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Guardia Civil (Ardisphere)
The all-volunteer Ardispherian Civil Guard (Guardia Civil) is the unified military of the Ardisphere. It serves four main roles: national defence; coast guard and border control; federal paramilitary police functions (including presidential protection and major federal crimes investigation); and recently, it provides troops to the Assembly of Nations for international peacekeeping missions. It has a unified command and rank structure and is subdivided into four sub-branches (called Secciones).
- Carabineros - the paramilitary federal police and for traditional land-based forces
- Fuerzas Aéreas - for airborne forces
- Marina Armada - for naval and coast guard functions
- Policía de Frontera - for border guard and immigration and customs enforcement
Rank and Chain of Command
Constitutionally, the chain of command includes the President, the Minister of Defence and then the highest-ranking soldier, who is titled the Marshall-in-Chief of the Civil Guard (Mariscal en Jefe de la Guardia Civil).
Ranks of the Civil Guard
Since 1939, the Civil Guard's rank structure abolishes the historical distinction between officer and enlisted personal, and like many civilian police forces is strictly a progression of ranks that include titles inherited from both styles. All servicemembers enter as guardia and progression up the lower ranks can be quite fast for those who complete substantial education or show good aptitudes, but it is strictly meritocratic and not based on time-of-service.
- Guardia alumno (Student Guard)
- Guardia (Guard)
- Cabo Segundo (Second Corporal)
- Cabo Primero (First Corporal)
- Sargento Segundo (Sergeant)
- Sargento Primero (First Sergeant)
- Alférez (Ensign)
- Teniente (Lieutenant)
- Capitán (Captain)
- Mayor (Major)
- Coronel (Colonel)
- General de Brigada/Comodoro (Brigadier General/Commodore)
- General de División/Almirante (Division General/Admiral)
- General Director de Sección (Section Director General)
- Mariscal en Jefe (Marshall-in-Chief)
Domestic Roles
International Roles
Because of the Ardisphere's strong commitment to internationalism and active participation in the Assembly of Nations, the Guardia Civil provides a full division to the AN for peacekeeping missions worldwide, thus constituting nearly a quarter of the country's armed forces. Consequently, many Ardispherians join the Guardia Civil as a "chance to see the world."
Recent deployments include the long-term AN commitment in Commonia, as well as the monitoring mission in the border areas with the Pretanic Faction States.
The Ardisphere also hosts training missions for AN peacekeeping troops from other countries. The International Strategic Studies Institute (Intituto Internacional de Estudios Estratégicos - IIEE) at Guarnición Donosio Kim, in Villa Constitución, DF, hosts officer exchange programs with other AN peacekeeping providers and lends the surrounding neighborhood a very international atmosphere.
Bases and Major Installations
A list of major installations of the Guardia Civil includes the following.
Table of Sites
Table removed - to be replaced by dynamic ExternalData table in the future.