1087713 service
way 1087714 service
way 1087715 service
way 1087716 service
way 1087717 service
way 1087718 service
Archimago Street way 1087757 unclassified
Beam Street way 1087758 unclassified
Cracker Street way 1087759 unclassified
Cracker Street way 1087760 unclassified
Curtain Street way 1087761 unclassified
Dagger Street way 1087762 unclassified
Dancinggirl Street way 1087763 unclassified
Dolores Glen Road way 1087764 tertiary
Elf Street way 1087765 unclassified
Enterprise Street way 1087766 unclassified
Eye Street way 1087767 unclassified
Faro Street way 1087768 unclassified
Foam Street way 1087769 unclassified
Frame Drive way 1087770 unclassified
Guasco Street way 1087771 unclassified
Gulf Street way 1087772 unclassified
Gwynian Street way 1087773 unclassified
Hove Street way 1087774 unclassified
Indigo Street way 1087775 unclassified
Judge Street way 1087776 unclassified
Kincaid Street way 1087777 unclassified
Livery Street way 1087778 unclassified
Lizard Street way 1087779 unclassified
Marvin Court way 1087780 unclassified
Otter Street way 1087781 unclassified
Pike Street way 1087782 unclassified
Pluck Street way 1087783 unclassified
Point Street way 1087784 unclassified
Silhouette Street way 1087785 unclassified
Sorrel Street way 1087786 unclassified
Spark Street way 1087787 unclassified
Spine Street way 1087788 unclassified
Tap Street way 1087789 unclassified
Troll Street way 1087790 unclassified
Una Street way 1087791 unclassified
William Street way 1087793 unclassified
Window Street way 1087794 unclassified
Cain Road way 1097730 tertiary
Cain Road way 1097731 tertiary
Cain Road way 1097732 tertiary
Elvira Ordon-Grabb Boulevard way 1097733 tertiary
Jack Woss Creek Road way 1097734 tertiary
Kune Road way 1097735 tertiary
Sesame Street way 1097736 unclassified
Thyme Street way 1097737 unclassified
Calle Baldomero Abramowitz (CP#29S) way 1099846 residential
Camino Calmagai (Calle 424) way 1099918 tertiary
Camino Playa Petrolia (CP#29S) way 1099919 tertiary
Camino Playa Petrolia way 1099920 tertiary
Bulevar Cuatrocientos (CM#67E) way 1100197 tertiary
Bulevar Cuatrocientos (CM#67E) way 1100198 tertiary
Calle Albalonga way 1100199 residential
Calle Albatros way 1100200 residential
Calle Altazor way 1100201 residential
Calle Avestruces way 1100202 residential
Calle Baldomero Abramowitz (CP#29S) way 1100203 residential
Calle Baldomero Abramowitz (CP#29S) way 1100204 residential
Calle Californio Côté way 1100205 residential
Calle Camiones way 1100206 residential
Calle Cormorán way 1100207 residential
Calle Doctores way 1100208 residential
Calle Dragones way 1100209 residential
Calle Dunas way 1100210 residential
Calle Falange way 1100211 residential
Calle Federación way 1100212 residential
Calle Fideos way 1100213 residential
Calle Fideos way 1100214 tertiary
Calle Independencia way 1100215 residential
Calle Jenócrates Templeton way 1100216 residential
Calle Juan Card Díaz way 1100217 residential
Calle Lagarto way 1100218 residential
Calle Lucero Solvay way 1100219 residential
Calle Lónica way 1100220 residential
Calle Pelícano way 1100221 residential
Calle Petrolio way 1100222 residential
Calle Plataformas way 1100223 residential
Calle Presidentes way 1100224 residential
Calle Tristeza way 1100225 residential
Calle Triángulo way 1100226 residential
Calle de Armas way 1100227 residential
Camino Bármanon way 1100228 tertiary
Camino Playa Petrolia way 1100229 tertiary
Camino Playa Petrolia way 1100230 tertiary
Camino Bármanon way 1100267 tertiary
Camino Bármanon way 1100268 tertiary
Calle Alcázar way 1100462 residential
Calle Amor way 1100463 residential
Calle Arbusto way 1100464 residential
Calle Arcoiris way 1100465 residential
Calle Arcoiris way 1100466 residential
Calle Ardillas way 1100467 residential
Calle Barcazas way 1100468 residential
Calle Bosque way 1100469 residential
Calle Caballo way 1100470 residential
Calle Calmagai way 1100471 residential
Calle Canal way 1100472 residential
Calle Canal way 1100473 residential
Calle Colonia way 1100474 residential
Calle Corta way 1100475 residential
Calle Cándido Kim way 1100476 residential
Calle Diego de Gillidette way 1100477 residential
Calle Escuela way 1100478 residential
Calle Escuela way 1100479 residential
Calle Estante way 1100480 residential
Calle Industria way 1100481 residential
Calle Jonia way 1100482 tertiary
Calle Lirios way 1100483 residential
Calle Luna way 1100484 residential
Calle Mangle way 1100485 residential
Calle Mangle way 1100486 residential
Calle Mediodía way 1100487 residential
Calle Nutrias way 1100488 residential
Calle Rosas way 1100489 residential
Calle Sol way 1100490 residential
Calle Violetas way 1100491 residential
Calle Zanahoria way 1100492 residential
Camino Jibillibia (CM#73 E) way 1100493 tertiary
Camino Jibillibia way 1100494 tertiary
Camino Viejo way 1100495 residential
Camino de Jonia way 1100496 tertiary
Camino de Jonia way 1100497 tertiary
Malecón de Jonia way 1100500 tertiary
way 1100502 service
way 1100503 service
Calle Amor way 1100509 residential
Calle Hesíodo Le Blond way 1100510 residential
Calle Hesíodo Le Blond way 1100511 residential
Calle Luna way 1100512 residential
Calle de Granjas way 1100513 residential
Avenida Mar way 1100591 tertiary
Bulevar del Arca way 1100592 tertiary
Bulevar del Arca DS 75 secondary
Calle 1 way 1100594 residential
Calle 4 way 1100595 residential
Calle 5 way 1100596 residential
Calle Anuncio way 1100597 residential
Calle Cabritas way 1100598 residential
Calle Parque Perdido way 1100599 residential
Calle Pájaros way 1100600 residential
Calle Árbol way 1100601 residential
Calle Árbol way 1100602 residential
Camino Jibillibia way 1100603 residential
Camino Valentín Gimferrer way 1100604 tertiary
Camino Valentín Gimferrer way 1100605 residential
Malecón de Jibillibia way 1100606 residential
(CP#24S) way 1100741 unclassified
(CP#25S) way 1100742 unclassified
Calle Anaranjado way 1100743 residential
Calle Azul way 1100744 residential
Calle Blanca way 1100745 residential
Calle Negra way 1100746 residential
Calle Roja way 1100747 residential
Calle Río del Au way 1100748 residential
Calle Verde way 1100749 residential
Calle Victoria Persson way 1100750 residential
Camino Cerro Reyes way 1100751 residential
Camino Chupaconejos (CM#111E) RN 31; DS 33 primary
Camino Chupaconejos RN 31 primary
Camino Nochebuena way 1100754 residential
Quegunta Road way 1105794 tertiary
Quegunta Road way 1105795 tertiary
Quegunta Road way 1105796 tertiary
Quegunta Road way 1105797 tertiary
Quegunta Road way 1105798 tertiary
Quegunta Road way 1105799 tertiary
Quegunta Road way 1105800 tertiary
Avenida 1a way 1106522 tertiary
way 1106526 unclassified
way 1106527 unclassified
way 1106528 unclassified
way 1106529 unclassified
way 1106531 unclassified
way 1106533 unclassified
way 1106534 unclassified
way 1106535 unclassified
way 1106536 unclassified
way 1106537 unclassified
way 1106538 unclassified
way 1106539 unclassified
way 1106540 unclassified
way 1106541 unclassified
way 1106542 unclassified
Calle Florencio Flood way 1106543 unclassified
way 1106544 unclassified
way 1106545 unclassified
Calle Nombre de Nadie way 1106546 unclassified
way 1106547 unclassified
way 1106548 unclassified
way 1106549 unclassified
way 1106550 unclassified
way 1106551 unclassified
way 1106552 unclassified
way 1106553 unclassified
way 1106554 unclassified
way 1106555 unclassified
way 1106556 unclassified
way 1106557 unclassified
way 1106558 unclassified
way 1106559 unclassified
way 1106560 unclassified
Avenida Federación way 1111522 residential
Avenida Juan María Nuñez way 1111523 residential
Avenida Norte way 1111524 residential
Avenida Ramiro Dozy DS 75 secondary
Avenida Ramiro Dozy way 1111526 tertiary
Avenida Ramiro Dozy DS 75 secondary
Avenida Sur way 1111528 residential
Bulevar Victoria Persson (CP#28S) way 1111529 tertiary
Bulevar Victoria Persson (CP#28S) way 1111530 tertiary
Bulevar Victoria Persson (CP#28S) way 1111531 tertiary
Bulevar Victoria Persson way 1111532 tertiary
Calle 1 Occidental way 1111533 residential
Calle 1 Oriental way 1111534 residential
Calle 2 Occidental way 1111535 residential
Calle 2 Oriental way 1111536 residential
Calle 3 Oriental way 1111537 residential
Calle 4 Oriental way 1111538 residential
Calle 508 (CM#85E) way 1111539 tertiary
Calle 508 (CM#85E) way 1111540 tertiary
Calle 514 (CM#86E) way 1111541 tertiary
Calle 520 (CM#87E) way 1111542 tertiary
Calle El Rey way 1111543 residential
Calle Marina way 1111544 unclassified
Calle Petronio de Klein way 1111545 residential
Calle Raquel Coffey Sakamoto way 1111546 residential
Calle Sol way 1111547 unclassified
Calle de Armas way 1111548 residential
Calle de Armas way 1111549 residential
Camino Jesús Lonsdale Farrar (CM#80E) way 1111552 tertiary
Camino Jesús Lonsdale Farrar (CM#80E) way 1111553 tertiary
Camino Jesús Lonsdale Farrar (CM#80E) way 1111554 tertiary
Camino La Regla (CM#81E) way 1111555 tertiary
Camino Pausanias Anzaldua (CM#88E) way 1111556 tertiary
Camino Pausanias Anzaldua (CM#88E) way 1111557 tertiary
Camino Península (CM#79E) way 1111558 tertiary
Camino Península way 1111559 tertiary
Camino San Sebastián DS 75 secondary
Camino Verigruvia way 1111561 tertiary
Camino Verigruvia way 1111562 tertiary
Camino Verigruvia way 1111563 tertiary
Camino Verigruvia way 1111564 tertiary
Camino Verigruvia way 1111565 tertiary
Camino de Delta (CM#89E) RN 5 primary
Camino de Delta (CM#89E) RN 5 primary
Camino de Delta RN 5 primary
Camino de la Costa RN 98 primary
Vía Pájaros way 1111589 tertiary
Camino Quebrada Alta del Desolado way 1116713 tertiary
Camino Quebrada Alta del Desolado way 1116714 tertiary
Via del Arroyo way 1116715 tertiary
Via del Arroyo way 1116716 tertiary
Calle Cervantes way 1116766 secondary
Calle Cigüeñas way 1116767 unclassified
Calle Eva Gehrenbeck way 1116768 unclassified
Calle Florencio Flood way 1116769 unclassified
Calle Hilda Mercy way 1116770 unclassified
Calle Mirlos way 1116771 unclassified
Calle Puerto - Puente Parque Lázaro way 1116772 unclassified
Calle Tormenta way 1116773 unclassified
Camino Quebrada Alta del Desolado way 1116774 tertiary
Camino Quebrada Alta del Desolado way 1116775 tertiary
Vía Pájaros way 1117611 tertiary
Vía Pájaros way 1117612 tertiary
Camino Anochecer way 1119268 tertiary
Camino Anochecer way 1119269 tertiary
Camino Anochecer way 1119270 tertiary
Camino Carretas way 1119271 tertiary
Camino Carretas way 1119272 tertiary
Camino Carretas way 1119273 tertiary
Camino Cerdos way 1119274 tertiary
Camino Constantino Stanck way 1119275 tertiary
Avenida C way 1119384 unclassified
Avenida D way 1119385 unclassified
Avenida E way 1119386 unclassified
Avenida F way 1119387 unclassified
Avenida G way 1119388 unclassified
Avenida H way 1119389 tertiary
Avenida T way 1119401 tertiary
Avenida U way 1119402 unclassified
Avenida V way 1119404 unclassified
Avenida Z way 1119409 tertiary
Camino Blanco y Negro way 1119410 tertiary
Camino Chivos y Ovejas way 1119411 unclassified
Camino Día y Noche way 1119412 tertiary
Camino Eustaquio Estranjero way 1119413 tertiary
Camino Monte y Valle way 1119414 tertiary
Camino Nuevo y Viejo way 1119416 tertiary
Camino Perros y Gatos way 1119417 tertiary
Camino Piedemontes way 1119418 tertiary
Camino Piedemontes way 1119419 tertiary
Camino Piedemontes way 1119420 tertiary
Camino Piedemontes way 1119421 tertiary
Camino Piedemontes way 1119422 tertiary
Camino Piedemontes way 1119423 tertiary
Camino Piedemontes way 1119424 tertiary
Camino Regencia way 1119425 tertiary
Camino Sal y Pimienta way 1119426 tertiary
Camino San Miguel way 1119427 tertiary
Calle Malecón way 1119428 tertiary
Vía Cañones way 1119433 tertiary
Vía Cañones way 1119434 tertiary
Vía Cañones way 1119435 tertiary
Vía Cañones way 1119436 tertiary
Vía Cañones way 1119437 tertiary
Vía Cañones way 1119438 tertiary
Vía Pájaros way 1119439 tertiary
Vía Pájaros way 1119440 tertiary
Camino del Monje way 1119798 unclassified
Camino del Monje way 1119799 unclassified
Camino Monte y Valle way 1120198 tertiary
Camino Monte y Valle way 1120199 tertiary
Camino de la Costa RN 98 primary
Camino de la Costa RN 98 primary
Camino de la Punta Navideña way 1120715 unclassified
Calle Miramar way 1121282 unclassified
Camino Playa Huascarol way 1121283 unclassified
Calle Escarcha way 1122363 unclassified
Camino Conejo Color Rosado way 1122364 residential
Vía Cañones way 1122365 tertiary
Vía Cañones way 1122366 tertiary
Avenida A way 1124306 unclassified
Avenida I way 1124307 unclassified
Avenida J way 1124308 unclassified
Camino Piedemontes way 1124314 tertiary
Camino Piedemontes way 1124315 tertiary
Camino de la Costa RN 98 primary
Camino de la Costa RN 98 primary
Avenida B way 1124708 tertiary
Calle Frambuesa way 1124709 tertiary
Calle Misión way 1124710 tertiary
Calle Misión way 1124711 tertiary
Calle Perejil way 1124712 tertiary
Calle Tres Monos y Una Jirafa way 1124713 tertiary
Calle Joyas way 1126766 tertiary
Calle Nubes way 1126767 tertiary
Calle Nubes way 1126768 tertiary
Calle Nubes way 1126769 tertiary
Calle Seis Pulgas way 1126770 tertiary
Camino Islas DS 77 secondary
Camino Islas DS 77 secondary
Camino de la Costa RN 98 primary
Paseo Cabito way 1127489 unclassified
Avenida N way 1129046 tertiary
Avenida N way 1129047 tertiary
Avenida T way 1129049 tertiary
Avenida T way 1129050 tertiary
Calle Mordor way 1129051 unclassified
Camino Eustaquio Estranjero way 1129052 tertiary
Camino Eustaquio Estranjero way 1129053 tertiary
Camino Nueva Lallemandia way 1129054 tertiary
Camino Nueva Lallemandia way 1129055 tertiary
Bulevar Maguglius way 1130197 tertiary
Bulevar Maguglius way 1130198 tertiary
Bulevar Maguglius way 1130199 tertiary
Calle Orquídeas way 1130200 unclassified
Camino Cisnes (CP#42S) way 1130201 tertiary
Camino Cisnes way 1130202 tertiary
Camino Dimas de Dordoña (CP#41S) way 1130203 tertiary
Camino El Cabrón (CM#82E) way 1130204 tertiary
Camino El Cabrón way 1130205 tertiary
Camino Isaac Gutiérrez (CP#42S) way 1130206 tertiary
Camino Isaac Gutiérrez (CP#42S) way 1130207 tertiary
Camino Isaac Gutiérrez (CP#42S) way 1130208 tertiary
Camino Isaac Gutiérrez way 1130209 tertiary
Camino La Regla way 1130210 tertiary
Camino Maguglius way 1130211 tertiary
Camino Maguglius way 1130212 tertiary
Camino Maguglius way 1130213 tertiary
Camino Palo Verde way 1130214 unclassified
Camino Sansón St-Pierre way 1130215 tertiary
Camino Sansón St-Pierre way 1130216 tertiary
Camino Sansón St-Pierre way 1130217 tertiary
Camino Violeta This way 1130218 tertiary
Camino Yaiza Fong (CP#40S) way 1130219 tertiary
Camino Yaiza Fong way 1130220 tertiary
Paseo Barranca way 1130221 unclassified
Paseo Hongos way 1130222 unclassified
Avenida Araña way 1134620 residential
Avenida Araña way 1134621 residential
Camino Onírica-Bahía Negra DS 75 secondary
Camino Onírica-Bahía Negra DS 75 secondary
Avenida Araña way 1135640 tertiary
Avenida Ciempiés way 1135641 residential
Avenida Ciempiés way 1135642 residential
Avenida Refugio way 1135643 residential
Calle 2 way 1135645 residential
Calle Comuna way 1135646 residential
Calle El Ahorcado way 1135647 residential
Calle El Ermitaño way 1135648 residential
Calle El Ermitaño way 1135649 residential
Calle El Loco way 1135650 residential
Calle El Mago way 1135651 residential
Calle La Emperatriz way 1135652 tertiary
Calle La Emperatriz way 1135653 tertiary
Calle La Emperatriz way 1135654 tertiary
Calle La Emperatriz way 1135655 residential
Calle La Emperatriz way 1135656 residential
Calle La Fuerza way 1135657 residential
Calle La Fuerza way 1135658 residential
Calle La Rueda de la Fortuna way 1135659 residential
Calle La Sacerdotisa way 1135660 residential
Calle Zeta way 1135661 residential
Camino Cerdo Negro way 1135662 unclassified
Pasaje Altazor way 1135665 residential
Paseo Albalonga way 1135666 residential
Paseo Metasecoyas way 1135667 residential
Paseo de Tula way 1135668 residential
Camino Putrefacto way 1136259 unclassified
Camino Putrefacto way 1136260 unclassified
Camino Putrefacto way 1136261 unclassified
Camino Quebrada Alta del Desolado way 1136262 tertiary
Camino Quebrada Alta del Desolado way 1136263 tertiary
Paseo de Estranjeros way 1136264 unclassified
Cain Road way 1144077 tertiary
Cain Road way 1144078 tertiary
Island Highway DS 98 secondary
Island Highway DS 98 secondary
Island Highway DS 98 secondary
Island Highway DS 98 secondary
Island Highway DS 98 secondary
Island Highway DS 98 secondary
Northshore Drive way 1144085 tertiary
Northshore Drive way 1144086 tertiary
Northshore Drive way 1144087 tertiary
Northshore Drive way 1144088 tertiary
Sumter Boulevard way 1144089 unclassified
Sumter Boulevard way 1144090 unclassified
Brocoli Road way 1144274 unclassified
Brocoli Road way 1144275 unclassified
Cacahuate Street way 1144276 unclassified
Calle del As Street way 1144277 unclassified
Epifanio Road way 1144279 tertiary
Epifanio Road way 1144280 tertiary
Epifanio Road way 1144281 tertiary
Espigon Road way 1144282 unclassified
Gold Street way 1144297 unclassified
Refinery Street way 1144298 unclassified
Trout Street way 1144302 unclassified
Usine Street way 1144303 unclassified
way 1144331 service
way 1144332 service
Blank Street way 1144344 unclassified
Boatwright Street way 1144345 unclassified
Arbor Street way 1144350 unclassified
Coal Street way 1144351 unclassified
Fishery Street way 1144352 unclassified
Government Street way 1144353 unclassified
Hill Street way 1144354 unclassified
Pile Street way 1144355 unclassified
Regency Street way 1144359 unclassified
Rhode Street way 1144360 unclassified
Thief Point Road way 1144361 unclassified
Town Island Drive way 1144362 unclassified
Kepplinne Road way 1145832 unclassified
Kepplinne Road way 1145833 unclassified
(CM#96E) way 1155552 unclassified
Calle 508 (CM#85E) way 1155574 tertiary
Camino Cipriano Márquez Hoffman (CM#102E) way 1155580 tertiary
(CM#105E) way 1157413 unclassified
(CM#106E) way 1157414 unclassified
(CM#107E) way 1157415 unclassified
(CM#108E) way 1157416 unclassified
(CM#109E) way 1157417 unclassified
(CM#109E) way 1157418 residential
Camino Datames Capetillo (CP#1S) way 1157419 unclassified
Camino Sombra de Nubes (CP#2S) way 1157420 residential
Avenida Quiroga (CM#110E) way 1157671 unclassified
Avenida Quiroga (CM#110E) way 1157672 residential
(CM#112E) way 1159462 unclassified
Camino Gorgias Orkwyth (CM#115E) way 1160276 tertiary
Camino Mambrino (CM#117E) way 1162431 tertiary
(CP#6S) way 1163875 residential
Bulevar Esmús RN 3 primary
Bulevar Esmús RN 3 primary
Bulevar Esmús RN 3 primary
Bulevar Esmús RN 3 primary
Bulevar Esmús RN 3 primary
Bulevar Esmús RN 3 primary
Bulevar Esmús RN 3 primary
Bulevar Esmús RN 3 primary
Bulevar Esmús RN 3 primary
Bulevar Esmús RN 3 primary
Calle Miguel Monteblanco way 1163898 residential
Calle Servicio way 1163899 residential
Calle Servicio way 1163900 residential
Camino Florio Gasquet (CM#112E) way 1163901 tertiary
Camino Florio Gasquet (CM#112E) way 1163902 tertiary
Camino Florio Gasquet (CM#112E) way 1163903 tertiary
Camino Florio Gasquet way 1163904 tertiary
Camino Florio Gasquet way 1163905 tertiary
Camino Genaro Biedma (CM#113E) way 1163906 tertiary
Camino de Ovejas (CM#111E) way 1163907 tertiary
Pasaje Barbacoas way 1163911 residential
Pasaje Campo Abierto way 1163912 residential
Pasaje El Blanco way 1163913 residential
Pasaje El Poema way 1163914 residential
Pasaje Extraterrestres way 1163915 residential
Pasaje La Lírica way 1163916 residential
Pasaje Tristeza way 1163917 residential
Paseo Américo Valdivia way 1163918 residential
Paseo Cazador way 1163919 residential
Paseo Oso Enojado way 1163920 residential
Paseo Revolucionarios way 1163921 residential
Pit Lane way 1163924 service
Pit Lane way 1163925 service
Pit Lane way 1163926 service
Pit Lane way 1163927 service
Pit Lane way 1163929 service
Pit Lane way 1163930 service
Pit Lane way 1163931 service
Pit Lane way 1163932 service
Pit Lane way 1163933 service
way 1163946 residential
way 1163947 residential
way 1163948 residential
way 1163949 residential
(CM#104E) way 1165805 unclassified
(CM#105E) way 1165806 unclassified
(CM#106E) way 1165807 unclassified
(CM#115E) way 1165808 unclassified
(CP#13S) way 1165809 residential
(CP#17S) way 1165810 unclassified
Avenida Quiroga (CM#110E) way 1166218 unclassified
Avenida del Estado way 1169977 tertiary
Avenida del Estado way 1169978 tertiary
Camino Nuevo Lidgate RN 3 primary
(CM#118E) way 1170020 residential
(CM#118E) way 1170021 residential
Camino Datames Capetillo (CP#1S) way 1170022 residential
Camino Datames Capetillo (CP#1S) way 1170023 residential
Camino Datames Capetillo (CP#1S) way 1170024 residential
Avenida Epistémica way 1170025 tertiary
Avenida Epistémica way 1170026 tertiary
Avenida Independencia way 1170028 residential
Avenida Literaria way 1170029 tertiary
Avenida Literaria way 1170030 tertiary
Avenida Parque way 1170031 residential
Avenida Puente Viejo RN 31 primary
Avenida Ramón Calles way 1170033 residential
Avenida Teórica way 1170034 residential
Avenida Teórica way 1170035 residential
Avenida de Conocimiento way 1170036 residential
Calle Ferroviaria way 1170038 residential
Calle Puerto del Río way 1170042 residential
Camino Chupaconejos RN 31; DS 33 primary
Camino Frontera Oriental (CM#122E) way 1170044 unclassified
Camino Nuevo Lidgate way 1170046 tertiary
Camino Nuevo Lidgate way 1170047 tertiary
Camino de Espinacas (CM#117E) way 1170048 tertiary
Camino de Espinacas (CM#117E) way 1170049 tertiary
Carretera Epistémica way 1170054 motorway
Carretera Epistémica way 1170055 motorway
Carretera Epistémica way 1170058 motorway
Carretera Epistémica way 1170059 motorway
Vía Domingo way 1170083 residential
Vía Jueves way 1170084 residential
Vía Lunes way 1170086 residential
Vía Lunes way 1170087 tertiary
Vía Martes way 1170088 tertiary
Vía Martes way 1170089 residential
Vía Miércoles way 1170091 residential
Vía Sábado way 1170092 residential
Vía Viernes way 1170093 residential
Vía Viernes way 1170094 residential
way 1170100 service
way 1170107 service
way 1170113 service
way 1170118 service
way 1170119 service
way 1170121 service
way 1170122 service
Avenida Federación way 1170144 residential
Avenida Federación way 1170147 residential
Calle Bodegas way 1170241 unclassified
Calle Folletón way 1170246 unclassified
Camino Quemado way 1170256 unclassified
Avenida Kanguros way 1170347 residential
Calle Papeles way 1170350 residential
Calle Templo way 1170351 residential
Vía Extrema way 1170365 residential
way 1170366 service
way 1170367 service
way 1170368 service
Camino Cerro Palomas way 1171104 tertiary
way 1171273 service
way 1171274 service
way 1171275 service
way 1171276 pedestrian
way 1171277 service
way 1171278 service
way 1171279 service
way 1171280 service
Avenida Armas way 1171301 unclassified
Avenida Armas way 1171302 unclassified
Avenida Paralela way 1171303 unclassified
Avenida de Flores way 1171304 unclassified
Calle 368 (CM#62E) way 1171306 tertiary
Calle Fidel Ducoudray way 1171307 unclassified
Calle Fidel Ducoudray way 1171308 unclassified
Calle Fidel Ducoudray way 1171309 unclassified
Camino Lirios Locales way 1171310 unclassified
Pasaje Costenses way 1171312 unclassified
Pasaje Gringos way 1171313 unclassified
Vía Costa Negra way 1171315 unclassified
Vía Lago Verde way 1171316 unclassified
Vía Llano Amarillo way 1171317 unclassified
Vía Monte Azul way 1171318 unclassified
Vía Pantano Rosado way 1171319 unclassified
Vía Valle Violeta way 1171320 unclassified
way 1171321 service
way 1171322 service
way 1171323 service
way 1171324 service
way 1171325 service
way 1171326 service
way 1171327 service
(CP#5S) way 1172506 unclassified
Avenida Perseo Washburn way 1172899 tertiary
Avenida Raimundo Kershaw (CP#9S) way 1172901 tertiary
Avenida Raimundo Kershaw way 1172902 tertiary
Avenida Raimundo Kershaw way 1172903 tertiary
Avenida Raimundo Kershaw way 1172904 tertiary
Avenida de América (338 CM#57E) way 1172905 tertiary
Avenida de América way 1172908 tertiary
Avenida la Linea (344 CM#58E) way 1172909 tertiary
Bulevar Altazor (CM#66E) way 1172910 tertiary
Bulevar Hayas (CP#1S) way 1172911 tertiary
Bulevar Transpalómico way 1172912 tertiary
Bulevar del Sur (CP#2S) way 1172913 tertiary
Calle 308 (CM#52E) way 1172915 tertiary
Calle 314 (CM#53E) way 1172916 tertiary
Calle 332 (CM#56E) way 1172918 tertiary
Avenida Avispas (CM#67E) way 1172919 tertiary
Calle 406 (CM#68E) way 1172920 tertiary
Bulevar Fideos (Calle 412 CM#69E) way 1172921 tertiary
Calle 418 (CM#70E) way 1172922 tertiary
Calle Xabat Vizcaíno way 1172923 tertiary
Camino Desarrollo way 1172924 tertiary
Camino Mirlo (Calle 362 CM#61E) way 1172925 tertiary
Camino Mirlo (Calle 362 CM#61E) way 1172926 tertiary
Camino Mirlo way 1172927 tertiary
Camino Penitenciario (CP#5S) way 1172928 tertiary
Camino Penitenciario (CP#5S) way 1172929 tertiary
Camino Penitenciario (CP#5S) way 1172930 tertiary
Camino Penitenciario (CP#5S) way 1172931 tertiary
Camino Penitenciario way 1172932 tertiary
Camino Piedemonte (CM#68E) way 1172933 tertiary
Camino Piedemonte way 1172934 tertiary
Camino Venado way 1172935 tertiary
Camino Venado way 1172936 tertiary
(CP#10S) way 1177671 unclassified
(CP#11S) way 1177672 unclassified
(CP#11S) way 1177673 unclassified
(CP#12S) way 1177674 unclassified
(CP#14S) way 1177675 unclassified
(CP#15S) way 1177676 unclassified
(CP#7S) way 1177677 unclassified
Calle 448 (CM#75 E) way 1178742 tertiary
Calle 448 (CM#75 E) way 1178743 tertiary
Calle 460 (CM#77E) way 1178744 tertiary
Calle 466 (CM#78E) way 1178745 tertiary
Calle Pequeña Escobar (CM#79E) way 1178746 unclassified
Calle Paloma Blanca (CM#80E) way 1178747 tertiary
Calle Paloma Blanca (CM#80E) way 1178748 unclassified
Calle 484 (CM#81E) way 1178749 tertiary
Calle 490 (CM#82E) way 1178750 tertiary
Calle 496 (CM#83E) way 1178751 tertiary
Camino Góriz (CM#84E) way 1178752 tertiary
Calle 508 (CM#85E) way 1178753 tertiary
Calle 514 (CM#86E) way 1178754 tertiary
Calle 532 (CM#89E) way 1178755 tertiary
Calle Cementerio way 1178756 unclassified
Calle Darío Toledano way 1178757 unclassified
Calle Federación way 1178758 unclassified
Calle Isabel Richard (Calle 454) (CM#76E) way 1178759 tertiary
Calle Soberanía way 1178760 unclassified
Camino Ariadne Fierro (CP#4S) way 1178761 unclassified
Camino Ariadne Fierro (CP#4S) way 1178762 unclassified
Camino Ariadne Fierro (CP#4S) way 1178763 unclassified
Camino Ariadne Fierro (CP#4S) way 1178764 unclassified
Camino Canal way 1178765 tertiary
Camino El Chivo (CP#9S) way 1178766 unclassified
Camino El Chivo way 1178767 tertiary
Camino Enciclopedia way 1178768 tertiary
Camino Estafanía Stanley Le Chat (CM#76E) way 1178769 tertiary
Camino Estafanía Stanley Le Chat way 1178770 tertiary
Camino Gato Blanco (CP#5S) way 1178771 tertiary
Camino Penitenciario (CP#5S) way 1178772 tertiary
Avenida Autonomía way 1183176 residential
Avenida Bodegas way 1183177 residential
Avenida Estación way 1183178 residential
Avenida Estadio way 1183179 tertiary
Avenida Estadio way 1183180 tertiary
Avenida Estadio way 1183181 tertiary
Avenida Estadio way 1183182 tertiary
Avenida Estadio way 1183183 tertiary
Avenida Estadio way 1183184 tertiary
Avenida Hermandad way 1183185 residential
Avenida Hermandad way 1183186 residential
Avenida Puente Viejo RN 31 primary
Avenida Puente Viejo RN 31 primary
Avenida Soberanía way 1183189 residential
Calle Aceite way 1183190 residential
Calle Aceite way 1183191 residential
Calle Alerces way 1183192 residential
Calle Avellanos way 1183193 residential
Calle Castaños way 1183194 residential
Calle Cigüeñas way 1183195 residential
Calle Estefanía Stanley Le Chat way 1183196 residential
Calle Fábricas way 1183197 residential
Calle Jacarandas way 1183198 residential
Calle Mirlos way 1183199 residential
Calle Piceas way 1183200 residential
Calle Policarpo van Kill way 1183201 residential
Calle Rufino Chue way 1183202 residential
Calle Socrates Dorán way 1183203 residential
Calle Socrates Dorán way 1183204 residential
Calle Tiberio Johannes way 1183205 residential
Calle Zanita Takaishvili way 1183206 residential
Calle Zanita Takaishvili way 1183207 residential
Calle del Loro way 1183208 tertiary
Calle Óscar Robertson way 1183209 residential
Camino Manicomio (CP#8S) way 1183210 tertiary
Camino Manicomio way 1183211 tertiary
Paseo Altazor way 1183235 residential
way 1183279 service
way 1183280 service
Avenida Puente Viejo RN 31; RN 34 primary
Avenida Puente Viejo RN 31; RN 34 primary
Avenida Puente Viejo RN 31; RN 34 primary
Avenida Puente Viejo RN 31; RN 34 primary
Bulevar Perro Blanco way 1183331 tertiary
Calle A way 1183332 residential
Calle B way 1183333 residential
Calle C way 1183334 residential
Calle D way 1183335 residential
Calle E RN 31; RN 34 primary
Calle E RN 31; RN 34 primary
Calle E way 1183338 residential
Calle E way 1183339 residential
Calle Federación (CM#107E) way 1183340 tertiary
Calle Federación way 1183341 tertiary
Calle Federación way 1183342 tertiary
Calle Federación way 1183343 tertiary
Calle Federación way 1183344 tertiary
Calle F way 1183345 residential
Calle G way 1183346 residential
Calle H way 1183347 residential
Calle I way 1183348 residential
Calle J way 1183349 residential
Calle K way 1183350 residential
Calle L way 1183351 residential
Calle M way 1183352 residential
Calle N way 1183353 residential
Calle O way 1183354 residential
Calle P (CM#109E) way 1183355 residential
Calle Q way 1183356 residential
Calle R way 1183357 residential
Calle S way 1183358 residential
Camino Chupaconejos RN 31; DS 33 primary
Camino de Robles (CP#9S) way 1183360 tertiary
Camino del Ajo way 1183361 tertiary
Glorieta del Sur RN 31; RN 34 primary
Vía Albalonga way 1183372 residential
Vía Buyambá way 1183373 residential
Vía Buyambá way 1183374 tertiary
Vía Chuchicaquizonda way 1183375 residential
Vía Chuchicaquizonda way 1183376 tertiary
Vía Draol way 1183377 residential
Vía Escueguio way 1183378 residential
Vía Feérica way 1183379 residential
Vía Feérica way 1183380 residential
Vía Feérica way 1183381 residential
Vía Grilacsi way 1183382 residential
Vía Grilacsi way 1183383 residential
Vía Grilacsi way 1183384 residential
Vía Vieja Orilla Derecha way 1183385 residential
Vía Vieja Orilla Derecha way 1183386 tertiary
Bulevar Niguel Palacios way 1183406 tertiary
Calle Daga way 1183407 residential
Calle Parque way 1183408 residential
Calle Quetzales way 1183409 residential
Calle Serpientes way 1183410 residential
Calle Tenedor way 1183411 residential
Calle Trinidad way 1183412 residential
way 1183416 service
way 1183417 service
way 1183418 service
way 1183419 service
way 1183420 service
way 1183421 service
way 1183422 service
way 1183423 service
way 1183424 service
way 1183425 service
way 1183426 service
way 1183427 service
way 1183428 service
way 1183429 service
Avenida Alegría way 1183477 residential
Avenida Costas way 1183478 residential
Avenida Lagos way 1183479 residential
Avenida Llanos way 1183480 residential
Avenida Montañas way 1183481 residential
Avenida Pantanos way 1183482 residential
Avenida Ríos way 1183483 residential
Calle Bahía Negra way 1183484 residential
Calle Cabo Inglés way 1183485 residential
Calle Princesa way 1183486 residential
Calle Puerto Desolado way 1183487 residential
Calle Puerto Desolado way 1183488 residential
Calle Toalla way 1183489 residential
Calle Toalla way 1183490 residential
way 1183495 service
way 1183496 service
way 1183497 service
way 1183498 service
way 1183499 service
way 1183500 service
way 1183501 service
way 1183502 service
way 1188569 service
way 1188570 service
(CP#26S) way 1193029 residential
Calle Azul way 1193147 residential
Calle Campos way 1193148 residential
Calle Campos way 1193149 residential
Calle Cañaverales way 1193150 residential
Calle Cementerio way 1193151 residential
Calle Constantino Stanck way 1193152 residential
Calle Constantino Stanck way 1193153 residential
Calle Elvira Ordon-Grabb way 1193154 residential
Calle Federación way 1193155 residential
Calle Fría way 1193156 residential
Calle Gato way 1193157 residential
Calle Gato way 1193158 residential
Calle Hervida way 1193159 residential
Calle Huevo way 1193160 residential
Calle Independencia way 1193161 residential
Calle Isabel Richard way 1193162 residential
Calle Juan Card Díaz way 1193163 residential
Calle Juan María Núñez way 1193164 residential
Calle Parques way 1193165 residential
Calle Parques way 1193166 residential
Calle Parques way 1193167 residential
Calle Santa Gúdula way 1193168 residential
Calle de Armas way 1193169 residential
Camino Cien (CM#100E) way 1193170 residential
Camino Cien (CM#100E) way 1193171 residential
Camino Cien (CM#100E) way 1193172 tertiary
Camino Cien (CM#100E) way 1193173 residential
Camino Cien (CM#100E) way 1193174 tertiary
Camino Manuela Benítez de O (CP#32S) way 1193175 residential
Camino Manuela Benítez de O (CP#32S) way 1193176 residential
Pasaje Lápices way 1193178 residential
Paseo Diseñado way 1193179 residential
Avenida A way 1193272 unclassified
Avenida D way 1193273 tertiary
Avenida D way 1193274 unclassified
Calle Blanquiana way 1193275 unclassified
Calle Enlatadora way 1193276 unclassified
Calle Estío way 1193277 unclassified
Calle Eustaquio Estranjero way 1193278 unclassified
Calle Falta way 1193279 unclassified
Calle Invierno way 1193280 tertiary
Calle Magdalena Horne way 1193281 unclassified
Calle Mar Verde way 1193282 unclassified
Calle Niguel Palacios way 1193283 unclassified
Calle Orígen way 1193284 unclassified
Calle Orígen way 1193285 unclassified
Calle Otoño way 1193286 tertiary
Calle Pescadito way 1193287 unclassified
Calle Primavera way 1193288 unclassified
Calle Primavera way 1193289 unclassified
Calle Samara Washington Kim way 1193290 unclassified
Calle Timoteo Hawkesmoor way 1193291 unclassified
Calle Tito Foruria Pelletier way 1193292 unclassified
Calle Unión way 1193293 unclassified
Calle Zanita Takaishvili way 1193294 unclassified
Calle de Armas way 1193295 tertiary
Calle Ángel Keum way 1193296 unclassified
Camino Nueva Lallemandia way 1193297 tertiary
Camino Nueva Lallemandia way 1193298 tertiary
Camino San Miguel way 1193299 tertiary
Malecón way 1193307 unclassified
Paseo de Barcos way 1193308 unclassified
Paseo de Veleros way 1193309 unclassified
Vía Lamprófiro way 1193311 unclassified
Vía Monzonita way 1193312 unclassified
Vía Obsidiana way 1193313 unclassified
Vía Pórfido way 1193314 unclassified
Vía Riolita way 1193315 unclassified
Vía Sienita way 1193316 unclassified
Vía Tefra way 1193317 unclassified
way 1193326 service
way 1193327 service
Avenida I way 1193329 unclassified
Avenida J way 1193330 unclassified
Avenida K way 1193332 unclassified
Avenida L way 1193333 unclassified
Avenida M way 1193334 unclassified
Avenida O way 1193335 unclassified
Avenida P way 1193336 unclassified
Avenida Q way 1193337 unclassified
Avenida R way 1193338 unclassified
Avenida R way 1193339 unclassified
Avenida S way 1193340 unclassified
Avenida S way 1193341 unclassified
Avenida T way 1193342 tertiary
Avenida T way 1193343 tertiary
Avenida T way 1193344 tertiary
Avenida T way 1193345 tertiary
Avenida U way 1193346 unclassified
Avenida U way 1193347 unclassified
Avenida V way 1193348 unclassified
Avenida W way 1193349 unclassified
Avenida W way 1193350 unclassified
Avenida X way 1193351 unclassified
Avenida X way 1193352 unclassified
Avenida Y way 1193353 unclassified
Avenida Y way 1193354 unclassified
Camino Regencia way 1193355 tertiary
Camino Regencia way 1193356 tertiary
Camino Regencia way 1193357 tertiary
Camino San Miguel way 1193359 tertiary
Camino San Miguel way 1193360 tertiary
Avenida S way 1193390 unclassified
Avenida Z way 1193391 tertiary
Avenida Z way 1193392 tertiary
Calle Carlos McGillicuddy way 1193393 unclassified
Calle Correos way 1193394 unclassified
Calle Enlatadora way 1193395 unclassified
Calle Frente way 1193396 unclassified
Calle Hoz way 1193397 unclassified
Calle Llanito way 1193398 unclassified
Calle Martillo way 1193399 unclassified
Calle Monstruos way 1193400 unclassified
Calle Principal way 1193401 unclassified
Calle Sin Nombre way 1193402 unclassified
Camino Nueva Lallemandia way 1193403 tertiary
Camino Nueva Lallemandia way 1193404 tertiary
Avenida E way 1193421 unclassified
Calle Cedros way 1193422 unclassified
Calle Pinos way 1193423 unclassified
Calle Robles way 1193424 unclassified
way 1193450 service
way 1193451 service
way 1193453 service
way 1193454 service
way 1193455 service
way 1193456 service
way 1193457 service
way 1193458 service
way 1193459 service
way 1193460 service
way 1193461 service
way 1193462 service
way 1193463 service
way 1193464 service
way 1193465 service
way 1193466 service
way 1193467 service
way 1193468 service
way 1193469 service
way 1193470 service
way 1193471 service
way 1193472 service
way 1193473 service
way 1193474 service
way 1193475 service
way 1193476 service
Calle Templo way 1193485 unclassified
way 1193487 service
Bulevar Cuatrocientos (CM#67E) way 1195103 tertiary
Bulevar Cuatrocientos (CM#67E) way 1195104 tertiary
Pasaje Supervivencia way 1195105 residential
(CM#72E) way 1195325 unclassified
Bulevar Tiberón way 1195326 tertiary
Bulevar Tiberón way 1195327 tertiary
Bulevar Tiberón way 1195328 tertiary
Bulevar Tiberón way 1195329 tertiary
Bulevar Tiberón way 1195330 tertiary
Camino Huambara way 1195331 tertiary
Camino Huambara way 1195332 tertiary
Camino Huambara way 1195333 tertiary
Camino Moscada way 1195334 tertiary
Camino Moscada way 1195335 tertiary
Camino Moscada way 1195336 tertiary
Camino Somos Pobres way 1195338 tertiary
Camino Somos Pobres way 1195339 tertiary
Camino del Cruce (CM#73 E) way 1195340 tertiary
Camino del Cruce way 1195341 tertiary
Camino del Cruce way 1195342 tertiary
Camino del Cruce way 1195343 tertiary
Camino del Puño way 1195344 tertiary
Camino del Puño way 1195345 tertiary
Camino del Puño way 1195346 tertiary
Avenida 1a way 1195433 tertiary
Avenida 3 way 1195434 unclassified
Avenida 3 way 1195435 tertiary
Calle Destreza way 1195436 unclassified
Calle Embarcadero way 1195437 unclassified
Calle Rapidez way 1195438 unclassified
Pasaje Excelencia way 1195441 unclassified
Pasaje Excelencia way 1195442 unclassified
way 1195451 service
way 1195452 service
way 1195453 service
way 1195454 service
way 1195455 service
Earnaness Boulevard way 1203412 tertiary
Earnaness Boulevard way 1203413 tertiary
Elvira Ordon-Grabb Boulevard way 1203414 tertiary
Elvira Ordon-Grabb Boulevard way 1203415 tertiary
Kune Road way 1203417 unclassified
Kune Road way 1203418 tertiary
Kune Road way 1203419 unclassified
Kune Road way 1203420 tertiary
Kune Road way 1203421 tertiary
Kune Road way 1203422 tertiary
Northshore Drive way 1203423 tertiary
Northshore Drive way 1203424 tertiary
Northshore Drive way 1203425 tertiary
Northshore Drive way 1203426 tertiary
Quarry Road way 1203427 tertiary
Camila Duvernay Drive way 1203548 tertiary
Avenida Camellos way 1241178 residential
Avenida Camellos way 1241179 residential
Avenida Elefantes way 1241180 residential
Bulevar Caloy way 1241181 tertiary
Calle Alfa way 1241182 residential
Calle Beta way 1241183 residential
Calle Carlomagno Olafsen way 1241184 tertiary
Calle Ireneo Cárlez Egana way 1241185 tertiary
Calle Muñeca way 1241186 residential
Bulevar de Abejas way 1242287 tertiary
Calle Futuro way 1242288 residential
Calle Historia way 1242289 residential
Calle Presente way 1242290 residential
Calle Separación way 1242291 residential
Calle Soberanía way 1242292 residential
Vía Cementerio way 1242295 residential
Vía Lombrices way 1242296 residential
Vía Terremoto way 1242297 residential
way 1242298 service
way 1242299 service
way 1242300 service
way 1242301 service
way 1242302 service
way 1242303 service
way 1242304 service
way 1242305 service
way 1242306 service
way 1242307 service
way 1242308 service
Avenida Castellán way 1242309 tertiary
Avenida Castellán way 1242310 tertiary
Avenida Castellán way 1242311 tertiary
Avenida Donatelo Fagundes way 1242312 residential
Avenida Nicolás Jameson way 1242313 residential
Avenida Nicolás Jameson way 1242314 residential
Avenida Noé Brain way 1242315 residential
Calle Adonio Boll way 1242316 residential
Calle Cebada way 1242317 residential
Calle Hormiguitas way 1242318 residential
Calle Hormiguitas way 1242319 residential
Calle Hormiguitas way 1242320 residential
Calle Maíz way 1242321 residential
Calle Mono Loco way 1242322 residential
Calle Pastos way 1242323 residential
Malecón Izquierdo de Quiroga way 1242325 residential
Malecón Izquierdo de Quiroga way 1242326 residential
Malecón Izquierdo de Quiroga way 1242327 residential
Pasaje Joyerías way 1242329 residential
Avenida Nicolás Jameson (CM#49E) way 1295954 secondary
Avenida Nicolás Jameson (CM#49E) way 1295955 secondary
way 1295964 service
way 1295967 service
way 1295968 service
way 1295969 service
way 1295970 service
way 1295971 service
way 1295972 service
way 1295973 service
way 1295974 service
way 1295975 service
way 1295976 service
way 1295977 service
way 1295978 service
way 1295979 service
way 1296055 service
way 1296056 service
way 1296057 service
way 1296058 service
way 1296059 service
way 1296060 service
way 1296061 service
way 1296062 service
way 1296063 service
way 1296064 service
way 1296065 service
way 1296066 service
way 1296067 service
way 1296068 service
way 1296069 service
way 1296070 service
way 1296071 service
way 1296072 service
way 1296073 service
way 1296074 service
Calle Vega way 1306618 unclassified
Paseo Apodíctico way 1306619 unclassified
Paseo de Ovaladas way 1306620 tertiary
Vía Mar y Flora way 1306621 unclassified
Vía Mar y Flora way 1306622 tertiary
Bulevar Autonomía way 1308179 tertiary
Bulevar Monseñor Victorino Bagliani way 1308180 tertiary
Camino de Hierramientos way 1308181 tertiary
Paseo Las Piedades way 1308183 tertiary
Paseo Transitorio way 1308184 tertiary
Paseo Trompetas way 1308185 tertiary
Plaza San Julián Tigreblanco way 1308186 pedestrian
Vía Láctea way 1308187 tertiary
Camino Abundio Conrad (CM#69E) way 1326249 tertiary
Camino Abundio Conrad way 1326250 tertiary
way 1326306 service
way 1326307 service
way 1326308 service
way 1326309 service
way 1326310 service
way 1326311 service
way 1326312 service
way 1326313 service
way 1326314 service
Avenida Avispas way 1326322 tertiary
Bulevar Barcazas way 1326323 tertiary
Calle Café way 1326324 unclassified
Calle El Copito way 1326325 unclassified
Calle El Copito way 1326326 unclassified
Calle Hombre Gordo way 1326327 unclassified
Calle La Luz way 1326328 unclassified
Calle Lírica way 1326329 unclassified
Calle Mujer Flaca way 1326330 unclassified
Calle Porotos way 1326331 unclassified
Calle Prosaica way 1326332 unclassified
Calle Prosaica way 1326333 unclassified
Calle Tres Moscas way 1326334 unclassified
Calle de Bloques way 1326335 unclassified
Pasaje La Joya Azul way 1326336 unclassified
Pasaje La Joya Roja way 1326337 unclassified
Bulevar 12 way 1341852 residential
Bulevar 12 way 1341853 tertiary
Calle 106 way 1341854 residential
Calle 13 way 1341855 tertiary
Calle 35 way 1341856 residential
Calle 35 way 1341857 tertiary
Calle 35 way 1341858 tertiary
Calle 35 way 1341859 tertiary
Calle 36 way 1341860 tertiary
Calle 74 way 1341861 residential
Pasaje Hojas way 1341873 tertiary
way 1341878 tertiary
way 1341879 tertiary
Bulevar 3 way 1341959 residential
Bulevar 4 way 1341960 residential
Plaza Diaspórica way 1349459 pedestrian
Camino Sadepuro way 1355346 unclassified
Strada Federație way 1355351 pedestrian
way 1355352 pedestrian
way 1355353 service
way 1355358 service
way 1376515 service
way 1382132 unclassified
Calle Terza way 1382140 unclassified
Calle Seconda way 1382144 tertiary
Calle Sud way 1382148 unclassified
Calle Sesto way 1382828 unclassified
way 1382829 unclassified
way 1382834 unclassified
Calle Prima way 1382836 unclassified
Calle Nord way 1382837 tertiary
Bulevard del Fabricantes way 1382838 tertiary
Calle Quaranta way 1382839 tertiary
way 1382840 tertiary
Calle Quinto way 1382841 unclassified
Camino Atómico way 1461312 service
Camino Atómico way 1461313 tertiary
Camino Juan Card Díaz way 1461335 unclassified
Pasaje del Barrenillo way 1461336 residential
Pasaje del Sanjuanero way 1461337 residential
Paseo de la Carcoma way 1461338 residential
Paseo de la Mariquita way 1461339 residential
Paseo del Escarabajo way 1461340 residential
Paseo del Gorgojo way 1461341 residential
Paseo del Insecto way 1461342 residential
Bulevar del Sur way 1461353 tertiary
Calle Almas way 1461354 unclassified
Calle A way 1461355 unclassified
Calle Barrera way 1461356 unclassified
Calle B way 1461357 unclassified
Calle Cruces way 1461358 unclassified
Calle Marina way 1461359 unclassified
Calle Moneda way 1461360 unclassified
Calle Mujer Bella way 1461361 tertiary
Calle Mujer Bella way 1461362 tertiary
Calle Paredes way 1461363 unclassified
Calle del Estado way 1461364 unclassified
Camino Islas DS 77 secondary
Camino Islas DS 77 secondary
Pasaje el Perdido way 1461368 unclassified
Pasaje la Alta way 1461369 unclassified
Paseo el Loco way 1461370 unclassified
Calle Constructores way 1461391 unclassified
Calle Parque Mar way 1461392 unclassified
Calle Parque Montaña way 1461393 unclassified
Calle Parque Río way 1461394 unclassified
Camino de Bahía way 1461395 tertiary
Camino de Bahía way 1461396 tertiary
Camino de Contra Costa way 1461397 tertiary
Pasaje el Paradero way 1461398 unclassified
Pasaje la Torre way 1461399 unclassified
way 1461401 service
way 1461402 service
Bulevar del Estrecho way 1461405 tertiary
Bulevar del Estrecho way 1461406 tertiary
Calle Baja way 1461407 unclassified
Calle Lorena way 1461408 unclassified
Calle Ogros way 1461409 unclassified
Calle el Sapo way 1461410 unclassified
Bulevar del Estrecho way 1461413 unclassified
way 1484514 service
way 1484515 service
way 1484517 service
way 1484518 service
way 1484519 service
way 1484533 service
way 1484558 service
way 1484571 service
way 1484581 service
way 1484584 service
way 1484586 service
way 1484591 service
Thunderbird Road way 1494716 tertiary
Thunderbird Road way 1494717 tertiary
(CP#24S) way 1497528 unclassified
Autopista de Peaje Suroriental AP 5 motorway
Autopista de Peaje Suroriental AP 5 motorway
Autopista de Peaje Suroriental AP 5 motorway
Carretera de las Playas way 1497535 motorway
Autopista de Peaje Suroriental AP 5 motorway
Autopista de Peaje Suroriental AP 5 motorway
Autopista de Peaje Suroriental AP 5 motorway
Autopista de Peaje Suroriental AP 5 motorway
Autopista de Peaje Suroriental AP 5 motorway
Calle San Ildefonso way 1497626 tertiary
Camino de Delta RN 5 primary
Camino de Delta RN 5 primary
Autopista de Peaje Suroriental AP 5 motorway
Autopista de Peaje Suroriental AP 5 motorway
Avenida Nicolás Jameson (CM#49E) way 1497647 secondary
Avenida Nicolás Jameson (CM#49E) AP 5 motorway
Avenida Nicolás Jameson (CM#49E) AP 5 motorway
Avenida Nicolás Jameson (CM#49E) AP 5 motorway
Avenida Nicolás Jameson (CM#49E) way 1497651 secondary
(CP#7S) way 1498642 tertiary
(CP#7S) way 1498643 tertiary
(CP#7S) way 1498644 tertiary
Autopista de Peaje Suroriental AP 5 motorway
Autopista de Peaje Suroriental AP 5 motorway
Autopista de Peaje Suroriental AP 5 motorway
Autopista de Peaje Suroriental AP 5 motorway
Autopista de Peaje Suroriental AP 5 motorway
Autopista de Peaje Suroriental AP 5 motorway
Autopista de Peaje Suroriental AP 5 motorway
Avenida de América (338 CM#57E) way 1498653 secondary
Bulevar Suroriental way 1498656 secondary
Bulevar Suroriental way 1498657 secondary
Bulevar Suroriental way 1498658 tertiary
Bulevar Suroriental way 1498659 unclassified
Bulevar Suroriental way 1498660 tertiary
Bulevar Tres Flechas way 1498661 secondary
Bulevar Tres Flechas way 1498662 secondary
Bulevar Tres Flechas way 1498663 secondary
Calle 332 (CM#56E) way 1498664 tertiary
Calle 332 (CM#56E) way 1498665 tertiary
Calle 332 (CM#56E) way 1498666 tertiary
Calle 332 (CM#56E) way 1498667 tertiary
Camino Pascual Baez (CP#8S) way 1498668 tertiary
Praça Estrela way 1498671 pedestrian
Puente Estrela way 1498672 secondary
Puente Estrela way 1498673 secondary
Puente Estrela way 1498674 secondary
Puente Estrela way 1498675 secondary
Puente Estrela way 1498676 secondary
Puente Estrela way 1498677 secondary
way 1498682 residential
way 1498683 residential
way 1498684 residential
way 1498685 residential
way 1498686 residential
way 1498687 unclassified
way 1498689 secondary
way 1498690 unclassified
way 1498692 unclassified
way 1498693 residential
way 1498695 residential
way 1498696 residential
way 1498697 unclassified
way 1498698 residential
way 1498699 residential
way 1498701 residential
way 1498703 unclassified
way 1498705 residential
way 1498706 residential
way 1498707 residential
way 1498708 residential
way 1498709 residential
way 1498710 residential
way 1498711 residential
way 1498712 residential
way 1498713 residential
way 1498714 residential
way 1498715 residential
way 1498716 residential
way 1498717 residential
way 1498718 residential
way 1498719 residential
way 1498720 residential
way 1498721 residential
way 1498722 residential
way 1498723 unclassified
way 1498724 residential
way 1498725 unclassified
way 1498726 residential
way 1498727 residential
way 1498728 residential
way 1498729 residential
way 1498730 residential
way 1498731 residential
way 1498732 residential
way 1498733 residential
Autopista de Peaje Suroriental AP 5 motorway
Autopista de Peaje Suroriental AP 5 motorway
Autopista de Peaje Suroriental AP 5 motorway
Autopista de Peaje Suroriental AP 5 motorway
Autopista de Peaje Suroriental AP 5 motorway
Avenida Carlos Chang way 1503097 unclassified
Autopista de Peaje Suroriental AP 5 motorway
Autopista de Peaje Suroriental AP 5 motorway
Autopista de Peaje Suroriental AP 5 motorway
Autopista de Peaje Suroriental AP 5 motorway
Autopista de Peaje Suroriental AP 5 motorway
Autopista de Peaje Suroriental AP 5 motorway
Autopista de Peaje Suroriental AP 5 motorway
Autopista de Peaje Suroriental AP 5 motorway
Calle 296 (CM#50E) way 1505404 tertiary
Calle 296 (CM#50E) way 1505405 tertiary
Calle 296 (CM#50E) way 1505406 tertiary
Calle 296 (CM#50E) way 1505407 tertiary
Camino Desarrollo (CP#6S) way 1505408 tertiary
Camino Desarrollo (CP#6S) way 1505409 tertiary
Calle Puestos way 1505638 residential
Calle Servicio Carretera Independencia way 1505639 tertiary
Calle Servicio Carretera Independencia way 1505640 tertiary
Avenida Carlos Chang way 1505644 unclassified
Avenida Nicolás Jameson (CM#49E) AP 5 motorway
Avenida Nicolás Jameson (CM#49E) way 1505646 secondary
Avenida Nicolás Jameson (CM#49E) AP 5 motorway
Calle Coreanos way 1505648 unclassified
Autopista de Peaje Suroriental AP 5 motorway
Autopista de Peaje Suroriental AP 5 motorway
Avenida Nicolás Jameson (CM#49E) way 1510118 secondary
Avenida Estoque RN 5 primary
Carretera de las Playas way 1512466 motorway
Carretera de las Playas way 1512467 motorway
Carretera de las Playas way 1512468 motorway
Carretera de las Playas way 1512469 motorway
Carretera de las Playas way 1512470 motorway
Carretera de las Playas way 1512471 motorway
Carretera de las Playas way 1512472 motorway
Carretera de las Playas way 1512473 motorway
RN 5 primary
Autopista de Peaje Suroriental AP 5 motorway
Autopista de Peaje Suroriental AP 5 motorway
Autopista de Peaje Suroriental AP 5 motorway
Autopista de Peaje Suroriental AP 5 motorway
Avenida Ángel Keum RN 5 primary
Avenida Ángel Keum RN 5 primary
Avenida Ángel Keum RN 5 primary
Avenida Ángel Keum RN 5 primary
Avenida Ángel Keum RN 5 primary
Avenida Ángel Keum RN 5 primary
Avenida Ángel Keum RN 5 primary
Avenida Ángel Keum RN 5 primary
Avenida Ángel Keum RN 5 primary
Calle 302 (CM#51E) way 1517252 tertiary
Calle 302 (CM#51E) way 1517253 tertiary
Camino Desarrollo (CP#6S) way 1517254 tertiary
Glorieta Ángel Keum RN 5 primary
Calle Juan María Núñez way 1528148 secondary
Calle Noro way 1528149 secondary
Calle Noro way 1528151 unclassified
Carretera de las Playas way 1528152 motorway
Carretera de las Playas way 1528153 motorway
Carretera de las Playas way 1528154 motorway
Carretera de las Playas way 1528155 motorway
Carretera de las Playas way 1528156 motorway
Carretera de las Playas way 1528157 motorway
Carretera de las Playas way 1528158 motorway
Carretera de las Playas way 1528159 motorway
Carretera de las Playas way 1528160 motorway
Carretera de las Playas way 1528161 motorway
Carretera de las Playas way 1528162 motorway
Carretera de las Playas way 1528163 motorway
Carretera de las Playas way 1528164 motorway
Carretera de las Playas way 1528165 motorway
Carretera de las Playas way 1528166 motorway
Carretera de las Playas way 1528167 motorway
Carretera de las Playas way 1528168 motorway
Carretera de las Playas way 1528169 motorway
Carretera de las Playas way 1528170 motorway
Carretera de las Playas way 1528171 motorway
Carretera de la Playa way 1528540 motorway
Carretera de la Playa way 1528541 motorway
Paseo Playa way 1528543 secondary
Vía 12 way 1528548 unclassified
Vía 13 way 1528549 unclassified
Avenida Raimundo Kershaw (CP#9S) way 1531185 tertiary
Avenida de América way 1531186 tertiary
Camino Mirlo (Calle 362 CM#61E) way 1531187 tertiary
Camino Venado way 1531188 tertiary
Camino Venado way 1531189 tertiary
Camino Venado way 1531190 tertiary
way 1531200 secondary
way 1531201 secondary
way 1531202 secondary
way 1531204 secondary
way 1531207 secondary
way 1531208 secondary
Plaza Raimundo Kershaw way 1531261 unclassified
way 1531263 residential
way 1531264 residential
way 1531265 residential
way 1531266 residential
way 1531267 residential
way 1531268 residential
way 1531269 residential
way 1531271 residential
way 1531272 residential
way 1531273 residential
way 1531275 residential
way 1531276 residential
way 1531277 residential
way 1531279 residential
Paseo Paralelo way 1531280 residential
way 1531281 residential
way 1531282 residential
way 1531283 residential
way 1531284 residential
way 1531285 residential
way 1531286 residential
way 1531287 residential
way 1531288 residential
way 1531289 residential
way 1531290 residential
way 1531291 residential
Calle Mariana Underwood way 1531292 tertiary
way 1531293 residential
way 1531294 residential
way 1531295 residential
way 1531296 residential
way 1531297 residential
Calle Zenón Sálazar-Douglas way 1531298 residential
Autopista de Peaje Suroriental AP 5 motorway
Autopista de Peaje Suroriental AP 5 motorway
Autopista de Peaje Suroriental AP 5 motorway
Autopista de Peaje Suroriental AP 5 motorway
Avenida Cósmicos way 1531347 tertiary
Hélice way 1531378 residential
way 1531382 residential
Autopista de Peaje Suroriental AP 5 motorway
Autopista de Peaje Suroriental AP 5 motorway
Autopista de Peaje Suroriental AP 5 motorway
Autopista de Peaje Suroriental AP 5 motorway
Autopista de Peaje Suroriental AP 5 motorway
Avenida Basílica way 1578324 tertiary
Avenida Basílica way 1578325 tertiary
Avenida Basílica way 1578326 secondary
Avenida Basílica way 1578327 secondary
Avenida Gregorio Redcrosse way 1578328 tertiary
Avenida Pollo way 1578329 secondary
Avenida Pollo way 1578330 secondary
Bulevar Constantino Stanck way 1578331 secondary
Bulevar Constantino Stanck way 1578332 secondary
Bulevar Isabel Richard way 1578333 tertiary
Bulevar Rumbirrazuria way 1578334 secondary
Bulevar Rumbirrazuria way 1578335 secondary
Bulevar Rumbirrazuria way 1578336 secondary
Calle Luna way 1578337 residential
Calle Luna way 1578338 pedestrian
Calle Naranjos (CM#68E) way 1578339 tertiary
Camino de Delta RN 5 primary
Camino de Delta RN 5 primary
Camino de Delta RN 5 primary
Camino de Delta RN 5 primary
Glorieta Federación Este way 1578348 secondary
Glorieta Stanck RN 5 primary
Malecón Palmeras way 1578350 secondary
Malecón Palmeras way 1578351 tertiary
Puente Federación way 1578366 secondary
Puente Federación way 1578367 secondary
way 1578371 service
way 1578373 unclassified
way 1578378 service
Autopista Suroriental-Onírica DS 75 motorway
Autopista Suroriental-Onírica DS 75 motorway
Autopista Suroriental-Onírica DS 75 motorway
Autopista Suroriental-Onírica DS 75 motorway
Autopista Suroriental-Onírica DS 75 motorway
Autopista Suroriental-Onírica DS 75 motorway
Autopista Suroriental-Onírica DS 75 motorway
Autopista Suroriental-Onírica DS 75 motorway
Autopista Suroriental-Onírica DS 75 motorway
Autopista Suroriental-Onírica DS 75 motorway
Autopista Suroriental-Onírica DS 75 motorway
Autopista Suroriental-Onírica DS 75 motorway
Autopista Suroriental-Onírica DS 75 motorway
Autopista Suroriental-Onírica DS 75 motorway
Autopista Suroriental-Onírica DS 75 motorway
Autopista Suroriental-Onírica DS 75 motorway
Avenida Ramiro Dozy way 1581457 tertiary
Avenida Ramiro Dozy DS 75 secondary
Calle 514 (CM#86E) way 1581459 tertiary
Calle 514 (CM#86E) way 1581460 tertiary
Camino Orígen-Onírica DS 75 secondary
Camino Suroriental-Onírica DS 75 secondary
Camino Suroriental-Onírica DS 75 secondary
Camino de Delta RN 5 primary
Camino de Delta RN 5 primary
(CM#91E) way 1583305 tertiary
(CM#91E) way 1583306 tertiary
(CM#92E) way 1583307 tertiary
(CM#92E) way 1583308 tertiary
(CM#92E) way 1583309 tertiary
(CM#92E) way 1583310 tertiary
(CM#93E) way 1583311 residential
(CM#93E) way 1583312 residential
(CM#93E) way 1583313 residential
(CM#93E) way 1583314 residential
(CM#94E) way 1583315 residential
(CM#95E) way 1583316 residential
(CM#95E) way 1583317 residential
(CM#96E) way 1583318 residential
(CM#97E) way 1583319 residential
(CM#97E) way 1583320 residential
(CP#26S) way 1583321 residential
(CP#26S) way 1583322 residential
(CP#26S) way 1583323 residential
(CP#27S) way 1583324 residential
(CP#27S) way 1583325 residential
Calle 538 (CM#90E) way 1583331 tertiary
Calle 538 (CM#90E) way 1583332 tertiary
Camino San Sebastián DS 75 secondary
Camino San Sebastián DS 75 secondary
Camino San Sebastián DS 75 secondary
Camino San Sebastián DS 75 secondary
Camino San Sebastián DS 75 secondary
Camino San Sebastián DS 75 secondary
Camino San Sebastián DS 75 secondary
Camino San Sebastián DS 75 secondary
Camino San Sebastián DS 75 secondary
way 1583347 residential
way 1583348 residential
way 1583349 residential
way 1583350 residential
way 1583352 residential
way 1583353 service
way 1583354 residential
way 1583356 residential
way 1583359 residential
way 1583360 residential
way 1583361 residential
way 1583363 residential
way 1583364 residential
way 1583365 service
way 1583366 residential
way 1583367 residential
way 1583368 residential
way 1583369 residential
way 1583370 residential
way 1583371 residential
way 1583372 residential
way 1583373 service
way 1583374 residential
way 1583375 residential
way 1583376 residential
way 1583377 residential
way 1583378 residential
way 1583379 residential
way 1583380 residential
way 1583381 residential
way 1583382 service
way 1583383 residential
way 1583384 residential
way 1583385 residential
way 1583386 residential
way 1583387 residential
way 1583388 residential
way 1583389 residential
way 1583390 residential
way 1583391 residential
way 1583392 service
way 1583393 residential
way 1583394 residential
way 1583855 service
way 1583856 service
way 1583857 service
way 1583858 residential
way 1583864 service
Autopista de Peaje Suroriental AP 5 motorway
Autopista de Peaje Suroriental AP 5 motorway
Autopista de Peaje Suroriental AP 5 motorway
Autopista de Peaje Suroriental AP 5 motorway
Autopista de Peaje Suroriental AP 5 motorway
Autopista de Peaje Suroriental AP 5 motorway
Autopista de Peaje Suroriental AP 5 motorway
Autopista de Peaje Suroriental AP 5 motorway
Autopista de Peaje Suroriental AP 5 motorway
Autopista de Peaje Suroriental AP 5 motorway
Autopista de Peaje Suroriental AP 5 motorway
Autopista de Peaje Suroriental AP 5 motorway
Bulevar Victoria Persson way 1584306 tertiary
Bulevar Victoria Persson way 1584307 tertiary
way 1584322 service
way 1584323 service
way 1584329 service
way 1584332 service
way 1584357 service
way 1584363 service
way 1584367 service
way 1584368 service
way 1584369 service
Camino de Delta way 1592374 tertiary
Camino de Delta way 1592377 unclassified
Camino de Delta way 1592382 unclassified
Autopista Suroriental AP 5 motorway
Autopista Suroriental AP 5 motorway
Autopista de Peaje Suroriental AP 5 motorway
Camino de Delta (CM#89E) RN 5 primary
Camino de Delta (CM#89E) RN 5 primary
Camino de Delta (CM#89E) RN 5 primary
Camino de Delta (CM#89E) RN 5 primary
Autopista Suroriental AC 5 motorway
Autopista Suroriental AC 5 motorway
Autopista de Peaje Suroriental AP 5 motorway
Autopista Suroriental AC 5 motorway
Autopista de Peaje Suroriental AP 5 motorway
Autopista Suroriental AC 5 motorway
Autopista Suroriental AC 5 motorway
Autopista Suroriental AC 5 motorway
Autopista Suroriental AC 5 motorway
Autopista Suroriental AC 5 motorway
Autopista Suroriental AC 5 motorway
Autopista Suroriental AC 5 motorway
Autopista Suroriental AC 5 motorway
Autopista Suroriental AC 5 motorway
Autopista Suroriental AC 5 motorway
Autopista Suroriental AC 5 motorway
Autopista Suroriental AC 5 motorway
Autopista Suroriental AC 5 motorway
Autopista Suroriental AC 5 motorway
Autopista Suroriental AC 5 motorway
Autopista de Peaje Suroriental AP 5 motorway
Autopista de Peaje Suroriental AP 5 motorway
Autopista de Peaje Suroriental AP 5 motorway
Autopista de Peaje Suroriental AP 5 motorway
Autopista de Peaje Suroriental AP 5 motorway
Camino Lo Inconveniente way 1602799 secondary
Glorieta Inconveniente RN 5; RN 31 primary
La Serpiente way 1602801 residential
La Serpiente way 1602802 residential
La Serpiente way 1602803 residential
La Serpiente way 1602804 residential
La Serpiente way 1602805 residential
La Serpiente way 1602807 residential
La Serpiente way 1602812 residential
way 1602815 service
Plaza Santa Maria way 1602816 pedestrian
way 1602817 residential
way 1602832 residential
way 1602833 residential
way 1602834 residential
way 1602835 residential
way 1602836 residential
way 1602839 residential
way 1602840 residential
way 1602841 residential
La Serpiente way 1604229 residential
La Serpiente way 1604230 residential
Autopista Suroriental AC 5 motorway
Autopista Suroriental AC 5 motorway
Autopista Suroriental AC 5 motorway
Autopista Suroriental AC 5 motorway
Autopista Suroriental AC 5 motorway
Autopista Suroriental AC 5 motorway
Autopista Suroriental AC 5 motorway
Autopista Suroriental AC 5 motorway
Autopista Suroriental AC 5 motorway
Autopista Suroriental AC 5 motorway
Autopista Suroriental AC 5 motorway
Autopista Suroriental AC 5 motorway
Autopista Suroriental AC 5 motorway
Calle Bodegas way 1605318 unclassified
Calle Cervantes way 1605319 tertiary
Calle Huerta way 1605320 unclassified
Calle Insurgentes way 1605321 unclassified
Calle Insurgentes way 1605322 unclassified
Camino de la Costa RN 98 primary
Camino de la Costa RN 98 primary
Camino de la Costa RN 98 primary
Camino de la Costa RN 98 primary
Camino de la Costa RN 98 primary
Camino de la Costa RN 98 primary
Camino de la Costa RN 98 primary
Camino de la Costa RN 98 primary
Glorieta Estado RN 5 primary
RN 98 primary
RN 98 primary
Calle Castellaneses way 1611360 unclassified
way 1613862 service
Autopista Suroriental AC 5 motorway
Autopista Suroriental AC 5 motorway
Autopista Suroriental AC 5 motorway
Autopista Suroriental AC 5 motorway
Autopista Suroriental AC 5 motorway
Autopista Suroriental AC 5 motorway
Autopista Suroriental AC 5 motorway
Autopista Suroriental AC 5 motorway
Autopista Suroriental AC 5 motorway
Camino Suroriental RN 98 primary
Camino Suroriental RN 98 primary
Camino Suroriental RN 98 primary
Camino Suroriental RN 98 primary
Camino Suroriental RN 98 primary
Camino de la Costa way 1613923 residential
Camino de la Costa RN 98 primary
Camino de la Costa RN 98 primary
Camino de la Costa RN 98 primary
Espera el Control Fronterizo way 1613938 residential
Espera el Control Fronterizo way 1613939 residential
RN 98 primary
RN 98 primary
way 1613945 service
way 1613946 service
way 1613948 residential
way 1613949 residential
way 1613950 residential
way 1613952 residential
way 1613953 residential
way 1613954 residential
way 1613956 residential
way 1613959 residential
way 1613960 service
way 1613961 residential
way 1613962 service
way 1613963 service
way 1613964 service
way 1613965 service
way 1613966 service
way 1613968 service
way 1613969 service
way 1613970 service
way 1613971 service
way 1613972 service
way 1613973 residential
way 1613975 service
way 1613976 service
AC 5 motorway
AC 5 motorway
Bulevar Fresnos AC 5 motorway
Bulevar Fresnos AC 5 motorway
way 1614052 motorway
Avenida Aurelio Sombroek way 1624891 tertiary
Bulevar 11 way 1624892 tertiary
Calle 27 way 1624893 residential
Calle 28 way 1624894 residential
Calle 28 way 1624895 residential
Calle 29 way 1624896 residential
Calle 30 way 1624897 residential
Calle 31 way 1624898 residential
Calle 31 way 1624899 residential
Calle 32 way 1624900 residential
Calle 33 way 1624901 tertiary
Calle 33 way 1624902 tertiary
Calle 34 way 1624903 residential
Bulevar 11 way 1624941 residential
Calle 200 (CM#34E) way 1627449 unclassified
Calle 212 (CM#36E) way 1627450 tertiary
Autopista Suroriental AC 5 motorway
Autopista Suroriental AC 5 motorway
Autopista Suroriental AC 5 motorway
Camino Sal y Pimienta way 1628242 tertiary
Camino de Delta way 1628243 unclassified
RN 5 primary
RN 5 primary
Vía Puerto Desolado RN 5 primary
Vía Puerto Desolado RN 5 primary
Vía Puerto Desolado RN 5 primary
Avenida A way 1632119 unclassified
Avenida B way 1632120 tertiary
Avenida B way 1632121 tertiary
Avenida C way 1632122 unclassified
Avenida D way 1632123 unclassified
Avenida E way 1632124 unclassified
Avenida F way 1632125 unclassified
Avenida G way 1632126 unclassified
Avenida H way 1632127 tertiary
Avenida H way 1632128 tertiary
Avenida K way 1632133 unclassified
Avenida K way 1632134 unclassified
Avenida N way 1632136 tertiary
Avenida N way 1632137 tertiary
Avenida N way 1632138 tertiary
Avenida N way 1632139 tertiary
Avenida T way 1632149 tertiary
Avenida T way 1632150 tertiary
Avenida T way 1632151 tertiary
Avenida T way 1632152 tertiary
Avenida W way 1632153 unclassified
Avenida W way 1632154 unclassified
Avenida Z way 1632155 tertiary
Avenida Z way 1632156 tertiary
Avenida Z way 1632157 tertiary
Avenida Z way 1632158 tertiary
Camino Chivos y Ovejas way 1632159 unclassified
Camino Chivos y Ovejas way 1632160 unclassified
Camino Chivos y Ovejas way 1632161 unclassified
Camino Chivos y Ovejas way 1632162 unclassified
Camino Islas Minor way 1632163 unclassified
Camino Islas way 1632169 tertiary
Camino Islas way 1632171 tertiary
Camino Islas DS 77 secondary
Camino Mateo Batlle way 1632173 tertiary
Camino Mateo Batlle way 1632174 tertiary
Camino Mateo Batlle way 1632175 tertiary
Camino Perros y Gatos way 1632176 tertiary
Camino Perros y Gatos way 1632177 tertiary
Camino Perros y Gatos way 1632179 tertiary
Camino Perros y Gatos way 1632182 tertiary
Camino Piedemontes way 1632185 unclassified
Camino Regencia way 1632187 tertiary
Camino Regencia way 1632188 tertiary
Camino San Miguel way 1632190 tertiary
Camino San Miguel way 1632192 tertiary
Camino San Miguel way 1632194 tertiary
Camino San Miguel way 1632198 tertiary
Camino de Delta way 1632499 unclassified
Camino de Delta way 1632501 unclassified
Senda Maguglius way 1632502 unclassified
Senda Maguglius way 1632503 unclassified
Senda Maguglius way 1632504 unclassified
way 1632506 service
way 1632507 service
Avenida J way 1635294 residential
Avenida K way 1635295 residential
Avenida L way 1635296 residential
Avenida M way 1635297 residential
Avenida N way 1635298 tertiary
Avenida N way 1635299 tertiary
Avenida N way 1635300 tertiary
Avenida O way 1635301 residential
Avenida P way 1635302 residential
Avenida Q way 1635303 residential
Camino Regencia way 1635307 tertiary
way 1635310 residential
way 1635311 residential
way 1635312 residential
way 1635317 residential
way 1635318 residential
way 1635319 residential
way 1635321 residential
way 1635322 residential
way 1635323 residential
way 1635324 residential
way 1635325 residential
way 1635326 residential
way 1635327 residential
way 1635329 residential
way 1635330 residential
Autopista Suroriental AC 5 motorway
Autopista Suroriental AC 5 motorway
Autopista Suroriental AC 5 motorway
Camino Día y Noche way 1636874 tertiary
Camino Día y Noche way 1636875 tertiary
Camino Monte y Valle way 1636876 tertiary
Camino Monte y Valle way 1636877 tertiary
Calle el Oro way 1638724 unclassified
Autopista Suroriental AC 5 motorway
Autopista Suroriental AC 5 motorway
Autopista Suroriental AC 5 motorway
Autopista Suroriental AC 5 motorway
Autopista Suroriental AC 5 motorway
Autopista Suroriental AC 5 motorway
Autopista Suroriental AC 5 motorway
Autopista de Peaje Suroriental AP 5 motorway
Autopista de Peaje Suroriental AP 5 motorway
Autopista de Peaje Suroriental AP 5 motorway
Autopista de Peaje Suroriental AP 5 motorway
Autopista de Peaje Suroriental AP 5 motorway
way 1638976 service
Calle Pinos way 1639149 tertiary
Accesso Túnel de Batlle-Perdido way 1639706 service
Accesso Túnel de Batlle-Perdido way 1639707 service
Autopista de Peaje Suroriental AP 5 motorway
Autopista de Peaje Suroriental AP 5 motorway
Autopista de Peaje Suroriental AP 5 motorway
Autopista de Peaje Suroriental AP 5 motorway
Autopista de Peaje Suroriental AP 5 motorway
Peaje Túnel de Batlle-Perdido AP 5 motorway
Peaje Túnel de Batlle-Perdido AP 5 motorway
way 1639715 service
way 1639716 service
way 1639717 service
way 1639718 service
way 1639719 service
way 1639720 service
way 1639721 service
way 1639722 service
way 1639723 service
way 1639724 service
way 1639725 service
Autopista Suroriental AC 5 motorway
Autopista Suroriental AC 5 motorway
Autopista Suroriental AC 5 motorway
Autopista Suroriental AC 5 motorway
Autopista Suroriental AC 5 motorway
Autopista Suroriental AC 5 motorway
Autopista Suroriental AC 5 motorway
Autopista Suroriental AC 5 motorway
Autopista Suroriental AC 5 motorway
Autopista Suroriental AC 5 motorway
Peaje Túnel de Batlle-Perdido AP 5 motorway
Peaje Túnel de Batlle-Perdido AP 5 motorway
Peaje Túnel de Batlle-Perdido AP 5 motorway
Túnel Cervantes AC 5 motorway
way 1650661 residential
way 1650662 residential
way 1650663 residential
way 1650664 residential
way 1650665 residential
way 1650666 residential
Camino Carretas way 1650668 unclassified
Calle 320 (CM#54E) way 1655745 tertiary
way 1655747 residential
way 1655748 tertiary
way 1655749 tertiary
way 1655750 tertiary
Glorieta Hélice way 1655751 unclassified
way 1655757 residential
way 1655763 tertiary
way 1655768 residential
way 1655775 residential
way 1655777 residential
way 1655779 unclassified
way 1655780 tertiary
way 1655783 residential
way 1655784 unclassified
way 1655785 tertiary
way 1655786 residential
Hélice way 1655790 residential
way 1655791 unclassified
way 1655793 residential
way 1655794 residential
way 1655796 unclassified
way 1655890 residential
way 1655891 residential
Hélice way 1655949 residential
Camino Tesoro(CP#5S) way 1656074 tertiary
Camino de Acceso del Supercollider CIFAVA way 1656075 service
way 1656077 service
way 1656078 service
Calle Conducto way 1657980 tertiary
Calle Quichago way 1657981 tertiary
way 1658005 service
way 1658012 service
Camino de Jonia way 1662959 tertiary
Camino de Jonia way 1662960 tertiary
Calle Dorada way 1664120 tertiary
Calle Gatos way 1670483 unclassified
Calle Isabel Richard way 1670484 unclassified
Calle Isabel Richard way 1670485 unclassified
Calle Isabel Richard way 1670486 unclassified
Calle Murciélagos way 1670487 unclassified
Calle Primavera way 1670488 residential
Paseo Embarcadero way 1670507 unclassified
Plaza Elevada Museo Juvenil way 1670508 pedestrian
Avenida El Matador way 1672444 tertiary
Avenida Empédocles Ullán way 1672445 tertiary
Avenida Fortuna way 1672446 tertiary
Bulevar Farruco Go way 1672447 tertiary
Bulevar Saltamontes way 1672448 tertiary
Calle de Redes way 1672449 unclassified
Camino Iglesia Rosada way 1672450 tertiary
Paseo del Velódromo way 1672455 unclassified
way 1672468 service
Avenida Federación way 1674924 residential
Calle Abetos way 1674925 residential
Calle Abetos way 1674926 residential
Calle Ajíes way 1674927 residential
Calle Alegría way 1674928 unclassified
Calle Calabasas way 1674929 residential
Calle Camiones way 1674930 unclassified
Calle Camiones way 1674931 unclassified
Calle Cañas way 1674932 residential
Calle Cemento way 1674933 unclassified
Calle Combate way 1674934 unclassified
Calle Cuatro Canastos way 1674935 residential
Calle Deluvio way 1674936 unclassified
Calle Fuerte Destruido way 1674937 residential
Calle Fábricas way 1674938 residential
Calle Iglesia way 1674939 unclassified
Calle Luz del Día way 1674940 residential
Calle Señales way 1674941 unclassified
Calle Sondeos way 1674942 unclassified
Calle Suburbana way 1674943 unclassified
Calle Suburbana way 1674944 residential
Calle Tiempos way 1674945 unclassified
Calle Torres way 1674946 unclassified
Calle Torres way 1674947 residential
Calle Chivo Negro way 1675078 residential
Calle Gallo Blanco way 1675079 residential
Calle Mariana Underwood way 1675080 tertiary
Calle Mariana Underwood way 1675081 tertiary
Calle Oveja Amarilla way 1675082 residential
Calle Pato Verde way 1675083 residential
Calle Puerco Rojo way 1675084 residential
Calle Toro Marrón way 1675085 residential
Camino de Ranas way 1675087 tertiary
Camino de Ranas way 1675088 tertiary
Camino de Ranas way 1675089 tertiary
way 1675099 service
(CP#27S) way 1675434 tertiary
Bulevar del Puente Nuevo RN 31 primary
Bulevar del Puente Nuevo RN 31 primary
Bulevar del Puente Nuevo RN 31 primary
Calle del Riachuelo Saltamontes way 1675442 residential
Camino Nachancha (CP#27S) way 1675444 tertiary
Camino Nachancha (CP#27S) way 1675445 tertiary
Camino Nachancha way 1675446 tertiary
Camino del Puente Nuevo (CM#108E) RN 31 primary
Camino del Puente Nuevo (CM#108E) RN 31 primary
Calle Arcoiris way 1679776 unclassified
Plaza Tranvía Ruta 67 way 1679784 pedestrian
way 1679819 service
Avenida Raimundo Kershaw (CP#9S) way 1679862 tertiary
Avenida Raimundo Kershaw (CP#9S) way 1679863 tertiary
Avenida de América (338 CM#57E) way 1682667 secondary
Avenida de América (338 CM#57E) way 1682668 secondary
Avenida de América (338 CM#57E) way 1682669 secondary
Avenida de América (338 CM#57E) way 1682670 secondary
Avenida de América (338 CM#57E) way 1682671 secondary
Avenida de América (338 CM#57E) way 1682672 secondary
Bulevar Tres Flechas way 1682673 secondary
Bulevar Tres Flechas way 1682674 secondary
Bulevar Tres Flechas way 1682675 secondary
Glorieta Tres Flechas way 1682676 secondary
Avenida de América (338 CM#57E) way 1687829 secondary
Avenida de América (338 CM#57E) way 1687830 secondary
Avenida la Linea (344 CM#58E) way 1687831 tertiary
Avenida la Linea (344 CM#58E) way 1687832 tertiary
Calle 332 (CM#56E) way 1687833 tertiary
Calle Caracol way 1687834 unclassified
Camino Pascual Baez (CP#8S) way 1687835 tertiary
Camino Pascual Baez (CP#8S) way 1687836 tertiary
Camino Pascual Baez (CP#8S) way 1687837 tertiary
Camino Pascual Baez (CP#8S) way 1687838 tertiary
Camino Pascual Baez (CP#8S) way 1687839 tertiary
way 1687841 residential
way 1687842 residential
way 1687843 residential
way 1687844 residential
way 1687845 residential
way 1687846 residential
way 1687847 service
way 1687848 residential
way 1687849 service
way 1687850 residential
way 1687852 residential
way 1687853 unclassified
way 1687854 residential
Avenida Autonomía way 1694971 unclassified
Avenida Estrellas way 1694972 unclassified
Avenida Federación way 1694973 unclassified
Avenida Ferrocarriles way 1694974 unclassified
Avenida Ferrocarriles way 1694975 tertiary
Avenida Ferrocarriles way 1694976 residential
Avenida Júpiter way 1694977 unclassified
Avenida Júpiter way 1694978 unclassified
Avenida Los Planetas way 1694979 unclassified
Avenida Los Planetas way 1694980 unclassified
Avenida Luna way 1694981 unclassified
Avenida Marte way 1694982 unclassified
Avenida Mercurio way 1694983 residential
Avenida Neptuno way 1694984 unclassified
Avenida Saturno way 1694985 unclassified
Avenida Soberanía way 1694986 unclassified
Avenida Sol way 1694987 pedestrian
Avenida Sol way 1694988 tertiary
Avenida Sol way 1694989 tertiary
Avenida Tierra way 1694990 unclassified
Avenida Venus way 1694991 residential
Bulevar Carlos McGillicuddy way 1694994 residential
Bulevar Efraín García way 1694995 unclassified
Bulevar Eva Shinoda way 1694998 secondary
Bulevar Eva Shinoda way 1694999 secondary
Bulevar Isabel Richard way 1695000 tertiary
Bulevar Julián Tigreblanco way 1695001 unclassified
Bulevar Malecón way 1695002 unclassified
Bulevar Nicolás Jameson way 1695003 residential
Bulevar Octavio La Fourchet way 1695004 unclassified
Bulevar Quichago way 1695005 unclassified
Bulevar Quichago way 1695006 unclassified
Bulevar Quichago way 1695007 unclassified
Bulevar Ángel Keum way 1695008 tertiary
Calle Isabel Richard (Calle 454 CM#76E) way 1695009 tertiary
Ronda Carolia (CP#18S) way 1695010 secondary
Camino Huambara way 1695011 tertiary
Camino Huambara way 1695012 tertiary
Camino Somos Pobres way 1695013 tertiary
Bulevar Río Au way 1695063 unclassified
Bulevar Río Hierro way 1695064 unclassified
Calle Isabel Richard (Calle 454 CM#76E) way 1695065 tertiary
Calle Isabel Richard (Calle 454 CM#76E) way 1695066 tertiary
Camino Garzas (CM#74 E) way 1695067 unclassified
Camino Somos Pobres way 1695069 tertiary
Vía 10 way 1695076 unclassified
Vía 11 way 1695077 unclassified
Vía 1 way 1695078 unclassified
Vía 2 way 1695079 unclassified
Vía 3 way 1695080 unclassified
Vía 4 way 1695081 unclassified
Vía 5 way 1695082 unclassified
Vía 6 way 1695083 unclassified
Vía 7 way 1695084 unclassified
Vía 8 way 1695085 unclassified
Vía 9 way 1695086 unclassified
way 1695098 service
way 1696404 residential
way 1696406 residential
way 1696407 unclassified
way 1696410 residential
way 1696411 residential
way 1696415 residential
way 1696416 residential
way 1696417 residential
way 1696419 residential
way 1696424 residential
way 1696429 residential
way 1696432 residential
way 1696435 residential
way 1696437 residential
way 1696438 residential
way 1696439 residential
way 1696440 residential
way 1696441 residential
way 1696444 residential
way 1696445 residential
way 1696446 residential
way 1696447 residential
(CP#7S) way 1696835 tertiary
(CP#7S) way 1696836 tertiary
Accesso Suroriental way 1696893 secondary
Accesso Suroriental way 1696894 secondary
Accesso Suroriental way 1696895 secondary
Accesso Suroriental way 1696896 secondary
Accesso Suroriental way 1696897 secondary
Accesso Suroriental way 1696898 secondary
Accesso Suroriental way 1696899 secondary
Accesso Suroriental way 1696900 secondary
Accesso Suroriental way 1696901 secondary
Accesso Suroriental way 1696902 secondary
Avenida la Linea (344 CM#58E) way 1696903 tertiary
Avenida la Linea (344 CM#58E) way 1696904 tertiary
Avenida la Linea (344 CM#58E) way 1696905 tertiary
Avenida la Linea (344 CM#58E) way 1696906 tertiary
Calle 350 (CM#59E) way 1696907 tertiary
Calle 350 (CM#59E) way 1696908 unclassified
Calle 350 (CM#59E) way 1696910 unclassified
Calle 356 (CM#60E) way 1696911 unclassified
Calle 356 (CM#60E) way 1696912 unclassified
Calle 356 (CM#60E) way 1696913 unclassified
Calle Zenón Sálazar-Douglas way 1696914 residential
Camino Pascual Baez way 1696915 service
Camino Pascual Baez way 1696916 tertiary
Camino Pascual Baez way 1696917 tertiary
Camino de Delta RN 5 primary
Glorieta América way 1696919 secondary
way 1696920 residential
way 1696921 residential
way 1696922 residential
way 1696923 residential
way 1696924 primary
way 1696926 residential
way 1696927 residential
way 1696929 residential
way 1696931 residential
way 1696933 residential
way 1696934 residential
way 1696935 residential
way 1696936 residential
way 1696937 residential
way 1696938 residential
way 1696939 residential
way 1696940 residential
way 1696941 service
way 1696942 residential
way 1696943 residential
way 1696944 residential
way 1696945 residential
way 1696946 residential
way 1696947 residential
way 1696948 residential
way 1696949 residential
way 1696950 residential
way 1696951 residential
way 1696953 residential
way 1696954 residential
way 1696955 pedestrian
way 1696956 residential
way 1696957 residential
way 1696958 residential
way 1696959 residential
way 1696960 residential
way 1696961 residential
way 1696962 residential
way 1696963 residential
way 1696965 residential
way 1696966 residential
way 1696967 residential
way 1696968 residential
way 1696969 residential
way 1696970 residential
way 1696971 residential
way 1696972 residential
way 1696973 residential
way 1696974 residential
way 1696975 residential
Calle 350 (CM#59E) way 1697113 unclassified
way 1697114 residential
way 1697116 residential
way 1697117 residential
way 1697118 residential
Avenida Sol way 1697130 unclassified
Avenida Ángel Keum RN 5 primary
Avenida Ángel Keum RN 5 primary
Avenida Ángel Keum RN 5 primary
Avenida Ángel Keum RN 5 primary
Camino Tesoro(CP#5S) way 1697135 tertiary
Glorieta Florerías way 1697136 primary
Avenida de América (338 CM#57E) way 1699769 secondary
way 1699791 service
way 1699792 secondary
way 1699793 service
way 1699794 service
way 1699795 unclassified
way 1699796 unclassified
way 1699797 unclassified
way 1699798 service
way 1699799 service
way 1699800 service
way 1699801 service
way 1699802 unclassified
way 1699803 service
way 1699804 unclassified
way 1699805 service
way 1699806 service
way 1699807 service
way 1699808 service
way 1699809 service
way 1699810 service
way 1699811 unclassified
way 1699812 unclassified
way 1699813 service
way 1699814 service
way 1699815 service
way 1699816 service
way 1699817 service
Camino Desarrollo (CP#6S) way 1699837 tertiary
Glorieta Camino Desarrollo way 1699838 secondary
Bulevar Riachuelo way 1700335 unclassified
way 1700344 service
way 1700345 service
way 1700350 service
way 1700351 service
Calle Caracol way 1702288 unclassified
Calle Caracol way 1702289 unclassified
Pasaje de Velas Blancas way 1706463 service
(CP#18S) way 1709589 unclassified
(CP#18S) way 1709590 unclassified
Autopista de Peaje Suroriental AP 5 motorway
Autopista de Peaje Suroriental AP 5 motorway
Autopista de Peaje Suroriental AP 5 motorway
Autopista de Peaje Suroriental AP 5 motorway
Autopista de Peaje Suroriental AP 5 motorway
Autopista de Peaje Suroriental AP 5 motorway
Autopista de Peaje Suroriental AP 5 motorway
Autopista de Peaje Suroriental AP 5 motorway
Autopista de Peaje Suroriental AP 5 motorway
Autopista de Peaje Suroriental AP 5 motorway
Autopista de Peaje Suroriental AP 5 motorway
Calle 466 (CM#78E) way 1709604 tertiary
Calle 466 (CM#78E) way 1709605 tertiary
Calle Pequeña Escobar (CM#79E) way 1709606 unclassified
Calle 484 (CM#81E) way 1709607 unclassified
Calle 490 (CM#82E) way 1709608 tertiary
Calle 490 (CM#82E) way 1709609 tertiary
Camino Canal Perdido (CP#19S) way 1709613 tertiary
Camino Garzas (CM#74 E) way 1709614 tertiary
Camino Garzas way 1709615 tertiary
Camino Río Albañiles (CM#75 E) way 1709616 tertiary
Camino Río Albañiles (CM#75 E) way 1709617 tertiary
Camino Somos Pobres way 1709618 tertiary
Camino Somos Pobres way 1709619 tertiary
(CP#23S) way 1709635 tertiary
(CP#23S) way 1709636 tertiary
(CP#23S) way 1709637 tertiary
(CP#23S) way 1709638 tertiary
(CP#23S) way 1709639 unclassified
Autopista de Peaje Suroriental AP 5 motorway
Autopista de Peaje Suroriental AP 5 motorway
Autopista de Peaje Suroriental AP 5 motorway
Autopista de Peaje Suroriental AP 5 motorway
Calle 502 (CM#84E) way 1709646 unclassified
Calle 508 (CM#85E) way 1709647 tertiary
way 1709648 tertiary
way 1709649 tertiary
(CP#19S) way 1709729 residential
Bulevar Suroriental way 1709732 secondary
Bulevar Suroriental way 1709733 secondary
Bulevar Suroriental way 1709734 secondary
Bulevar Suroriental way 1709736 secondary
Bulevar Suroriental way 1709739 secondary
Bulevar Suroriental way 1709740 secondary
Bulevar Suroriental way 1709741 secondary
Bulevar Suroriental way 1709742 secondary
Bulevar Suroriental way 1709746 secondary
Calle Isabel Richard (Calle 454 CM#76E) way 1709750 residential
(CP#18S) way 1709756 unclassified
Bulevar Suroriental way 1709757 secondary
Bulevar Suroriental way 1709758 secondary
Bulevar Suroriental way 1709759 secondary
Bulevar Suroriental way 1709760 secondary
Bulevar Suroriental way 1709761 secondary
Bulevar Suroriental way 1709762 secondary
Bulevar Suroriental way 1709763 secondary
Bulevar Suroriental way 1709764 secondary
Bulevar Suroriental way 1709765 secondary
Camino Río Albañiles (CM#75 E) way 1709766 tertiary
Avenida el Gran Miguel (CP#19S) way 1720293 unclassified
Calle Pozo (CP#19S) way 1720295 pedestrian
Avenida el Gran Miguel (CP#20S) way 1720298 unclassified
(CP#21S) way 1720302 unclassified
(CP#21S) way 1720303 unclassified
Bulevar Eva Shinoda way 1720310 secondary
Bulevar Suroriental way 1720311 secondary
Avenida Francisco Guaritz (CM#78E) way 1720312 tertiary
Avenida Francisco Guaritz (CM#78E) way 1720313 tertiary
Avenida Francisco Guaritz (CM#78E) way 1720314 tertiary
Avenida Francisco Guaritz (CM#78E) way 1720315 tertiary
Avenida Francisco Guaritz (CM#78E) way 1720318 tertiary
Avenida Francisco Guaritz (CM#78E) way 1720319 tertiary
Calle Pequeña Escobar (CM#79E) way 1720320 unclassified
Calle Paloma Blanca (CM#80E) way 1720322 tertiary
Calle Paloma Blanca (CM#80E) way 1720323 tertiary
Calle Paloma Blanca (CM#80E) way 1720326 tertiary
Calle Paloma Blanca (CM#80E) way 1720327 tertiary
Calle 490 (CM#82E) way 1720330 unclassified
Avenida el Gran Miguel (CM#82E) way 1720332 unclassified
Calle 496 (CM#83E) way 1720334 tertiary
Ronda Carolia (CM#83E) way 1720335 secondary
Ronda Carolia (CM#83E) way 1720336 secondary
Ronda Carolia (CP#18S) way 1720337 secondary
Ronda Carolia way 1720338 secondary
Ronda Carolia way 1720339 secondary
Ronda Carolia way 1720340 secondary
Ronda Carolia way 1720341 secondary
Camino Verde way 1720342 tertiary
Camino Verde way 1720343 tertiary
Camino Zigurat (CM#81E) way 1720344 tertiary
Camino Zigurat (CM#81E) way 1720345 tertiary
Camino Zigurat (CM#81E) way 1720346 tertiary
Camino Zigurat (CM#81E) way 1720347 tertiary
Camino Zigurat way 1720348 tertiary
Camino Zigurat way 1720350 tertiary
Camino Zigurat way 1720351 secondary
Camino Zigurat way 1720353 tertiary
Camino Zigurat way 1720354 tertiary
Camino Zigurat way 1720355 tertiary
Camino Zigurat way 1720356 tertiary
Camino Zigurat way 1720357 tertiary
Glorieta Carolia way 1720358 secondary
Pequeña Zigurat way 1720359 tertiary
way 1720360 tertiary
way 1720361 tertiary
way 1720362 tertiary
way 1720363 secondary
Terraza Boincatufia way 1720365 pedestrian
way 1720366 secondary
way 1720367 secondary
way 1720368 secondary
Bulevar Isabel Richard way 1720479 unclassified
Avenida Francisco Guaritz (CM#78E) way 1720481 tertiary
Avenida Francisco Guaritz (CM#78E) way 1720482 tertiary
Avenida Francisco Guaritz (CM#78E) way 1720483 tertiary
Camino Zigurat way 1720485 secondary
Camino Zigurat way 1720486 secondary
Camino Zigurat way 1720487 secondary
Camino Zigurat way 1720488 secondary
Camino Zigurat way 1720489 secondary
Camino Zigurat way 1720490 secondary
way 1720491 secondary
Ronda Carolia (CM#83E) way 1720499 secondary
Ronda Carolia (CM#83E) way 1720500 secondary
Ronda Carolia (CM#83E) way 1720501 secondary
Camino Verde way 1720502 tertiary
Camino Verde way 1720503 tertiary
Camino Zigurat way 1720504 tertiary
Camino Zigurat way 1720505 tertiary
way 1720507 tertiary
Ronda Carolia (CM#83E) way 1720530 secondary
Ronda Carolia (CM#83E) way 1720531 secondary
Ronda Carolia (CM#83E) way 1720532 secondary
Ronda Carolia (CM#83E) way 1720533 secondary
Camino Zigurat way 1720534 tertiary
Camino Zigurat way 1720535 tertiary
Camino Zigurat way 1720536 tertiary
Camino Zigurat way 1720537 tertiary
Calle Paloma Blanca (CM#80E) way 1722594 tertiary
Calle 484 (CM#81E) way 1722595 unclassified
Calle 484 (CM#81E) way 1722598 tertiary
Calle 490 (CM#82E) way 1722599 tertiary
Camino Plata way 1722601 tertiary
Camino Plata way 1722602 tertiary
Camino Zigurat way 1722603 tertiary
Camino Zigurat way 1722604 tertiary
Camino Zigurat way 1722605 tertiary
Camino Zigurat way 1722606 tertiary
way 1722622 service
way 1722623 tertiary
way 1722624 service
way 1722626 service
way 1722627 unclassified
way 1722635 service
way 1722637 unclassified
way 1722639 service
way 1722641 service
way 1722642 service
way 1722644 service
way 1722646 unclassified
way 1722649 service
way 1722650 service
way 1722651 service
way 1722652 service
way 1722653 service
way 1722654 service
way 1722655 service
way 1722656 service
way 1722658 service
way 1722659 service
way 1722660 service
way 1722662 service
way 1722663 service
way 1722664 service
way 1722665 service
way 1722666 service
way 1722668 service
way 1722672 pedestrian
way 1722673 service
way 1722674 service
way 1722675 service
way 1722677 service
way 1722679 service
way 1722884 service
way 1722885 service
way 1722886 service
way 1722896 unclassified
way 1722901 service
way 1722902 service
way 1722903 service
way 1722904 service
way 1722905 service
way 1722906 service
way 1722907 service
way 1722908 unclassified
way 1722909 service
way 1722910 service
way 1722911 service
way 1722913 service
way 1722914 service
way 1722915 service
way 1722916 service
way 1722917 service
way 1722918 service
way 1722919 service
way 1722920 service
way 1722994 service
way 1722995 service
way 1722996 service
way 1722997 service
way 1722998 unclassified
way 1722999 service
way 1723042 service
way 1723043 service
way 1723044 service
way 1723045 service
way 1723046 service
way 1723047 service
way 1723048 service
way 1723049 service
way 1723050 unclassified
way 1723051 service
Calle 228 way 1723117 unclassified
Bulevar de la Playa way 1723619 residential
Bulevar Vogosco way 1723625 residential
way 1723629 residential
Bulevar Imigrantes way 1723630 residential
Bulevar Muriram way 1723632 residential
way 1725100 residential
way 1725101 residential
way 1725102 residential
way 1725103 residential
Camino Zigurat way 1725253 tertiary
Camino Zigurat way 1725254 tertiary
Camino Zigurat way 1725255 tertiary
Plaza Plata way 1725277 pedestrian
way 1725280 unclassified
way 1725281 unclassified
way 1725282 unclassified
way 1725283 unclassified
way 1725284 unclassified
way 1725285 unclassified
way 1725286 unclassified
way 1725287 service
way 1725288 unclassified
Calle Edén (CP#20S) way 1725375 unclassified
Calle 490 (CM#82E) way 1725379 unclassified
Calle 490 (CM#82E) way 1725381 unclassified
Camino Estación Boincatufia way 1725382 unclassified
Camino Estación Boincatufia way 1725383 unclassified
Camino Estación Boincatufia way 1725384 unclassified
Camino Estación Boincatufia way 1725385 residential
Camino Estación Boincatufia way 1725386 unclassified
Camino Zigurat (CM#81E) way 1725387 tertiary
Camino Zigurat (CM#81E) way 1725388 tertiary
Camino Zigurat (CM#81E) way 1725389 tertiary
Terraza Boincatufia way 1725390 pedestrian
Terraza Boincatufia way 1725392 pedestrian
way 1725393 unclassified
way 1725394 residential
Via Boincatufia way 1725395 residential
way 1725396 unclassified
way 1725397 unclassified
way 1725398 residential
way 1725401 residential
way 1725402 residential
way 1725403 residential
way 1725410 residential
way 1725411 residential
way 1725412 residential
way 1725416 residential
way 1725421 residential
way 1725422 residential
way 1725423 unclassified
way 1725424 residential
way 1725426 residential
way 1725428 residential
way 1725429 residential
way 1725430 residential
way 1725432 residential
way 1725434 residential
way 1725436 unclassified
way 1725437 residential
way 1725439 residential
way 1725441 residential
way 1725442 residential
way 1725446 residential
way 1725447 residential
way 1725448 residential
Calle Edén way 1725449 unclassified
way 1725450 residential
way 1725451 residential
way 1725452 residential
way 1725453 residential
way 1725454 residential
Calle Edén way 1725455 residential
way 1725456 residential
way 1725460 residential
way 1725462 residential
way 1725463 residential
way 1725464 residential
way 1725465 residential
way 1725467 residential
way 1725478 residential
way 1725479 residential
way 1725480 residential
way 1725481 residential
way 1725482 residential
way 1725483 residential
way 1725484 residential
way 1725485 residential
way 1725486 residential
way 1725487 residential
way 1725488 residential
way 1725489 residential
way 1725490 residential
way 1725491 residential
way 1725493 residential
way 1725494 residential
way 1725495 residential
way 1725496 residential
way 1725497 residential
way 1725498 residential
way 1725499 residential
way 1725501 residential
way 1725502 residential
way 1725503 residential
way 1725504 residential
way 1725505 residential
way 1725506 residential
way 1725507 residential
way 1725508 residential
way 1725510 residential
way 1725511 residential
way 1725513 residential
Calle Edén way 1725514 residential
way 1725515 residential
way 1725516 residential
way 1725517 residential
way 1725518 residential
way 1725519 residential
way 1725520 residential
way 1725521 residential
way 1725523 residential
way 1725524 residential
way 1725525 residential
way 1725526 residential
way 1725527 residential
way 1725528 unclassified
way 1725529 residential
way 1725530 residential
way 1725531 residential
way 1725532 residential
way 1725533 residential
way 1725534 residential
way 1725535 residential
way 1725536 residential
way 1725537 residential
(CP#20S) way 1726088 unclassified
way 1726377 residential
(CP#19S) way 1734342 residential
Camino Capitán Cosmo way 1734351 residential
Camino Capitán McLeish way 1734353 residential
Camino Capitán Rodolfino way 1734354 residential
Ronda Carolia way 1734355 secondary
Ronda Carolia way 1734358 secondary
Camino Zigurat way 1734362 tertiary
Camino Zigurat way 1734363 tertiary
Camino Capitán Alfonso way 1734365 residential
way 1734366 residential
way 1734367 residential
way 1734368 residential
way 1734370 tertiary
way 1734372 residential
Avenida el Gran Miguel way 1734373 residential
way 1734374 residential
way 1734375 residential
Calle Pilar Fernandez way 1734376 service
way 1734377 residential
way 1734378 residential
way 1734379 service
way 1734380 residential
way 1734382 residential
way 1734383 residential
way 1734386 residential
way 1734387 residential
way 1734390 residential
way 1734391 service
way 1734393 residential
way 1734397 residential
way 1734398 residential
Calle Dueños way 1734399 residential
way 1734400 residential
way 1734403 residential
way 1734405 residential
way 1734408 residential
way 1734409 service
way 1734410 residential
Calle Pilar Fernandez way 1734413 residential
Calle Pilar Fernandez way 1734418 residential
way 1734419 residential
way 1734420 residential
way 1734421 residential
way 1734422 residential
way 1734423 residential
way 1734424 residential
way 1734425 residential
Via Agua way 1734426 residential
way 1734428 residential
Calle Dueños way 1734429 residential
way 1734430 residential
way 1734432 residential
way 1734433 residential
way 1734434 residential
way 1734437 residential
way 1734440 residential
Calle Wynfield Dressel way 1734441 residential
Pasaje Octavio Shinoda way 1734442 residential
way 1734443 residential
way 1734444 residential
Calle Dueños way 1734445 residential
Calle Pilar Fernandez way 1734446 residential
way 1734447 residential
way 1734448 residential
way 1734449 residential
way 1734450 residential
Calle Alfonso way 1734451 residential
way 1734452 residential
way 1734453 residential
way 1734454 residential
way 1734455 residential
Calle Wynfield Dressel way 1734456 residential
way 1734457 residential
way 1734459 residential
way 1734460 residential
way 1734461 residential
way 1734462 residential
way 1734463 residential
way 1734464 residential
way 1734465 residential
way 1734466 residential
way 1734467 residential
way 1734468 residential
way 1734470 residential
way 1734471 residential
way 1734472 residential
way 1734473 residential
Calle Alfonso way 1734474 residential
way 1734476 residential
way 1734477 residential
way 1734478 residential
Via Agua way 1734479 residential
Terraza Boincatufia way 1734504 pedestrian
Camino Capitán Alfonso way 1734824 residential
Camino Capitán Cosmo way 1734825 residential
Camino Capitán McLeish way 1734826 residential
Camino Capitán Rodolfino way 1734827 residential
Calle Dueños way 1761890 residential
(CP#19S) way 1762019 residential
Bulevar Isabel Richard way 1762022 unclassified
Bulevar Isabel Richard way 1762023 unclassified
Bulevar Isabel Richard way 1762024 unclassified
Bulevar Isabel Richard way 1762025 unclassified
Bulevar Isabel Richard way 1762026 residential
Bulevar Isabel Richard way 1762027 unclassified
Bulevar Isabel Richard way 1762028 unclassified
Ronda Carolia way 1762029 secondary
Ronda Carolia way 1762030 secondary
Ronda Carolia way 1762031 secondary
Ronda Carolia way 1762032 secondary
Calle Virginidad way 1762033 residential
Calle Borgoña way 1762034 residential
Calle Amarillo way 1762035 residential
Calle Naranja way 1762036 residential
Camino Rosado Ligero way 1762037 residential
Calle Amarillo way 1762038 residential
Camino Rosado Oscuro way 1762039 residential
Calle Dueños way 1762040 unclassified
Calle Dueños way 1762041 unclassified
way 1762050 unclassified
Calle Borgoña way 1762052 residential
way 1762058 residential
Calle Naranja way 1762059 residential
Calle Dueños way 1762061 residential
way 1762062 residential
Camino Rosado Oscuro way 1762067 residential
way 1762068 residential
way 1762069 residential
way 1762070 residential
way 1762071 residential
Camino Rosado Oscuro way 1762072 residential
way 1762074 residential
Calle Naranja way 1762075 residential
Calle Borgoña way 1762076 residential
Calle Gris way 1762077 residential
Calle Amarillo way 1762079 residential
Camino Rosado Ligero way 1762080 residential
Calle Rojo way 1762081 residential
Calle Azul way 1762082 residential
Calle Blanco way 1762083 residential
Calle Rosa Alba way 1762084 residential
Calle Negro way 1762085 residential
Calle Rosado way 1762086 residential
way 1762087 residential
way 1762088 residential
way 1762089 residential
way 1762090 unclassified
way 1762092 unclassified
Camino Rosado Ligero way 1762093 residential
Bulevar Isabel Richard way 1762933 unclassified
Bulevar Isabel Richard way 1762934 unclassified
Bulevar Isabel Richard way 1762935 unclassified
Bulevar Isabel Richard way 1762936 unclassified
(CP#19S) way 1767171 unclassified
(CP#19S) way 1767172 unclassified
(CP#20S) way 1767173 unclassified
(CP#20S) way 1767174 unclassified
(CP#21S) way 1767176 tertiary
(CP#21S) way 1767177 tertiary
(CP#21S) way 1767179 tertiary
(CP#21S) way 1767180 tertiary
(CP#21S) way 1767181 tertiary
Avenida Francisco Guaritz (CM#78E) way 1767185 tertiary
Avenida Francisco Guaritz (CM#78E) way 1767186 tertiary
Avenida Francisco Guaritz (CM#78E) way 1767187 tertiary
Avenida Francisco Guaritz (CM#78E) way 1767188 tertiary
Avenida Francisco Guaritz (CM#78E) way 1767189 tertiary
Avenida Francisco Guaritz (CM#78E) way 1767190 tertiary
Avenida Francisco Guaritz (CM#78E) way 1767191 tertiary
Avenida Francisco Guaritz (CM#78E) way 1767192 tertiary
Avenida Francisco Guaritz (CM#78E) way 1767193 tertiary
Avenida Francisco Guaritz (CP#21S) way 1767194 tertiary
Avenida Francisco Guaritz (CP#21S) way 1767195 tertiary
Avenida Francisco Guaritz (CP#21S) way 1767196 tertiary
Avenida Francisco Guaritz (CP#21S) way 1767197 tertiary
Avenida Francisco Guaritz (CP#21S) way 1767198 tertiary
Avenida Francisco Guaritz (CP#21S) way 1767199 tertiary
Avenida Francisco Guaritz way 1767200 secondary
Avenida Francisco Guaritz way 1767201 secondary
Avenida Francisco Guaritz way 1767202 tertiary
Avenida Francisco Guaritz way 1767203 secondary
Avenida Francisco Guaritz way 1767204 secondary
Avenida Francisco Guaritz way 1767205 secondary
Avenida Francisco Guaritz way 1767206 secondary
Avenida Francisco Guaritz way 1767207 tertiary
Avenida Francisco Guaritz way 1767208 tertiary
Avenida Francisco Guaritz way 1767209 tertiary
Avenida Francisco Guaritz way 1767210 tertiary
Bulevar Suroriental way 1767211 secondary
Bulevar Suroriental way 1767212 secondary
Bulevar Suroriental way 1767213 secondary
(CP#21S) way 1767223 tertiary
(CP#21S) way 1767226 tertiary
(CP#21S) way 1767228 tertiary
(CP#21S) way 1767230 tertiary
(CP#21S) way 1767239 unclassified
(CP#21S) way 1767240 tertiary
Calle 460 (CM#77E) way 1767241 tertiary
way 1767242 tertiary
Avenida Francisco Guaritz (CP#21S) way 1767794 tertiary
Avenida Francisco Guaritz (CP#21S) way 1767795 tertiary
Avenida Francisco Guaritz (CP#21S) way 1767796 tertiary
Avenida de la Industria way 1767797 unclassified
Avenida de la Industria way 1767798 unclassified
Calle 466 (CM#78E) way 1767799 tertiary
Calle 466 (CM#78E) way 1767800 tertiary
Calle 466 (CM#78E) way 1769932 tertiary
Calle 466 (CM#78E) way 1769933 unclassified
Calle 466 (CM#78E) way 1769934 tertiary
Calle 466 (CM#78E) way 1769935 unclassified
Calle Fortunato way 1769936 unclassified
Calle Fortunato way 1769937 unclassified
Calle Fortunato way 1769938 residential
Calle Gerundio Vallejo way 1769939 unclassified
Calle Gobrassanya way 1769940 unclassified
Calle Hipólito Barne y Mina way 1769941 pedestrian
Calle Hipólito Barne y Mina way 1769942 pedestrian
Calle Hipólito Barne y Mina way 1769943 pedestrian
Calle Hipólito Barne y Mina way 1769944 unclassified
Calle Hipólito Barne y Mina way 1769945 unclassified
Calle Hormiga way 1769946 residential
Calle Hormiga way 1769947 unclassified
Calle Hormiga way 1769948 unclassified
Calle Ibis way 1769949 residential
Calle Ibis way 1769950 unclassified
Calle Iglesia way 1769951 residential
Calle Inara way 1769952 unclassified
Calle Isabel Guaritz way 1769953 unclassified
Calle Isabel Richard way 1769954 unclassified
Calle Isabel Richard way 1769955 residential
Calle Kang-Palacios way 1769956 residential
Calle Libera way 1769957 service
Calle Libera way 1769958 residential
Calle Libera way 1769959 unclassified
Calle Lirio Kóvacs way 1769960 residential
Calle Lirio Kóvacs way 1769961 residential
Calle Lotario Andreu way 1769962 residential
Calle Lotario Andreu way 1769963 unclassified
Calle Luciano Jones way 1769964 unclassified
Calle Luciano Jones way 1769965 residential
Calle Melchor Lombardi way 1769966 residential
Calle Nueces way 1769967 unclassified
Calle Procopia Ketola way 1769968 unclassified
Calle Procopia Ketola way 1769969 residential
Calle Salvador Lovelace way 1769970 service
Calle Salvador Lovelace way 1769971 unclassified
Calle Salvador Lovelace way 1769972 residential
Calle San Ignacio way 1769973 residential
Calle Saturnino way 1769974 residential
Calle Tarrant way 1769975 residential
Calle Ursa Lully way 1769976 residential
Calle Vicente Zeledón way 1769977 residential
Calle Yucas way 1769978 unclassified
Calle Yucas way 1769979 service
Calle Yuna Namgung way 1769980 unclassified
Malecón way 1769982 pedestrian
Malecón way 1769983 unclassified
Malecón way 1769984 unclassified
Malecón way 1769985 pedestrian
Malecón way 1769986 pedestrian
Malecón way 1769987 unclassified
Malecón way 1769988 unclassified
Ronda de la Industria way 1769990 unclassified
Ronda de la Industria way 1769991 service
Ronda de la Industria way 1769992 unclassified
Ronda de la Industria way 1769993 service
Ronda de la Industria way 1769994 service
Ronda de la Industria way 1769995 service
(CP#20S) way 1774682 unclassified
Bulevar Suroriental way 1774683 secondary
Bulevar Suroriental way 1774684 secondary
Calle Pequeña Escobar (CM#79E) way 1774685 tertiary
Calle Pequeña Escobar (CM#79E) way 1774686 tertiary
Rotonda de los Ocho Caminos way 1774687 secondary
Calle Luciano Jones way 1774693 residential
Calle Fortunato way 1774698 residential
Calle Kojo way 1774703 residential
Calle Elena Kong way 1774705 residential
Calle Procopia Ketola way 1774706 residential
Calle Isabel Richard way 1774707 residential
Calle Hipólito Barne y Mina way 1774710 residential
Calle Lotario Andreu way 1774711 residential
Calle Lallemand way 1774712 residential
Calle Salvador Lovelace way 1774713 residential
Calle Hormiga way 1774795 residential
way 1774796 residential
Calle Khaiwoon way 1774799 residential
Calle Libera Oeste way 1774802 residential
Calle Ismikk way 1774804 residential
Calle Egani way 1774805 residential
Calle Lorredion way 1774806 residential
Calle Commonia way 1774807 residential
Calle Orinoco way 1774808 residential
Calle Khaiwoon way 1774862 residential
Avenida Francisco Guaritz way 1780661 secondary
Avenida Francisco Guaritz way 1780662 secondary
Avenida Francisco Guaritz way 1780663 secondary
Avenida Francisco Guaritz way 1780664 secondary
Autopista de Peaje Suroriental AP 5 motorway
Autopista de Peaje Suroriental AP 5 motorway
Autopista de Peaje Suroriental AP 5 motorway
Calle Isabel Richard (Calle 454) (CM#76E) way 1780690 tertiary
Avenida Francisco Guaritz way 1780703 secondary
Avenida Francisco Guaritz way 1780704 secondary
Avenida Francisco Guaritz way 1780705 secondary
Avenida Francisco Guaritz way 1780706 secondary
way 1780905 unclassified
way 1780906 residential
way 1780907 residential
way 1780908 residential
way 1780910 residential
Calle Brythonn way 1780919 residential
Calle Drevet way 1780920 residential
Calle Fortunato Oeste way 1780923 residential
Calle Ismikk way 1780929 residential
Calle Latina way 1780934 residential
Calle Latina way 1780935 residential
Calle Libera way 1780936 residential
Calle Mecyna way 1780939 residential
Calle Orinoco way 1780944 residential
Calle Orinoco way 1780946 residential
Calle Pretany way 1780947 residential
Calle Tara way 1780951 residential
Calle Tara way 1780952 residential
Calle Tara way 1780953 residential
Calle Ubana way 1780954 residential
way 1780956 service
way 1780957 service
way 1780958 service
way 1780959 service
way 1780960 service
Avenida Francisco Guaritz way 1783853 secondary
Avenida Francisco Guaritz way 1783854 secondary
Avenida Francisco Guaritz way 1783855 secondary
Calle Khaiwoon way 1783856 residential
Calle Santa Thea Este way 1783857 unclassified
Calle Santa Thea Este way 1783858 unclassified
Calle Santa Thea Norte way 1783861 unclassified
Calle Santa Thea Norte way 1783864 unclassified
Ronda Santa Thea way 1783867 unclassified
Ronda Santa Thea way 1783868 unclassified
Ronda Santa Thea way 1783869 unclassified
Ronda Santa Thea way 1783870 unclassified
Ronda Santa Thea way 1783871 unclassified
Via Emergencias way 1783873 service
Via Emergencias way 1783874 service
way 1783876 unclassified
way 1783877 unclassified
way 1783878 unclassified
way 1783882 service
way 1784291 service
way 1784292 service
way 1784293 unclassified
way 1784299 service
way 1784300 service
way 1784304 service
way 1784305 service
way 1784306 service
way 1784307 service
way 1784308 service
way 1784309 service
way 1784310 service
way 1784311 service
way 1784312 service
way 1784313 service
way 1784314 unclassified
way 1784835 service
way 1785501 service
way 1785502 service
way 1785503 service
way 1785504 service
way 1785505 service
way 1785506 service
way 1785507 service
way 1785511 service
way 1785512 service
way 1785513 unclassified
way 1785514 service
way 1785515 service
way 1785516 unclassified
way 1785517 unclassified
way 1785518 unclassified
way 1785520 service
way 1785522 service
way 1785523 service
way 1785525 unclassified
way 1785526 service
way 1785527 service
way 1785528 service
way 1785529 unclassified
way 1786578 unclassified
(CP#20S) way 1786579 unclassified
Calle Francisco way 1786581 residential
Calle Fresca way 1786583 residential
Calle Otoño Este way 1786584 residential
Calle Bentonítico way 1786585 unclassified
Calle Maria Puerta way 1786593 unclassified
Calle Petróleo way 1786597 pedestrian
Avenida Francisco Guaritz (CM#78E) way 1786598 tertiary
Avenida Francisco Guaritz (CM#78E) way 1786599 tertiary
Avenida Francisco Guaritz way 1786600 tertiary
Bulevar Suroriental way 1786601 secondary
Bulevar Suroriental way 1786602 secondary
Bulevar Suroriental way 1786603 secondary
Calle Pequeña Escobar (CM#79E) way 1786604 tertiary
Calle Pequeña Escobar (CM#79E) way 1786605 tertiary
Calle Paloma Blanca (CM#80E) way 1786606 tertiary
Calle Paloma Blanca (CM#80E) way 1786607 tertiary
Calle Paloma Blanca (CM#80E) way 1786608 tertiary
Calle Paloma Blanca (CM#80E) way 1786609 tertiary
Calle Paloma Blanca (CM#80E) way 1786610 tertiary
Calle Paloma Blanca (CM#80E) way 1786611 tertiary
Calle Paloma Blanca (CM#80E) way 1786612 tertiary
Calle Paloma Blanca (CM#80E) way 1786613 tertiary
Calle Paloma Blanca (CM#80E) way 1786614 tertiary
Via Soledad way 1786617 tertiary
Via Soledad way 1786618 tertiary
Via Soledad way 1786619 tertiary
Via Soledad way 1786620 tertiary
Calle Bentonítico way 1786630 residential
Calle Bentonítico way 1786631 pedestrian
way 1787167 residential
Via Soledad way 1792402 tertiary
Via Soledad way 1792403 tertiary
Avenida Francisco Guaritz (CM#78E) way 1797708 tertiary
Avenida Francisco Guaritz (CM#78E) way 1797709 tertiary
Avenida Francisco Guaritz (CM#78E) way 1797710 tertiary
Calle Pequeña Escobar (CM#79E) way 1797711 tertiary
Calle Pequeña Escobar (CM#79E) way 1797712 tertiary
Calle Bentonítico way 1797713 unclassified
Calle Pozo (CP#19S) way 1797714 residential
Calle Pozo way 1797715 residential
Camino Verde way 1797716 tertiary
Camino Verde way 1797717 tertiary
Camino Verde way 1797718 tertiary
Camino Verde way 1797719 tertiary
Camino Verde way 1797720 tertiary
way 1797722 residential
way 1797723 unclassified
way 1797724 residential
way 1797725 residential
Calle Maria Puerta way 1797726 unclassified
way 1797727 residential
way 1797728 residential
Calle Juan Miguel way 1797729 service
way 1797730 service
Calle Juan Miguel way 1797731 service
Calle Juan Miguel way 1797732 service
way 1797733 service
way 1797734 service
way 1797735 service
Calle Juan Miguel way 1797736 service
way 1797737 service
way 1797738 service
Calle Juan Miguel way 1797739 service
way 1797740 service
way 1797741 service
way 1797742 service
Calle Juan Miguel way 1797743 service
way 1797744 residential
way 1797745 service
way 1797746 service
Calle Elena Kong way 1797747 unclassified
Calle Elena Kong way 1797748 unclassified
way 1797749 unclassified
way 1797750 service
way 1797751 residential
way 1797752 service
way 1797753 residential
way 1797754 service
way 1797755 service
way 1797756 service
way 1797757 residential
way 1797758 service
Calle Maria Puerta way 1797759 residential
way 1797760 unclassified
way 1797761 residential
way 1797762 unclassified
Calle Ignacio Quiroga way 1797763 residential
Calle Juan Miguel way 1797764 residential
Calle Elena Kong way 1797765 unclassified
Calle Juan Miguel way 1797766 residential
Calle Fresca way 1797767 unclassified
way 1797768 unclassified
way 1797769 residential
Calle Maria Puerta way 1797770 unclassified
Calle Francisco way 1797771 residential
way 1797772 residential
way 1797774 unclassified
way 1797775 service
way 1797776 residential
way 1797777 residential
way 1797778 unclassified
way 1797780 unclassified
Plaza Bentonítico way 1797796 pedestrian
Plaza Petróleo way 1797797 pedestrian
Plaza Soledad way 1797798 pedestrian
way 1797799 pedestrian
way 1797800 pedestrian
way 1797801 pedestrian
way 1797802 pedestrian
(CP#20S) way 1818174 unclassified
Calle Bentonítico way 1818175 unclassified
Calle Bentonítico way 1818176 unclassified
Calle Elena Kong way 1818177 unclassified
Calle Maria Puerta way 1818178 unclassified
way 1818180 residential
way 1818183 residential
way 1818184 residential
way 1818189 residential
way 1818193 residential
way 1818194 residential
way 1818196 residential
way 1818198 residential
way 1818199 residential
way 1818200 residential
way 1818201 residential
way 1818202 residential
way 1818203 residential
way 1818204 residential
way 1818205 residential
way 1818206 residential
way 1818208 residential
Calle Luciano Jones way 1818211 residential
way 1818212 residential
way 1818213 residential
way 1818214 residential
way 1818215 residential
way 1818216 unclassified
way 1818221 residential
way 1818222 residential
way 1818225 residential
way 1818226 residential
way 1841182 residential
Avenida Gran Domingo (CP#19S) way 1860217 unclassified
Ronda Venturo Belluz way 1860222 residential
Calle Paloma Blanca way 1860251 tertiary
Calle Paloma Blanca Oeste way 1860252 tertiary
Calle Paloma Blanca way 1860253 tertiary
Calle Paloma Blanca Oeste way 1860254 tertiary
Calle Paloma Blanca way 1860255 tertiary
Calle Paloma Blanca way 1860256 tertiary
Ronda Carolia way 1860258 secondary
Ronda Carolia way 1860259 secondary
Ronda Carolia way 1860260 secondary
Ronda Carolia way 1860261 secondary
Ronda Carolia way 1860262 secondary
Ronda Carolia way 1860263 secondary
Calle Bernal Zúñiga way 1860264 residential
Callejón Pedro Chaves way 1860265 service
Calle Parménides Guie way 1860266 residential
Calle Rubén Gaia way 1860267 residential
way 1860268 unclassified
way 1860270 unclassified
Calle Cisco Zapata way 1860272 residential
way 1860274 unclassified
Calle Arely Arraiz way 1860277 residential
Calle Paloma Blanca way 1860278 unclassified
Calle Arely Arraiz way 1860279 residential
Pasaje Temístocles Sillau way 1860283 residential
Calle Paloma Blanca Oeste way 1860285 unclassified
Pasaje Chico Owens way 1860286 residential
Camino Pedro Chaves way 1860288 residential
Ronda Venturo Belluz way 1860289 residential
Pasaje Chico Owens way 1860290 residential
Calle Pedro Chaves way 1860291 residential
Pasaje Benito Pascal way 1860292 residential
Calle Azul Negro way 1862567 unclassified
Bulevar Isabel Richard way 1862581 unclassified
Bulevar Isabel Richard way 1862582 unclassified
Bulevar Isabel Richard way 1862584 unclassified
Bulevar Isabel Richard way 1862585 unclassified
Bulevar Isabel Richard way 1862586 unclassified
Calle Paloma Blanca Oeste way 1862588 unclassified
Calle Paloma Blanca way 1862589 unclassified
Calle Paloma Blanca way 1862590 unclassified
Calle Paloma Blanca way 1862591 unclassified
Calle Paloma Blanca way 1862592 residential
Camino Rosado Oscuro way 1862594 residential
Alameda Au way 1862595 pedestrian
Camino Rosado Oscuro way 1862596 residential
Calle Pedro Lochranzo way 1862600 residential
Calle Orlando Duquederrosas way 1862601 residential
Calle Pinos way 1862602 residential
Calle Sean Curazon way 1862603 residential
Calle Beige way 1862604 residential
Avenida Adalia Jones way 1862605 residential
Calle Lotario Evo way 1862606 residential
Avenida Dougie Gonzales way 1862608 residential
Avenida Willie Neil way 1862609 residential
Avenida Sean Curazon way 1862610 residential
Avenida Nicasio Benbow way 1862611 residential
Calle Amarillo way 1862762 residential
Calle Babbage way 1862828 residential
Calle Paloma Blanca way 1875502 tertiary
Calle Paloma Blanca way 1875503 tertiary
Calle Paloma Blanca way 1875504 tertiary
Calle Paloma Blanca way 1875505 tertiary
Calle Paloma Blanca way 1875506 tertiary
Calle Paloma Blanca way 1875507 tertiary
Calle Gaia Heguy Parent way 1875508 unclassified
Calla Ivo Baek way 1875510 residential
Calle Carlos de Leuze way 1875512 service
Calla Elena Fell way 1875520 residential
Calle Efraín García way 1875522 residential
Calle Carlos de Leuze way 1875523 unclassified
Calle Arkham way 1875524 unclassified
Camino Lorenzo Fell way 1875525 residential
Calle Constanza Bricolet way 1875526 service
Calle Babbage way 1875527 residential
Calle Eduardo Paine Roo way 1875528 residential
Pasaje Núñez way 1875529 residential
Calle Babbage way 1875530 residential
Calla Ivo Baek way 1875533 residential
Calle Venturo Belluz way 1875534 residential
Avenida Gran Domingo way 1875535 unclassified
Calle Constanza Bricolet way 1875537 unclassified
Calle Gaia Heguy Parent way 1875538 residential
Calle Luciano way 1875539 residential
Calle Aristoteles Tavish way 1875540 unclassified
(CP#20S) way 1876760 unclassified
Avenida Gran Domingo (CP#19S) way 1876761 unclassified
Calle Antonino Gohhomassara way 1876762 unclassified
Calle Dueños way 1876764 residential
Calle Edén way 1876766 residential
way 1876776 residential
Avenida Balmarina way 1876839 residential
Calle Numes way 1876840 residential
(CP#19S) way 1877818 tertiary
(CP#19S) way 1877821 tertiary
(CP#19S) way 1877827 tertiary
(CP#19S) way 1877832 tertiary
(CP#19S) way 1877835 tertiary
Plaza Deportes way 1877860 pedestrian
Plaza Deportes way 1877864 pedestrian
Plaza Deportes way 1877866 pedestrian
Plaza Deportes way 1877868 pedestrian
Plaza Deportes way 1877870 pedestrian
Plaza Deportes way 1877872 pedestrian
Plaza Deportes way 1877874 pedestrian
Ronda Arena (CP#19S) way 1877876 tertiary
Ronda Arena (CP#19S) way 1877881 tertiary
Ronda Arena way 1877882 tertiary
Ronda Arena way 1877889 tertiary
Ronda Arena way 1877897 tertiary
way 1877938 service
way 1877939 service
way 1877940 service
way 1877941 service
way 1877944 service
way 1877946 service
way 1877948 service
way 1877950 service
way 1877952 service
way 1877954 service
way 1877959 service
way 1877961 service
way 1877963 service
way 1877965 service
way 1877966 service
way 1877967 service
way 1877968 service
way 1877969 service
way 1877971 service
way 1877973 service
way 1877977 service
way 1877979 service
way 1877980 service
way 1877982 service
way 1877984 service
way 1877989 service
way 1877991 service
way 1877993 service
way 1877995 service
way 1877996 service
way 1877997 service
way 1877998 service
way 1877999 service
way 1878000 service
way 1878002 service
way 1878004 service
Via Santa Thea way 1878006 pedestrian
way 1878008 service
way 1878010 service
way 1878012 service
way 1878016 service
way 1878018 service
way 1878020 service
way 1878021 service
way 1878023 service
way 1878025 service
way 1878026 service
way 1878027 service
way 1878028 service
way 1878030 service
way 1878032 service
way 1878034 service
way 1878036 service
way 1878038 service
Via Santa Thea way 1878039 pedestrian
way 1878043 service
way 1878045 service
way 1878047 service
way 1878049 service
way 1878051 service
way 1878053 service
way 1878055 service
way 1878056 service
way 1878057 service
way 1878058 service
way 1878059 service
way 1878061 service
way 1878063 service
way 1878065 service
way 1878067 service
way 1878071 service
way 1878073 service
way 1878075 service
way 1878077 service
way 1878079 service
way 1878081 service
way 1878083 service
way 1878084 service
way 1878085 service
way 1878086 service
way 1878088 service
way 1878090 service
way 1878093 service
way 1878098 service
way 1878100 service
way 1878102 service
way 1878105 service
way 1878107 service
way 1878109 service
way 1878110 service
way 1878112 service
way 1878114 service
way 1878116 service
way 1878118 service
way 1878120 service
way 1878125 service
way 1878128 service
way 1878131 service
way 1878133 service
way 1878134 service
way 1878135 service
way 1878136 service
way 1878138 service
way 1878143 service
way 1878147 service
way 1878149 service
way 1878151 service
way 1878153 service
way 1878156 service
way 1878158 service
way 1878161 service
way 1878162 service
way 1878163 service
way 1878165 service
way 1878168 service
way 1878172 service
way 1878174 service
way 1878177 service
way 1878181 service
way 1878183 service
way 1878185 service
way 1878186 service
way 1878187 service
way 1878189 service
way 1878191 service
way 1878193 service
way 1878197 service
way 1878199 service
way 1878202 service
way 1878204 service
way 1878206 service
way 1878208 service
way 1878211 service
way 1878213 service
way 1878214 service
way 1878225 service
way 1878227 service
Via Santa Thea way 1878229 pedestrian
way 1878231 service
way 1878236 service
way 1878240 service
way 1878785 service
way 1878786 service
way 1878787 service
Avenida Francisco Guaritz way 1886154 unclassified
Calle Equis way 1886155 unclassified
Calle Francisco way 1886157 residential
Calle Francisco way 1886158 residential
Calle Fresca way 1886159 residential
Calle Fresca way 1886161 residential
Calle Ignacio Quiroga way 1886162 residential
Calle Juan Miguel way 1886164 residential
Calle Maria Puerta way 1886166 residential
Calle Maria Puerta way 1886167 residential
Calle Otoño way 1886169 residential
Calle Otoño way 1886171 residential
Calle Pablo Milton way 1886172 residential
Calle Paralela way 1886173 residential
Calle Payaso way 1886174 residential
Calle Silvano way 1886175 residential
way 1886180 unclassified
Calle Donosio Kim way 1898655 tertiary
Calle Donosio Kim way 1898656 tertiary
Calle Donosio Kim way 1898657 tertiary
Calle Donosio Kim way 1898658 unclassified
Bulevar Efraín García way 1902240 residential
Bulevar Elvira Ordon-Grabb way 1902241 residential
Bulevar Isabel Richard way 1902242 unclassified
Bulevar Isabel Richard way 1902243 unclassified
Bulevar Julián Tigreblanco way 1902244 residential
Bulevar Malecón way 1902245 residential
Bulevar Octavio La Fourchet way 1902246 residential
Bulevar Quichago way 1902247 residential
Ronda Carolia way 1902248 residential
Ronda Carolia way 1902249 residential
Ronda Carolia way 1902250 residential
Bulevar Elvira Ordon-Grabb way 1907048 residential
Bulevar Isabel Richard way 1907049 unclassified
Bulevar Isabel Richard way 1907050 unclassified
Bulevar Isabel Richard way 1907051 unclassified
Ronda Carolia way 1907052 residential
Calle Virginia way 1907054 unclassified
Calle Julii way 1907055 residential
Calle Bellona way 1907056 residential
Calle Arcos way 1907058 residential
Calle Octavia way 1907059 residential
Calle Lorn way 1907060 residential
Calle Telemanus way 1907061 residential
Calle Pliny way 1907062 residential
Calle Velocitor way 1907063 residential
Calle Victra way 1907064 residential
Calle Bellona way 1907065 residential
Calle Roque way 1907066 residential
Calle Nero way 1907068 residential
Calle Darrow au Bellona way 1907069 residential
Calle Tactus way 1907070 residential
Calle Lysander way 1907071 residential
Calle Nero way 1907072 residential
Calle Telemanus way 1907074 residential
Calle Velocitor way 1907075 residential
Calle Roque way 1907076 residential
Calle Tactus way 1907077 residential
Calle Pliny way 1907078 residential
Calle Kellan way 1907079 residential
Calle Grimmus way 1907080 residential
Calle Octavia way 1907081 residential
Calle Kellan way 1907082 residential
Calle Victra way 1907083 residential
Calle Arcos way 1907084 residential
Calle Grimmus way 1907085 residential
Calle Bellona way 1907086 unclassified
Calle Lysander way 1907087 residential
Calle Darrow au Bellona way 1907088 residential
Calle Fabii way 1907089 unclassified
Calle Fabii way 1907090 unclassified
way 1922051 service
way 1922054 service
way 1922060 service
way 1922063 service
way 1922065 service
way 1922068 service
way 1922072 unclassified
way 1922077 service
Bulevar Gran Domingo way 2041232 residential
Bulevar Gran Domingo way 2041233 residential
Bulevar Seeosa way 2041235 residential
Bulevar Seeosa way 2041236 residential
Calle Adrius way 2041237 residential
Calle Andromedus way 2041238 residential
Calle Babbage way 2041241 residential
Calle Cassius way 2041242 residential
Calle Daxo way 2041243 residential
Calle Fabii way 2041244 residential
Calle Fabii way 2041245 unclassified
Calle Karnus way 2041247 residential
Calle Kavax way 2041248 residential
Calle Luciano way 2041249 residential
Calle Nero way 2041250 residential
Calle Pliny way 2041251 residential
Calle Tactus way 2041252 residential
Calle Telemanus way 2041253 residential
Calle Tiberius way 2041254 residential
Calle Velocitor way 2041255 residential
Calle Victra way 2041256 residential
Calle Virginia way 2041257 unclassified
Calle Virginia way 2041258 residential
Ronda Carolia way 2041261 residential
Ronda Carolia way 2041262 residential
Via Fabii way 2041263 pedestrian
Calle Cementerio way 2109849 tertiary
Calle Cementerio way 2109850 residential
(CP#16S) way 2141375 unclassified
Calle 496 (CM#83E) way 2141490 tertiary
Calle 496 (CM#83E) way 2141491 tertiary
Calle 496 (CM#83E) way 2141492 tertiary
Calle 496 (CM#83E) way 2141493 tertiary
Calle Aníbal Del Giacco way 2141494 unclassified
Calle Cementerio way 2141495 unclassified
Calle Fangal way 2141496 unclassified
Calle Fogón way 2141497 unclassified
Calle Geofredo Davies way 2141498 unclassified
Calle Gobernadores way 2141499 unclassified
Calle Iglesia way 2141500 unclassified
Calle José Errázuriz way 2141501 unclassified
Calle Marcadito way 2141502 unclassified
Calle Montaña Falsa way 2141503 unclassified
Calle Obispo way 2141504 unclassified
Calle Perrito way 2141505 unclassified
Calle Terrenal way 2141506 unclassified
Calle Viñas way 2141507 unclassified
Calle de Armas way 2141508 unclassified
Calle Ángel Keum way 2141509 unclassified
Camino Apoxiomeno Larulla (CP#17S) way 2141510 unclassified
Camino Apoxiomeno Larulla way 2141511 tertiary
Camino Apoxiomeno Larulla way 2141512 tertiary
Camino Apoxiomeno Larulla way 2141513 tertiary
Camino Garzas (CM#74 E) way 2141514 tertiary
Camino Nona Aguinaga (CP#15S) way 2141515 unclassified
Gran Plaza del Zigurat way 2141517 pedestrian
way 2141542 service
way 2141543 service
way 2141545 service
(CP#18S) way 2148151 unclassified
(CP#18S) way 2148152 tertiary
Calle 496 (CM#83E) way 2148153 unclassified
Camino Apoxiomeno Larulla way 2148154 secondary
Camino Apoxiomeno Larulla way 2148155 secondary
Camino Zigurat way 2148156 secondary
Avenida Hildr Salazar way 2148194 residential
Avenida Clara Cooper Sur way 2148195 residential
Paseo Ysabel Casales way 2148199 pedestrian
way 2149322 service
way 2149323 service
way 2149324 service
Paseo Guerra Civil way 2149325 residential
Avenida Carlos Chang way 2149432 tertiary
Avenida Nipónicos way 2149433 tertiary
Avenida Palomas way 2149434 unclassified
Calle 284 (CM#48E) way 2149435 residential
Calle Barniz way 2149436 residential
Calle Barniz way 2149437 residential
Calle Cámbricos way 2149438 unclassified
Calle Guepardos way 2149439 unclassified
Calle José María Núñez way 2149440 pedestrian
Calle José María Núñez way 2149441 pedestrian
Calle José María Núñez way 2149442 unclassified
Calle Ogros en Torres way 2149443 unclassified
Calle Oscuridad way 2149444 unclassified
Calle Piedra Rota way 2149445 unclassified
Calle Princesa del Mar way 2149446 unclassified
Calle Princesa del Mar way 2149447 unclassified
Calle Princesa del Mar way 2149448 unclassified
Calle Servicio Carretera Independencia way 2149449 residential
Pasaje Dos Montañas way 2149455 residential
Pasaje Dos Ríos way 2149456 residential
Pasaje El Cuadro way 2149457 residential
Paseo Amanecer way 2149458 residential
Paseo Dárdano Nicolaïdis way 2149459 residential
Paseo Eloy Carusone way 2149460 residential
Paseo Eloy Carusone way 2149461 residential
Paseo Fin Ghiuletti way 2149462 residential
Paseo Jaguares way 2149463 residential
Paseo Juguetes way 2149464 residential
Paseo Victoria Persson way 2149465 residential
way 2149469 service
Pasaje Elefantes way 2149587 residential
Pasaje Golondrina way 2149588 residential
Pasaje Jirafas way 2149589 residential
Pasaje Kanguros way 2149590 residential
Pasaje Leones way 2149591 residential
Pasaje Ornitorrincos way 2149592 residential
Pasaje Tigres way 2149593 residential
Pasaje Zebras way 2149594 residential
Paseo Colegio way 2149595 unclassified
way 2149596 service
Avenida Aquiles Huidobro way 2149677 residential
Calle 296 (CM#50E) way 2149678 tertiary
Calle 296 (CM#50E) way 2149679 tertiary
Calle José María Núñez way 2149680 unclassified
Pasaje Difuntos way 2149691 residential
Pasaje Dos Montañas way 2149692 residential
Pasaje Duraznos way 2149693 residential
Pasaje Liceo way 2149694 residential
Pasaje Monos way 2149695 residential
Pasaje Nueces way 2149696 residential
Pasaje Origen way 2149697 residential
Pasaje Paraísos way 2149698 residential
Pasaje Paraísos way 2149699 residential
Pasaje Pastillas way 2149700 residential
Pasaje Sultanas way 2149701 residential
Pasaje Viñas way 2149702 residential
Paseo Eloy Carusone way 2149703 residential
Paseo Huertas way 2149704 residential
Paseo Huihuaxia way 2149705 residential
Paseo Jaguares way 2149706 residential
Paseo Magadasca way 2149707 residential
Paseo Misiones way 2149708 residential
Paseo Revoluciones way 2149709 residential
Paseo Satria way 2149710 residential
Paseo Tamarindia way 2149711 residential
way 2149718 service
way 2149719 service
way 2149720 service
way 2149721 service
way 2149722 service
Calle Rogelio Aiza way 2153239 residential
Calle Elpidio Noguerra Norte way 2153241 residential
Calle Elpidio Noguerra Sur way 2153242 residential
Camino Góriz way 2153243 tertiary
Camino Góriz way 2153244 tertiary
Camino Góriz way 2153251 tertiary
Camino Góriz way 2153252 tertiary
Camino Góriz way 2153253 tertiary
Camino Góriz way 2153254 tertiary
Camino Góriz way 2153255 tertiary
Camino Góriz way 2153256 tertiary
Camino Góriz way 2153257 tertiary
Camino Góriz way 2153258 pedestrian
Camino Góriz way 2153259 tertiary
Camino Góriz way 2153260 tertiary
Paseo Tiburcio Araullo way 2153263 pedestrian
Ronda Eliana Roig way 2153265 unclassified
Ronda Eliana Roig way 2153266 unclassified
Ronda Eliana Roig way 2153267 unclassified
Ronda Eliana Roig way 2153268 unclassified
Ronda Eliana Roig way 2153269 unclassified
Ronda Eliana Roig way 2153270 unclassified
Ronda Eliana Roig way 2153271 unclassified
Ronda Flo Rojo way 2153272 unclassified
Ronda Flo Rojo way 2153273 unclassified
Ronda Flo Rojo way 2153274 unclassified
Ronda Flo Rojo way 2153275 unclassified
Avenida Angelita Crespo way 2154095 residential
Avenida Benigna Colón Norte way 2154096 residential
Avenida Benigna Colón Sur way 2154097 residential
Avenida Clara Cooper Norte way 2154098 residential
Avenida Marc Rana Norte way 2154100 residential
Avenida Marc Rana Sur way 2154101 residential
Avenida Mariano Suero way 2154102 residential
Avenida Olivia Tomàs Este way 2154103 residential
Avenida Olivia Tomàs Oeste way 2154104 residential
Calle Baldo Echevarría way 2154105 residential
Calle Cristina Ortega way 2154106 residential
Calle Diego Salinas way 2154107 residential
Calle Francisco Rivera way 2154108 residential
Calle Godofredo Bustos way 2154109 residential
Calle Jacobo Moreno way 2154110 residential
Calle Kandaĵa Gomez way 2154111 residential
Calle Lucho Aquino way 2154112 residential
Calle Luisa Castellano way 2154113 residential
Calle Maraĵa Duma way 2154114 residential
Calle Maraĵa Sala way 2154115 residential
Calle Norberto Aritza way 2154116 residential
Calle Prudencio Juárez way 2154117 residential
Calle Tiburcio Araullo way 2154118 residential
Calle Tiburcio Araullo way 2154119 residential
Calle Íñigo Antúnez way 2154120 residential
Calle Òscar Ubina way 2154121 residential
Camino Góriz way 2154122 residential
Camino Góriz way 2154123 residential
Camino Góriz way 2154124 residential
Camino Góriz way 2154125 residential
Calle Esc. Araullo way 2154177 unclassified
way 2154290 service
Avenida Cassandra Abascal way 2154615 residential
Avenida José Mendoza way 2154616 residential
Avenida Nereida Arce way 2154617 residential
Avenida Pol Casales way 2154618 residential
Calle Amalia Ruiz way 2154619 residential
Calle David Abascal way 2154620 residential
Calle Elpidio Alamilla way 2154621 residential
Calle Eufemia Villa way 2154622 residential
Calle Fajra Holguín way 2154623 residential
Calle Gabriela Abarca way 2154624 residential
Calle Georgina Rodríguez way 2154625 residential
Calle Glorinda Bermúdez way 2154626 pedestrian
Calle Haydée Terrazas way 2154628 residential
Calle Malena Medina way 2154629 residential
Calle Martín Delgado way 2154630 residential
Calle Xoana Mateu way 2154631 residential
Calle Yessenia Sierra way 2154632 residential
Calle Zoraida Fuentes way 2154633 residential
Calle Ámbar Busto way 2154634 residential
Camino Góriz (CM#84E) way 2154635 tertiary
Camino Góriz (CM#84E) way 2154636 tertiary
Camino Góriz way 2154661 tertiary
Camino Góriz way 2154662 tertiary
Camino Góriz way 2154663 tertiary
Camino Góriz way 2154664 tertiary
Ronda Carolia way 2154665 secondary
Ronda Carolia way 2154666 secondary
Ronda Carolia way 2154667 secondary
Avenida Baltasar Silva way 2154761 residential
Avenida Porfirio San Nicolas way 2154762 residential
Avenida Urien Solos way 2154763 residential
Avenida Xabier Rivero way 2154764 residential
Calle Ale Rivero way 2154765 residential
Calle Cybele Fierro way 2154766 residential
Calle Felicia Ubina way 2154767 residential
Calle Leoncio Santiago way 2154768 residential
Calle Leoncio Santiago way 2154769 residential
Calle Narayana Vela way 2154770 residential
Calle Porfirio San Nicolas way 2154772 residential
Calle Raquel Travieso way 2154773 residential
Calle Raquel Travieso way 2154774 residential
Calle Rosendo Fernández way 2154775 residential
Calle Rosendo Fernández way 2154776 residential
Calle Victoria Escamilla way 2154777 residential
Camino Góriz way 2154778 residential
Camino Góriz way 2154779 residential
Malecón Góriz way 2154786 pedestrian
Bulevar Bendera way 2344949 residential
Bulevar Bericha way 2344950 residential
Bulevar Caramau way 2344951 residential
Bulevar Goitacania way 2344952 residential
Bulevar Graquiter way 2344953 residential
Bulevar Ilera way 2344954 residential
Bulevar Murirán way 2344955 residential
Bulevar Ramazán way 2344956 residential
Bulevar Subaga way 2344957 residential
Bulevar Tonsul way 2344958 residential
Bulevar Vranicha way 2345258 residential
Bulevar Ardesféria way 2345259 residential
way 2345260 residential
Bulevar Sitícha way 2345261 residential
Bulevar Radocal way 2345262 residential
way 2345263 residential
Bulevar Radocal way 2345264 residential
way 2345265 residential
way 2345266 residential
way 2346580 residential
Lily Street way 2371728 unclassified
way 2371731 pedestrian
way 2371732 pedestrian
Abessa Street way 2565183 residential
Abessa Street way 2565184 residential
Achitophel Ford Street way 2565185 service
Blatant Beast Street way 2565186 tertiary
Blatant Beast Street way 2565187 tertiary
Blood Canyon Drive way 2565188 tertiary
Blood Canyon Drive way 2565189 tertiary
Borax Drive way 2565190 unclassified
Borax Drive way 2565191 unclassified
Four Crosses Street way 2565194 unclassified
Four Crosses Street way 2565195 unclassified
Oracle Street way 2565202 residential
Pest Road way 2565203 unclassified
Pest Road way 2565204 unclassified
Roast Street way 2565205 unclassified
Roast Street way 2565206 unclassified
Thunderbird Road way 2565207 tertiary
Bulevar Cuatrocientos (CM#67E) way 2689036 tertiary
Bulevar Cuatrocientos (CM#67E) way 2689037 tertiary
Bulevar Tiberón (CM#72E) way 2689038 tertiary
Bulevar Tiberón way 2689039 tertiary
Calle 406 (CM#68E) way 2689040 residential
Calle 406 (CM#68E) way 2689041 tertiary
Calle 412 (CM#69E) way 2689042 tertiary
Calle 412 (CM#69E) way 2689043 tertiary
Camino Bula Yambadar (CP#20S) way 2689044 tertiary
Camino Bula Yambadar (CP#20S) way 2689045 tertiary
Camino Bula Yambadar (CP#20S) way 2689046 tertiary
Camino Bula Yambadar way 2689047 tertiary
Camino Buques (CM#70E) way 2689048 tertiary
Camino Buques (CP#21S) way 2689049 tertiary
Camino Buques (CP#21S) way 2689050 tertiary
Camino Buques (CP#21S) way 2689051 tertiary
Camino Buques way 2689052 tertiary
Camino Buques way 2689053 tertiary
Camino Canal Perdido (CP#19S) way 2689054 tertiary
Camino Canal Perdido (CP#19S) way 2689055 tertiary
Camino Medialuna way 2689056 tertiary
Camino Medialuna way 2689057 tertiary
Camino Somos Pobres way 2689058 tertiary
Camino Somos Pobres way 2689059 tertiary
Camino Somos Pobres way 2689060 tertiary
Camino Somos Pobres way 2689061 tertiary
Avenida Ripichipie way 2753295 tertiary
Avenida Ripichipie way 2753296 tertiary
Avenida Ripichipie way 2753297 tertiary
Avenida Ripichipie way 2753298 tertiary
Calle Hierbabuena way 2753299 pedestrian
Calle San Inocencio way 2753300 unclassified
Camino de Delta RN 5 primary
Camino de Delta RN 5 primary
Camino de Delta RN 5 primary
Camino de Delta RN 5 primary
Avenida Industrias Marítimas way 2753501 tertiary
Bulevar Coco Loco way 2753502 tertiary
Bulevar Coco Loco way 2753503 tertiary
Bulevar Coco Loco way 2753504 tertiary
Bulevar Coco Loco way 2753505 tertiary
Bulevar Coco Loco way 2753506 tertiary
Bulevar Coco Loco way 2753507 tertiary
Bulevar Coco Loco way 2753508 tertiary
Bulevar Coco Loco way 2753509 tertiary
Bulevar Coco Loco way 2753510 tertiary
Bulevar Coco Loco way 2753511 tertiary
Bulevar San Gil way 2753512 tertiary
Bulevar San Gil way 2753513 tertiary
Calle Aguas way 2753520 unclassified
Calle Ardesfera way 2753521 residential
Calle Cantores way 2753522 residential
Calle Federación way 2753523 residential
Calle Gaviotas way 2753524 residential
Calle Hostias way 2753525 residential
Calle Hostias way 2753526 residential
Calle Presidentes way 2753527 residential
Calle Vieja way 2753528 residential
Avenida Duna way 2753584 tertiary
Avenida Duna way 2753585 tertiary
Bulevar Coco Loco way 2753586 tertiary
Bulevar Coco Loco way 2753587 tertiary
Bulevar La Ballena way 2753588 tertiary
Bulevar La Ballena way 2753589 tertiary
Calle Astros way 2753590 residential
Calle Café way 2753591 residential
Calle Café way 2753592 residential
Calle Café way 2753593 tertiary
Calle Camomilas way 2753594 residential
Calle Canela way 2753595 residential
Calle Canela way 2753596 tertiary
Calle Canela way 2753597 tertiary
Calle Canela way 2753598 residential
Calle Cleonte Scandolli way 2753599 residential
Calle Damascos way 2753600 unclassified
Calle Driadas way 2753601 residential
Calle Duraznos way 2753602 residential
Calle Enjauladas way 2753603 residential
Calle Estafanía Stanley Le Chat way 2753604 residential
Calle Estafanía Stanley Le Chat way 2753605 residential
Calle Felipe Foucault way 2753606 residential
Calle Felipe Foucault way 2753607 residential
Calle Felipe Foucault way 2753608 residential
Calle Fumarias way 2753609 residential
Calle Geranios way 2753610 residential
Calle Hierbabuena way 2753611 residential
Calle Jacarandas way 2753612 residential
Calle Jack Woss way 2753613 residential
Calle Jack Woss way 2753614 residential
Calle Jamaica way 2753615 residential
Calle Jamaica way 2753616 residential
Calle Jamaica way 2753617 residential
Calle Lotos way 2753618 residential
Calle Muertos way 2753619 unclassified
Calle Máquinas way 2753620 residential
Calle Octavio La Fourchet way 2753621 unclassified
Calle Ruedas way 2753622 residential
Calle Té way 2753623 residential
Calle Té way 2753624 residential
Pasaje Albor de Gronik way 2753627 residential
Pasaje Amanecer way 2753628 residential
Pasaje Cruces way 2753629 residential
Pasaje Dantel Jefferson way 2753630 residential
Pasaje Héracles Pau way 2753631 residential
Pasaje Iglesia way 2753632 residential
Pasaje Naranjo way 2753633 residential
Paseo Guardia Civil way 2753634 tertiary
Paseo del Fangal way 2753635 tertiary
Paseo del Fangal way 2753636 unclassified
Paseo del Fangal way 2753637 unclassified
Paseo del Fangal way 2753638 unclassified
Paseo del Fangal way 2753639 unclassified
way 2753641 service
way 2753642 service
way 2753643 service
way 2753644 service
way 2753645 service
Avenida Eleusis Maisuradze way 2753647 tertiary
Avenida Eleusis Maisuradze way 2753648 tertiary
Avenida Eleusis Maisuradze way 2753649 tertiary
Calle Las Frutas way 2753650 unclassified
Pasaje Esmeraldas way 2753653 residential
Pasaje Rubies way 2753654 residential
Pasaje Turquesas way 2753655 residential
Paseo Anchoas way 2753656 residential
Paseo Atunes way 2753657 residential
Paseo Delfines way 2753658 residential
Paseo Espadartes way 2753659 residential
Paseo Tiburones way 2753660 residential
Bulevar San Gil way 2753840 tertiary
Bulevar San Gil way 2753841 tertiary
way 2753855 service
way 2753858 service
way 2753866 service
way 2753869 service
way 2753871 pedestrian
way 2753879 service
way 2753882 service
way 2753885 service
way 2753892 service
way 2753893 service
way 2753894 service
way 2753895 service
way 2753896 service
way 2753897 service
way 2753898 service
way 2753899 service
way 2753903 service
Plaza Comemos way 2754011 pedestrian
way 2754032 service
way 2754034 pedestrian
way 2754035 pedestrian
way 2754044 pedestrian
way 2754056 pedestrian
way 2754078 pedestrian
way 2754087 pedestrian
way 2754089 pedestrian
way 2754090 service
way 2754092 pedestrian
way 2754093 pedestrian
way 2754097 service
way 2754099 pedestrian
way 2754197 pedestrian
way 2754200 pedestrian
way 2754202 pedestrian
way 2754330 service
way 2754342 service
way 2754348 service
way 2754429 service
way 2754470 pedestrian
way 2754472 pedestrian
way 2754475 pedestrian
Paseo Corales way 2761516 tertiary
Paseo Corales way 2761517 residential
Paseo Haciendas way 2761518 residential
Paseo Haciendas way 2761519 tertiary
way 2761698 pedestrian
way 2761711 pedestrian
way 2761714 service
way 2761889 pedestrian
way 2761890 pedestrian
way 2761892 pedestrian
way 2761896 pedestrian
way 2761904 pedestrian
way 2761907 pedestrian
way 2761911 pedestrian
way 2762043 pedestrian
way 2762048 service
way 2762050 service
way 2762052 service
way 2762053 pedestrian
way 2762074 pedestrian
way 2762075 service
way 2762076 service
way 2762079 service
way 2762147 pedestrian
way 2762151 pedestrian
way 2762153 pedestrian
way 2762154 pedestrian
way 2762375 pedestrian
way 2762384 pedestrian
way 2762385 service
way 2762583 service
way 2762584 service
way 2762585 service
way 2762586 service
way 2762587 service
way 2762588 service
way 2762589 service
way 2762590 service
way 2762591 pedestrian
way 2762592 service
way 2762593 service
way 2762596 service
way 2762597 service
way 2762598 service
way 2762599 service
way 2762600 service
Calle Instituto way 2762659 residential
Calle Marinita way 2762660 unclassified
Calle Tiburón way 2762661 residential
Pasaje Alegría way 2762663 residential
Pasaje Comercial way 2762664 residential
Pasaje Industrial way 2762665 residential
Pasaje Nutria way 2762666 residential
Pasaje Residencial way 2762667 residential
Pasaje Veleros way 2762668 residential
way 2762670 service
way 2762671 service
way 2762672 service
way 2762673 service
way 2762674 service
way 2762675 service
way 2762676 service
way 2762677 service
way 2762678 service
way 2762679 service
way 2762680 service
way 2762681 service
way 2762682 service
way 2762683 service
way 2762684 service
way 2762685 service
way 2762686 service
way 2762687 service
way 2762688 service
way 2762689 service
way 2762690 service
way 2762691 service
way 2762692 service
way 2762693 service
way 2762694 service
way 2762695 service
way 2762696 service
way 2762697 service
way 2762698 service
way 2762699 service
way 2762700 service
way 2762701 service
way 2762702 service
way 2762703 service
way 2762704 service
way 2762705 service
way 2762706 service
way 2762707 service
way 2762708 service
way 2762709 service
way 2762710 service
way 2762711 service
way 2762712 service
Bulevar San Gil way 2762804 tertiary
Bulevar San Gil way 2762805 tertiary
Calle Cacatúas way 2762806 residential
Calle Damascos way 2762807 unclassified
Calle Felipe Foucault way 2762808 residential
Calle Grano de Arena way 2762809 residential
Calle Jack Woss way 2762810 residential
Calle Jitomates way 2762811 residential
Calle Jitomates way 2762812 residential
Calle Jitomates way 2762813 unclassified
Calle Loros way 2762814 residential
Calle Mirlos way 2762815 residential
Calle Pericos way 2762816 residential
Calle Urracas way 2762817 residential
Pasaje Alerces way 2762820 residential
Pasaje Cedros way 2762821 residential
Pasaje Metasecoyas way 2762822 residential
Pasaje Pinos way 2762823 residential
way 2762824 service
way 2762825 service
way 2762826 service
way 2762827 service
way 2762828 service
way 2762829 service
way 2762830 service
way 2762831 service
way 2762832 service
way 2762833 service
way 2762834 service
way 2762835 service
way 2762836 service
way 2762837 service
way 2762838 service
way 2762839 service
way 2762840 service
way 2762841 service
way 2762842 service
way 2762843 service
way 2762844 service
way 2762845 service
way 2762846 service
way 2762847 service
way 2762848 service
way 2762849 service
way 2762850 service
way 2762851 service
way 2762852 service
way 2762853 service
way 2762854 service
way 2762855 service
way 2762856 service
Calle Albor de Gronik way 2762931 residential
Calle Cacatúas way 2762932 residential
Calle Felipe Foucault way 2762933 residential
Calle Jack Woss way 2762934 residential
Calle Numitor Gold Peretti way 2762935 tertiary
Calle Talleres way 2762936 residential
Pasaje Anguilas way 2762937 residential
Pasaje Cabinita way 2762938 residential
Pasaje Cabinita way 2762939 residential
Pasaje Entrevista way 2762940 residential
Pasaje Ferrocarrileros way 2762941 residential
Pasaje Ferrocarrileros way 2762942 residential
Pasaje Ferrocarrileros way 2762943 residential
Pasaje Gatitas way 2762944 residential
Pasaje Gatitas way 2762945 residential
Pasaje La Jaula way 2762946 residential
Pasaje La Jaula way 2762947 residential
Pasaje Marineros way 2762948 residential
Pasaje Marineros way 2762949 residential
Pasaje Marineros way 2762950 residential
Pasaje Paralelo way 2762951 residential
Pasaje Paralelo way 2762952 residential
Pasaje Pescadores way 2762953 residential
Pasaje Pescadores way 2762954 residential
Pasaje Pescadores way 2762955 residential
Pasaje Pobres way 2762956 residential
Pasaje Tranvías way 2762957 residential
Pasaje Tres Mariposas way 2762958 residential
Pasaje Tres Mariposas way 2762959 residential
Pasaje Tres Mariposas way 2762960 residential
Pasaje Trigo way 2762961 residential
Pasaje Trueno way 2762962 residential
Paseo Escombros way 2762963 residential
Paseo Maravilla way 2762964 residential
Paseo Maravilla way 2762965 residential
Paseo Playa way 2762966 tertiary
Paseo Playa way 2762967 tertiary
way 2762971 service
way 2762973 service
Avenida Alfanje way 2763335 tertiary
Avenida Alfanje way 2763336 tertiary
Avenida Alfanje way 2763337 tertiary
Avenida Bracamarte way 2763338 residential
Avenida Bracamarte way 2763339 residential
Avenida Cimitarra way 2763340 residential
Avenida Cimitarra way 2763341 residential
Avenida Cimitarra way 2763342 residential
Avenida Duna way 2763343 residential
Avenida Duna way 2763344 residential
Avenida Duna way 2763345 tertiary
Avenida Espadín way 2763346 residential
Avenida Espadín way 2763347 residential
Avenida Estoque RN 5 primary
Avenida Estoque RN 5 primary
Avenida Estoque RN 5 primary
Avenida Estoque RN 5 primary
Avenida Falcata way 2763352 residential
Avenida Falcata way 2763353 residential
Avenida Florete way 2763354 residential
Avenida Florete way 2763355 residential
Avenida Mandoble way 2763356 residential
Avenida Mandoble way 2763357 residential
Avenida Ronfea way 2763358 residential
Bulevar Blas Huang way 2763359 residential
Bulevar Blas Huang way 2763360 residential
Bulevar Yago Krohn way 2763361 residential
Calle Adranos Gorilagüera way 2763362 residential
Calle Adranos Gorilagüera way 2763363 residential
Calle Antípatro Cuelloestirado way 2763364 tertiary
Calle Antípatro Cuelloestirado way 2763365 unclassified
Calle Antípatro Cuelloestirado way 2763366 unclassified
Calle Antípatro Cuelloestirado way 2763367 tertiary
Calle Apolonio Condedetorres way 2763368 residential
Calle Apolonio Condedetorres way 2763369 residential
Calle Apolonio Condedetorres way 2763370 residential
Calle Clio Espejodepiedra way 2763371 residential
Calle Clio Espejodepiedra way 2763372 residential
Calle Gaón Amadoporcuervos way 2763373 residential
Calle Gaón Amadoporcuervos way 2763374 residential
Calle Julián Tigreblanco way 2763375 residential
Calle Julián Tigreblanco way 2763376 residential
Calle Julián Tigreblanco way 2763377 residential
Calle Julián Tigreblanco way 2763378 residential
Calle Julián Tigreblanco way 2763379 residential
Calle Nicéforo Mantoamarillo way 2763380 residential
Calle Nicéforo Mantoamarillo way 2763381 residential
Calle Nicéforo Mantoamarillo way 2763382 residential
Calle Olivia Almaquecae way 2763383 residential
Calle Olivia Almaquecae way 2763384 residential
Calle Orlando Duquederrosas way 2763385 residential
Calle Orlando Duquederrosas way 2763386 residential
Calle Procopio Flormaloliente way 2763387 residential
Calle Procopio Flormaloliente way 2763388 residential
Calle Procopio Flormaloliente way 2763389 residential
Calle Procopio Flormaloliente way 2763390 residential
Calle Procopio Flormaloliente way 2763391 residential
Calle Procopio Flormaloliente way 2763392 residential
Calle Ruth Guerreromarchito way 2763393 residential
Calle Sabinia Corazadebronce way 2763394 residential
Calle Sabinia Corazadebronce way 2763395 residential
Calle Sabinia Corazadebronce way 2763396 residential
Calle Silvino Changodelatón way 2763397 residential
Calle Silvino Changodelatón way 2763398 residential
Calle Ucalegonte Casardiente way 2763399 residential
Calle Ucalegonte Casardiente way 2763400 tertiary
Pasaje Aborígenes Norte way 2763405 residential
Pasaje Aborígenes Sur way 2763406 residential
way 2763409 service
way 2763410 service
way 2763411 service
way 2763412 service
way 2763413 service
way 2763414 service
way 2763415 service
way 2763416 service
way 2763417 service
way 2763418 service
way 2763419 service
way 2763420 service
way 2763421 service
way 2763422 service
way 2763423 service
way 2763424 service
way 2763425 service
way 2763426 service
way 2763427 service
way 2763428 service
way 2763429 service
way 2763430 service
way 2763431 service
way 2763432 service
way 2763433 service
way 2763434 service
way 2763435 service
way 2763436 service
way 2763437 service
Calle Abelorios way 2763512 residential
Calle El Cielo way 2763513 residential
Calle Escopeta way 2763515 residential
Calle Las Nubes way 2763516 residential
Calle Las Olas way 2763517 residential
Calle Suburbana way 2763519 residential
Pasaje Dedo Grande way 2763522 residential
Pasaje La Jarrita way 2763526 residential
Pasaje Pastores way 2763528 residential
Pasaje Sin Rumbo way 2763530 residential
Pasaje de Hormigas way 2763533 residential
Pasaje de Pulgas way 2763534 residential
Paseo Transitorio way 2763535 residential
Simaal Aamō (Calle Caliente) way 2800670 residential
Simaal Aarl (Calle Grande) way 2800671 residential
Simaal Aarl (Calle Grande) way 2800672 residential
Simaal Diamodj (Calle de los Diamantes) way 2800673 residential
Simaal Hix (Calle Seguro) way 2800674 residential
Simaal Klw (Calle de la Vista) way 2800675 residential
Simaal Ku (Calle del Transbordador) way 2800676 unclassified
Simaal Paabē (Calle del Puerto) way 2800677 residential
Simaal Sif (Calle del Viento) way 2800678 residential
Simal Dubalj (Ruta Turística) way 2800680 unclassified
Simal Hukurni (Ruta por las Collinas) way 2800681 unclassified
Simal Jorelj (Calle de las Tortugas) way 2800682 unclassified
Simal Kohrx (Ruta del Valle) way 2800683 unclassified
Simal Miqn (Ruta de Miqn) way 2800684 unclassified
Simal Thwlk (Via de la Fortaleza) way 2800685 unclassified
Simal Şakedwj (Calle de los Enemigos) way 2800686 unclassified
way 2800934 service
way 2800935 service
way 2800939 service
way 2800946 unclassified
way 2800947 unclassified
way 2800948 service
way 2800950 unclassified
way 2800951 service
way 2800953 service
way 2800954 unclassified
way 2800956 unclassified
way 2800957 unclassified
way 2800958 unclassified
way 2800961 unclassified
way 2800962 unclassified
way 2800963 service
way 2800964 unclassified
way 2800965 unclassified
way 2800966 unclassified
way 2800968 unclassified
way 2800973 service
way 2800978 service
way 2800979 service
way 2800981 service
way 2800982 unclassified
way 2800984 unclassified
way 2800985 unclassified
way 2800986 unclassified
way 2800987 service
way 2800988 unclassified
way 2800989 unclassified
way 2800990 service
way 2800991 unclassified
way 2800992 unclassified
way 2800994 service
way 2800995 unclassified
way 2800996 unclassified
way 2801000 service
way 2801001 service
way 2802687 service
(CM#108E) way 2825723 unclassified
Camino Datames Capetillo (CP#1S) way 2825724 unclassified
Camino Sombra de Nubes (CP#2S) way 2825725 unclassified
Avenida Glorieta way 2825726 tertiary
Avenida Glorieta way 2825727 tertiary
Avenida Hermosa (CM#108E) way 2825728 residential
Avenida Puente Viejo RN 31 primary
Avenida Puente Viejo RN 31 primary
Camino Ascanio Psellos (CM#116E) way 2825733 tertiary
Camino Cerro Borges RN 31 primary
Camino Chupaconejos way 2825735 tertiary
Camino Febo Dutra (CP#20S) way 2825736 tertiary
Camino Plácida Narvaja (CP#5S) way 2825738 tertiary
Glorieta Inconveniente RN 5; RN 31 primary
Glorieta Inconveniente RN 5; RN 31 primary
Glorieta Inconveniente RN 5; RN 31 primary
Glorieta Treinta-y-Uno RN 31 primary
Glorieta Treinta-y-Uno way 2825758 primary
Glorieta Treinta-y-Uno RN 31 primary
Glorieta del Sur RN 31; RN 34 primary
Glorieta del Sur RN 31; RN 34 primary
Via del Arroyo way 2825762 tertiary
Calle Cerro way 2825775 unclassified
Calle Serpientes way 2825776 residential
Calle Vieja way 2825777 residential
Calle de Armas way 2825778 residential
Camino Rufino da Silva way 2825779 tertiary
Camino Suroriental RN 98 primary
Camino Suroriental RN 98 primary
Camino Suroriental RN 98 primary
Camino Suroriental RN 98 primary
Glorieta Estado RN 5 primary
Glorieta Estado RN 5 primary
Glorieta Estado RN 5 primary
Glorieta Estado RN 5 primary
RN 98 primary
RN 98 primary
RN 98 primary
RN 98 primary
RN 98 primary
RN 98 primary
Avenida Alondras way 2836433 tertiary
Avenida Autoridades way 2836434 tertiary
Avenida Autoridades way 2836435 residential
Avenida Flamencos way 2836436 tertiary
Avenida Ángel Keum RN 5 primary
Avenida Ángel Keum RN 5 primary
Avenida Ángel Keum RN 5 primary
Avenida Ángel Keum RN 5 primary
Avenida Ángel Keum RN 5 primary
Avenida Ángel Keum RN 5 primary
Avenida Ángel Keum RN 5 primary
Bulevar Apriscos way 2836444 tertiary
Bulevar Charrán way 2836445 tertiary
Bulevar Garceta way 2836446 tertiary
Bulevar Garceta way 2836447 tertiary
Bulevar Sicarios (CM#45E) way 2836448 secondary
Bulevar Sicarios way 2836449 secondary
Bulevar del Sur (CP#2S) way 2836450 tertiary
Calle 272 (CM#46E) way 2836451 tertiary
Calle 278 (CM#47E) way 2836452 tertiary
Calle Alegría way 2836453 residential
Calle Andrágoras Rhennes way 2836454 residential
Calle Artemisio Oglethorpe way 2836455 residential
Calle Autonomía way 2836456 residential
Calle Autonomía way 2836457 residential
Calle Cerradura way 2836458 tertiary
Calle Cerradura way 2836459 residential
Calle Comercio way 2836460 residential
Calle Comercio way 2836461 residential
Calle Comercio way 2836462 residential
Calle Federación way 2836463 residential
Calle Federación way 2836464 residential
Calle Federación way 2836465 residential
Calle Federación way 2836466 residential
Calle Federación way 2836467 residential
Calle Federación way 2836468 residential
Calle Gabinetes way 2836469 residential
Calle Gabinetes way 2836470 residential
Calle Hermandad way 2836471 residential
Calle Hermandad way 2836472 residential
Calle Hermandad way 2836473 residential
Calle Hermino Klang way 2836474 residential
Calle Hermino Klang way 2836475 residential
Calle Hermino Klang way 2836476 residential
Calle Lalo Meddeldorff way 2836477 residential
Calle Lalo Meddeldorff way 2836478 residential
Calle Mundo way 2836479 residential
Calle Mundo way 2836480 residential
Calle Neiva Grosberg Núñez way 2836481 residential
Calle Neiva Grosberg Núñez way 2836482 residential
Calle Neiva Grosberg Núñez way 2836483 residential
Calle Neiva Grosberg Núñez way 2836484 residential
Calle Normando Ptak way 2836485 residential
Camino Jabalíes (CP#3S) way 2836486 tertiary
Camino Jabalíes (CP#3S) way 2836487 tertiary
Camino Jabalíes (CP#3S) way 2836488 tertiary
Camino Tesoro(CP#5S) way 2836489 tertiary
Paseo Longo Crimson way 2836492 tertiary
Paseo Longo Crimson way 2836493 tertiary
Plaza Longo Crimson way 2836495 residential
Avenida Constantino Stanck way 2836578 residential
Avenida Flamencos way 2836579 unclassified
Bulevar Sicarios way 2836581 secondary
Bulevar Sicarios way 2836582 secondary
Bulevar del Sur (CP#2S) way 2836583 tertiary
Bulevar del Sur (CP#2S) way 2836584 tertiary
Calle 248 (CM#42E) way 2836585 tertiary
Calle 248 (CM#42E) way 2836586 tertiary
Calle Alegría way 2836587 residential
Calle Alegría way 2836588 residential
Calle Artemisio Oglethorpe way 2836589 residential
Calle Cerradura way 2836590 unclassified
Calle Desiderio Wynn way 2836591 residential
Calle Desiderio Wynn way 2836592 residential
Calle Desiderio Wynn way 2836593 residential
Calle Desiderio Wynn way 2836594 residential
Calle Diamantes way 2836595 residential
Calle Dánao Escoto way 2836596 residential
Calle Dánao Escoto way 2836597 residential
Calle Gabinetes way 2836598 residential
Calle Gabinetes way 2836599 residential
Calle Gabinetes way 2836600 residential
Calle Godescalco Tussy way 2836601 residential
Calle Hermino Klang way 2836602 residential
Calle Macrobio Bretaña way 2836603 residential
Calle Marte way 2836604 residential
Calle Mercurio way 2836605 residential
Calle Mercurio way 2836606 residential
Calle Mundo way 2836607 residential
Calle Normando Ptak way 2836608 residential
Calle Normando Ptak way 2836609 residential
Calle Normando Ptak way 2836610 residential
Calle Penélope Zorzano way 2836611 residential
Calle Penélope Zorzano way 2836612 residential
Calle Penélope Zorzano way 2836613 residential
Calle Poseidón way 2836614 residential
Calle Suelo way 2836615 residential
Calle Suelo way 2836616 residential
Calle Suelo way 2836617 residential
Calle Techo way 2836618 residential
Calle Techo way 2836619 residential
Paseo Longo Crimson way 2836621 tertiary
Paseo Longo Crimson way 2836622 tertiary
Paseo Longo Crimson way 2836623 tertiary
Paseo Longo Crimson way 2836624 tertiary
Basalt Way way 2886816 residential
Calístenes Randazza Street way 2886817 residential
Dacite Way way 2886818 residential
Doubt Street way 2886819 residential
Feldspar Way way 2886820 residential
Fleece Street way 2886821 residential
Forest Arcade Rotary way 2886822 tertiary
Forest Arcade way 2886823 tertiary
Forest Arcade way 2886824 tertiary
Granite Way way 2886825 residential
Grape Street way 2886826 residential
Ham Street way 2886827 residential
Hermenegildo Churchland Street way 2886828 residential
Hermione Fielding Street way 2886829 residential
Limestone Way way 2886830 residential
Limestone Way way 2886831 residential
Narciso Zoolander Street way 2886832 residential
Noodle Street way 2886833 residential
Noodle Street way 2886834 residential
Obsidian Way way 2886835 residential
Obsidian Way way 2886836 residential
Old Farm Street way 2886837 residential
Persimmon Street way 2886838 residential
Pumice Way way 2886839 residential
Quartz Way way 2886840 residential
Sandstone Way way 2886841 residential
Solar Street way 2886842 residential
Spectre Street way 2886843 residential
Wash Street way 2886844 residential
Yuna Namgung Road way 2886845 tertiary
Zone Street way 2886846 residential
Zone Street way 2886847 residential
Arrow Cliffs Drive way 2886851 residential
Barrier Place way 2886852 residential
Bartolomé Oe Way way 2886853 residential
Blue Chicken Street way 2886855 residential
Broken Shell Way way 2886856 residential
Brown Dog Way way 2886857 residential
Carmine Street way 2886859 residential
Clove Street way 2886860 residential
Concrete Block Place way 2886861 residential
Dark Canyon Way way 2886862 residential
Dead Fern Place way 2886863 residential
Dorcas Place way 2886864 residential
Downhill Way way 2886865 residential
Element Court way 2886866 residential
Eurípedes Melville Street way 2886867 residential
Eurípedes Melville Street way 2886868 residential
Fieldmouse Way way 2886869 residential
Franco Quintero Place way 2886870 residential
Graphite Street way 2886871 residential
Happy Man Way way 2886872 residential
Happy Man Way way 2886873 residential
Hopeless Gulch Way way 2886875 residential
Hopping Flea Way way 2886876 residential
Horizon Court way 2886877 residential
Indigo Street way 2886878 residential
Julieta Merrion Place way 2886879 residential
Karma Court way 2886880 residential
Lagartopolis Street way 2886881 residential
Lagartopolis Street way 2886882 residential
Matrix Court way 2886883 residential
Maximiliano Korhonen Street way 2886884 residential
Mud Bank Court way 2886885 residential
No Beach Way way 2886886 residential
Park Drive way 2886887 tertiary
Platypus Court way 2886888 residential
Quartz Way way 2886889 residential
Seaview Way way 2886890 residential
Silent Well Street way 2886891 residential
Solitary Way way 2886892 residential
Starfish Place way 2886893 residential
Stone Face Way way 2886894 residential
Teacup Street way 2886895 residential
Temístocles Sillau Place way 2886896 residential
Tree Row Street way 2886897 residential
Trident Place way 2886898 residential
Trifiodoro Urribe Place way 2886899 residential
Underpass Drive way 2886900 residential
Wild Turkey Place way 2886901 residential
Bomb Street way 2886929 tertiary
Cerro Street way 2886930 tertiary
Cerro Street way 2886931 tertiary
Cerro Street way 2886932 tertiary
Guy Lego Road way 2886933 tertiary
Guy Lego Road way 2886934 tertiary
Jessitim Street way 2886935 unclassified
Jessitim Street way 2886936 unclassified
Kune Road way 2886937 tertiary
Kune Road way 2886938 tertiary
Legotopia Beach Drive way 2886939 residential
Matrix Court way 2886940 residential
Matrix Court way 2886941 residential
Northshore Drive way 2886942 tertiary
Northshore Drive way 2886943 tertiary
Northshore Drive way 2886944 tertiary
Plum Street way 2886977 tertiary
Rocky Point Drive way 2886978 unclassified
Rocky Point Drive way 2886979 unclassified
Silver Fairy Cove Drive way 2886980 residential
Silver Fairy Cove Drive way 2886981 residential
Silver Fairy Cove Drive way 2886982 residential
Apricot Street way 2887030 residential
Big House Circle way 2887031 residential
Concert Court way 2887033 residential
Cormorant Point Drive way 2887034 tertiary
Cormorant Point Drive way 2887035 tertiary
Cormorant Point Drive way 2887036 tertiary
Elvio Greywacke Street way 2887037 residential
Fairland Street way 2887038 residential
Frame Street way 2887039 residential
Lynchester Hill Road way 2887042 tertiary
Marginal Drive way 2887043 residential
Marginal Drive way 2887044 tertiary
Menandro Guevara Street way 2887045 residential
Menandro Guevara Street way 2887046 residential
Peach Street way 2887047 residential
Peach Street way 2887048 residential
Pompeya Elizondo Street way 2887049 residential
Pond Court way 2887050 residential
Procopio Melgarejo Street way 2887051 residential
Procopio Melgarejo Street way 2887052 residential
Raquel Coffey Sakamoto Street way 2887053 residential
Steel Street way 2887054 residential
Steep Street way 2887055 residential
Strawberry Street way 2887056 residential
way 2887057 service
way 2887058 service
Broad Street way 2958846 residential
Angel Street way 2958872 residential
Cariocas Street way 2958873 residential
Dog Street way 2958874 residential
(CP#4S) way 3114401 unclassified
(CP#5S) way 3114402 unclassified
Avenida de América way 3114406 tertiary
Avenida de América way 3114407 tertiary
Calle 314 (CM#53E) way 3114408 tertiary
Calle 314 (CM#53E) way 3114409 tertiary
Calle 320 (CM#54E) way 3114410 unclassified
Calle 332 (CM#56E) way 3114411 tertiary
Calle 332 (CM#56E) way 3114412 tertiary
Camino Jabalíes (CP#3S) way 3114413 tertiary
Camino Jabalíes (CP#3S) way 3114414 tertiary
Camino Ligo way 3114416 unclassified
way 3114424 service
way 3114426 service
way 3114427 service
way 3114428 service
way 3114429 service
way 3114430 service
way 3114431 service
way 3114432 service
way 3114433 service
Camino Ligo way 3114540 unclassified
Calle Gaón Amadoporcuervos way 3155641 residential
Calle Julián Tigreblanco way 3155642 residential
way 3155646 service
way 3155648 service
way 3155650 service
way 3155651 service
way 3155652 service
way 3155653 service
way 3155654 service
way 3155655 service
way 3155656 service
way 3155657 service
way 3155658 service
way 3155660 service
way 3155661 service
way 3155674 service
way 3155675 service
way 3155684 service
way 3155685 service
Bulevar 2 way 3176719 residential
Bulevar 3 way 3176720 residential
Calle Naranjo way 3176730 residential
Calle Oro y Plata way 3176731 residential
Calle Oso way 3176732 residential
Calle Roble way 3176734 residential
way 3176758 pedestrian
way 3176759 pedestrian
way 3176761 service
Calle 64 way 3355600 tertiary
Bluehorse Drive way 3868032 residential
Dorkesbury Road way 3868037 tertiary
Earnaness Boulevard way 3868038 tertiary
Earnaness Boulevard way 3868039 tertiary
Institute Drive way 3868040 residential
Damsel Street way 3868130 residential
Dorkesbury Road way 3868132 tertiary
Dorkesbury Road way 3868133 tertiary
Finger Way way 3868134 residential
Form Street way 3868135 residential
Hillside Way way 3868136 residential
Honey Street way 3868137 residential
Honey Street way 3868138 residential
Jeremiah Pitcavage Way way 3868139 residential
Loggia Street way 3868140 residential
Loggia Street way 3868141 residential
Scarlet Street way 3868142 residential
Shrewesminster Street way 3868143 residential
Stork Way way 3868144 residential
Wall Street way 3868145 residential
way 3868151 service
Annosimia Road way 3870803 residential
Argonaut Street way 3870804 residential
Candle Court way 3870805 residential
Court Court way 3870806 residential
Dialogue Place way 3870807 residential
Drum Street way 3870808 residential
Ghost Way way 3870809 residential
Hero Street way 3870810 residential
Jack Woss Creek Road way 3870811 tertiary
Jack Woss Creek Road way 3870812 tertiary
Landscape Way way 3870815 residential
Mango Street way 3870816 residential
Net Street way 3870817 residential
Oracle Street way 3870818 residential
Pantograph Way way 3870819 residential
Pleides Way way 3870820 residential
Pomegranate Street way 3870821 residential
Shield Street way 3870822 residential
Trend Place way 3870823 residential
Warhorse Street way 3870824 residential
Plaza de Ilusiones relation 5324 pedestrian
Plaza Piñas relation 6357 pedestrian
Plaza Deportes relation 18373 pedestrian
Plaza de Entrada "MundoMar" relation 24150 pedestrian
Plaza Buena Vista relation 24205 pedestrian
Plaza Góndola relation 24206 pedestrian
Plaza Pingüinos relation 24207 pedestrian
Plaza Banderas relation 24218 pedestrian
Plaza Teatro relation 24220 pedestrian
Plaza El Circo relation 24221 pedestrian
Plaza Señor Tiburón relation 24224 pedestrian
Plaza de la Navegación relation 24228 pedestrian