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User:Luciano/Sandbox/Streets/StreetIndexDF: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "= Table of Streets = This is an experimental wikitable of OGF data, in the early phase of development. '''''Do not''' update this table - it is based on data extracted fro...")
(Created page with "= Table of Streets = This is an experimental wikitable of OGF data, in the early phase of development. '''''Do not''' update this table - it is based on data extracted fro...")
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 19:29, 9 April 2019

Table of Streets

This is an experimental wikitable of OGF data, in the early phase of development. Do not update this table - it is based on data extracted from the OGF map database using a semi-automated script. To change a value in this table, edit the OSM tags associated with the streets listed below (nodes, areas and relations). Note, however, that updates will only show up after Luciano downloads a backup file, runs the script, and pastes the output - it is not an automated connection.


  • Name - the name of the street or highway
  • Ref - highway ref id (if exists) and link to map
  • Type - highway - highway type
Name Ref Type
Calle Jaguares way 231654 residential
Calle 26 way 231656 residential
Calle 6 way 231658 tertiary
Calle 14 way 231659 residential
Calle 2 way 231660 residential
Calle 10 way 231661 tertiary
Calle 46 way 231687 residential
Calle 98 way 231704 residential
Calle 110 way 232053 unclassified
Calle 146 way 232058 unclassified
Calle 118 way 232060 unclassified
Avenida Cien Años - Puente Memorial RN 13 primary
Avenida 14 way 232183 residential
Avenida 15 way 232184 tertiary
Avenida 13 way 232232 tertiary
Glorieta Ulises Flores Bloom DF 111 secondary
Avenida 13 way 232251 tertiary
Avenida 28 way 232312 residential
Avenida 48 way 232320 residential
Avenida 52 way 232324 residential
Avenida 68 way 232326 residential
Calle 158 way 232327 residential
Avenida 76 way 232328 unclassified
Avenida 60 way 232332 residential
Avenida 40 way 232373 unclassified
Avenida 68 way 232374 unclassified
Avenida 44 way 232375 residential
Avenida 76 way 232377 unclassified
Avenida 20 way 232378 unclassified
Avenida 48 way 232379 unclassified
Avenida 64 way 232382 residential
Avenida 28 way 232383 unclassified
Avenida 32 way 232385 unclassified
Avenida 72 way 232386 tertiary
Avenida 4 way 232387 unclassified
Avenida 52 way 232388 residential
Avenida 24 way 232389 unclassified
Avenida 56 way 232390 residential
Avenida 16 way 232391 unclassified
Avenida 8 way 232392 unclassified
Avenida 60 way 232393 unclassified
Avenida 12 way 232394 unclassified
Avenida 72 way 232485 unclassified
Avenida 64 way 232486 tertiary
Avenida 60 way 232488 tertiary
Avenida 52 way 232491 residential
Avenida 56 way 232493 residential
Avenida 76 way 232494 unclassified
Avenida 68 way 232495 residential
Avenida 48 way 232496 tertiary
Calle 18 way 232497 unclassified
Calle 2 way 232498 tertiary
Calle 10 way 232499 unclassified
Calle 6 way 232500 unclassified
Calle 22 way 232501 unclassified
Calle 14 way 232502 unclassified
Calle 62 way 232503 residential
Calle 50 way 232504 residential
Calle 50 way 232507 unclassified
Calle 42 way 232508 residential
Calle 66 way 232509 residential
Calle 30 way 232511 tertiary
Calle 70 way 232512 residential
Calle 26 way 232514 unclassified
Calle 54 way 232515 residential
Calle 34 way 232518 residential
Calle 46 way 232519 unclassified
Calle 42 way 232521 unclassified
Calle 94 way 232526 tertiary
Calle 130 way 232528 unclassified
Calle 106 way 232529 residential
Calle 150 way 232530 unclassified
Calle 114 way 232531 unclassified
Calle 134 way 232533 unclassified
Calle 90 way 232535 unclassified
Calle 94 way 232537 residential
Calle 66 way 232538 residential
Calle 102 way 232539 unclassified
Calle 110 way 232540 residential
Calle 82 way 232541 unclassified
Calle 154 way 232542 unclassified
Calle 122 way 232543 unclassified
Calle 146 way 232544 unclassified
Calle 106 way 232547 residential
Calle 118 way 232551 unclassified
Calle 142 way 232553 unclassified
Calle 158 way 232554 unclassified
Calle 54 way 232555 unclassified
Calle 62 way 232556 tertiary
Calle 126 way 232557 tertiary
Calle 86 way 232558 residential
Calle 98 way 232559 unclassified
Calle 58 way 232569 unclassified
Calle 90 way 232570 tertiary
Calle 162 way 232573 unclassified
Calle 94 way 232574 unclassified
Puente Noroccidental RN 1 primary
Calle 162 way 232611 residential
Calle 160 way 232616 tertiary
Calle 158 way 232618 residential
Avenida 80 way 232620 tertiary
Calle 154 way 232625 residential
Glorieta Noreste way 232626 tertiary
Avenue 84 way 232629 unclassified
Avenida 10 way 233005 secondary
Avenida 49 way 233010 residential
Diagonal Libertad DF 111 secondary
Glorieta Lázaro way 233012 secondary
Avenida 50 way 233014 unclassified
Avenida 51 way 233016 unclassified
Diagonal Independencia way 233017 tertiary
Avenida 51 way 233022 unclassified
Avenida 50 way 233026 unclassified
Calle 89 way 233027 unclassified
Calle 89 way 233030 unclassified
Avenida 92 way 233039 unclassified
Elipse del Congreso DF 111 secondary
Avenida 96 way 233042 unclassified
Calle 40 way 233044 unclassified
Avenida 88 way 233045 unclassified
Avenida 100 way 233046 unclassified
Calle 39 way 233048 tertiary
Avenue 84 way 233050 unclassified
Avenida 92 way 233052 unclassified
Avenida 101 way 233053 unclassified
Diagonal Congreso DF 111 secondary
Calle 26 way 233069 unclassified
Avenida 120 way 233072 residential
Avenida 100 way 233074 residential
Calle 160 way 233075 tertiary
Calle 160 way 233077 tertiary
Avenida 128 way 233080 residential
Avenida 96 way 233081 residential
Avenida 88 way 233086 tertiary
Avenida 84 way 233087 residential
Avenida 104 way 233088 residential
Avenida 112 way 233093 residential
Avenida 132 way 233095 residential
Calle 160 way 233097 tertiary
Avenida 124 way 233098 residential
Avenida 108 way 233100 residential
Calle 18 way 233103 unclassified
Calle 18 way 233104 unclassified
Calle 18 way 233105 unclassified
Calle 18 way 233106 tertiary
Calle 18 way 233107 unclassified
Avenida 140 way 233108 unclassified
Avenida 144 way 233109 unclassified
Avenida 148 way 233110 unclassified
Avenida 136 way 233111 residential
Calle 122 way 233117 tertiary
Avenida 128 way 233118 unclassified
Calle 93 way 233119 residential
Calle 63 way 233121 unclassified
Avenida 136 way 233123 unclassified
Calle 150 way 233124 unclassified
Calle 138 way 233130 unclassified
Avenida 130 way 233131 unclassified
Calle 130 way 233132 unclassified
Avenida 144 way 233136 unclassified
Avenida 140 way 233140 unclassified
Avenida 136 way 233142 unclassified
Avenida 128 way 233143 unclassified
Calle 114 way 233145 unclassified
Avenida 144 way 233148 unclassified
Calle 90 way 233156 unclassified
Calle 66 way 233159 unclassified
Avenida 144 way 233160 unclassified
Calle 58 way 233161 unclassified
Calle 62 way 233164 unclassified
Calle 70 way 233168 unclassified
Avenida 140 way 233170 unclassified
Calle 118 way 233172 unclassified
Diagonal Universidad way 233175 tertiary
Calle 48 way 233176 residential
Avenida 11 way 233210 residential
Calle 55 way 233212 tertiary
Avenida 6 way 233213 residential
Calle 49 way 233214 residential
Calle 53 way 233215 residential
Calle 50 way 233216 residential
Avenida 20 way 233217 residential
Calle 45 way 233218 residential
Calle 51 way 233219 residential
Calle 48 way 233220 residential
Avenida 14 way 233221 residential
Avenida 16 way 233222 residential
Calle 51 way 233224 residential
Avenida 4 way 233225 residential
Calle 43 way 233230 residential
Avenida 4 way 233232 residential
Calle 52 way 233234 residential
Calle 52 way 233236 residential
Calle 54 way 233239 residential
Avenida 5 way 233241 residential
Avenida 4 way 233248 residential
Calle 47 way 233249 residential
Avenida 12 way 233253 residential
Avenida 8 way 233254 residential
Avenida 3 way 233259 residential
Avenida 9 way 233260 residential
Calle 53 way 233261 residential
Avenida 8 way 233262 residential
Avenida 12 way 233264 residential
Calle 49 way 233265 tertiary
Calle 112 way 233334 unclassified
Calle 111 way 233336 tertiary
Calle 112 way 233337 residential
Paseo Riachuelo Cisnes way 233338 tertiary
Calle 134 way 233339 unclassified
Calle 111 way 233340 tertiary
Carretera Calle 126 way 233341 motorway
Calle 150 way 233343 unclassified
Calle 118 way 233345 unclassified
Calle 151 way 233347 unclassified
Calle 130 way 233348 residential
Avenida 29 way 233350 tertiary
Bosque Norte (Avenida 129) way 233351 tertiary
Avenida 129 way 233353 residential
Calle 114 way 233354 residential
Glorieta Muertos way 233356 secondary
Calle 142 way 233357 unclassified
Calle 138 way 233358 unclassified
Calle 122 way 233364 tertiary
Avenida 30 way 233365 residential
Calle 151 way 233367 unclassified
Calle 151 way 233368 unclassified
Avenida 129 way 233369 unclassified
Avenida 32 way 233370 residential
Calle 152 way 233371 unclassified
Diagonal Trabajadores way 233373 tertiary
Avenida 116 way 233375 unclassified
Diagonal Noreste way 233376 tertiary
Avenida 64 way 233378 tertiary
Avenida 92 way 233379 tertiary
Avenida 104 way 233380 unclassified
Avenida 100 way 233381 unclassified
Avenida 108 way 233382 unclassified
Avenida 76 way 233383 unclassified
Diagonal Fuentes way 233384 secondary
Avenida 96 way 233385 unclassified
Avenida 84 way 233386 unclassified
Avenida 40 way 233389 unclassified
Avenida 60 way 233391 residential
Avenida 120 way 233392 residential
Avenida 52 way 233393 residential
Avenida 48 way 233394 residential
Avenida 72 way 233395 unclassified
Avenida 80 way 233396 tertiary
Avenida 56 way 233397 unclassified
Avenida 88 way 233398 unclassified
Avenida 44 way 233399 residential
Avenida 80 way 233400 tertiary
Diagonal Constitución DF 111 secondary
Avenida 74 way 233403 unclassified
Calle 108 way 233404 residential
Avenida 75 way 233405 unclassified
Avenida 73 way 233406 unclassified
Avenida 78 way 233407 unclassified
Pasaje Riachuelo Negro way 233408 pedestrian
Diagonal Constitución DF 111 secondary
Avenida 74 way 233410 unclassified
Calle 109 way 233412 tertiary
Diagonal Constitución DF 111 secondary
Avenida 80 - Puente del Lago way 233416 tertiary
Avenida 77 way 233418 unclassified
Plaza Setenta-y-nueve DF 111 secondary
Calle 110 way 233424 unclassified
Diagonal Constitución DF 111 secondary
Avenida 77 way 233426 unclassified
Glorieta del Bosque DF 111 secondary
Diagonal Educación way 233430 tertiary
Calle Grillos way 233453 tertiary
Calle 1a way 233454 residential
Calle 10 way 233457 residential
Calle 3 way 233460 residential
Calle 8 way 233461 residential
Calle Manzano way 233464 tertiary
Calle 4 way 233467 residential
Calle 5 way 233472 residential
Calle 12 way 233473 residential
Calle Viña way 233482 residential
Calle Urracas way 233483 residential
Calle Urraca way 233484 residential
Avenida 15 way 233485 residential
Avenida 12 way 233486 residential
Avenida 6 way 233488 tertiary
Avenida 15 way 233489 residential
Avenida 11 way 233494 residential
Avenida 16 way 233495 tertiary
Avenida 10 way 233496 residential
Avenida 8 way 233497 residential
way 233499 service
Calle Roble way 234309 residential
Calle Oso way 234321 residential
Calle Vista del Mar way 234456 residential
Calle Oro y Plata way 234458 residential
Calle 166 way 234980 unclassified
Calle 164 way 234981 unclassified
Calle 168 way 234982 residential
Calle 165 way 234984 residential
Calle 163 way 234986 residential
Calle 116 way 234987 unclassified
Calle 96 way 234988 residential
Calle 124 way 234989 unclassified
Calle 170 way 234992 unclassified
Calle 178 way 234994 residential
Calle 104 way 234999 residential
Calle 176 way 235001 residential
Calle 140 way 235002 residential
Calle 72 way 235003 residential
Calle 172 way 235004 unclassified
Calle 120 way 235005 unclassified
Calle 148 way 235006 unclassified
Calle 144 way 235007 unclassified
Calle 132 way 235008 unclassified
Calle 156 way 235009 residential
Calle 108 way 235010 residential
Calle 128 way 235011 unclassified
Calle 136 way 235014 unclassified
Calle 180 way 235015 residential
Avenida 10 way 235499 residential
Avenida 26 way 235501 tertiary
Avenida 108 way 235510 residential
Avenida 124 way 235513 residential
Avenida 112 way 235514 residential
Calle 186 way 235518 residential
Avenida 128 way 235519 residential
Avenida 104 way 235522 residential
Avenida 96 way 235523 residential
Calle 184 way 235524 residential
Avenida Richard way 235563 tertiary
Calle 190 way 235570 residential
Avenida 99 way 235572 residential
Calle 198 way 235575 residential
Avenida 98 way 235576 tertiary
Calle 204 way 235592 residential
Calle 220 way 235601 unclassified
Avenida 82 way 235604 unclassified
Calle 210 way 235609 residential
Calle 212 way 235611 tertiary
Calle 60 way 235614 unclassified
Avenida 38 way 235903 residential
Avenida 54 way 235904 unclassified
Avenida 53 way 235905 unclassified
Avenida 41 way 235906 residential
Avenida 46 way 235907 residential
Avenida 34 way 235908 unclassified
Avenida 9 way 235909 unclassified
Calle 92 way 235910 unclassified
Avenida 43 way 235911 unclassified
Avenida 35 way 235913 residential
Avenida 42 way 235915 residential
Calle 96 way 235916 unclassified
Avenida 17 way 235917 residential
Avenida 25 way 235918 residential
Avenida 45 way 235919 residential
Avenida 55 way 235920 unclassified
Avenida 31 way 235921 residential
Avenida 34 way 235925 residential
Avenida 33 way 235926 residential
Avenida 21 way 235929 residential
Avenida 59 way 236134 residential
Avenida 62 way 236137 unclassified
Avenida 63 way 236138 tertiary
Avenida 57 way 236139 unclassified
Calle 91 way 236141 unclassified
Avenida 99 way 236142 unclassified
Avenida 94 way 236143 unclassified
Avenida 98 way 236144 tertiary
Avenida 86 way 236145 unclassified
Avenida 58 way 236146 residential
Avenida 102 way 236147 unclassified
Avenida 90 way 236148 unclassified
Avenida 65 way 236149 residential
Avenida 66 way 236151 residential
Calle 93 way 236152 unclassified
Avenida 70 way 236153 unclassified
Avenida 82 way 236154 unclassified
Avenida 83 way 236155 unclassified
Avenida 97 way 236156 unclassified
Avenida 95 way 236157 unclassified
Avenida 93 way 236158 unclassified
Avenida 67 way 236159 unclassified
Avenida 69 way 236160 residential
Avenida 81 way 236161 unclassified
Avenida 91 way 236162 unclassified
Avenida 89 way 236163 unclassified
Avenida 85 way 236164 tertiary
Avenida 71 way 236165 unclassified
Avenida 87 way 236166 unclassified
Calle 95 way 236172 unclassified
Calle 89 way 236173 residential
Calle 97 way 236175 unclassified
Calle 99 way 236176 residential
Calle 73 way 236177 residential
Calle 71 way 236178 residential
Calle 95 way 236179 residential
Calle 91 way 236181 residential
Calle 97 way 236182 residential
Calle 153 way 236216 unclassified
Calle 133 way 236217 unclassified
Calle 137 way 236218 unclassified
Calle 113 way 236219 residential
Calle 143 way 236221 unclassified
Calle 135 way 236222 unclassified
Calle 103 way 236223 residential
Calle 129 way 236225 unclassified
Calle 105 way 236226 residential
Calle 125 way 236230 unclassified
Calle 107 way 236232 residential
Calle 63 way 236233 residential
Calle 119 way 236234 unclassified
Calle 117 way 236235 unclassified
Calle 145 way 236236 unclassified
Calle 123 way 236238 unclassified
Calle 109 way 236239 residential
Calle 131 way 236240 unclassified
Calle 139 way 236241 unclassified
Calle 151 way 236242 unclassified
Calle 127 way 236243 unclassified
Calle 121 way 236244 unclassified
Calle 159 way 236245 unclassified
Calle 141 way 236246 residential
Calle 149 way 236247 unclassified
Calle 161 way 236249 unclassified
Calle 147 way 236251 unclassified
Calle 157 way 236252 unclassified
Avenida 68 way 236304 residential
Calle de los Animales way 236307 tertiary
Paseo del Lago way 236308 tertiary
Avenida 64 way 236309 residential
Calle 147 way 236310 residential
Calle 148 way 236311 residential
Calle 101 way 236314 residential
Calle de los Animales way 236315 tertiary
Calle 135 way 236316 residential
Avenida 72 way 236318 residential
Calle de los Animales way 236319 tertiary
Paseo del Lago way 236320 residential
Calle 99 way 236322 unclassified
Calle 145 way 236324 unclassified
Calle 138 way 236326 residential
Calle 136 way 236327 unclassified
Calle 144 way 236328 unclassified
Avenida 37 way 236330 unclassified
Avenida 70 way 236332 residential
Avenida 71 way 236333 residential
Calle 142 way 236335 unclassified
Calle 146 way 236338 unclassified
Calle 138 way 236339 unclassified
Calle 143 way 236340 unclassified
Calle 139 way 236341 residential
Calle 141 way 236342 unclassified
Calle 141 way 236343 residential
Paseo del Lago way 236344 residential
Avenida 69 way 236345 residential
Calle 142 way 236346 residential
Calle 140 way 236347 residential
Calle 139 way 236348 unclassified
Calle 137 way 236349 unclassified
Avenida 49 way 236351 residential
Avenida 94 way 236361 residential
Avenida 47 way 236366 residential
Avenida 86 way 236370 residential
Avenida 90 way 236371 residential
Calle 25 way 236380 residential
Calle 9 way 236382 residential
Calle 15 way 236391 residential
Calle 11 way 236393 residential
Calle 7 way 236395 residential
Avenida 9 way 236396 residential
Calle 117 way 236566 unclassified
Avenida 146 way 236567 unclassified
Avenida 145 way 236568 unclassified
Avenida 147 way 236569 unclassified
Avenida 122 way 236570 residential
Calle 116 way 236574 tertiary
Avenida 103 way 236576 residential
Avenida 102 way 236577 residential
Avenida 127 way 236578 residential
Avenida 110 way 236579 residential
Calle 121 way 236580 unclassified
Avenida 133 way 236581 residential
Avenida 101 way 236583 residential
Diagonal del Bosque way 236585 tertiary
Calle 113 way 236586 residential
Calle 127 way 236587 residential
Avenida 105 way 236589 tertiary
Avenida 149 way 236590 unclassified
Avenida 91 way 236591 residential
Avenida 97 way 236593 residential
Avenida 89 way 236594 residential
Avenida 131 way 236595 tertiary
Avenida 113 way 236596 residential
Avenida 87 way 236597 residential
Avenida 142 way 236598 unclassified
Avenida 121 way 236599 residential
Avenida 93 way 236600 residential
Calle 115 way 236601 residential
Avenida 114 way 236602 residential
Calle 119 way 236603 unclassified
Avenida 123 way 236605 residential
Calle 128 way 236606 unclassified
Avenida 95 way 236607 residential
Avenida 125 way 236608 tertiary
Avenida 137 way 236610 residential
Calle 123 way 236611 unclassified
Avenida 126 way 236615 residential
Avenida 101 way 236616 unclassified
Avenida 138 way 236617 tertiary
Avenida 134 way 236619 residential
Avenida 107 way 236620 residential
Avenida 143 way 236622 unclassified
Avenida 135 way 236623 residential
Calle 167 way 236624 unclassified
Calle 125 way 236625 unclassified
Avenida 138 way 236639 unclassified
Avenida 142 way 236640 unclassified
Avenida 126 way 236641 unclassified
Avenida 139 way 236646 unclassified
Avenida 106 way 236647 unclassified
Avenida 118 way 236649 unclassified
Avenida 110 way 236650 unclassified
Avenida 145 way 236653 unclassified
Avenida 127 way 236654 residential
Avenida 114 way 236655 unclassified
Avenida 137 way 236656 unclassified
Avenida 129 way 236676 unclassified
Avenida 115 way 236679 unclassified
Avenida 127 way 236681 unclassified
Avenida 105 way 236682 unclassified
Avenida 125 way 236683 unclassified
Avenida 109 way 236684 unclassified
Avenida 117 way 236685 unclassified
Avenida 113 way 236687 unclassified
Avenida 134 way 236688 unclassified
Avenida 111 way 236689 tertiary
Avenida 136 way 236690 unclassified
Avenida 125 way 236693 residential
Avenida 121 way 236694 unclassified
Calle Elefantes way 236750 residential
Calle Elefantes way 236752 residential
Avenida 12 way 236800 residential
Calle Manzano way 236801 residential
Diagonal de Armas RN 9 primary
Calle Fundación way 236865 tertiary
Calle 37 way 236866 unclassified
Plaza de la Frontera way 236870 primary
Glorieta Héroes way 236871 secondary
Calle Paredes way 236875 residential
Avenida 2 way 236876 residential
Calle 1 way 236929 residential
Avenida 7 way 236930 residential
Avenida 8 way 236935 residential
Calle 3 way 236937 residential
Calle 4 way 236939 residential
Calle Templos way 236941 residential
Avenida 1 way 236942 residential
Avenida 3 way 236943 residential
Avenida 12 way 236944 residential
Calle Almacén way 236945 residential
Calle 20 way 237384 residential
Calle 24 way 237386 residential
Calle 23 way 237387 residential
Calle 22 way 237388 residential
Calle Palacio way 237391 tertiary
Avenida del Estado Lado Norte RN 3 primary
Calle 18 way 237400 residential
Avenida 1 way 237401 residential
Calle 21 way 237402 residential
Avenida del Estado Lado Norte RN 3 primary
Avenida 2 way 237404 residential
Calle Chogué way 237413 residential
Avenida 43 way 237438 residential
Avenida de la Presidencia way 237439 unclassified
Calle 103 way 237440 unclassified
Calle 104 way 237442 residential
Calle 105 way 237443 unclassified
Diagonal Justicia way 237444 tertiary
Calle 110 way 237445 unclassified
Diagonal Igualdad way 237446 tertiary
Plaza Corte Constitucional way 237448 unclassified
Calle 109 way 237449 unclassified
Diagonal Gobierno way 237450 secondary
Calle Mayo way 237721 unclassified
Calle Vásquez way 237724 tertiary
Calle Mayo way 237738 unclassified
Calle Máquina way 237811 residential
Calle Ferrocarriles way 237812 residential
Calle Nieves way 237814 residential
Calle Centro way 237816 unclassified
Calle Francia way 237819 residential
Calle Libertad way 237821 unclassified
Calle Alemania way 237823 residential
Calle Darcodia way 237824 residential
Calle Ispelia way 237830 unclassified
Calle Mar Verde way 237831 residential
Calle Islas way 237835 residential
Vía Gran Puerta way 237899 pedestrian
Carretera de la Península way 238640 motorway
way 238641 motorway
way 238661 motorway
Carretera de la Península way 238664 motorway
way 238677 tertiary
Avenida 64 way 238678 tertiary
Avenida Península way 238679 tertiary
Avenida 63 way 238681 tertiary
Avenida 53 way 238726 residential
Calle Omar Vías way 238729 residential
Calle 64 way 238730 residential
Calle 55 way 238732 residential
Calle 62 way 238733 residential
Calle 53 way 238734 residential
Avenida 17 way 238735 residential
Vía del Jardín Botánico way 238736 tertiary
Calle 63 way 238737 residential
Avenida 19 way 238738 residential
Calle 58 way 238739 residential
Calle 56 way 238740 residential
Diagonal Omar Vías way 238741 secondary
Calle 49 way 238742 residential
Avenida 20 way 238746 residential
Calle 65 way 238747 residential
Avenida 18 way 238748 residential
Calle 50 way 238750 residential
Calle 54 way 238751 residential
Avenida 16 way 238752 residential
Calle 59 way 238753 residential
Calle 61 way 238754 residential
Calle 48 way 238756 residential
Calle 60 way 238758 residential
Calle Apoyo way 238759 residential
Calle Cabina way 238760 residential
Calle Apoyo way 238761 residential
Calle Ranas way 238762 residential
Calle A way 238763 residential
Calle B way 238764 residential
Diagonal Omar Vías way 238765 tertiary
Calle Sheffield way 238767 residential
Calle Río way 238769 residential
Calle D way 238770 residential
Calle Presidio way 238772 residential
Calle C way 238773 residential
Calle Tropas way 238774 residential
Calle Presidio way 238775 residential
Calle Veleros way 238776 residential
Avenida Península way 238778 tertiary
Calle E way 238779 residential
Avenida 75 way 238780 unclassified
Avenida 76 way 238781 unclassified
Calle 20 way 238782 unclassified
Avenida 71 way 238783 unclassified
Avenida 81 way 238784 unclassified
Avenida 77 way 238785 unclassified
Avenida 78 way 238786 unclassified
Avenida 83 way 238787 unclassified
Avenida 73 way 238788 unclassified
Vía Mariposas Norte way 238789 unclassified
Vía Mariposas Sur way 238790 unclassified
Avenida 79 way 238792 unclassified
Vía Mariposas Sur way 238793 unclassified
Avenida 82 way 238794 unclassified
Calle 14 way 238795 unclassified
Avenida 83 way 238796 unclassified
Avenida 70 way 238797 residential
Calle 18 way 238799 unclassified
Calle 16 way 238800 unclassified
Avenida 80 way 238801 secondary
Avenida 80 way 238802 secondary
Avenida 69 way 238803 unclassified
Calle 14 way 238804 unclassified
Avenida 74 way 238805 unclassified
Avenida 80 way 238806 secondary
Avenida 80 way 238807 secondary
Avenida 72 way 238808 unclassified
Calle 17 way 238810 unclassified
Calle 15 way 238811 unclassified
Calle 12 way 238812 unclassified
Calle 11 way 238813 unclassified
Calle 21 way 238814 unclassified
Calle 13 way 238815 unclassified
Paseo del Salto way 238816 unclassified
Calle 15 way 238817 unclassified
Avenida 137 way 238819 tertiary
Calle del Bosque way 238820 tertiary
Avenida 135 way 238825 unclassified
Avenida 133 way 238833 unclassified
Calle 179 way 238840 residential
Calle 175 way 238841 residential
Calle 177 way 238842 residential
Calle 171 way 238843 unclassified
Calle 183 way 238845 residential
Calle 181 way 238846 residential
Calle 169 way 238847 unclassified
Calle 173 way 238848 residential
Calle 239 way 238870 unclassified
Calle 217 way 238879 unclassified
Calle 219 way 238882 unclassified
Calle de Ajo way 239087 unclassified
Calle de Gales way 239090 unclassified
Calle de Pimienta way 239092 unclassified
Calle de Chile way 239093 unclassified
Calle de Perejil way 239094 unclassified
Calle Ingueraterra way 239096 unclassified
Calle las Olas way 239097 unclassified
Calle 32 way 239913 residential
Calle 17 way 239915 residential
Calle 35 way 239917 residential
Calle 31 way 239918 residential
Calle Paralela way 239956 tertiary
Estación Calle 29 Entrada way 239986 service
Avenida 1 way 239988 residential
Avenida 2 way 239991 residential
Calle 26 way 240046 residential
Calle 26 way 240049 residential
Calle 27 way 240052 residential
way 240090 motorway
Avenida 88 way 240093 unclassified
Acceso Estación Bellas Artes way 240094 service
way 240095 motorway
Calle 102 way 240100 unclassified
Calle 101 way 240105 unclassified
way 240106 motorway
Diagonal Bellas Artes way 240107 secondary
way 240109 motorway
way 240113 motorway
Calle 52 way 240114 unclassified
way 240116 motorway
Calle 51 way 240117 unclassified
Paseo La Plata Orilla Sur way 240118 tertiary
Avenida Terminal Aérea Lado Norte way 240120 tertiary
way 240121 motorway
Avenida Terminal Aérea Lado Norte way 240124 motorway
way 240125 motorway
Avenida Terminal Aérea Lado Sur way 240127 tertiary
Avenida Terminal Aérea Lado Sur way 240128 motorway
Calle 51 way 240129 unclassified
Carretera Río Hierro way 240131 motorway
Carretera Río Hierro way 240140 motorway
Avenida 117 way 240146 residential
Calle Pequeña way 240153 unclassified
Avenida 89 way 240154 unclassified
Avenida 118 way 240157 residential
Avenida 33 way 240164 unclassified
Avenida 33 way 240167 unclassified
Calle 61 way 240168 unclassified
Diagonal Riqueza way 240170 tertiary
Avenida 12 way 240186 unclassified
Avenida 15 way 240187 unclassified
Calle 90 way 240195 unclassified
Calle 88 way 240196 tertiary
Avenida 14 way 240198 unclassified
Avenida 11 way 240199 unclassified
Plaza de Armas way 240201 secondary
Calle 88 way 240203 tertiary
Avenida 12 way 240207 unclassified
Diagonal de Parques way 240209 tertiary
way 240214 pedestrian
Avenida 13 way 240217 tertiary
way 240218 pedestrian
way 240222 pedestrian
Avenida 40 way 240251 residential
Calle 72 way 240253 pedestrian
Calle 72 way 240256 residential
Avenida 39 way 240298 residential
Calle 25 way 240302 residential
Avenida 38 way 240305 tertiary
Calle 26 way 240307 unclassified
Viejo Diagonal Cerezos way 240334 residential
Calle 28 way 240336 unclassified
Viejo Diagonal Cerezos way 240339 residential
Avenida 37 way 240341 unclassified
Calle 25 way 240342 residential
Calle Fernando de Puy way 240343 residential
Calle 27 way 240344 unclassified
Avenida 37 way 240347 residential
Calle 28 way 240349 unclassified
Calle 81 way 240378 unclassified
Calle 181 way 241132 residential
Avenida 86 way 241133 residential
Calle 181 way 241134 residential
Avenida 92 way 241135 residential
Calle 181 way 241136 residential
Avenida 87 way 241137 residential
Avenida 88 way 241138 residential
Calle 182 way 241139 residential
Avenida 81 way 241140 residential
Avenida 85 way 241141 residential
Calle 179 way 241142 residential
Avenida 83 way 241144 residential
Avenida 83 way 241145 residential
Avenida 84 way 241146 residential
Avenida 88 way 241148 residential
Calle 194 way 241149 unclassified
Avenida 95 way 241151 residential
Avenida 86 way 241152 residential
Calle 180 way 241153 residential
Avenida 105 way 241154 tertiary
Avenida 82 way 241155 residential
Calle 186 way 241156 residential
Calle 188 way 241157 residential
Avenida 82 way 241158 residential
Avenida 82 way 241159 residential
Avenida 93 way 241160 residential
Calle 182 way 241161 residential
Calle 182 way 241162 residential
Avenida 84 way 241163 residential
Calle 184 way 241164 residential
Avenida 100 way 241166 residential
Avenida 106 way 241167 residential
Avenida 80 way 241169 residential
Calle 185 way 241170 tertiary
Calle 186 way 241171 residential
Calle 184 way 241172 residential
Avenida 84 way 241173 residential
Calle 185 way 241174 tertiary
Calle 182 way 241175 residential
Avenida 105 way 241177 tertiary
Calle 192 way 241178 residential
Calle 185 way 241179 residential
Avenida 101 way 241180 residential
Avenida 81 way 241181 residential
Calle 184 way 241183 residential
Avenida 99 way 241184 residential
Calle 190 way 241185 unclassified
Avenida 91 way 241186 residential
Calle 185 way 241187 residential
Avenida 94 way 241188 residential
Avenida 101 way 241189 residential
Avenida 102 way 241190 residential
Calle 180 way 241192 residential
Avenida 106 way 241193 residential
Avenida 85 way 241194 residential
Avenida 98 way 241195 tertiary
Avenida 97 way 241196 residential
Avenida 92 way 241197 residential
Avenida 96 way 241198 residential
Calle 183 way 241199 residential
Avenida 90 way 241200 residential
Avenida 91 way 241201 residential
Avenida 89 way 241202 residential
Avenida 79 way 241203 unclassified
Avenida 80 way 241253 unclassified
Calle 202 way 241254 residential
Calle 183 way 241255 residential
Calle 196 way 241256 residential
Avenida 88 way 241257 residential
Calle 198 way 241260 residential
Calle 206 way 241261 residential
Avenida 115 way 241262 residential
Avenida 79 way 241263 residential
Calle 204 way 241264 residential
Avenida 85 way 241265 tertiary
Calle 183 way 241266 residential
Avenida 88 way 241267 tertiary
Avenida Siete Colinas way 241268 tertiary
Avenida Siete Colinas way 241269 tertiary
Avenida Siete Colinas way 241270 tertiary
Calle Centro way 241271 tertiary
Calle Frutas way 241272 tertiary
Avenida Río Hierro way 241273 residential
Avenida 52 way 241284 unclassified
Avenida 51 way 241288 unclassified
Avenida 50 way 241289 unclassified
Avenida 53 way 241291 tertiary
Avenida 52 way 241292 unclassified
Avenida 53 way 241293 tertiary
Avenida 50 way 241296 unclassified
Paseo Charca La Guardia Dir. Norte way 241297 tertiary
Calle 58 way 241298 unclassified
Calle 56 way 241299 unclassified
Calle 55 way 241300 unclassified
Calle 57 way 241301 unclassified
Avenida 51 way 241302 unclassified
Calle 65 way 241305 tertiary
Diagonal Guardia Civil way 241306 unclassified
Avenida 53 way 241307 unclassified
Calle 51 way 241308 unclassified
Calle 52 way 241310 unclassified
Diagonal Guardia Civil way 241313 tertiary
Camino de Golf way 241314 unclassified
Avenida 54 way 241316 unclassified
Calle 60 way 241317 unclassified
Calle 59 way 241318 tertiary
Calle 53 way 241319 tertiary
Calle 61 way 241320 unclassified
Calle 54 way 241321 unclassified
Avenida 49 way 241322 unclassified
Calle 64 way 241323 unclassified
Avenida 55 way 241324 unclassified
Calle 63 way 241326 unclassified
Avenida 49 way 241327 unclassified
Calle 180 way 241329 unclassified
Calle Palmera way 241330 residential
Calle 174 way 241341 unclassified
Avenida 81 way 241345 residential
Calle Ramón Calles way 241346 residential
Avenida 83 way 241347 residential
Calle Rosas way 241348 residential
Calle Nueces way 241349 residential
Calle Limones way 241351 residential
Calle Albañiles way 241352 residential
Calle Espejo way 241355 residential
Calle Ingeniería way 242082 residential
Calle Arkham way 242087 residential
Calle Regimiento way 242098 residential
Avenida el Haya way 242107 tertiary
Callejón Alverado way 242116 residential
way 242119 unclassified
Calle 159 way 242120 unclassified
Callejón Loro way 242121 residential
Calle Moneda way 242122 unclassified
way 242123 unclassified
Avenida Campo de Marte way 242124 tertiary
way 242126 unclassified
Calle Ciénegas way 242127 unclassified
Calle Facultades way 242128 residential
Calle 171 way 242129 unclassified
Avenida Campo de Marte way 242130 unclassified
way 242131 unclassified
way 242132 unclassified
Calle 171 way 242133 unclassified
Calle 175 way 242134 residential
Diagonal Trabajadores way 242135 residential
way 242137 unclassified
way 242139 unclassified
Calle 170 way 242140 unclassified
way 242141 unclassified
way 242142 unclassified
Calle 160 way 242143 unclassified
Calle 80 way 242628 unclassified
Avenida 141 way 242631 unclassified
Avenida 140 way 242632 unclassified
Avenida 131 way 242713 unclassified
Calle 90 way 242714 tertiary
Calle 90 way 242715 unclassified
Calle 83 way 242717 unclassified
Canal Nuevo way 242718 unclassified
Calle 97 way 242719 unclassified
Paseo Islote way 242720 unclassified
Avenida 131 way 242721 unclassified
Avenida 131 way 242723 unclassified
Canal Sur way 242724 unclassified
Canal Corto way 242725 unclassified
Calle 95 way 242727 unclassified
Calle 87 way 242728 unclassified
Calle 88 way 242729 unclassified
Calle Canción way 242731 unclassified
Calle 82 way 242732 unclassified
Canal Central way 242733 unclassified
Canal Grande way 242734 unclassified
Calle 86 way 242736 unclassified
Calle 93 way 242737 unclassified
Avenida 132 way 242738 unclassified
Calle 89 way 242739 unclassified
Calle 82 way 242741 unclassified
Diagonal Normal DF 119 secondary
Calle 93 way 242771 unclassified
Calle 88 way 242772 unclassified
Avenida 134 way 242773 unclassified
Canal Norte way 242775 unclassified
Avenida 140 way 242777 unclassified
Avenida 132 way 242782 unclassified
Avenida 143 way 242784 unclassified
Calle 95 way 242785 unclassified
Calle 92 way 242786 unclassified
Calle Ferrocarril way 242787 unclassified
Calle 87 way 242788 unclassified
Calle 87 way 242789 unclassified
Calle 92 DF 119 secondary
Calle 95 way 242791 unclassified
Calle 90 way 242792 unclassified
Calle 86 way 242793 unclassified
Calle 96 way 242794 unclassified
Avenida 133 way 242795 unclassified
Calle 93 way 242797 unclassified
Diagonal Poetas way 242798 tertiary
Diagonal Canales way 242799 tertiary
Avenida 3 way 243691 tertiary
Avenida del Estado Lado Norte RN 3 primary
Avenida 3 way 243699 residential
Avenida 4 way 243700 residential
Avenida 2 way 243703 residential
Avenida del Estado Lado Norte RN 3 primary
Calle 36 way 243707 residential
way 243751 motorway
way 243757 motorway
Carretera Central way 243766 motorway
way 243770 unclassified
way 243771 motorway
way 243772 motorway
Calle 29 way 243773 unclassified
way 243776 motorway
Calle 63 way 243790 residential
Calle 61 way 243794 tertiary
way 243795 residential
way 243796 motorway
Calle 54 way 243799 residential
Calle 65 way 243800 unclassified
way 243801 motorway
Carretera Central way 243802 motorway
Calle 67 way 243805 unclassified
way 243806 residential
way 243807 motorway
Avenida 24 way 243808 residential
Carretera Central way 243809 motorway
way 243811 motorway
way 243812 motorway
way 243815 motorway
Carretera Central way 243816 motorway
Carretera Central way 243818 motorway
way 243819 motorway
Avenida 1 way 244770 residential
Avenida 1 way 244775 residential
Avenida Bodegas way 244801 unclassified
Avenida 28 way 244802 unclassified
Avenida 32 way 244804 unclassified
Avenida 30 way 244805 unclassified
Calle 170 way 244807 unclassified
Avenida 34 way 244808 unclassified
Calle 167 way 244813 unclassified
Calle 169 way 244815 unclassified
Calle 168 way 244816 unclassified
Avenida 27 way 244817 unclassified
way 245324 tertiary
Avenida 15 way 245326 residential
way 245330 tertiary
Calle 11 way 245333 unclassified
Calle Huertas way 245335 tertiary
Avenida 44 way 245336 unclassified
Avenida 43 way 245339 residential
Avenida 35 way 245341 residential
Avenida 33 way 245342 tertiary
Calle 3 way 245343 residential
Carretera Puerto Nuevo way 245346 motorway
Carretera Puerto Nuevo way 245347 motorway
Calle 4 way 245348 residential
Carretera Puerto Nuevo way 245349 motorway
Carretera Puerto Nuevo way 245350 motorway
Calle de Olla way 245351 residential
Carretera Puerto Nuevo way 245353 motorway
way 245354 motorway
Calle 1 way 245356 unclassified
Carretera Puerto Nuevo way 245357 motorway
Carretera Puerto Nuevo way 245358 motorway
Avenida 30 way 245360 residential
Avenida 31 way 245361 residential
Avenida 22 way 245362 residential
Avenida 22 way 245365 residential
Carretera Puerto Nuevo way 245366 motorway
Carretera Puerto Nuevo way 245367 motorway
Calle 10 way 245381 unclassified
Avenida 42 way 245389 unclassified
Calle 160 Dir. Sur way 245575 tertiary
Calle 160 Dir. Norte way 245578 tertiary
Avenida 88 way 245985 unclassified
Calle 39 way 245986 unclassified
Carretera Río Hierro way 245988 motorway
Calle Barranca way 245989 unclassified
Camino Orilla Sur Río Hierro way 245990 tertiary
Calle 32 way 245991 unclassified
Calle 37 way 245995 unclassified
Calle 35 way 246001 unclassified
Calle Lo Perdido way 246002 tertiary
Camino Orilla Sur Río Hierro way 246004 tertiary
Calle 33 way 246005 unclassified
Calle 31 way 246007 unclassified
Avenida 81 way 246008 unclassified
Avenida 83 way 246009 unclassified
Carretera Veteranos way 246011 motorway
Avenida 89 way 246019 unclassified
Avenida 82 way 246020 unclassified
Avenida 85 way 246021 unclassified
Calle 36 way 246022 unclassified
Calle 34 way 246023 unclassified
Calle 38 way 246026 unclassified
Avenida 86 way 246029 unclassified
way 246049 unclassified
way 246050 unclassified
way 246054 unclassified
way 246055 unclassified
Avenida 100 way 246069 unclassified
Calle 25 way 246070 unclassified
Calle 23 way 246071 unclassified
Avenida 90 way 246072 unclassified
Calle 21 way 246073 unclassified
Avenida 91 way 246077 unclassified
Calle 29 way 246078 unclassified
Avenida 99 way 246079 unclassified
Calle del Horno way 246081 unclassified
Avenida 98 way 246082 unclassified
Avenida 96 way 246083 unclassified
Avenida 94 way 246084 unclassified
Calle 27 way 246085 unclassified
Avenida 92 way 246086 unclassified
Calle 24 way 246087 unclassified
Calle 58 (CM#10E) way 247612 unclassified
Calle 176 (CM#30E) way 247617 tertiary
Calle 206 (CM#35E) way 247618 residential
Calle 136 way 249998 unclassified
Calle 139 way 250000 unclassified
Calle 144 way 250001 unclassified
Calle 143 way 250003 unclassified
Avenida 110 way 250004 unclassified
Calle 140 way 250005 unclassified
Avenida 111 way 250006 tertiary
Calle 142 way 250007 unclassified
Calle 141 way 250008 unclassified
Calle 137 way 250009 unclassified
Calle 138 way 250010 unclassified
Calle 146 way 250011 unclassified
Avenida 112 way 250014 unclassified
Avenida 114 way 250015 unclassified
Calle 155 way 250016 unclassified
Calle 158 way 250017 unclassified
Calle 147 way 250020 unclassified
Calle 143 way 250025 unclassified
Calle 156 way 250028 unclassified
Calle 159 way 250029 residential
Calle 148 way 250030 unclassified
Calle 157 way 250032 residential
Avenida 89 way 250035 unclassified
Avenida 92 way 250036 residential
Calle 145 way 250039 unclassified
Paseo Lago del Pato Norte way 250043 unclassified
Calle 141 way 250044 tertiary
Calle 146 way 250045 tertiary
Paseo Casa Pequeña way 250046 tertiary
Calle 160 way 250047 residential
Avenida 117 way 250048 unclassified
Calle 144 way 250049 unclassified
Avenida 113 way 250053 unclassified
Avenida 115 way 250054 unclassified
Avenida 116 way 250056 unclassified
Avenida 95 way 250079 residential
Avenida 93 way 250080 residential
Callejón Tecnología way 250082 pedestrian
Calle 154 way 250083 residential
Avenida 89 way 250084 residential
Calle 153 way 250085 residential
Calle 150 way 250087 residential
Avenida 92 way 250089 residential
Avenida 94 way 250091 residential
Calle 154 way 250092 pedestrian
Calle Río del Bosque way 250101 residential
Calle Jesús Lonsdale Farrar way 250104 residential
Calle Ramón Calles way 250106 residential
Calle Frutas way 250107 tertiary
Calle Ramón Calles way 250108 residential
Calle Girasoles way 250111 residential
Calle Jesús Lonsdale Farrar way 250112 residential
Calle Pomelos way 250115 residential
Calle Ramón Calles way 250116 residential
Calle Cafeto way 250117 residential
Calle Frutas way 250118 tertiary
Calle de Cargadores way 250125 residential
Calle Orquídeas way 250133 residential
Calle Margaritas way 250134 residential
Calle Cosmo Stiglich way 250135 tertiary
Calle 187 way 250136 residential
way 250137 motorway
way 250138 motorway
way 250143 motorway
way 250146 motorway
Calle 189 way 250147 residential
way 250151 motorway
way 250155 motorway
way 250156 motorway
way 250163 motorway
way 250165 motorway
way 250166 motorway
Calle 198 way 250167 residential
way 250172 motorway
Carretera Río de Hojas way 250175 motorway
Avenida 84 way 250176 residential
Avenida Templo de Hojas way 250179 tertiary
Carretera Río de Hojas way 250182 motorway
Calle 238 way 250596 unclassified
Avenida 131 way 251842 unclassified
Calle 54 way 251843 unclassified
Avenida 123 way 251844 unclassified
Avenida 124 way 251845 tertiary
Calle 56 way 251847 unclassified
Calle 55 way 251848 unclassified
Avenida 130 way 251849 unclassified
Avenida 132 way 251850 unclassified
Paseo Lago Cisnes (Este) way 251851 residential
Calle 108 way 251853 residential
Calle 107 way 251854 residential
Avenida 39 way 251855 residential
Calle 106 way 251857 residential
Avenida 37 way 251858 residential
Avenida 35 way 251860 residential
Calle 105 way 251861 residential
Avenida 34 way 251862 residential
Calle 104 way 251863 residential
Paseo del Ancho way 251867 tertiary
Paseo del Jaguar way 251868 tertiary
Avenida 23 Dir. Oeste way 252462 motorway
Avenida 23 way 252463 motorway
Avenida 23 way 252464 motorway
Paseo Juan Ortiz way 252465 secondary
Calle 110 way 252466 residential
Avenida 23 Dir. Oeste way 252467 motorway
Avenida 22 way 252468 unclassified
Paseo Juan Ortiz way 252469 secondary
Calle Moneda way 252487 residential
Calle Ignacio Quiroga way 252488 unclassified
Calle Octavio La Fourchet way 252489 residential
Calle Paredes way 252490 residential
Calle Alejandrina way 252492 residential
Calle Alejandrina way 252495 residential
Calle Octavio La Fourchet way 252500 residential
Avenida 11 way 252538 residential
Calle 22 way 252551 tertiary
Calle 175 way 252601 unclassified
Avenida 48 way 252602 unclassified
Calle Tiendas way 252604 service
Diagonal Alegría way 252606 unclassified
Diagonal Pintores way 252608 tertiary
Calle 174 way 252610 unclassified
Avenida 52 way 252611 residential
Carretera Daniel La Xurre way 252612 motorway
Avenida 49 way 252614 unclassified
Avenida 51 way 252617 unclassified
Diagonal Pintores way 252618 tertiary
Avenida 54 way 252621 residential
Avenida 75 way 252623 unclassified
Avenida 53 way 252624 residential
Avenida 47 way 252625 unclassified
Avenida 55 way 252626 unclassified
Calle 176 way 252649 residential
Paseo Wisniewski way 252650 residential
Avenida 48 way 252652 residential
Calle 178 way 252653 residential
Paseo Wisniewski way 252654 residential
Calle 180 way 252655 residential
Calle 179 way 252656 residential
Avenida 47 way 252657 residential
Calle Tiendas way 252659 unclassified
Calle 174 way 252660 unclassified
Calle Árbol way 252662 residential
way 252663 residential
Calle 175 way 252664 residential
Avenida Raimundo Kershaw way 252665 tertiary
Avenida 48 way 252666 residential
Avenida Raimundo Kershaw way 252667 tertiary
Calle 175 way 252668 residential
way 252669 residential
Diagonal Costa de Dragones way 252685 tertiary
Avenida 25 way 252686 unclassified
Calle 198 way 252687 unclassified
Calle 196 way 252688 unclassified
Calle 203 way 252689 unclassified
Avenida 23 way 252690 unclassified
Calle 194 way 252691 unclassified
Calle 199 way 252692 unclassified
Calle 195 way 252693 unclassified
Glorieta Alegría way 252694 unclassified
Calle 200 way 252697 unclassified
Calle 201 way 252698 unclassified
Calle Cuervos way 252699 residential
Avenida 24 way 252700 unclassified
Calle 204 way 252701 unclassified
Calle 202 way 252703 unclassified
Calle 197 way 252705 unclassified
Diagonal Alegría way 252706 tertiary
Avenida 4 way 252708 unclassified
Avenida 8 way 252709 tertiary
Avenida 3 way 252710 unclassified
Avenida 1 way 252714 residential
Calle Parnaso way 252715 residential
Calle 114 way 252716 residential
Calle Paredes way 252717 residential
Calle Octavio La Fourchet way 252719 residential
Calle Ignacio Quiroga way 252720 unclassified
Avenida Puerto Nuevo way 252721 tertiary
Avenida 7 way 252722 unclassified
Avenida 6 way 252725 unclassified
Calle Calatrava way 252727 unclassified
Callejón 69 way 252728 residential
Calle Mapamundi way 252729 residential
Calle Calatrava way 252730 residential
Calle Llano en Llamas way 252731 unclassified
Calle Llano en Llamas way 252732 residential
Calle Mapamundi way 252733 residential
Avenida 10 way 252735 unclassified
Calle Árbol Mágico way 252736 pedestrian
Callejón 67 way 252738 residential
Calle Medicina way 252739 residential
Calle Mapamundi way 252741 unclassified
Callejón 70 way 252742 residential
Calle Machete way 252743 residential
Calle del Desolado way 252744 residential
Calle Llano en Llamas way 252745 unclassified
Calle Mapamundi way 252746 residential
Callejón 72 way 252747 residential
Calle Calatrava way 252749 residential
Calle Mapamundi way 252750 unclassified
Calle Llano en Llamas way 252751 residential
Calle Llano en Llamas way 252752 residential
Callejón Números way 252753 residential
Calle Calatrava way 252754 unclassified
Calle Mapamundi way 252755 residential
Calle Calatrava way 252756 residential
Calle Mapamundi way 252758 residential
Calle Calatrava way 252759 residential
Callejón 71 way 252760 residential
Calle Llano en Llamas way 252761 residential
Calle Árbol Mágico way 252762 residential
Callejón 68 way 252764 residential
Calle Llano en Llamas way 252765 unclassified
Calle Arquíloco Aguirre way 252767 residential
Calle Fernando Abenzoar way 252768 residential
Avenida 15 way 252769 tertiary
Calle Fernando Abenzoar way 252771 unclassified
Calle Fernando Abenzoar way 252773 residential
Calle Iglesia way 252774 residential
Calle Fernando Abenzoar way 252777 residential
Calle 24 way 252778 residential
Avenida 16 way 252779 residential
Calle Iglesia way 252781 residential
Calle Arquíloco Aguirre way 252782 residential
Calle Cementerios way 252783 residential
Calle Fernando Abenzoar way 252785 residential
Calle Fernando Abenzoar way 252786 residential
Calle 23 way 252787 residential
Calle Tomás Arambel y Domínguez way 252792 residential
Calle 206 way 252793 tertiary
Avenida 17 way 252794 unclassified
Calle Tomás Arambel y Domínguez way 252795 residential
Calle Tomás Arambel y Domínguez way 252796 residential
Calle 26 way 252797 residential
Calle Oceano way 252798 tertiary
Calle Emilia Waterford Grandín way 252799 residential
Calle 206 way 252800 unclassified
Avenida 16 way 252801 unclassified
Calle 205 way 252802 unclassified
Calle Arquíloco Aguirre way 252803 unclassified
Calle 191 way 252804 unclassified
Callejón 160 way 252806 unclassified
Callejón 167 way 252807 unclassified
Calle Arquíloco Aguirre way 252808 residential
Callejón 157 way 252809 unclassified
Avenida 15 way 252810 unclassified
Callejón 164 way 252811 unclassified
Calle Arquíloco Aguirre way 252813 residential
Calle Arquíloco Aguirre way 252814 unclassified
Calle 27 way 252816 residential
Avenida 22 way 252817 residential
Callejón 169 way 252818 unclassified
Calle Tomás Arambel y Domínguez way 252819 residential
Calle Tomás Arambel y Domínguez way 252820 unclassified
Calle Tomás Arambel y Domínguez way 252821 residential
Calle Arquíloco Aguirre way 252822 unclassified
Calle Tomás Arambel y Domínguez way 252823 unclassified
Avenida 17 way 252825 unclassified
Calle Arquíloco Aguirre way 252826 residential
Callejón 168 way 252827 unclassified
Calle 204 way 252829 unclassified
Callejón 166 way 252830 unclassified
Callejón 155 way 252831 unclassified
Calle San Martín way 252833 tertiary
Calle Tomás Arambel y Domínguez way 252834 unclassified
Callejón 162 way 252835 unclassified
Avenida 19 way 252837 residential
Calle 25 way 252838 residential
Calle 240 way 252840 unclassified
Avenida del Estado Lado Norte RN 3 primary
way 252845 unclassified
Calle Moneda way 252846 unclassified
Calle Jaime Armandolfi way 252847 residential
Calle Jaime Armandolfi way 252848 unclassified
Calle Jaime Armandolfi way 252849 residential
Calle Jaime Armandolfi way 252850 unclassified
Calle Jaime Armandolfi way 252851 residential
Calle Jaime Armandolfi way 252852 residential
Calle Jaime Armandolfi way 252853 residential
Calle Jaime Armandolfi way 252855 unclassified
Calle Jaime Armandolfi way 252856 residential
Calle Jaime Armandolfi way 252857 unclassified
Calle Camal Asidi way 252858 unclassified
Calle Arely Arraiz way 252859 residential
Calle Arely Arraiz way 252860 residential
Calle Arely Arraiz way 252861 residential
Calle Arely Arraiz way 252862 residential
Calle Cabras way 252863 residential
Calle Camal Asidi way 252864 tertiary
Calle Camal Asidi way 252866 tertiary
Calle Camal Asidi way 252867 residential
Calle Arely Arraiz way 252868 residential
Calle Camal Asidi way 252869 unclassified
Calle Camal Asidi way 252870 tertiary
Calle Arely Arraiz way 252871 unclassified
Calle Arely Arraiz way 252875 residential
Calle Arely Arraiz way 252876 unclassified
Calle Camal Asidi way 252877 tertiary
Calle Camal Asidi way 252880 residential
Avenida 20 way 253186 tertiary
Calle Pascual Báez way 253187 unclassified
Avenida 20 way 253188 residential
Avenida 20 way 253189 residential
Calle Pascual Báez way 253190 residential
Calle Pascual Báez way 253191 residential
Avenida 19 way 253192 unclassified
Avenida 21 way 253193 unclassified
Calle Pascual Báez way 253194 residential
Calle Pascual Báez way 253197 residential
Calle Pascual Báez way 253198 residential
Calle Pascual Báez way 253200 unclassified
Avenida 20 way 253201 residential
Calle Dolores way 253213 residential
Calle 73 way 253215 residential
Diagonal Independencia way 253216 secondary
Calle Servia Bruschetti way 253217 residential
Calle Servia Bruschetti way 253218 residential
Avenida 23 way 253219 residential
Calle Hipólito Barne y Mina way 253220 residential
Calle Hipólito Barne y Mina way 253221 residential
Calle Hipólito Barne y Mina way 253224 residential
Diagonal Independencia way 253225 secondary
Calle 34 way 253226 residential
Calle Hipólito Barne y Mina way 253227 residential
Calle Hipólito Barne y Mina way 253228 residential
Calle Servia Bruschetti way 253229 residential
Calle Hipólito Barne y Mina way 253230 unclassified
Calle Hipólito Barne y Mina way 253231 residential
Calle Hipólito Barne y Mina way 253233 unclassified
Calle Servia Bruschetti way 253234 residential
Calle Hipólito Barne y Mina way 253235 residential
Calle 72 way 253236 tertiary
Calle Yerba Buena way 253238 residential
Calle Belerofonte way 253240 pedestrian
Calle Hipólito Barne y Mina way 253241 residential
Calle Acero way 253243 residential
Calle Servia Bruschetti way 253244 residential
Calle Hipólito Barne y Mina way 253245 unclassified
Calle Belerofonte way 253246 residential
Calle Servia Bruschetti way 253251 unclassified
Calle Servia Bruschetti way 253253 unclassified
Avenida 23 way 253254 unclassified
Avenida 22 way 253255 unclassified
Calle 153 way 253256 unclassified
Calle Servia Bruschetti way 253257 unclassified
Calle Servia Bruschetti way 253259 unclassified
Calle Servia Bruschetti way 253260 unclassified
Callejón 172 way 253261 unclassified
Avenida 45 way 253263 unclassified
Callejón 173 way 253264 unclassified
Callejón 176 way 253265 residential
Callejón 175 way 253266 residential
Callejón 174 way 253267 unclassified
Paseo del Investigador way 253268 residential
Paseo Laguna way 253269 unclassified
Calle Casandra Baum Sepúlveda way 253272 unclassified
Calle Casandra Baum Sepúlveda way 253273 unclassified
Calle Casandra Baum Sepúlveda way 253274 unclassified
Callejón 189 way 253276 unclassified
Calle Casandra Baum Sepúlveda way 253277 residential
Calle 236 way 253278 unclassified
Avenida 24 way 253279 unclassified
Callejón 191 way 253280 unclassified
Calle Casandra Baum Sepúlveda way 253281 residential
Callejón 201 way 253282 unclassified
Calle Teodoro Bettencourt way 253283 residential
Calle Teodoro Bettencourt way 253284 unclassified
Ovalada Selene Buckminster way 253285 tertiary
Callejón 190 way 253286 unclassified
Calle Casandra Baum Sepúlveda way 253287 residential
Calle Teodoro Bettencourt way 253288 residential
Calle Teodoro Bettencourt way 253289 residential
Calle Casandra Baum Sepúlveda way 253290 unclassified
Calle Casandra Baum Sepúlveda way 253291 unclassified
Calle Teodoro Bettencourt way 253292 unclassified
Calle Teodoro Bettencourt way 253293 unclassified
Calle Casandra Baum Sepúlveda way 253294 unclassified
Calle 237 way 253297 unclassified
Avenida 23 way 253299 unclassified
Calle Casandra Baum Sepúlveda way 253300 residential
Callejón 196 way 253301 unclassified
Calle Casandra Baum Sepúlveda way 253302 unclassified
Calle Teodoro Bettencourt way 253303 unclassified
Callejón 202 way 253304 unclassified
Calle Teodoro Bettencourt way 253305 unclassified
Callejón 193 way 253306 unclassified
Calle Servia Bruschetti way 253307 unclassified
Callejón 192 way 253308 unclassified
Calle Teodoro Bettencourt way 253309 residential
Callejón 194 way 253310 unclassified
Calle Teodoro Bettencourt way 253311 residential
Callejón 204 way 253312 unclassified
Callejón 197 way 253314 unclassified
Callejón 203 way 253315 unclassified
Calle Teodoro Bettencourt way 253316 residential
Calle Casandra Baum Sepúlveda way 253317 residential
Callejón 188 way 253318 unclassified
Calle Casandra Baum Sepúlveda way 253319 residential
Callejón 195 way 253320 unclassified
Calle 235 way 253322 unclassified
Avenida 27 way 253353 unclassified
Calle Dionisio Châteauguay way 253354 unclassified
Calle 44 way 253355 unclassified
Calle Constanza Bricolet way 253356 residential
Calle 191 way 253358 unclassified
Callejón 41 way 253359 residential
Calle Guillermina Bollar Bang way 253361 unclassified
Callejón 38 way 253362 unclassified
Calle 192 way 253363 unclassified
Calle 43 way 253364 unclassified
Calle Guillermina Bollar Bang way 253365 residential
Calle 189 way 253366 unclassified
Calle Constanza Bricolet way 253367 unclassified
Calle Constanza Bricolet way 253368 unclassified
Calle Dionisio Châteauguay way 253369 unclassified
Calle Guillermina Bollar Bang way 253370 unclassified
Calle Baltasar Chong way 253372 residential
Callejón 42 way 253373 unclassified
Calle Baltasar Chong way 253374 residential
Calle 46 way 253375 unclassified
Calle Constanza Bricolet way 253376 unclassified
Calle Baltasar Chong way 253377 residential
Calle Constanza Bricolet way 253379 unclassified
Calle Dionisio Châteauguay way 253381 residential
Callejón 39 way 253382 unclassified
Calle Dionisio Châteauguay way 253384 residential
Callejón 189 way 253385 unclassified
Calle Constanza Bricolet way 253386 residential
Calle Dionisio Châteauguay way 253387 residential
Calle Dionisio Châteauguay way 253388 residential
Callejón 191 way 253389 unclassified
Avenida 28 way 253390 unclassified
Calle Guillermina Bollar Bang way 253391 residential
Calle Dionisio Châteauguay way 253392 unclassified
Calle Guillermina Bollar Bang way 253393 unclassified
Calle Constanza Bricolet way 253394 residential
Callejón 43 way 253395 residential
Calle Constanza Bricolet way 253396 unclassified
Calle 45 way 253398 unclassified
Calle Constanza Bricolet way 253399 residential
Callejón 40 way 253401 unclassified
Avenida 29 way 253402 residential
Callejón 37 way 253403 unclassified
Calle Constanza Bricolet way 253404 residential
Calle Blanco Christensen way 253421 unclassified
Calle Blanco Christensen way 253422 residential
Calle Blanco Christensen way 253423 unclassified
Avenida 32 way 253424 unclassified
Calle Blanco Christensen way 253425 residential
Calle Blanco Christensen way 253426 residential
Calle 204 way 253427 unclassified
Calle Baltasar Chong way 253428 residential
Calle 205 way 253429 unclassified
Calle Blanco Christensen way 253430 residential
Callejón 204 way 253432 unclassified
Calle Baltasar Chong way 253433 unclassified
Calle Blanco Christensen way 253434 residential
Calle 205 way 253435 unclassified
Calle Baltasar Chong way 253436 unclassified
Calle Baltasar Chong way 253437 unclassified
Calle Blanco Christensen way 253438 unclassified
Calle Baltasar Chong way 253439 unclassified
Diagonal Futuro way 253449 tertiary
Calle 81 way 253450 residential
Calle Apolonio Condedetorres way 253451 residential
Calle 79 way 253452 residential
Calle 80 way 253453 residential
Calle Apolonio Condedetorres way 253454 residential
Calle Apolonio Condedetorres way 253455 unclassified
Calle Edificio way 253457 tertiary
Calle Edificio way 253458 residential
Calle 78 way 253459 residential
Diagonal Futuro way 253460 tertiary
Calle 83 way 253462 unclassified
Calle Apolonio Condedetorres way 253463 unclassified
Calle Apolonio Condedetorres way 253464 residential
Calle 82 way 253467 tertiary
Calle Mario Climoy way 253468 residential
Calle Mario Climoy way 253469 residential
Calle Mario Climoy way 253470 residential
Calle Norberto Clavel way 253471 unclassified
Calle 78 way 253472 residential
Calle 80 way 253473 residential
Calle Norberto Clavel way 253475 residential
Calle Norberto Clavel way 253476 unclassified
way 253477 service
Calle Apolonio Condedetorres way 253479 residential
Avenida 33 way 253480 residential
Calle Norberto Clavel way 253483 residential
Calle Apolonio Condedetorres way 253484 pedestrian
Calle Mario Climoy way 253485 unclassified
Calle Mario Climoy way 253487 unclassified
Calle 79 way 253488 residential
Calle 78 way 253489 residential
Diagonal Futuro way 253491 tertiary
Calle Norberto Clavel way 253492 residential
Calle 206 way 253493 unclassified
Calle Apolonio Condedetorres way 253494 unclassified
Glorieta Edificio way 253495 tertiary
Calle 83 way 253498 unclassified
Calle 81 way 253499 residential
Calle Mario Climoy way 253500 unclassified
Calle Mario Climoy way 253501 residential
Calle 82 way 253502 tertiary
Calle Norberto Clavel way 253504 residential
Calle Norberto Clavel way 253506 unclassified
way 253540 motorway
way 253542 motorway
Avenida Sheffield way 253549 motorway
Calle Constanza Bricolet way 253551 residential
way 253560 motorway
way 253561 motorway
way 253564 motorway
Avenida Sheffield way 253566 motorway
way 253573 motorway
Carretera Daniel La Xurre way 253576 motorway
Calle 169 way 253584 unclassified
Calle 169 way 253585 unclassified
way 253586 motorway
Carretera Daniel La Xurre way 253587 motorway
way 253588 motorway
way 253589 motorway
way 253590 motorway
way 253591 motorway
Ovalada de los Jueces way 253790 primary
Calle Cerro RN 1 primary
Diagonal Central DF 111 secondary
Avenida del Estado Lado Norte RN 9 primary
Calle Hortensias way 253823 residential
Calle Claveles way 253824 residential
Calle Lirios way 253825 residential
Calle Caléndula way 253826 residential
Calle Gladiolas way 253827 residential
Calle Magnolias way 253828 residential
Calle Amapolas way 253830 residential
Calle Narcisos way 253832 residential
Calle Tulipanes way 253844 residential
Calle Violetas way 253845 residential
Calle Jacintos way 253846 residential
Calle 12 way 253847 residential
Calle Hortensias way 253848 residential
Calle Jacintos way 253850 residential
Calle Pensamientos way 253851 residential
Calle Gladiolas way 253852 residential
Calle Violetas way 253853 residential
Calle Alhelíes way 253855 residential
Calle Pensamientos way 253856 residential
Calle Tulipanes way 253858 residential
Calle Claveles way 253859 residential
Calle Caléndula way 253860 residential
Calle Alhelíes way 253861 residential
Calle Malvones way 253862 residential
Calle 16 way 253923 tertiary
Calle 27 way 253925 residential
Calle 29 way 253926 residential
Calle 28 way 253929 residential
Calle 37 way 253967 tertiary
Calle 39 way 253969 residential
Calle 90 way 254024 residential
Calle 92 way 254031 residential
Calle 83 way 254106 residential
Calle 80 way 254288 residential
Calle 79 way 254291 residential
Calle Paredes way 254299 residential
Avenida 5 way 254300 residential
Calle 54 way 254301 residential
Calle Moneda way 254302 residential
Calle Moneda way 254303 residential
Calle 53 way 254304 residential
Avenida 4 way 254305 residential
Calle Paredes way 254306 residential
Calle Moneda way 254307 residential
Calle Moneda way 254308 unclassified
Calle Paredes way 254309 residential
Calle Paredes way 254310 residential
Avenida 2 way 254311 residential
Callejón de Flotantes way 254312 residential
Calle 51 way 254313 residential
Calle Moneda way 254315 unclassified
Calle 50 way 254316 residential
Calle 52 way 254317 residential
Calle Moneda way 254319 residential
Calle 50 way 254320 residential
Calle Paredes way 254321 residential
Diagonal Hospitales way 254322 tertiary
Calle Azucenas way 254323 residential
Calle Peral way 254324 residential
Calle Alejandrina way 254325 residential
Calle Octavio La Fourchet way 254326 service
Calle Pedro Comala way 254327 residential
Calle Campenillas way 254329 residential
Calle Gardenias way 254330 residential
Calle Campenillas way 254331 residential
Calle Octavio La Fourchet way 254332 residential
Calle Nenúfares way 254333 residential
Calle Pedro Comala way 254334 residential
Calle Octavio La Fourchet way 254336 residential
Calle Pedro Comala way 254337 residential
Calle Octavio La Fourchet way 254338 residential
Calle Octavio La Fourchet way 254339 residential
Calle Maceta way 254340 residential
Calle Ignacio Quiroga way 254341 residential
Calle Dufo Dufi way 254342 residential
Calle Ignacio Quiroga way 254343 residential
Calle Pedro Comala way 254344 residential
Calle Cebollas way 254345 residential
Calle Violetas way 254347 unclassified
Calle Helechos way 254348 residential
Calle Ignacio Quiroga way 254349 residential
Calle Azucenas way 254350 residential
Calle Ignacio Quiroga way 254351 residential
Calle Ignacio Quiroga way 254353 residential
Calle Ignacio Quiroga way 254355 residential
Calle Alejandrina way 254356 residential
Avenida 6 way 254357 residential
Avenida 9 way 254358 residential
Calle Árbol Mágico way 254359 unclassified
Avenida Puerto Nuevo way 254360 residential
Calle Ángeles way 254361 residential
Avenida Puerto Nuevo way 254362 tertiary
Calle Machete way 254363 residential
Calle Machete way 254364 residential
Calle Alejandrina way 254365 residential
Avenida Puerto Nuevo way 254366 residential
Calle Parnaso way 254367 residential
Calle Machete way 254368 residential
Calle Alejandrina way 254369 residential
Calle Parnaso way 254370 unclassified
Calle Árbol Mágico way 254371 residential
Calle Parnaso way 254372 residential
Calle Ángeles way 254373 residential
Calle Machete way 254374 residential
Calle Machete way 254375 residential
Calle Parnaso way 254376 residential
Calle Ángeles way 254377 unclassified
Avenida Puerto Nuevo way 254378 tertiary
Avenida Nueva Vetusta way 254379 residential
Calle Ángeles way 254380 residential
Calle Parnaso way 254381 residential
Calle Machete way 254382 residential
Calle Ángeles way 254383 residential
Calle Ángeles way 254384 residential
Avenida 9 way 254385 residential
Avenida Puerto Nuevo way 254387 tertiary
Calle 66 way 254388 residential
Calle Árbol Mágico way 254389 residential
Calle Árbol Mágico way 254390 residential
Calle Árbol Mágico way 254391 residential
Callejón 135 way 254531 unclassified
Calle 132 way 254532 residential
Callejón 135 way 254534 residential
Callejón 134 way 254538 residential
Callejón 134 way 254539 unclassified
Calle Apolonio Condedetorres way 254541 residential
Calle 133 way 254544 residential
Callejón 136 way 254545 unclassified
Calle 133 way 254546 unclassified
Callejón 136 way 254548 unclassified
Diagonal del Pato way 254549 tertiary
Calle 131 way 254550 unclassified
Callejón 137 way 254553 unclassified
Paseo Ratón way 254554 residential
Calle 132 way 254556 tertiary
Calle 132 way 254558 tertiary
Calle 130 way 254559 unclassified
Calle 129 way 254560 motorway
Callejón 127 way 254561 unclassified
Calle 129 way 254562 motorway
Calle 129 way 254563 motorway
Avenida 32 way 254564 unclassified
Callejón 130 way 254565 unclassified
Calle 130 way 254566 unclassified
Callejón 128 way 254567 unclassified
Avenida 31 way 254568 unclassified
Calle 120 way 254569 unclassified
Calle 129 way 254572 unclassified
Calle Dionisio Châteauguay way 254573 unclassified
Avenida 30 way 254574 unclassified
Callejón 131 way 254575 unclassified
Calle 129 way 254578 motorway
Callejón 126 way 254579 unclassified
Callejón 124 way 254580 unclassified
Callejón 129 way 254581 unclassified
Calle 134 way 254583 residential
Calle 129 way 254584 unclassified
Callejón 122 way 254585 unclassified
Avenida 62 way 254586 residential
Avenida 61 way 254588 residential
Avenida 63 way 254589 residential
Callejón 137 way 254603 residential
Calle 137 way 254604 residential
Callejón 133 way 254605 unclassified
Calle 136 way 254607 residential
Calleón 132 way 254609 unclassified
Callejón 125 way 254610 residential
Calle 133 way 254611 residential
Calle 132 way 254614 residential
Avenida 72 way 254615 residential
Avenida 55 way 254764 residential
Avenida 60 way 254765 residential
way 254766 motorway
Avenida 68 way 254767 residential
Calle 129 way 254768 residential
Avenida 54 way 254770 residential
Avenida 66 way 254772 residential
way 254773 motorway
Avenida 59 way 254776 residential
Calle 131 way 254777 residential
Callejón 129 way 254778 residential
Callejón 130 way 254779 residential
Calle 134 way 254780 residential
Calle 130 way 254781 residential
Callejón 131 way 254784 residential
Callejón 135 way 254790 residential
Callejón 131 way 254791 residential
Calle 124 way 254792 residential
Calle 135 way 254793 residential
Avenida 64 way 254794 residential
Callejón 130 way 254795 residential
Calle 134 way 254797 residential
Callejón 133 way 254798 residential
Callejón 128 way 254799 residential
Callejón 134 way 254801 residential
Calle 123 way 254802 residential
Calle 129 way 254803 tertiary
Avenida 71 way 254804 residential
Calle 132 way 254805 residential
Callejón 129 way 254807 residential
Paseo Bahía del Lago way 254808 residential
Calle 130 way 254809 residential
Calleón 132 way 254810 residential
Callejón 124 way 254811 residential
Avenida 69 way 254814 residential
Avenida 68 way 254815 residential
Callejón 122 way 254816 residential
Callejón 123 way 254818 residential
Calle 128 way 254819 residential
Calle 133 way 254820 residential
Callejón 142 way 254822 residential
Callejón 139 way 254823 residential
Callejón 140 way 254824 residential
Callejón 138 way 254825 residential
Calle 143 way 254826 residential
Callejón 141 way 254827 residential
Avenida 73 way 254829 residential
Avenida 106 way 254830 unclassified
Avenida 81 way 254831 unclassified
Avenida 75 way 254832 residential
Avenida 84 way 254833 residential
Callejón 139 way 254834 unclassified
Callejón 138 way 254835 unclassified
Avenida 77 way 254836 residential
Avenida 74 way 254837 residential
Avenida 85 way 254841 tertiary
Calle 131 way 254842 unclassified
Avenida 79 way 254843 residential
Callejón 136 way 254844 residential
Avenida 76 way 254845 residential
Calle 132 way 254846 unclassified
Avenida 83 way 254847 unclassified
Avenida 86 way 254848 unclassified
Avenida 82 way 254849 residential
Avenida 78 way 254850 residential
Avenida 87 way 254851 unclassified
Callejón 137 way 254852 unclassified
Callejón 128 way 254854 residential
Avenida 51 way 254856 residential
Calle 129 way 254857 motorway
Calle 129 way 254859 motorway
Avenida 51 way 254860 residential
Avenida 53 way 254862 residential
Avenida 49 way 254866 residential
Calle 134 way 254867 residential
Calle 128 way 254868 residential
Callejón 127 way 254869 residential
Avenida 49 way 254870 residential
Avenida 50 way 254871 residential
Avenida 50 way 254872 residential
Avenida 48 way 254878 residential
Avenida de la Presidencia way 254879 tertiary
Avenida de la Presidencia way 254880 pedestrian
Ovalado del Monumento way 254881 tertiary
Avenida de la Presidencia way 254882 tertiary
Paseo del Gobierno way 254883 unclassified
Avenida de la Presidencia way 254884 tertiary
Avenida de la Presidencia way 254885 tertiary
Calle 129 way 254886 motorway
Calle 129 way 254887 motorway
Diagonal del Pato way 254888 unclassified
Callejón 124 way 254889 unclassified
Paseo Golondrinas way 254890 unclassified
Calle 129 way 254892 motorway
way 254894 motorway
Calle 123 way 254895 unclassified
Calle 125 way 254896 unclassified
Callejón 123 way 254897 residential
Callejón 125 way 254899 residential
Calle 129 way 254900 motorway
Calle 124 way 254901 unclassified
Diagonal del Pato way 254902 unclassified
Carretera Calle 126 way 254903 motorway
Callejón 122 way 254904 unclassified
way 254909 motorway
way 254924 motorway
way 254935 motorway
Carretera Calle 126 way 254941 motorway
Calle 127 way 254945 residential
Avenida 71 way 254953 residential
Avenida 71 way 254954 residential
Avenida 70 way 254955 residential
Carretera Calle 126 way 254957 motorway
Callejón 125 way 254958 residential
Calle 125 way 254959 residential
Callejón 125 way 254960 residential
Avenida 69 way 254961 residential
Avenida 69 way 254962 residential
Avenida 65 way 254963 residential
Paseo Bahía del Lago way 254964 tertiary
Paseo Bahía del Lago way 254966 residential
way 254969 motorway
Paseo Inmigrantes way 254970 tertiary
way 254971 motorway
way 254973 motorway
Paseo Inmigrantes way 254974 tertiary
way 254975 motorway
Avenida 64 way 254976 residential
Calle 129 way 254977 residential
Calle 129 way 254978 residential
Calle 129 way 254979 residential
Avenida 55 way 254980 residential
Calle 129 way 254981 residential
Calle Teodoro Bettencourt way 254982 unclassified
Avenida 114 way 254997 unclassified
Avenida 120 way 254998 unclassified
Calle 130 way 254999 unclassified
Callejón 129 way 255000 unclassified
Calle 128 way 255001 unclassified
Callejón 130 way 255002 unclassified
Callejón 131 way 255003 unclassified
Calle 129 way 255004 unclassified
Avenida 117 way 255005 unclassified
Callejón 126 way 255006 unclassified
Avenida 119 way 255007 unclassified
Avenida 116 way 255008 unclassified
Avenida 115 way 255009 unclassified
Calleón 132 way 255010 unclassified
Callejón 128 way 255011 unclassified
Calle 127 way 255012 unclassified
Avenida 118 way 255013 unclassified
Calle 135 way 255014 unclassified
Callejón 133 way 255015 unclassified
Callejón 127 way 255016 unclassified
Calle 131 way 255017 unclassified
Callejón 130 way 255018 unclassified
Avenida 113 way 255019 unclassified
Avenida 72 way 255507 tertiary
Calle Platón Horowitz way 255512 residential
Calle Estafanía Fokker de Garriz way 255658 unclassified
Calle Felipe Foucault way 255664 unclassified
Calle Felipe Foucault way 255666 unclassified
Avenida de la Presidencia way 255667 pedestrian
Calle Felipe Foucault way 255669 residential
Calle Felipe Foucault way 255674 unclassified
Avenida 24 way 255680 unclassified
Avenida 22 way 255681 unclassified
Calle Dionisio Châteauguay way 255687 unclassified
Calle Constanza Bricolet way 255699 unclassified
Calle Jaime Armandolfi way 255702 unclassified
Avenida 27 way 255724 unclassified
Calle Felipe Foucault way 255726 residential
Calle Paredes way 255753 unclassified
Avenida 2 way 255754 unclassified
Calle 70 way 255759 unclassified
Calle Aulo Jauregi way 255763 residential
Avenida 3 way 255766 unclassified
Avenida 60 way 255767 unclassified
Calle Aulo Jauregi way 255769 unclassified
Calle 71 way 255770 tertiary
Avenida 1 way 255771 unclassified
Calle Moneda way 255773 unclassified
Avenida 58 way 255774 unclassified
Calle Aulo Jauregi way 255777 unclassified
Calle Aulo Jauregi way 255778 tertiary
Avenida 59 way 255780 unclassified
Calle Aulo Jauregi way 255781 unclassified
Calle 156 way 255787 residential
Calle Aulo Jauregi way 255788 residential
Calle Aulo Jauregi way 255789 unclassified
Calle Melchor Lombardi way 255811 unclassified
Calle Melchor Lombardi way 255814 unclassified
Calle Melchor Lombardi way 255822 residential
Calle Melchor Lombardi way 255824 unclassified
Calle Melchor Lombardi way 255826 residential
Calle Melchor Lombardi way 255827 residential
Calle Virgilio Morris way 255836 unclassified
Calle Gedeón Murgatroyd way 255839 unclassified
Calle Domingo Murchison way 255840 unclassified
Avenida 73 way 255841 unclassified
Avenida 77 way 255844 unclassified
Avenida 75 way 255845 unclassified
Calle Miguel Monteblanco way 255849 unclassified
Avenida 74 way 255851 unclassified
Avenida 78 way 255855 unclassified
Calle Timeo Moro Guang way 255857 unclassified
Calle Teresa Montero Santanna way 255858 unclassified
Calle Ildefonso Narbáez way 255862 unclassified
Avenida 79 way 255864 unclassified
Calle Gedeón Murgatroyd way 255865 unclassified
Calle Gedeón Murgatroyd way 255866 unclassified
Calle Gedeón Murgatroyd way 255867 unclassified
Calle Gedeón Murgatroyd way 255868 unclassified
Calle Gedeón Murgatroyd way 255870 residential
Calle Gedeón Murgatroyd way 255871 unclassified
Calle Gedeón Murgatroyd way 255872 tertiary
Calle Gedeón Murgatroyd way 255873 residential
Calle Gedeón Murgatroyd way 255874 unclassified
Paseo Juan Ortiz way 256017 secondary
way 256021 motorway
way 256022 motorway
Calle 136 way 256023 unclassified
Calle 132 way 256024 unclassified
Avenida 23 way 256026 motorway
way 256027 motorway
way 256028 motorway
Paseo Juan Ortiz way 256029 secondary
way 256031 motorway
Calle 129 way 256032 motorway
way 256036 motorway
Calle 129 way 256038 motorway
way 256041 motorway
way 256042 motorway
Calle Casandra Baum Sepúlveda way 256045 unclassified
Paseo Juan Ortiz way 256047 secondary
way 256048 motorway
way 256049 motorway
Calle 131 way 256051 unclassified
way 256052 motorway
way 256053 motorway
Calle 128 way 256054 unclassified
way 256055 motorway
Paseo Juan Ortiz way 256056 secondary
Calle 134 way 256057 unclassified
Calle Servia Bruschetti way 256058 unclassified
way 256060 motorway
Calle 130 way 256061 unclassified
Avenida 22 way 256067 unclassified
Calle 133 way 256077 unclassified
way 256081 motorway
way 256082 motorway
Calle Servia Bruschetti way 256084 unclassified
way 256085 motorway
Calle 137 way 256086 unclassified
Avenida 23 way 256087 unclassified
Calle 137 way 256088 unclassified
way 256089 motorway
Calle 139 way 256090 unclassified
Avenida 21 way 256091 unclassified
Calle Servia Bruschetti way 256092 unclassified
way 256093 motorway
Calle Casandra Baum Sepúlveda way 256094 unclassified
Calle Hipólito Barne y Mina way 256095 unclassified
way 256097 motorway
Avenida 21 way 256098 unclassified
Avenida 24 way 256099 unclassified
way 256101 motorway
Calle 138 way 256102 tertiary
Avenida 23 way 256103 unclassified
Calle Camal Asidi way 256110 unclassified
Calle Pascual Báez way 256111 unclassified
way 256112 motorway
Calle 131 way 256113 unclassified
way 256114 motorway
Avenida 20 way 256115 unclassified
way 256116 motorway
Calle Camal Asidi way 256117 tertiary
way 256118 motorway
way 256119 motorway
way 256120 motorway
Calle 135 way 256121 tertiary
way 256122 motorway
way 256125 motorway
Calle 135 way 256126 unclassified
way 256127 motorway
way 256128 motorway
way 256131 motorway
way 256132 motorway
way 256133 motorway
Callejón 80 way 256256 residential
Callejón 45 way 256257 residential
Callejón 59 way 256258 unclassified
Callejón 54 way 256259 residential
Calle Estafanía Fokker de Garriz way 256260 unclassified
Callejón 76 way 256261 residential
Callejón 62 way 256262 residential
Callejón 67 way 256263 unclassified
Callejón 51 way 256264 residential
Callejón 57 way 256265 unclassified
Avenida 49 way 256266 unclassified
Callejón 61 way 256267 unclassified
Callejón 49 way 256268 residential
Callejón 47 way 256269 residential
Callejón 55 way 256271 residential
Callejón 72 way 256272 residential
Callejón 64 way 256273 residential
Callejón 70 way 256274 residential
Callejón 56 way 256275 residential
Callejón 69 way 256276 residential
Callejón 58 way 256277 unclassified
Callejón 74 way 256278 residential
Calljeón 79 way 256279 residential
Callejón 75 way 256280 residential
Callejón 50 way 256281 residential
Callejón 77 way 256282 residential
Callejón 52 way 256283 residential
Callejón 48 way 256284 residential
Callejón 46 way 256285 residential
Callejón 74 way 256286 residential
Calle Estafanía Fokker de Garriz way 256287 unclassified
Glorieta Biblioteca DF 111 secondary
Callejón 66 way 256289 unclassified
Callejón 60 way 256290 residential
Callejón 44 way 256291 residential
Callejón 64 way 256292 residential
Callejón 73 way 256293 residential
Callejón 53 way 256294 residential
Callejón 75 way 256295 residential
Callejón 78 way 256296 residential
Callejón 68 way 256298 unclassified
Callejón 71 way 256299 residential
Diagonal Futuro way 256300 tertiary
Diagonal Congreso DF 111 secondary
Calle 80 way 256303 unclassified
Calle Felipe Foucault way 256304 unclassified
Callejón 81 way 256305 residential
Callejón 86 way 256309 unclassified
Callejón 87 way 256310 unclassified
Callejón 90 way 256312 unclassified
Callejón 90 way 256313 unclassified
Callejón 85 way 256314 residential
Callejón 84 way 256316 residential
Callejón 89 way 256317 unclassified
Callejón 83 way 256318 residential
Calle Ildefonso Narbáez way 256319 unclassified
Calle Néstor Pierce way 256320 unclassified
Callejón 88 way 256325 unclassified
Calle Leónidas Pieza Monterrey way 256326 unclassified
Calle Isolde Pio way 256327 unclassified
Calle Gervasio Rodríguez Memmegehha way 256334 unclassified
Calle Amadeo Prezinski way 256336 unclassified
Avenida 52 way 256337 unclassified
Calle Gregorio Redcrosse way 256338 unclassified
Calle Tetrarca Puig way 256339 unclassified
Calle Alonso Quack way 256340 unclassified
Calle Dido Quintana Song way 256341 unclassified
Calle Cristóbal Prévost way 256342 unclassified
Calle Amadeo Prezinski way 256343 unclassified
Calle Petronio Robilyle way 256344 unclassified
Callejón 92 way 256347 unclassified
Callejón 87 way 256348 residential
Callejón 91 way 256349 unclassified
Calle Cerro Quiroga way 256350 unclassified
Calle 87 way 256351 unclassified
Callejón 89 way 256353 residential
Callejón 88 way 256355 residential
Avenida 102 way 256356 unclassified
Avenida 100 way 256357 unclassified
Callejón 93 way 256358 unclassified
Avenida 101 way 256359 unclassified
Callejón 86 way 256360 residential
Calle Arnoldo Van Zandt way 256361 unclassified
Calle Verónica Vieulle way 256362 unclassified
Calle Samara Washington Kim way 256363 tertiary
Calle Rocío Sainz Thorvald way 256364 unclassified
Calle Cosmo Stiglich way 256366 tertiary
Avenida 107 way 256367 unclassified
Calle Ésteban Rossa way 256368 unclassified
Calle Emilia Waterford Grandín way 256369 residential
Calle Esmeralda Tsevet way 256370 unclassified
Calle Roque Santisidro way 256371 unclassified
Calle Askendom way 256372 residential
Calle Vladimir Smith way 256373 unclassified
Calle Bernal Zúñiga way 256374 residential
Calle Perseo Washburn way 256375 residential
Calle Atlante Sineterisset way 256376 unclassified
Calle Armando Towne way 256377 unclassified
Calle Antarephia way 256378 residential
Calle María Tarrant way 256379 unclassified
Calle Calisto Zimmermann way 256380 residential
Calle Demócrito Urizabal way 256381 unclassified
Calle Alfonso Schumann way 256382 unclassified
Calle Daniel Toskek way 256383 unclassified
Calle Ambrosio Anil Yi way 256384 residential
Calle Vladimir Smith way 256385 unclassified
Calle Géronimo Van Ess way 256386 unclassified
Calle Hipólito Zumalacárragui way 256387 residential
Calle Policarpo Van Kill way 256388 unclassified
Calle Demetrio Urbonas way 256389 unclassified
Calle Jack Woss way 256390 residential
Calle Marco Talbott way 256391 unclassified
Calle Amelia Salisbury Hooke way 256392 unclassified
Calle Byórn way 256393 unclassified
Calle Byórn way 256394 unclassified
Calle Fanshawe way 256395 unclassified
Calle Byórn way 256397 residential
Calle Derindonderak way 256399 unclassified
Calle Byórn way 256401 residential
Callejón 121 way 256402 residential
Calle Galicia way 256403 unclassified
Calle Archanta way 256404 residential
Calle Dagelanden way 256405 residential
Calle Ergolanyum way 256406 unclassified
Calle Constance-Reid way 256407 residential
Calle Dagelanden way 256416 residential
Callejón 141 way 256417 unclassified
Avenida 131 way 256418 tertiary
Avenida 130 way 256419 residential
Calle Guyenne way 256420 unclassified
Callejón 143 way 256421 unclassified
Avenida 129 way 256422 unclassified
Callejón 139 way 256423 unclassified
Calle 146 way 256424 unclassified
Avenida 132 way 256425 unclassified
Avenida 133 way 256426 unclassified
Calle Guyenne way 256427 unclassified
Avenida 128 way 256428 unclassified
Avenida 135 way 256429 unclassified
Calle Gobrassanya way 256431 unclassified
Calle Dagelanden way 256432 unclassified
Callejón 140 way 256433 unclassified
Calle Guyenne way 256434 residential
Calle 147 way 256435 unclassified
Calle Guyenne way 256436 unclassified
Callejón 144 way 256437 unclassified
Avenida 129 way 256438 tertiary
Callejón 142 way 256439 unclassified
Calle 148 way 256440 unclassified
Callejón 138 way 256441 unclassified
Calle Gobrassanya way 256442 residential
Calle Constance-Reid way 256443 residential
Calle Derindonderak way 256444 residential
Calle Ergolanyum way 256445 residential
Calle Fanshawe way 256446 unclassified
Calle Fanshawe way 256447 residential
Calle Galicia way 256448 residential
Calle Mario Climoy way 256449 residential
Calle Norberto Clavel way 256450 residential
Calle Blanco Christensen way 256451 residential
Calle Apolonio Condedetorres way 256452 residential
Calle de Armas way 256464 unclassified
Calle Malecón del Río way 256465 residential
Avenida Monjes way 256466 unclassified
Avenida Luna way 256467 residential
Avenida Inclinada way 256468 unclassified
Calle Milenrama way 256469 unclassified
Calle Nueva Tolusa way 256470 tertiary
Avenida Oveja way 256472 unclassified
Avenida Cipreses way 256473 unclassified
Avenida Arbustos way 256474 unclassified
Avenida Estrella way 256475 unclassified
Calle Bodegas way 256476 pedestrian
Avenida Sol way 256477 residential
Calle Vista way 256478 unclassified
Calle 153 way 256479 unclassified
Avenida 139 way 256481 unclassified
Calle Bodegas way 256482 unclassified
Paseo Cerrito way 256483 unclassified
Avenida 141 way 256484 unclassified
Calle Khaiwoon way 256485 unclassified
Calle Inara way 256486 residential
Calle Porto Colon way 256489 unclassified
Calle Nucia way 256490 unclassified
Avenida Amelia Salisbury Hooke DF 118 secondary
Calle Lydgate way 256493 unclassified
Calle Ravalin way 256494 unclassified
Calle Sathria way 256498 unclassified
Calle Porto Colon way 256499 tertiary
Calle Pretany way 256502 unclassified
Calle Tomás Novato way 256503 pedestrian
Calle Tomás Novato way 256504 unclassified
Calle Ildefonso Narbáez way 256505 unclassified
Calle Máximo Pahhamagoraset way 256506 unclassified
Calle Ildefonso Narbáez way 256508 residential
Calle 205 way 256509 residential
Calle Ildefonso Narbáez way 256510 residential
Calle Máximo Pahhamagoraset way 256512 residential
Calle Lydgate way 256513 unclassified
Calle Khaiwoon way 256515 unclassified
Calle Khaiwoon way 256517 unclassified
Calle Mazan way 256518 unclassified
Calle Inara way 256519 unclassified
Calle Inara way 256520 unclassified
Calle Inara way 256521 unclassified
Calle Khaiwoon way 256522 unclassified
Calle Mazan way 256523 unclassified
Calle Latina way 256524 unclassified
Calle Lydgate way 256525 unclassified
Calle Lydgate way 256526 unclassified
Calle Khaiwoon way 256527 unclassified
Calle Latina way 256528 unclassified
Calle Latina way 256529 unclassified
Avenida 137 way 256530 unclassified
Calle Latina way 256531 unclassified
Calle Inara way 256532 unclassified
Avenida 136 way 256533 unclassified
Avenida 47 way 256680 residential
Avenida 21 way 256681 unclassified
Calle Camal Asidi way 256683 tertiary
Calle Arely Arraiz way 256684 residential
Avenida 19 way 256685 unclassified
Calle 91 way 256687 unclassified
Calle 92 way 256688 unclassified
Calle 90 way 256689 unclassified
Avenida 20 way 256690 residential
Calle Pascual Báez way 256692 residential
Calle 92 way 256693 unclassified
Avenida 79 way 257955 unclassified
Diagonal Cerezos DF 118 secondary
Bulevar del Lago way 257961 tertiary
Calle 76 way 257963 unclassified
Avenida 80 way 257965 tertiary
Avenida 92 way 257966 unclassified
Calle 79 way 257972 unclassified
Calle 77 way 257973 tertiary
Avenue 84 way 257976 unclassified
Avenida 91 way 257978 unclassified
Calle 78 way 257979 unclassified
Calle 69 way 257982 unclassified
Calle 70 way 257983 unclassified
Avenida 93 way 257984 unclassified
Avenida 82 way 257985 residential
Avenida 86 way 257986 unclassified
Bulevar Cerro Solo way 257987 unclassified
Avenida 87 way 257988 unclassified
Calle 68 way 257989 unclassified
Avenida 85 way 257990 unclassified
Avenida 83 way 257993 residential
Bulevar Josusí way 257996 tertiary
Bulevar Ciudad way 258000 tertiary
Avenida Parque way 258526 tertiary
Calle Néstor Pierce way 258527 unclassified
Calle Gregorio Redcrosse way 258529 unclassified
Calle Cristóbal Prévost way 258530 unclassified
Calle Tomás Novato way 258531 unclassified
Calle Dido Quintana Song way 258532 unclassified
Calle 28 way 258533 unclassified
Calle Dido Quintana Song way 258534 unclassified
Calle Leónidas Pieza Monterrey way 258535 unclassified
Callejón 41 way 258536 unclassified
Calle Tetrarca Puig way 258537 tertiary
Calle Máximo Pahhamagoraset way 258538 unclassified
Calle Tarquino Pak Palacios way 258539 unclassified
Calle Ildefonso Narbáez way 258540 residential
Calle Máximo Pahhamagoraset way 258541 unclassified
Calle Leónidas Pieza Monterrey way 258542 unclassified
Calle Eduardo Paine Roo way 258543 unclassified
Callejón 79 way 258544 unclassified
Calle 80 way 258546 unclassified
Calle Gregorio Redcrosse way 258548 unclassified
Calle Dido Quintana Song way 258549 unclassified
Calle Néstor Pierce way 258550 unclassified
Paseo de la Cascada way 258551 unclassified
Calle Felipe Foucault way 258552 unclassified
Callejón 90 way 258553 residential
Calle Amadeo Prezinski way 258554 unclassified
Calle Francisco Parker Santangelo way 258556 tertiary
Callejón 42 way 258557 residential
Calle Alonso Quack way 258558 unclassified
Calle Victoria Persson way 258559 unclassified
Calle Ildefonso Narbáez way 258560 unclassified
Calle Petronio Robilyle way 258561 unclassified
Calle Ildefonso Narbáez way 258562 residential
Calle Tomás Novato way 258563 residential
Calle Isolde Pio way 258564 unclassified
Calle Victoria Persson way 258565 unclassified
Avenida 93 way 258567 unclassified
Calle Ildefonso Narbáez way 258569 unclassified
Avenida 95 way 258570 unclassified
Calle Alonso Quack way 258571 unclassified
Calle Petronio Robilyle way 258572 unclassified
Calle Tomás Novato way 258573 unclassified
Calle Amadeo Prezinski way 258574 unclassified
Calle Dido Quintana Song way 258576 unclassified
Calle Cristóbal Prévost way 258577 unclassified
Avenida Parques way 258578 tertiary
Avenida Parque way 258579 tertiary
Calle Tetrarca Puig way 258580 tertiary
Calle Tarquino Pak Palacios way 258581 unclassified
Calle Tarquino Pak Palacios way 258582 unclassified
Calle Alonso Quack way 258583 unclassified
Calle Tetrarca Puig way 258584 unclassified
Calle 28 way 258585 unclassified
Calle Eduardo Paine Roo way 258586 unclassified
Callejón 43 way 258587 residential
Calle Francisco Parker Santangelo way 258588 unclassified
Calle Gregorio Redcrosse way 258589 unclassified
Calle Gervasio Rodríguez Memmegehha way 258590 unclassified
Calle Ésteban Rossa way 258591 unclassified
Calle Gervasio Rodríguez Memmegehha way 258593 unclassified
Avenida 97 way 258594 unclassified
Calle 22 way 258595 unclassified
Avenida 97 way 258596 unclassified
Calle Rocío Sainz Thorvald way 258597 unclassified
Calle 19 way 258598 unclassified
Calle 22 way 258599 unclassified
Calle Ésteban Rossa way 258600 unclassified
Calle 20 way 258601 unclassified
Calle Amelia Salisbury Hooke way 258603 unclassified
Calle Rocío Sainz Thorvald way 258604 unclassified
Calle Amelia Salisbury Hooke way 258605 unclassified
Calle Roque Santisidro way 258606 unclassified
Calle Rocío Sainz Thorvald way 258607 unclassified
Calle Rocío Sainz Thorvald way 258610 unclassified
Calle 19 way 258611 unclassified
Calle Alfonso Schumann way 258612 unclassified
Callejón 75 way 258613 unclassified
Callejón 78 way 258614 unclassified
Calle Dido Quintana Song way 258615 unclassified
Calle 67 way 258616 unclassified
Paseo Parque Josu Este way 258617 unclassified
Calle 75 way 258618 tertiary
Callejón 76 way 258619 unclassified
Avenida 94 way 258620 unclassified
Callejón 77 way 258621 unclassified
Calle 71 way 258623 tertiary
Avenida Parques way 258625 tertiary
Calle 77 way 258626 pedestrian
Calle Leónidas Pieza Monterrey way 258627 unclassified
Calle Francisco Parker Santangelo way 258628 tertiary
Avenida Parques way 258629 tertiary
Calle Cristóbal Prévost way 258630 unclassified
Avenida Parques way 258631 tertiary
Avenida Parque way 258632 tertiary
Calle Federación way 258633 unclassified
Calle Cultura way 258634 unclassified
Bulevar del Lago way 258635 tertiary
Calle Constitución way 258636 unclassified
Calle C way 258637 unclassified
Calle Independencia way 258638 unclassified
Calle C way 258639 unclassified
Calle Independencia way 258640 unclassified
Calle Constitución way 258641 unclassified
Calle F way 258642 unclassified
way 258643 unclassified
Calle B way 258644 unclassified
Bulevar del Lago way 258645 tertiary
Calle D way 258646 unclassified
Bulevar Cerro Solo way 258647 unclassified
way 258648 unclassified
Calle A way 258649 unclassified
Calle D way 258650 unclassified
Calle E way 258651 unclassified
Calle F way 258652 unclassified
Calle Constitución way 258653 unclassified
way 258678 motorway
Calle 155 way 258680 secondary
way 258681 motorway
way 258683 motorway
way 258686 motorway
Calle 155 way 258687 secondary
way 258692 motorway
way 258693 unclassified
way 258694 unclassified
Calle Moneda way 258696 unclassified
Calle 155 way 258698 secondary
way 258700 motorway
Calle Quiroga way 258745 unclassified
Calle Cruces way 258749 unclassified
Calle Zaragoza way 258760 unclassified
Calle Granjas way 258769 unclassified
Avenida Richard way 259010 tertiary
Calle Emilia Waterford Grandín way 259034 residential
Calle Policarpo Van Kill way 259035 unclassified
Calle Perseo Washburn way 259036 unclassified
Calle Ambrosio Anil Yi way 259037 residential
Calle Calisto Zimmermann way 259039 residential
Calle Hipólito Zumalacárragui way 259040 unclassified
Calle Policarpo Van Kill way 259041 unclassified
Calle Demetrio Urbonas way 259043 unclassified
Calle Bernal Zúñiga way 259044 residential
Calle Askendom way 259045 residential
Calle Géronimo Van Ess way 259047 unclassified
Calle Demetrio Urbonas way 259048 unclassified
Calle Policarpo Van Kill way 259049 residential
Calle Demócrito Urizabal way 259050 unclassified
Calle Archanta way 259051 residential
Calle Géronimo Van Ess way 259052 residential
Calle Verónica Vieulle way 259053 residential
Calle Arnoldo Van Zandt way 259054 unclassified
Calle Samara Washington Kim way 259055 unclassified
Avenida 123 way 259056 residential
Calle Jack Woss way 259057 tertiary
Calle Samara Washington Kim way 259058 residential
Calle Arnoldo Van Zandt way 259059 unclassified
Calle Verónica Vieulle way 259060 unclassified
Calle Antarephia way 259061 residential
Diagonal Agricultura way 260301 tertiary
Avenida del Estado Lado Norte RN 3 primary
way 260304 unclassified
Avenida del Estado Lado Sur RN 3 primary
Calle 209 way 260306 unclassified
Calle 207 way 260308 unclassified
Calle 208 way 260311 unclassified
way 260313 unclassified
Calle 211 way 260315 unclassified
Avenida del Estado Lado Norte RN 3 primary
Avenida del Estado Lado Sur RN 3 primary
Calle 212 way 260319 unclassified
Calle del Paso way 260320 unclassified
way 260321 secondary
way 260324 secondary
Calle 213 way 260325 secondary
Calle 213 way 260326 secondary
Calle 213 way 260327 secondary
Calle 216 way 260328 unclassified
Avenida 1 way 260329 unclassified
way 260330 unclassified
way 260332 unclassified
way 260333 unclassified
Calle 216 way 260334 unclassified
way 260335 unclassified
Calle Moneda way 260337 unclassified
way 260338 unclassified
way 260339 unclassified
Calle 214 way 260391 unclassified
Calle 215 way 260392 unclassified
Calle 218 way 260393 tertiary
Calle 206 way 260395 unclassified
Calle 218 way 260396 unclassified
Calle 217 way 260397 unclassified
Calle 205 way 260398 unclassified
Avenida 1 way 260399 unclassified
Calle 217 way 260400 unclassified
Avenida Atlándida way 260401 tertiary
Calle 219 way 260411 unclassified
Avenida 1 way 260412 residential
Calle 207 way 260413 unclassified
Calle Paredes way 260417 residential
Calle Moneda way 260420 residential
Avenida 2 way 260421 residential
Diagonal Agricultura way 260455 tertiary
Diagonal Agricultura way 260456 tertiary
Diagonal Agricultura way 260458 tertiary
Calle 220 way 260461 unclassified
Avenida Atlándida way 260462 unclassified
Diagonal Agricultura way 260464 tertiary
Avenida Fábricas way 260466 tertiary
Calle 221 way 260468 unclassified
Avenida Rieles way 260469 unclassified
Calle 220 way 260471 unclassified
Calle 219 way 260479 tertiary
Calle Paredes way 260480 unclassified
Avenida 2 way 260481 unclassified
Diagonal Agricultura way 260482 tertiary
Calle 217 way 260483 unclassified
Calle 218 way 260485 unclassified
Avenida Rieles way 260489 unclassified
Avenida Rieles way 260491 unclassified
Diagonal Agricultura way 260492 tertiary
Calle 26 way 260547 residential
Paseo Puerto de la Ría way 260571 tertiary
Calle Octavio La Fourchet way 260574 unclassified
Calle 88 way 260578 tertiary
Callejón 221 way 260604 unclassified
Callejón 217 way 260605 unclassified
Callejón 206 way 260606 unclassified
Calle 216 way 260607 unclassified
Callejón 205 way 260608 unclassified
Callejón 207 way 260609 unclassified
Callejón 220 way 260610 unclassified
Callejón 214 way 260611 unclassified
Callejón 213 way 260612 unclassified
Calle Estafanía Fokker de Garriz way 260613 unclassified
Callejón 215 way 260614 unclassified
Callejón 210 way 260615 unclassified
Calle Felipe Foucault way 260616 unclassified
Callejón 218 way 260617 unclassified
Callejón 208 way 260618 unclassified
Callejón 209 way 260619 unclassified
Callejón 211 way 260620 unclassified
Callejón 216 way 260621 unclassified
Callejón 222 way 260622 unclassified
Callejón 219 way 260623 unclassified
Avenida 58 way 260625 unclassified
Paseo Avenida 62 way 260626 unclassified
Callejón 233 way 260629 unclassified
Callejón 231 way 260630 unclassified
Callejón 228 way 260631 unclassified
Callejón 229 way 260632 unclassified
Avenida 60 way 260633 unclassified
Calle 227 way 260634 unclassified
Callejón 230 way 260635 unclassified
Paseo Hermosillo way 260636 unclassified
Callejón 236 way 260637 unclassified
Calle 228 way 260638 unclassified
Callejón 239 way 260639 unclassified
Calle Aulo Jauregi way 260640 unclassified
Callejón 232 way 260641 unclassified
Callejón 237 way 260642 unclassified
Callejón 235 way 260643 unclassified
Callejón 226 way 260644 unclassified
Callejón 225 way 260645 unclassified
Callejón 223 way 260646 unclassified
Callejón 227 way 260647 unclassified
Callejón 238 way 260648 unclassified
Avenida 61 way 260649 unclassified
Callejón 234 way 260651 unclassified
Callejón 224 way 260652 unclassified
Avenida 57 way 260653 unclassified
Calle Irene Fonseca y Böhm way 260654 residential
Calle Tito Foruria Pelletier way 260655 unclassified
Calle Tito Foruria Pelletier way 260657 unclassified
Calle Cora Galán de Rawlings way 260659 residential
Calle Noé Fung way 260660 residential
Calle Irene Fonseca y Böhm way 260661 residential
Calle Fin Ghiuletti way 260662 residential
Calle Noé Fung way 260663 unclassified
Calle Fin Ghiuletti way 260664 unclassified
Calle Noé Fung way 260665 unclassified
Calle Cora Galán de Rawlings way 260667 unclassified
Calle Tito Foruria Pelletier way 260668 unclassified
Calle Cora Galán de Rawlings way 260669 unclassified
Calle Fin Ghiuletti way 260670 unclassified
Calle Irene Fonseca y Böhm way 260671 unclassified
Calle Noé Fung way 260672 unclassified
Calle Irene Fonseca y Böhm way 260674 unclassified
Calle Irene Fonseca y Böhm way 260675 residential
Calle Cora Galán de Rawlings way 260676 unclassified
Calle Cora Galán de Rawlings way 260677 residential
Calle Tito Foruria Pelletier way 260678 residential
Calle Noé Fung way 260679 unclassified
Calle Cora Galán de Rawlings way 260680 residential
Diagonal Leyes way 260681 tertiary
Calle Cora Galán de Rawlings way 260682 unclassified
Calle Fin Ghiuletti way 260683 unclassified
Calle Noé Fung way 260684 unclassified
Calle Fin Ghiuletti way 260685 unclassified
Calle Noé Fung way 260686 unclassified
Calle Fin Ghiuletti way 260687 unclassified
Calle 25 way 260688 unclassified
Calle Cora Galán de Rawlings way 260689 unclassified
Calle Cora Galán de Rawlings way 260690 tertiary
Calle Cora Galán de Rawlings way 260691 unclassified
Calle Noé Fung way 260692 unclassified
Calle Irene Fonseca y Böhm way 260693 residential
Calle Irene Fonseca y Böhm way 260694 unclassified
Calle Tito Foruria Pelletier way 260695 unclassified
Calle Noé Fung way 260696 unclassified
Calle Irene Fonseca y Böhm way 260697 unclassified
Calle Tito Foruria Pelletier way 260698 unclassified
Calle Noé Fung way 260699 residential
Calle Fin Ghiuletti way 260700 unclassified
Calle Irene Fonseca y Böhm way 260701 unclassified
Calle Noé Fung way 260702 unclassified
Calle Noé Fung way 260703 unclassified
Calle Noé Fung way 260704 residential
Calle Tito Foruria Pelletier way 260706 unclassified
Calle Fin Ghiuletti way 260707 unclassified
Calle Noé Fung way 260708 unclassified
Calle Tito Foruria Pelletier way 260709 unclassified
Calle Cora Galán de Rawlings way 260712 unclassified
Calle Fin Ghiuletti way 260713 residential
Calle Irene Fonseca y Böhm way 260714 unclassified
Calle Florencio Flood way 260715 residential
Calle Florencio Flood way 260716 unclassified
Callejón 59 way 260717 residential
Avenida 42 way 260719 unclassified
Calle Florencio Flood way 260720 unclassified
Calle 27 way 260721 unclassified
Avenida 41 way 260722 unclassified
Avenida 47 way 260723 unclassified
Callejón 57 way 260724 residential
Avenida 55 way 260725 unclassified
Avenida 54 way 260726 tertiary
Calle Florencio Flood way 260728 unclassified
Calle 62 way 260729 unclassified
Calle 24 way 260730 unclassified
Callejón 58 way 260731 residential
Avenida 53 way 260732 unclassified
Avenida 51 way 260733 unclassified
Avenida 49 way 260734 unclassified
Avenida 47 way 260736 residential
Callejón 60 way 260737 unclassified
Calle 58 way 260738 unclassified
Paseo Semicircular way 260739 unclassified
Avenida 46 way 260741 unclassified
Avenida 44 way 260742 unclassified
Avenida 43 way 260743 unclassified
Avenida 57 way 260744 unclassified
Calle 26 way 260745 unclassified
Avenida 45 way 260746 tertiary
Calle 59 way 260747 unclassified
Calle 60 way 260748 unclassified
Calle 23 way 260749 unclassified
Calle Florencio Flood way 260750 residential
Avenida 58 way 260752 unclassified
Avenida 42 way 260753 unclassified
Calle 24 way 260754 unclassified
Avenida 48 way 260755 unclassified
Calle Ratón way 260756 unclassified
Calle Piedra Angular way 260757 unclassified
Calle Escalera way 260759 unclassified
Calle Estrellas way 260760 unclassified
Calle Lado del Cerro way 260762 unclassified
Calle Lámpara way 260764 unclassified
Calle Cima way 260765 unclassified
Paseo Semicircular way 260767 unclassified
Callejón 61 way 260768 residential
Calle Carrito way 260769 unclassified
Avenida 46 way 260770 unclassified
Avenida 40 way 260771 unclassified
Calle 61 way 260772 unclassified
Calle 62 way 260774 unclassified
Avenida 43 way 260775 pedestrian
Avenida 41 way 260776 unclassified
Calle Esmeralda Ezquiaga way 260803 residential
Calle 16 way 260804 unclassified
Calle Otramar way 260805 residential
Calle 17 way 260807 unclassified
Calle Esmeralda Ezquiaga way 260808 unclassified
Calle Sindicalistas way 260809 residential
Calle Filadelfia way 260810 unclassified
Calle Eustaquio Estranjero way 260812 residential
Avenida 42 way 260814 unclassified
Calle Eustaquio Estranjero way 260815 unclassified
Calle Genoveva Fitzpatrick way 260816 unclassified
Calle Eustaquio Estranjero way 260817 unclassified
Calle Filadelfia way 260818 residential
Calle Genoveva Fitzpatrick way 260819 unclassified
Calle Filadelfia way 260820 tertiary
Calle Esmeralda Ezquiaga way 260821 unclassified
Calle Filadelfia way 260822 residential
Calle Eustaquio Estranjero way 260823 residential
Calle 148 way 260825 residential
Calle Moscada way 260827 residential
Calle Esmeralda Ezquiaga way 260828 unclassified
Calle Genoveva Fitzpatrick way 260829 residential
Calle Sindicalistas way 260830 residential
Calle 13 way 260831 tertiary
Calle Esmeralda Ezquiaga way 260832 unclassified
Calle Filadelfia way 260833 unclassified
Calle Eustaquio Estranjero way 260834 unclassified
Calle Esmeralda Ezquiaga way 260835 unclassified
Calle Filadelfia way 260837 residential
Calle Genoveva Fitzpatrick way 260838 unclassified
Calle Edén way 260839 residential
Calle Irene Fonseca y Böhm way 260840 residential
Calle Sindicalistas way 260841 residential
Calle Edén way 260842 unclassified
Calle Esmeralda Ezquiaga way 260844 residential
Calle Estafanía Fokker de Garriz way 260845 residential
Calle Eustaquio Estranjero way 260846 unclassified
Calle Sindicalistas way 260847 residential
Calle 13 way 260848 tertiary
Calle Florencio Flood way 260849 unclassified
Calle Esmeralda Ezquiaga way 260850 unclassified
Calle Filadelfia way 260851 unclassified
Calle Filadelfia way 260852 unclassified
Calle Edén way 260854 unclassified
Avenida 43 way 260855 unclassified
Calle Edén way 260857 unclassified
Calle Genoveva Fitzpatrick way 260859 unclassified
Calle Esmeralda Ezquiaga way 260861 unclassified
Calle 12 way 260862 unclassified
Calle Genoveva Fitzpatrick way 260863 residential
Calle 14 way 260864 unclassified
Calle Edén way 260865 unclassified
Avenida 43 way 260867 unclassified
Calle Eustaquio Estranjero way 260868 unclassified
Calle Genoveva Fitzpatrick way 260869 residential
Calle 16 way 260870 unclassified
Calle Genoveva Fitzpatrick way 260871 unclassified
Calle 17 way 260872 unclassified
Calle Edén way 260873 residential
Calle Esmeralda Ezquiaga way 260874 unclassified
Calle Edén way 260875 unclassified
Calle 12 way 260876 unclassified
Calle Genoveva Fitzpatrick way 260877 residential
Calle 15 way 260878 unclassified
Calle 18 way 260880 unclassified
Calle 139 way 260881 residential
Avenida 47 way 260883 residential
Calle Florencio Flood way 260884 residential
Calle Florencio Flood way 260886 residential
Calle 157 way 260887 residential
Avenida 48 way 260888 residential
Avenida 38 way 260890 unclassified
Calle Orlando Duquederrosas way 260892 residential
Avenida 36 way 260893 unclassified
Avenida 35 way 260894 tertiary
Calle Orlando Duquederrosas way 260895 tertiary
Avenida 41 way 260896 unclassified
Calle Orlando Duquederrosas way 260897 residential
Avenida 35 way 260898 tertiary
Calle Orlando Duquederrosas way 260899 unclassified
Calle Edén way 260900 unclassified
Avenida 40 way 260901 unclassified
Calle Orlando Duquederrosas way 260902 residential
Avenida 37 way 260904 unclassified
Avenida 39 way 260905 unclassified
Calle Orlando Duquederrosas way 260906 unclassified
Avenida 36 way 260908 unclassified
Avenida 37 way 260909 residential
Calle 15 way 260910 residential
Calle 9 way 260912 unclassified
Diagonal Omar Vías way 260913 tertiary
Diagonal Omar Vías way 260914 tertiary
Avenida 37 way 260915 residential
Avenida 38 way 260916 residential
Avenida 34 way 260917 residential
Avenida 35 way 260918 residential
Calle Luciano Doon d'Orange way 260919 residential
Avenida 36 way 260920 residential
Calle Fernando de Puy way 260921 residential
Calle Fernando de Puy way 260922 residential
Avenida 37 way 260924 unclassified
Calle Sonia Dolletessy way 260925 residential
Calle Carlos de Leuze way 260926 unclassified
Calle Carlos de Leuze way 260928 residential
Calle Luciano Doon d'Orange way 260929 unclassified
Calle Sonia Dolletessy way 260931 residential
Calle Sonia Dolletessy way 260933 residential
Calle Sonia Dolletessy way 260934 unclassified
Calle Luciano Doon d'Orange way 260935 residential
Calle Fernando de Puy way 260936 residential
Calle Carlos de Leuze way 260938 residential
Calle Cerro de Hormigas way 260940 residential
Calle Fernando de Puy way 260941 unclassified
Calle Sonia Dolletessy way 260943 residential
Calle Carlos de Leuze way 260944 residential
Calle Fernando de Puy way 260947 unclassified
Calle Carlos de Leuze way 260948 residential
Avenida 39 way 260950 residential
Calle Fernando de Puy way 260951 unclassified
Calle Carlos de Leuze way 260953 unclassified
Calle Luciano Doon d'Orange way 260955 unclassified
Calle Carlos de Leuze way 260956 unclassified
Calle Luciano Doon d'Orange way 260957 residential
Calle Luciano Doon d'Orange way 260958 residential
Calle Carlos de Leuze way 260959 unclassified
Calle Sonia Dolletessy way 260960 residential
Calle Fernando de Puy way 260961 residential
Calle Fernando de Puy way 260962 unclassified
Calle Carlos de Leuze way 260964 residential
Calle Fernando de Puy way 260965 residential
Avenida 34 way 260967 residential
Calle Californio Côté way 260968 residential
Calle Albor de Gronik way 260969 residential
Calle Velorio Daralbeid way 260970 residential
Calle Californio Côté way 260972 unclassified
Calle Albor de Gronik way 260973 residential
Calle 29 way 260974 unclassified
Calle Velorio Daralbeid way 260975 residential
Calle Velorio Daralbeid way 260976 residential
Calle Velorio Daralbeid way 260977 unclassified
Calle Velorio Daralbeid way 260978 unclassified
Calle Albor de Gronik way 260980 residential
Calle Albor de Gronik way 260981 unclassified
Calle Albor de Gronik way 260982 unclassified
Calle Californio Côté way 260983 tertiary
Calle Californio Côté way 260985 residential
Calle Californio Côté way 260986 residential
Avenida 31 way 260987 unclassified
Calle Californio Côté way 260988 tertiary
Calle Californio Côté way 260989 residential
Calle Albor de Gronik way 260990 residential
Calle Californio Côté way 260992 residential
Calle Apolonio Condedetorres way 260993 unclassified
Calle Velorio Daralbeid way 260994 residential
Calle Albor de Gronik way 260997 unclassified
Calle Velorio Daralbeid way 261000 residential
Calle Velorio Daralbeid way 261001 unclassified
Calle Albor de Gronik way 261002 residential
Calle Californio Côté way 261003 residential
Calle Albor de Gronik way 261004 unclassified
Calle 140 way 261007 residential
Avenida 49 way 261008 residential
Calle 141 way 261009 residential
Calle Irene Fonseca y Böhm way 261011 residential
Calle Perejil way 261015 unclassified
Calle Romero way 261016 unclassified
Calle Comino way 261017 unclassified
Calle Pimienta way 261018 unclassified
Calle Cilantro way 261019 unclassified
Calle Clavo way 261021 unclassified
Calle Jengibre way 261023 unclassified
Calle Pimentón way 261024 residential
Paseo Parque Sur way 261025 residential
Calle Canela way 261026 residential
Calle Sal way 261027 residential
Calle Cebollino way 261028 residential
Calle Vainilla way 261029 residential
Calle Hinojo way 261030 residential
Calle Orégano way 261031 residential
Calle Albahaca way 261032 residential
Calle L way 261033 unclassified
Calle H way 261034 unclassified
Calle J way 261035 unclassified
way 261036 unclassified
Calle Constitución way 261037 unclassified
Calle Independencia way 261038 unclassified
Calle K way 261039 unclassified
Calle K way 261040 unclassified
Calle I way 261041 unclassified
Calle Constitución way 261042 unclassified
Calle I way 261043 unclassified
way 261044 unclassified
Plaza de Gigantes way 261046 pedestrian
Calle Antonino Gohhomassara way 261095 residential
Calle Antonino Gohhomassara way 261096 unclassified
Calle Gaia Heguy Parent way 261098 unclassified
Calle Platón Horowitz way 261099 residential
Calle Gaia Heguy Parent way 261102 residential
Calle Zacarías Gunn way 261103 unclassified
Calle Antonino Gohhomassara way 261104 unclassified
Calle Polidoro Grijalva way 261105 unclassified
Calle Zacarías Gunn way 261106 unclassified
Calle Polidoro Grijalva way 261107 unclassified
Calle Polidoro Grijalva way 261109 residential
Calle Platón Horowitz way 261110 unclassified
Avenida 55 way 261111 unclassified
Calle Polidoro Grijalva way 261112 unclassified
Calle Polidoro Grijalva way 261114 unclassified
Calle Platón Horowitz way 261116 residential
Calle Zacarías Gunn way 261117 unclassified
Calle 56 way 261118 unclassified
Calle 54 way 261119 unclassified
Calle Antonino Gohhomassara way 261120 unclassified
Calle Gaia Heguy Parent way 261121 unclassified
Calle Gaia Heguy Parent way 261122 unclassified
Calle Tito Foruria Pelletier way 261123 unclassified
Calle Zacarías Gunn way 261124 unclassified
Calle Platón Horowitz way 261125 unclassified
Calle Zacarías Gunn way 261126 unclassified
Calle Antonino Gohhomassara way 261127 unclassified
Calle Zacarías Gunn way 261128 unclassified
Calle Antonino Gohhomassara way 261130 residential
Calle Platón Horowitz way 261131 residential
Avenida 57 way 261132 unclassified
Calle Gaia Heguy Parent way 261133 residential
Calle Polidoro Grijalva way 261134 unclassified
Calle Antonino Gohhomassara way 261135 unclassified
Calle Antonino Gohhomassara way 261136 residential
Calle Antonino Gohhomassara way 261137 unclassified
Calle Polidoro Grijalva way 261138 residential
Calle Zacarías Gunn way 261139 unclassified
Calle 55 way 261140 unclassified
Calle Antonino Gohhomassara way 261141 unclassified
Calle Platón Horowitz way 261142 unclassified
Calle Polidoro Grijalva way 261143 residential
Calle Polidoro Grijalva way 261144 unclassified
Calle Carretera Norte way 261145 unclassified
Calle Zacarías Gunn way 261146 unclassified
Calle Gaia Heguy Parent way 261147 residential
Calle Antonino Gohhomassara way 261148 unclassified
Calle Gaia Heguy Parent way 261149 unclassified
Avenida 50 way 261155 unclassified
Avenida 50 way 261156 unclassified
Calle 239 way 261158 unclassified
way 261159 motorway
Calle Felipe Foucault way 261161 unclassified
Calle Noé Fung way 261163 unclassified
Calle 240 way 261164 unclassified
Calle Felipe Foucault way 261166 unclassified
way 261167 unclassified
way 261170 unclassified
Avenida 51 way 261171 unclassified
way 261189 unclassified
Calle Tito Foruria Pelletier way 261191 unclassified
Avenida 56 way 261200 unclassified
Avenida 57 way 261201 unclassified
Avenida 54 way 261205 unclassified
Calle Aulo Jauregi way 261206 unclassified
Avenida 55 way 261207 unclassified
Avenida 53 way 261209 tertiary
Calle Cora Galán de Rawlings way 261211 unclassified
Avenida 58 way 261213 unclassified
Avenida 59 way 261215 tertiary
Avenida 42 way 261236 tertiary
Avenida 42 way 261238 tertiary
Avenida 41 way 261240 residential
Calle Esmeralda Ezquiaga way 261242 unclassified
Calle Edén way 261243 unclassified
Avenida 42 way 261244 tertiary
Avenida 43 way 261245 residential
Calle Eustaquio Estranjero way 261247 unclassified
Calle Orlando Duquederrosas way 261249 unclassified
Avenida 42 way 261250 tertiary
Calle Apolonio Condedetorres way 261251 tertiary
Avenida 42 way 261253 tertiary
Avenida 32 way 261255 unclassified
Calle 239 way 261280 unclassified
Avenida 39 way 261303 unclassified
Avenida 33 way 261305 unclassified
Avenida 39 way 261307 tertiary
Avenida 38 way 261309 unclassified
Calle Albor de Gronik way 261312 unclassified
way 261313 motorway
Avenida 35 way 261314 unclassified
Calle Carlos de Leuze way 261315 unclassified
Calle Californio Côté way 261316 unclassified
Calle Velorio Daralbeid way 261318 unclassified
Calle Fernando de Puy way 261319 unclassified
Avenida 34 way 261321 unclassified
Calle Luciano Doon d'Orange way 261325 unclassified
Calle Sonia Dolletessy way 261328 unclassified
Avenida 34 way 261330 unclassified
Avenida 36 way 261331 unclassified
Avenida 36 way 261332 unclassified
way 261333 motorway
Avenida 45 way 261414 unclassified
way 261415 unclassified
way 261416 unclassified
Calle Filadelfia way 261417 unclassified
Avenida 23 way 261418 unclassified
Avenida 26 way 261421 tertiary
Calle Teodoro Bettencourt way 261422 unclassified
Avenida 30 way 261425 unclassified
Calle Florencio Flood way 261427 unclassified
Calle Genoveva Fitzpatrick way 261428 unclassified
Avenida 44 way 261430 unclassified
Avenida 24 way 261432 unclassified
Calle Mario Climoy way 261433 unclassified
Avenida 28 way 261434 unclassified
Avenida 28 way 261435 unclassified
Calle Dionisio Châteauguay way 261439 unclassified
Avenida 26 way 261440 tertiary
Avenida 48 way 261441 unclassified
Calle Filadelfia way 261442 tertiary
Avenida 30 way 261443 unclassified
Avenida 27 way 261445 unclassified
Calle Irene Fonseca y Böhm way 261446 unclassified
Calle Norberto Clavel way 261448 unclassified
Avenida 46 way 261450 unclassified
Calle Estafanía Fokker de Garriz way 261453 unclassified
Calle Casandra Baum Sepúlveda way 261456 unclassified
Calle Constanza Bricolet way 261457 unclassified
Calle Guillermina Bollar Bang way 261458 unclassified
Avenida 24 way 261459 unclassified
Calle Blanco Christensen way 261461 unclassified
Calle Baltasar Chong way 261462 unclassified
Calle Verdes Ramos way 262044 unclassified
Calle Romance (CP#22N) way 262047 unclassified
Calle Cabo way 262050 unclassified
Calle Pascual Báez way 262351 unclassified
Avenida 19 way 262352 unclassified
Avenida 15 way 262356 unclassified
Calle Alejandrina way 262358 unclassified
Avenida 20 way 262359 unclassified
Avenida 22 way 262360 tertiary
Calle Jaime Armandolfi way 262361 unclassified
Avenida 5 way 262362 unclassified
Calle Arquíloco Aguirre way 262363 unclassified
Calle Tomás Arambel y Domínguez way 262366 unclassified
Calle Camal Asidi way 262367 tertiary
Avenida Puerto Nuevo way 262368 tertiary
Avenida 18 way 262369 unclassified
Calle Jaime Armandolfi way 262370 unclassified
Avenida 13 way 262371 unclassified
Avenida Puerto Nuevo way 262372 unclassified
Calle Arely Arraiz way 262373 unclassified
Calle Servia Bruschetti way 262374 unclassified
Avenida 6 way 262375 unclassified
Avenida 10 way 262376 unclassified
Avenida 22 way 262377 tertiary
Calle Camal Asidi way 262378 unclassified
Avenida 10 way 262379 unclassified
Avenida 13 way 262380 tertiary
Avenida 16 way 262381 unclassified
Calle Hipólito Barne y Mina way 262383 unclassified
Avenida 15 way 262384 unclassified
Calle Parnaso way 262387 unclassified
Calle Parnaso way 262391 unclassified
Avenida 7 way 262393 unclassified
Calle Ángeles way 262394 unclassified
Avenida 8 way 262396 unclassified
way 262400 unclassified
way 262407 unclassified
way 262409 unclassified
way 262416 unclassified
Avenida 3 way 262418 unclassified
way 262419 motorway
Diagonal Alegría way 262420 tertiary
Calle Moneda way 262421 unclassified
Calle Paredes way 262422 unclassified
way 262423 motorway
Diagonal Alegría way 262424 unclassified
Carretera Costa de Dragones way 262427 motorway
Calle Pedro Comala way 262430 unclassified
Calle 236 way 262431 unclassified
Calle 238 way 262432 unclassified
Avenida 1 way 262435 unclassified
way 262436 motorway
Avenida 2 way 262437 unclassified
Calle Moneda way 262439 unclassified
Calle 237 way 262442 unclassified
Avenida del Estado Lado Norte way 262443 primary
Avenida del Estado Lado Sur way 262446 primary
Calle 237 way 262451 unclassified
Glorieta Gloria way 262452 primary
Avenida del Estado Lado Norte way 262457 primary
Avenida del Estado Lado Norte RN 3 primary
Calle 223 way 264179 unclassified
Avenida 2 way 264181 unclassified
Calle 224 way 264187 tertiary
Calle Paredes way 264190 unclassified
Calle 222 way 264194 unclassified
Calle 221 way 264238 unclassified
Calle 223 way 264267 unclassified
Calle 234 way 264404 unclassified
Calle 225 way 264406 unclassified
Calle 233 way 264418 unclassified
Calle 235 way 264422 unclassified
way 264434 motorway
Diagonal el Fangal way 264435 tertiary
Calle 236 way 264436 tertiary
Calle 231 way 264451 unclassified
Diagonal Canastos way 264454 tertiary
Calle 229 way 264463 unclassified
Calle 230 way 264465 tertiary
Calle 227 way 264502 unclassified
Calle 226 way 264505 unclassified
Calle 235 way 265203 unclassified
Diagonal Alegría way 265205 tertiary
Calle 235 way 265206 unclassified
Calle 237 way 265208 unclassified
Diagonal Alegría way 265209 unclassified
Calle 238 way 265210 unclassified
Calle 237 way 265221 unclassified
Calle Octavio La Fourchet way 265229 unclassified
Calle 139 way 265231 unclassified
Calle Mujeres way 265232 unclassified
Calle Octavio La Fourchet way 265233 pedestrian
Calle 136 way 265234 unclassified
Calle Octavio La Fourchet way 265235 unclassified
Calle Portugal way 265236 unclassified
Calle 230 way 265237 tertiary
Calle 234 way 265238 unclassified
Calle Paredes way 265239 residential
Calle 233 way 265240 unclassified
Calle 233 way 265241 unclassified
Calle 138 way 265242 unclassified
Calle 232 way 265243 unclassified
Calle 231 way 265244 unclassified
Calle 193 way 265251 unclassified
Avenida 4 way 265252 unclassified
Avenida 4 way 265256 unclassified
Avenida 4 way 265265 unclassified
Avenida 5 way 265267 unclassified
Calle Alejandrina way 265269 unclassified
Calle Ignacio Quiroga way 265273 unclassified
Avenida 7 way 265276 unclassified
Avenida 6 way 265282 unclassified
Avenida Puerto Nuevo way 265291 unclassified
Calle Alejandrina way 265292 unclassified
Calle 236 way 265297 tertiary
Calle 79 way 265596 unclassified
Calle 78 way 265597 unclassified
Avenida 101 way 265599 unclassified
Calle 80 way 265600 unclassified
Avenida 103 way 265601 unclassified
Diagonal Federación way 265604 tertiary
Avenida 104 way 265606 unclassified
Calle Roque Santisidro way 265607 unclassified
Calle 77 way 265608 tertiary
Calle 76 way 265611 unclassified
Avenida 102 way 265612 unclassified
Calle 81 way 265613 unclassified
Paseo Jinetes de la Paz way 265614 tertiary
Avenida 96 way 265616 unclassified
Paseo de los Campeones way 265617 unclassified
Calle 37 way 265618 unclassified
Calle 38 way 265619 unclassified
Avenida 95 way 265620 unclassified
Calle 32 way 265621 unclassified
Calle 34 way 265622 unclassified
Paseo de los Campeones way 265623 unclassified
Calle 33 way 265624 unclassified
Calle Hilda Mercy way 265625 unclassified
Avenida 93 way 265626 unclassified
Calle 35 way 265627 unclassified
Calle 36 way 265628 unclassified
Avenida 92 way 265630 unclassified
Calle Alonso Quack way 265631 unclassified
Calle Gregorio Redcrosse way 265632 unclassified
Avenida 94 way 265633 unclassified
Calle Dido Quintana Song way 265634 unclassified
Calle Petronio Robilyle way 265635 unclassified
Avenida 107 way 265651 unclassified
Calle Daniel Toskek way 265652 unclassified
Avenida Chozas way 265653 unclassified
Calle Daniel Toskek way 265654 unclassified
Avenida 106 way 265655 unclassified
Calle Faisán way 266329 unclassified
Calle Erizo way 266330 unclassified
Calle Ganso way 266331 residential
Calle Canario way 266332 unclassified
Calle Búho way 266333 residential
Calle Dromedario way 266334 unclassified
Calle Avispa way 266335 unclassified
Calle Halcón way 266336 residential
Calle Apio way 266369 unclassified
Calle Puerro way 266370 unclassified
Calle Arvejas way 266371 unclassified
Avenida 88 way 266372 unclassified
Calle Remolacha way 266373 unclassified
Avenida 89 way 266374 unclassified
Calle Alcachofa way 266375 residential
Avenida 90 way 266376 unclassified
Calle Habas way 266378 unclassified
Calle Berro way 266379 unclassified
Calle Tomate way 266380 unclassified
Calle Espinacas way 266381 unclassified
Calle Repollo way 266389 unclassified
Calle Ajo way 266390 unclassified
Calle Coliflor way 266391 unclassified
Calle Maíz way 266392 unclassified
Calle Calabaza way 266393 unclassified
Calle Pepino way 266394 unclassified
Calle Hongos way 266395 unclassified
Calle Nabo way 266396 unclassified
Calle Zanahoria way 266397 unclassified
Calle Lechuga way 266398 unclassified
Calle Patata way 266399 unclassified
Calle Garbanzos way 266400 unclassified
Calle Acelga way 266401 unclassified
Calle Cebolleta way 266402 unclassified
Calle Eduardo Paine Roo way 266403 residential
Calle 63 way 266404 residential
Calle Parque way 266405 unclassified
Calle Corta way 266406 unclassified
Avenida 81 way 266407 residential
Avenida 82 way 266408 residential
Calle Carlos way 266409 residential
Calle Porotos way 266410 unclassified
Calle 64 way 266411 unclassified
Calle Alonzo way 266412 residential
Avenida 83 way 266413 residential
Calle Tomás Novato way 266414 residential
Calle Aviones way 266415 residential
Avenida 80 way 266416 residential
Calle Máximo Pahhamagoraset way 266417 residential
Calle 74 way 266418 unclassified
Calle Verduras way 266419 unclassified
Calle 73 way 266420 unclassified
Paseo del Pastor way 266421 unclassified
Avenida 93 way 266422 unclassified
Avenida 95 way 266423 unclassified
Avenida 94 way 266424 unclassified
Calle 72 way 266425 unclassified
Calle Pasto way 266427 unclassified
Calle O way 266428 unclassified
way 266429 unclassified
Calle O way 266430 unclassified
Calle Q way 266431 unclassified
Calle 77 way 266432 pedestrian
Calle S way 266433 unclassified
Calle S way 266435 unclassified
Calle R way 266436 unclassified
Paseo del Pastor way 266437 unclassified
Calle Lentejas way 266438 unclassified
Calle Isolde Pio way 266439 unclassified
Calle N way 266441 unclassified
way 266442 unclassified
way 266443 unclassified
Bulevar del Lago way 266444 unclassified
Calle L way 266445 unclassified
Calle P way 266446 unclassified
Calle N way 266447 unclassified
Calle M way 266448 unclassified
Calle S way 266449 unclassified
Paseo del Pastor way 266450 unclassified
Calle 77 way 266451 pedestrian
Bulevar Josusí way 266452 tertiary
Calle Independencia way 266453 unclassified
Calle Constitución way 266454 unclassified
way 266455 unclassified
Bulevar del Lago way 266457 tertiary
Calle Zapallitos way 266458 unclassified
Diagonal Textiles way 266462 tertiary
Avenida 70 way 266464 unclassified
Diagonal Textiles way 266465 tertiary
Camino Enrique Sálazar way 266466 tertiary
Camino Enrique Sálazar way 266467 tertiary
Calle Gedeón Murgatroyd way 266468 unclassified
Avenida 76 way 266469 residential
Avenida 78 way 266471 unclassified
Diagonal Textiles way 266472 tertiary
Calle 40 way 266476 residential
Avenida 69 way 266477 unclassified
Calle 39 way 266478 unclassified
Camino Enrique Sálazar way 266479 tertiary
Avenida 71 way 266480 unclassified
Avenida 68 way 266486 unclassified
Avenida 79 way 266488 unclassified
Calle 35 way 266489 unclassified
Carretera Veteranos way 266490 motorway
Avenida 70 way 266492 unclassified
Calle 33 way 266493 unclassified
Carretera Veteranos way 266494 motorway
Avenida 74 way 266495 unclassified
Camino Enrique Sálazar way 266496 tertiary
Avenida 69 way 266497 unclassified
Carretera Veteranos way 266498 motorway
Carretera Veteranos way 266499 motorway
Calle 33 way 266501 unclassified
Avenida 78 way 266502 unclassified
Calle 31 way 266504 unclassified
Calle 35 way 266505 unclassified
Carretera Veteranos way 266507 motorway
Carretera Veteranos way 266508 motorway
Calle 35 way 266509 unclassified
Avenida 73 way 266510 unclassified
Avenida 68 way 266512 unclassified
Avenida 69 way 266513 unclassified
Camino Enrique Sálazar way 266515 tertiary
Carretera Veteranos way 266516 motorway
Avenida 77 way 266517 unclassified
Calle 35 way 266519 unclassified
Avenida 79 way 266520 unclassified
Avenida 75 way 266521 unclassified
Avenida 71 way 266523 unclassified
Calle Gedeón Murgatroyd way 266524 unclassified
Calle 36 way 266525 unclassified
Avenida 64 way 266526 tertiary
Avenida 63 way 266527 tertiary
Avenida 62 way 266528 unclassified
way 266529 unclassified
Calle Patagonia way 266531 unclassified
way 266532 unclassified
Carretera Veteranos way 266533 motorway
Carretera Veteranos way 266534 motorway
Avenida 64 way 266535 tertiary
Avenida 61 way 266539 unclassified
Avenida 67 way 266540 residential
Carretera Veteranos way 266541 motorway
Avenida 65 way 266542 unclassified
Carretera Veteranos way 266543 motorway
Avenida 63 way 266544 tertiary
Avenida 72 way 266546 unclassified
Avenida 72 way 266552 unclassified
Calle 32 way 266553 unclassified
Calle Perejil way 266563 residential
Avenida 90 way 266564 residential
Calle 176 way 266565 tertiary
Calle Ají way 266568 residential
Calle 178 way 266569 residential
Avenida 85 way 266570 tertiary
Avenida 86 way 266573 residential
Calle Nabo way 266574 residential
Calle 173 way 266575 residential
Calle Sauces way 266577 residential
Avenida 87 way 266579 residential
Calle Hilda Mercy way 266580 residential
Calle Lirio Kovács way 266581 residential
Calle Dolores Gottlieb way 266583 residential
Calle Ilona Wisniewski way 266584 residential
Calle 177 way 266585 residential
Calle 175 way 266586 residential
Calle 166 way 266588 residential
Calle Albañiles way 266589 residential
Calle 163 way 266590 residential
Calle Ildefonso Narbáez way 266593 unclassified
Calle 169 way 266595 residential
Calle 165 way 266596 residential
Calle 167 way 266597 residential
Calle 168 way 266600 unclassified
Avenida 92 way 266601 residential
Calle 170 way 266602 tertiary
Calle 171 way 266603 residential
Calle 172 way 266604 residential
Calle Claveles way 268799 residential
Calle Violetas way 268800 residential
Calle Zebilas way 268801 residential
Avenida 74 way 269041 unclassified
Avenida 73 way 269042 unclassified
Calle Tiberio Johannes way 269043 unclassified
Calle Platón Horowitz way 269044 unclassified
Calle Tiberio Johannes way 269045 residential
Avenida 72 way 269046 unclassified
Avenida 71 way 269047 unclassified
Calle Tiberio Johannes way 269049 unclassified
Calle 185 way 269050 unclassified
Calle Tiberio Johannes way 269051 unclassified
Calle 184 way 269052 unclassified
Calle Tiberio Johannes way 269053 unclassified
Calle Tiberio Johannes way 269054 unclassified
Calle Tiberio Johannes way 269055 residential
Calle 183 way 269057 unclassified
Calle Tiberio Johannes way 269058 unclassified
Calle Tiberio Johannes way 269059 residential
Calle Tiberio Johannes way 269060 unclassified
Calle Tiberio Johannes way 269061 residential
Camino Worthington way 269062 tertiary
Calle Tiberio Johannes way 269063 unclassified
Calle 184 way 269064 unclassified
Avenida 69 way 269082 residential
Avenida 71 way 269083 residential
Avenida 76 way 269084 unclassified
Calle 174 way 269085 unclassified
Callejón 173 way 269086 unclassified
Avenida 67 way 269087 residential
Avenida 74 way 269088 residential
Callejón 179 way 269089 unclassified
Avenida 67 way 269090 unclassified
Avenida 69 way 269091 unclassified
Avenida 63 way 269092 unclassified
Avenida 66 way 269093 unclassified
Calle 177 way 269094 unclassified
Calle 181 way 269095 unclassified
Callejón 176 way 269096 unclassified
Diagonal Parque Arañas way 269097 unclassified
Avenida 70 way 269098 residential
Callejón 178 way 269099 unclassified
Avenida 68 way 269100 unclassified
Diagonal Parque Arañas way 269101 unclassified
Calle 174 way 269102 unclassified
Avenida 65 way 269104 unclassified
Calle 175 way 269105 unclassified
Callejón 177 way 269106 unclassified
Avenida 75 way 269107 residential
Avenida 64 way 269108 unclassified
Avenida 70 way 269109 unclassified
Avenida 68 way 269110 unclassified
Callejón 174 way 269111 unclassified
Callejón 175 way 269112 unclassified
Calle Tiberio Johannes way 269114 unclassified
Callejón 174 way 269116 unclassified
Avenida 61 way 269117 residential
Calle Adolfo Kac way 269118 unclassified
Calle Adolfo Kac way 269119 residential
Avenida 58 way 269120 unclassified
Calle Adolfo Kac way 269121 unclassified
Calle Adolfo Kac way 269123 pedestrian
Calle Adolfo Kac way 269124 unclassified
Calle Adolfo Kac way 269125 unclassified
Avenida 56 way 269126 unclassified
Avenida 62 way 269127 unclassified
Calle Adolfo Kac way 269128 unclassified
Calle Adolfo Kac way 269129 unclassified
Callejón 182 way 269130 unclassified
Avenida 60 way 269131 unclassified
Calle 157 way 269132 residential
Calle Adolfo Kac way 269133 unclassified
Calle Aulo Jauregi way 269134 unclassified
Avenida 64 way 269135 residential
Avenida 62 way 269136 residential
Calle Adolfo Kac way 269137 unclassified
Calle Donosio Kim way 269138 residential
Avenida 57 way 269139 unclassified
Calle 185 way 269140 unclassified
Avenida 62 way 269141 residential
Calle Adolfo Kac way 269142 residential
Calle Adolfo Kac way 269143 residential
Calle Adolfo Kac way 269144 unclassified
Callejón 183 way 269145 unclassified
Avenida 63 way 269147 residential
Calle Adolfo Kac way 269148 unclassified
Calle Tiberio Johannes way 269150 residential
Calle Alerces way 269151 residential
Calle Adolfo Kac way 269152 residential
Calle Amadeo Khan way 269153 unclassified
Calle Maximiliano Korhonen way 269154 residential
Calle Maximiliano Korhonen way 269155 unclassified
Calle Maximiliano Korhonen way 269156 unclassified
Avenida 61 way 269157 unclassified
Calle Amadeo Khan way 269158 unclassified
Calle Amadeo Khan way 269159 residential
Calle Peral way 269160 residential
Calle Maximiliano Korhonen way 269161 unclassified
Avenida 62 way 269162 unclassified
Calle Maximiliano Korhonen way 269163 unclassified
Paseo Templo Paraíaso way 269164 unclassified
Calle 202 way 269165 unclassified
Calle Amadeo Khan way 269166 unclassified
Calle Maximiliano Korhonen way 269167 residential
Calle Tiberio Johannes way 269168 unclassified
Calle Maximiliano Korhonen way 269170 residential
Calle Adolfo Kac way 269171 unclassified
Calle Faustino Korzeniowski way 269172 residential
Calle Amadeo Khan way 269174 residential
Calle Peral way 269175 unclassified
Avenida 58 way 269177 unclassified
Avenida 60 way 269178 unclassified
Calle Maximiliano Korhonen way 269179 unclassified
Calle Amadeo Khan way 269181 unclassified
Calle Amadeo Khan way 269183 unclassified
Calle Amadeo Khan way 269184 residential
Calle Amadeo Khan way 269185 residential
Callejón 90 way 269186 unclassified
Calle Amadeo Khan way 269188 unclassified
Calle Amadeo Khan way 269189 unclassified
Calle Aulo Jauregi way 269190 unclassified
Avenida 63 way 269191 unclassified
Paseo Ana McClintock way 269192 tertiary
Calle Faustino Korzeniowski way 269193 unclassified
Calle Maceta way 269194 unclassified
Avenida 59 way 269195 tertiary
Calle Amadeo Khan way 269196 unclassified
Calle Violetas way 269197 residential
Calle Amadeo Khan way 269198 residential
Calle Faustino Korzeniowski way 269199 unclassified
Calle Maximiliano Korhonen way 269200 unclassified
Calle Gaia Heguy Parent way 269201 unclassified
Calle Platón Horowitz way 269202 unclassified
Calle Amadeo Khan way 269205 unclassified
Calle Inocencio Leñero Tamayo way 269206 residential
Calle Inocencio Leñero Tamayo way 269207 unclassified
Calle Faustino Korzeniowski way 269209 unclassified
Calle Faustino Korzeniowski way 269210 unclassified
Calle Inocencio Leñero Tamayo way 269211 unclassified
Calle Faustino Korzeniowski way 269212 unclassified
Calle Inocencio Leñero Tamayo way 269213 tertiary
Calle Inocencio Leñero Tamayo way 269214 unclassified
Calle Faustino Korzeniowski way 269216 unclassified
Calle Inocencio Leñero Tamayo way 269217 residential
Calle Faustino Korzeniowski way 269219 residential
Calle Faustino Korzeniowski way 269220 residential
Calle Inocencio Leñero Tamayo way 269221 unclassified
Calle Inocencio Leñero Tamayo way 269222 unclassified
Calle Faustino Korzeniowski way 269223 unclassified
Calle Inocencio Leñero Tamayo way 269224 unclassified
Calle Matías Leveque way 269225 unclassified
Calle Matías Leveque way 269227 unclassified
Calle Matías Leveque way 269228 unclassified
Calle Matías Leveque way 269229 residential
Calle Matías Leveque way 269230 unclassified
Calle Matías Leveque way 269231 residential
Calle Matías Leveque way 269232 unclassified
Diagonal Autonomía way 269233 unclassified
Calle Danilo Maas Casares way 269234 residential
Calle Aviñón way 269235 unclassified
Calle Danilo Maas Casares way 269236 unclassified
Calle Jesús Lonsdale Farrar way 269237 unclassified
Calle Jesús Lonsdale Farrar way 269238 residential
Calle Danilo Maas Casares way 269239 unclassified
Calle 73 way 269240 unclassified
Calle 75 way 269241 unclassified
Calle Jesús Lonsdale Farrar way 269242 unclassified
Calle Jesús Lonsdale Farrar way 269245 residential
Avenida 70 way 269246 unclassified
Avenida 69 way 269247 unclassified
Calle Danilo Maas Casares way 269248 pedestrian
Calle Jesús Lonsdale Farrar way 269249 unclassified
Calle 76 way 269250 tertiary
Calle Jesús Lonsdale Farrar way 269251 unclassified
Calle 76 way 269253 unclassified
Calle 74 way 269255 unclassified
Calle Danilo Maas Casares way 269256 unclassified
Calle Danilo Maas Casares way 269257 residential
Calle Danilo Maas Casares way 269258 unclassified
Calle Danilo Maas Casares way 269259 unclassified
Calle Carlos McGillicuddy way 269261 unclassified
Calle Carlos McGillicuddy way 269262 unclassified
Calle Carlos McGillicuddy way 269263 unclassified
Calle Carlos McGillicuddy way 269264 unclassified
Calle Carlos McGillicuddy way 269266 unclassified
Calle Carlos McGillicuddy way 269268 unclassified
Calle Carlos McGillicuddy way 269269 residential
Calle 212 way 269764 secondary
way 269765 motorway
Calle 212 way 269766 secondary
Calle 199 way 269767 residential
Calle 203 way 269768 residential
Calle 212 way 269769 secondary
Calle 201 way 269770 residential
Calle 212 way 269774 secondary
Calle 212 way 269777 secondary
way 269778 motorway
way 269781 motorway
Calle 206 way 269782 residential
Calle 200 way 269785 residential
Calle 206 way 269787 residential
way 269788 motorway
Calle 212 way 269789 tertiary
Carretera Orilla Izquierda way 269791 motorway
Calle 210 way 269799 residential
Calle 210 way 269801 residential
way 269804 motorway
Calle 219 way 269810 tertiary
Avenida 83 way 269812 residential
Calle 219 way 269814 tertiary
Calle 224 way 269815 tertiary
Calle 228 way 269823 unclassified
Calle 112 way 271060 unclassified
Calle 112 way 271061 residential
way 271064 unclassified
Avenida 23 Dir. Oeste way 271066 motorway
way 271067 unclassified
Avenida 23 Dir. Oeste way 271068 motorway
Avenida 23 way 271070 motorway
Avenida 23 way 271071 motorway
Avenida 23 way 271072 motorway
Calle 113 way 271074 unclassified
Avenida 23 Dir. Oeste way 271077 motorway
Calle 113 way 271078 unclassified
Calle Octavio La Fourchet way 271080 unclassified
Calle 148 way 271081 unclassified
Calle Calatrava way 271082 unclassified
Calle Machete way 271085 unclassified
Avenida 11 way 271086 unclassified
way 271087 motorway
way 271088 motorway
Avenida 2 way 271089 unclassified
Calle 145 way 271091 unclassified
Calle Pedro Comala way 271092 unclassified
way 271094 unclassified
Avenida 10 way 271095 unclassified
Calle Pedro Comala way 271096 unclassified
Avenida 12 way 271097 unclassified
Calle 144 way 271098 unclassified
Calle 147 way 271099 unclassified
way 271100 motorway
Calle Octavio La Fourchet way 271101 unclassified
Avenida 3 way 271103 unclassified
way 271104 motorway
Calle 155 DF 155 secondary
Calle Árbol Mágico way 271106 unclassified
Calle 155 DF 155 secondary
way 271108 motorway
Calle Pico way 271112 unclassified
way 271114 unclassified
way 271115 motorway
way 271116 unclassified
Calle Ángeles way 271117 unclassified
way 271118 unclassified
way 271120 motorway
way 271122 motorway
Avenida 8 way 271123 unclassified
Avenida 4 way 271124 unclassified
Avenida 6 way 271660 unclassified
Calle 188 way 271661 unclassified
Calle 190 way 271662 unclassified
Calle 179 way 271664 residential
Avenida Richard way 271665 unclassified
Paseo el Haya way 271666 tertiary
Paseo el Haya way 271668 tertiary
Calle Ángeles way 271669 unclassified
Avenida 10 way 271670 unclassified
Calle Machete way 271671 unclassified
Bulevar Kensington way 271672 unclassified
Calle Parnaso way 271673 unclassified
Calle Árbol Mágico way 271674 unclassified
Avenida 12 way 271675 unclassified
Calle 191 way 271676 unclassified
Avenida 5 way 271677 unclassified
Calle 189 way 271678 unclassified
Avenida Puerto Nuevo way 271679 unclassified
Calle Octavio La Fourchet way 271680 tertiary
Avenida 8 way 271681 unclassified
Avenida 4 way 271683 unclassified
Paseo el Haya way 271684 tertiary
Avenida 12 way 271685 unclassified
Avenida 2 way 271686 residential
Avenida 3 way 271687 unclassified
Paseo el Haya way 271689 tertiary
Paseo el Haya way 271690 tertiary
Calle 187 way 271691 unclassified
Calle 180 way 271692 residential
Calle 182 way 271693 residential
Avenida 6 way 271694 unclassified
Avenida Puerto Nuevo way 271695 tertiary
Calle 184 way 271696 residential
Calle Pedro Comala way 271697 unclassified
Calle Calatrava way 271698 unclassified
Calle Alejandrina way 271699 unclassified
Calle 181 way 271700 residential
Calle 183 way 271701 unclassified
Calle Ángeles way 271702 unclassified
Paseo el Haya way 271703 tertiary
Bulevar Kensington way 271705 tertiary
Avenida 11 way 271706 unclassified
Bulevar Kensington way 271707 tertiary
Avenida 7 way 271708 unclassified
Calle 185 way 271709 unclassified
Calle Ignacio Quiroga way 271710 unclassified
Calle Octavio La Fourchet way 271711 tertiary
Calle Música way 272216 unclassified
Calle Chaikovsky way 272217 unclassified
Avenida 5 way 272218 unclassified
Calle Verdi way 272219 unclassified
Vía Quiroga way 272220 unclassified
Calle Handel way 272221 unclassified
Calle Chopin way 272222 unclassified
Calle Bach way 272223 unclassified
Calle Berlioz way 272224 unclassified
Calle 190 way 272225 tertiary
Calle Boyce way 272226 unclassified
Avenida 14 way 272227 unclassified
Vía Ugarte way 272228 unclassified
Bulevar Faro way 272229 unclassified
Calle 179 way 272230 unclassified
Bulevar Capital Boreal way 272231 unclassified
Vía Leones way 272232 unclassified
Calle Vivaldi way 272233 unclassified
Avenida 13 way 272234 unclassified
Vía Huidobro way 272235 pedestrian
Bulevar Isla Estranjeros way 272236 unclassified
Calle 193 way 272237 unclassified
Calle 175 way 272238 residential
Calle Flauta way 272239 unclassified
Calle 191 way 272240 unclassified
Calle 178 way 272241 residential
Calle Beethoven way 272242 unclassified
Vía Huidobro way 272243 unclassified
Avenida 7 way 272244 unclassified
Bulevar Tierra Pura way 272245 unclassified
Vía García way 272246 unclassified
Vía Saa García way 272247 unclassified
Avenida 12 way 272249 unclassified
Calle Mozart way 272250 unclassified
Vía Namgung way 272251 unclassified
Calle Violín way 272252 unclassified
Calle Schumann way 272253 unclassified
Bulevar Ciudad Comala way 272255 unclassified
Calle Satie way 272256 unclassified
Bulevar Cerro y Casa way 272257 unclassified
Calle Alejandrina way 272258 unclassified
Calle Mapamundi way 272259 unclassified
Calle Lully way 272260 unclassified
Bulevar Villa Libertad way 272261 unclassified
Vía Richard way 272262 unclassified
Vía Aviles way 272263 unclassified
Vía Menores way 272264 unclassified
Calle 180 way 272265 residential
Bulevar Kensington way 272266 tertiary
Vía Keum way 272267 unclassified
Avenida 10 way 272268 unclassified
Calle Ravel way 272269 unclassified
Calle 173 way 272270 unclassified
Calle Wagner way 272271 unclassified
Avenida 11 way 272272 unclassified
Calle 194 way 272273 tertiary
Vía Davies way 272274 unclassified
Vía Robertson way 272275 unclassified
Bulevar Trece Templos way 272276 unclassified
Calle Dvořák way 272277 unclassified
Vía Chang way 272278 unclassified
Bulevar Kensington way 272279 tertiary
Bulevar Trece Templos way 272280 unclassified
Calle Llano en Llamas way 272281 unclassified
Calle Bizet way 272282 unclassified
Calle Piano way 272283 unclassified
Vía Calles way 272284 unclassified
Calle Mendelssohn way 272285 unclassified
Calle Debussy way 272286 unclassified
Bulevar Villa Libertad way 272288 unclassified
Vía Owens way 272289 unclassified
Calle 192 way 272290 unclassified
Calle Machete way 272291 unclassified
Calle 189 way 272292 unclassified
Avenida 9 way 272295 unclassified
Calle Brahms way 272296 unclassified
Vía Errázuriz way 272297 unclassified
Calle 177 way 272298 residential
Calle 174 way 272320 residential
Calle Ángeles way 272321 unclassified
Avenida 7 way 272323 unclassified
Calle Octavio La Fourchet way 272324 tertiary
Calle Moneda way 272325 unclassified
Avenida del Estado Lado Sur RN 3 primary
Calle Moneda way 272332 unclassified
Avenida del Estado Lado Norte RN 3 primary
Avenida 2 way 272335 unclassified
Calle Octavio La Fourchet way 272336 unclassified
Avenida 1 way 272337 unclassified
Avenida Puerto Nuevo way 272339 unclassified
Avenida 16 way 272340 unclassified
Calle Calatrava way 272341 unclassified
Avenida 15 way 272345 unclassified
Avenida 14 way 272347 unclassified
Avenida 5 way 272348 tertiary
Avenida 1 way 272349 unclassified
Calle Paredes way 272352 unclassified
Avenida del Estado Lado Norte RN 3 primary
Avenida 6 way 272354 unclassified
Avenida 14 way 272355 unclassified
Avenida del Estado Lado Sur RN 3 primary
Calle Paredes way 272360 unclassified
Avenida 2 way 272361 unclassified
Calle Alejandrina way 272364 unclassified
Calle Ignacio Quiroga way 272374 unclassified
Avenida 3 way 272375 unclassified
Avenida 4 way 272379 unclassified
Avenida 3 way 272382 unclassified
Calle Pedro Comala way 272384 unclassified
Avenida 4 way 272385 unclassified
Calle Ignacio Quiroga way 272386 unclassified
Calle Pedro Comala way 272390 unclassified
Avenida 27 way 274320 unclassified
Calle 143 way 274321 unclassified
Avenida 31 way 274322 unclassified
Avenida 25 way 274323 unclassified
Calle Teodoro Bettencourt way 274324 unclassified
Avenida 29 way 274325 unclassified
Calle Constanza Bricolet way 274326 unclassified
Calle Apolonio Condedetorres way 274327 unclassified
Calle 141 way 274328 unclassified
Avenida 30 way 274330 unclassified
Calle Constanza Bricolet way 274331 unclassified
Paseo Ortiz way 274332 motorway
way 274334 motorway
Calle Guillermina Bollar Bang way 274335 residential
Avenida 31 way 274337 tertiary
Paseo Ortiz way 274338 motorway
Diagonal Trabajadores way 274339 tertiary
Paseo Ortiz way 274342 motorway
Avenida 31 way 274343 unclassified
Calle 140 way 274345 unclassified
Avenida 30 way 274346 unclassified
Calle Norberto Clavel way 274347 unclassified
Diagonal Trabajadores way 274349 tertiary
Avenida 26 way 274350 tertiary
way 274351 motorway
Calle 141 way 274352 unclassified
Avenida 26 way 274355 unclassified
Avenida 32 way 274356 unclassified
Avenida 31 way 274359 unclassified
way 274361 motorway
Avenida 29 way 274362 tertiary
Calle 144 way 274363 unclassified
Calle 143 way 274365 unclassified
Avenida 28 way 274366 unclassified
Calle Mario Climoy way 274367 unclassified
way 274368 motorway
Calle 142 way 274369 unclassified
Calle 142 way 274370 unclassified
Calle Velorio Daralbeid way 274375 unclassified
Avenida 24 way 274377 unclassified
way 274379 motorway
Paseo Ortiz way 274381 motorway
Paseo Ortiz way 274382 motorway
Avenida 35 way 274383 unclassified
Calle 127 way 274384 unclassified
Avenida 34 way 274385 unclassified
way 274391 motorway
Paseo Ortiz way 274392 motorway
way 274394 motorway
Avenida 24 way 274395 unclassified
Calle 145 way 274396 unclassified
Paseo Ortiz way 274397 motorway
way 274398 motorway
Calle 146 way 274399 unclassified
way 274400 motorway
way 274401 motorway
Calle 127 way 274402 unclassified
Paseo Ortiz way 274403 motorway
Avenida 33 way 274406 unclassified
Calle 148 way 274407 unclassified
Calle 149 way 274408 tertiary
Calle 148 way 274409 unclassified
Calle 149 way 274410 tertiary
Diagonal Arpillera way 277956 unclassified
Calle Domingo Murchison way 277957 unclassified
Diagonal Lino way 277958 unclassified
Diagonal Seda way 277959 unclassified
Calle Domingo Murchison way 277960 unclassified
Avenida 72 way 277961 unclassified
Avenida 78 way 277962 unclassified
Calle Cabu way 277963 unclassified
Calle 34 way 277964 tertiary
Calle Domingo Murchison way 277965 unclassified
Calle 36 way 277966 unclassified
Calle Américo Valdivia way 277967 unclassified
Diagonal Lana way 277968 unclassified
Calle 38 way 277969 unclassified
Calle Gedeón Murgatroyd way 277970 unclassified
Calle 35 way 277971 unclassified
Diagonal Telares way 277972 unclassified
Calle Américo Valdivia way 277973 unclassified
Calle Domingo Murchison way 277974 unclassified
Calle Domingo Murchison way 277975 residential
Diagonal Cáñamo way 277976 unclassified
Calle 37 way 277977 unclassified
Calle Chiles way 277978 tertiary
Diagonal Tejidos way 277979 unclassified
Avenida 77 way 277980 unclassified
Calle Porotos way 277982 unclassified
Calle Voluntarios way 277983 unclassified
Calle Domingo Murchison way 277984 unclassified
Calle Domingo Murchison way 277985 unclassified
Calle Macondo way 277986 unclassified
Diagonal Algodón way 277988 unclassified
Calle Puateme way 277989 unclassified
Calle Domingo Murchison way 277990 unclassified
Calle 39 way 277991 unclassified
Calle Salinas way 278353 tertiary
Calle Parra way 278354 unclassified
Calle Rojas way 278355 unclassified
Carretera Daniel La Xurre way 278356 motorway
Avenida 74 way 278357 unclassified
Calle Villaurrutia way 278358 unclassified
Calle Mistral way 278360 unclassified
Calle Pedroni way 278361 unclassified
Calle Huidobro way 278362 unclassified
Calle Silva way 278363 unclassified
Calle Storni way 278364 unclassified
Calle Romero way 278365 unclassified
Calle Paz way 278366 unclassified
Calle 184 way 278367 unclassified
Calle Domingo Murchison way 278368 unclassified
Calle Virgilio Morris way 278369 unclassified
Avenida 73 way 278372 unclassified
Calle Virgilio Morris way 278373 residential
way 278375 motorway
Avenida 77 way 278376 unclassified
Calle Santos Chocano way 278377 unclassified
Avenida 76 way 278378 unclassified
Calle 186 way 278379 unclassified
Diagonal Pintores way 278380 tertiary
Diagonal Pintores way 278381 tertiary
Calle Machado way 278382 unclassified
Calle Unamuno way 278383 unclassified
Calle Virgilio Morris way 278384 unclassified
Avenida 78 way 278385 residential
Calle Loynaz way 278386 unclassified
Calle Soledad way 278387 unclassified
Calle Sabines way 278388 unclassified
Calle Cualahualú way 278389 unclassified
Avenida 78 way 278390 unclassified
Calle 188 way 278392 unclassified
Avenida 77 way 278393 residential
Calle 183 way 278395 residential
Calle Nuevo Bilbao way 278396 unclassified
Avenida 77 way 278397 unclassified
Calle Yucas way 278398 tertiary
Carretera Daniel La Xurre way 278400 motorway
Avenida 72 way 278401 tertiary
Avenida 71 way 278402 unclassified
Calle Ruy Sánchez way 278403 unclassified
Avenida 76 way 278404 unclassified
Calle Partidarios way 278405 unclassified
Carretera Daniel La Xurre way 278406 motorway
Calle Ibarbourou way 278407 unclassified
Calle 185 way 278408 tertiary
Calle Rébora way 278409 unclassified
Calle Torres Bodet way 278410 unclassified
Calle Lago Hierro way 278411 unclassified
Calle 187 way 278412 unclassified
Calle Pellicer way 278413 unclassified
Calle Cemento way 278414 unclassified
Calle Vallejo way 278415 unclassified
Calle Martí way 278416 unclassified
Calle Virgilio Morris way 278417 unclassified
way 278418 motorway
Calle Virgilio Morris way 278420 unclassified
Calle 204 way 278421 unclassified
Calle 190 way 278422 unclassified
Calle Salida way 278423 tertiary
Calle Urbina way 278424 unclassified
Calle Virgilio Morris way 278425 unclassified
Calle Virgilio Morris way 278426 unclassified
Avenida 77 way 278427 unclassified
way 278428 motorway
Calle 202 way 278429 residential
Calle La Zorra way 278430 unclassified
Calle 189 way 278431 unclassified
Calle Virgilio Morris way 278432 unclassified
way 278434 motorway
Calle Virgilio Morris way 278435 unclassified
Calle Otero way 278436 unclassified
Calle 200 way 278442 residential
Calle 201 way 278443 residential
Calle 203 way 278444 unclassified
Calle 191 way 278445 unclassified
Calle 192 way 278447 unclassified
Calle Carlos McGillicuddy way 278449 tertiary
Calle 199 way 278451 residential
Avenida 75 way 278452 unclassified
Calle Zorrilla way 278453 unclassified
Calle 193 way 278454 unclassified
Calle Domingo Murchison way 278455 unclassified
Calle 198 way 278458 unclassified
Calle 196 way 278459 unclassified
Calle 203 way 278461 residential
Calle 197 way 278463 unclassified
Calle 194 way 278465 tertiary
Calle Nervo way 278466 unclassified
Calle Paz way 278467 unclassified
Calle Otero way 278468 unclassified
Calle Storni way 278469 unclassified
Calle Silva way 278470 unclassified
Avenida 76 way 278471 unclassified
Calle Cemento way 278473 unclassified
Calle Plá way 278474 unclassified
Calle 206 way 278477 unclassified
Calle Timeo Moro Guang way 278497 unclassified
Callejón 41 way 278498 unclassified
Calle 43 way 278499 unclassified
Calle Timeo Moro Guang way 278500 residential
Avenida 74 way 278501 unclassified
Calle Timeo Moro Guang way 278502 unclassified
Diagonal Darío Toledano way 278504 tertiary
Avenida 66 way 278505 unclassified
Calle Timeo Moro Guang way 278506 unclassified
Calle Timeo Moro Guang way 278508 unclassified
Calle Teresa Montero Santanna way 278509 unclassified
Calle Teresa Montero Santanna way 278510 unclassified
Callejón 43 way 278511 unclassified
Calle Timeo Moro Guang way 278512 unclassified
Calle Teresa Montero Santanna way 278513 unclassified
Calle Teresa Montero Santanna way 278514 unclassified
Calle Teresa Montero Santanna way 278516 unclassified
Calle Inocencio Leñero Tamayo way 278518 unclassified
Avenida 67 way 278520 unclassified
Calle 42 way 278521 unclassified
Avenida 72 way 278522 unclassified
Calle 57 way 278523 unclassified
Calle Teresa Montero Santanna way 278524 unclassified
Avenida 73 way 278525 unclassified
Calle Teresa Montero Santanna way 278526 unclassified
Calle Miguel Monteblanco way 278527 unclassified
Calle 58 way 278528 unclassified
Calle Miguel Monteblanco way 278529 unclassified
Calle Teresa Montero Santanna way 278530 residential
Calle Miguel Monteblanco way 278532 unclassified
Calle Teresa Montero Santanna way 278534 unclassified
Calle 55 way 278535 unclassified
Calle Miguel Monteblanco way 278536 unclassified
Calle 54 way 278537 unclassified
Calle Miguel Monteblanco way 278538 residential
Calle Miguel Monteblanco way 278539 unclassified
Calle Miguel Monteblanco way 278540 unclassified
Calle Miguel Monteblanco way 278541 unclassified
Avenida 62 way 278546 unclassified
Calle Leucasta McIlhenny way 278547 residential
Calle Pablo Milton way 278548 unclassified
Calle Amadeo Khan way 278549 unclassified
Calle Inocencio Leñero Tamayo way 278550 tertiary
Calle Leucasta McIlhenny way 278551 unclassified
Calle Faustino Korzeniowski way 278552 unclassified
Carretera Costa de Dragones way 278553 motorway
Calle Pablo Milton way 278554 unclassified
Calle Pablo Milton way 278556 unclassified
Calle Leucasta McIlhenny way 278557 unclassified
Calle Leucasta McIlhenny way 278558 unclassified
Calle Maximiliano Korhonen way 278559 unclassified
Avenida 65 way 278561 unclassified
Calle Leucasta McIlhenny way 278563 residential
Calle Leucasta McIlhenny way 278564 unclassified
Calle Leucasta McIlhenny way 278565 unclassified
Avenida 71 way 278566 unclassified
Calle Pablo Milton way 278567 unclassified
Calle Pablo Milton way 278568 unclassified
Calle Leucasta McIlhenny way 278569 unclassified
Avenida 64 way 278570 unclassified
Calle Pablo Milton way 278572 residential
Calle Pablo Milton way 278576 residential
Avenida 63 way 278577 unclassified
Calle Pablo Milton way 278578 residential
Avenida 63 way 278579 unclassified
Calle Tiberio Johannes way 278580 unclassified
Avenida 61 way 278581 unclassified
Calle Adolfo Kac way 278582 unclassified
Avenida 73 way 278584 unclassified
Avenida 70 way 278586 unclassified
Avenida 76 way 278587 unclassified
Diagonal Costa de Dragones way 278588 tertiary
Calle 236 way 278589 unclassified
Avenida 69 way 278590 unclassified
Calle Virgilio Morris way 278591 unclassified
Avenida 77 way 278592 unclassified
Avenida 78 way 278593 unclassified
Diagonal Costa de Dragones way 278594 tertiary
Avenida 71 way 278595 unclassified
Avenida 74 way 278596 unclassified
Avenida 70 way 278597 unclassified
Avenida 75 way 278599 unclassified
Avenida 74 way 278602 unclassified
Diagonal Costa de Dragones way 278603 tertiary
Avenida 72 way 278604 unclassified
Diagonal Costa de Dragones way 278606 tertiary
Calle 238 way 278609 unclassified
Avenida 67 way 278610 unclassified
Calle Jesús Lonsdale Farrar way 278612 unclassified
Calle 235 way 278613 unclassified
Calle 239 way 278614 unclassified
Calle 237 way 278615 unclassified
Avenida 66 way 278619 unclassified
Avenida 78 way 278620 unclassified
Calle Carlos McGillicuddy way 278622 unclassified
Avenida 72 way 278623 tertiary
Calle Danilo Maas Casares way 278624 unclassified
Calle Matías Leveque way 278626 unclassified
Calle Domingo Murchison way 278627 unclassified
Diagonal Costa de Dragones way 278628 tertiary
Avenida 76 way 278629 unclassified
way 278631 motorway
Calle Melchor Lombardi way 278632 unclassified
way 278635 motorway
Calle Melchor Lombardi way 278636 unclassified
Avenida 80 way 278638 unclassified
Avenida 79 way 278640 residential
Calle 234 way 278641 unclassified
Calle Máximo Pahhamagoraset way 278643 tertiary
Calle Ildefonso Narbáez way 278646 unclassified
Avenida 81 way 278647 residential
Calle 232 way 278648 unclassified
Calle Tomás Novato way 278650 residential
Calle Gedeón Murgatroyd way 278652 unclassified
Calle 234 way 278654 unclassified
Avenida 80 way 278655 tertiary
Carretera Veteranos way 278980 motorway
Carretera Veteranos way 278981 motorway
Carretera Veteranos way 278982 motorway
Carretera Veteranos way 278983 motorway
Carretera Veteranos way 278984 motorway
Calle 28 way 278985 unclassified
Avenida 60 way 278986 unclassified
Carretera Veteranos way 278987 motorway
Avenida 60 way 278988 unclassified
Diagonal Vapores way 279011 tertiary
Avenida 59 way 279015 unclassified
Calle Aulo Jauregi way 279026 unclassified
Avenida 56 way 279028 unclassified
Calle Platón Horowitz way 279031 unclassified
Calle 23 way 279032 unclassified
Avenida 58 way 279039 unclassified
Avenida 60 way 279040 unclassified
Calle Gaia Heguy Parent way 279041 unclassified
Avenida Yardas way 279044 unclassified
Diagonal Vapores way 279045 tertiary
Avenida 57 way 279050 unclassified
Calle 24 way 279051 unclassified
Calle 22 way 279055 unclassified
Avenida 61 way 279061 unclassified
Avenida Yardas way 279068 unclassified
Calle 23 way 279070 unclassified
Calle 28 way 279087 unclassified
Diagonal Vapores way 279088 tertiary
Carretera Veteranos way 279092 motorway
Diagonal Vapores way 279093 tertiary
Calle Antonino Gohhomassara way 279095 unclassified
Carretera Veteranos way 279096 motorway
Calle 28 way 279097 unclassified
Carretera Veteranos way 279103 motorway
Carretera Veteranos way 279109 motorway
Diagonal Vapores way 279111 tertiary
Diagonal Vapores way 279112 tertiary
Avenida 52 way 279120 unclassified
Avenida 48 way 279121 tertiary
Calle Carretera Sur way 279122 tertiary
Avenida 52 way 279124 unclassified
Avenida 52 way 279127 unclassified
Calle Irene Fonseca y Böhm way 279128 unclassified
Calle 28 way 279130 tertiary
Calle Carretera Norte way 279132 tertiary
Calle 28 way 279133 unclassified
Avenida 49 way 279134 unclassified
Calle Irene Fonseca y Böhm way 279135 unclassified
Avenida 48 way 279137 unclassified
Avenida 49 way 279139 unclassified
Calle 28 way 279140 tertiary
Avenida 52 way 279141 unclassified
Calle Estafanía Fokker de Garriz way 279142 unclassified
Calle Estafanía Fokker de Garriz way 279143 unclassified
Carretera Central way 279145 motorway
Calle Paciencia way 279146 unclassified
way 279147 motorway
Calle Estafanía Fokker de Garriz way 279148 unclassified
Paseo del Desaparecido way 279149 unclassified
way 279150 motorway
Calle Filadelfia way 279152 unclassified
Avenida 45 way 279154 tertiary
Paseo del Desaparecido way 279157 unclassified
Calle Estafanía Fokker de Garriz way 279158 unclassified
Avenida 45 way 279160 tertiary
way 279162 motorway
Calle Estafanía Fokker de Garriz way 279163 residential
Calle Florencio Flood way 279164 unclassified
Paseo del Desaparecido way 279165 unclassified
Avenida 46 way 279166 unclassified
way 279167 motorway
Calle 24 way 279170 tertiary
Avenida 45 way 279171 tertiary
Calle Florencio Flood way 279172 unclassified
Avenida 47 way 279173 unclassified
Avenida 47 way 279175 unclassified
way 279178 motorway
Avenida 46 way 279179 unclassified
way 279182 motorway
Calle Florencio Flood way 279183 unclassified
Paseo del Desaparecido way 279184 unclassified
Avenida 46 way 279185 unclassified
Avenida 45 way 279186 tertiary
Calle 24 way 279188 tertiary
way 279189 motorway
Avenida 45 way 279190 tertiary
Avenida 42 way 279196 unclassified
Calle 24 way 279197 tertiary
Calle 24 way 279198 tertiary
Avenida 42 way 279199 unclassified
Calle Eustaquio Estranjero way 279200 unclassified
Calle Eustaquio Estranjero way 279201 unclassified
Avenida 56 way 279202 unclassified
Calle 31 way 279203 unclassified
Calle 25 way 279204 unclassified
way 279205 tertiary
Calle 26 way 279206 unclassified
Diagonal Ríos y Montañas way 279207 secondary
Avenida 56 way 279208 unclassified
Calle Carretera Sur way 279209 unclassified
Diagonal Ríos y Montañas way 279212 secondary
Glorieta San Pablo way 279213 secondary
Diagonal Ríos y Montañas way 279214 secondary
Calle 31 way 279215 unclassified
way 279216 tertiary
Calle 25 way 279217 unclassified
Calle Gaia Heguy Parent way 279218 unclassified
Calle 26 way 279220 unclassified
Calle Gaia Heguy Parent way 279221 unclassified
Calle 27 way 279222 unclassified
way 279223 secondary
Calle 28 way 279224 unclassified
way 279225 tertiary
Diagonal Ríos y Montañas way 279226 secondary
Calle 27 way 279227 unclassified
way 279231 tertiary
Avenida 56 way 279232 unclassified
Calle 31 way 279233 unclassified
way 279234 secondary
Avenida 56 way 279235 unclassified
Calle Polidoro Grijalva way 279236 unclassified
Avenida 55 way 279237 unclassified
Calle Zacarías Gunn way 279238 unclassified
Calle 32 way 279239 unclassified
Calle 30 way 279240 tertiary
Avenida 55 way 279241 unclassified
Calle 30 way 279242 tertiary
Calle Polidoro Grijalva way 279243 unclassified
Calle 29 way 279244 unclassified
Calle 32 way 279245 unclassified
Avenida 57 way 279246 unclassified
Calle Gaia Heguy Parent way 279247 unclassified
Calle 33 way 279248 unclassified
Avenida 59 way 279249 unclassified
Calle 34 way 279251 unclassified
Calle 33 way 279254 unclassified
Avenida 58 way 279257 unclassified
Calle 34 way 279260 unclassified
Calle Platón Horowitz way 279262 unclassified
Avenida 64 way 279263 tertiary
Diagonal Ríos y Montañas way 279265 secondary
Calle Policia way 279266 unclassified
Diagonal Ríos y Montañas way 279267 secondary
Calle 29 way 279268 unclassified
Avenida 62 way 279269 unclassified
Calle 30 way 279270 tertiary
Calle 27 way 279273 unclassified
Avenida 63 way 279275 tertiary
Calle 25 way 279276 unclassified
Calle 30 way 279277 tertiary
Avenida 64 way 279278 tertiary
Avenida 63 way 279279 tertiary
Calle 28 way 279280 unclassified
Calle 32 way 279282 unclassified
Calle Faustino Korzeniowski way 279285 unclassified
Callejón 30 way 279287 unclassified
Calle 29 way 279288 unclassified
Calle 29 way 279292 unclassified
Avenida 65 way 279293 unclassified
Avenida 64 way 279297 tertiary
Avenida 62 way 279298 unclassified
Calle Patagonia way 279299 unclassified
Avenida 62 way 279300 unclassified
Avenida 61 way 279301 unclassified
Avenida 60 way 279302 unclassified
Calle Aulo Jauregi way 279304 unclassified
Calle 29 way 279305 unclassified
Avenida 59 way 279307 unclassified
Calle Aulo Jauregi way 279308 unclassified
Avenida 63 way 279310 tertiary
Calle 29 way 279311 unclassified
Avenida 61 way 279312 unclassified
Avenida 64 way 279313 tertiary
Calle 30 way 279314 tertiary
Avenida 63 way 279315 tertiary
Avenida 59 way 279316 unclassified
Calle Patagonia way 279317 unclassified
Calle 30 way 279318 tertiary
Avenida del Estado Lado Norte RN 3 primary
Puente Noroccidental RN 1 primary
Avenida 23 Dir. Oeste way 279480 motorway
Avenida 23 way 279489 motorway
way 279491 unclassified
way 279494 unclassified
Avenida 22 way 279495 unclassified
Calle Hipólito Barne y Mina way 279496 unclassified
Avenida 21 way 279498 unclassified
Calle Calatrava way 279501 unclassified
Calle 119 way 279502 unclassified
Calle 118 way 279503 unclassified
Calle 121 way 279528 unclassified
Calle 129 way 279529 motorway
Calle 124 way 279530 unclassified
Calle Poblanos way 279532 unclassified
Calle Galdós way 279534 unclassified
Calle Molidos way 279535 unclassified
Calle 129 way 279536 motorway
Calle Árbol Mágico way 279537 unclassified
Calle 121 way 279538 unclassified
Avenida 9 way 279539 unclassified
Calle Machete way 279540 unclassified
Calle 129 way 279542 motorway
Calle 129 way 279543 motorway
Avenida 9 way 279544 unclassified
Avenida 12 way 279545 residential
Avenida 10 way 279546 unclassified
Calle 129 way 279547 motorway
Calle 129 way 279548 motorway
Calle Olivos way 279549 unclassified
Calle 124 way 279551 unclassified
Calle Machete way 279552 unclassified
Calle Teodoro Bettencourt way 279554 unclassified
Calle 129 way 279555 motorway
Calle 129 way 279556 motorway
Calle Cervecería way 279557 unclassified
Calle Constanza Bricolet way 279558 unclassified
Calle Cerro way 279559 unclassified
Avenida 31 way 279560 unclassified
Calle Dinero way 279561 unclassified
Calle Constanza Bricolet way 279562 unclassified
Calle 129 way 279564 motorway
way 279565 unclassified
Calle Guillermina Bollar Bang way 279566 unclassified
Calle Cerro way 279567 unclassified
Calle 129 way 279568 motorway
Calle Romeros way 279569 unclassified
Calle Querencias way 279570 unclassified
Avenida 8 way 279571 unclassified
Calle Carretera way 279574 tertiary
Avenida 10 way 279575 unclassified
Calle Jacobo Hart way 279576 unclassified
Calle 122 way 279577 tertiary
Calle 129 way 279578 motorway
Calle Barrera way 279579 unclassified
Avenida 25 way 279580 unclassified
way 279582 unclassified
Calle Festival way 279583 unclassified
Calle Ladera way 279584 unclassified
Calle 129 way 279585 motorway
Avenida 25 way 279586 unclassified
Calle Guillermina Bollar Bang way 279588 unclassified
Calle 120 way 279590 unclassified
Calle Árbol Mágico way 279591 unclassified
Calle Árbol Mágico way 279592 unclassified
Calle Baladas way 279593 unclassified
Calle Cerro way 279594 unclassified
Calle 123 way 279595 unclassified
Calle Teodoro Bettencourt way 279598 unclassified
Calle 129 way 279599 motorway
Calle Parnaso way 279600 unclassified
Avenida 11 way 279601 residential
Calle 129 way 279603 motorway
Avenida 8 way 279604 unclassified
way 280021 motorway
way 280023 motorway
Calle 15 way 280024 unclassified
Avenida Sheffield way 280028 tertiary
way 280029 motorway
Avenida Sheffield way 280030 tertiary
way 280031 tertiary
way 280032 motorway
way 280033 tertiary
way 280035 unclassified
Avenida Sheffield way 280037 tertiary
Avenida Sheffield way 280039 tertiary
Avenida Sheffield way 280040 tertiary
way 280042 unclassified
Avenida Sheffield way 280043 tertiary
way 280044 motorway
way 280046 motorway
way 280047 motorway
way 280048 motorway
way 280049 motorway
way 280050 motorway
Calle 21 way 280051 unclassified
Calle 18 way 280052 unclassified
Calle 21 way 280053 unclassified
Calle 18 way 280054 unclassified
way 280055 motorway
Calle 20 way 280056 unclassified
way 280057 motorway
Calle 22 way 280058 tertiary
Calle 20 way 280059 unclassified
Calle 22 way 280060 tertiary
Avenida 44 way 280061 tertiary
Calle 19 way 280062 unclassified
way 280063 motorway
Avenida 44 way 280064 tertiary
Calle 19 way 280065 unclassified
Avenida Sheffield way 280071 motorway
Calle 13 way 280072 tertiary
Avenida Sheffield way 280073 motorway
Calle Zacarías Gunn way 280075 residential
Carretera Avenida 23 way 281259 motorway
way 281260 motorway
way 281261 motorway
way 281263 motorway
way 281264 motorway
way 281265 motorway
Carretera Constitución way 281266 motorway
way 281267 motorway
Calle 89 way 281268 unclassified
Calle Servia Bruschetti way 281269 residential
way 281270 motorway
Calle 92 way 281271 unclassified
way 281273 motorway
Avenida 23 way 281274 tertiary
Calle 90 way 281275 unclassified
way 281276 motorway
Calle Hipólito Barne y Mina way 281278 unclassified
way 281279 motorway
way 281280 unclassified
Avenida 23 way 281281 unclassified
way 281282 unclassified
way 281283 motorway
Calle 94 way 281284 unclassified
Avenida 22 way 281285 unclassified
Avenida 22 way 281287 residential
Calle 90 way 281288 tertiary
Avenida 23 way 281290 unclassified
Avenida 23 Dir. Oeste way 281291 motorway
Calle 91 way 281292 unclassified
way 281294 motorway
Calle Servia Bruschetti way 281295 unclassified
Calle Hipólito Barne y Mina way 281296 residential
way 281297 motorway
way 281298 motorway
way 281300 motorway
Avenida Cien Años RN 13 primary
Calle Servia Bruschetti way 281303 unclassified
Avenida Cien Años RN 13 primary
Calle Servia Bruschetti way 281309 unclassified
Avenida Cien Años RN 13 primary
Avenida Cien Años RN 13 primary
Avenida Cien Años RN 13 primary
Calle Casandra Baum Sepúlveda way 281318 unclassified
Avenida Cien Años RN 13 primary
Calle Casandra Baum Sepúlveda way 281322 unclassified
Calle 64 way 281333 residential
Avenida 23 way 281334 residential
Calle 66 way 281335 unclassified
way 281336 motorway
Calle 69 way 281337 unclassified
Avenida 22 way 281338 residential
Calle 70 way 281340 unclassified
Calle 69 way 281341 residential
Avenida 21 way 281342 residential
Avenida 23 Dir. Oeste way 281343 tertiary
Avenida 21 way 281344 residential
Avenida 23 Dir. Oeste way 281345 motorway
Calle 70 way 281346 unclassified
Calle 71 way 281347 unclassified
Avenida 23 way 281348 motorway
Calle 83 way 281349 residential
Calle 62 way 281350 residential
Calle 62 way 281351 residential
Calle 71 way 281352 residential
Calle 64 way 281353 tertiary
Avenida 23 way 281354 residential
Calle 66 way 281355 unclassified
Calle 68 way 281356 unclassified
Calle 68 way 281357 unclassified
Calle 82 way 281362 tertiary
Calle 78 way 281364 residential
Calle 86 way 281366 unclassified
Calle 76 way 281368 residential
Calle 79 way 281369 residential
Calle 87 way 281371 unclassified
Calle 81 way 281372 residential
Calle 77 way 281374 residential
Calle 76 way 281375 residential
Calle 78 way 281377 residential
Calle 77 way 281378 residential
Calle 81 way 281379 residential
Calle 80 way 281380 residential
Calle 86 way 281383 unclassified
Calle 80 way 281384 residential
Diagonal Futuro way 281385 tertiary
Calle 87 way 281386 unclassified
Calle 88 way 281387 unclassified
Calle 88 way 281389 unclassified
Diagonal Futuro way 281390 tertiary
Calle 79 way 281391 residential
Calle 82 way 281394 tertiary
way 281419 motorway
way 281423 motorway
Calle 51 way 281425 unclassified
Calle 51 way 281426 unclassified
Calle Teodoro Bettencourt way 281427 unclassified
way 281433 motorway
Calle 53 way 281441 residential
Avenida 96 way 281442 residential
Calle 164 way 281443 residential
Avenida 97 way 281444 residential
Calle 162 way 281445 residential
Avenida 94 way 281446 residential
Calle 161 way 281447 residential
Calle 163 way 281448 residential
Avenida 95 way 281451 residential
Avenida 93 way 281452 residential
Calle de Saturno way 281453 residential
Calle de Mercurio way 281454 residential
Calle de Estrellas way 281455 residential
Calle de Uranio way 281456 residential
Calle de Venus way 281457 residential
Calle de Marte way 281458 residential
Calle de Júpiter way 281459 residential
Calle Dido Quintana Song way 281460 residential
Calle Jesús Lonsdale Farrar way 281461 residential
Calle Dido Quintana Song way 281462 residential
Calle de Luna Menguante way 281463 residential
Calle Dido Quintana Song way 281464 residential
Calle 165 way 281466 residential
Avenida 88 way 281467 residential
Avenida 89 way 281468 residential
Calle Luís way 281470 residential
Calle César way 281471 residential
Calle José way 281472 residential
Calle Claveles way 281473 residential
Calle Fernando way 281474 residential
Calle Felipe way 281475 residential
Calle Carlos way 281476 residential
Calle Dunsmore way 281477 residential
Calle Lirios way 281482 residential
Calle 54 way 284267 unclassified
Calle 57 way 284268 unclassified
Avenida 31 way 284269 residential
Diagonal Independencia DF 112 secondary
Calle 54 way 284271 unclassified
Calle 50 way 284272 unclassified
Calle 60 way 284273 tertiary
Calle 52 way 284274 unclassified
Calle 53 way 284275 unclassified
way 284276 unclassified
Avenida 32 way 284277 residential
way 284278 unclassified
Avenida 27 way 284279 unclassified
Calle 57 way 284281 unclassified
Calle 62 way 284282 unclassified
Avenida Victoria way 284283 unclassified
Calle 52 way 284284 unclassified
Calle 60 way 284285 tertiary
way 284286 unclassified
Avenida Victoria way 284288 tertiary
Calle Blanco Christensen way 284289 unclassified
Calle 51 way 284290 unclassified
Calle 49 way 284291 unclassified
Avenida 29 way 284292 pedestrian
Calle 55 way 284294 unclassified
Calle 48 way 284295 unclassified
Calle 51 way 284296 unclassified
Avenida Victoria way 284297 tertiary
Calle 53 way 284298 unclassified
Calle 47 way 284299 unclassified
Calle Blanco Christensen way 284300 unclassified
way 284301 unclassified
Avenida 30 way 284303 residential
Calle 48 way 284304 unclassified
Avenida Victoria way 284305 tertiary
Calle 62 way 284306 unclassified
Calle Dionisio Châteauguay way 284307 unclassified
Calle 47 way 284308 unclassified
Calle 49 way 284309 unclassified
Calle 56 way 284310 unclassified
Calle 50 way 284311 unclassified
Avenida 32 way 284312 unclassified
Calle 55 way 284313 unclassified
way 284314 unclassified
Avenida 27 way 284315 residential
Avenida Victoria way 284316 unclassified
way 284317 unclassified
Diagonal Independencia way 284318 tertiary
Calle Dionisio Châteauguay way 284319 unclassified
Calle 56 way 284320 unclassified
Diagonal Libertad DF 111 secondary
Avenida Victoria way 284323 tertiary
Avenida 29 way 284324 unclassified
Avenida 31 way 284325 unclassified
Calle 58 way 284326 unclassified
Avenida 30 way 284327 residential
Calle 59 way 284329 unclassified
Avenida 28 way 284330 residential
Diagonal Libertad DF 111 secondary
Avenida 25 way 284332 residential
way 284333 pedestrian
Calle Guillermina Bollar Bang way 284334 residential
Calle Hipólito Barne y Mina way 284335 residential
Avenida 27 way 284336 residential
Avenida 22 way 284338 residential
Calle 57 way 284339 residential
Avenida 26 way 284340 residential
Calle Servia Bruschetti way 284341 residential
Calle Constanza Bricolet way 284342 unclassified
Calle 53 way 284343 unclassified
Calle 48 way 284346 unclassified
way 284347 unclassified
way 284349 pedestrian
way 284356 pedestrian
way 284357 unclassified
Calle 47 way 284359 tertiary
Callejón 37 way 284363 tertiary
way 284365 tertiary
Calle Sonia Dolletessy way 284367 unclassified
way 284368 tertiary
Calle Eustaquio Estranjero way 284371 unclassified
Avenida 43 way 284372 unclassified
Calle 28 way 284373 tertiary
way 284374 unclassified
Calle 28 way 284375 unclassified
Calle 28 way 284377 unclassified
way 284379 unclassified
Calle 28 way 284380 unclassified
Avenida 41 way 284384 unclassified
Calle 28 way 284385 unclassified
Paseo El Manantial way 284430 tertiary
way 284442 residential
Avenida 57 way 284444 residential
Calle Elefantes way 284445 residential
Calle Platón Horowitz way 284446 residential
Avenida 58 way 284450 residential
Avenida 58 way 284452 residential
Avenida Sheffield way 284453 motorway
Calle Donosio Kim way 284454 residential
way 284455 residential
Calle Gaia Heguy Parent way 284458 residential
Avenida Sheffield way 284459 motorway
Calle Elefantes way 284461 residential
Avenida 57 way 284462 residential
Calle Donosio Kim way 284465 residential
Avenida 59 way 284466 residential
Calle Aulo Jauregi way 284467 residential
Avenida 60 way 284468 residential
Avenida 59 way 284469 residential
Calle Aulo Jauregi way 284470 residential
Avenida 60 way 284471 residential
Calle 194 (CM#33E) way 286367 residential
Calle 170 (CM#29E) way 286380 tertiary
Calle 200 (CM#34E) way 286397 residential
Calle 134 way 286398 tertiary
Calle 194 way 286402 residential
Calle 188 (CM#32E) way 286416 residential
Calle 140 (CM#24E) way 286426 unclassified
Calle 182 (CM#31E) way 286429 residential
Calle 212 (CM#36E) way 286431 residential
Calle del Río way 286432 tertiary
Calle 206 way 286434 residential
Avenida Cien Años RN 13 primary
Avenida Cien Años - Puente Memorial RN 13 primary
Callejón 110 (CM#19E) way 286442 unclassified
Calle 152 way 286444 secondary
Avenida Cien Años RN 13 primary
Calle 85 way 286535 unclassified
Calle 81 way 286538 unclassified
Calle 85 way 286540 unclassified
Calle 83 way 286541 unclassified
Calle 81 (CM#14E) way 286545 unclassified
Avenida 133 way 286548 unclassified
Calle 81 (CM#14E) way 286549 unclassified
Calle 81 (CM#14E) way 286550 unclassified
Calle 84 DF 118 secondary
Calle 80 way 286552 unclassified
Canal Sur way 286553 unclassified
Canal Sur way 286555 unclassified
Avenida 133 way 286556 unclassified
Calle 80 way 286560 unclassified
Calle 84 DF 118 secondary
Calle 83 way 286562 unclassified
Calle 47 (CM#8E) way 286568 unclassified
Calle 47 (CM#8E) way 286571 unclassified
Calle 41 (CM#7E) way 286572 unclassified
Calle 35 (CM#6E) way 286573 unclassified
Calle 53 (CM#9E) way 286592 unclassified
Avenida 33 way 286799 tertiary
Calle Antonino Gohhomassara way 286801 tertiary
Avenida 54 way 286803 tertiary
Calle 4 way 286805 residential
Carretera Puerto Nuevo way 286806 motorway
Avenida 34 way 286808 residential
Carretera Puerto Nuevo way 286809 motorway
Carretera Puerto Nuevo way 286810 motorway
Carretera Puerto Nuevo way 286811 motorway
Calle Antonino Gohhomassara way 286812 residential
Calle Polidoro Grijalva way 286813 residential
Carretera Puerto Nuevo way 286815 motorway
Carretera Puerto Nuevo way 286816 motorway
Carretera Puerto Nuevo way 286817 motorway
way 286819 residential
Avenida 34 way 286821 residential
Carretera Puerto Nuevo way 286822 motorway
Carretera Puerto Nuevo way 286823 motorway
Carretera Puerto Nuevo way 286824 motorway
Carretera Puerto Nuevo way 286825 motorway
Carretera Puerto Nuevo way 286826 motorway
way 286827 residential
Carretera Puerto Nuevo way 286828 motorway
Avenida 33 way 286830 tertiary
Carretera Puerto Nuevo way 286831 motorway
Avenida 55 way 286833 residential
Calle 143 way 286847 unclassified
Calle 144 way 286848 unclassified
Calle 144 way 286850 unclassified
Calle 141 way 286851 unclassified
Calle 142 way 286853 unclassified
Avenida 18 way 286854 unclassified
Avenida Richard way 286855 tertiary
Calle Arely Arraiz way 286856 unclassified
Avenida 18 way 286857 unclassified
Calle 143 way 286858 unclassified
Calle 140 way 286859 unclassified
Avenida Richard way 286860 tertiary
Calle Tomás Arambel y Domínguez way 286861 unclassified
Calle 141 way 286862 unclassified
Avenida 17 way 286863 unclassified
Calle 139 way 286864 unclassified
Calle 140 way 286865 unclassified
Avenida 16 way 286866 unclassified
Calle Arquíloco Aguirre way 286867 unclassified
Calle Jaime Armandolfi way 286868 unclassified
Paseo Carretera Caballo way 286870 tertiary
Calle 146 way 286871 unclassified
Calle Árbol Mágico way 286872 unclassified
Calle 145 way 286873 unclassified
Paseo Cerro Caballo way 286874 unclassified
Calle Ángeles way 286875 unclassified
Paseo Carretera Caballo way 286876 tertiary
Calle 153 way 286877 unclassified
Calle Mapamundi way 286880 unclassified
Paseo Cerro Caballo way 286881 unclassified
Calle Machete way 286883 unclassified
Calle 147 way 286884 unclassified
Paseo Cerro Caballo way 286886 unclassified
Paseo Cerro Caballo way 286887 unclassified
Avenida 7 way 286888 unclassified
Calle Mapamundi way 286889 unclassified
Calle Calatrava way 286890 unclassified
Avenida 11 way 286891 unclassified
Calle Llano en Llamas way 286892 unclassified
Avenida 12 way 286893 unclassified
Calle 145 way 286894 unclassified
Calle Parnaso way 286895 unclassified
Avenida 8 way 286896 unclassified
Calle 149 way 286897 unclassified
Avenida 9 way 286899 unclassified
Calle Fernando Abenzoar way 286901 unclassified
Avenida 15 way 286902 unclassified
Calle Llano en Llamas way 286903 unclassified
Calle 152 way 286904 unclassified
Calle Ángeles way 286905 unclassified
Avenida 9 way 286906 unclassified
Avenida 14 way 286907 residential
Avenida 11 way 286908 unclassified
Avenida 10 way 286909 unclassified
Calle 151 way 286910 unclassified
Avenida 13 way 286911 unclassified
Calle Parnaso way 286912 unclassified
Calle Calatrava way 286913 unclassified
Calle 153 way 286914 unclassified
Calle 152 way 286918 unclassified
Avenida 12 way 286919 unclassified
Calle Machete way 286920 unclassified
Calle 148 way 286921 unclassified
Avenida 5 way 286932 tertiary
Calle 155 DF 155 secondary
Calle 155 DF 155 secondary
Calle 154 way 286940 unclassified
Avenida Puerto Nuevo way 286941 unclassified
Calle Ignacio Quiroga way 286943 unclassified
Calle 154 way 286948 unclassified
Avenida 6 way 286951 unclassified
Avenida 6 way 286952 unclassified
Calle 155 DF 155 secondary
Avenida 5 way 286956 tertiary
Calle Alejandrina way 286960 unclassified
Calle 130 way 287883 residential
Callejón 129 way 287884 residential
Calle 131 way 287885 residential
Avenida 46 way 287887 residential
Calle 131 way 287888 residential
Avenida 46 way 287889 residential
Callejón 130 way 287890 residential
Calle 131 way 287893 residential
Callejón 130 way 287894 residential
Avenida 47 way 287895 residential
Calle 130 way 287897 residential
Avenida 47 way 287899 residential
Calle 131 way 287900 residential
Calle Barranca way 287901 residential
Calle 128 way 287920 residential
Diagonal Fuentes way 287921 secondary
Avenida 36 way 287922 unclassified
Avenida 40 way 287923 unclassified
Avenida 35 way 287924 unclassified
Avenida 42 way 287925 residential
way 287926 unclassified
Callejón 127 way 287928 residential
Paseo del Gobierno way 287929 unclassified
Callejón 128 way 287930 unclassified
Avenida 37 way 287934 unclassified
way 287935 unclassified
Avenida 36 way 287938 unclassified
Callejón 130 way 287939 unclassified
Avenida 37 way 287942 unclassified
way 287943 residential
Calle 127 way 287945 residential
Avenida 43 way 287946 residential
Paseo Estocolmo way 287947 tertiary
Calle 127 way 287948 residential
Avenida 45 way 287949 residential
Avenida 43 way 287951 residential
Paseo Estocolmo way 287952 tertiary
Avenida 34 way 287954 unclassified
Avenida 40 way 287955 unclassified
Avenida 38 way 287956 unclassified
Paseo del Gobierno way 287959 tertiary
Paseo Estocolmo way 287960 tertiary
Avenida 42 way 287961 residential
Avenida 44 way 287963 residential
way 287964 unclassified
Avenida 32 way 287965 unclassified
Diagonal Fuentes way 287967 secondary
Avenida 39 way 287969 unclassified
Paseo Estocolmo way 287970 tertiary
Paseo Estocolmo way 287971 tertiary
Avenida 41 way 287972 residential
Avenida 41 way 287973 residential
Avenida 33 way 287974 unclassified
Avenida 34 way 287975 unclassified
Paseo Estocolmo way 287976 tertiary
Avenida 38 way 287977 unclassified
Avenida 33 way 287979 unclassified
Avenida 45 way 287981 residential
Avenida 44 way 287983 residential
Paseo del Jaguar way 287984 tertiary
way 287985 residential
Avenida 39 way 287986 unclassified
Calle 126 way 287989 residential
Callejón 125 way 287990 residential
Avenida 47 way 287991 residential
Calle 124 way 287992 residential
Calle 123 way 287993 residential
Avenida 47 way 287994 residential
Calle 126 way 287995 residential
Callejón 124 way 287996 residential
Calle 124 way 287997 residential
Avenida 48 way 287998 residential
Avenida 48 way 287999 residential
Calle 125 way 288000 residential
Callejón 126 way 288001 residential
Callejón 123 way 288002 residential
Callejón 122 way 288003 residential
way 288026 residential
way 288028 motorway
way 288030 motorway
way 288031 motorway
way 288034 motorway
way 288035 motorway
Calle 127 way 288036 residential
way 288037 motorway
Bosque Oriental (Calle 122) way 288038 tertiary
way 288039 motorway
way 288040 motorway
way 288043 motorway
way 288044 motorway
way 288045 motorway
way 288047 motorway
way 288048 motorway
way 288049 motorway
way 288050 residential
way 288052 motorway
Avenida 62 way 288053 residential
way 288055 motorway
Callejón 127 way 288056 residential
way 288057 motorway
way 288059 motorway
way 288061 motorway
Calle 128 way 288062 residential
way 288063 motorway
Bosque Oriental (Calle 122) way 288064 tertiary
way 288067 motorway
Callejón 126 way 288069 residential
way 288070 motorway
way 288072 residential
way 288073 motorway
way 288074 residential
way 288075 motorway
Callejón 128 way 288076 residential
Paseo del Lago way 288087 residential
way 288088 motorway
Avenida 56 way 288089 residential
way 288090 motorway
Avenida 54 way 288091 residential
Avenida 58 way 288094 residential
Paseo del Lago way 288095 residential
Avenida 57 way 288097 residential
Avenida 54 way 288098 residential
Avenida 57 way 288099 residential
Calle 129 way 288100 residential
Calle 129 way 288102 residential
Avenida 51 way 288104 residential
Callejón 128 way 288105 residential
Calle 129 way 288106 residential
Paseo Ratón way 288107 residential
Avenida 55 way 288108 residential
way 288110 motorway
Callejón 128 way 288111 residential
Avenida 58 way 288112 residential
Calle 129 way 288113 residential
way 288115 motorway
Avenida 57 way 288116 residential
Avenida 59 way 288118 residential
Calle 129 way 288120 residential
Avenida 51 way 288122 residential
Avenida 55 way 288123 residential
Paseo Ratón way 288124 tertiary
Avenida 56 way 288125 residential
Calle 129 way 288126 residential
Avenida 59 way 288127 residential
Callejón 129 way 288129 residential
Calle 130 way 288130 residential
Calle 131 way 288132 residential
Avenida 52 way 288133 residential
Avenida 53 way 288134 residential
Calle 131 way 288136 residential
Paseo Alerces way 288137 residential
Avenida 53 way 288138 residential
Callejón 129 way 288139 residential
Callejón 129 way 288142 residential
Avenida 52 way 288143 residential
Callejón 130 way 288144 residential
Calle Canción way 289370 unclassified
Calle 84 way 289371 unclassified
Avenida 130 way 289372 tertiary
Avenida 138 way 289373 unclassified
Avenida 134 way 289374 tertiary
Calle 92 DF 119 secondary
Avenida 137 way 289376 unclassified
Calle 90 way 289377 tertiary
Diagonal Normal DF 119 secondary
Calle 88 way 289379 unclassified
Calle Guyenne way 289380 unclassified
Canal Norte way 289381 unclassified
Avenida 138 way 289382 unclassified
Avenida 134 way 289383 tertiary
Calle 89 way 289384 unclassified
Avenida Amelia Salisbury Hooke DF 118 secondary
Calle Canción way 289386 unclassified
Avenida 133 way 289387 unclassified
Avenida Santo Tomás way 289388 pedestrian
Calle 91 way 289389 tertiary
Calle 91 DF 119 secondary
Avenida 135 way 289392 unclassified
Avenida 124 way 289393 tertiary
Calle Mazan way 289394 unclassified
Avenida 136 way 289395 unclassified
Calle Gobrassanya way 289396 unclassified
Calle Lydgate way 289397 unclassified
Avenida 138 way 289398 unclassified
Avenida 136 way 289399 unclassified
Calle 94 way 289400 unclassified
Calle 92 way 289401 unclassified
Calle 85 way 289402 unclassified
Calle 91 way 289403 unclassified
Calle Fanshawe way 289404 unclassified
Calle 86 way 289405 unclassified
Avenida 139 way 289406 unclassified
Calle Nucia way 289407 unclassified
Calle 93 way 289408 unclassified
Calle 94 way 289409 unclassified
Calle 85 way 289410 unclassified
Calle Galicia way 289411 unclassified
Avenida 135 way 289412 unclassified
Canal Central way 289413 unclassified
Calle Fanshawe way 289414 unclassified
Calle 92 DF 119 secondary
Avenida 140 way 289416 unclassified
Avenida Amelia Salisbury Hooke DF 118 secondary
Avenida 135 way 289418 unclassified
Avenida Lágrimas way 289419 unclassified
Calle 86 way 289420 unclassified
Calle 84 DF 118 secondary
Calle Palmeras way 289422 unclassified
Avenida 140 way 289423 unclassified
Calle Ferrocarril way 289424 unclassified
Calle Ergolanyum way 289425 unclassified
Calle Derindonderak way 289427 unclassified
Avenida 135 way 289428 tertiary
Calle 92 DF 119 secondary
Avenida 125 way 289430 unclassified
Calle 90 way 289431 tertiary
Calle Fanshawe way 289432 unclassified
Calle Ergolanyum way 289433 unclassified
Calle 91 DF 119 secondary
Canal Norte way 289435 unclassified
Calle 91 way 289436 tertiary
Avenida 134 way 289437 tertiary
Calle 89 way 289438 tertiary
Calle Lydgate way 289439 unclassified
Calle 92 way 289440 unclassified
Calle Guyenne way 289441 unclassified
Calle 89 way 289442 unclassified
Calle Canción way 289443 unclassified
Avenida 138 way 289447 unclassified
Calle 94 way 289449 unclassified
Calle 86 way 289450 unclassified
Avenida 134 way 289451 tertiary
Calle 90 way 289452 unclassified
Avenida 130 way 289453 tertiary
Calle Gobrassanya way 289454 unclassified
Calle Gobrassanya way 289455 unclassified
Calle 89 way 289456 unclassified
Calle Galicia way 289457 unclassified
Avenida Día y Noche way 289458 tertiary
Calle 94 way 289459 unclassified
Calle 88 way 289460 unclassified
Calle Onnutu way 289461 unclassified
Avenida 133 way 289463 unclassified
Avenida Santo Tomás way 289464 unclassified
Calle 91 way 289465 unclassified
Avenida 126 way 289466 unclassified
Calle 90 way 289467 tertiary
Avenida 139 way 289468 unclassified
Avenida Espíritus way 289469 unclassified
Calle 93 way 289471 unclassified
Calle 92 DF 119 secondary
Calle 90 way 289473 tertiary
Calle Ferrocarril way 289474 unclassified
Calle 88 way 289475 unclassified
Calle 94 way 289477 unclassified
Calle Ergolanyum way 289478 unclassified
Avenida 135 way 289480 tertiary
Calle 91 way 289481 unclassified
Calle Ferrocarril way 289482 unclassified
Calle 89 way 289483 unclassified
Diagonal Normal DF 119 secondary
Calle 89 way 289485 tertiary
Calle 89 way 289486 unclassified
Calle Canción way 289487 unclassified
Calle 87 way 289488 unclassified
Avenida Amelia Salisbury Hooke DF 118 secondary
Calle 91 way 289490 tertiary
Avenida Amelia Salisbury Hooke DF 118 secondary
Calle 88 way 289492 unclassified
Calle 93 way 289493 unclassified
Calle Ergolanyum way 289494 residential
Calle 83 way 289495 unclassified
Avenida 139 way 289496 unclassified
Calle Derindonderak way 289497 tertiary
Calle 88 way 289498 unclassified
Canal Central way 289500 unclassified
Calle 89 way 289501 unclassified
Calle Ferrocarril way 289502 unclassified
Calle 94 way 289503 unclassified
Calle Gobrassanya way 289505 unclassified
Avenida 139 way 289506 unclassified
Avenida 137 way 289507 unclassified
Calle Mazan way 289508 unclassified
Avenida 127 way 289509 unclassified
Calle 85 way 289510 unclassified
Calle 84 way 289511 unclassified
Calle 85 way 289512 unclassified
Calle 86 way 289513 unclassified
Avenida 123 way 289515 unclassified
Calle 87 way 289516 unclassified
Avenida 128 way 289517 unclassified
Avenida Santo Tomás way 289519 pedestrian
Avenida Lágrimas way 289522 unclassified
Calle 88 way 289524 unclassified
Calle 94 way 289525 unclassified
Calle Vacas way 289526 unclassified
Calle 91 way 289527 unclassified
Diagonal Canales way 289529 tertiary
Avenida Espíritus way 289530 unclassified
Calle 95 way 289532 unclassified
Diagonal Canales way 289533 tertiary
Avenida Santo Tomás way 289535 pedestrian
Callejón 94 way 289539 unclassified
Calle 89 way 289540 unclassified
Avenida Espíritus way 289541 unclassified
Avenida 129 way 289544 residential
Calle 90 way 289548 unclassified
Calle 92 way 289550 unclassified
Avenida 118 way 289552 unclassified
Avenida 118 way 289554 residential
Avenida 120 way 289555 unclassified
Calle 85 way 289556 unclassified
Calle 85 way 289557 unclassified
Avenida 116 way 289558 unclassified
Avenida 120 way 289559 unclassified
Avenida Día y Noche way 289560 tertiary
Avenida 122 way 289561 unclassified
Avenida 121 way 289562 residential
Diagonal Canales way 289563 tertiary
Diagonal Canales way 289564 tertiary
Avenida Día y Noche way 289565 tertiary
Avenida 117 way 289566 tertiary
Calle 82 way 289567 unclassified
Avenida 116 way 289568 unclassified
Avenida 119 way 289569 unclassified
Diagonal del Bosque way 289570 tertiary
Diagonal del Bosque way 289571 tertiary
Calle 87 way 290084 unclassified
Avenida del Estado Lado Sur RN 3 primary
Avenida del Estado Lado Norte RN 3 primary
Calle 91 way 290087 unclassified
Calle Estadio Nacional way 290088 tertiary
way 290089 unclassified
Carretera Constitución way 290090 motorway
Carretera Constitución way 290092 motorway
Carretera Constitución way 290093 motorway
Carretera Constitución way 290094 motorway
Avenida del Estado Lado Norte RN 3 primary
Avenida 10 way 290097 residential
Carretera Constitución way 290098 motorway
Avenida 1 way 290100 residential
Calle Octavio La Fourchet way 290103 unclassified
Carretera Constitución way 290104 motorway
Calle Moneda way 290105 residential
way 290110 unclassified
Carretera Constitución way 290111 motorway
Avenida 1 way 290115 residential
Carretera Constitución way 290118 motorway
Calle Mapamundi way 290121 unclassified
Carretera Constitución way 290122 motorway
Avenida 12 way 290123 unclassified
Carretera Constitución way 290124 motorway
Avenida 2 way 290125 residential
Avenida 12 way 290127 unclassified
Avenida 2 way 290129 unclassified
Calle Moneda way 290133 residential
Carretera Constitución way 290134 motorway
Carretera Constitución way 290135 motorway
Avenida 3 way 290137 tertiary
Carretera Constitución way 290140 motorway
Calle Moneda way 290142 residential
Carretera Constitución way 290145 motorway
Avenida del Estado Lado Sur RN 3 primary
Calle 6 (CM#1E) way 291598 unclassified
Carretera Río de Hojas way 291646 motorway
Callejón 126 way 291648 unclassified
Avenida 141 way 291649 unclassified
way 291650 unclassified
Carretera Nueva Tolusa way 291651 motorway
Calle 126 way 291652 motorway
way 291653 unclassified
way 291654 unclassified
Callejón 125 way 291658 unclassified
way 291663 unclassified
Calle 126 way 291670 motorway
Calle 127 way 291678 unclassified
Calle 126 way 291682 motorway
Calle 126 way 291684 motorway
Calle 126 way 291685 motorway
Calle 127 way 291695 unclassified
Calle 125 way 291700 unclassified
Calle 125 way 291705 unclassified
Calle 126 way 291706 motorway
way 291708 unclassified
way 291712 unclassified
Calle 123 way 291715 unclassified
Calle Gobrassanya way 291716 unclassified
Avenida 134 way 291718 unclassified
Calle 122 way 291719 tertiary
Calle 122 way 291720 tertiary
Callejón 121 way 291722 unclassified
Callejón 124 way 291723 residential
Calle Gobrassanya way 291724 unclassified
Calle 121 way 291728 unclassified
Callejón 123 way 291729 unclassified
Calle 124 way 291731 unclassified
Avenida 134 way 291733 unclassified
Calle 123 way 291734 unclassified
Calle 124 way 291736 unclassified
Calle Gobrassanya way 291738 unclassified
Callejón 122 way 291739 residential
Callejón 127 way 291740 unclassified
Avenida 134 way 291742 unclassified
Calle Gobrassanya way 291744 unclassified
Calle 134 way 291748 tertiary
Calle 128 way 291749 unclassified
Calle 130 way 291750 unclassified
Calle 130 way 291751 unclassified
Callejón 133 way 291752 residential
Callejón 131 way 291755 residential
Callejón 128 way 291756 unclassified
Calle 131 way 291757 unclassified
Calle 134 way 291758 tertiary
Calle 132 way 291759 unclassified
Calle 132 way 291760 unclassified
Calle 129 way 291763 unclassified
Callejón 130 way 291764 residential
Callejón 129 way 291765 residential
Calleón 132 way 291767 residential
Calle 129 way 291769 unclassified
Calle 128 way 291770 unclassified
Calle 133 way 291771 unclassified
Calle 131 way 291772 unclassified
Calle 133 way 291773 unclassified
Avenida 76 way 296778 tertiary
Calle 89 way 296779 tertiary
Avenida 73 way 296780 unclassified
way 296781 motorway
way 296785 unclassified
Callejón 89 way 296787 unclassified
Calle 87 way 296788 unclassified
Callejón 88 way 296806 unclassified
Avenida 75 way 296808 unclassified
way 296813 motorway
Calle 86 way 296818 unclassified
Callejón 86 way 296819 unclassified
Calle 86 way 296820 unclassified
Calle 88 way 296821 unclassified
Calle 85 way 296833 unclassified
Avenida 72 way 296834 unclassified
Avenida 74 way 296836 unclassified
Calle 87 way 296837 unclassified
Avenida 73 way 296839 residential
Avenida 74 way 296843 unclassified
Avenida 76 way 296844 tertiary
Avenida 72 way 296852 unclassified
Avenida 75 way 296858 unclassified
way 296859 unclassified
Callejón 89 way 296863 unclassified
Callejón 84 way 296864 unclassified
Calle 90 way 296865 unclassified
Calle 86 way 296866 unclassified
Callejón 86 way 296867 unclassified
Callejón 88 way 296870 unclassified
Avenida 74 way 296871 unclassified
Callejón 85 way 296872 unclassified
Calle 86 way 296873 unclassified
Calle 91 way 296874 unclassified
Calle 89 way 296875 unclassified
Calle 87 way 296876 unclassified
Callejón 87 way 296877 unclassified
Calle 92 way 296878 unclassified
Callejón 90 way 296879 unclassified
Calle Eduardo Paine Roo way 296932 residential
Calle Eduardo Paine Roo way 296933 residential
Calle Tarquino Pak Palacios way 296935 unclassified
Calle Eduardo Paine Roo way 296937 residential
Calle Francisco Parker Santangelo way 296938 unclassified
Calle Tarquino Pak Palacios way 296939 residential
Calle Victoria Persson way 296940 residential
Calle Eduardo Paine Roo way 296941 unclassified
Calle Francisco Parker Santangelo way 296942 residential
Calle Francisco Parker Santangelo way 296943 residential
Calle Francisco Parker Santangelo way 296944 residential
Calle Tarquino Pak Palacios way 296945 residential
Calle Tarquino Pak Palacios way 296946 residential
Calle Tarquino Pak Palacios way 296947 residential
Calle Victoria Persson way 296948 unclassified
Calle Francisco Parker Santangelo way 296949 residential
Calle Eduardo Paine Roo way 296950 residential
Calle Victoria Persson way 296951 residential
Calle Francisco Parker Santangelo way 296952 residential
Calle Tarquino Pak Palacios way 296954 residential
Calle Tarquino Pak Palacios way 296955 residential
Calle Francisco Parker Santangelo way 296958 residential
Calle Victoria Persson way 296959 residential
Calle Gregorio Redcrosse way 297023 residential
Calle Leónidas Pieza Monterrey way 297025 residential
Calle Isolde Pio way 297026 residential
Calle Isolde Pio way 297027 residential
Calle Dido Quintana Song way 297028 residential
Calle Leónidas Pieza Monterrey way 297029 unclassified
Calle Amadeo Prezinski way 297030 residential
Calle Isolde Pio way 297031 residential
Calle 151 way 297032 residential
Calle Alonso Quack way 297033 residential
Calle Néstor Pierce way 297034 residential
Calle Tetrarca Puig way 297035 residential
Calle Alonso Quack way 297037 residential
Calle Gregorio Redcrosse way 297038 residential
Calle Néstor Pierce way 297039 residential
Calle Cristóbal Prévost way 297040 residential
Calle Amadeo Prezinski way 297041 residential
Calle Néstor Pierce way 297046 unclassified
Calle Amadeo Prezinski way 297048 residential
Calle Cristóbal Prévost way 297049 residential
Calle Cristóbal Prévost way 297050 residential
Avenida 85 way 297051 tertiary
Calle Néstor Pierce way 297052 residential
Calle Leónidas Pieza Monterrey way 297053 residential
Calle Néstor Pierce way 297054 residential
Calle Leónidas Pieza Monterrey way 297055 residential
Calle Tetrarca Puig way 297056 residential
Calle Alonso Quack way 297057 residential
Calle Tetrarca Puig way 297058 tertiary
Calle Amadeo Prezinski way 297059 residential
Calle 152 way 297060 tertiary
Calle Leónidas Pieza Monterrey way 297062 residential
Calle Amadeo Prezinski way 297063 residential
Calle Tetrarca Puig way 297064 residential
Calle Cristóbal Prévost way 297066 residential
Avenida 91 way 297067 residential
Calle Gregorio Redcrosse way 297068 residential
Calle Tetrarca Puig way 297069 residential
Calle 153 way 297070 residential
Calle Amadeo Prezinski way 297071 residential
Calle Tetrarca Puig way 297072 residential
Calle Isolde Pio way 297074 residential
Calle Alonso Quack way 297075 residential
Calle Isolde Pio way 297076 unclassified
Avenida 91 way 297077 residential
Calle Alonso Quack way 297079 residential
Avenida 100 way 297104 residential
Avenida 100 way 297105 residential
Avenida 106 way 297106 unclassified
Carretera Río de Hojas way 297107 motorway
Avenida 103 way 297108 residential
Avenida 104 way 297109 unclassified
Calle 174 way 297112 residential
Avenida 101 way 297113 residential
Avenida 101 way 297114 residential
Carretera Río de Hojas way 297115 motorway
Avenida 103 way 297116 residential
Carretera Río de Hojas way 297117 motorway
Avenida 101 way 297118 residential
Carretera Río de Hojas way 297119 motorway
Avenida 102 way 297120 residential
Calle 156 way 297121 unclassified
Avenida 101 way 297123 residential
Avenida 105 way 297124 unclassified
Avenida 102 way 297125 residential
Avenida 101 way 297126 residential
Carretera Río de Hojas way 297127 motorway
Calle 154 way 297128 unclassified
Carretera Río de Hojas way 297129 motorway
Avenida 101 way 297131 residential
Carretera Río de Hojas way 297132 motorway
Calle 175 way 297133 residential
Carretera Río de Hojas way 297134 motorway
Diagonal Capricornio way 299278 tertiary
Callejón 136 way 299279 unclassified
Círculo Geográfico way 299281 unclassified
Avenida 94 way 299282 unclassified
Avenida 90 way 299283 unclassified
Círculo Apofénico way 299284 unclassified
Calle 139 way 299285 unclassified
Avenida 91 way 299286 unclassified
Círculo Ficticio way 299287 unclassified
Círculo Ficticio way 299288 unclassified
Círculo Geográfico way 299289 unclassified
Círculo del Ermitaño way 299290 tertiary
Paseo Casa Pequeña way 299293 tertiary
Círculo del Ermitaño way 299294 tertiary
Círculo Ficticio way 299295 unclassified
Calle 140 way 299297 unclassified
Calle Cáncer way 299298 unclassified
Avenida 93 way 299299 unclassified
Círculo Apofénico way 299300 unclassified
Avenida 95 way 299301 unclassified
Calle 129 way 299320 unclassified
Calle 128 way 299321 unclassified
Avenida 103 way 299322 unclassified
Callejón 129 way 299323 unclassified
Círculo Toboso way 299324 unclassified
Avenida 101 way 299325 unclassified
Avenida 102 way 299326 unclassified
Calle 130 way 299327 tertiary
Callejón 128 way 299328 residential
Círculo Capricornio way 299329 tertiary
Calle 145 way 299371 unclassified
Calle Antártida way 299372 tertiary
Círculo Tárrases way 299374 unclassified
Calle 144 way 299375 unclassified
Calle 142 way 299376 unclassified
Círculo Harda way 299377 unclassified
Calle 143 way 299378 unclassified
Avenida 99 way 299379 unclassified
Círculo Paxtar way 299380 unclassified
Círculo Mahhal way 299382 unclassified
Avenida 100 way 299386 residential
Paseo Oceanos way 299387 tertiary
Carretera Calle 126 way 299390 motorway
Carretera Calle 126 way 299391 motorway
Avenida 122 way 299392 unclassified
Avenida 122 way 299393 unclassified
way 299394 unclassified
Carretera Calle 126 way 299397 motorway
Calle 126 way 299398 motorway
Diagonal del Pato way 299405 unclassified
way 299409 unclassified
Avenida 119 way 299414 tertiary
Avenida 114 way 299415 unclassified
Avenida 115 way 299416 unclassified
Avenida 114 way 299418 unclassified
Avenida 115 way 299420 unclassified
Carretera Calle 126 way 299423 motorway
Diagonal del Pato way 299425 unclassified
Carretera Calle 126 way 299427 motorway
Avenida 119 way 299429 tertiary
Calle 126 way 299433 motorway
Avenida Eucaliptos way 301074 tertiary
Avenida Eucaliptos way 301089 tertiary
Paseo Cementerio Comunal way 301125 residential
Callejón 123 way 301127 residential
Callejón 122 way 301128 residential
Calle 123 way 301129 residential
way 301176 motorway
Paseo Bahía del Lago way 301177 tertiary
Avenida 75 way 301180 unclassified
way 301181 motorway
way 301182 motorway
way 301184 motorway
Carretera Calle 126 way 301188 motorway
way 301194 motorway
Avenida 73 way 301195 residential
Avenida 74 way 301199 residential
way 301200 motorway
Calle 126 way 301201 tertiary
Avenida 71 way 301202 residential
Avenida 76 way 301203 unclassified
Avenida 72 way 301204 residential
way 301206 motorway
Avenida 73 way 301207 residential
Paseo Bahía del Lago way 301209 tertiary
way 301210 motorway
Paseo Bahía del Lago way 301211 residential
Avenida 76 way 301213 residential
Avenida 71 way 301214 residential
Avenida 72 way 301217 residential
way 301219 motorway
Paseo Bahía del Lago way 301220 residential
Callejón 127 way 301222 residential
Avenida 72 way 301224 residential
way 301225 motorway
Avenida 74 way 301226 residential
Avenida 73 way 301227 residential
Avenida 75 way 301229 unclassified
Paseo Inmigrantes way 301361 tertiary
Paseo Bahía del Lago way 301362 tertiary
Paseo Bahía del Lago way 301364 tertiary
Paseo Inmigrantes way 301365 tertiary
Paseo Inmigrantes way 301366 tertiary
Bosque Oriental (Calle 122) way 301367 tertiary
Paseo Inmigrantes way 301368 tertiary
Paseo Inmigrantes way 301369 tertiary
Paseo Inmigrantes way 301370 tertiary
Paseo Inmigrantes way 301371 tertiary
Bosque Oriental (Calle 122) way 301372 tertiary
Paseo Inmigrantes way 301373 tertiary
Paseo Islitas way 301387 residential
Paseo del Lago way 301388 residential
Paseo del Lago way 301389 residential
Paseo del Lago way 301391 residential
Paseo del Lago way 301392 residential
Paseo Islitas way 301393 residential
Paseo Islitas way 301394 residential
Paseo Marina del Lago way 301395 residential
Paseo Mansiones way 301396 residential
Calle Velorio Daralbeid way 301655 unclassified
Calle 155 way 301657 secondary
Calle Carlos de Leuze way 301658 unclassified
Calle 150 way 301659 unclassified
Calle 160 Dir. Sur way 301660 tertiary
Calle 161 way 301663 unclassified
Calle 157 way 301664 unclassified
Calle Albor de Gronik way 301665 unclassified
Calle 162 way 301666 unclassified
Calle 158 way 301667 unclassified
Calle 161 way 301668 unclassified
Calle 151 way 301669 tertiary
Calle 159 way 301670 unclassified
Calle 154 way 301672 unclassified
Calle 157 way 301674 unclassified
Calle 152 way 301675 unclassified
Calle 153 way 301676 unclassified
Calle Albor de Gronik way 301677 unclassified
Calle 159 way 301678 unclassified
Calle 150 way 301679 unclassified
Calle 155 way 301681 secondary
Calle 160 Dir. Norte way 301682 tertiary
Calle 155 way 301683 secondary
Avenida 36 way 301684 unclassified
Calle Velorio Daralbeid way 301686 unclassified
Calle 155 way 301688 secondary
Avenida 36 way 301689 unclassified
Calle 160 way 301690 tertiary
Calle 152 way 301691 unclassified
Avenida 36 way 301693 unclassified
Calle 160 Dir. Sur way 301694 tertiary
Calle 151 way 301695 unclassified
Calle 160 Dir. Norte way 301696 tertiary
Calle 156 way 301699 unclassified
Calle 166 way 301704 unclassified
Avenida 40 way 301705 unclassified
Avenida 37 way 301707 unclassified
Calle Orlando Duquederrosas way 301708 unclassified
Avenida 40 way 301709 unclassified
Calle Luciano Doon d'Orange way 301710 unclassified
Avenida 38 way 301711 unclassified
Calle 167 way 301713 unclassified
Calle Fernando de Puy way 301714 unclassified
Avenida 39 way 301715 unclassified
Avenida 41 way 301716 unclassified
Avenida 37 way 301717 unclassified
way 301718 motorway
Calle 166 way 301719 unclassified
Calle Sonia Dolletessy way 301720 unclassified
way 301721 motorway
Avenida 42 way 301722 tertiary
Avenida 39 way 301723 unclassified
Avenida 42 way 301724 tertiary
way 301733 unclassified
way 301739 unclassified
way 301749 motorway
Diagonal Alegría way 301753 tertiary
way 301755 motorway
Avenida 20 way 308316 tertiary
Diagonal Gobierno way 308319 secondary
Avenida 20 way 308320 tertiary
way 308329 unclassified
Avenida 13 way 308331 tertiary
Avenida 13 Dir. Oeste way 308332 tertiary
way 308334 unclassified
Avenida 13 Dir. Este way 308335 tertiary
Paseo Fundadores way 308336 secondary
Paseo Fundadores way 308339 secondary
Avenida 10 way 308648 secondary
Avenida 10 way 308651 unclassified
Avenida 10 way 308653 secondary
Calle Árbol Mágico way 308655 residential
Diagonal Independencia way 308657 tertiary
Calle Árbol Mágico way 308658 unclassified
Diagonal Independencia way 308660 secondary
Calle 87 way 308661 unclassified
Calle Llano en Llamas way 308663 residential
Calle 87 way 308664 unclassified
Calle 85 way 308665 unclassified
way 308669 motorway
Avenida 23 Dir. Oeste way 308673 unclassified
Avenida 23 Dir. Oeste way 308674 unclassified
Avenida 24 way 308675 residential
Avenida 24 way 308680 unclassified
way 308689 motorway
Carretera Avenida 23 way 308690 motorway
Calle Casandra Baum Sepúlveda way 308693 residential
Calle 75 way 308874 residential
Diagonal Futuro way 308875 residential
Diagonal Futuro way 308876 tertiary
Diagonal Congreso DF 111 secondary
Diagonal Grandes Lagos DF 129 secondary
Diagonal Futuro way 308880 tertiary
Diagonal Futuro way 308882 tertiary
Diagonal Futuro way 308883 tertiary
Diagonal Futuro way 308884 tertiary
Diagonal Futuro way 308885 residential
Calle 84 Dir. Norte way 308896 unclassified
Avenida 26 way 308897 tertiary
Avenida 26 way 308898 tertiary
Avenida 27 way 308899 unclassified
way 308900 motorway
Calle 84 Dir. Norte way 308905 tertiary
way 308906 unclassified
Calle 84 Dir. Sur way 308907 tertiary
Avenida 26 way 308908 tertiary
Avenida 26 way 308910 tertiary
Avenida 26 way 308911 tertiary
way 308912 unclassified
Avenida 27 way 308913 residential
Calle 84 Dir. Norte way 308915 unclassified
Avenida 30 way 308917 unclassified
Avenida 28 way 308918 unclassified
Calle Norberto Clavel way 308919 unclassified
Calle Norberto Clavel way 308920 unclassified
Avenida 28 way 308921 unclassified
Avenida 30 way 308924 unclassified
Avenida 29 way 308925 unclassified
Avenida 25 way 308926 unclassified
Calle Vampiros way 308927 unclassified
Avenida 29 way 308928 unclassified
Paseo Los Osos way 308929 unclassified
Calle Guillermina Bollar Bang way 308930 residential
Calle Teodoro Bettencourt way 308931 residential
Calle Constanza Bricolet way 308932 residential
Calle Dionisio Châteauguay way 308933 unclassified
Calle Blanco Christensen way 308934 unclassified
Calle Momias way 308935 unclassified
Avenida 25 way 308936 unclassified
Calle Baltasar Chong way 308938 unclassified
Calle Constanza Bricolet way 308939 unclassified
way 308940 motorway
Avenida 31 way 308941 unclassified
way 308942 motorway
Calle 84 way 308944 tertiary
way 308945 motorway
Avenida 31 way 308946 unclassified
way 308947 motorway
Avenida 38 way 308948 tertiary
Avenida 38 way 308949 tertiary
Avenida 38 way 308950 tertiary
Avenida 37 way 308951 residential
Callejón 82 way 308952 residential
Calle 84 Dir. Sur way 308953 tertiary
way 308955 unclassified
Calle 84 Dir. Norte way 308957 tertiary
Calle 84 Dir. Norte way 308958 tertiary
Calle 85 way 308959 unclassified
Calle 84 Dir. Sur way 308960 tertiary
way 308962 unclassified
Calle 85 way 308963 unclassified
Calle Mario Climoy way 308964 unclassified
Diagonal Grandes Lagos way 309312 tertiary
Calle 77 way 309313 tertiary
Calle 76 way 309315 unclassified
Calle 74 way 309316 unclassified
Paseo Parque Chester way 309317 tertiary
Avenida 48 way 309318 unclassified
Avenida 49 way 309319 unclassified
Calle 70 way 309320 unclassified
Diagonal Grandes Lagos way 309321 tertiary
Calle 74 way 309322 unclassified
Avenida 59 way 309323 unclassified
Calle Estafanía Fokker de Garriz way 309324 unclassified
Calle 77 way 309327 unclassified
Calle Estafanía Fokker de Garriz way 309328 unclassified
Calle 75 way 309331 unclassified
Avenida 48 way 309332 unclassified
Calle 72 way 309333 residential
Diagonal Riqueza way 309336 tertiary
Diagonal Riqueza way 309337 residential
Diagonal Riqueza way 309339 tertiary
Diagonal Riqueza way 309340 tertiary
Calle 70 way 309342 unclassified
Diagonal Grandes Lagos way 309343 tertiary
Calle 71 way 309344 unclassified
Calle 73 way 309345 unclassified
Diagonal Riqueza way 309346 unclassified
Calle Estafanía Fokker de Garriz way 309347 unclassified
Calle 75 way 309348 unclassified
Diagonal Riqueza way 309349 tertiary
Calle 72 way 309350 residential
Avenida del Setentrio way 309373 unclassified
Avenida 71 way 309374 unclassified
Avenida 71 way 309375 unclassified
Avenida Corsicurbo way 309376 unclassified
Avenida 70 way 309378 unclassified
way 309379 motorway
Avenida Sigismunda way 309381 unclassified
Callejón 84 way 309382 unclassified
Avenida 70 way 309383 unclassified
way 309384 motorway
Avenida Periandro way 309387 unclassified
Avenida Cloelia way 309388 tertiary
Avenida 71 way 309389 unclassified
Avenida Ceres way 309390 unclassified
Calle Marte way 309391 unclassified
Calle 77 way 309394 tertiary
Avenida Taurisa way 309395 tertiary
Avenida 70 way 309398 unclassified
Calle Baco way 309399 tertiary
Avenida McBeth way 309400 unclassified
Calle Baco way 309401 tertiary
Avenida Ricla way 309403 unclassified
Avenida 72 way 309404 unclassified
Calle Diana way 309406 unclassified
Avenida Antonio way 309408 unclassified
Calle Febo way 309409 unclassified
Avenida Arnaldo way 309411 unclassified
Callejón 80 way 309412 unclassified
Calle 80 way 309413 unclassified
Calle Jesús Lonsdale Farrar way 309415 unclassified
Calle Tiberio Johannes way 309416 unclassified
Calle Ochoa way 309417 unclassified
Calle Febo way 309418 unclassified
Calle Inocencio Leñero Tamayo way 309419 unclassified
Callejón 85 way 309421 unclassified
Calle Maximiliano Korhonen way 309423 unclassified
Calle Matías Leveque way 309424 unclassified
Calle 78 way 309425 unclassified
Avenida 65 way 309426 unclassified
Avenida 67 way 309427 unclassified
Callejón 82 way 309428 residential
Calle Faustino Korzeniowski way 309429 unclassified
Calle 81 way 309430 unclassified
Calle Carlos McGillicuddy way 309431 unclassified
Calle David way 309433 unclassified
Calle 79 way 309434 unclassified
Avenida 66 way 309436 unclassified
Calle 85 way 309437 unclassified
Callejón 84 way 309438 unclassified
Calle Mercurio way 309439 unclassified
Avenida Garibaldi way 309440 unclassified
Calle 82 way 309441 unclassified
Calle Mercurio way 309442 unclassified
Avenida 60 way 309444 unclassified
Calle 83 way 309445 tertiary
Callejón 81 way 309446 residential
Avenida 60 way 309447 unclassified
Calle 86 way 309448 unclassified
Calle 84 way 309449 unclassified
Avenida 69 way 309450 unclassified
Calle Danilo Maas Casares way 309451 unclassified
Avenida 68 way 309452 unclassified
Calle Melchor Lombardi way 309453 unclassified
Calle Aura way 309454 unclassified
Calle Hércules way 309455 unclassified
Calle Plutón way 309456 unclassified
Calle Venus way 309457 unclassified
Calle Vulcano way 309458 unclassified
Calle Galatea way 309459 unclassified
Calle Silvano way 309460 unclassified
Calle Minerva way 309461 unclassified
Calle Aviñón way 309462 unclassified
Calle Juventas way 309463 unclassified
Calle Cupido way 309464 unclassified
Calle Proserpina way 309465 unclassified
Calle Vesta way 309466 unclassified
Calle Véjove way 309467 unclassified
way 309468 motorway
Avenida 64 way 309469 unclassified
Avenida Garibaldi way 309470 unclassified
Calle Selene way 309471 unclassified
way 309472 motorway
way 309474 motorway
way 309476 motorway
Calle Cupido way 309477 unclassified
Avenida Garibaldi way 309478 unclassified
Calle Aulo Jauregi way 310239 unclassified
way 310242 unclassified
way 310243 unclassified
way 310246 unclassified
way 310247 motorway
way 310248 motorway
way 310249 motorway
way 310250 motorway
Calle Gaia Heguy Parent way 310253 unclassified
way 310254 unclassified
Avenida Edmunda Franco Dir Norte way 310256 tertiary
way 310259 secondary
way 310260 secondary
way 310261 secondary
way 310262 secondary
way 310263 residential
way 310264 residential
way 310265 secondary
way 310266 residential
Diagonal Congreso DF 111 secondary
Diagonal Congreso DF 111 secondary
way 310270 secondary
way 310271 secondary
way 310272 secondary
way 310274 residential
way 310276 secondary
Diagonal Congreso DF 111 secondary
Diagonal Congreso DF 111 secondary
way 310282 unclassified
Avenida 48 way 310284 tertiary
way 310287 residential
way 310288 residential
way 310289 unclassified
Avenida 47 way 310294 residential
Calle Estafanía Fokker de Garriz way 310297 unclassified
Avenida 49 way 310298 unclassified
Diagonal Grandes Lagos way 310302 tertiary
Calle Aura way 310304 unclassified
Calle Galatea way 310306 unclassified
Diagonal Grandes Lagos way 310307 tertiary
Calle Proserpina way 310308 unclassified
Calle Proserpina way 310312 unclassified
Calle Aura way 310315 unclassified
Diagonal Grandes Lagos way 310316 secondary
Diagonal Grandes Lagos way 310317 tertiary
Calle Hércules way 310318 unclassified
Calle Hércules way 310319 unclassified
Calle Silvano way 310321 unclassified
Calle Silvano way 310322 unclassified
Calle Galatea way 310323 unclassified
Avenida 55 way 310324 unclassified
Avenida 54 way 310325 unclassified
Avenida 56 way 310326 unclassified
Avenida 53 way 310327 unclassified
Avenida 53 way 310328 tertiary
Avenida 63 way 310330 tertiary
Callejón 81 way 310331 unclassified
Callejón 83 way 310332 unclassified
Calle Florencio Flood way 310333 unclassified
Avenida 53 way 310334 tertiary
Calle Tabacaleros way 310335 unclassified
Callejón 80 way 310336 residential
Avenida 52 way 310337 unclassified
Calle Eucaliptos way 310338 unclassified
Avenida 57 way 310339 unclassified
Callejón 82 way 310340 unclassified
Avenida 51 way 310341 unclassified
Calle Rescate way 310342 unclassified
Avenida 53 way 310343 tertiary
way 310345 unclassified
Calle Fin Ghiuletti way 310346 unclassified
way 310349 unclassified
Calle Tito Foruria Pelletier way 310351 unclassified
Paseo Parque Chester way 310353 unclassified
Paseo Constantina Sanmartín way 310354 pedestrian
Calle Pedro Comala way 310361 unclassified
Avenida 4 way 310385 unclassified
Calle 86 way 310387 residential
Avenida 4 way 310396 unclassified
Calle Ignacio Quiroga way 310401 residential
Avenida 8 way 310402 residential
Calle Alejandrina way 310403 unclassified
Calle Ignacio Quiroga way 310404 unclassified
Avenida 9 way 310405 unclassified
Avenida 7 way 310406 unclassified
Avenida 9 way 310407 unclassified
Calle Alejandrina way 310408 unclassified
Avenida 8 way 310409 unclassified
Avenida 5 way 310410 residential
Avenida 7 way 310411 tertiary
Avenida 6 way 310412 residential
Avenida 6 way 310413 unclassified
Avenida 5 way 310414 unclassified
Calle Parnaso way 310415 unclassified
Calle Parnaso way 310416 unclassified
Avenida Puerto Nuevo way 310417 tertiary
Conector way 310420 tertiary
Avenida Puerto Nuevo way 310421 tertiary
Avenida 7 way 310422 tertiary
Calle Ángeles way 310424 residential
Avenida Puerto Nuevo way 310425 tertiary
Conector way 310426 tertiary
Avenida Puerto Nuevo way 310427 unclassified
Calle Ángeles way 310428 unclassified
Avenida 7 way 310429 residential
Calle Ángeles way 310430 unclassified
Calle Paredes way 310431 unclassified
Calle Ángeles way 310433 unclassified
Calle Paredes way 310434 residential
Calle 87 way 310471 residential
Calle Gladiolas way 310709 residential
Plaza Florencio Flood DF 111 secondary
Calle Claveles way 310711 residential
Diagonal Central DF 111 secondary
Callejón Dolores way 310714 residential
Avenida 2 way 310715 residential
Avenida 2 way 310716 residential
Calle Gladiolas way 310717 residential
Calle Claveles way 310718 residential
Calle Amapolas way 310719 residential
Calle 5 way 310720 residential
Plaza Ópera way 310722 residential
Calle 5 way 310726 pedestrian
Avenida 2 way 310727 residential
Calle 11 way 310732 residential
Diagonal Central DF 111 secondary
Plaza de Coreanos way 310735 pedestrian
Avenida 3 way 310736 residential
Calle Silvestre way 311696 residential
Calle 27 way 311700 residential
Avenida 16 way 311701 residential
Calle Arquíloco Aguirre way 311706 residential
Calle Tomás Arambel y Domínguez way 311732 residential
Calle Paloma way 311733 residential
Calle Fósiles way 311734 residential
Avenida 14 way 311735 residential
Calle 29 way 311738 residential
Calle 29 way 311739 residential
Calle Fernando Abenzoar way 311740 residential
Calle Llano en Llamas way 311741 residential
Calle 28 way 311742 residential
Avenida 15 way 311743 residential
Calle 29 way 311744 residential
Calle Paloma way 311745 residential
Calle Fósiles way 311746 residential
Calle Tomás Arambel y Domínguez way 311747 residential
Calle Silvestre way 311751 residential
Calle Huecos way 311752 residential
Calle 34 way 311763 residential
Calle 32 way 311768 residential
Calle 33 way 311772 tertiary
Calle 31 way 311780 residential
Avenida 17 way 311781 residential
Avenida 19 way 312065 tertiary
Avenida 20 way 312067 residential
Avenida 19 way 312075 unclassified
Pasaje Liceo Atarajiano way 312085 service
Avenida 19 way 312090 residential
Calle 221 way 312511 residential
Avenida 80 way 312512 tertiary
Calle 222 way 312513 unclassified
Diagonal Vapores way 315478 tertiary
Bulevar Lázaro way 315479 tertiary
Diagonal Ríos y Montañas DF 112 secondary
Diagonal Vapores way 315481 tertiary
Bulevar Lázaro way 315482 unclassified
Bulevar Lázaro way 315483 tertiary
Avenida 52 way 315484 unclassified
Bulevar Lázaro way 315485 pedestrian
Diagonal Ríos y Montañas way 315486 secondary
Avenida 52 way 315487 unclassified
Diagonal Ríos y Montañas way 315488 secondary
Diagonal Vapores way 315489 tertiary
Diagonal Vapores way 315490 tertiary
Avenida 80 way 315501 secondary
Calle 21 way 315502 unclassified
Calle 1 way 315503 unclassified
Calle 2 way 315504 unclassified
Avenida 80 way 315505 secondary
Puente Noroccidental RN 1 primary
Glorieta Noroccidental way 315508 primary
Calle Cerro way 315509 unclassified
Avenida 80 way 315510 secondary
Calle Mitad way 315511 unclassified
Puente Noroccidental RN 1 primary
Calle 84 way 315513 unclassified
Calle 63 way 315514 unclassified
Calle 75 way 315515 residential
Calle 74 way 315516 residential
Calle 64 way 315517 unclassified
Calle 74 way 315518 residential
Calle 66 way 315519 unclassified
Calle 65 way 315520 tertiary
Calle 66 way 315522 unclassified
Calle 63 way 315523 unclassified
Diagonal Independencia way 315533 tertiary
Diagonal Independencia way 315534 tertiary
Bulevar Lázaro way 315536 residential
Diagonal Independencia DF 112 secondary
Bulevar Lázaro way 315538 residential
Diagonal Ríos y Montañas way 315539 secondary
way 315540 secondary
Avenida 56 way 315541 unclassified
Diagonal Ríos y Montañas way 315542 secondary
Diagonal Ríos y Montañas way 315543 secondary
Diagonal Ríos y Montañas way 315544 secondary
Diagonal Ríos y Montañas way 315545 secondary
Calle 21 way 315546 unclassified
Calle Cerro RN 1 primary
Calle Cerro RN 1 primary
Diagonal Ríos y Montañas way 315552 secondary
Paseo Veteranos way 315577 unclassified
Calle 156 way 315643 unclassified
Calle 229 way 315646 unclassified
Calle 229 way 315647 unclassified
Avenida 45 way 316099 tertiary
Avenida 45 way 316100 tertiary
Calle Cerro RN 1 primary
Calle Cerro RN 1 primary
Diagonal Hollingsworth way 316107 tertiary
Calle Cerro RN 1 primary
Diagonal Hollingsworth way 316111 tertiary
Avenida 45 way 316112 tertiary
Avenida 5 way 316958 unclassified
Calle 117 way 316959 unclassified
Avenida 2 way 316960 unclassified
Calle 116 way 316961 residential
Calle 117 way 316963 tertiary
Calle Paredes way 316964 unclassified
Calle 115 way 316965 residential
Calle 118 way 316966 unclassified
Calle 119 way 316967 unclassified
Diagonal de Parques way 316968 unclassified
Calle 117 way 316969 unclassified
Calle 120 way 316970 unclassified
Diagonal de Parques way 316971 unclassified
Diagaonal Viajeros DF 111 secondary
Paseo Lago del Pato Norte way 317043 unclassified
Diagaonal Viajeros DF 111 secondary
Paseo Lago del Pato Norte way 317046 unclassified
Avenida 3 way 317049 tertiary
Calle Alejandrina way 317051 tertiary
Avenida 3 way 317053 tertiary
Calle 28 way 317057 residential
Avenida 3 way 317058 tertiary
Avenida 3 way 317062 tertiary
Calle 29 way 317063 residential
Avenida 3 way 317064 tertiary
Calle Moneda way 317070 residential
way 317072 pedestrian
Calle Alejandrina way 317076 tertiary
Avenida 6 way 317077 tertiary
Calle Alejandrina way 317081 tertiary
Avenida 6 way 317083 tertiary
Avenida 6 way 317087 tertiary
Avenida 6 way 317089 tertiary
Avenida 6 way 317090 tertiary
Avenida 5 way 317091 residential
Calle Alejandrina way 317092 tertiary
Calle Alejandrina way 317093 tertiary
Diagonal Universidad way 317098 tertiary
Avenida 3 way 317101 tertiary
Avenida 1 way 317102 residential
Avenida 3 way 317104 tertiary
Avenida 1 way 317114 residential
Diagonal Universidad way 317116 tertiary
Pasaje Luciano Jones way 317118 pedestrian
Calle Almas way 317128 residential
Calle Almas way 317132 pedestrian
Calle Paloma way 317133 residential
Calle 31 way 317134 residential
Avenida 20 way 317135 residential
Calle Almas way 317136 residential
Calle 31 way 317139 residential
Calle 30 way 317142 tertiary
Calle 30 way 317145 tertiary
Calle 30 way 317146 tertiary
Calle 31 way 317147 residential
Calle 30 way 317148 tertiary
Calle 30 way 317149 tertiary
Calle 30 way 317151 tertiary
Calle 30 way 317153 tertiary
Avenida 33 way 317155 unclassified
Calle 30 way 317156 unclassified
Avenida 33 way 317157 residential
Avenida 44 way 317158 tertiary
Calle 30 way 317159 tertiary
Calle 30 way 317161 unclassified
Avenida 44 way 317162 tertiary
Calle 57 way 317163 tertiary
Avenida 44 way 317165 tertiary
Calle 31 way 317167 unclassified
Calle Apolonio Condedetorres way 317168 residential
Calle Apolonio Condedetorres way 317169 unclassified
Calle 31 way 317170 unclassified
Calle 30 way 317172 tertiary
Diagonal Ríos y Montañas way 317176 secondary
Avenida 57 way 317177 unclassified
Avenida 57 way 317178 unclassified
Diagonal Ríos y Montañas way 317180 secondary
Calle 30 way 317182 tertiary
Diagonal Ríos y Montañas way 317184 secondary
Diagonal Ríos y Montañas way 317186 secondary
Calle 30 way 317189 tertiary
Calle 30 way 317192 tertiary
Calle 30 way 317194 tertiary
Calle 30 way 317195 tertiary
Calle 30 way 317203 tertiary
Calle 30 way 317206 tertiary
Calle 30 way 317207 tertiary
Calle 30 way 317209 tertiary
Calle Ruiseñor way 317977 residential
Avenida 4 way 317978 residential
Calle Quetzal way 317980 tertiary
Calle Pedro Comala way 317985 tertiary
Calle Pedro Comala way 317987 tertiary
Calle Pedro Comala way 317996 residential
Calle 8 way 317998 residential
Calle 10 way 317999 tertiary
Calle 10 way 318000 tertiary
Calle 10 way 318001 tertiary
Calle 8 way 318002 residential
Avenida 3 way 318004 tertiary
Avenida de la Playa way 318005 residential
Calle Ciencias way 318434 residential
Avenida del Estado Lado Sur RN 3 primary
Avenida del Estado Lado Sur RN 3 primary
Avenida del Estado Lado Norte RN 3 primary
Avenida del Estado Lado Norte RN 3 primary
Calle Onírica way 318544 unclassified
Calle Yacimientos Petroleros way 318607 unclassified
Avenida 14 way 318633 unclassified
Calle 193 way 318635 unclassified
Calle Camal Asidi way 318636 unclassified
Avenida 16 way 318637 unclassified
Avenida 22 way 318638 unclassified
Calle Tomás Arambel y Domínguez way 318639 unclassified
Avenida 14 way 318640 unclassified
Avenida 25 way 318641 unclassified
Avenida 13 way 318642 unclassified
Diagonal Alegría way 318644 unclassified
Avenida 14 way 318645 unclassified
Avenida 25 way 318646 unclassified
Calle 193 way 318647 unclassified
Calle Llano en Llamas way 318648 unclassified
Avenida 21 way 318650 unclassified
Avenida 15 way 318651 unclassified
Avenida 24 way 318652 unclassified
Avenida 16 way 318653 unclassified
Avenida 15 way 318654 unclassified
Calle Camal Asidi way 318655 unclassified
Calle 193 way 318656 unclassified
Calle 205 way 318657 unclassified
Avenida 25 way 318658 unclassified
Calle 194 way 318660 unclassified
Avenida 21 way 318661 unclassified
Calle 194 way 318662 unclassified
Calle 192 way 318663 unclassified
Avenida 13 way 318664 tertiary
Calle 205 way 318665 unclassified
Avenida 25 way 318666 unclassified
Calle Hipólito Barne y Mina way 318667 unclassified
Avenida 24 way 318668 unclassified
Avenida 18 way 318670 unclassified
Diagonal Alegría way 318671 tertiary
Calle Fernando Abenzoar way 318673 unclassified
Avenida 18 way 318674 unclassified
Calle 193 way 318675 unclassified
Avenida 20 way 318676 unclassified
Avenida 25 way 318678 unclassified
Avenida 16 way 318679 unclassified
Avenida 14 way 318681 unclassified
Avenida 19 way 318682 unclassified
Calle Hipólito Barne y Mina way 318683 unclassified
Avenida 25 way 318686 unclassified
Calle Pascual Báez way 318687 unclassified
Calle Tomás Arambel y Domínguez way 318688 unclassified
Avenida 26 way 318836 tertiary
Calle 191 way 318847 residential
Calle 193 way 318848 residential
Calle 195 way 318849 residential
Calle 197 way 318850 residential
Plaza Fundación way 320410 pedestrian
Calle Fundación way 320414 tertiary
Plaza Fundación way 320417 tertiary
Calle Pedro Comala way 320422 tertiary
Calle Fundación way 320424 tertiary
Calle Fundación way 320425 tertiary
Calle Fundación way 320429 tertiary
Calle Pedro Comala way 320430 tertiary
Avenida 7 way 323999 residential
way 324000 service
Avenida 15 way 324001 residential
Avenida 14 way 324003 residential
Avenida 15 way 324004 tertiary
Avenida 14 way 324005 residential
Avenida 16 way 324006 residential
Avenida 16 way 324007 tertiary
Avenida 14 way 324009 residential
Calle Grillos way 324010 residential
Calle Grillos way 324011 tertiary
way 324012 service
way 324013 service
Avenida 14 way 324014 residential
Avenida 13 way 324015 tertiary
way 324016 motorway
Avenida 13 way 324017 tertiary
Avenida 13 way 324018 tertiary
Avenida 13 way 324019 tertiary
Calle Elefantes way 324020 residential
Carretera Puerto Nuevo way 324021 motorway
Calle Mapamundi way 324312 residential
Calle Rana way 324315 residential
Calle Fundación way 324316 tertiary
Calle Rana way 324324 residential
Calle 64 way 324648 unclassified
Diagonal Guardia Civil way 324652 tertiary
Diagonal Guardia Civil way 324653 unclassified
Diagonal Guardia Civil way 324655 unclassified
Avenida 49 way 324656 unclassified
Calle Antonino Gohhomassara way 324657 unclassified
Diagonal Guardia Civil way 324659 unclassified
Avenida 55 way 324661 unclassified
Alameda Country Club way 324666 pedestrian
Diagonal Guardia Civil way 324668 unclassified
Callejón 58 way 324669 unclassified
Callejón 58 way 324670 unclassified
Calle Polidoro Grijalva way 324671 unclassified
Puente Guardia Civil way 324672 tertiary
Puente Guardia Civil way 324682 tertiary
Diagonal Guardia Civil way 324683 tertiary
Calle 62 way 324692 unclassified
Calle 62 way 324694 tertiary
Calle 62 way 324695 tertiary
Diagonal Guardia Civil way 324696 tertiary
Diagonal Cerezos DF 118 secondary
Diagonal Cerezos DF 118 secondary
Avenida 96 way 324710 unclassified
Diagonal Cerezos DF 118 secondary
Plaza Calle 55 way 324712 pedestrian
Calle 62 way 324718 unclassified
Diagonal Cerezos DF 118 secondary
Calle 63 way 324720 unclassified
Avenida 114 way 324728 unclassified
Calle 86 way 324729 unclassified
Calle 63 way 324846 residential
Avenida 78 way 324847 residential
Diagonal Grandes Lagos way 324859 tertiary
Diagonal Grandes Lagos way 324860 tertiary
Diagonal Grandes Lagos way 324861 tertiary
Diagonal Grandes Lagos way 324862 tertiary
Diagonal Grandes Lagos way 324863 tertiary
Diagonal Grandes Lagos way 324864 secondary
Diagonal Grandes Lagos way 324865 secondary
Calle Virgilio Morris way 324868 residential
Calle 64 way 324870 residential
Calle Domingo Murchison way 324871 residential
Avenida 79 way 324880 residential
Calle Ildefonso Narbáez way 324889 tertiary
Calle 120 way 325157 unclassified
Carretera Pistolas way 325158 motorway
Diagonal Poetas way 325160 tertiary
Carretera Pistolas way 325161 motorway
Diagonal Normal DF 119 secondary
way 325163 motorway
way 325164 motorway
Carretera Pistolas way 325165 motorway
way 325166 motorway
Diagonal Normal DF 119 secondary
Avenida 128 way 325168 residential
Carretera Pistolas way 325169 motorway
Diagonal Normal DF 119 secondary
Carretera Pistolas way 325171 motorway
Diagonal Poetas way 325173 tertiary
Carretera Pistolas way 325174 motorway
Calle 115 way 325175 residential
Carretera Pistolas Sv Dir Este way 325177 tertiary
way 325178 motorway
Carretera Pistolas Sv Dir Oeste way 325179 tertiary
Diagonal Normal DF 119 secondary
Malecón Canal Nuevo way 325183 unclassified
Diagonal Normal DF 119 secondary
Diagonal Poetas way 325198 tertiary
Calle 110 way 325199 residential
Bosque Occidental (Calle 111) way 325200 tertiary
Diagonal Poetas way 325202 tertiary
Avenida 136 way 325203 unclassified
Paseo Imperio way 325205 tertiary
Avenida 126 way 325206 residential
Calle Khaiwoon way 325208 unclassified
Diagonal Normal DF 119 secondary
Paseo Imperio way 325210 tertiary
Diagonal Poetas way 325212 tertiary
Diagonal Normal DF 119 secondary
Bosque Occidental (Calle 111) way 325214 tertiary
Avenida 126 way 325215 residential
Diagonal Normal DF 119 secondary
Avenida 126 way 325219 residential
Diagonal Poetas way 325221 tertiary
Calle Byórn way 325223 residential
Carretera Pistolas Sv Dir Este way 325224 tertiary
Glorieta Javier Ricci way 325225 tertiary
Glorieta Javier Ricci way 325226 tertiary
Glorieta Javier Ricci way 325227 tertiary
Calle 109 way 325228 residential
Carretera Pistolas Sv Dir Oeste way 325229 tertiary
Glorieta Javier Ricci way 325230 tertiary
Glorieta Javier Ricci way 325231 tertiary
Calle 110 way 325240 residential
Calle Archanta way 325241 residential
Alameda Universitaria Ciencias way 325242 pedestrian
Calle 109 way 325244 residential
Calle 109 way 325246 residential
Diagonal Poetas way 325247 tertiary
Avenida 121 way 325248 residential
Calle 109 way 325249 residential
Avenida 119 way 325253 residential
Calle Jack Woss way 325256 residential
Calle Ambrosio Anil Yi way 325257 residential
Calle 108 way 325259 residential
Avenida 120 way 325262 residential
Calle Ortega way 325267 residential
Calle Salamanca way 325272 residential
Plaza Esperanza way 325276 pedestrian
Avenida 124 way 325277 tertiary
Calle Askendom way 325284 residential
Alameda Universitaria Ciencias way 325285 pedestrian
Paseo Bosque Norte way 325294 tertiary
way 325303 service
way 325304 service
Calle 108 way 325305 residential
Calle 113 way 325308 unclassified
Calle Inara way 325316 tertiary
Avenida 136 way 325317 unclassified
Calle Inara way 325319 tertiary
Calle Inara way 325320 tertiary
Paseo Imperio way 325321 tertiary
Calle 107 way 325324 residential
Calle Inara way 325325 tertiary
Paseo Imperio way 325326 tertiary
Avenida 137 way 325328 unclassified
Avenida 136 way 325330 unclassified
Calle 111 way 325335 unclassified
Calle 111 way 325339 unclassified
Calle 111 way 325346 unclassified
Avenida 135 way 325354 unclassified
Avenida 132 way 325355 unclassified
Calle Guyenne way 325357 unclassified
Avenida 134 way 325358 unclassified
Avenida 135 way 325359 unclassified
Calle 112 way 325360 unclassified
Calle Gobrassanya way 325361 unclassified
Calle Guyenne way 325364 unclassified
Avenida 133 way 325366 unclassified
Avenida 132 way 325367 unclassified
Calle Fanshawe way 325371 unclassified
Calle 113 way 325373 unclassified
Calle Galicia way 325376 unclassified
Calle Galicia way 325377 unclassified
Calle Dagelanden way 325379 residential
Calle 110 way 325382 residential
Avenida 129 way 325385 residential
Avenida 130 way 325397 residential
Calle Dagelanden way 325398 residential
Calle 114 way 325400 residential
Avenida 127 way 325401 residential
Alameda Universitaria Ciencias way 325413 pedestrian
Avenida 122 way 325416 residential
Avenida 112 way 325435 unclassified
Calle Tiberio way 325436 unclassified
Avenida 103 way 325444 unclassified
Calle 110 way 325449 residential
Calle Lechuga way 325450 unclassified
Calle Dido Quintana Song way 325457 unclassified
Diagonal Riqueza way 325458 tertiary
Diagonal Riqueza way 325459 tertiary
Diagonal Riqueza way 325463 tertiary
Círculo Jabalíes way 325466 unclassified
Avenida 92 way 325471 tertiary
Avenida 80 way 325512 secondary
Plaza Setenta-y-nueve DF 111 secondary
Diagonal Constitución way 325517 tertiary
Avenida 80 way 325518 secondary
Diagonal Constitución DF 111 secondary
Diagonal Constitución way 325526 tertiary
Plaza Setenta-y-Nueve way 325527 pedestrian
Diagonal Constitución way 325529 tertiary
Diagonal Constitución DF 111 secondary
Avenida 80 way 325532 tertiary
Diagonal Bellas Artes way 325535 tertiary
Avenida 78 way 325538 unclassified
Avenida 79 way 325540 pedestrian
Diagonal Constitución DF 111 secondary
Diagonal Bellas Artes way 325549 secondary
Calle Virgilio Morris way 325553 unclassified
Calle Tranvías way 325556 unclassified
Calle Teresa Montero Santanna way 325559 unclassified
Calle Timeo Moro Guang way 325562 unclassified
Avenida 77 way 325566 unclassified
Calle 109 way 325572 pedestrian
Diagonal Constitución DF 111 secondary
Diagonal Constitución DF 111 secondary
Calle Timeo Moro Guang way 325584 unclassified
Calle Tiberio Johannes way 325594 unclassified
Calle Tiberio Johannes way 325597 tertiary
Calle Tiberio Johannes way 325598 tertiary
Calle 104 way 325599 unclassified
Paseo Wilson way 325600 tertiary
Paseo Wilson way 325601 tertiary
Esplanada del Internacionalismo way 325602 tertiary
Diagonal Constitución DF 111 secondary
Calle Tiberio Johannes way 325604 tertiary
Calle 102 way 325605 unclassified
Avenida 60 way 325606 unclassified
Diagonal Constitución DF 111 secondary
Paseo del Gobierno way 325626 tertiary
Paseo del Gobierno way 325628 tertiary
Diagonal Fuentes way 325629 secondary
Diagonal Fuentes way 325630 secondary
Diagonal Fuentes way 325631 secondary
Diagonal Fuentes way 325632 secondary
Avenida 1 way 325764 residential
Calle Largartos way 325765 tertiary
Calle Largartos way 325767 residential
Calle Paredes way 325782 pedestrian
Plaza Lotería way 325789 pedestrian
Diagonal Cerezos DF 118 secondary
Diagonal Cerezos DF 118 secondary
Calle Manzano way 325833 tertiary
Calle Octavio La Fourchet way 325834 residential
Avenida 2 way 325873 residential
Avenida 2 way 325875 residential
Avenida 4 way 325897 residential
Calle Ibis way 326008 residential
Calle Parnaso way 326086 tertiary
Calle Parnaso way 326093 tertiary
Calle Bisonte way 326187 residential
Calle Alerces way 326189 residential
Avenida 13 way 326199 tertiary
Calle Alerces way 326246 residential
Calle Llano en Llamas way 326250 residential
Calle Bisonte way 326267 residential
Avenida 13 way 326269 tertiary
Calle Machete way 326332 residential
Diagonal Central DF 111 secondary
Avenida Puerto Nuevo way 326334 residential
Avenida 8 way 326335 residential
Avenida 8 way 326338 residential
Diagonal Central DF 111 secondary
Avenida 10 way 326340 residential
Avenida 10 way 326341 residential
Calle Machete way 326343 residential
Avenida 6 way 326347 residential
Avenida 10 way 326348 residential
Avenida 9 way 326349 residential
Diagonal Central DF 111 secondary
Avenida 9 way 326351 residential
Avenida 10 way 326352 residential
Avenida 8 way 326353 residential
Calle 21 way 326354 residential
Avenida 7 way 326355 residential
Calle 18 way 326356 residential
Avenida 5 way 326358 residential
Calle 20 way 326359 residential
Avenida 11 way 326361 residential
Calle Paradiso way 326366 residential
Avenida 11 way 326368 residential
Avenida 10 way 326369 residential
Avenida 12 way 326370 residential
Calle 21 way 326371 residential
Calle Llano en Llamas way 326372 residential
Calle Albalonga way 326373 residential
Diagonal Central DF 111 secondary
Avenida 8 way 326376 residential
Calle Mapamundi way 326377 residential
Avenida 9 way 326380 residential
Calle 20 way 326382 residential
Avenida 10 way 326383 residential
Avenida 11 way 326384 residential
Calle Árbol Mágico way 326385 residential
Calle 26 way 326387 residential
Diagonal Central DF 111 secondary
Calle 17 way 326389 residential
Calle El Circo way 326390 residential
Avenida 7 way 326391 residential
Calle Pepino way 326392 residential
Calle 17 way 326393 residential
Diagonal Central DF 111 secondary
Calle Noche way 326398 residential
Avenida 8 way 326399 residential
Avenida 5 way 326403 residential
Diagonal Central DF 111 secondary
Calle 19 way 326407 residential
Avenida 5 way 326409 residential
Avenida 5 way 326415 residential
Calle 25 way 326435 residential
Avenida 7 way 326451 residential
Calle 24 way 326457 residential
Avenida 7 way 326460 residential
Calle Rieles way 326462 residential
Calle 24 way 326466 residential
Calle Apolonio Condedetorres way 326467 residential
Calle 24 way 326468 residential
Avenida 6 way 326470 residential
Ovalada Lauro Owns DF 111 secondary
Diagonal Libertad DF 111 secondary
Diagonal Libertad DF 111 secondary
Diagonal Libertad DF 111 secondary
Diagonal Libertad DF 111 secondary
Diagonal Riqueza way 327227 tertiary
Diagonal Independencia way 327228 secondary
Diagonal Independencia way 327229 secondary
Diagonal Independencia way 327231 tertiary
Avenida 11 way 327233 residential
Calle 39 way 327234 tertiary
Diagonal Universidad way 327235 tertiary
Avenida Monjes way 327236 tertiary
Avenida 12 way 327237 residential
Diagonal Universidad way 327238 tertiary
Diagonal Universidad way 327239 tertiary
Calle 39 way 327240 tertiary
Avenida 11 way 327241 residential
Diagonal Universidad way 327242 tertiary
Diagonal Universidad way 327243 tertiary
Avenida 12 way 327244 residential
Calle Mapamundi way 327245 residential
Avenida 10 way 327246 residential
Calle Mapamundi way 327247 residential
Avenida 10 way 327248 residential
Calle 65 way 327252 residential
Calle Fernando Abenzoar way 327256 residential
Calle 59 way 327259 residential
Calle Mapamundi way 327260 residential
Avenida 9 way 327261 residential
Diagonal Hospitales way 327262 residential
Avenida 10 way 327263 residential
Calle 38 way 327264 residential
Calle Llano en Llamas way 327265 residential
Avenida 14 way 327266 residential
Paseo Jorge Chang way 327267 tertiary
Calle Árbol Mágico way 327268 residential
Calle Alejandrina way 327276 tertiary
Calle 36 way 327277 unclassified
Calle Melchor Lombardi way 327278 unclassified
Calle 44 way 327279 unclassified
Avenida 6 way 327280 residential
Calle Melchor Lombardi way 327281 tertiary
Calle 36 way 327282 tertiary
Avenida 6 way 327283 tertiary
Calle 44 way 327284 unclassified
Calle 39 way 327285 tertiary
Calle Alejandrina way 327287 residential
Calle 32 way 327288 residential
Calle 30 way 327291 tertiary
Calle 32 way 327292 residential
Calle 30 way 327293 tertiary
Calle 30 way 327294 tertiary
Calle Calatrava way 327313 residential
Calle Sol y Luna way 327318 residential
Plaza Sol y Luna way 327324 pedestrian
Plaza Flores Bloom way 327326 pedestrian
Avenida 14 way 327418 residential
Avenida 13 way 327421 tertiary
Diagonal Libertad DF 111 secondary
Avenida 13 way 327428 tertiary
Diagonal Libertad DF 111 secondary
Diagonal Libertad DF 111 secondary
Avenida 14 way 327435 residential
Diagonal Libertad DF 111 secondary
Avenida 14 way 327438 residential
Calle 41 way 327440 tertiary
Avenida 14 way 327442 residential
Calle 41 way 327453 residential
Diagonal Constitución DF 111 secondary
Diagonal Constitución DF 111 secondary
Diagonal Constitución DF 111 secondary
Diagonal Constitución DF 111 secondary
Calle Polidoro Grijalva way 327496 unclassified
Avenida 55 way 327497 unclassified
Diagonal Gobierno way 327500 secondary
Avenida 26 way 327502 tertiary
Avenida 26 way 327503 tertiary
Diagonal Historia way 327506 secondary
Diagonal Gobierno way 327507 secondary
Avenida 39 way 327518 residential
Calle 101 way 327519 unclassified
Calle 110 way 328555 unclassified
Calle 110 way 328558 unclassified
Calle Roja way 329098 residential
Avenida 135 way 329099 tertiary
Calle 84 DF 118 secondary
Avenida 134 way 329102 tertiary
Avenida Amelia Salisbury Hooke DF 118 secondary
Avenida 134 way 329106 unclassified
Avenida 135 way 329107 unclassified
Calle 89 way 329109 tertiary
Calle 113 way 329110 residential
Diagonal Poetas way 329111 tertiary
Bulevar Josusí way 329114 tertiary
Calle Azul way 329115 residential
Calle 90 way 329117 unclassified
Calle Derindonderak way 329118 residential
Calle Verde way 329119 residential
Calle 92 way 329120 unclassified
Avenida 139 way 329121 unclassified
Calle 91 way 329122 unclassified
Avenida 139 way 329123 tertiary
Avenida 135 way 329124 unclassified
Avenida 130 way 329126 tertiary
Calle Ergolanyum way 329127 residential
Canal Nuevo way 329128 tertiary
Avenida 96 way 329129 tertiary
Avenida 130 way 329130 unclassified
Calle 71 way 329131 tertiary
Calle 75 way 329132 unclassified
Bulevar Cerro Solo way 329134 tertiary
Avenida 85 way 329137 unclassified
Calle 62 way 329138 tertiary
Avenida 80 way 329147 residential
Avenida 80 way 329148 tertiary
Avenida 80 way 329149 tertiary
Calle Ildefonso Narbáez way 329150 tertiary
Avenida 80 way 329151 tertiary
Avenida 80 way 329152 tertiary
Calle 87 way 329156 unclassified
Calle 86 way 329158 unclassified
Calle 75 way 329243 tertiary
Calle 75 way 329244 tertiary
Calle 75 way 329247 tertiary
Calle Punta Arenas way 329248 unclassified
Calle 26 way 331539 residential
Calle 27 way 331551 residential
Calle Mapamundi way 331556 residential
Calle 25 way 331568 residential
Calle Calatrava way 331577 residential
Avenida 24 way 331948 tertiary
Diagonal Omar Vías way 331949 tertiary
Calle 60 way 331950 residential
Calle Fin Ghiuletti way 331951 residential
Calle 46 way 331953 unclassified
Calle 35 way 331955 residential
Diagonal Omar Vías way 331956 tertiary
Calle 38 way 331958 residential
way 331959 unclassified
Diagonal Omar Vías way 331960 secondary
Avenida 24 way 331962 unclassified
Avenida 50 way 331963 residential
Calle 37 way 331964 residential
Calle 37 way 331966 residential
Diagonal Omar Vías way 331967 tertiary
Avenida Península way 331969 tertiary
Avenida 18 way 331970 residential
way 331971 unclassified
Avenida Victoria way 331973 residential
Diagonal Omar Vías way 331974 secondary
Diagonal Omar Vías way 331975 tertiary
Calle Omar Vías way 331976 tertiary
Avenida 45 way 331977 residential
Diagonal Omar Vías way 331979 secondary
Avenida Victoria way 331981 tertiary
Avenida 21 way 331982 tertiary
way 331983 unclassified
Calle 43 way 331984 unclassified
Avenida 24 way 331985 tertiary
Diagonal Omar Vías way 331986 secondary
Diagonal Omar Vías way 331987 tertiary
Avenida 18 way 331988 tertiary
Avenida Victoria way 331989 residential
Diagonal Omar Vías way 331990 secondary
way 331995 unclassified
Diagonal Omar Vías way 331996 tertiary
Avenida Loto way 331997 residential
Diagonal Omar Vías way 332001 tertiary
Avenida 20 way 332002 residential
Avenida 19 way 332003 residential
Calle 36 way 332004 residential
Calle 46 way 332005 unclassified
Diagonal Omar Vías way 332006 tertiary
Plaza Estación La Galatea way 332014 pedestrian
Calle 42 way 332023 unclassified
Avenida 26 way 332024 tertiary
Avenida 25 way 332025 residential
Calle 45 way 332026 unclassified
Calle 44 way 332027 unclassified
Avenida 26 way 332028 tertiary
Calle Guillermina Bollar Bang way 332030 unclassified
Calle 44 way 332031 unclassified
Calle Guillermina Bollar Bang way 332032 residential
Calle 42 way 332033 unclassified
Calle 45 way 332034 unclassified
Diagonal Libertad DF 111 secondary
Diagonal Hermandad way 332044 tertiary
Avenida 27 way 332045 pedestrian
Diagonal Hermandad way 332046 tertiary
Diagonal Hermandad way 332047 tertiary
Diagonal Gobierno way 332048 secondary
Diagonal Gobierno way 332049 tertiary
Diagonal Hermandad way 332050 unclassified
Glorieta Hermandad way 332051 tertiary
Avenida 29 way 332055 tertiary
Avenida Persiles way 332057 tertiary
Diagonal Grandes Lagos DF 129 secondary
Calle 110 way 332076 residential
Avenida 31 way 332077 residential
Calle 110 way 332078 residential
Avenida Persiles way 332079 tertiary
Diagonal Grandes Lagos way 332080 tertiary
Paseo Lago Cisnes (Este) way 332081 residential
Avenida Persiles way 332083 tertiary
Calle Californio Côté way 332084 residential
Bosque Occidental (Calle 111) way 332085 tertiary
Avenida 38 way 332086 residential
Calle Californio Côté way 332087 residential
Avenida Persiles way 332088 tertiary
Paseo Lago Cisnes (Este) way 332089 residential
Avenida Persiles way 332090 tertiary
Calle 109 way 332092 residential
Calle 109 way 332095 residential
Bosque Occidental (Calle 111) way 332096 tertiary
Avenida 32 way 332097 residential
Plaza Estación Persiles way 332102 pedestrian
Calle 110 way 332158 residential
Bosque Occidental (Calle 111) way 332162 tertiary
Bosque Occidental (Calle 111) way 332167 tertiary
Calle 110 way 332170 residential
Avenida 36 way 332171 residential
Paseo del Kanguro way 332172 residential
Avenida Cien Años RN 13 primary
Calle 95 way 332202 unclassified
Calle 107 way 332203 residential
Calle 98 way 332204 unclassified
Calle 104 way 332205 residential
Diagonal Hermandad way 332206 tertiary
Avenida Cien Años RN 13 primary
Calle 106 way 332208 residential
Calle 99 way 332209 unclassified
Calle 105 way 332210 residential
Diagonal Gobierno way 332211 tertiary
Calle 97 way 332212 unclassified
Diagonal Grandes Lagos way 332213 tertiary
Calle 94 way 332214 unclassified
Avenida Cien Años RN 13 primary
Calle 91 way 332216 unclassified
Diagonal Gobierno way 332217 tertiary
Diagonal Grandes Lagos way 332218 tertiary
Diagonal Hermandad way 332219 tertiary
Diagonal Grandes Lagos way 332220 secondary
Calle 101 way 332221 unclassified
Calle 88 way 332222 unclassified
Calle 106 way 332223 residential
Diagonal Gobierno way 332224 tertiary
Diagonal Hermandad way 332225 tertiary
Calle 93 way 332226 unclassified
Diagonal Hermandad way 332227 tertiary
Avenida Cien Años RN 13 primary
Avenida Cien Años RN 13 primary
Calle 104 way 332230 residential
Calle 93 way 332231 unclassified
Calle 89 way 332232 unclassified
Calle 107 way 332233 residential
Avenida Cien Años RN 13 primary
Calle 103 way 332236 residential
Diagonal Gobierno way 332239 tertiary
Calle 86 way 332240 unclassified
Calle 92 way 332241 unclassified
Diagonal Grandes Lagos way 332242 tertiary
Calle 97 way 332243 unclassified
Calle 99 way 332244 unclassified
Calle 88 way 332245 unclassified
Calle 98 way 332246 unclassified
Avenida Cien Años RN 13 primary
Diagonal Gobierno way 334810 secondary
Glorieta Cien Años way 334812 primary
Avenida 36 way 334814 unclassified
Diagonal Gobierno way 334815 tertiary
Calle Norberto Clavel way 334821 unclassified
Plaza Ministerio de Transportes way 334826 pedestrian
Calle 79 way 335514 tertiary
Paseo Anfiteatro way 335524 tertiary
Paseo Delicias way 335817 unclassified
Diagonal Fuentes way 335818 secondary
Paseo Delicias way 335819 unclassified
Paseo Delicias way 335823 unclassified
Diagonal Fuentes way 335824 secondary
way 335825 service
Diagonal Fuentes way 335826 secondary
Diagonal Fuentes way 335829 secondary
Callejón 122 way 335840 residential
Callejón 127 way 335841 residential
Bosque Oriental (Calle 122) way 335845 tertiary
Bosque Oriental (Calle 122) way 335846 tertiary
Avenida 43 way 335847 residential
Paseo del Kanguro way 335849 residential
Calle 125 way 335850 residential
Callejón 125 way 335852 residential
Paseo Estocolmo way 335853 tertiary
Callejón 123 way 335854 residential
Calle Esmeralda Ezquiaga way 335858 tertiary
Avenida 45 way 335859 residential
Paseo Estocolmo way 335861 tertiary
Callejón 126 way 335866 residential
Callejón 124 way 335870 residential
Avenida 42 way 335871 residential
Avenida 44 way 335872 residential
Avenida Seculares way 335873 tertiary
Calle 124 way 335874 residential
Calle 123 way 335877 residential
Callejón 124 way 335878 residential
Avenida 46 way 335879 residential
Paseo Estocolmo way 335881 tertiary
Paseo del Kanguro way 335882 tertiary
Paseo Estocolmo way 335884 tertiary
Avenida Teodoro way 335885 residential
Calle 126 way 335886 residential
Calle 127 way 335887 residential
Avenida 42 way 335889 residential
Diagonal Congreso DF 111 secondary
Plaza Daniel Menores way 335900 secondary
Diagonal Congreso DF 111 secondary
Avenida 48 way 335903 tertiary
Avenida 48 way 335904 tertiary
Avenida 48 way 335906 tertiary
Diagonal Fuentes way 335909 tertiary
Avenida 48 way 335916 tertiary
Calle 104 way 335918 unclassified
Avenida 49 way 335919 unclassified
Calle Irene Fonseca y Böhm way 335920 unclassified
Calle 103 way 335921 unclassified
Diagonal Fuentes way 335938 tertiary
Diagonal Fuentes way 335940 secondary
way 335945 unclassified
way 335947 unclassified
Paseo del Kanguro way 335969 tertiary
Paseo Eucaliptos way 335977 tertiary
Avenida 50 way 336130 unclassified
Calle El Pañuelo way 336138 unclassified
Calle Felipe Foucault way 336139 unclassified
Calle Noé Fung way 336141 unclassified
Calle 206 way 336142 unclassified
Calle Tito Foruria Pelletier way 336143 unclassified
Paseo Girasoles way 336145 tertiary
Calle Felipe Foucault way 336147 unclassified
Calle Caballo Azul way 336153 unclassified
Calle Antonino Gohhomassara way 336155 unclassified
Avenida 55 way 336156 unclassified
Avenida 52 way 336157 unclassified
Avenida 50 way 336159 unclassified
Calle Julián Campos way 336163 unclassified
Calle 205 way 336168 unclassified
Avenida 53 way 336193 unclassified
Calle 204 way 336194 unclassified
Calle Fin Ghiuletti way 336206 unclassified
Calle 115 way 338298 tertiary
Avenida Ortiz way 338334 residential
Calle 114 way 338347 unclassified
Calle Talleres way 338351 residential
Avenida 42 way 340882 tertiary
Calle Tarquino Pak Palacios way 340886 tertiary
Avenida 42 way 340900 tertiary
Calle 185 way 340903 residential
Calle Frutas way 340904 residential
Paseo de las Palmas way 344218 tertiary
Avenida 100 way 344221 unclassified
Calle 94 way 344222 unclassified
Avenida 99 way 344223 unclassified
Paseo de Koalas way 344224 unclassified
Calle Tierra Húmeda way 344226 unclassified
Paseo de las Palmas way 344227 tertiary
Diagonal Poetas way 344229 tertiary
Calle 94 way 344230 unclassified
Diagonal Poetas way 344231 tertiary
Avenida 94 way 344232 unclassified
Avenida 91 way 344233 unclassified
Calle 97 way 344234 unclassified
Avenida 101 way 344235 unclassified
Paseo de las Palmas way 344236 tertiary
Avenida 97 way 344237 tertiary
Avenida 93 way 344238 unclassified
Callejón 93 way 344239 unclassified
Avenida 95 way 344241 unclassified
Calle 96 way 344242 unclassified
Avenida 97 way 344243 unclassified
Paseo de las Palmas way 344245 tertiary
Avenida 91 way 344246 unclassified
Diagonal Bellas Artes way 344247 tertiary
Avenida 102 way 344248 unclassified
Avenida 94 way 344249 unclassified
Avenida 94 way 344251 unclassified
Avenida 100 way 344253 unclassified
Paseo del Rayo way 344254 tertiary
Calle Petronio Robilyle way 344255 unclassified
Avenida 96 way 344256 unclassified
Calle 95 way 344257 unclassified
Calle Gervasio Rodríguez Memmegehha way 344258 residential
Paseo de las Grutas way 344259 unclassified
Avenida 100 way 344261 unclassified
Calle 96 way 344262 unclassified
Paseo del Rayo way 344265 tertiary
Calle Gregorio Redcrosse way 344266 unclassified
Paseo de las Grutas way 344267 unclassified
Avenida 97 way 344268 tertiary
Glorieta de las Palmas way 344270 tertiary
Avenida 98 way 344273 unclassified
Paseo de las Palmas way 344274 tertiary
Paseo de las Grutas way 344275 unclassified
Paseo de las Palmas way 344276 tertiary
Paseo del Pedregal way 344277 unclassified
Paseo de los Riscos way 344278 unclassified
Calle Ésteban Rossa way 344279 unclassified
Avenida 103 way 344280 unclassified
Paseo de la Cascada way 344392 unclassified
Callejón 95 way 344393 unclassified
Paseo del Árbol way 344394 unclassified
Avenida 93 way 344395 unclassified
Calle 95 way 344396 unclassified
Avenida 112 way 344397 unclassified
Callejón 94 way 344398 unclassified
Avenida 110 way 344399 unclassified
Callejón 92 way 344400 unclassified
Avenida 105 way 344401 tertiary
Calle 87 way 344402 unclassified
Calle Alonso Quack way 344403 unclassified
Callejón 95 way 344404 unclassified
Avenida 98 way 344405 unclassified
Avenida 104 way 344406 unclassified
Callejón 95 way 344407 unclassified
Avenida 109 way 344408 unclassified
Calle 91 way 344409 unclassified
Calle Tetrarca Puig way 344410 unclassified
Avenida 92 way 344411 tertiary
Calle 92 way 344412 unclassified
Calle 91 way 344413 unclassified
Callejón 94 way 344414 unclassified
Paseo del Árbol way 344416 unclassified
Callejón 88 way 344417 unclassified
Calle 93 way 344418 unclassified
Avenida 97 way 344419 tertiary
Callejón 91 way 344420 unclassified
Avenida 110 way 344421 unclassified
Paseo de la Cascada way 344422 unclassified
Paseo de la Cascada way 344423 unclassified
Calle Alfonso Schumann way 344424 unclassified
Avenida 113 way 344425 unclassified
Avenida 93 way 344426 unclassified
Calle 88 way 344427 unclassified
Paseo de la Cascada way 344428 unclassified
Calle 94 way 344429 unclassified
Callejón 93 way 344430 unclassified
Avenida 104 way 344431 unclassified
Avenida 97 way 344432 tertiary
Calle Roque Santisidro way 344433 unclassified
Avenida 105 way 344434 tertiary
Callejón 87 way 344435 unclassified
Calle 89 way 344436 unclassified
Calle 91 way 344437 unclassified
Calle 91 way 344438 unclassified
Calle 89 way 344439 tertiary
Paseo del Trueno way 344440 unclassified
Paseo de los Puertos way 344441 unclassified
Calle 93 way 344442 unclassified
Calle 90 way 344443 unclassified
Calle Lotos way 344444 unclassified
Callejón 90 way 344445 unclassified
Calle 92 way 344446 unclassified
Avenida 97 way 344447 tertiary
Calle 95 way 344448 unclassified
Avenida 106 way 344449 unclassified
Avenida 107 way 344450 unclassified
Avenida 108 way 344451 unclassified
Calle Rocío Sainz Thorvald way 344452 unclassified
Callejón 95 way 344453 unclassified
Avenida 111 way 344454 unclassified
Avenida 111 way 344455 tertiary
Callejón 89 way 344456 unclassified
Paseo del Trueno way 344457 unclassified
Avenida 97 way 344458 tertiary
Calle 93 way 344459 unclassified
Calle Tetrarca Puig way 344460 unclassified
Calle Rocío Sainz Thorvald way 344461 unclassified
Calle 93 way 344462 unclassified
Calle Amadeo Prezinski way 344463 unclassified
Avenida 108 way 344464 unclassified
Calle 92 way 344465 unclassified
Paseo del Trueno way 344466 unclassified
Calle 80 way 344467 unclassified
Diagonal Cerezos DF 118 secondary
Avenida 115 way 344469 unclassified
Diagonal Cerezos DF 118 secondary
Plaza Las Palmas way 344483 pedestrian
Calle Dido Quintana Song way 344484 unclassified
Avenida 92 way 344523 tertiary
Avenida 92 way 344524 tertiary
Calle Alonso Quack way 344525 unclassified
Calle 76 way 344541 tertiary
Calle Gedeón Murgatroyd way 344551 residential
Avenida 63 way 344555 tertiary
Avenida 64 way 344557 tertiary
Avenida 114 way 344587 unclassified
Calle Jack Woss way 344589 residential
Avenida 115 way 344590 unclassified
Avenida 113 way 344591 unclassified
Calle Géronimo Van Ess way 344592 unclassified
Diagonal del Bosque way 344593 tertiary
Calle 102 way 344594 residential
Avenida 112 way 344595 unclassified
Diagonal del Bosque way 344596 tertiary
Calle Arnoldo Van Zandt way 344597 unclassified
Calle Verónica Vieulle way 344598 unclassified
Calle Calisto Zimmermann way 344599 residential
Avenida 104 way 344600 unclassified
Avenida 111 way 344601 tertiary
Calle Demetrio Urbonas way 344602 unclassified
Calle Emilia Waterford Grandín way 344603 residential
Diagonal Poetas way 344605 tertiary
Calle Ambrosio Anil Yi way 344606 residential
Avenida 110 way 344607 unclassified
Calle Samara Washington Kim way 344608 tertiary
Avenida 120 way 344609 residential
Diagonal Poetas way 344610 tertiary
Avenida 118 way 344611 residential
Calle Policarpo Van Kill way 344612 unclassified
Diagonal Poetas way 344613 tertiary
Diagonal Poetas way 344614 tertiary
Avenida 119 way 344615 residential
Diagonal Poetas way 344616 tertiary
Calle Calisto Zimmermann way 344617 residential
Diagonal Poetas way 344618 tertiary
Calle 103 way 344619 residential
Calle 104 way 344621 residential
Avenida 117 way 344622 residential
Avenida 116 way 344623 unclassified
Avenida 121 way 344624 residential
Avenida 82 way 344627 unclassified
Avenida 86 way 344629 unclassified
Avenida 90 way 344630 unclassified
Calle Leónidas Pieza Monterrey way 344632 unclassified
Avenida 91 way 344633 unclassified
Calle Victoria Persson way 344634 unclassified
Calle Tarquino Pak Palacios way 344637 unclassified
Calle Francisco Parker Santangelo way 344639 unclassified
Avenida 81 way 344640 unclassified
Avenida 97 way 344641 unclassified
Avenida 107 way 344643 unclassified
Avenida 93 way 344645 unclassified
Calle Esmeralda Tsevet way 344646 unclassified
Calle Daniel Toskek way 344647 unclassified
Calle Máximo Pahhamagoraset way 344648 unclassified
Avenida 102 way 344649 unclassified
Avenida 106 way 344650 unclassified
Avenida 89 way 344651 unclassified
Avenida 88 way 344653 unclassified
Calle Cosmo Stiglich way 344654 tertiary
Calle 96 way 344655 unclassified
Avenida 85 way 344656 tertiary
Avenida 100 way 344657 unclassified
Avenida 98 way 344658 tertiary
Avenida 87 way 344659 unclassified
Calle Amelia Salisbury Hooke way 344660 unclassified
Avenida 80 way 344661 tertiary
Avenue 84 way 344663 unclassified
Avenida 80 way 344664 tertiary
Calle Alonso Quack way 344665 unclassified
Calle Alfonso Schumann way 344666 unclassified
Calle Eduardo Paine Roo way 344667 unclassified
Calle Amadeo Prezinski way 344669 unclassified
Calle Roque Santisidro way 344670 unclassified
Avenida 96 way 344672 unclassified
Calle 101 way 344673 residential
Calle Armando Towne way 344674 unclassified
Calle Servicio way 344676 unclassified
Avenida 103 way 344677 unclassified
Avenida 83 way 344678 unclassified
Calle Néstor Pierce way 344681 unclassified
Avenida 80 way 344682 tertiary
Calle Ildefonso Narbáez way 344684 unclassified
Avenida 101 way 344688 tertiary
Calle Tetrarca Puig way 344689 unclassified
Avenida 109 way 344692 unclassified
Avenida 108 way 344696 unclassified
Avenida 85 way 344697 tertiary
Avenida 105 way 344698 unclassified
Calle Francisco Parker Santangelo way 344700 unclassified
Calle Cristóbal Prévost way 344701 unclassified
Calle Isolde Pio way 344702 unclassified
Calle Tomás Novato way 344704 residential
Calle 96 way 344705 unclassified
Calle Domingo Murchison way 344708 unclassified
Calle 92 way 344709 unclassified
Calle 94 way 344710 unclassified
Callejón 90 way 344711 unclassified
Carretera Pistolas way 344712 motorway
Avenida Cien Años RN 13 primary
Calle 95 way 344714 unclassified
Calle 97 way 344715 unclassified
Calle 91 way 344716 unclassified
Avenida Cien Años RN 13 primary
Diagonal Bellas Artes way 344718 tertiary
Diagonal Bellas Artes way 344719 tertiary
Avenida 78 way 344720 unclassified
Avenida Cien Años RN 13 primary
Avenida Cien Años RN 13 primary
Diagonal Bellas Artes way 344723 tertiary
Avenida 77 way 344724 unclassified
Diagonal Bellas Artes way 344725 tertiary
Avenida Cien Años RN 13 primary
Avenida Cien Años RN 13 primary
Calle Gedeón Murgatroyd way 344728 residential
Avenida Cien Años RN 13 primary
Carretera Pistolas way 344730 motorway
Calle 93 way 344731 unclassified
Avenida 101 way 344732 tertiary
Avenida 101 way 344733 tertiary
Calle Servicio way 344754 unclassified
Calle 99 way 344755 unclassified
Calle 98 way 344756 unclassified
Calle Fernando Abenzoar way 344764 residential
Calle Fernando Abenzoar way 344767 residential
Calle Fernando Abenzoar way 344768 residential
Calle Bisonte way 344788 residential
Calle del Desolado way 344789 residential
Calle Alerces way 344792 residential
Calle Cerro de Abejas way 344796 residential
Avenida de la Playa way 344800 residential
Calle Cabras way 344803 residential
Diagonal Central DF 111 secondary
Calle Elefantes way 344809 residential
Avenida 11 way 352057 residential
Avenida 12 way 352058 residential
Calle 76 way 352059 tertiary
Calle 77 way 352060 residential
Calle 78 way 352061 residential
Calle 79 way 352062 residential
Calle 80 way 352063 residential
Calle 81 way 352064 unclassified
Calle 82 way 352065 tertiary
Calle 83 way 352066 residential
Calle 84 way 352067 unclassified
Calle 85 way 352068 unclassified
Calle 86 way 352069 unclassified
Calle 87 way 352070 unclassified
Calle Calatrava way 352071 residential
Calle Mapamundi way 352072 residential
Calle 67 way 408854 tertiary
Calle 69 way 408856 residential
way 408925 service
Avenida 1 way 412336 residential
Avenida 1 way 412337 residential
Avenida 102 way 412338 residential
Avenida 103 way 412339 residential
Avenida 105 way 412340 residential
Avenida 106 way 412342 residential
Avenida 107 way 412343 residential
Avenida 109 way 412345 residential
Avenida 109 way 412346 unclassified
Avenida 110 way 412347 residential
Avenida 111 way 412348 tertiary
Avenida 113 way 412349 residential
Avenida 135 way 412350 unclassified
Avenida 32 way 412352 unclassified
Avenida 32 way 412353 unclassified
Avenida 33 way 412354 unclassified
Avenida 33 way 412355 unclassified
Avenida 33 way 412356 residential
Avenida 47 way 412357 residential
Avenida 48 way 412358 residential
Avenida 48 way 412359 residential
Avenida 49 way 412360 residential
Avenida 50 way 412362 residential
Avenida 50 way 412363 residential
Avenida 51 way 412364 unclassified
Avenida 51 way 412365 unclassified
Avenida 52 way 412366 unclassified
Avenida 97 way 412372 residential
Avenida 97 way 412373 tertiary
Bosque Occidental (Calle 111) way 412395 tertiary
Calle 102 way 412426 residential
Calle 155 way 412442 secondary
Calle 155 way 412443 tertiary
Calle 156 way 412444 residential
Calle 157 way 412445 residential
Calle 158 way 412446 residential
Calle 176 (CM#30E) way 412450 tertiary
Calle 176 (CM#30E) way 412451 residential
Calle 229 way 412459 unclassified
Calle 47 way 412488 tertiary
Calle 63 way 412501 unclassified
Calle 67 way 412502 unclassified
Calle 68 way 412503 unclassified
Calle 68 way 412504 unclassified
Calle 69 way 412505 residential
Calle 70 way 412512 residential
Calle 70 way 412513 residential
Calle 71 way 412514 residential
Calle 72 way 412515 tertiary
Calle 72 way 412516 tertiary
Calle 72 way 412517 tertiary
Calle 73 way 412518 residential
Calle 73 way 412519 residential
Calle 73 way 412520 residential
Calle Agustino way 412531 residential
Calle Arcoiris way 412532 residential
Calle Aristoteles way 412533 residential
Calle Roque Santisidro way 412542 residential
Calle Roque Santisidro way 412543 unclassified
Calle Roque Santisidro way 412544 residential
Calle Roque Santisidro way 412545 residential
Calle Roque Santisidro way 412546 unclassified
Calle Roque Santisidro way 412547 residential
Calle Californio Côté way 412548 residential
Calle Californio Côté way 412549 unclassified
Calle Californio Côté way 412550 unclassified
Calle Colonia way 412551 unclassified
Calle Colonia way 412552 unclassified
Calle Velorio Daralbeid way 412553 unclassified
Calle Albor de Gronik way 412554 unclassified
Calle Descartes way 412557 residential
Calle Erasmo way 412561 residential
Calle Filosofía way 412565 residential
Calle Estafanía Fokker de Garriz way 412572 tertiary
Calle Irene Fonseca y Böhm way 412575 residential
Calle Irene Fonseca y Böhm way 412576 residential
Calle Tito Foruria Pelletier way 412577 residential
Calle Noé Fung way 412581 unclassified
Calle Cora Galán de Rawlings way 412582 unclassified
Calle Hobbes way 412583 residential
Calle Kant way 412593 residential
Calle Felipe Foucault way 412597 residential
Calle Atlante Sineterisset way 412598 residential
Calle Atlante Sineterisset way 412599 unclassified
Calle Atlante Sineterisset way 412600 residential
Calle Atlante Sineterisset way 412601 residential
Calle Luciano way 412605 residential
Calle Luna way 412606 residential
Calle Machiavelli way 412608 residential
Calle Nubes way 412613 residential
Calle Gervasio Rodríguez Memmegehha way 412616 residential
Calle Gervasio Rodríguez Memmegehha way 412617 residential
Calle Gervasio Rodríguez Memmegehha way 412618 residential
Calle Petronio Robilyle way 412620 residential
Calle Petronio Robilyle way 412622 residential
Calle Ésteban Rossa way 412624 residential
Calle Ésteban Rossa way 412625 residential
Calle Ésteban Rossa way 412626 unclassified
Calle Rocío Sainz Thorvald way 412627 residential
Calle Rocío Sainz Thorvald way 412628 unclassified
Calle Rocío Sainz Thorvald way 412629 residential
Calle Amelia Salisbury Hooke way 412630 unclassified
Calle Amelia Salisbury Hooke way 412631 unclassified
Calle Amelia Salisbury Hooke way 412632 residential
Calle Alfonso Schumann way 412635 residential
Calle Alfonso Schumann way 412636 unclassified
Calle Alfonso Schumann way 412637 residential
Calle Alfonso Schumann way 412638 residential
Calle Alfonso Schumann way 412639 residential
Calle Vladimir Smith way 412642 unclassified
Calle Vladimir Smith way 412644 residential
Calle Vladimir Smith way 412645 unclassified
Calle Vladimir Smith way 412646 residential
Calle Platón way 412648 residential
Calle Cosmo Stiglich way 412649 tertiary
Calle Cosmo Stiglich way 412650 residential
Calle Cosmo Stiglich way 412651 residential
Calle Marco Talbott way 412653 unclassified
Calle Marco Talbott way 412654 unclassified
Calle Marco Talbott way 412655 residential
Calle Marco Talbott way 412656 unclassified
Calle Marco Talbott way 412657 residential
Calle Marco Talbott way 412658 residential
Calle María Tarrant way 412662 unclassified
Calle María Tarrant way 412663 residential
Calle María Tarrant way 412664 unclassified
Calle María Tarrant way 412666 residential
Calle Daniel Toskek way 412668 unclassified
Calle Daniel Toskek way 412669 residential
Calle Armando Towne way 412671 unclassified
Calle Armando Towne way 412672 unclassified
Calle Armando Towne way 412673 residential
Calle Esmeralda Tsevet way 412676 unclassified
Calle Esmeralda Tsevet way 412677 unclassified
Calle Esmeralda Tsevet way 412678 unclassified
Calle Esmeralda Tsevet way 412679 residential
Calle Demetrio Urbonas way 412680 unclassified
Calle Demetrio Urbonas way 412681 residential
Calle Demócrito Urizabal way 412682 unclassified
Calle Géronimo Van Ess way 412684 unclassified
Calle Géronimo Van Ess way 412685 residential
Calle Policarpo Van Kill way 412686 unclassified
Calle Río de Hojas way 412688 residential
Calle Arnoldo Van Zandt way 412689 unclassified
Calle Verónica Vieulle way 412692 unclassified
Calle Verónica Vieulle way 412693 unclassified
Calle Perseo Washburn way 412695 unclassified
Calle Especial way 412696 tertiary
Calle Samara Washington Kim way 412697 tertiary
Calle Emilia Waterford Grandín way 412698 unclassified
Calle Ambrosio Anil Yi way 412700 unclassified
Calle Calisto Zimmermann way 412701 unclassified
Calle Hipólito Zumalacárragui way 412702 unclassified
Calle Hipólito Zumalacárragui way 412703 unclassified
Calle Hipólito Zumalacárragui way 412704 unclassified
Calle Hipólito Zumalacárragui way 412705 unclassified
Calle Bernal Zúñiga way 412706 unclassified
Calle Bernal Zúñiga way 412707 unclassified
Calle Bernal Zúñiga way 412708 unclassified
Calle Antarephia way 412709 unclassified
Calle Antarephia way 412710 unclassified
Calle Antarephia way 412711 unclassified
Calle Archanta way 412712 unclassified
Calle Archanta way 412713 unclassified
Calle Constance-Reid way 412715 unclassified
Calle Dagelanden way 412717 unclassified
Calle Sol way 412720 residential
Calle Askendom way 412722 unclassified
Calle Askendom way 412723 unclassified
Calle Askendom way 412724 unclassified
Calle Gobrassanya way 412729 unclassified
Calle Gobrassanya way 412730 unclassified
Calle Guyenne way 412731 unclassified
Calle Khaiwoon way 412732 unclassified
Calle Voltaire way 412737 residential
Callejón 63 way 412746 unclassified
Callejón 64 way 412747 unclassified
Callejón La Galatea way 412748 unclassified
Gran Plaza Calle 102 way 412797 pedestrian
Gran Plaza Lázaro way 412798 pedestrian
Pasaje Conector way 412819 pedestrian
Pasaje Conector way 412820 pedestrian
Pasaje Conector way 412821 pedestrian
Paseo Báltico way 412822 unclassified
Paseo Cerro Grillos way 412823 residential
Plaza Arcoiris way 412828 pedestrian
Plaza Dido Quintana Song way 412829 pedestrian
Plaza Sozzini way 412830 pedestrian
Calle Jack Woss way 412895 unclassified
Avenida 39 way 425599 unclassified
Avenida 39 way 425600 unclassified
Avenida 40 way 425602 tertiary
Avenida 40 way 425603 unclassified
Avenida 41 way 425605 residential
Avenida 41 way 425606 residential
Avenida 42 way 425607 tertiary
Avenida 42 way 425608 tertiary
Avenida 43 way 425609 residential
Avenida 43 way 425613 residential
Avenida 44 way 425615 residential
Avenida 44 way 425616 residential
Avenida 45 way 425620 residential
Avenida 45 way 425621 residential
Avenida 45 way 425623 residential
Avenida 45 way 425626 residential
Avenida 46 way 425627 residential
Avenida 46 way 425628 residential
Avenida 46 way 425632 unclassified
Avenida 47 way 425633 unclassified
Avenida 47 way 425635 unclassified
Avenida 48 way 425639 unclassified
Avenida 48 way 425642 unclassified
Avenida 49 way 425646 residential
Avenida 49 way 425649 unclassified
Avenida 49 way 425650 unclassified
Avenida 49 way 425652 residential
Avenida 50 way 425654 residential
Avenida 50 way 425655 unclassified
Avenida 50 way 425658 residential
Avenida 51 way 425660 residential
Avenida 51 way 425661 residential
Avenida 51 way 425663 residential
Avenida 51 way 425664 unclassified
Avenida 52 way 425666 unclassified
Avenida 52 way 425667 unclassified
Avenida 52 way 425668 tertiary
Avenida 53 way 425671 unclassified
Avenida 53 way 425674 tertiary
Avenida 53 way 425675 unclassified
Avenida 58 way 425676 tertiary
Avenida Estadio Los Jaguares way 425681 residential
Avenida Estadio Los Jaguares way 425682 tertiary
Avenida Trueno way 425687 residential
Avenida Urracas way 425688 residential
Avenida Velocidad way 425689 unclassified
Avenida Watt way 425690 unclassified
Avenida Watt way 425691 unclassified
Avenida Xenofonte way 425692 unclassified
Avenida Xenofonte way 425693 unclassified
Bosque Occidental (Calle 111) way 425694 tertiary
Calle 135 way 425728 tertiary
Calle 135 way 425729 tertiary
Calle 135 way 425730 tertiary
Calle 136 way 425731 residential
Calle 137 way 425732 residential
Calle 138 way 425733 tertiary
Calle 138 way 425734 tertiary
Calle 142 way 425735 residential
Calle 143 way 425736 residential
Calle 143 way 425737 tertiary
Calle 143 way 425738 tertiary
Calle 143 way 425739 tertiary
Calle 144 way 425740 residential
Calle 144 way 425741 residential
Calle 145 way 425742 residential
Calle 146 way 425743 residential
Calle 147 way 425744 residential
Calle 147 way 425745 residential
Calle 147 way 425746 residential
Calle 151 way 425747 tertiary
Calle 151 way 425748 residential
Calle 152 way 425749 residential
Calle 152 way 425750 residential
Calle 153 way 425752 residential
Calle 154 way 425754 residential
Calle 155 way 425755 secondary
Calle 155 way 425756 secondary
Calle 155 way 425757 secondary
Calle 155 way 425758 secondary
Calle 156 way 425759 residential
Calle 156 way 425760 unclassified
Calle 157 way 425761 residential
Calle 158 way 425762 residential
Calle 158 way 425763 unclassified
Calle 159 way 425764 residential
Calle 159 way 425765 residential
Calle 160 way 425766 tertiary
Calle 160 way 425767 tertiary
Calle 161 way 425768 unclassified
Calle 161 way 425769 unclassified
Calle 186 way 425770 residential
Calle 187 way 425771 unclassified
Calle 188 way 425772 unclassified
Calle 189 way 425773 unclassified
Calle 190 way 425774 unclassified
Calle 191 way 425775 unclassified
Calle 192 way 425776 unclassified
Calle 193 way 425777 unclassified
Calle 194 way 425778 unclassified
Calle 194 way 425779 tertiary
Calle 194 way 425780 tertiary
Calle 194 way 425781 tertiary
Calle 195 way 425782 unclassified
Calle 196 way 425783 unclassified
Calle 197 way 425784 unclassified
Calle 198 way 425785 unclassified
Calle 199 way 425786 tertiary
Calle 212 way 425787 secondary
Calle 214 way 425788 unclassified
Calle Centurio way 425831 unclassified
Calle Fernando de Puy way 425833 unclassified
Calle Sonia Dolletessy way 425837 unclassified
Calle Sonia Dolletessy way 425839 tertiary
Calle Sonia Dolletessy way 425840 tertiary
Calle Sonia Dolletessy way 425841 tertiary
Calle Sonia Dolletessy way 425842 unclassified
Calle Sonia Dolletessy way 425843 unclassified
Calle Luciano Doon d'Orange way 425845 unclassified
Calle Luciano Doon d'Orange way 425846 unclassified
Calle Orlando Duquederrosas way 425848 residential
Calle Orlando Duquederrosas way 425849 residential
Calle Edén way 425850 residential
Calle Eustaquio Estranjero way 425857 residential
Calle Esmeralda Ezquiaga way 425861 residential
Calle Esmeralda Ezquiaga way 425862 unclassified
Calle Esmeralda Ezquiaga way 425863 residential
Calle Genoveva Fitzpatrick way 425866 residential
Calle Genoveva Fitzpatrick way 425869 residential
Calle Faluya way 425871 unclassified
Calle Filadelfia way 425873 residential
Calle Filadelfia way 425874 residential
Calle Filadelfia way 425875 residential
Calle Florencio Flood way 425882 residential
Calle Florencio Flood way 425883 residential
Calle Estafanía Fokker de Garriz way 425885 residential
Calle Estafanía Fokker de Garriz way 425886 unclassified
Calle Estafanía Fokker de Garriz way 425887 unclassified
Calle Estafanía Fokker de Garriz way 425890 residential
Calle Estafanía Fokker de Garriz way 425892 residential
Calle Irene Fonseca y Böhm way 425893 unclassified
Calle Irene Fonseca y Böhm way 425895 residential
Calle Tito Foruria Pelletier way 425900 unclassified
Calle Tito Foruria Pelletier way 425902 residential
Calle Tito Foruria Pelletier way 425904 residential
Calle Noé Fung way 425905 residential
Calle Cora Galán de Rawlings way 425910 unclassified
Calle Cora Galán de Rawlings way 425912 unclassified
Calle Felipe Foucault way 425921 unclassified
Calle Felipe Foucault way 425922 unclassified
Calle Felipe Foucault way 425923 unclassified
Calle Felipe Foucault way 425925 unclassified
Calle Felipe Foucault way 425928 residential
Calle Talleres way 425947 unclassified
Callejón 212 way 425952 unclassified
Callejón 213 way 425953 unclassified
Callejón 213 way 425954 unclassified
Callejón 214 way 425955 unclassified
Callejón San Miguel way 425956 unclassified
Diagonal Noreste way 426024 tertiary
Diagonal Noreste way 426025 tertiary
Diagonal Trabajadores way 426026 tertiary
Diagonal Trabajadores way 426027 tertiary
Paseo Ratón way 426265 tertiary
Paseo del Jaguar way 426269 tertiary
Paseo del Jaguar way 426271 tertiary
Paseo del Jaguar way 426272 tertiary
Paseo del Jaguar way 426275 tertiary
Paseo del Jaguar way 426276 tertiary
Paseo del Jaguar way 426277 tertiary
Placita Quentín Di Battista way 426278 pedestrian
Avenida 119 Dir. Este way 428393 secondary
Avenida 119 Dir. Oeste DF 155 secondary
Avenida 22 way 428395 unclassified
Avenida 22 way 428396 tertiary
Avenida 49 way 428397 residential
Avenida 50 way 428399 tertiary
Avenida 51 way 428400 tertiary
Avenida 51 way 428401 residential
Avenida 52 way 428402 unclassified
Avenida 52 way 428403 unclassified
Avenida 53 way 428404 tertiary
Avenida 53 way 428405 tertiary
Avenida 81 way 428406 residential
Avenida 82 way 428407 residential
Avenida 85 way 428409 residential
Avenida 86 way 428410 residential
Avenida 87 way 428411 residential
Avenida 87 way 428412 residential
Avenida 87 way 428413 tertiary
Avenida 88 way 428414 tertiary
Avenida 89 way 428415 residential
Avenida 89 way 428416 residential
Avenida Raimundo Kershaw way 428417 tertiary
Avenida Raimundo Kershaw way 428418 tertiary
Avenida Raimundo Kershaw way 428419 tertiary
Avenida Raimundo Kershaw way 428420 tertiary
Avenida Raimundo Kershaw way 428421 tertiary
Avenida Raimundo Kershaw way 428422 tertiary
Calle 176 way 428423 tertiary
Calle 177 way 428424 residential
Calle 177 way 428425 residential
Calle 178 way 428426 residential
Calle 211 way 428427 residential
Calle 211 way 428428 secondary
Calle 212 way 428429 secondary
Calle 212 way 428430 tertiary
Calle 213 way 428434 residential
Calle 213 way 428435 residential
Calle 213 way 428440 residential
Calle 214 way 428441 residential
Calle 214 way 428442 residential
Calle 214 way 428443 residential
Calle 214 way 428444 residential
Calle 215 way 428446 residential
Calle 215 way 428447 residential
Calle 215 way 428449 residential
Calle 215 way 428450 residential
Calle 216 way 428452 residential
Calle 216 way 428453 residential
Calle 217 way 428455 residential
Calle 217 way 428456 residential
Calle 218 way 428457 residential
Calle 218 way 428458 residential
Calle 218 way 428460 residential
Calle 219 way 428462 tertiary
Calle 219 way 428463 tertiary
Calle Tarquino Pak Palacios way 428470 residential
Calle Cora Galán de Rawlings way 428471 unclassified
Calle Gedeón Murgatroyd way 428473 unclassified
Calle Gedeón Murgatroyd way 428474 tertiary
Calle Carlos McGillicuddy way 428475 tertiary
Calle Mateo Batlle way 428476 tertiary
Calle Francisco Parker Santangelo way 428479 residential
Calle Victoria Persson way 428480 residential
Calle Isolde Pio way 428481 residential
Calle Isolde Pio way 428482 residential
Calle Isolde Pio way 428484 tertiary
Calle Cristóbal Prévost way 428485 residential
Calle del Río way 428486 tertiary
Calle del Río way 428487 tertiary
Calle del Río way 428488 residential
Diagonal Alegría way 428491 tertiary
Diagonal Costa de Dragones way 428492 tertiary
Diagonal Costa de Dragones way 428493 secondary
Diagonal Poetas way 428497 tertiary
Paseo Girasoles way 428502 tertiary
Paseo Girasoles way 428504 tertiary
Carretera Orilla Izquierda way 428564 motorway
Carretera Orilla Izquierda way 428565 motorway
way 428566 motorway
way 428567 motorway
Carretera Orilla Izquierda way 428571 motorway
Carretera Orilla Izquierda way 428576 motorway
way 428582 motorway
way 428588 motorway
way 428589 motorway
way 428593 motorway
way 428594 motorway
way 428595 motorway
way 428604 motorway
Carretera Orilla Izquierda way 428608 motorway
Avenida 1 way 433883 residential
Avenida 10 way 433884 residential
Avenida 11 way 433885 residential
Avenida 12 way 433886 residential
Avenida 2 way 433887 unclassified
Avenida 3 way 433888 tertiary
Avenida 4 way 433889 unclassified
Avenida 5 way 433890 unclassified
Avenida 6 way 433891 unclassified
Avenida 7 way 433892 unclassified
Avenida 8 way 433893 unclassified
Avenida 9 way 433894 residential
Calle 172 way 433915 unclassified
Calle 173 way 433916 unclassified
Calle 94 way 433952 tertiary
Calle Alejandrina way 433955 unclassified
Calle Artes way 433957 residential
Calle Parnaso way 433958 residential
Calle Árbol Mágico way 433963 residential
Calle Machete way 433964 residential
Calle Calatrava way 433965 residential
Calle Mapamundi way 433966 residential
Calle Llano en Llamas way 433968 unclassified
Calle Ignacio Quiroga way 433996 unclassified
Calle Inocencio Leñero Tamayo way 434011 tertiary
Calle Ángeles way 434015 unclassified
Calle Moneda way 434021 residential
Calle Octavio La Fourchet way 434024 unclassified
Calle Paredes way 434029 unclassified
Calle Pedro Comala way 434031 unclassified
Avenida Puerto Nuevo way 434060 tertiary
Diagonal de Parques way 434092 tertiary
Paseo Parque Arañas way 434185 tertiary
Paseo Parque Arañas way 434186 unclassified
Paseo Parque Arañas way 434187 tertiary
Avenida 100 way 442094 unclassified
Avenida 100 way 442095 unclassified
Avenida 100 way 442096 unclassified
Avenida 100 way 442097 unclassified
Avenida 100 way 442098 unclassified
Avenida 100 way 442099 unclassified
Avenida 100 way 442100 unclassified
Avenida 101 way 442101 unclassified
Avenida 101 way 442102 unclassified
Avenida 101 way 442103 unclassified
Avenida 101 way 442104 unclassified
Avenida 101 way 442105 unclassified
Avenida 101 way 442106 unclassified
Avenida 102 way 442107 unclassified
Avenida 102 way 442108 unclassified
Avenida 102 way 442109 unclassified
Avenida 102 way 442110 unclassified
Avenida 102 way 442111 unclassified
Avenida 102 way 442112 unclassified
Avenida 103 way 442113 unclassified
Avenida 103 way 442114 unclassified
Avenida 103 way 442115 unclassified
Avenida 103 way 442116 unclassified
Avenida 103 way 442117 unclassified
Avenida 103 way 442118 unclassified
Avenida 104 way 442119 tertiary
Avenida 104 way 442120 unclassified
Avenida 104 way 442121 tertiary
Avenida 104 way 442123 unclassified
Avenida 104 way 442124 unclassified
Avenida 104 way 442125 unclassified
Avenida 105 way 442126 tertiary
Avenida 105 way 442127 tertiary
Avenida 105 way 442128 tertiary
Avenida 105 way 442129 unclassified
Avenida 105 way 442130 unclassified
Avenida 105 way 442131 unclassified
Avenida 106 way 442132 unclassified
Avenida 106 way 442133 unclassified
Avenida 107 way 442134 unclassified
Avenida 107 way 442135 unclassified
Avenida 109 way 442138 unclassified
Avenida 109 way 442139 unclassified
Avenida 110 way 442140 unclassified
Avenida 110 way 442141 unclassified
Avenida 110 way 442142 unclassified
Avenida 110 way 442143 unclassified
Avenida 111 way 442144 tertiary
Avenida 111 way 442145 tertiary
Avenida 111 way 442146 tertiary
Avenida 111 way 442147 tertiary
Avenida 112 way 442148 unclassified
Avenida 112 way 442149 unclassified
Avenida 112 way 442150 unclassified
Avenida 112 way 442151 unclassified
Avenida 113 way 442152 unclassified
Avenida 113 way 442153 unclassified
Avenida 113 way 442154 unclassified
Avenida 113 way 442155 unclassified
Avenida 113 way 442156 unclassified
Avenida 114 way 442157 unclassified
Avenida 114 way 442159 unclassified
Avenida 115 way 442160 unclassified
Avenida 115 way 442161 unclassified
Avenida 116 way 442163 unclassified
Avenida 116 way 442164 unclassified
Avenida 117 way 442167 unclassified
Avenida 118 way 442170 unclassified
Avenida 118 way 442171 unclassified
Avenida 119 way 442172 unclassified
Avenida 119 way 442173 unclassified
Avenida 119 way 442174 unclassified
Avenida 119 way 442175 unclassified
Avenida 120 way 442176 unclassified
Avenida 120 way 442177 unclassified
Avenida 120 way 442178 unclassified
Avenida 120 way 442179 unclassified
Avenida 121 way 442180 unclassified
Avenida 121 way 442181 unclassified
Avenida 121 way 442182 unclassified
Avenida 121 way 442183 unclassified
Avenida 122 way 442184 unclassified
Avenida 122 way 442185 unclassified
Avenida 122 way 442186 unclassified
Avenida 122 way 442187 unclassified
Avenida 122 way 442188 unclassified
Avenida 123 way 442189 unclassified
Avenida 123 way 442190 unclassified
Avenida 123 way 442191 unclassified
Avenida 123 way 442192 unclassified
Avenida 124 way 442193 tertiary
Avenida 124 way 442194 unclassified
Avenida 124 way 442195 unclassified
Avenida 124 way 442196 tertiary
Avenida 125 way 442197 tertiary
Avenida 125 way 442198 tertiary
Avenida 125 way 442199 unclassified
Avenida 125 way 442200 unclassified
Avenida 126 way 442201 unclassified
Avenida 126 way 442202 unclassified
Avenida 126 way 442203 unclassified
Avenida 126 way 442204 unclassified
Avenida 127 way 442205 unclassified
Avenida 127 way 442206 unclassified
Avenida 127 way 442207 unclassified
Avenida 127 way 442208 unclassified
Avenida 128 way 442209 unclassified
Avenida 128 way 442210 unclassified
Avenida 128 way 442212 unclassified
Avenida 129 way 442213 tertiary
Avenida 129 way 442214 tertiary
Avenida 129 way 442215 unclassified
Avenida 130 way 442216 unclassified
Avenida 130 way 442217 unclassified
Avenida 130 way 442218 residential
Avenida 130 way 442219 tertiary
Avenida 130 way 442220 unclassified
Avenida 131 way 442221 tertiary
Avenida 131 way 442222 unclassified
Avenida 131 way 442223 unclassified
Avenida 131 way 442224 residential
Avenida 131 way 442225 unclassified
Avenida 132 way 442226 unclassified
Avenida 132 way 442227 unclassified
Avenida 132 way 442228 unclassified
Avenida 132 way 442229 tertiary
Avenida 132 way 442230 tertiary
Avenida 132 way 442231 tertiary
Avenida 132 way 442232 unclassified
Avenida 133 way 442233 unclassified
Avenida 133 way 442234 unclassified
Avenida 133 way 442235 unclassified
Avenida 134 way 442236 unclassified
Avenida 134 way 442237 unclassified
Avenida 134 way 442238 unclassified
Avenida 136 way 442239 unclassified
Avenida 2 way 442240 residential
Avenida 31 way 442241 unclassified
Avenida 77 way 442242 unclassified
Avenida 77 way 442243 unclassified
Avenida 78 way 442244 unclassified
Avenida 78 way 442245 unclassified
Avenida 79 way 442246 unclassified
Avenida 79 way 442247 unclassified
Avenida 80 way 442248 tertiary
Avenida 80 way 442249 tertiary
Avenida 81 way 442250 unclassified
Avenida 81 way 442251 unclassified
Avenida 82 way 442252 unclassified
Avenida 82 way 442253 unclassified
Avenida 83 way 442254 unclassified
Avenida 83 way 442255 unclassified
Avenida 84 way 442256 unclassified
Avenida 84 way 442257 unclassified
Avenida 85 way 442258 tertiary
Avenida 85 way 442259 tertiary
Avenida 85 way 442260 tertiary
Avenida 86 way 442261 unclassified
Avenida 86 way 442262 unclassified
Avenida 87 way 442263 unclassified
Avenida 87 way 442264 unclassified
Avenida 87 way 442265 unclassified
Avenida 88 way 442266 unclassified
Avenida 88 way 442267 unclassified
Avenida 88 way 442268 unclassified
Avenida 89 way 442269 unclassified
Avenida 89 way 442270 unclassified
Avenida 89 way 442271 unclassified
Avenida 90 way 442272 unclassified
Avenida 90 way 442273 unclassified
Avenida 90 way 442274 unclassified
Avenida 91 way 442275 unclassified
Avenida 91 way 442276 unclassified
Avenida 91 way 442277 unclassified
Avenida 91 way 442278 unclassified
Avenida 92 way 442279 unclassified
Avenida 92 way 442280 tertiary
Avenida 92 way 442281 tertiary
Avenida 92 way 442282 unclassified
Avenida 92 way 442283 unclassified
Avenida 93 way 442284 unclassified
Avenida 93 way 442285 unclassified
Avenida 93 way 442286 unclassified
Avenida 93 way 442287 unclassified
Avenida 93 way 442288 unclassified
Avenida 94 way 442289 unclassified
Avenida 94 way 442290 unclassified
Avenida 94 way 442291 unclassified
Avenida 94 way 442292 unclassified
Avenida 94 way 442293 unclassified
Avenida 95 way 442294 unclassified
Avenida 95 way 442295 unclassified
Avenida 95 way 442296 unclassified
Avenida 95 way 442297 unclassified
Avenida 95 way 442298 unclassified
Avenida 96 way 442299 unclassified
Avenida 96 way 442300 unclassified
Avenida 96 way 442301 unclassified
Avenida 96 way 442302 unclassified
Avenida 96 way 442303 unclassified
Avenida 97 way 442304 unclassified
Avenida 97 way 442305 unclassified
Avenida 97 way 442306 unclassified
Avenida 97 way 442307 unclassified
Avenida 97 way 442308 unclassified
Avenida 97 way 442309 unclassified
Avenida 98 way 442310 tertiary
Avenida 98 way 442311 tertiary
Avenida 98 way 442312 tertiary
Avenida 98 way 442313 tertiary
Avenida 98 way 442314 tertiary
Avenida 98 way 442315 tertiary
Avenida 99 way 442316 unclassified
Avenida 99 way 442317 unclassified
Avenida 99 way 442318 unclassified
Avenida 99 way 442319 unclassified
Avenida 99 way 442320 unclassified
Avenida 99 way 442321 unclassified
Avenida Ismael Juárez Hidalgo DF 119 / DC 219 secondary
Avenida Ismael Juárez Hidalgo DF 119 / DC 219 secondary
Avenida Ismael Juárez Hidalgo DF 119 secondary
Avenida Ismael Juárez Hidalgo DF 119 secondary
Avenida Richard way 442355 tertiary
Avenida de la Playa way 442366 residential
Bulevar Amadeo Sainz way 442385 tertiary
Calle 10 way 442414 tertiary
Calle 11 way 442416 residential
Calle 110 way 442418 unclassified
Calle 116 way 442419 tertiary
Calle 116 way 442420 tertiary
Calle 117 way 442421 unclassified
Calle 118 way 442422 unclassified
Calle 119 way 442423 tertiary
Calle 119 way 442424 tertiary
Calle 119 way 442425 tertiary
Calle 12 way 442426 residential
Calle 126 way 442436 tertiary
Calle 126 way 442437 tertiary
Calle 13 way 442442 tertiary
Calle 14 way 442449 residential
Calle 145 way 442457 unclassified
Calle 146 way 442458 tertiary
Calle 146 way 442459 tertiary
Calle 146 way 442460 tertiary
Calle 15 way 442466 residential
Calle 1 way 442511 residential
Calle 2 way 442512 residential
Calle 3 way 442542 residential
Calle 39 way 442598 tertiary
Calle 39 way 442599 tertiary
Calle 39 way 442600 unclassified
Calle 39 way 442601 unclassified
Calle 39 way 442602 unclassified
Calle 4 way 442603 residential
Calle 40 way 442605 unclassified
Calle 40 way 442606 unclassified
Calle 40 way 442607 unclassified
Calle 40 way 442608 unclassified
Calle 40 way 442609 unclassified
Calle 40 way 442610 unclassified
Calle 41 way 442611 tertiary
Calle 41 way 442612 tertiary
Calle 41 way 442613 tertiary
Calle 41 way 442614 tertiary
Calle 41 way 442615 tertiary
Calle 42 way 442617 unclassified
Calle 42 way 442618 unclassified
Calle 42 way 442619 unclassified
Calle 42 way 442620 unclassified
Calle 42 way 442621 unclassified
Calle 43 way 442622 unclassified
Calle 43 way 442623 unclassified
Calle 43 way 442624 unclassified
Calle 43 way 442625 unclassified
Calle 43 way 442626 unclassified
Calle 43 way 442627 unclassified
Calle 44 way 442628 unclassified
Calle 44 way 442629 unclassified
Calle 44 way 442630 unclassified
Calle 44 way 442631 unclassified
Calle 44 way 442632 unclassified
Calle 45 way 442633 unclassified
Calle 45 way 442634 unclassified
Calle 45 way 442635 unclassified
Calle 45 way 442636 unclassified
Calle 45 way 442637 unclassified
Calle 46 way 442638 unclassified
Calle 46 way 442639 unclassified
Calle 46 way 442640 unclassified
Calle 46 way 442641 unclassified
Calle 46 way 442642 unclassified
Calle 46 way 442643 unclassified
Calle 47 way 442644 tertiary
Calle 47 way 442645 tertiary
Calle 47 way 442646 tertiary
Calle 47 way 442647 tertiary
Calle 47 way 442648 tertiary
Calle 48 way 442650 unclassified
Calle 48 way 442651 unclassified
Calle 48 way 442652 unclassified
Calle 48 way 442654 unclassified
Calle 48 way 442655 unclassified
Calle 49 way 442656 unclassified
Calle 49 way 442657 unclassified
Calle 49 way 442658 unclassified
Calle 49 way 442660 unclassified
Calle 49 way 442661 unclassified
Calle 5 way 442662 residential
Calle 50 way 442664 unclassified
Calle 50 way 442665 unclassified
Calle 50 way 442666 unclassified
Calle 50 way 442668 unclassified
Calle 50 way 442669 unclassified
Calle 51 way 442670 unclassified
Calle 51 way 442671 unclassified
Calle 51 way 442673 unclassified
Calle 51 way 442675 unclassified
Calle 52 way 442676 unclassified
Calle 52 way 442679 unclassified
Calle 52 way 442680 unclassified
Calle 52 way 442681 unclassified
Calle 53 way 442682 tertiary
Calle 53 way 442683 tertiary
Calle 53 way 442684 tertiary
Calle 53 way 442686 tertiary
Calle 53 way 442687 tertiary
Calle 53 way 442688 tertiary
Calle 53 way 442689 tertiary
Calle 54 way 442691 unclassified
Calle 54 way 442692 unclassified
Calle 54 way 442693 unclassified
Calle 54 way 442695 unclassified
Calle 55 way 442696 unclassified
Calle 55 way 442697 unclassified
Calle 55 way 442698 unclassified
Calle 55 way 442699 unclassified
Calle 56 way 442701 unclassified
Calle 56 way 442702 unclassified
Calle 56 way 442703 unclassified
Calle 57 way 442704 unclassified
Calle 57 way 442705 unclassified
Calle 58 way 442706 unclassified
Calle 58 way 442707 unclassified
Calle 59 way 442709 tertiary
Calle 59 way 442710 tertiary
Calle 59 way 442711 tertiary
Calle 6 way 442713 tertiary
Calle 60 way 442716 unclassified
Calle 60 way 442717 unclassified
Calle 61 way 442718 unclassified
Calle 61 way 442719 unclassified
Calle 62 way 442720 unclassified
Calle 63 way 442722 unclassified
Calle 64 way 442725 unclassified
Calle 64 way 442726 unclassified
Calle 65 way 442727 tertiary
Calle 65 way 442728 tertiary
Calle 66 way 442729 unclassified
Calle 66 way 442730 unclassified
Calle 67 way 442731 unclassified
Calle 67 way 442732 unclassified
Calle 68 way 442733 unclassified
Calle 68 way 442734 unclassified
Calle 69 way 442735 unclassified
Calle 69 way 442736 unclassified
Calle 7 way 442739 residential
Calle 70 way 442740 unclassified
Calle 70 way 442741 unclassified
Calle 70 way 442742 unclassified
Calle 71 way 442743 unclassified
Calle 71 way 442744 tertiary
Calle 71 way 442745 tertiary
Calle 72 way 442746 unclassified
Calle 73 way 442747 unclassified
Calle 74 way 442748 unclassified
Calle 75 way 442749 unclassified
Calle 76 way 442751 unclassified
Calle 77 way 442752 tertiary
Calle 77 way 442753 unclassified
Calle 78 way 442754 unclassified
Calle 79 way 442755 unclassified
Calle 8 way 442756 residential
Calle 80 way 442758 unclassified
Calle 81 way 442759 unclassified
Calle 82 way 442761 unclassified
Calle 9 way 442765 residential
Calle Alerces way 442775 residential
Calle Alhelíes way 442776 residential
Calle Amapolas way 442777 residential
Calle Azucenas way 442781 residential
Calle Bisonte way 442783 residential
Calle Buques way 442786 residential
Calle Cabras way 442789 residential
Calle Caléndula way 442791 residential
Calle Campenillas way 442792 residential
Calle Cerro de Abejas way 442800 residential
Calle Roque Santisidro way 442805 unclassified
Calle Roque Santisidro way 442806 unclassified
Calle Roque Santisidro way 442807 unclassified
Calle Roque Santisidro way 442808 unclassified
Calle Claveles way 442809 residential
Calle Cuadrados way 442810 unclassified
Calle Elefantes way 442817 residential
Calle Gladiolas way 442834 residential
Calle Hortensias way 442851 residential
Calle Jacintos way 442860 residential
Calle Atlante Sineterisset way 442867 unclassified
Calle Atlante Sineterisset way 442868 unclassified
Calle Atlante Sineterisset way 442869 unclassified
Calle Atlante Sineterisset way 442870 unclassified
Calle Largartos way 442871 residential
Calle Lirios way 442875 residential
Calle Magnolias way 442881 residential
Calle Malvones way 442884 residential
Calle Francisco Parker Santangelo way 442890 unclassified
Calle Isolde Pio way 442893 unclassified
Calle Isolde Pio way 442894 unclassified
Calle Cristóbal Prévost way 442895 unclassified
Calle Amadeo Prezinski way 442896 unclassified
Calle Tetrarca Puig way 442897 tertiary
Calle Tetrarca Puig way 442898 tertiary
Calle Tetrarca Puig way 442899 tertiary
Calle Tetrarca Puig way 442900 tertiary
Calle Alonso Quack way 442903 unclassified
Calle Alonso Quack way 442904 unclassified
Calle Dido Quintana Song way 442905 unclassified
Calle Dido Quintana Song way 442906 unclassified
Calle Dido Quintana Song way 442907 unclassified
Calle Gregorio Redcrosse way 442908 unclassified
Calle Gregorio Redcrosse way 442909 unclassified
Calle Gregorio Redcrosse way 442910 unclassified
Calle Naranjo way 442911 residential
Calle Narcisos way 442912 residential
Calle Gervasio Rodríguez Memmegehha way 442914 unclassified
Calle Gervasio Rodríguez Memmegehha way 442915 unclassified
Calle Gervasio Rodríguez Memmegehha way 442916 unclassified
Calle Gervasio Rodríguez Memmegehha way 442917 unclassified
Calle Petronio Robilyle way 442918 unclassified
Calle Petronio Robilyle way 442919 unclassified
Calle Petronio Robilyle way 442920 unclassified
Calle Ésteban Rossa way 442924 unclassified
Calle Ésteban Rossa way 442925 unclassified
Calle Ésteban Rossa way 442926 unclassified
Calle Ésteban Rossa way 442927 unclassified
Calle Rocío Sainz Thorvald way 442930 unclassified
Calle Rocío Sainz Thorvald way 442931 unclassified
Calle Rocío Sainz Thorvald way 442932 unclassified
Calle Rocío Sainz Thorvald way 442933 unclassified
Calle Amelia Salisbury Hooke way 442934 unclassified
Calle Amelia Salisbury Hooke way 442935 unclassified
Calle Amelia Salisbury Hooke way 442936 unclassified
Calle Amelia Salisbury Hooke way 442937 unclassified
Calle Alfonso Schumann way 442942 unclassified
Calle Alfonso Schumann way 442943 unclassified
Calle Alfonso Schumann way 442944 unclassified
Calle Alfonso Schumann way 442945 unclassified
Calle Vladimir Smith way 442947 unclassified
Calle Vladimir Smith way 442948 unclassified
Calle Vladimir Smith way 442949 unclassified
Calle Vladimir Smith way 442950 unclassified
Calle Pensamientos way 442951 residential
Calle Pinares way 442952 residential
Calle Cosmo Stiglich way 442957 residential
Calle Cosmo Stiglich way 442958 tertiary
Calle Cosmo Stiglich way 442959 tertiary
Calle Cosmo Stiglich way 442960 tertiary
Calle Cosmo Stiglich way 442961 tertiary
Calle Marco Talbott way 442965 residential
Calle Pungazán way 442966 tertiary
Calle María Tarrant way 442970 unclassified
Calle Quetzal way 442972 tertiary
Calle Demetrio Urbonas way 442974 unclassified
Calle Demetrio Urbonas way 442975 unclassified
Calle Demócrito Urizabal way 442983 unclassified
Calle Géronimo Van Ess way 442988 unclassified
Calle Géronimo Van Ess way 442989 unclassified
Calle Géronimo Van Ess way 442990 unclassified
Calle Policarpo Van Kill way 442991 unclassified
Calle Policarpo Van Kill way 442993 unclassified
Calle Ruiseñor way 442994 residential
Calle Arnoldo Van Zandt way 442996 unclassified
Calle Arnoldo Van Zandt way 442997 unclassified
Calle Verónica Vieulle way 443000 unclassified
Calle Verónica Vieulle way 443002 unclassified
Calle Perseo Washburn way 443004 unclassified
Calle Perseo Washburn way 443006 tertiary
Calle Samara Washington Kim way 443007 unclassified
Calle Emilia Waterford Grandín way 443010 unclassified
Calle Emilia Waterford Grandín way 443011 unclassified
Calle Emilia Waterford Grandín way 443012 unclassified
Calle Emilia Waterford Grandín way 443013 unclassified
Calle Ambrosio Anil Yi way 443015 unclassified
Calle Ambrosio Anil Yi way 443016 unclassified
Calle Ambrosio Anil Yi way 443017 unclassified
Calle Ambrosio Anil Yi way 443018 unclassified
Calle Calisto Zimmermann way 443019 unclassified
Calle Calisto Zimmermann way 443020 unclassified
Calle Calisto Zimmermann way 443021 unclassified
Calle Calisto Zimmermann way 443022 unclassified
Calle Hipólito Zumalacárragui way 443023 unclassified
Calle Hipólito Zumalacárragui way 443024 unclassified
Calle Bernal Zúñiga way 443025 unclassified
Calle Bernal Zúñiga way 443026 unclassified
Calle Antarephia way 443027 unclassified
Calle Antarephia way 443028 unclassified
Calle Archanta way 443031 unclassified
Calle Archanta way 443032 unclassified
Calle Constance-Reid way 443034 unclassified
Calle Byórn way 443035 unclassified
Calle Byórn way 443036 unclassified
Calle Dagelanden way 443037 unclassified
Calle Ergolanyum way 443039 unclassified
Calle Ergolanyum way 443040 unclassified
Calle Ergolanyum way 443041 unclassified
Calle Fanshawe way 443043 unclassified
Calle Fanshawe way 443044 unclassified
Calle Fanshawe way 443045 unclassified
Calle Askendom way 443046 unclassified
Calle Askendom way 443047 unclassified
Calle Derindonderak way 443048 tertiary
Calle Derindonderak way 443049 unclassified
Calle Galicia way 443051 unclassified
Calle Galicia way 443052 unclassified
Calle Guyenne way 443053 unclassified
Calle Tulipanes way 443059 residential
Calle Violetas way 443072 residential
Calle Roantra way 443083 unclassified
Calle del Desolado way 443136 residential
Carretera Río Hierro way 443180 motorway
Carretera Río Hierro way 443181 motorway
Carretera Río Hierro way 443182 motorway
Carretera Río Hierro way 443183 motorway
Diagaonal Viajeros DF 111 secondary
Diagaonal Viajeros DF 111 secondary
Diagonal Agricultura way 443198 tertiary
Diagonal Educación way 443199 tertiary
Diagonal Educación way 443200 tertiary
Diagonal Grandes Lagos way 443201 secondary
Diagonal Industria way 443202 tertiary
Diagonal Industria way 443203 tertiary
Diagonal Ivo Baek way 443204 unclassified
Pasaje Plaza Línea Dorada way 443343 unclassified
Pasaje Roque Toyoda way 443345 unclassified
Paseo Mateo Batlle way 443349 tertiary
Paseo Mateo Batlle way 443350 tertiary
Plaza Línea Dorada way 443354 pedestrian
Plaza Paracaídas way 443355 pedestrian
Plaza Poetas Normales way 443356 pedestrian
Plaza Roque Toyoda way 443357 pedestrian
Plaza de la Frontera (Lado del Centro) way 443360 pedestrian
Calle Jack Woss way 443391 unclassified
Calle Jack Woss way 443392 unclassified
Calle Jack Woss way 443393 unclassified
Calle Jack Woss way 443394 unclassified
way 443708 motorway
Calle 185 way 453533 unclassified
Calle 187 way 453539 unclassified
Calle 188 way 453541 unclassified
Calle 189 way 453543 unclassified
Calle 191 way 453544 unclassified
Calle 192 way 453545 unclassified
Calle 193 way 453546 unclassified
Calle 195 way 453547 unclassified
Calle 196 way 453548 unclassified
Calle 197 way 453549 unclassified
Calle 197 way 453550 tertiary
Calle 199 way 453552 unclassified
Calle 200 way 453553 tertiary
Calle 201 way 453554 unclassified
Calle 203 way 453556 unclassified
Calle 205 way 453558 unclassified
Calle 215 way 453564 unclassified
Calle 226 way 453565 unclassified
Calle 226 way 453566 tertiary
Calle Humanidades way 453623 residential
Diagonal el Fangal way 453655 tertiary
Avenida 37 way 455005 residential
Avenida 41 way 455007 residential
Avenida 44 way 455008 residential
Avenida 47 way 455009 residential
Avenida 48 way 455010 residential
Avenida 49 way 455011 residential
Avenida 54 way 455012 residential
Avenida 55 way 455013 residential
Avenida 58 way 455014 residential
Avenida 59 way 455015 residential
Avenida 60 way 455016 residential
Avenida 61 way 455017 residential
Avenida 62 way 455018 residential
Avenida Telégrafo way 455019 residential
Calle 1 way 455025 tertiary
Calle 1 way 455026 residential
Calle 10 way 455027 unclassified
Calle 11 way 455028 unclassified
Calle 12 way 455029 unclassified
Calle 14 way 455030 unclassified
Calle 15 way 455031 unclassified
Calle 2 way 455053 residential
Calle 2 way 455054 residential
Calle 202 way 455057 unclassified
Calle 3 way 455062 residential
Calle 4 way 455063 residential
Calle 5 way 455064 residential
Calle 8 way 455065 unclassified
Calle 9 way 455066 unclassified
Calle Alerces way 455067 residential
Calle Fernando de Puy way 455071 residential
Calle Fernando de Puy way 455072 residential
Calle Luciano Doon d'Orange way 455073 tertiary
Calle Luciano Doon d'Orange way 455074 residential
Calle Orlando Duquederrosas way 455075 residential
Calle Edén way 455078 residential
Calle Esmeralda Ezquiaga way 455079 residential
Calle Genoveva Fitzpatrick way 455080 residential
Calle Filadelfia way 455082 residential
Calle Florencio Flood way 455083 residential
Calle Fundación way 455084 residential
Calle Fundación way 455085 residential
Calle Fundación way 455086 residential
Calle Fundación way 455087 residential
Calle Fundación way 455088 residential
Calle Estafanía Fokker de Garriz way 455090 residential
Calle Grillos way 455091 residential
Calle Grillos way 455092 residential
Calle Grillos way 455093 residential
Calle Grillos way 455094 residential
Calle Grillos way 455095 residential
Calle Grillos way 455096 residential
Calle Grillos way 455097 residential
Calle Grillos way 455098 residential
Calle Grillos way 455099 residential
Calle Grillos way 455100 residential
Calle Irene Fonseca y Böhm way 455101 residential
Calle Tito Foruria Pelletier way 455102 residential
Calle Huertas way 455104 residential
Calle Huertas way 455105 residential
Calle Huertas way 455106 residential
Calle Huertas way 455107 residential
Calle Huertas way 455108 residential
Calle Huertas way 455109 residential
Calle Huertas way 455110 residential
Calle Huertas way 455111 residential
Calle Huertas way 455112 residential
Calle Platón Horowitz way 455113 residential
Calle Ibis way 455114 residential
Calle Ibis way 455115 residential
Calle Ibis way 455116 residential
Calle Ibis way 455117 residential
Calle Ibis way 455118 residential
Calle Aulo Jauregi way 455120 residential
Calle Oceano way 455128 tertiary
Calle Oceano way 455129 tertiary
Calle Pungazán way 455134 tertiary
Calle Pungazán way 455135 tertiary
Avenida 105 way 459390 unclassified
Avenida 106 way 459391 unclassified
Avenida 106 way 459392 unclassified
Avenida 107 way 459393 unclassified
Avenida 107 way 459394 unclassified
Avenida 107 way 459395 unclassified
Avenida 108 way 459396 unclassified
Avenida 108 way 459397 unclassified
Avenida 109 way 459398 unclassified
Avenida 110 way 459399 unclassified
Avenida 110 way 459400 unclassified
Avenida 111 way 459401 tertiary
Avenida 111 way 459402 tertiary
Avenida 112 way 459404 unclassified
Avenida 112 way 459405 unclassified
Avenida 113 way 459406 unclassified
Avenida 114 way 459407 unclassified
Avenida 115 way 459408 unclassified
Avenida 117 way 459409 residential
Avenida 119 way 459410 residential
Avenida 119 way 459411 residential
Avenida 120 way 459412 residential
Avenida 120 way 459413 residential
Avenida 121 way 459414 residential
Avenida 121 way 459415 residential
Avenida 122 way 459416 residential
Avenida 122 way 459417 residential
Avenida 122 way 459418 residential
Avenida 122 way 459419 residential
Avenida 122 way 459420 residential
Avenida 123 way 459421 residential
Avenida 123 way 459422 residential
Avenida 123 way 459423 residential
Avenida 123 way 459424 residential
Avenida 124 way 459425 tertiary
Avenida 124 way 459426 tertiary
Avenida 124 way 459427 tertiary
Avenida 124 way 459428 tertiary
Avenida 124 way 459429 unclassified
Avenida 125 way 459431 residential
Avenida 125 way 459432 residential
Avenida 134 way 459433 unclassified
Avenida 138 way 459435 unclassified
Avenida 140 way 459436 unclassified
Avenida 50 way 459439 unclassified
Avenida 90 way 459447 unclassified
Avenida 92 way 459450 tertiary
Avenida 92 way 459451 tertiary
Avenida 92 way 459452 tertiary
Avenida 92 way 459453 tertiary
Avenida 92 way 459454 tertiary
Avenida 92 way 459455 tertiary
Avenida 92 way 459456 tertiary
Avenida 92 way 459457 tertiary
Avenida 94 way 459458 unclassified
Avenida 95 way 459459 unclassified
Avenida 98 way 459460 tertiary
Avenida 98 way 459461 unclassified
Avenida 99 way 459462 unclassified
Calle Californio Côté way 459588 tertiary
Avenida Policarpo van Kill way 459589 tertiary
Avenida Sozzini way 459616 tertiary
Bosque Oriental (Calle 122) way 459648 tertiary
Calle 101 way 459675 unclassified
Calle 104 way 459676 unclassified
Calle 105 way 459679 residential
Calle 105 way 459680 unclassified
Calle 105 way 459681 residential
Calle 105 way 459682 residential
Calle 106 way 459683 residential
Calle 106 way 459684 residential
Calle 107 way 459685 residential
Calle 110 way 459689 residential
Calle 110 way 459690 residential
Calle 111 way 459693 unclassified
Calle 116 way 459694 unclassified
Calle 134 way 459706 tertiary
Calle 134 way 459707 tertiary
Calle 236 way 459755 tertiary
Calle 236 way 459756 tertiary
Calle 85 way 459880 unclassified
Calle 85 way 459882 tertiary
Calle 96 way 459914 tertiary
Calle 96 way 459915 unclassified
Calle 98 way 459916 unclassified
Calle Mario Climoy way 459936 tertiary
Calle Mario Climoy way 459937 unclassified
Calle Apolonio Condedetorres way 459944 unclassified
Calle Especial way 459954 tertiary
Calle Atlante Sineterisset way 459976 unclassified
Calle Llegadas way 459978 unclassified
Calle Cristóbal Prévost way 459982 unclassified
Calle Dido Quintana Song way 459986 unclassified
Calle Gregorio Redcrosse way 459987 unclassified
Calle Nietzsche way 459989 unclassified
Calle Gervasio Rodríguez Memmegehha way 459990 unclassified
Calle Gervasio Rodríguez Memmegehha way 459991 unclassified
Calle Gervasio Rodríguez Memmegehha way 459992 unclassified
Calle Petronio Robilyle way 459993 unclassified
Calle Ésteban Rossa way 459994 unclassified
Calle Rocío Sainz Thorvald way 459995 unclassified
Calle Amelia Salisbury Hooke way 459996 unclassified
Calle Amelia Salisbury Hooke way 459997 unclassified
Calle Vladimir Smith way 459999 unclassified
Calle Cosmo Stiglich way 460002 tertiary
Calle Marco Talbott way 460004 unclassified
Calle María Tarrant way 460005 unclassified
Calle Daniel Toskek way 460006 unclassified
Calle Daniel Toskek way 460007 unclassified
Calle Armando Towne way 460008 unclassified
Calle Esmeralda Tsevet way 460009 unclassified
Calle Demetrio Urbonas way 460010 unclassified
Calle Demócrito Urizabal way 460011 unclassified
Calle Demócrito Urizabal way 460012 unclassified
Calle Géronimo Van Ess way 460013 unclassified
Calle Géronimo Van Ess way 460014 unclassified
Calle Policarpo Van Kill way 460015 unclassified
Calle Policarpo Van Kill way 460016 unclassified
Calle Arnoldo Van Zandt way 460017 unclassified
Calle Perseo Washburn way 460018 residential
Calle Perseo Washburn way 460019 tertiary
Calle Samara Washington Kim way 460020 tertiary
Calle Samara Washington Kim way 460021 tertiary
Calle Samara Washington Kim way 460022 tertiary
Calle Ambrosio Anil Yi way 460024 residential
Calle Ambrosio Anil Yi way 460025 residential
Calle Calisto Zimmermann way 460026 residential
Calle Calisto Zimmermann way 460027 residential
Calle Hipólito Zumalacárragui way 460028 residential
Calle Bernal Zúñiga way 460029 residential
Calle Bernal Zúñiga way 460030 residential
Calle Bernal Zúñiga way 460031 residential
Calle Antarephia way 460032 residential
Calle Antarephia way 460033 residential
Calle Schopenhauer way 460034 unclassified
Calle Ergolanyum way 460036 residential
Calle Ergolanyum way 460037 residential
Calle Askendom way 460038 residential
Calle Askendom way 460039 residential
Calle Askendom way 460040 residential
Calle Gobrassanya way 460041 unclassified
Calle Inara way 460042 tertiary
Calle Telégrafo way 460043 unclassified
Calle Telégrafo way 460044 unclassified
Calle Telégrafo way 460045 unclassified
Callejón Ambrosio Anil Yi way 460060 unclassified
Callejón Arbustos way 460061 unclassified
Callejón Cambio way 460062 unclassified
Callejón Delegación way 460063 unclassified
Carretera Pistolas way 460078 motorway
Carretera Pistolas way 460079 motorway
Carretera Pistolas way 460080 motorway
Carretera Pistolas way 460081 motorway
Carretera Pistolas way 460082 motorway
Carretera Pistolas way 460083 motorway
Carretera Pistolas way 460084 motorway
Carretera Pistolas way 460085 motorway
Carretera Pistolas way 460086 motorway
Carretera Pistolas way 460087 motorway
Carretera Pistolas way 460088 motorway
Carretera Pistolas Sv Dir Este way 460090 residential
Carretera Pistolas Sv Dir Oeste way 460091 residential
Diagonal Costa de Dragones way 460094 tertiary
Diagonal Costa de Dragones way 460095 tertiary
Diagonal Costa de Dragones way 460096 tertiary
Diagonal Costa de Dragones way 460097 tertiary
Diagonal Industria way 460098 tertiary
Diagonal Industria way 460099 tertiary
Diagonal Industria way 460100 tertiary
Diagonal Industria way 460101 tertiary
Diagonal Poetas way 460103 tertiary
Diagonal Poetas way 460104 tertiary
Diagonal Poetas way 460105 tertiary
Diagonal Poetas way 460106 tertiary
Diagonal del Bosque way 460107 tertiary
Diagonal del Bosque way 460108 tertiary
Glorieta Costa de Dragones way 460119 tertiary
Paseo Coloquios way 460169 unclassified
Paseo Coloquios way 460170 unclassified
Paseo Coloquios way 460171 unclassified
Paseo de la Ribera way 460188 tertiary
Plaza Coloquios way 460189 pedestrian
Calle Jack Woss way 460209 residential
Calle Jack Woss way 460210 residential
Avenida 39 way 461205 tertiary
Avenida Atlándida way 461206 tertiary
Calle 199 way 461210 unclassified
Diagonal Costa de Dragones way 461233 tertiary
Diagonal Costa de Dragones way 461234 tertiary
Diagonal Costa de Dragones way 461235 tertiary
Diagonal Costa de Dragones way 461236 tertiary
Diagonal Costa de Dragones way 461237 tertiary
Glorieta Metasecoyas way 461238 tertiary
Paseo Metasecoyas way 461242 tertiary
Paseo Metasecoyas way 461243 tertiary
Paseo Metasecoyas way 461244 tertiary
Paseo Metasecoyas way 461245 tertiary
Avenida 29 way 462971 unclassified
Avenida 30 way 462972 unclassified
Avenida 31 way 462973 unclassified
Calle 200 way 463003 unclassified
Calle 200 way 463004 unclassified
Calle 207 way 463005 residential
Calle 208 way 463006 unclassified
Calle 209 way 463007 unclassified
Calle 210 way 463008 unclassified
Calle 94 way 463009 unclassified
Calle 94 way 463010 unclassified
Calle Blanco Christensen way 463011 unclassified
Calle Norberto Clavel way 463012 unclassified
Calle Sonia Dolletessy way 463013 unclassified
Calle Luciano Doon d'Orange way 463014 unclassified
Calle Luciano Doon d'Orange way 463015 unclassified
Calle Orlando Duquederrosas way 463016 residential
Callejón 198 way 463017 unclassified
Callejón 199 way 463018 unclassified
Callejón 199 way 463019 unclassified
Callejón 200 way 463020 unclassified
Caminata del Museo way 463021 pedestrian
Diagonal Grandes Lagos way 463026 tertiary
Diagonal Riqueza way 463027 tertiary
Diagonal Riqueza way 463028 tertiary
Diagonal Riqueza way 463029 tertiary
Diagonal Riqueza way 463030 tertiary
Paseo Corazón del Bosque way 463059 unclassified
Paseo Corazón del Bosque way 463060 unclassified
Avenida 33 way 464662 unclassified
Avenida 35 way 464664 unclassified
Avenida 37 way 464666 unclassified
Avenida 38 way 464667 unclassified
Calle 215 way 464732 unclassified
Calle 216 way 464733 unclassified
Calle 217 way 464734 unclassified
Calle 220 way 464736 residential
Calle 221 way 464737 residential
Calle 222 way 464738 unclassified
Calle 223 way 464739 unclassified
Calle 225 way 464740 unclassified
Calle 226 way 464741 unclassified
Calle 227 way 464742 unclassified
Calle 229 way 464744 unclassified
Calle 231 way 464746 unclassified
Calle 232 way 464747 unclassified
Calle 233 way 464748 unclassified
Callejón 214 way 464772 unclassified
Callejón 216 way 464774 unclassified
Callejón 217 way 464775 unclassified
Callejón 219 way 464777 unclassified
Callejón 220 way 464778 unclassified
Paseo Cerro del Pino way 464807 tertiary
Paseo Rigorberto Jenssen way 464808 tertiary
Paseo Rigorberto Jenssen way 464809 tertiary
Paseo Rigorberto Jenssen way 464810 tertiary
Avenida 32 way 465975 unclassified
Avenida 34 way 465976 unclassified
Avenida Diego de Gillidette way 465977 tertiary
Calle 228 way 465993 unclassified
Calle Californio Côté way 466006 unclassified
Calle Velorio Daralbeid way 466007 unclassified
Calle Humanidades way 466008 tertiary
Avenida 12 way 473662 residential
Avenida 54 way 473680 unclassified
Avenida 61 way 473682 unclassified
Avenida 63 way 473683 tertiary
Avenida 64 way 473684 tertiary
Avenida 65 way 473685 unclassified
Avenida 66 way 473688 pedestrian
Avenida 66 way 473690 unclassified
Avenida 66 way 473691 unclassified
Avenida 67 way 473694 unclassified
Calle 105 way 473798 unclassified
Calle 105 way 473799 unclassified
Calle 106 way 473800 unclassified
Calle 106 way 473801 unclassified
Calle 110 way 473802 unclassified
Calle 39 way 473939 tertiary
Calle 39 way 473940 tertiary
Calle 43 way 473967 residential
Calle 45 way 473986 residential
Calle 47 way 474003 residential
Calle 48 way 474028 tertiary
Calle 49 way 474040 residential
Calle 61 way 474121 residential
Calle 66 way 474125 unclassified
Calle 96 way 474145 unclassified
Calle 96 way 474146 unclassified
Calle Alhelíes way 474155 pedestrian
Calle Parnaso way 474160 tertiary
Calle Calatrava way 474164 residential
Calle Bisonte way 474168 tertiary
Calle Canela way 474171 tertiary
Calle Elefantes way 474179 residential
Calle Elefantes way 474180 residential
Calle Epifanio Puig y Santana way 474182 unclassified
Calle Eusebio Kang way 474184 unclassified
Calle Fundación way 474190 tertiary
Calle Fundación way 474191 tertiary
Calle Hhenkiwllur way 474196 unclassified
Calle Antonino Gohhomassara way 474197 unclassified
Calle Zacarías Gunn way 474198 unclassified
Calle Faustino Korzeniowski way 474220 unclassified
Calle Inocencio Leñero Tamayo way 474221 unclassified
Calle Matías Leveque way 474230 unclassified
Calle Melchor Lombardi way 474233 unclassified
Calle Jesús Lonsdale Farrar way 474237 unclassified
Calle Teresa Kang-Palacios way 474283 unclassified
Diagonal Omar Vías way 474419 tertiary
Diagonal Omar Vías way 474420 tertiary
Diagonal Omar Vías way 474421 tertiary
Diagonal Omar Vías way 474422 tertiary
Gran Plaza de los Inmigrantes way 474534 pedestrian
Pasaje Lámpara way 474613 residential
Paseo Atenas way 474619 tertiary
Paseo Atenas way 474620 tertiary
Plaza Ataúdes way 474626 pedestrian
Plaza Terminal Este way 474627 pedestrian
Plaza Terminal Oeste way 474628 pedestrian
Vía del Jardín Botánico way 474659 residential
Vía del Jardín Botánico way 474660 residential
Avenida 10 way 481035 unclassified
Avenida 11 way 481036 unclassified
Avenida 12 way 481037 unclassified
Avenida 16 way 481038 unclassified
Avenida 17 way 481039 unclassified
Avenida 18 way 481040 unclassified
Avenida 26 way 481041 tertiary
Avenida 26 way 481042 tertiary
Avenida 33 way 481043 unclassified
Avenida 36 way 481044 unclassified
Avenida 59 way 481045 tertiary
Avenida 62 way 481046 unclassified
Avenida 8 way 481047 unclassified
Avenida 8 way 481048 unclassified
Avenida 9 way 481049 unclassified
Calle 130 way 481054 unclassified
Calle 131 way 481055 unclassified
Calle 132 way 481056 unclassified
Calle 133 way 481057 unclassified
Calle 134 way 481058 unclassified
Calle 135 way 481059 unclassified
Calle 136 way 481060 unclassified
Calle 137 way 481061 unclassified
Calle 213 way 481062 residential
Calle 213 way 481063 unclassified
Calle 215 way 481064 unclassified
Calle 215 way 481065 unclassified
Calle 215 way 481066 unclassified
Calle 216 way 481067 unclassified
Calle 218 way 481068 unclassified
Calle Parnaso way 481076 unclassified
Calle Árbol Mágico way 481077 unclassified
Calle Machete way 481078 unclassified
Calle Calatrava way 481079 unclassified
Calle Tomás Arambel y Domínguez way 481080 unclassified
Calle Jaime Armandolfi way 481081 unclassified
Calle Guillermina Bollar Bang way 481083 unclassified
Calle Constanza Bricolet way 481084 unclassified
Calle Ángeles way 481090 unclassified
Calle Odio way 481092 unclassified
Calle Temor way 481096 unclassified
Callejón 212 way 481100 unclassified
Callejón 214 way 481101 unclassified
Callejón 214 way 481102 unclassified
Callejón 215 way 481103 unclassified
Callejón 215 way 481104 unclassified
Callejón 218 way 481105 unclassified
Callejón 230 way 481106 unclassified
Callejón 231 way 481107 unclassified
Diagonal Alegría way 481110 tertiary
Diagonal Alegría way 481111 secondary
Glorieta Violeta This way 481114 secondary
Paseo Avenida 33 way 481139 unclassified
Paseo Avenida 59 way 481140 tertiary
Paseo Bueno way 481141 unclassified
Paseo Caridad way 481142 unclassified
Paseo Carlos McGillicuddy way 481143 unclassified
Paseo Dudas way 481144 unclassified
Paseo Epifanía way 481145 unclassified
Paseo Parque Khaiwoon way 481146 tertiary
Plaza Los Profesionales way 481149 pedestrian
Vía Confusión way 481161 unclassified
Vía Conocimiento way 481162 unclassified
Vía Entendimiento way 481163 unclassified
Vía Ilusión way 481164 unclassified
Vía Pensamiento way 481165 unclassified
Vía Sentimiento way 481166 unclassified
Vía Sufrimiento way 481167 unclassified
Avenida 20 way 482636 residential
Avenida 21 way 482637 residential
Avenida 22 way 482638 residential
Avenida 23 way 482639 tertiary
Avenida 23 Dir. Oeste way 482640 tertiary
Calle Pascual Báez way 482646 residential
Calle Hipólito Barne y Mina way 482647 residential
Calle Servia Bruschetti way 482648 residential
Calle Casandra Baum Sepúlveda way 482649 residential
Diagonal Independencia way 482650 secondary
Diagonal Independencia way 482651 tertiary
way 482656 motorway
way 482657 motorway
Avenida 13 way 490338 tertiary
Avenida 13 way 490339 tertiary
Avenida 13 way 490340 tertiary
Avenida 13 way 490341 tertiary
Avenida 13 way 490342 tertiary
Avenida 14 way 490343 residential
Avenida 15 way 490344 residential
Avenida 16 way 490345 residential
Avenida 17 way 490346 residential
Avenida 18 way 490347 residential
Avenida 19 way 490348 residential
Avenida 23 way 490350 residential
Avenida 23 way 490351 residential
Avenida 24 way 490352 pedestrian
Avenida 24 way 490353 residential
Avenida 25 way 490354 residential
Avenida 25 way 490355 residential
Avenida 26 way 490356 tertiary
Avenida 26 way 490357 tertiary
Avenida 27 way 490358 residential
Avenida 28 way 490359 residential
Avenida 29 way 490360 tertiary
Avenida 29 way 490361 tertiary
Avenida 29 way 490362 residential
Avenida 30 way 490363 residential
Avenida 31 way 490364 residential
Avenida 32 way 490365 residential
Avenida 33 way 490366 residential
Avenida 34 way 490367 residential
Avenida 35 way 490368 residential
Avenida 36 way 490369 residential
Avenida 40 way 490371 residential
Avenida 40 way 490372 residential
Avenida 72 way 490373 unclassified
Avenida 73 way 490374 unclassified
Avenida Comadreja way 490378 unclassified
Avenida Delegación way 490380 residential
Calle 1 way 490409 residential
Calle 1 con Mitad way 490410 residential
Calle 10 way 490411 residential
Calle 11 way 490412 residential
Calle 12 way 490413 residential
Calle 13 way 490414 tertiary
Calle 13 way 490415 tertiary
Calle 14 way 490416 residential
Calle 15 way 490417 residential
Calle 16 way 490418 residential
Calle 18 way 490419 residential
Calle 2 way 490426 residential
Calle 2 way 490427 residential
Calle 23 way 490428 residential
Calle 24 way 490429 residential
Calle 25 way 490438 residential
Calle 3 way 490439 residential
Calle 4 way 490464 residential
Calle 4 way 490465 tertiary
Calle 4 way 490466 tertiary
Calle 41 way 490468 tertiary
Calle 41 way 490469 tertiary
Calle 42 way 490480 unclassified
Calle 43 way 490481 unclassified
Calle 45 way 490482 unclassified
Calle 46 way 490483 unclassified
Calle 46 way 490484 unclassified
Calle 48 way 490485 unclassified
Calle 49 way 490486 unclassified
Calle 5 way 490487 residential
Calle 5 way 490488 residential
Calle 51 way 490489 unclassified
Calle 52 way 490490 unclassified
Calle 6 way 490491 tertiary
Calle 6 way 490492 tertiary
Calle 6 way 490493 tertiary
Calle 7 way 490494 residential
Calle 7 way 490495 residential
Calle 8 way 490496 residential
Calle 83 way 490497 tertiary
Calle 9 way 490498 residential
Calle Arquíloco Aguirre way 490513 residential
Calle Tomás Arambel y Domínguez way 490514 residential
Calle Camal Asidi way 490518 tertiary
Calle Camal Asidi way 490519 tertiary
Calle Camal Asidi way 490520 residential
Calle Teodoro Bettencourt way 490524 unclassified
Calle Burbujas way 490526 unclassified
Calle Cabras way 490528 residential
Calle Baltasar Chong way 490529 residential
Calle Baltasar Chong way 490530 residential
Calle Baltasar Chong way 490531 residential
Calle Blanco Christensen way 490537 residential
Calle Norberto Clavel way 490538 residential
Calle Mario Climoy way 490541 residential
Calle Cerro RN 1 primary
Calle Cerro RN 1 primary
Calle Cerro RN 1 primary
Calle Cerro RN 1 primary
Calle Cerro RN 1 primary
Calle Cerro RN 1 primary
Calle Apolonio Condedetorres way 490550 residential
Calle Californio Côté way 490551 residential
Calle Velorio Daralbeid way 490553 residential
Calle Carlos de Leuze way 490556 residential
Calle Pedro Comala way 490618 residential
Avenida Puerto Nuevo way 490654 tertiary
Avenida Puerto Nuevo way 490655 tertiary
Avenida Puerto Nuevo way 490656 tertiary
Callejón 40 way 490657 residential
Callejón 41 way 490658 unclassified
Callejón 42 way 490659 unclassified
Callejón 43 way 490660 unclassified
Diagonal Cerezos DF 118 secondary
Diagonal Cerezos DF 118 secondary
Diagonal Cerezos DF 118 secondary
Diagonal Cerezos DF 118 secondary
Diagonal Cerezos DF 118 secondary
Diagonal Cerezos DF 118 secondary
Diagonal Cerezos DF 118 secondary
Diagonal Cerezos DF 118 secondary
Diagonal Cerezos DF 118 secondary
Diagonal Cerezos DF 118 secondary
Diagonal Cerezos DF 118 secondary
Diagonal Cerezos DF 118 secondary
Diagonal Cerezos DF 118 secondary
Diagonal Cerezos DF 118 secondary
Diagonal Cerezos DF 118 secondary
Diagonal Cerezos DF 118 secondary
Diagonal Cerezos DF 118 secondary
Diagonal Cerezos DF 118 secondary
Diagonal Cerezos DF 118 secondary
Diagonal Cerezos DF 118 secondary
Diagonal Cerezos DF 118 secondary
Diagonal Cerezos DF 118 secondary
Diagonal Cerezos DF 118 secondary
Diagonal Cerezos DF 118 secondary
Diagonal Cerezos DF 118 secondary
Diagonal Cerezos DF 118 secondary
Gran Plaza Seis Calles way 490890 pedestrian
Mall Subterráneo Veteranos way 490911 pedestrian
Mall Subterráneo Veteranos way 490912 pedestrian
Paseo Cabello Verde way 491038 residential
Paseo Sacura way 491127 tertiary
Paseo Sacura way 491128 tertiary
Plaza Juana Lizardi DF 118 secondary
Viejo Diagonal Cerezos way 491186 residential
Vía Soldados way 491187 residential
Avenida 39 way 492918 unclassified
Avenida 40 way 492919 residential
Avenida 40 way 492920 unclassified
Avenida 41 way 492921 unclassified
Avenida 42 way 492922 residential
Avenida 43 way 492923 unclassified
Avenida 44 way 492924 unclassified
Avenida 45 way 492925 unclassified
Avenida 46 way 492926 residential
Avenida 47 way 492927 unclassified
Calle 63 way 492974 unclassified
Calle 64 way 492975 unclassified
Calle 64 way 492976 unclassified
Calle 65 way 492977 tertiary
Calle 66 way 492978 unclassified
Calle 67 way 492979 unclassified
Calle 68 way 492980 unclassified
Calle Omar Vías way 492991 tertiary
Calle Omar Vías way 492992 tertiary
Calle Vladimir Doryov way 493007 unclassified
Callejón 62 way 493009 unclassified
Callejón 63 way 493010 residential
Callejón 64 way 493011 unclassified
Callejón 64 way 493012 unclassified
Callejón 66 way 493013 residential
Callejón 67 way 493014 unclassified
Callejón 68 way 493015 unclassified
Avenida 10 way 505570 residential
Avenida 103 way 505572 unclassified
Avenida 104 way 505573 unclassified
Avenida 105 way 505574 tertiary
Avenida 105 way 505575 residential
Avenida 105 way 505577 tertiary
Avenida 106 way 505578 residential
Avenida 106 way 505579 residential
Avenida 106 way 505581 unclassified
Avenida 107 way 505583 unclassified
Avenida 11 way 505585 residential
Avenida 11 way 505586 residential
Avenida 11 way 505587 residential
Avenida 112 way 505588 residential
Avenida 113 way 505589 residential
Avenida 113 way 505590 residential
Avenida 114 way 505591 residential
Avenida 115 way 505592 residential
Avenida 116 way 505593 residential
Avenida 116 way 505594 residential
Avenida 117 way 505595 residential
Avenida 118 way 505596 residential
Avenida 119 Dir. Este way 505597 secondary
Avenida 119 Dir. Este way 505598 secondary
Avenida 119 Dir. Este way 505599 secondary
Avenida 119 Dir. Oeste way 505600 secondary
Avenida 119 Dir. Oeste way 505601 secondary
Avenida 119 Dir. Oeste way 505602 secondary
Avenida 12 way 505603 residential
Avenida 120 way 505604 residential
Avenida 121 way 505605 residential
Avenida 13 way 505608 tertiary
Avenida 135 way 505609 residential
Avenida 136 way 505610 unclassified
Avenida 136 way 505611 residential
Avenida 14 way 505613 residential
Avenida 15 way 505614 residential
Avenida 15 way 505615 residential
Avenida 19 way 505616 unclassified
Avenida 19 way 505617 tertiary
Avenida 35 way 505618 residential
Avenida 45 way 505619 tertiary
Avenida 47 way 505620 unclassified
Avenida 47 way 505621 unclassified
Avenida 49 way 505622 tertiary
Avenida 55 way 505623 residential
Avenida 56 way 505624 residential
Avenida 56 way 505625 unclassified
Avenida 57 way 505626 residential
Avenida 58 way 505628 residential
Avenida 58 way 505629 residential
Avenida 58 way 505630 residential
Avenida 59 way 505631 tertiary
Avenida 59 way 505632 tertiary
Avenida 59 way 505633 residential
Avenida 6 way 505634 residential
Avenida 6 way 505636 tertiary
Avenida 6 way 505637 residential
Avenida 60 way 505638 residential
Avenida 60 way 505639 residential
Avenida 61 way 505640 unclassified
Avenida 61 way 505641 residential
Avenida 62 way 505642 residential
Avenida 63 way 505643 residential
Avenida 63 way 505644 unclassified
Avenida 63 way 505645 unclassified
Avenida 64 way 505646 unclassified
Avenida 65 way 505647 residential
Avenida 66 way 505648 residential
Avenida 67 way 505649 unclassified
Avenida 68 way 505650 unclassified
Avenida 69 way 505651 unclassified
Avenida 70 way 505652 unclassified
Avenida 73 way 505653 unclassified
Avenida 74 way 505654 unclassified
Avenida 8 way 505655 residential
Avenida 9 way 505656 residential
Avenida Andrés vonder Brücke way 505657 tertiary
Avenida Aureliano Sombroek way 505665 unclassified
Avenida Cien Años RN 13 primary
Avenida Cien Años RN 13 primary
Avenida Cien Años RN 13 primary
Avenida Cien Años RN 13 primary
Avenida Cien Años RN 13 primary
Avenida Leopoldo Jaquimiruqui way 505698 residential
Avenida Majalianos way 505699 unclassified
Avenida Mario Atrajasi way 505700 tertiary
Avenida Península way 505708 residential
Avenida Península way 505709 tertiary
Avenida Persiles way 505712 tertiary
Avenida Persiles way 505713 tertiary
Avenida Richard way 505733 tertiary
Avenida del Estado Lado Norte RN 3 primary
Avenida del Estado Lado Sur RN 3 primary
Bosque Occidental (Calle 111) way 505850 tertiary
Bosque Sur (Avenida 29) way 505851 tertiary
Calle 10 way 505927 tertiary
Calle 10 way 505930 tertiary
Calle 11 way 505939 residential
Calle 11 way 505940 residential
Calle 11 way 505943 residential
Calle 117 way 505957 tertiary
Calle 119 way 505958 unclassified
Calle 12 way 505959 residential
Calle 13 way 505972 tertiary
Calle 13 way 505973 tertiary
Calle 14 way 505977 residential
Calle 140 way 505982 unclassified
Calle 15 way 505991 residential
Calle 15 way 505992 residential
Calle 152 way 505995 residential
Calle 153 way 505996 residential
Calle 153 way 505997 residential
Calle 154 way 505998 residential
Calle 154 way 505999 residential
Calle 154 way 506000 residential
Calle 154 way 506001 residential
Calle 155 way 506002 tertiary
Calle 155 way 506003 tertiary
Calle 155 way 506004 secondary
Calle 155 way 506005 tertiary
Calle 155 way 506006 tertiary
Calle 155 way 506007 tertiary
Calle 158 way 506008 residential
Calle 158 way 506009 residential
Calle 159 way 506012 residential
Calle 159 way 506013 residential
Calle 16 way 506018 residential
Calle 160 way 506019 tertiary
Calle 160 way 506020 tertiary
Calle 160 way 506021 residential
Calle 160 way 506022 residential
Calle 160 way 506023 tertiary
Calle 161 way 506024 residential
Calle 161 way 506025 residential
Calle 162 way 506026 residential
Calle 162 way 506027 residential
Calle 162 way 506028 residential
Calle 163 way 506029 residential
Calle 163 way 506030 unclassified
Calle 164 way 506031 residential
Calle 164 way 506032 residential
Calle 165 way 506033 residential
Calle 165 way 506034 unclassified
Calle 166 way 506035 residential
Calle 166 way 506036 residential
Calle 166 way 506037 residential
Calle 167 way 506038 residential
Calle 167 way 506039 residential
Calle 167 way 506040 unclassified
Calle 167 way 506041 residential
Calle 168 way 506042 residential
Calle 168 way 506043 unclassified
Calle 169 way 506044 unclassified
Calle 169 way 506045 residential
Calle 169 way 506046 unclassified
Calle 169 way 506047 residential
Calle 169 way 506048 residential
Calle 170 way 506052 residential
Calle 170 way 506053 unclassified
Calle 170 way 506054 tertiary
Calle 170 way 506055 unclassified
Calle 170 way 506056 tertiary
Calle 170 (CM#29E) way 506057 residential
Calle 172 way 506058 unclassified
Calle 173 way 506059 unclassified
Calle 173 way 506060 tertiary
Calle 173 way 506061 tertiary
Calle 173 way 506062 residential
Calle 173 way 506063 tertiary
Calle 174 way 506064 unclassified
Calle 175 way 506065 unclassified
Calle 176 way 506066 unclassified
Calle 176 (CM#30E) way 506067 tertiary
Calle 176 (CM#30E) way 506068 tertiary
Calle 177 way 506069 unclassified
Calle 178 way 506070 unclassified
Calle 179 way 506071 unclassified
Calle 18 way 506074 residential
Calle 18 way 506075 residential
Calle 180 way 506078 residential
Calle 181 way 506079 unclassified
Calle 33 way 506137 tertiary
Calle 33 way 506140 residential
Calle 46 way 506182 unclassified
Calle 47 way 506183 tertiary
Calle 5 way 506195 residential
Calle 5 way 506196 residential
Calle 59 way 506209 residential
Calle 59 way 506210 tertiary
Calle 60 way 506213 tertiary
Calle 61 way 506214 residential
Calle 61 way 506215 tertiary
Calle 61 way 506216 tertiary
Calle 66 way 506219 residential
Calle 81 way 506228 residential
Calle 82 way 506240 tertiary
Calle 82 way 506241 tertiary
Calle 88 way 506251 unclassified
Calle 89 way 506252 tertiary
Calle 9 way 506253 residential
Calle Abundio Conrad way 506266 residential
Calle Albalonga way 506267 pedestrian
Calle Puerta Río way 506268 residential
Calle Albalonga way 506269 residential
Calle Albalonga way 506271 pedestrian
Calle Albalonga way 506272 pedestrian
Calle Albalonga way 506273 residential
Calle Albor de Gronik way 506278 residential
Calle Albor de Gronik way 506279 residential
Calle Astarte Yrigoyén way 506284 residential
Calle Astarte Yrigoyén way 506285 residential
Calle Astarte Yrigoyén way 506286 residential
Calle Parnaso way 506287 unclassified
Calle Calatrava way 506290 residential
Calle Mapamundi way 506291 residential
Calle Llano en Llamas way 506293 residential
Calle Fernando Abenzoar way 506294 residential
Calle Arquíloco Aguirre way 506295 residential
Calle Arquíloco Aguirre way 506296 residential
Calle Arquíloco Aguirre way 506297 residential
Calle Blablú way 506298 tertiary
Calle Camal Asidi way 506299 unclassified
Calle Camal Asidi way 506300 tertiary
Calle Camal Asidi way 506301 unclassified
Calle Caballeros way 506304 pedestrian
Calle Caballeros way 506305 pedestrian
Calle Campanillas way 506308 pedestrian
Calle Campenillas way 506309 residential
Calle Canalito way 506312 residential
Calle Canalito way 506313 residential
Calle Canalito way 506314 residential
Calle Canalito way 506315 residential
Calle Carretas way 506317 tertiary
Calle Carretas way 506318 tertiary
Calle Castillo way 506320 pedestrian
Calle Claveles way 506327 residential
Calle Claveles way 506328 residential
Calle Cándido Kim way 506334 residential
Calle Cándido Kim way 506335 residential
Calle Diego Álvarez way 506339 residential
Calle Diego Álvarez way 506340 residential
Calle Dragón way 506346 pedestrian
Calle Dionisio Châteauguay way 506350 unclassified
Calle Enero way 506354 unclassified
Calle Escocia way 506358 unclassified
Calle Espada way 506359 pedestrian
Calle Estación way 506363 residential
Calle Genoveva Fitzpatrick way 506364 unclassified
Calle Estrellas way 506365 unclassified
Calle Florencio Flood way 506370 residential
Calle Florencio Flood way 506371 residential
Calle Florencio Flood way 506372 residential
Calle Irene Fonseca y Böhm way 506384 residential
Calle Tito Foruria Pelletier way 506385 residential
Calle Zacarías Gunn way 506387 residential
Calle Higuero way 506388 pedestrian
Calle Hombres Ricos way 506389 pedestrian
Calle Gaia Heguy Parent way 506390 residential
Calle Horacio Hollingsworth way 506391 residential
Calle Horacio Hollingsworth way 506393 residential
Calle Horizonte way 506394 residential
Calle Huertas way 506397 residential
Calle Huertas way 506398 residential
Calle Platón Horowitz way 506399 unclassified
Calle Ibis way 506401 residential
Calle Ideología way 506402 residential
Calle Adolfo Kac way 506418 residential
Calle Adolfo Kac way 506419 unclassified
Calle Amadeo Khan way 506420 unclassified
Calle Maximiliano Korhonen way 506421 unclassified
Calle Polidoro Grijalva way 506423 residential
Calle Faustino Korzeniowski way 506425 unclassified
Calle Inocencio Leñero Tamayo way 506429 tertiary
Calle Matías Leveque way 506430 unclassified
Calle Melchor Lombardi way 506431 unclassified
Calle Jesús Lonsdale Farrar way 506432 unclassified
Calle Danilo Maas Casares way 506433 unclassified
Calle Luciano Jones way 506434 residential
Calle Luciano Jones way 506435 residential
Calle Carlos McGillicuddy way 506438 unclassified
Calle Miguel Monteblanco way 506440 unclassified
Calle Mambrino way 506442 pedestrian
Calle Mambrino way 506443 pedestrian
Calle Mendigos way 506444 pedestrian
Calle Mendigos way 506445 pedestrian
Calle Mercado way 506446 pedestrian
Calle Muralla Norte way 506451 residential
Calle Muralla Oriente way 506452 pedestrian
Calle Muralla Poniente way 506454 pedestrian
Calle Muralla Sur way 506455 pedestrian
Calle Nenúfares way 506459 residential
Calle Nueva Tolusa way 506460 tertiary
Calle Nueva Tolusa way 506461 tertiary
Calle Nueva Tolusa way 506462 tertiary
Calle Nueva Tolusa way 506463 tertiary
Calle Nueva Tolusa way 506464 tertiary
Calle Nueva Tolusa way 506465 tertiary
Calle Ogros way 506469 residential
Calle Omar Vías way 506471 tertiary
Calle Padres way 506476 pedestrian
Calle Pan way 506478 pedestrian
Calle Parque Punta way 506479 residential
Calle Pelicanos way 506480 residential
Calle Pingüinos way 506483 residential
Calle Puerta Luna way 506488 pedestrian
Calle Puerta Sol way 506489 residential
Calle Puerta Sol way 506490 pedestrian
Calle Marco Talbott way 506491 residential
Calle María Tarrant way 506492 unclassified
Calle Quetzal way 506494 tertiary
Calle Quetzal way 506495 tertiary
Calle Quetzal way 506496 tertiary
Calle Quetzal way 506497 tertiary
Calle Demetrio Urbonas way 506498 residential
Calle Demetrio Urbonas way 506499 residential
Calle Demócrito Urizabal way 506500 residential
Calle Géronimo Van Ess way 506501 residential
Calle Policarpo Van Kill way 506503 residential
Calle Ruedas way 506506 tertiary
Calle Ruedas way 506507 tertiary
Calle Arnoldo Van Zandt way 506513 tertiary
Calle Arnoldo Van Zandt way 506514 residential
Calle Verónica Vieulle way 506515 residential
Calle Perseo Washburn way 506518 residential
Calle Perseo Washburn way 506519 residential
Calle Samara Washington Kim way 506520 residential
Calle Samara Washington Kim way 506521 residential
Calle Emilia Waterford Grandín way 506522 residential
Calle Ambrosio Anil Yi way 506523 residential
Calle San Remo way 506524 pedestrian
Calle Sheffield way 506526 residential
Calle Sheffield way 506527 residential
Calle Gobrassanya way 506529 residential
Calle Guyenne way 506530 unclassified
Calle Inara way 506531 residential
Calle Templo way 506534 pedestrian
Calle Teodoro Bettencourt way 506535 residential
Calle Teodoro Bettencourt way 506536 residential
Calle Tulipanes way 506541 residential
Calle Tulipanes way 506542 residential
Calle Valentino Gombrowicz way 506544 residential
Calle Valentino Gombrowicz way 506545 residential
Calle Violetas way 506550 residential
Calle Violetas way 506551 residential
Calle Yates way 506552 residential
Calle Álvaro Erickson way 506561 residential
Calle Álvaro Erickson way 506562 residential
Avenida Puerto Nuevo way 506563 tertiary
Callejón 40 way 506565 unclassified
Callejón 41 way 506566 unclassified
Callejón 88 way 506567 unclassified
Callejón 89 way 506568 unclassified
Carretera Central way 506629 motorway
Carretera Central way 506630 motorway
Carretera Central way 506631 motorway
Carretera Central way 506632 motorway
Carretera Central Acceso Dir Este way 506633 tertiary
Carretera Central Acceso Dir Oeste way 506634 tertiary
Carretera Daniel La Xurre way 506639 motorway
Carretera Daniel La Xurre way 506640 motorway
Carretera Daniel La Xurre way 506641 motorway
Carretera Daniel La Xurre way 506642 motorway
Carretera Daniel La Xurre way 506643 motorway
Carretera Daniel La Xurre way 506644 motorway
Carretera Daniel La Xurre Acceso Dir Norte way 506645 tertiary
Carretera Daniel La Xurre Acceso Dir Sur way 506646 tertiary
Carretera Lagos y Bosques way 506647 motorway
Carretera Lagos y Bosques way 506648 motorway
Carretera Nueva Tolusa way 506649 motorway
Carretera Nueva Tolusa way 506650 motorway
Carretera Nueva Tolusa way 506651 motorway
Carretera Nueva Tolusa way 506652 motorway
Carretera Nueva Tolusa way 506653 motorway
Carretera Nueva Tolusa way 506654 motorway
Carretera Nueva Tolusa way 506655 motorway
Carretera Río de Hojas way 506656 motorway
Carretera Río de Hojas way 506657 motorway
Carretera Río de Hojas way 506658 motorway
Carretera Río de Hojas way 506659 motorway
Carretera Río de Hojas way 506660 motorway
Carretera de la Península way 506661 motorway
Carretera de la Península way 506662 motorway
Carretera de la Península way 506663 motorway
Carretera de la Península way 506664 motorway
Carretera de la Península way 506665 motorway
Carretera de la Península way 506666 motorway
Carretera de la Península way 506667 motorway
Conector way 506689 primary
Conector way 506690 primary
Conector way 506691 primary
Conector way 506692 primary
Conector way 506693 primary
Conector way 506694 primary
Conector way 506695 primary
Conector way 506696 primary
Conector way 506697 primary
Conector way 506698 primary
Conector way 506699 primary
Conector way 506700 primary
Conector way 506701 primary
Conector way 506702 primary
Diagonal 17 de Noviembre way 506707 tertiary
Diagonal 17 de Noviembre way 506708 tertiary
Diagonal 4 de Agosto way 506711 tertiary
Diagonal 4 de Agosto way 506712 tertiary
Diagonal 4 de Agosto way 506714 tertiary
Diagonal Albalonga way 506716 tertiary
Diagonal Amistad way 506717 secondary
Diagonal Amistad way 506718 secondary
Diagonal Amistad way 506719 secondary
Diagonal Amistad way 506720 secondary
Diagonal Amistad way 506721 tertiary
Diagonal Amistad way 506722 secondary
Diagonal Amistad way 506723 secondary
Diagonal Grandes Lagos way 506725 secondary
Diagonal Grandes Lagos way 506726 secondary
Diagonal Grandes Lagos way 506727 secondary
Diagonal Grandes Lagos way 506729 secondary
Diagonal Grandes Lagos way 506730 secondary
Diagonal Grandes Lagos way 506731 secondary
Diagonal Grandes Lagos way 506732 secondary
Diagonal Grandes Lagos way 506733 secondary
Diagonal Grandes Lagos way 506735 secondary
Diagonal Grandes Lagos way 506736 secondary
Diagonal Grandes Lagos way 506737 secondary
Diagonal Grandes Lagos way 506738 secondary
Diagonal Independencia way 506739 tertiary
Diagonal Omar Vías way 506740 tertiary
Diagonal Omar Vías way 506741 tertiary
Diagonal Omar Vías way 506742 secondary
Diagonal Omar Vías way 506743 secondary
Diagonal Omar Vías way 506744 secondary
Diagonal Ríos y Montañas way 506745 secondary
Diagonal Ríos y Montañas DF 112 secondary
Glorieta Amistad way 506822 tertiary
Glorieta Amistad way 506823 secondary
Glorieta Enero way 506824 primary
Glorieta Nacional way 506828 primary
Glorieta Persiles way 506829 tertiary
Glorieta Virgilio Morris way 506832 tertiary
Glorieta de los Aborígenes way 506833 tertiary
Gran Plaza Heptágono Norte way 506838 pedestrian
Heptágono way 506852 secondary
Pasaje Proezas way 507058 residential
Pasaje Doce Hojas way 507071 residential
Paseo Catalino Lewis way 507119 tertiary
Paseo Cerro Azul way 507120 unclassified
Paseo Cerro Tratado way 507121 tertiary
Paseo Cerro Tratado way 507122 tertiary
Paseo Cerro Tratado way 507123 tertiary
Paseo Cerro Tratado way 507124 tertiary
Paseo Cerro Tratado way 507125 tertiary
Paseo Cerro Tratado way 507126 tertiary
Paseo Cerro Tratado way 507127 tertiary
Paseo Cerro Tratado way 507128 tertiary
Paseo Lago Redondo DF 155 secondary
Paseo Parque Arañas way 507147 tertiary
Paseo Parque Arañas way 507148 tertiary
Paseo Sacura way 507150 tertiary
Paseo Sacura way 507151 tertiary
Paseo Sacura way 507152 tertiary
Paseo Sacura way 507153 tertiary
Paseo Virgilio Morris way 507159 tertiary
Paseo Virgilio Morris way 507160 tertiary
Paseo Virgilio Morris way 507161 tertiary
Paseo Virgilio Morris way 507162 tertiary
Paseo Virgilio Morris way 507163 tertiary
Paseo Virgilio Morris way 507164 tertiary
Plaza 17 de Noviembre way 507177 tertiary
Plaza Abelorio Newton way 507178 pedestrian
Plaza Castillo way 507179 pedestrian
Plaza Country Club way 507181 tertiary
Plaza Mercado way 507187 pedestrian
Plaza Pirámide way 507189 pedestrian
Plaza Quetzal way 507190 pedestrian
Plaza San Remo way 507192 pedestrian
Calle Jack Woss way 507248 residential
way 507845 motorway
way 507911 motorway
way 507941 motorway
way 507945 motorway
Avenida 1 way 517604 residential
Avenida del Estado Lado Norte RN 3 primary
Avenida del Estado Lado Norte RN 3 primary
Avenida del Estado Lado Sur RN 3 primary
Avenida del Estado Lado Sur RN 3 primary
Calle 61 way 517657 residential
Calle 62 way 517658 residential
Calle 63 way 517659 residential
Calle 64 way 517660 tertiary
Paseo Che Kim way 517661 tertiary
Calle 66 way 517662 residential
Calle 67 way 517663 tertiary
Calle 68 way 517666 tertiary
Calle 68 way 517668 unclassified
Calle 68 way 517669 tertiary
Calle 74 way 517670 residential
Calle 75 way 517671 residential
Calle 76 way 517672 tertiary
Calle 77 way 517673 residential
Calle 78 way 517674 residential
Calle 78 way 517675 residential
Calle Albalonga way 517676 residential
Calle Albalonga way 517677 residential
Calle Baltasar Chong way 517681 residential
Calle Mapamundi way 517682 residential
Calle Ildefonso Narbáez way 517692 residential
Calle Paredes way 517704 residential
Conector way 517746 tertiary
Conector way 517747 tertiary
Conector way 517748 tertiary
Conector way 517749 tertiary
Diagonal Historia way 517751 tertiary
Paseo Sempronio Cassanova way 517801 tertiary
Paseo Sempronio Cassanova way 517802 tertiary
Paseo Sempronio Cassanova way 517803 tertiary
Paseo Sempronio Cassanova way 517804 tertiary
Calle Pretany way 519574 unclassified
Calle 35 way 521994 tertiary
Calle 36 way 521995 residential
Avenida 17 way 524804 residential
Avenida 18 way 524805 residential
Avenida 27 way 524806 unclassified
Avenida 28 way 524807 unclassified
Avenida 56 way 524808 residential
Avenida 57 way 524809 residential
Calle 123 way 524822 unclassified
Calle 124 way 524823 tertiary
Calle 125 way 524824 unclassified
Calle 2 way 524825 residential
Calle 3 way 524826 residential
Calle 70 way 524827 residential
Calle 71 way 524828 unclassified
Calle Jaime Armandolfi way 524835 residential
Calle Constanza Bricolet way 524836 unclassified
Calle Constanza Bricolet way 524837 unclassified
Calle Dionisio Châteauguay way 524838 unclassified
Calle Zacarías Gunn way 524839 residential
Calle Polidoro Grijalva way 524840 residential
Calle Vásquez way 524843 unclassified
Callejón 122 way 524845 residential
Callejón 123 way 524846 tertiary
Callejón 124 way 524847 residential
Avenida 12 way 532959 residential
Calle 17 way 532964 residential
Calle 24 way 532965 residential
Calle Bernal Zúñiga way 532967 residential
Calle Coronel way 532969 residential
Calle Faustino Korzeniowski way 532970 residential
Calle Inocencio Leñero Tamayo way 532973 residential
Calle Nenúfares way 532974 residential
Calle Onnutu DF 118 secondary
Diagonal Grandes Lagos way 532979 secondary
Avenida 107 way 558542 unclassified
Avenida 108 way 558543 unclassified
Avenida 109 way 558544 unclassified
Avenida 110 way 558545 unclassified
Avenida 111 way 558546 tertiary
Avenida 111 way 558547 tertiary
Avenida 114 way 558548 unclassified
Avenida 118 way 558549 unclassified
Avenida 119 way 558550 tertiary
Avenida 119 way 558551 tertiary
Avenida 126 way 558552 unclassified
Avenida 138 way 558553 tertiary
Avenida 138 way 558554 tertiary
Avenida 139 way 558555 unclassified
Avenida 140 way 558556 unclassified
Avenida 141 way 558557 unclassified
Avenida 142 way 558558 unclassified
Avenida 143 way 558559 unclassified
Avenida 144 way 558560 unclassified
Avenida 144 way 558561 unclassified
Avenida 145 way 558562 unclassified
Avenida 146 way 558563 unclassified
Avenida 146 way 558564 unclassified
Avenida 147 way 558565 tertiary
Avenida 147 way 558566 tertiary
Avenida 147 way 558567 tertiary
Avenida 148 way 558568 unclassified
Avenida 149 way 558569 unclassified
Avenida 150 way 558570 unclassified
Avenida 32 way 558571 residential
Avenida 32 way 558572 residential
Avenida 38 way 558573 residential
Avenida 53 way 558574 unclassified
Avenida 76 way 558575 unclassified
Calle 102 way 558609 tertiary
Calle 104 way 558610 unclassified
Calle 104 way 558611 unclassified
Calle 149 way 558612 tertiary
Calle 149 way 558613 tertiary
Calle 149 way 558614 unclassified
Calle 150 way 558615 unclassified
Calle 150 way 558616 unclassified
Calle 151 way 558617 unclassified
Calle 151 way 558618 unclassified
Calle 151 way 558619 unclassified
Calle 152 way 558620 secondary
Calle 152 way 558621 tertiary
Calle 152 way 558622 secondary
Calle 152 way 558623 tertiary
Calle 152 way 558624 tertiary
Calle 152 way 558625 secondary
Calle 152 way 558626 tertiary
Calle 152 way 558627 secondary
Calle 152 DF 155 secondary
Calle 153 way 558629 unclassified
Calle 153 way 558630 residential
Calle 153 way 558631 residential
Calle 153 way 558632 unclassified
Calle 154 way 558633 unclassified
Calle 154 DF 155 secondary
Calle 154 DF 155 secondary
Calle 154 way 558636 residential
Calle 154 DF 155 secondary
Calle 154 DF 155 secondary
Calle 154 DF 155 secondary
Calle 155 DF 155 secondary
Calle 155 way 558641 secondary
Calle 155 way 558642 secondary
Calle 155 DF 155 secondary
Calle 155 way 558644 secondary
Calle 156 way 558645 unclassified
Calle 157 way 558646 unclassified
Calle 158 way 558647 residential
Calle 159 way 558648 unclassified
Calle 160 way 558649 tertiary
Calle 160 way 558650 tertiary
Calle 161 way 558651 residential
Calle 84 way 558672 residential
Calle 85 way 558674 residential
Calle 88 way 558678 tertiary
Calle 97 way 558681 unclassified
Calle 98 way 558682 unclassified
Calle 98 way 558683 unclassified
Calle Amor Eterno way 558685 residential
Calle Antarephia way 558686 residential
Calle Armando Towne way 558687 residential
Calle Cabo way 558691 unclassified
Calle Cabo way 558692 unclassified
Calle Daniel Toskek way 558697 residential
Calle Demetrio Urbonas way 558698 residential
Calle Demócrito Urizabal way 558699 residential
Calle Dorada way 558700 unclassified
Calle Esmeralda Tsevet way 558703 residential
Calle Estafanía Fokker de Garriz way 558704 unclassified
Calle Fin Ghiuletti way 558705 unclassified
Calle Gaia Heguy Parent way 558706 tertiary
Calle Gedeón Iturrioz way 558707 unclassified
Calle Géronimo Van Ess way 558708 residential
Calle Géronimo Van Ess way 558709 residential
Calle Hilo way 558710 unclassified
Calle Hipólito Zumalacárragui way 558711 residential
Calle Jack Woss way 558713 unclassified
Calle Jack Woss way 558714 residential
Calle Latina way 558717 residential
Calle Lydgate way 558719 unclassified
Calle Mazan way 558721 unclassified
Calle Mazan way 558722 unclassified
Calle Medialuna way 558723 residential
Calle Milenrama way 558725 unclassified
Calle Nucia way 558726 unclassified
Calle Onnutu way 558727 unclassified
Calle Porto Colon way 558731 tertiary
Calle Porto Colon way 558732 tertiary
Calle Pretany way 558733 unclassified
Calle Ravalin way 558734 unclassified
Calle Ravalin way 558735 unclassified
Calle Roantra way 558736 unclassified
Calle Sathria way 558737 unclassified
Calle Säntjana way 558739 unclassified
Calle Säntjana way 558740 unclassified
Calle Säntjana way 558741 unclassified
Calle Yelmo way 558743 unclassified
Calle de Ébano way 558745 unclassified
Diagonal 17 de Noviembre way 558760 tertiary
Diagonal 17 de Noviembre way 558761 tertiary
Diagonal 30 de Abril way 558762 tertiary
Diagonal 30 de Abril way 558763 tertiary
Diagonal 30 de Abril way 558764 tertiary
Diagonal 30 de Abril way 558765 tertiary
Diagonal 30 de Abril way 558766 tertiary
Diagonal 30 de Abril way 558767 tertiary
Diagonal Juventud way 558768 tertiary
Diagonal Juventud DF 155 secondary
Diagonal Juventud DF 155 secondary
Glorieta Redonda DF 155 secondary
Glorieta Redonda way 558817 secondary
Glorieta Redonda way 558818 secondary
Pasaje Albedrío way 558894 unclassified
Paseo Lago Cisnes (Oeste) way 558896 residential
Paseo Lago Cisnes (Oeste) way 558897 residential
Paseo Lago Redondo way 558898 residential
Paseo Ramiro Poulsen way 558903 tertiary
Paseo Ramiro Poulsen way 558904 tertiary
Paseo del Castillito way 558906 pedestrian
Paseo del Reino Escondido way 558907 unclassified
Plaza Ireneo Cárlez Egana way 558910 tertiary
Plaza Ireneo Cárlez Egana way 558911 tertiary
Plaza Ireneo Cárlez Egana way 558912 tertiary
Plaza Ireneo Cárlez Egana way 558913 tertiary
Plaza Ireneo Cárlez Egana way 558914 tertiary
Plaza Ireneo Cárlez Egana way 558915 tertiary
Plaza Ireneo Cárlez Egana way 558916 tertiary
Plaza Ireneo Cárlez Egana way 558917 tertiary
Plaza Ireneo Cárlez Egana way 558918 tertiary
Plaza Ireneo Cárlez Egana way 558919 tertiary
Plaza Ireneo Cárlez Egana way 558920 tertiary
Plaza de la Juventud DF 155 secondary
Plaza de la Juventud way 558923 pedestrian
Plaza de la Juventud DF 155 secondary
Plaza del Castillito way 558926 pedestrian
way 559138 service
Conector way 559154 tertiary
Conector way 559155 tertiary
way 559169 service
Avenida 21 way 562321 unclassified
Avenida 22 way 562322 unclassified
Avenida 24 way 562323 unclassified
Avenida 25 way 562324 unclassified
Avenida 26 way 562325 tertiary
Avenida 26 way 562326 tertiary
Avenida 26 way 562327 tertiary
Avenida 26 way 562328 tertiary
Avenida 27 way 562330 unclassified
Avenida 27 way 562331 pedestrian
Avenida 28 way 562332 residential
Avenida 28 way 562333 unclassified
Avenida 29 way 562334 unclassified
Avenida 46 way 562335 unclassified
Avenida 47 way 562336 unclassified
Avenida Cien Años RN 13 primary
Avenida Cien Años RN 13 primary
Avenida Cien Años RN 13 primary
Avenida Cien Años RN 13 primary
Avenida Cien Años RN 13 primary
Avenida Cien Años RN 13 primary
Calle 109 way 562348 unclassified
Calle 110 way 562349 unclassified
Calle 84 way 562350 unclassified
Calle 85 way 562351 unclassified
Calle 92 way 562352 unclassified
Calle 92 way 562353 tertiary
Calle 93 way 562354 unclassified
Calle 94 way 562355 unclassified
Calle 95 way 562356 unclassified
Calle 97 way 562357 unclassified
Calle 98 way 562359 unclassified
Calle 98 way 562360 unclassified
Calle 98 way 562361 unclassified
Calle 99 way 562362 unclassified
Calle 99 way 562363 unclassified
Calle 99 way 562364 unclassified
Calle Alberta Munárriz way 562365 unclassified
Calle Baltasar Chong way 562366 unclassified
Calle Constanza Bricolet way 562367 unclassified
Calle Dionisio Châteauguay way 562368 unclassified
Calle Dionisio Châteauguay way 562369 unclassified
Calle Estafanía Fokker de Garriz way 562370 unclassified
Calle Florencio Flood way 562371 unclassified
Calle Guillermina Bollar Bang way 562372 unclassified
Calle Hipólita Fee way 562373 unclassified
Calle Humberto Carrera way 562374 unclassified
Calle Lacio Sacerdote Saavedra way 562375 unclassified
Calle Marcia Nakamura way 562376 unclassified
Calle Rosanio Demitriadis way 562377 unclassified
Calle Teodoro Bettencourt way 562378 unclassified
Calle Teodórico Díaz way 562379 unclassified
Calle Zulema Costa Talante way 562380 unclassified
Diagonal Hermandad way 562385 unclassified
Diagonal Hermandad way 562386 tertiary
Diagonal Hermandad way 562387 unclassified
Ovalado del Centenario RN 13 primary
Ovalado del Centenario RN 13 primary
Ovalado del Centenario way 562394 tertiary
Ovalado del Centenario way 562395 tertiary
Paseo Feliciana Sahín way 562402 unclassified
Paseo Ismael Zapata way 562403 unclassified
Paseo Petronio de Klein way 562404 unclassified
Plazita el Loro way 562405 pedestrian
way 562454 pedestrian
way 562457 pedestrian
way 562459 pedestrian
way 562460 pedestrian
way 562461 pedestrian
way 562462 pedestrian
way 562467 pedestrian
Avenida 27 way 563903 residential
Avenida 30 way 563904 unclassified
Avenida 35 way 563905 residential
Avenida 36 way 563906 pedestrian
Avenida 36 way 563907 residential
Avenida 36 way 563908 residential
Avenida 37 way 563909 residential
Avenida 39 way 563910 residential
Avenida 47 way 563911 unclassified
Avenida Cien Años RN 13 primary
Avenida Cien Años RN 13 primary
Avenida Cien Años RN 13 primary
Avenida Cien Años RN 13 primary
Avenida Cien Años RN 13 primary
Avenida Cien Años RN 13 primary
Avenida Cien Años RN 13 primary
Avenida Cien Años RN 13 primary
Avenida Cien Años RN 13 primary
Avenida Cien Años RN 13 primary
Avenida Persiles way 563922 tertiary
Avenida Persiles way 563923 tertiary
Calle 105 way 563927 residential
Calle 106 way 563928 residential
Calle 107 way 563929 residential
Calle 95 way 563930 unclassified
Calle 96 way 563931 unclassified
Calle 97 way 563932 unclassified
Calle 98 way 563933 unclassified
Calle 99 way 563934 unclassified
Calle Constanza Bricolet way 563935 residential
Calle Estafanía Fokker de Garriz way 563936 unclassified
Calle Filadelfia way 563937 unclassified
Calle Florencio Flood way 563938 unclassified
Calle Mario Climoy way 563939 residential
Calle Ojo way 563940 unclassified
Calle Oreja way 563941 unclassified
Círculo Carlos de Leuze way 563942 residential
Círculo Fernando de Puy way 563943 residential
Círculo Luciano Doon d'Orange way 563944 residential
Círculo Sonia Dolletessy way 563945 residential
Pasaje Aviones way 563968 residential
Pasaje Helicópteros way 563970 residential
Plaza Carlos de Leuze way 563972 pedestrian
Plaza Fernando de Puy way 563973 pedestrian
Plaza Filadelfia way 563974 pedestrian
Plaza Luciano Doon d'Orange way 563975 pedestrian
Plaza Sonia Dollatessy way 563976 pedestrian
Avenida 77 way 564746 unclassified
Calle 125 way 564762 unclassified
Callejón 125 way 564773 unclassified
Avenida 124 way 574799 unclassified
Avenida 71 way 574800 unclassified
Avenida 74 way 574801 residential
Avenida 74 way 574802 unclassified
Avenida 75 way 574803 unclassified
Avenida 75 way 574804 residential
Avenida 76 way 574805 unclassified
Avenida 77 way 574806 unclassified
Avenida 77 way 574807 residential
Avenida 78 way 574808 residential
Avenida 80 way 574809 secondary
Avenida 80 way 574810 secondary
Calle 1 way 575181 unclassified
Calle 1 way 575182 residential
Calle 10 way 575183 unclassified
Calle 11 way 575184 unclassified
Calle 12 way 575185 unclassified
Calle 129 way 575186 unclassified
Calle 13 way 575187 tertiary
Calle 13 way 575188 tertiary
Calle 130 way 575189 unclassified
Calle 14 way 575190 unclassified
Calle 15 way 575191 unclassified
Calle 16 way 575192 unclassified
Calle 17 way 575193 unclassified
Calle 2 way 575194 unclassified
Calle 2 way 575195 unclassified
Calle 22 way 575196 unclassified
Calle 22 way 575197 unclassified
Calle 23 way 575198 unclassified
Calle 24 way 575199 unclassified
Calle 24 way 575200 unclassified
Calle 25 way 575201 unclassified
Calle 3 way 575202 unclassified
Calle 30 way 575203 tertiary
Calle 30 way 575204 tertiary
Calle 30 way 575205 tertiary
Calle 30 way 575206 tertiary
Calle 31 way 575207 unclassified
Calle 33 way 575208 unclassified
Calle 4 way 575209 unclassified
Calle 5 way 575210 unclassified
Calle 6 way 575211 tertiary
Calle 6 way 575212 tertiary
Calle 7 way 575213 unclassified
Calle 73 way 575214 unclassified
Calle 74 way 575215 unclassified
Calle 75 way 575216 unclassified
Calle 8 way 575217 unclassified
Calle 9 way 575218 unclassified
Calle Alerces way 575219 unclassified
Calle Alerces way 575220 unclassified
Calle Argentaria way 575221 unclassified
Calle Carlos McGillicuddy way 575222 tertiary
Calle Carlos McGillicuddy way 575223 unclassified
Calle Carlos McGillicuddy way 575224 tertiary
Calle Cerro RN 1 primary
Calle Cerro RN 1 primary
Calle Cerro RN 1 primary
Calle Cerro RN 1 primary
Calle Domingo Murchison way 575231 residential
Calle Miguel Monteblanco way 575232 residential
Calle Miguel Monteblanco way 575233 unclassified
Calle Servicio - Terminal Aérea way 575234 tertiary
Calle Servicio - Terminal Aérea way 575235 tertiary
Calle Servicio - Terminal Aérea way 575236 tertiary
Calle Servicio - Terminal Aérea way 575237 tertiary
Calle Teresa Montero Santanna way 575238 unclassified
Calle Teresa Montero Santanna way 575239 residential
Calle Timeo Moro Guang way 575242 residential
Calle Virgilio Morris way 575243 residential
Callejón 129 way 575247 residential
Callejón 130 way 575248 residential
Callejón 130 way 575249 unclassified
Carretera Mariposas way 575251 motorway
Carretera Mariposas way 575252 motorway
Carretera Mariposas way 575253 motorway
Carretera Mariposas way 575254 motorway
Carretera Mariposas way 575255 motorway
Carretera Mariposas way 575256 motorway
Carretera Mariposas way 575257 motorway
Carretera Mariposas way 575258 motorway
Carretera Mariposas way 575259 motorway
Carretera Mariposas way 575260 motorway
Carretera Mariposas way 575261 motorway
Carretera Mariposas way 575262 motorway
Carretera Río Hierro way 575263 motorway
Carretera Río Hierro way 575264 motorway
Carretera Río Hierro way 575265 motorway
Carretera Río Hierro way 575266 motorway
Carretera Sórabol way 575267 motorway
Carretera Sórabol way 575268 motorway
Carretera Veteranos way 575275 motorway
Carretera Veteranos way 575276 motorway
Carretera de la Península way 575277 motorway
Carretera de la Península way 575278 motorway
Carretera de la Península way 575279 motorway
Carretera de la Península way 575280 motorway
Conector way 575297 tertiary
Conector way 575298 tertiary
Diagonal Hollingsworth way 575324 tertiary
Diagonal Hollingsworth way 575325 tertiary
Diagonal Hollingsworth way 575326 tertiary
Diagonal Hollingsworth way 575327 tertiary
Diagonal Ríos y Montañas way 575328 secondary
Diagonal Ríos y Montañas way 575329 secondary
Diagonal Ríos y Montañas way 575330 secondary
Diagonal Ríos y Montañas way 575331 secondary
Diagonal Vapores way 575332 tertiary
Diagonal Vapores way 575333 tertiary
Diagonal Vapores way 575334 tertiary
Diagonal Vapores way 575335 tertiary
Paseo Cantores way 575407 tertiary
Paseo Cantores way 575408 tertiary
Paseo Donatelo Fagundes way 575410 residential
Vía Mariposas Sur way 575424 unclassified
Vía Mariposas Sur way 575425 unclassified
way 575507 service
way 575508 service
way 575509 service
way 575790 service
way 575945 service
Avenida 108 way 585386 unclassified
Avenida 116 way 585389 residential
Bosque Oriental (Calle 122) way 585394 tertiary
Bosque Oriental (Calle 122) way 585395 tertiary
Calle Armando Towne way 585404 unclassified
Círculo Teórico way 585417 unclassified
way 589448 residential
way 589453 residential
way 589454 residential
way 589455 residential
way 589515 residential
Calle 101 way 589517 residential
way 589518 residential
way 589519 residential
Avenida 93 way 590943 unclassified
Avenida 94 way 590944 unclassified
Avenida 96 way 590945 unclassified
Avenida 96 way 590946 unclassified
Avenida 97 way 590947 unclassified
Avenida Carlomagno Olafsen way 590948 unclassified
Avenida Dantel Jefferson way 590949 unclassified
Avenida Guido Tortellini way 590950 unclassified
Calle 134 way 590954 unclassified
Calle 136 way 590955 unclassified
Calle 136 way 590956 unclassified
Calle 136 way 590957 unclassified
Calle 137 way 590958 unclassified
Calle 138 way 590959 unclassified
Calle 140 way 590960 unclassified
Calle 141 way 590961 unclassified
Calle 142 way 590962 unclassified
Calle Gervasio Rodríguez Memmegehha way 590963 unclassified
Calle Ésteban Rossa way 590964 residential
Callejón 133 way 590965 residential
Callejón 134 way 590966 residential
Callejón 135 way 590967 unclassified
Callejón 135 way 590968 residential
Callejón 135 way 590969 unclassified
Callejón 135 way 590970 unclassified
Callejón 136 way 590971 unclassified
Callejón 137 way 590972 unclassified
Calleón 132 way 590973 residential
Círculo Apofénico way 590974 unclassified
Círculo Geográfico way 590975 unclassified
Círculo Paravel way 590976 unclassified
Círculo Telúrico way 590977 unclassified
Plaza Ochenta-y-Ocho way 590992 pedestrian
Plaza Teórica way 590993 pedestrian
Avenida 10 way 596110 residential
Avenida 101 way 596111 unclassified
Avenida 101 way 596112 tertiary
Avenida 103 way 596113 unclassified
Avenida 104 way 596114 tertiary
Avenida 105 way 596115 tertiary
Avenida 105 way 596116 unclassified
Avenida 106 way 596117 unclassified
Avenida 107 way 596118 unclassified
Avenida 107 way 596119 unclassified
Avenida 108 way 596120 tertiary
Avenida 108 way 596121 tertiary
Avenida 11 way 596122 residential
Avenida 112 way 596123 unclassified
Avenida 13 way 596124 tertiary
Avenida 13 way 596125 tertiary
Avenida 139 way 596126 unclassified
Avenida 140 way 596127 unclassified
Avenida 143 way 596128 unclassified
Avenida 21 way 596129 residential
Avenida 21 way 596130 residential
Avenida 21 way 596131 residential
Avenida 22 way 596132 residential
Avenida 5 way 596133 residential
Avenida 8 way 596134 residential
Avenida 88 way 596135 tertiary
Avenida 88 way 596136 tertiary
Calle 1 way 596190 residential
Calle 124 way 596193 unclassified
Calle 124 way 596194 unclassified
Calle 125 way 596195 unclassified
Calle 126 way 596196 tertiary
Calle 126 (Dir Norte) way 596197 tertiary
Calle 126 (Dir Norte) way 596198 tertiary
Calle 126 (Dir Norte) way 596199 tertiary
Calle 126 (Dir Sur) way 596200 tertiary
Calle 126 (Dir Sur) way 596201 tertiary
Calle 126 (Dir Sur) way 596202 tertiary
Calle 130 way 596204 tertiary
Calle 130 way 596205 unclassified
Calle 130 way 596206 tertiary
Calle 131 way 596207 unclassified
Calle 131 way 596208 unclassified
Calle 131 way 596209 unclassified
Calle 131 way 596210 unclassified
Calle 131 way 596211 residential
Calle 131 way 596212 unclassified
Calle 132 way 596213 unclassified
Calle 133 way 596214 unclassified
Calle 133 way 596215 unclassified
Calle 133 way 596216 unclassified
Calle 133 way 596217 unclassified
Calle 133 way 596218 unclassified
Calle 134 way 596219 unclassified
Calle 134 way 596220 unclassified
Calle 135 way 596221 unclassified
Calle 136 way 596222 unclassified
Calle 137 way 596223 unclassified
Calle 138 way 596224 unclassified
Calle 139 way 596225 tertiary
Calle 139 way 596226 tertiary
Calle 139 way 596227 tertiary
Calle 139 way 596228 tertiary
Calle 140 way 596229 unclassified
Calle 140 way 596230 unclassified
Calle 141 way 596231 unclassified
Calle 141 way 596232 tertiary
Calle 142 way 596233 unclassified
Calle 143 way 596234 unclassified
Calle 143 way 596235 unclassified
Calle 144 way 596236 unclassified
Calle 145 way 596237 unclassified
Calle 145 way 596238 unclassified
Calle 146 way 596239 tertiary
Calle 146 way 596240 tertiary
Calle 146 way 596241 tertiary
Calle 147 way 596242 unclassified
Calle 148 way 596243 unclassified
Calle 149 way 596244 tertiary
Calle 149 way 596245 tertiary
Calle 149 way 596246 tertiary
Calle 149 way 596247 tertiary
Calle 149 way 596248 tertiary
Calle 150 way 596249 unclassified
Calle 2 way 596250 residential
Calle 2 way 596251 residential
Calle 2 way 596252 residential
Calle 2 way 596253 residential
Calle 3 way 596254 residential
Calle 3 way 596255 residential
Calle 4 way 596256 residential
Calle 81 way 596260 residential
Calle Alejandrina way 596265 residential
Calle Alfonso Schumann way 596266 unclassified
Calle Armando Towne way 596268 unclassified
Calle Bisonte way 596270 residential
Calle Cosmo Stiglich way 596278 tertiary
Calle Daniel Toskek way 596280 tertiary
Calle Daniel Toskek way 596281 unclassified
Calle Demócrito Urizabal way 596282 unclassified
Calle Hipólito Barne y Mina way 596297 residential
Calle Hipólito Barne y Mina way 596298 residential
Calle Ignacio Quiroga way 596299 residential
Calle Mapamundi way 596309 residential
Calle María Tarrant way 596313 unclassified
Calle María Tarrant way 596314 tertiary
Calle Ruiseñor way 596327 residential
Calle Serpientes way 596330 tertiary
Calle Serpientes way 596331 tertiary
Calle Serpientes way 596332 tertiary
Calle Servia Bruschetti way 596333 residential
Calle Urraca way 596339 residential
Calle Ángeles way 596342 residential
Calle Árbol Mágico way 596343 residential
Callejón 123 way 596344 unclassified
Callejón 123 way 596345 unclassified
Callejón 124 way 596346 unclassified
Callejón 124 way 596347 tertiary
Callejón 125 way 596348 unclassified
Callejón 126 way 596349 residential
Callejón 130 way 596350 unclassified
Callejón 131 way 596351 residential
Callejón 133 way 596352 unclassified
Callejón 133 way 596353 unclassified
Callejón 134 way 596354 unclassified
Callejón 135 way 596355 unclassified
Callejón 136 way 596356 unclassified
Callejón 137 way 596357 unclassified
Callejón 138 way 596358 unclassified
Callejón 138 way 596359 unclassified
Callejón 140 way 596360 unclassified
Calleón 132 way 596361 unclassified
Calleón 132 way 596362 unclassified
Carretera Calle 126 way 596376 motorway
Carretera Calle 126 way 596377 motorway
Carretera Calle 126 way 596378 motorway
Carretera Calle 126 way 596379 motorway
Carretera Calle 126 way 596380 motorway
Carretera Calle 126 way 596381 motorway
Carretera Calle 126 way 596382 motorway
Carretera Calle 126 way 596383 motorway
Carretera Lagos y Bosques way 596384 motorway
Carretera Lagos y Bosques way 596385 motorway
Conector way 596398 tertiary
Círculo Achúgabar way 596405 unclassified
Círculo Buyambá way 596406 unclassified
Círculo Gondor way 596408 unclassified
Círculo Grilacsi way 596409 unclassified
Círculo Grilacsi way 596410 unclassified
Círculo Grilacsi way 596411 unclassified
Círculo Islandia way 596412 unclassified
Círculo Islandia way 596413 unclassified
Círculo Loro way 596414 unclassified
Círculo Loro way 596415 unclassified
Círculo Loro way 596416 unclassified
Círculo Macondo way 596417 unclassified
Círculo Osguiliat way 596418 unclassified
Círculo Umbatumba way 596419 unclassified
Círculo del Ermitaño way 596420 unclassified
Diagonal Capricornio way 596421 tertiary
Diagonal Educación way 596422 tertiary
Diagonal Educación way 596423 tertiary
Diagonal Educación way 596424 tertiary
Diagonal Educación way 596425 tertiary
Diagonal Educación way 596426 tertiary
Diagonal Educación way 596427 tertiary
Diagonal Educación way 596428 tertiary
Diagonal de Armas RN 9 primary
Diagonal de Armas RN 9 primary
Gran Plaza del Parque Norte Principal way 596537 pedestrian
Paseo Casa Pequeña way 596576 tertiary
Paseo Casa Pequeña way 596577 tertiary
Paseo Empédocles Ullán way 596578 unclassified
Paseo Esequiel O way 596579 unclassified
Paseo Florentino Soto Calles way 596580 unclassified
Paseo Florentino Soto Calles way 596581 unclassified
Paseo Gorgias Orkwyth way 596582 unclassified
Paseo Mireya Lupiañez way 596585 unclassified
Paseo Narciso Zoolander way 596586 unclassified
Paseo Nemesio Quenga way 596587 unclassified
Paseo Niguel Palacios way 596588 unclassified
Paseo Niguel Palacios way 596589 unclassified
Paseo Pancho Santayana way 596590 unclassified
Paseo Paseo Dantel Jefferson way 596591 unclassified
Paseo Piedad Ferrante way 596592 unclassified
Paseo Pureza Saint-Lager way 596593 unclassified
Paseo Saturnino Suñén way 596596 unclassified
Paseo Silverio Llull way 596597 unclassified
Paseo Silverio Llull way 596598 unclassified
Paseo Silverio Llull way 596599 unclassified
Paseo Tales Beltrán way 596600 unclassified
Paseo Teofrasto Castellet way 596601 unclassified
Paseo Yanamaría Unamuno way 596602 unclassified
Paseo Zorbas Yoshida way 596603 unclassified
Paseo del Lago way 596604 tertiary
Paseo del Lago way 596605 tertiary
Plaza Pata del Pato way 596608 pedestrian
Plaza Támar Satie de Varaneda way 596609 pedestrian
Puente Avenida 13 RN 9 primary
Puente Avenida 13 RN 9 primary
Puente Avenida 13 way 596615 primary
Puente Avenida 13 way 596618 primary
Puente Avenida 13 way 596619 primary
way 596800 pedestrian
way 596809 service
way 596814 pedestrian
way 596816 pedestrian
way 596819 service
way 596822 service
way 596823 pedestrian
way 596828 pedestrian
Calle 101 way 602811 residential
Calle 102 way 602812 tertiary
Calle 96 way 602813 residential
Calle 97 way 602814 residential
Calle 98 way 602815 residential
Calle 99 way 602816 residential
Calle 99 way 602817 residential
way 620521 service
way 620525 service
way 620545 service
way 620549 service
way 620556 service
way 620564 service
way 621912 service
Avenida 10 way 622250 residential
Avenida 11 way 622251 residential
Avenida 12 way 622252 residential
Avenida 4 way 622254 residential
Avenida 8 way 622255 residential
Avenida 8 way 622256 residential
Avenida 8 way 622257 residential
Avenida Monjes way 622258 residential
Calle 28 way 622268 residential
Calle 28 way 622269 residential
Calle 29 way 622270 residential
Calle 30 way 622271 tertiary
Calle 37 way 622272 residential
Calle 38 way 622273 residential
Calle 38 way 622274 tertiary
Calle 4 way 622275 tertiary
Calle Grillos way 622276 tertiary
Calle Grillos way 622277 tertiary
Calle Huertas way 622278 tertiary
Calle Huertas way 622279 tertiary
Calle La Ría way 622280 residential
Calle La Ría way 622281 tertiary
way 622282 service
way 622283 service
Calle Largartos way 622284 tertiary
Calle Largartos way 622285 tertiary
Calle Machete way 622286 residential
Calle Manzano way 622287 tertiary
Calle Manzano way 622288 tertiary
Calle Mapamundi way 622289 residential
Calle Parnaso way 622290 tertiary
Calle Serpientes way 622291 tertiary
Calle Serpientes way 622292 tertiary
Plazita Cerezos Sur way 622343 pedestrian
way 622572 service
way 622577 service
way 622578 service
way 622579 service
way 622580 service
way 622581 service
way 622582 service
way 622583 service
way 622584 service
way 622585 service
way 622586 service
way 622587 service
way 622592 service
way 622599 service
way 622609 service
way 622610 service
way 622611 service
way 622612 service
way 622613 service
way 622614 service
way 622615 service
way 622616 service
way 622617 service
way 622618 service
way 622619 service
way 622624 service
way 622631 service
way 622641 service
way 622642 service
way 622643 service
way 622644 service
way 622646 service
way 622649 service
way 622650 service
way 622651 service
way 622652 service
way 622653 service
way 622654 service
way 622655 service
way 622657 service
way 622658 service
way 622659 service
way 622663 service
way 627645 service
way 630751 service
way 630752 service
way 630760 service
Avenida 53 way 630762 tertiary
Calle 104 way 630763 unclassified
Calle 95 way 630765 tertiary
Calle 95 way 630766 tertiary
Calle 95 way 630767 unclassified
Calle Tiberio Johannes way 630768 unclassified
Pasaje Hermanos Bergez way 630770 unclassified
Pasaje La Reina Eglantina way 630771 unclassified
way 630772 service
way 630773 service
way 630774 service
way 630775 service
way 630776 service
way 630777 service
way 630782 service
way 630791 service
way 630792 service
way 630793 service
Avenida 1 way 630805 residential
Avenida 1 way 630806 residential
Avenida 2 way 630807 residential
Avenida 2 way 630808 residential
Avenida 3 way 630809 residential
Avenida 4 way 630810 residential
Avenida 5 way 630811 residential
Avenida del Estado Lado Norte RN 3 primary
Avenida del Estado Lado Norte RN 3 primary
Calle 41 way 630817 residential
Calle 42 way 630818 residential
Calle 44 way 630820 tertiary
Calle 44 way 630822 residential
Calle Adán Mamedovi way 630825 residential
Calle Cipriano Márquez Hoffman way 630826 residential
Calle Ginebra Camilleri way 630827 residential
Calle Moneda way 630828 residential
Calle Moneda way 630829 residential
Calle Octavio La Fourchet way 630830 residential
Calle Pedro Comala way 630831 residential
Calle Pedro Comala way 630832 residential
Pasaje Bernal Zúñiga way 630842 pedestrian
Paseo Puerto de la Ría way 630843 tertiary
way 630844 service
way 630845 service
way 630846 service
way 630847 service
way 630848 service
way 630849 service
way 630850 service
way 630851 service
way 630852 service
way 630853 service
way 630854 service
Avenida 2 way 630871 residential
Avenida 3 way 630872 tertiary
Avenida 3 way 630873 tertiary
Avenida Puerto Nuevo way 630874 tertiary
Avenida del Estado Lado Sur RN 3 primary
Calle 54 way 630877 residential
Calle 66 way 630878 residential
Calle 66 way 630879 residential
Calle 67 way 630880 tertiary
Calle 68 way 630881 tertiary
Calle 71 way 630882 residential
Calle Moneda way 630883 residential
Calle Octavio La Fourchet way 630884 residential
Calle Octavio La Fourchet way 630885 residential
Calle Paredes way 630886 residential
Calle Pasaje Che Kim way 630887 service
Pasaje Elián Hernández way 630892 service
Pasaje Hortensia Buonfiore way 630893 service
Pasaje Jenócrates Templeton way 630894 service
Pasaje Pez Sin Agua way 630895 service
Pasaje Winterstreet way 630896 tertiary
Plaza Ergolanio way 630897 tertiary
Plaza Ergolanio way 630898 pedestrian
Avenida Germán Carlyle way 639559 tertiary
Avenida Germán Carlyle way 639560 tertiary
Calle 56 way 639561 residential
Calle 57 way 639562 residential
Calle 58 way 639563 residential
Calle 59 way 639564 residential
Calle 60 way 639565 tertiary
Calle 60 way 639566 tertiary
Calle 61 way 639567 residential
Calle Paredes way 639568 residential
Pasaje Aurora McKenzie way 639580 residential
Pasaje Aurora McKenzie way 639581 residential
Pasaje Benedicto Ponte Ribera way 639582 residential
Pasaje Diógenes Carapreta way 639583 residential
Pasaje Ernesto Colón way 639585 residential
Pasaje Fabio Rocha way 639586 residential
Pasaje Garabina Matanzas Saa way 639587 residential
Pasaje Julieta Merrion way 639588 residential
Pasaje Pitágoras Gyongu So way 639589 residential
Pasaje Romeo Locke way 639590 residential
Pasaje Susana Fitzsimmon Obando way 639591 residential
Pasaje Tobías Goh way 639592 residential
Pasaje Ursulina Santiago de Pell way 639593 residential
Pasaje Virgilio Saint-James way 639594 residential
way 646020 service
way 646026 service
way 646027 service
way 646028 service
way 646029 service
way 646030 service
way 646031 service
way 646032 service
way 646033 service
way 646034 service
way 646035 service
way 646036 service
way 646037 service
way 655454 service
way 655455 service
way 655456 service
way 667774 service
Plaza 1855 way 670676 pedestrian
way 670677 service
way 670678 service
way 670679 service
way 670680 service
way 670959 service
way 670960 service
way 670961 service
way 670962 service
way 670963 service
way 671946 service
way 671947 service
way 671948 service
way 671949 service
way 671950 service
way 681169 service
way 681170 service
way 681171 service
way 681172 service
way 681223 service
way 681224 service
way 681225 service
way 681304 service
way 681305 service
way 864737 service
way 864738 service
Avenida 32 way 969767 residential
Avenida 33 way 969768 residential
Avenida 34 way 969769 residential
Avenida 35 way 969770 residential
Calle 18 way 969771 residential
Calle 21 way 969772 residential
Calle 67 way 969773 residential
Calle Domingo Murchison way 969774 residential
Calle Velorio Daralbeid way 969775 residential
Sgwâr Cymraeg way 969776 pedestrian
Avenida 121 way 969783 residential
Calle 106 way 969784 residential
Calle Ambrosio Anil Yi way 969785 residential
Calle Mario Climoy way 969786 residential
Avenida 25 way 969792 residential
Calle 29 way 969793 residential
Calle Almas way 969794 residential
Avenida 91 way 969799 residential
Calle 186 way 969800 residential
Carretera Río de Hojas way 969801 motorway
Carretera Río de Hojas way 969802 motorway
Carretera Río de Hojas way 969803 motorway
Carretera Río de Hojas way 969804 motorway
Calle 183 way 969819 residential
Calle Irene Fonseca y Böhm way 969820 residential
Calle 156 way 969824 residential
Calle Gregorio Redcrosse way 969825 residential
Avenida 22 way 969837 residential
Calle 65 way 969848 residential
Avenida 69 way 1031607 unclassified
Avenida 70 way 1031608 unclassified
Avenida 71 way 1031609 unclassified
Avenida Corsicurbo way 1031610 unclassified
Avenida Franco Dir Sur way 1031611 tertiary
Avenida Franco Dir Sur way 1031612 tertiary
Avenida Franco Dir Sur way 1031613 tertiary
Avenida Franco Dir Sur way 1031614 tertiary
Avenida Ricla way 1031615 unclassified
Calle 42 way 1031616 unclassified
Calle 51 way 1031617 unclassified
Calle 52 way 1031618 unclassified
Calle 60 way 1031619 residential
Calle 61 way 1031620 residential
Calle 61 way 1031621 residential
Calle 72 way 1031623 unclassified
Calle Aviñón way 1031624 unclassified
Calle Carlos McGillicuddy way 1031625 unclassified
Calle Danilo Maas Casares way 1031626 unclassified
Calle Danilo Maas Casares way 1031627 unclassified
Calle Jesús Lonsdale Farrar way 1031628 unclassified
Calle Jesús Lonsdale Farrar way 1031630 unclassified
Calle Leucasta McIlhenny way 1031631 unclassified
Calle Minerva way 1031632 unclassified
Calle Minerva way 1031633 unclassified
Calle Timeo Moro Guang way 1031634 residential
Calle Timeo Moro Guang way 1031635 unclassified
Calle Venus way 1031636 unclassified
Callejón 41 way 1031637 unclassified
Carretera Mariposas way 1031638 motorway
Carretera Mariposas way 1031639 motorway
Carretera Mariposas way 1031640 motorway
Carretera Mariposas way 1031641 motorway
Diagonal Cerezos DF 118 secondary
Diagonal Cerezos DF 118 secondary
Diagonal Cerezos DF 118 secondary
Diagonal Cerezos DF 118 secondary
Diagonal Grandes Lagos way 1031646 tertiary
Diagonal Grandes Lagos way 1031647 tertiary
Diagonal Grandes Lagos way 1031648 tertiary
Diagonal Grandes Lagos way 1031649 secondary
Diagonal Lino way 1031650 unclassified
Paseo Briseida Bang way 1031652 tertiary
Paseo Briseida Bang way 1031653 tertiary
Paseo Briseida Bang way 1031655 unclassified
Avenida 69 way 1036818 unclassified
Calle 51 way 1036820 tertiary
Calle 53 way 1036821 unclassified
Calle 53 way 1036822 unclassified
Calle 53 way 1036823 unclassified
Calle 70 way 1036827 residential
Calle Aulo Jauregi way 1036828 unclassified
Diagonal 4 de Agosto way 1036830 tertiary
Diagonal Futuro way 1036831 tertiary
Diagonal de las Estrellas way 1036832 tertiary
Diagonal de las Estrellas way 1036833 tertiary
Calle Farabundo Nikoladze way 1036839 unclassified
Calle Valle Verde way 1036840 unclassified
Calle Campo Negro way 1036841 unclassified
Calle Saúl Hustvedt way 1036842 unclassified
Calle Barranca Azul way 1036843 unclassified
Calle Usonia way 1036844 unclassified
Calle Llano Amarillo way 1036845 unclassified
Calle Pradera Dorada way 1036846 unclassified
Avenida 70 way 1076769 unclassified
Avenida 70 way 1076770 unclassified
Avenida 70 way 1076771 unclassified
Avenida 71 way 1076772 unclassified
Avenida 72 way 1076773 residential
Calle 66 way 1076774 residential
Calle 67 way 1076775 residential
Calle 68 way 1076776 residential
Calle 69 way 1076777 residential
Calle Barranca Azul way 1076778 residential
Calle Campo Negro way 1076779 residential
Calle Carlos McGillicuddy way 1076780 unclassified
Calle Leucasta McIlhenny way 1076781 residential
Calle Llano Amarillo way 1076782 unclassified
Calle Llano Amarillo way 1076783 unclassified
Calle Pablo Milton way 1076784 residential
Calle Pablo Milton way 1076785 residential
Calle Salomé Burroughs way 1076786 unclassified
Calle Salvino Mélendez de Beers way 1076787 residential
Calle Tranquilo way 1076788 unclassified
Calle Valle Verde way 1076789 residential
Diagonal Autonomía way 1076790 tertiary
Diagonal Autonomía way 1076791 tertiary
Diagonal Autonomía way 1076792 tertiary
Diagonal de las Estrellas way 1076793 tertiary
Diagonal de las Estrellas way 1076794 tertiary
Diagonal de las Estrellas way 1076795 tertiary
Diagonal de las Estrellas way 1076796 tertiary
Pasaje Curva way 1076798 unclassified
Paseo Briseida Bang way 1076799 unclassified
Paseo Briseida Bang way 1076800 unclassified
Calle 62 way 1077947 tertiary
Calle 62 way 1077948 tertiary
Calle 62 way 1077949 tertiary
Calle 63 way 1077951 residential
Calle 64 way 1077952 residential
Calle Faustino Korzeniowski way 1077953 unclassified
Calle Llano Amarillo way 1077954 unclassified
Calle Paso Blanco way 1077955 unclassified
Calle Saúl Hustvedt way 1077956 unclassified
Calle Tranquilo way 1077957 unclassified
Calle Valle Verde way 1077958 tertiary
Carretera Mariposas way 1077959 motorway
Carretera Mariposas way 1077960 motorway
Carretera Mariposas way 1077961 motorway
Carretera Mariposas way 1077962 motorway
Diagonal Autonomía way 1077963 tertiary
Diagonal Autonomía way 1077964 tertiary
Avenida 70 way 1077990 unclassified
Calle Barranca Azul way 1077991 unclassified
Calle Barranca Azul way 1077992 tertiary
Calle Pradera Dorada way 1077993 unclassified
Calle Pradera Dorada way 1077994 residential
Calle Salomé Burroughs way 1077995 unclassified
Calle Usonia way 1077996 unclassified
Calle Usonia way 1077997 unclassified
way 1078003 tertiary
way 1078004 service
way 1078005 tertiary
way 1078006 tertiary
way 1078007 tertiary
way 1078012 tertiary
way 1078013 tertiary
Avenida 75 way 1078041 residential
Avenida 91 way 1078042 unclassified
Calle 62 way 1078043 tertiary
Calle 62 way 1078044 tertiary
Calle 66 way 1078046 unclassified
Avenida 121 way 1078252 unclassified
Avenida 122 way 1078253 unclassified
Calle 55 way 1078256 unclassified
Calle Afrodita Singh Song way 1078257 pedestrian
Calle Calisto Zimmermann way 1078258 unclassified
Diagonal Criseida Nieves way 1078259 tertiary
Diagonal Criseida Nieves way 1078260 tertiary
Paseo del Ancho way 1078262 tertiary
Plaza Afrodita Singh Song way 1078263 pedestrian
Avenida 101 way 1101941 residential
Avenida 102 way 1101942 residential
Avenida 103 way 1101943 residential
Avenida 105 way 1101945 residential
Avenida 106 way 1101946 residential
Avenida 107 way 1101947 residential
Avenida 108 way 1101948 residential
Avenida 109 way 1101949 residential
Calle 161 way 1101950 residential
Calle 162 way 1101951 residential
Calle 163 way 1101952 residential
Calle 164 way 1101953 residential
Calle 165 way 1101954 residential
Calle 166 way 1101955 residential
Calle 167 way 1101956 residential
Calle 168 way 1101957 residential
Calle Alfonso Schumann way 1101958 residential
Calle Armando Towne way 1101959 residential
Calle Atlante Sineterisset way 1101960 residential
Calle Cosmo Stiglich way 1101961 tertiary
Calle Daniel Toskek way 1101962 residential
Calle Esmeralda Tsevet way 1101963 residential
Calle Marco Talbott way 1101964 residential
Calle María Tarrant way 1101965 residential
Calle Roque Santisidro way 1101966 residential
Calle Vladimir Smith way 1101967 residential
Avenida 101 way 1101983 residential
Bulevar Autódromo way 1101984 residential
Calle 161 way 1101985 residential
Calle Cosmo Stiglich way 1101986 tertiary
Calle Cosmo Stiglich way 1105490 tertiary
Calle Cosmo Stiglich way 1105491 tertiary
Calle Cosmo Stiglich way 1105492 tertiary
Calle Cosmo Stiglich way 1105493 tertiary
Pit Lane way 1105499 service
Pit Lane way 1105500 service
Service Road way 1105501 service
Service Road way 1105502 service
way 1105508 service
way 1105510 service
way 1105512 service
Service Road way 1105513 service
Service Road way 1105514 service
Avenida 100 way 1105515 residential
Avenida 104 way 1105582 residential
Avenida 106 way 1105584 residential
Avenida 107 way 1105585 residential
Calle 170 way 1105586 tertiary
Calle Cosmo Stiglich way 1105587 tertiary
Calle Cosmo Stiglich way 1105588 tertiary
Calle Marco Talbott way 1105589 residential
Calle María Tarrant way 1105590 residential
Callejón 170 way 1105591 residential
way 1105610 service
way 1105611 service
way 1105614 service
way 1105615 service
way 1105616 service
Avenida 105 way 1105622 residential
Avenida 59 way 1137518 unclassified
Avenida 61 way 1137519 unclassified
Avenida 61 way 1137520 unclassified
Avenida 62 way 1137521 unclassified
Avenida 62 way 1137522 unclassified
Avenida 63 way 1137523 tertiary
Avenida 63 way 1137524 tertiary
Avenida 64 way 1137525 tertiary
Avenida 64 way 1137526 tertiary
Avenida 67 way 1137527 unclassified
Avenida 68 way 1137528 unclassified
Avenida 69 way 1137529 unclassified
Avenida 70 way 1137530 unclassified
Calle 45 way 1137531 unclassified
Calle 46 way 1137532 unclassified
Calle 46 way 1137533 unclassified
Calle 46 way 1137534 unclassified
Calle 47 way 1137535 tertiary
Calle 47 way 1137536 tertiary
Calle 48 way 1137537 unclassified
Calle 49 way 1137538 unclassified
Calle 49 way 1137539 unclassified
Calle 49 way 1137540 unclassified
Calle 50 way 1137541 unclassified
Calle 50 way 1137542 unclassified
Calle 52 way 1137543 unclassified
Calle Danilo Maas Casares way 1137544 unclassified
Calle Inocencio Leñero Tamayo way 1137545 unclassified
Calle Matías Leveque way 1137546 unclassified
Calle Melchor Lombardi way 1137547 unclassified
Callejón 42 way 1137548 unclassified
Camino Enrique Sálazar way 1137549 tertiary
Camino Enrique Sálazar way 1137550 tertiary
Diagonal de las Estrellas way 1137551 tertiary
Diagonal de las Estrellas way 1137552 tertiary
Diagonal de las Estrellas way 1137553 tertiary
Diagonal de las Estrellas way 1137554 tertiary
Pasaje Bernardo Van Pelt way 1137558 unclassified
Pasaje Córdoba way 1137559 unclassified
Paseo Bergez way 1137560 unclassified
Paseo Gauados way 1137561 unclassified
Paseo Grimoualdini way 1137562 unclassified
Paseo Guimbras way 1137563 unclassified
Paseo Guimbras way 1137564 unclassified
Paseo Monte Golario way 1137565 unclassified
Paseo Río Pernello way 1137566 unclassified
Paseo Saguset way 1137567 unclassified
Paseo Scippo way 1137568 unclassified
Paseo Vulpeculo way 1137569 unclassified
way 1137579 service
way 1137580 service
way 1137581 service
way 1137582 service
way 1137584 service
way 1137585 service
way 1137586 service
way 1137587 service
way 1137588 service
way 1137589 service
way 1137590 service
way 1137591 service
way 1137592 service
way 1137593 service
way 1137594 service
way 1137595 service
way 1137596 service
Plaza Estación Latinos way 1137613 pedestrian
way 1137640 service
way 1137641 service
way 1137642 service
way 1137643 service
Avenida 61 way 1138876 unclassified
Avenida 62 way 1138877 unclassified
Avenida Taurisa way 1138878 tertiary
Calle 76 way 1138879 tertiary
Calle 76 way 1138880 tertiary
Calle Adolfo Kac way 1138881 unclassified
Calle Amadeo Khan way 1138882 unclassified
Calle Baco way 1138883 tertiary
Calle Baco way 1138884 tertiary
Calle Tiberio Johannes way 1138885 unclassified
Calle Tiberio Johannes way 1138886 unclassified
Ovalada Irlaxérrez way 1138892 tertiary
Paseo Arcilla way 1138894 unclassified
Paseo Basalto way 1138895 unclassified
Paseo Cuarzo way 1138896 unclassified
Paseo Esquisto way 1138897 unclassified
Paseo Gabro way 1138898 unclassified
Paseo Mármol way 1138899 unclassified
Paseo Pedernal way 1138900 unclassified
Paseo Pizarra way 1138901 unclassified
Paseo Yeso way 1138902 unclassified
Avenida 72 way 1138912 residential
Calle 75 way 1138913 unclassified
Calle 75 way 1138914 unclassified
Avenida 79 way 1138919 residential
Carretera Río Hierro way 1159067 motorway
Carretera Río Hierro way 1159068 motorway
Carretera Río Hierro way 1159069 motorway
Carretera Río Hierro way 1159070 motorway
Carretera Río Hierro way 1159071 motorway
Carretera Río Hierro way 1159072 motorway
Carretera Río Hierro way 1159073 motorway
Carretera Río Hierro way 1159074 motorway
way 1159083 service
way 1159085 service
way 1159086 service
way 1159087 service
way 1159088 service
way 1159089 service
way 1159281 service
way 1159282 service
way 1159283 service
way 1159284 service
Calle Elefantes way 1194689 residential
Avenida 15 way 1235207 unclassified
Avenida 27 way 1235208 unclassified
Avenida 28 way 1235209 unclassified
Avenida 29 way 1235210 unclassified
Avenida 29 way 1235211 unclassified
Avenida 30 way 1235212 unclassified
Avenida 31 way 1235213 unclassified
Avenida 31 way 1235214 unclassified
Avenida 32 way 1235215 unclassified
Avenida 33 way 1235216 unclassified
Avenida 35 way 1235217 tertiary
Avenida Policarpo van Kill way 1235218 tertiary
Avenida Policarpo van Kill way 1235219 tertiary
Avenida Policarpo van Kill way 1235220 tertiary
Avenida Policarpo van Kill way 1235221 tertiary
Avenida Policarpo van Kill way 1235222 tertiary
Avenida Policarpo van Kill way 1235223 tertiary
Avenida Policarpo van Kill way 1235224 tertiary
Avenida Policarpo van Kill way 1235225 tertiary
Avenida Policarpo van Kill way 1235226 tertiary
Bulevar Capital Boreal way 1235227 unclassified
Bulevar Capital Boreal way 1235228 unclassified
Bulevar Faro way 1235229 unclassified
Bulevar Villa Libertad way 1235230 unclassified
Calle 172 way 1235231 tertiary
Calle 172 way 1235232 tertiary
Calle 172 way 1235233 unclassified
Calle 172 way 1235234 tertiary
Calle 172 way 1235235 tertiary
Calle 172 way 1235236 tertiary
Calle 173 way 1235237 unclassified
Calle 174 way 1235238 unclassified
Calle 176 way 1235239 residential
Calle 179 way 1235240 residential
Calle 180 way 1235241 unclassified
Calle 181 way 1235242 residential
Calle Baltasar Chong way 1235243 unclassified
Calle Blanco Christensen way 1235244 unclassified
Calle Californio Côté way 1235245 tertiary
Calle Californio Côté way 1235246 tertiary
Calle Constanza Bricolet way 1235247 unclassified
Calle Dionisio Châteauguay way 1235248 unclassified
Calle Galería way 1235249 unclassified
Calle Norberto Clavel way 1235250 unclassified
Callejón 172 way 1235251 unclassified
Callejón 173 way 1235252 unclassified
Diagonal Costa de Dragones way 1235256 tertiary
Pasaje 180 way 1235276 residential
Pasaje 28 way 1235277 unclassified
Pasaje Atletas way 1235278 residential
Pasaje Corredores way 1235279 residential
Pasaje Dionisio Châteauguay way 1235280 unclassified
Pasaje Norberto Clavel way 1235281 unclassified
Pasaje Olímpicos way 1235282 residential
Pasaje Revueltos way 1235283 residential
Paseo Dos Chivos way 1235284 residential
Paseo Duraznales way 1235285 residential
Paseo Duraznales way 1235286 residential
Paseo Olivares way 1235287 residential
Paseo Trajano Mullarkey way 1235288 tertiary
Paseo Trajano Mullarkey way 1235289 tertiary
Plaza Estación Nueva California way 1235290 pedestrian
Vía Chang way 1235292 unclassified
Vía García way 1235293 unclassified
Vía Namgung way 1235294 unclassified
way 1235313 pedestrian
way 1235314 service
way 1235315 service
Bulevar Orco Bishop Solano way 1235325 tertiary
Bulevar Orco Bishop Solano way 1235326 tertiary
Avenida Siete Colinas way 1235711 tertiary
Avenida Siete Colinas way 1235712 tertiary
Avenida Siete Colinas way 1235713 tertiary
Avenida Siete Colinas way 1235714 tertiary
Avenida Siete Colinas way 1235715 tertiary
Avenida Templo de Hojas way 1235716 tertiary
Calle Tranvías way 1235717 tertiary
Avenida 50 way 1237174 residential
Calle 166 way 1237175 unclassified
Calle Estafanía Fokker de Garriz way 1237176 residential
Calle Glorieta way 1237177 unclassified
Calle Petronio Robilyle way 1237178 residential
Diagonal Alegría way 1237179 tertiary
Diagonal Alegría way 1237180 tertiary
Diagonal Alegría way 1237181 tertiary
Diagonal Alegría way 1237182 tertiary
Diagonal Alegría way 1237183 tertiary
Glorieta Bandada de Estorninos way 1237190 tertiary
Paseo Bandada de Estorninos way 1237192 tertiary
Paseo Bandada de Estorninos way 1237193 tertiary
Avenida 73 way 1237223 residential
Avenida 76 way 1237224 unclassified
Callejón 173 way 1237225 unclassified
way 1237229 service
Calle 188 way 1237284 tertiary
Avenida 111 way 1237350 tertiary
Calle 176 way 1237351 tertiary
Calle 179 way 1237352 residential
Calle Centro way 1237353 residential
Calle Río del Bosque way 1237354 tertiary
Calle Río del Bosque way 1237355 tertiary
Diagonal Barbacoa way 1237356 tertiary
Diagonal Barbacoa way 1237357 tertiary
way 1237373 service
way 1237374 service
Calle Bisonte way 1238940 residential
Calle Bisonte way 1238941 tertiary
way 1238945 service
way 1238946 service
way 1238947 service
way 1238948 pedestrian
way 1238949 pedestrian
way 1238950 pedestrian
way 1238951 pedestrian
Bulevar Esfinge way 1239423 tertiary
Bulevar Esfinge way 1239424 tertiary
Calle 62 way 1239425 unclassified
Calle 62 way 1239426 tertiary
Avenida 96 way 1240359 tertiary
Calle Roque Santisidro way 1240363 unclassified
Diagonal Congreso DF 111 secondary
Paseo Jinetes de la Paz way 1240378 tertiary
Paseo Jinetes de la Paz way 1240379 tertiary
Avenida Textiles way 1240478 tertiary
Paseo Casco de Bronce way 1240492 unclassified
Calle 50 way 1240565 unclassified
Calle 51 way 1240566 unclassified
Diagonal Vapores way 1240567 primary
Diagonal Vapores way 1240568 tertiary
Paseo del Ancho way 1240569 tertiary
Paseo del Ancho way 1240570 tertiary
Avenida 66 way 1244947 unclassified
Calle 51 way 1244952 unclassified
Callejón 83 way 1244953 unclassified
Callejón 86 way 1244954 unclassified
Diagonal Riqueza way 1244955 tertiary
Paseo Cerro Azul way 1244960 tertiary
Paseo Semicircular way 1244961 unclassified
Avenida 21 way 1245027 residential
Calle 51 way 1245028 residential
Calle 52 way 1245029 residential
Calle 52 way 1245030 residential
way 1245036 service
way 1245041 service
way 1245042 service
way 1245044 service
way 1245046 service
way 1245047 service
way 1245048 service
way 1245049 service
way 1245053 service
way 1245055 service
way 1245057 service
way 1245058 service
way 1245060 service
way 1245062 service
way 1245064 service
way 1245066 service
way 1245067 service
way 1245070 service
Carretera Mesopotámica DC 202 motorway
Carretera Mesopotámica DC 202 motorway
Paseo Hera Chandrasekar way 1290853 tertiary
Diagonal Educación way 1290874 tertiary
Diagonal Educación way 1290875 tertiary
Paseo Riachuelo Cisnes way 1307693 tertiary
Paseo Riachuelo Cisnes way 1307694 tertiary
Avenida 130 DF 118 secondary
Avenida 130 way 1341693 tertiary
Avenida 134 way 1341694 tertiary
Avenida 140 DF 119 secondary
Avenida 140 way 1341696 unclassified
Avenida Ismael Juárez Hidalgo DF 119 secondary
Avenida Ismael Juárez Hidalgo DF 119 secondary
Calle 82 DF 118 secondary
Calle 91 way 1341700 unclassified
Calle 91 DF 119 secondary
Calle 91 way 1341702 tertiary
Calle Onnutu way 1341703 tertiary
Diagonal del Bosque way 1341704 tertiary
Diagonal del Bosque DF 118 secondary
Calle 106 way 1341854 residential
Calle 13 way 1341855 tertiary
Avenida 119 Dir. Este DF 155 secondary
Avenida 119 Dir. Oeste way 1341955 secondary
Avenida 132 DF 111 secondary
Avenida 132 way 1341957 unclassified
Avenida 132 DF 111 secondary
Calle 10 way 1341961 residential
Calle 152 DF 155 secondary
Calle 152 DF 155 secondary
Conector way 1341964 tertiary
Conector way 1341965 tertiary
Diagaonal Viajeros DF 111 secondary
Diagaonal Viajeros DF 111 secondary
Diagaonal Viajeros DF 111 secondary
Avenida 96 way 1347484 unclassified
Avenida 97 way 1347485 unclassified
Avenue 84 way 1347486 unclassified
Calle 104 way 1347488 unclassified
Calle 104 way 1347489 unclassified
Calle 104 way 1347490 unclassified
Calle 105 way 1347491 residential
Calle 95 way 1347492 unclassified
Calle Francisco Parker Santangelo way 1347493 unclassified
Calle Tarquino Pak Palacios way 1347494 unclassified
Calle Ésteban Rossa way 1347495 unclassified
Callejón 95 way 1347496 unclassified
Paseo Parque Columnas way 1347501 unclassified
Avenida 16 way 1349981 residential
Avenida 17 way 1349982 unclassified
Avenida 18 way 1349983 residential
Avenida 19 way 1349984 unclassified
Avenida 19 way 1349985 unclassified
Avenida 20 way 1349986 unclassified
Avenida 20 way 1349987 unclassified
Avenida 21 way 1349988 unclassified
Avenida 27 way 1349989 unclassified
Calle 132 way 1349990 unclassified
Calle 133 way 1349991 unclassified
Calle 137 way 1349992 unclassified
Calle 138 way 1349993 unclassified
Calle 143 way 1349994 unclassified
Calle 154 way 1349995 unclassified
Calle 155 DF 155 secondary
Calle 157 way 1349997 unclassified
Calle 159 way 1349998 unclassified
Calle 65 way 1349999 residential
Calle Arely Arraiz way 1350000 residential
Calle Camal Asidi way 1350001 unclassified
Calle Camal Asidi way 1350002 unclassified
Calle Cervecería way 1350003 unclassified
Calle Dionisio Châteauguay way 1350004 unclassified
Calle Dionisio Châteauguay way 1350005 unclassified
Calle Pascual Báez way 1350006 unclassified
Calle Tomás Arambel y Domínguez way 1350007 unclassified
Calle Ángeles way 1350008 unclassified
Callejón 156 way 1350009 unclassified
Callejón 158 way 1350010 unclassified
Diagonal Trabajadores way 1350011 tertiary
Glorieta Marverde way 1350018 tertiary
Pasaje El Dorco way 1350028 unclassified
Pasaje La Nerva way 1350029 residential
Calle 78 way 1350036 unclassified
Calle Pedro Comala way 1350037 residential
Avenida 36 way 1350093 unclassified
Avenida 38 way 1350094 unclassified
Avenida 43 way 1350096 residential
Avenida 44 way 1350097 residential
Avenida 45 way 1350098 residential
Avenida 50 way 1350099 residential
Avenida 50 way 1350100 tertiary
Avenida 50 way 1350101 tertiary
Avenida 50 way 1350102 tertiary
Calle 138 way 1350103 tertiary
Calle 138 way 1350104 tertiary
Calle 141 way 1350105 residential
Calle 146 way 1350106 residential
Calle Esmeralda Ezquiaga way 1350108 residential
Calle Eustaquio Estranjero way 1350109 residential
Calle Fernando de Puy way 1350110 unclassified
Calle Genoveva Fitzpatrick way 1350111 residential
Calle Sonia Dolletessy way 1350113 tertiary
Calle Sonia Dolletessy way 1350114 tertiary
Callejón 131 way 1350115 residential
Callejón 133 way 1350116 residential
Callejón 134 way 1350117 residential
Calleón 132 way 1350118 residential
Diagonal Noreste way 1350146 tertiary
Diagonal Noreste way 1350147 tertiary
Diagonal Noreste way 1350148 tertiary
Diagonal Noreste way 1350149 tertiary
Diagonal Noreste way 1350150 tertiary
Paseo del Jaguar (servicio) way 1350151 tertiary
Paseo del Jaguar (servicio) way 1350152 tertiary
Avenida 29 way 1350159 tertiary
Avenida 29 way 1350160 tertiary
Avenida 30 way 1350161 unclassified
Avenida 33 way 1350162 unclassified
Avenida 33 way 1350163 unclassified
Avenida 34 way 1350164 unclassified
Calle 131 way 1350165 residential
Calle 146 way 1350166 unclassified
Calle 146 way 1350167 tertiary
Calle 156 way 1350168 unclassified
Calle 159 way 1350169 unclassified
Calle Blanco Christensen way 1350170 unclassified
Calle Californio Côté way 1350171 tertiary
Calle Californio Côté way 1350172 tertiary
Calle Californio Côté way 1350173 tertiary
Calle Californio Côté way 1350174 tertiary
Calle Californio Côté way 1350175 tertiary
Calle Californio Côté way 1350176 tertiary
Calle Mugajamba way 1350177 tertiary
Callejón 133 way 1350178 unclassified
Paseo Dos Parques way 1350181 tertiary
Paseo Seis Parques way 1350182 tertiary
Avenida 64 way 1353142 unclassified
Avenida 65 way 1353143 unclassified
Avenida 66 way 1353144 unclassified
Avenida 66 way 1353145 unclassified
Avenida 67 way 1353146 unclassified
Avenida 67 way 1353147 unclassified
Avenida 68 way 1353148 unclassified
Avenida 69 way 1353149 unclassified
Calle 195 way 1353150 unclassified
Calle 196 way 1353151 unclassified
Calle 197 way 1353152 unclassified
Calle 198 way 1353153 unclassified
Calle 199 way 1353154 tertiary
Calle 200 way 1353155 unclassified
Calle 204 way 1353156 tertiary
Calle 205 way 1353157 residential
Calle 206 way 1353158 tertiary
Calle 206 way 1353159 tertiary
Calle 206 way 1353160 tertiary
Calle Antonino Gohhomassara way 1353162 unclassified
Calle Danilo Maas Casares way 1353163 unclassified
Calle Faustino Korzeniowski way 1353164 unclassified
Calle Jesús Lonsdale Farrar way 1353165 unclassified
Calle Matías Leveque way 1353166 unclassified
Calle Matías Leveque way 1353167 unclassified
Calle Melchor Lombardi way 1353168 unclassified
Paseo Ana McClintock way 1353177 tertiary
Paseo Zurina Rothenberg way 1353178 tertiary
Avenida 72 way 1353202 tertiary
Avenida 72 way 1353203 tertiary
Avenida Raimundo Kershaw way 1353204 tertiary
Avenida Raimundo Kershaw way 1353205 tertiary
Avenida Raimundo Kershaw way 1353206 tertiary
Bulevar de Asfalto way 1353207 tertiary
Calle 208 way 1353208 tertiary
Calle 208 way 1353209 residential
Calle 209 way 1353210 residential
Calle Intercambio way 1353211 residential
Calle Leucasta McIlhenny way 1353212 unclassified
Calle Salida way 1353213 unclassified
Ovalada Madreselva way 1353217 tertiary
Paseo de Madreselva way 1353219 tertiary
Paseo de Madreselva way 1353220 tertiary
Paseo de Madreselva way 1353221 tertiary
Paseo de Madreselva way 1353222 tertiary
Paseo de Madreselva way 1353223 tertiary
Paseo de Madreselva way 1353224 tertiary
Paseo de Madreselva way 1353225 tertiary
Paseo de Madreselva way 1353226 tertiary
way 1353235 tertiary
way 1353236 tertiary
way 1353237 tertiary
way 1353238 tertiary
Avenida 79 way 1353331 residential
Avenida 82 way 1353332 tertiary
Avenida 83 way 1353333 residential
Calle 213 way 1353340 residential
Calle 213 way 1353341 residential
Calle 213 way 1353342 residential
Calle 214 way 1353343 residential
Calle 215 way 1353345 residential
Calle 216 way 1353346 residential
Calle Eduardo Paine Roo way 1353356 residential
Calle Ildefonso Narbáez way 1353358 residential
Calle Máximo Pahhamagoraset way 1353359 residential
Calle Tomás Novato way 1353360 residential
way 1353425 service
Plaza Fundación way 1360063 tertiary
Plaza Fundación way 1360064 tertiary
Plaza Fundación way 1360065 tertiary
Avenida 14 way 1362029 unclassified
Avenida 14 way 1362030 residential
Avenida 14 way 1362031 unclassified
Calle 85 way 1362032 unclassified
Calle 86 way 1362033 unclassified
Calle 88 way 1362034 unclassified
Calle Fernando Abenzoar way 1362035 residential
Diagonal Futuro way 1362037 tertiary
Diagonal Futuro way 1362038 tertiary
Diagonal Futuro way 1362039 tertiary
Plaza de Armas way 1362041 secondary
Avenida 19 way 1362413 residential
Avenida 19 way 1362414 residential
Avenida 20 way 1362415 residential
Avenida 21 way 1362416 residential
Avenida 22 way 1362417 tertiary
Calle 69 way 1362418 residential
Calle 70 way 1362419 residential
Calle 71 way 1362420 residential
Calle 72 way 1362421 residential
Calle Camal Asidi way 1362422 tertiary
Calle Camal Asidi way 1362423 tertiary
Calle Pascual Báez way 1362424 residential
Callejón 68 way 1362425 residential
Callejón 69 way 1362426 residential
Callejón 70 way 1362427 residential
Callejón 71 way 1362428 residential
Callejón 72 way 1362429 residential
Paseo Camal Asidi way 1362432 tertiary
Paseo Camal Asidi way 1362434 tertiary
Paseo Dionísico way 1362435 residential
Paseo Inocencia way 1362436 residential
Paseo Meditaciones way 1362437 residential
Paseo Viñas way 1362438 residential
Avenida 12 way 1362965 tertiary
Avenida 15 way 1362966 residential
Avenida 16 way 1362967 residential
Avenida 17 way 1362968 residential
Calle 90 way 1362969 unclassified
Calle 90 way 1362970 unclassified
Calle 93 way 1362971 unclassified
Calle 93 way 1362972 unclassified
Calle 93 way 1362973 unclassified
Calle Arquíloco Aguirre way 1362974 residential
Calle Fernando Abenzoar way 1362975 unclassified
Calle Jaime Armandolfi way 1362976 residential
Calle Tomás Arambel y Domínguez way 1362977 residential
Diagonal Historia way 1362978 secondary
Diagonal Historia way 1362979 tertiary
Plaza de Armas way 1362982 secondary
Plaza de Armas way 1362983 secondary
Plaza de Armas way 1362984 tertiary
Plaza de Armas way 1362985 tertiary
way 1363046 service
way 1363047 service
way 1363048 service
way 1363051 service
Paseo Pájaro Verde way 1363098 residential
Vía del Jardín Botánico way 1363099 tertiary
Vía del Jardín Botánico way 1363100 tertiary
way 1363113 pedestrian
way 1363114 service
Calle Camal Asidi way 1363558 residential
Avenida 64 way 1373618 unclassified
Avenida 80 way 1373619 residential
Avenida 80 way 1373620 residential
Avenida 81 way 1373621 residential
Avenida 81 way 1373622 residential
Avenida 83 way 1373623 residential
Bulevar de la Chocolatería way 1373624 tertiary
Calle 212 way 1373625 secondary
Calle 212 way 1373626 secondary
Calle 214 way 1373627 residential
Calle 217 way 1373628 residential
Calle 218 way 1373629 residential
Calle 220 way 1373630 tertiary
Calle 221 way 1373631 residential
Calle Francisco Parker Santangelo way 1373632 residential
Calle Máximo Pahhamagoraset way 1373633 tertiary
Calle Máximo Pahhamagoraset way 1373634 tertiary
Calle Máximo Pahhamagoraset way 1373635 residential
Calle Tarquino Pak Palacios way 1373636 residential
Calle Tomás Novato way 1373637 residential
Malecón de Peñafiel way 1373639 residential
Paseo Ana McClintock way 1373640 tertiary
Paseo Ana McClintock way 1373641 tertiary
Paseo Girasoles way 1373642 tertiary
Avenida 14 way 1375635 residential
Avenida 15 way 1375636 residential
Avenida 16 way 1375637 residential
Avenida 17 way 1375638 residential
Avenida 17 way 1375639 residential
Avenida 18 way 1375640 residential
Avenida 19 way 1375642 residential
Avenida 20 way 1375643 residential
Avenida 21 way 1375644 tertiary
Avenida 24 way 1375645 tertiary
Avenida 33 way 1375646 residential
Avenida 33 way 1375647 tertiary
Avenida 39 way 1375648 residential
Avenida 40 way 1375649 tertiary
Avenida 40 way 1375650 residential
Calle 16 way 1375652 residential
Calle 17 way 1375653 residential
Calle 18 way 1375654 residential
Calle 19 way 1375655 residential
Calle 1 way 1375656 residential
Calle 42 way 1375657 residential
Calle Alerces way 1375658 residential
Calle Arquíloco Aguirre way 1375659 residential
Calle Bisonte way 1375660 residential
Calle Camal Asidi way 1375661 residential
Calle Edén way 1375662 residential
Calle Fernando Abenzoar way 1375663 residential
Calle Mapamundi way 1375664 residential
Calle Pascual Báez way 1375665 residential
Calle Tomás Arambel y Domínguez way 1375666 residential
Plaza Las Cabras way 1375675 pedestrian
Plaza de los Cartógrafos way 1375676 pedestrian
Avenida 71 way 1375774 unclassified
Avenida 72 way 1375775 tertiary
Avenida 72 way 1375776 tertiary
Avenida 73 way 1375777 unclassified
Avenida 74 way 1375778 unclassified
Avenida 75 way 1375779 unclassified
Avenida 76 way 1375780 unclassified
Avenida 77 way 1375781 unclassified
Avenida 78 way 1375782 unclassified
Avenida 79 way 1375783 residential
Calle 214 way 1375784 unclassified
Calle 215 way 1375785 residential
Calle 216 way 1375786 residential
Calle 217 way 1375787 residential
Calle 218 way 1375788 unclassified
Calle 219 way 1375789 tertiary
Calle 219 way 1375790 tertiary
Calle Domingo Murchison way 1375791 unclassified
Calle Gedeón Murgatroyd way 1375792 tertiary
Calle Gedeón Murgatroyd way 1375793 tertiary
Calle Ildefonso Narbáez way 1375794 residential
Calle Ildefonso Narbáez way 1375795 residential
Calle Leucasta McIlhenny way 1375796 unclassified
Calle Miguel Monteblanco way 1375797 unclassified
Calle Pablo Milton way 1375798 unclassified
Calle Teresa Montero Santanna way 1375799 unclassified
Calle Timeo Moro Guang way 1375800 unclassified
Calle Victoria Persson way 1375801 residential
Calle Virgilio Morris way 1375802 unclassified
Avenida 49 way 1375929 unclassified
Calle Irene Fonseca y Böhm way 1375930 unclassified
Avenida 33 way 1375960 unclassified
Avenida 36 way 1375961 unclassified
Calle 141 way 1375962 unclassified
Callejón 122 way 1375963 residential
Avenida 32 way 1377405 unclassified
Avenida 35 way 1377406 unclassified
Avenida 36 way 1377407 unclassified
Calle 183 way 1377408 residential
Calle 184 way 1377409 unclassified
Calle 185 way 1377410 residential
Calle Velorio Daralbeid way 1377411 unclassified
Peotonal Dantonio Fehre way 1377414 pedestrian
Avenida 47 way 1383506 unclassified
Calle Estafanía Fokker de Garriz way 1383507 unclassified
Pasaje de Satria way 1383509 residential
way 1383515 service
Avenida 49 way 1383527 unclassified
Avenida 49 way 1383528 unclassified
Avenida 50 way 1383529 unclassified
Avenida 50 way 1383530 unclassified
Avenida 51 way 1383531 unclassified
Avenida 51 way 1383532 unclassified
Calle 79 way 1383533 unclassified
Calle 79 way 1383534 pedestrian
Calle Irene Fonseca y Böhm way 1383535 unclassified
Callejón 85 way 1383536 unclassified
Paseo Susana Fitzsimmon Obando way 1383540 tertiary
Plaza Susana Fitzsimmon Obando way 1383542 pedestrian
Avenida 49 way 1383570 unclassified
Paseo Charca La Guardia Dir. Sur way 1383573 tertiary
Avenida 46 way 1383575 unclassified
Calle 31 way 1383576 unclassified
Calle 35 way 1383577 unclassified
Calle Filadelfia way 1383578 unclassified
Callejón 42 way 1383579 unclassified
Mall Subterráneo Veteranos way 1383580 pedestrian
Calle 31 way 1383629 unclassified
Calle 28 way 1392952 tertiary
Calle 28 way 1392953 tertiary
Avenida 23 way 1393002 residential
Avenida 25 way 1393003 residential
Calle Casandra Baum Sepúlveda way 1393004 residential
Calle Teodoro Bettencourt way 1393005 residential
Calle Cabras way 1394331 residential
way 1413256 service
way 1413303 service
way 1413338 service
Calle Mapamundi way 1421558 residential
Avenida 30 way 1459404 unclassified
Avenida 47 way 1459405 unclassified
Calle Neberlia way 1459406 unclassified
Calle Orlando Duquederrosas way 1459407 unclassified
Calle Orlando Duquederrosas way 1459408 unclassified
Avenida 106 way 1463075 unclassified
Avenida 107 way 1463076 unclassified
Avenida 108 way 1463077 unclassified
Avenida 109 way 1463078 unclassified
Avenida 110 way 1463079 unclassified
Avenida 111 way 1463080 tertiary
Avenida 112 way 1463081 unclassified
Avenida 112 way 1463082 unclassified
Avenida 113 way 1463083 unclassified
Avenida 113 way 1463084 unclassified
Avenida 114 way 1463085 unclassified
Avenida 114 way 1463086 unclassified
Avenida 115 way 1463087 unclassified
Avenida 115 way 1463088 unclassified
Avenida 116 way 1463089 unclassified
Avenida 116 way 1463090 unclassified
Avenida 117 way 1463091 unclassified
Avenida 118 way 1463092 unclassified
Avenida 119 way 1463093 unclassified
Bulevar Amadeo Sainz way 1463094 tertiary
Calle 48 way 1463096 unclassified
Calle 49 way 1463097 unclassified
Calle 50 way 1463098 unclassified
Calle 51 way 1463099 unclassified
Calle 52 way 1463100 unclassified
Calle 53 way 1463101 tertiary
Calle 54 way 1463102 unclassified
Calle 55 way 1463103 unclassified
Calle 56 way 1463104 unclassified
Calle 57 way 1463105 unclassified
Calle 64 way 1463108 unclassified
Calle 65 way 1463109 tertiary
Calle 66 way 1463110 unclassified
Calle 67 way 1463111 unclassified
Calle 67 way 1463112 unclassified
Calle 68 way 1463113 unclassified
Calle 69 way 1463114 unclassified
Calle Armando Towne way 1463115 unclassified
Calle Arnoldo Van Zandt way 1463116 unclassified
Calle Arnoldo Van Zandt way 1463117 unclassified
Calle Daniel Toskek way 1463118 unclassified
Calle Demetrio Urbonas way 1463119 unclassified
Calle Demócrito Urizabal way 1463120 unclassified
Calle Demócrito Urizabal way 1463121 unclassified
Calle Esmeralda Tsevet way 1463122 unclassified
Calle Géronimo Van Ess way 1463123 unclassified
Calle Géronimo Van Ess way 1463124 unclassified
Calle María Tarrant way 1463125 unclassified
Calle Perseo Washburn way 1463126 unclassified
Calle Policarpo Van Kill way 1463127 unclassified
Calle Policarpo Van Kill way 1463128 unclassified
Calle Samara Washington Kim way 1463129 tertiary
Calle Verónica Vieulle way 1463130 unclassified
Calle Verónica Vieulle way 1463131 unclassified
Avenida 58 way 1505719 unclassified
Avenida 71 way 1505720 unclassified
Avenida 74 way 1505721 residential
Avenida Waldo Portola way 1505722 tertiary
Calle 101 way 1505723 residential
Calle 105 way 1505724 unclassified
Calle Espadas way 1505725 residential
Calle Miguel Monteblanco way 1505726 unclassified
Calle Mosquetas way 1505727 residential
Calle Pablo Milton way 1505728 residential
Calle Pablo Milton way 1505729 residential
Calle Platón Horowitz way 1505730 unclassified
Calle Redes way 1505731 residential
Pasaje Dos Diablos y Una Mujer way 1505734 residential
way 1505738 service
way 1505739 service
Calle Tomás Novato way 1505778 residential
Pasaje Riachuelo Negro way 1505779 pedestrian
Plaza Teatro El Toro way 1505780 pedestrian
Avenida 27 way 1510119 unclassified
Avenida 28 way 1510120 unclassified
Avenida Richard way 1510121 tertiary
Calle 147 way 1510122 unclassified
Calle 148 way 1510123 unclassified
Calle 150 way 1510124 unclassified
Calle 150 way 1510125 unclassified
Calle 151 way 1510126 unclassified
Calle Baltasar Chong way 1510127 unclassified
Calle Constanza Bricolet way 1510128 unclassified
Calle Dionisio Châteauguay way 1510129 unclassified
Círculo Trebisonda way 1510130 unclassified
Pasaje Tapas way 1510133 unclassified
Paseo Alcibíades O'Hanlon way 1510134 tertiary
Paseo Alcibíades O'Hanlon way 1510135 tertiary
Paseo Democrático way 1510137 unclassified
Paseo Despótico way 1510138 unclassified
Paseo Despótico way 1510139 unclassified
Paseo Trebisonda way 1510140 unclassified
Paseo Trebisonda way 1510141 unclassified
Avenida 26 way 1510188 tertiary
Avenida 26 way 1510189 tertiary
Avenida 26 way 1510190 tertiary
Avenida 26 way 1510191 tertiary
Avenida 26 way 1510192 tertiary
Avenida 26 way 1510193 tertiary
Calle 141 way 1510194 unclassified
Calle 141 way 1510195 unclassified
Calle Carretera way 1510196 tertiary
Calle Carretera way 1510197 tertiary
Calle Carretera way 1510198 tertiary
Calle Carretera way 1510199 tertiary
Calle Carretera way 1510200 tertiary
Avenida 25 way 1510285 unclassified
Avenida 25 way 1510286 unclassified
Avenida 27 way 1510287 unclassified
Avenida 28 way 1510288 unclassified
Calle 136 way 1510289 unclassified
Calle 136 way 1510290 unclassified
Calle 136 way 1510291 residential
Calle 137 way 1510292 residential
Calle 138 way 1510293 tertiary
Calle Baltasar Chong way 1510294 unclassified
Calle Constanza Bricolet way 1510295 unclassified
Avenida 27 way 1510695 residential
Avenida 28 way 1510696 unclassified
Avenida 28 way 1510697 unclassified
Avenida 29 way 1510698 tertiary
Avenida 30 way 1510699 unclassified
Avenida 31 way 1510700 unclassified
Calle 124 way 1510702 residential
Calle Baltasar Chong way 1510704 residential
Calle Constanza Bricolet way 1510705 residential
Calle Dionisio Châteauguay way 1510706 residential
Pasaje A way 1510709 residential
Pasaje A way 1510710 residential
Pasaje A way 1510711 residential
Pasaje A way 1510712 residential
Pasaje A way 1510713 residential
Pasaje A way 1510714 residential
Pasaje B way 1510715 residential
Pasaje Bertrada Delaage way 1510716 residential
Pasaje B way 1510717 residential
Pasaje B way 1510718 residential
Pasaje B way 1510719 residential
Pasaje B way 1510720 residential
Pasaje C way 1510721 residential
Pasaje C way 1510722 residential
Pasaje C way 1510723 residential
Pasaje Cuícuec way 1510724 residential
Pasaje C way 1510725 residential
Pasaje C way 1510726 residential
Pasaje D way 1510727 residential
Pasaje D way 1510728 residential
Pasaje D way 1510729 residential
Pasaje D way 1510730 residential
Pasaje D way 1510731 residential
Pasaje D way 1510732 residential
Plazita X way 1510734 residential
Plazita X way 1510735 residential
Plazita X way 1510736 residential
Plazita X way 1510739 residential
Plazita X way 1510741 residential
Plazita X way 1510744 residential
way 1510745 service
way 1510746 service
way 1510747 service
way 1510748 service
way 1510749 service
way 1510750 service
way 1510751 service
way 1510752 service
way 1510753 service
way 1510754 service
way 1510755 service
way 1510756 service
way 1510757 service
way 1510758 service
way 1510759 service
way 1510760 service
way 1510761 service
way 1510762 service
way 1510763 service
way 1510764 service
way 1510765 service
way 1510766 service
way 1510767 service
way 1510768 service
Avenida 25 way 1518284 unclassified
Avenida 33 way 1518285 unclassified
Calle 112 way 1518286 residential
Calle 123 way 1518287 residential
Calle 123 way 1518288 unclassified
Calle 124 way 1518289 unclassified
Calle 125 way 1518290 residential
Calle 126 way 1518291 tertiary
Calle Constanza Bricolet way 1518292 residential
Calle Guillermina Bollar Bang way 1518293 residential
Calle Teodoro Bettencourt way 1518294 unclassified
Callejón 123 way 1518295 residential
Callejón 125 way 1518296 residential
Pasaje A way 1518298 residential
Pasaje A way 1518299 residential
Pasaje B way 1518300 residential
Pasaje B way 1518301 residential
Pasaje C way 1518302 residential
Pasaje C way 1518303 residential
Pasaje D way 1518304 residential
Pasaje D way 1518305 residential
Paseo Rafelina Mountebank way 1518306 residential
Plazita X way 1518309 residential
Plazita X way 1518310 residential
way 1518313 service
way 1518314 service
way 1518315 service
way 1518316 service
way 1518317 service
way 1518318 service
way 1518319 service
way 1518320 service
Avenida 26 way 1518413 tertiary
Avenida 26 way 1518414 tertiary
Avenida 27 way 1518415 residential
Avenida 28 way 1518416 unclassified
Calle 74 way 1518417 residential
Calle 77 way 1518418 residential
Calle 78 way 1518419 residential
Calle 79 way 1518420 residential
Calle Baltasar Chong way 1518421 unclassified
Calle Constanza Bricolet way 1518422 residential
Calle Constanza Bricolet way 1518423 residential
Calle Dionisio Châteauguay way 1518424 residential
Conector way 1518425 tertiary
Conector way 1518426 tertiary
Conector way 1518427 tertiary
Conector way 1518428 tertiary
Círculo Las Chimeneas way 1518429 tertiary
Pasaje Borrego way 1518432 residential
Avenida 26 way 1518433 tertiary
Avenida 27 way 1519322 residential
Avenida 28 way 1519323 unclassified
Avenida 29 way 1519324 residential
Avenida 30 way 1519325 residential
Calle 65 way 1519326 unclassified
Calle 65 way 1519327 unclassified
Calle 66 way 1519328 unclassified
Calle 66 way 1519329 unclassified
Calle 67 way 1519330 unclassified
Calle 67 way 1519331 unclassified
Calle 68 way 1519332 unclassified
Calle Baltasar Chong way 1519333 residential
Calle Blanco Christensen way 1519334 residential
Calle Constanza Bricolet way 1519335 residential
Calle Dionisio Châteauguay way 1519336 residential
Calle Norberto Clavel way 1519337 unclassified
Diagonal Angustia way 1519338 residential
Diagonal Serenidad way 1519339 residential
Diagonal Sonrisa way 1519340 residential
Diagonal Viento way 1519341 residential
Vía Eternidad way 1519342 residential
Vía Nebulosa way 1519343 residential
Vía Orden way 1519344 unclassified
Vía Salida way 1519345 unclassified
Vía Sombra way 1519346 unclassified
Vía Telescopio way 1519347 unclassified
Vía Universo way 1519348 unclassified
Vía Universo way 1519349 residential
Vía Voz way 1519350 unclassified
Avenida 22 way 1540572 residential
Calle 36 way 1540573 unclassified
Calle 37 way 1540574 residential
way 1540577 service
way 1540578 service
way 1540579 service
way 1540580 service
way 1549919 service
Avenida 25 way 1569594 residential
Avenida 25 way 1569595 residential
Avenida 36 way 1569596 unclassified
Avenida 36 way 1569597 residential
Avenida 37 way 1569598 residential
Avenida 38 way 1569599 residential
Avenida 40 way 1569600 residential
Avenida 40 way 1569601 unclassified
Avenida 41 way 1569602 residential
Calle 1 way 1569604 residential
Calle 34 way 1569605 tertiary
Calle 34 way 1569606 tertiary
Calle 4 way 1569607 residential
Calle 5 way 1569608 residential
Calle 8 way 1569609 unclassified
Calle 9 way 1569610 unclassified
Calle Chiles way 1569611 unclassified
Calle Guillermina Bollar Bang way 1569612 residential
Calle Guillermina Bollar Bang way 1569613 residential
Calle Orlando Duquederrosas way 1569614 residential
Diagonal Algodón way 1569615 unclassified
Diagonal Arpillera way 1569616 unclassified
Diagonal Arpillera way 1569617 unclassified
Diagonal Cáñamo way 1569618 unclassified
Diagonal Lana way 1569619 unclassified
Diagonal Seda way 1569620 unclassified
Diagonal Tejidos way 1569621 unclassified
Diagonal Tejidos way 1569622 unclassified
Diagonal Telares way 1569623 unclassified
Pasaje Blanco y Verde way 1569626 residential
Paseo Sol de Barro way 1569627 residential
Diagonal Buenos Aires way 1569657 tertiary
Diagonal Buenos Aires way 1569658 tertiary
Calle 9 way 1569659 unclassified
Avenida 31 way 1596989 residential
Avenida 23 way 1597089 residential
Calle Servia Bruschetti way 1597090 residential
Avenida 44 way 1612931 residential
Calle Esmeralda Ezquiaga way 1612933 residential
Calle 18 way 1614395 service
Calle 18 way 1614396 service
way 1614408 service
way 1614409 service
way 1614450 service
way 1614451 service
way 1614452 service
Calle 33 way 1624902 tertiary
Diagonal Grandes Lagos way 1636961 secondary
Avenida 29 way 1637132 unclassified
Avenida Sozzini way 1637133 tertiary
Calle 223 way 1637134 unclassified
Glorieta Banalidades way 1637136 tertiary
Paseo Metasecoyas way 1637137 tertiary
Paseo Metasecoyas way 1637138 tertiary
Avenida 12 way 1638716 unclassified
Avenida 13 way 1638717 tertiary
Avenida 13 way 1638718 tertiary
Calle 125 way 1638719 unclassified
Calle 125 way 1638720 unclassified
Calle 126 way 1638721 tertiary
Calle 126 way 1638722 tertiary
Calle 138 way 1638723 unclassified
way 1639000 service
way 1639001 service
Calle 97 way 1639042 unclassified
Calle 97 way 1639043 tertiary
Avenida 53 way 1639079 unclassified
Avenida 54 way 1639080 unclassified
Avenida 54 way 1639081 unclassified
Avenida 56 way 1639082 unclassified
Avenida 56 way 1639083 unclassified
Avenida 56 way 1639084 unclassified
Calle 66 way 1639085 unclassified
Calle 67 way 1639086 unclassified
Calle 68 way 1639087 unclassified
Calle Cora Galán de Rawlings way 1639088 unclassified
Calle Fin Ghiuletti way 1639089 unclassified
Avenida 37 way 1639146 unclassified
Avenida 39 way 1639147 unclassified
Calle 38 way 1639148 unclassified
Callejón 37 way 1639150 unclassified
Paseo Tucana way 1639259 tertiary
Paseo Pepinos way 1639355 tertiary
Avenida 19 way 1639835 residential
Avenida 20 way 1639836 residential
Avenida 22 way 1639837 residential
Avenida 23 way 1639838 residential
Avenida 24 way 1639839 tertiary
Avenida 24 way 1639840 tertiary
Avenida 25 way 1639841 residential
Avenida 26 way 1639842 tertiary
Avenida 26 way 1639843 tertiary
Avenida 27 way 1639844 residential
Avenida 28 way 1639845 residential
Avenida 29 way 1639846 tertiary
Avenida de los Camiones way 1639847 tertiary
Bulevar Jachania way 1639848 tertiary
Calle 19 way 1639849 residential
Calle 20 way 1639850 residential
Calle 21 way 1639851 residential
Calle 23 way 1639852 residential
Calle 24 way 1639853 residential
Calle Constanza Bricolet way 1639854 residential
Calle Dionisio Châteauguay way 1639855 residential
Calle Guillermina Bollar Bang way 1639856 unclassified
Calle Iglesia way 1639857 residential
Calle Teodoro Bettencourt way 1639858 unclassified
Calzada Principal way 1639859 pedestrian
Conector way 1639861 tertiary
Pasaje Alambre way 1639885 residential
Pasaje Coñac way 1639886 residential
Pasaje Dientes way 1639887 residential
Pasaje Dirigibles way 1639888 residential
Pasaje Estrella Apagada way 1639889 residential
Pasaje Hermoso way 1639890 residential
Pasaje Huasco way 1639891 residential
Pasaje Incendio way 1639892 residential
Pasaje Luminoso way 1639893 residential
Pasaje Suspiros way 1639894 residential
Pasaje los Estudiosos way 1639895 residential
Paseo Espacios way 1639896 residential
Paseo Los Labios way 1639897 residential
Paseo Ruido way 1639898 residential
Paseo Sepulcro way 1639899 residential
Paseo Tablero way 1639900 residential
Paseo al Cielo way 1639901 residential
Paseo la Verdad way 1639902 residential
Plazita San Martín Norte way 1639904 pedestrian
Zona Peotonal way 1639906 pedestrian
way 1639919 service
way 1639920 service
way 1639921 service
way 1639922 service
way 1639923 service
way 1639924 service
way 1639925 service
way 1639926 service
way 1639927 service
way 1639928 service
way 1639929 service
way 1639930 service
way 1639931 service
way 1639932 service
way 1639933 service
way 1639934 service
way 1639935 service
way 1639936 service
way 1639937 service
way 1639938 service
Avenida 31 way 1639969 residential
Avenida 31 way 1639970 residential
Calle 24 way 1639971 residential
Calle 24 way 1639972 residential
way 1639981 pedestrian
way 1639982 pedestrian
way 1639983 pedestrian
Avenida 80 way 1645526 secondary
Avenida 80 way 1645527 secondary
Bosque Occidental (Calle 111) way 1645528 tertiary
Calle 12 way 1648770 unclassified
Calle 13 way 1648771 unclassified
Calle Cristóbal Prévost way 1648772 unclassified
Calle Alonso Quack way 1648807 residential
Avenida 52 way 1663351 residential
Avenida 54 way 1663352 unclassified
Calle 179 way 1663353 residential
Calle 180 way 1663354 residential
Calle 181 way 1663355 unclassified
Calle 182 way 1663356 residential
Calle 183 way 1663357 unclassified
Calle 184 way 1663358 residential
Calle 185 way 1663359 unclassified
Calle Fin Ghiuletti way 1663360 unclassified
Calle Noé Fung way 1663361 residential
Calle Perdida way 1663362 residential
Calle 205 way 1663713 unclassified
Paseo Las Semillas way 1663714 unclassified
way 1668767 service
way 1668769 service
way 1681083 service
way 1681084 service
way 1686070 pedestrian
Calle 19 way 1691004 residential
way 1691063 service
way 1691064 service
way 1691068 service
way 1691069 service
way 1691074 service
way 1691075 service
way 1691076 service
way 1691077 service
way 1691078 service
way 1691079 service
way 1691080 service
way 1691081 service
way 1691082 service
way 1691083 service
way 1691084 service
way 1691085 service
way 1691086 service
way 1691087 service
way 1691153 service
way 1691154 service
way 1691155 service
Calle Inocencio Leñero Tamayo way 1697491 unclassified
Calle Inocencio Leñero Tamayo way 1697492 unclassified
Calle 62 way 1697575 unclassified
Calle Ambrosio Anil Yi way 1697576 unclassified
Calle Calisto Zimmermann way 1697577 unclassified
way 1697599 service
Calle 2 way 1697745 residential
Plaza de la Gran Puerta way 1697801 pedestrian
way 1697824 service
way 1697825 service
way 1697826 service
way 1697827 service
way 1697828 service
way 1697829 service
way 1697830 service
way 1697831 service
way 1697832 service
way 1697833 service
way 1697834 service
way 1697835 service
way 1697836 service
way 1697837 service
way 1697838 service
way 1697839 service
way 1697840 service
way 1697841 service
way 1697842 service
way 1697843 service
way 1697844 service
way 1697845 service
way 1697846 service
way 1697847 service
way 1697848 service
way 1697849 service
way 1697850 service
way 1697851 service
way 1697852 service
way 1697853 service
way 1697854 service
way 1697855 service
way 1697856 service
way 1697857 service
way 1697859 service
Avenida 10 way 1698105 residential
Avenida 7 way 1698106 residential
Avenida 7 way 1698107 residential
Avenida Puerto Nuevo way 1698108 residential
Avenida Puerto Nuevo way 1698109 residential
Calle 29 way 1698114 residential
Calle 31 way 1698115 residential
Calle Machete way 1698116 residential
Calle Pedro Comala way 1698117 residential
Glorieta La Bota way 1698119 residential
Paseo Cerro Silla way 1698121 residential
Plaza La Bota way 1698122 pedestrian
way 1698171 pedestrian
way 1698173 service
way 1698174 pedestrian
way 1698177 service
way 1698179 pedestrian
way 1698180 service
way 1698183 pedestrian
way 1698184 service
Pasaje Diablo way 1698398 residential
Plaza Zona Oeste way 1698399 pedestrian
way 1698448 service
Avenida 8 way 1698620 residential
way 1698667 service
way 1698668 service
way 1698669 service
way 1698670 service
way 1698671 service
way 1698672 service
way 1698673 service
way 1698674 service
way 1698675 service
way 1698676 service
way 1698677 service
way 1698678 service
way 1698679 service
way 1698680 service
way 1698681 service
way 1698682 service
way 1698683 service
way 1698684 service
way 1698685 service
way 1698686 service
way 1698687 service
way 1698688 service
way 1698689 service
way 1698690 service
way 1698691 service
way 1698692 service
way 1698693 service
Avenida 127 way 1700570 unclassified
Avenida 129 way 1700571 tertiary
Calle 132 way 1700574 tertiary
Calle 143 way 1700575 unclassified
Callejón 133 way 1700576 residential
Calleón 132 way 1700577 residential
Diagonal 30 de Abril way 1700578 tertiary
Diagonal 30 de Abril way 1700579 tertiary
Diagonal 30 de Abril way 1700580 tertiary
Diagonal 30 de Abril way 1700581 tertiary
Diagonal 30 de Abril way 1700582 tertiary
Diagonal 30 de Abril way 1700583 tertiary
Diagonal Juventud way 1700584 tertiary
Glorieta 30 de Abril way 1700586 tertiary
way 1700598 service
way 1700599 service
way 1700600 service
way 1700601 service
way 1700602 service
way 1700603 service
Avenida 129 way 1700765 tertiary
Avenida 129 way 1700766 tertiary
Avenida 129 way 1700767 tertiary
Avenida 129 way 1700768 tertiary
Calle 35 way 1700776 unclassified
Calle 35 way 1700777 pedestrian
Calle 82 way 1700778 tertiary
Calle 82 way 1700779 tertiary
Calle Belerofonte way 1700780 residential
Calle Belerofonte way 1700781 residential
Calle Belerofonte way 1700782 residential
Calle Parnaso way 1700783 unclassified
Calle Parnaso way 1700784 unclassified
Callejón 125 way 1700785 residential
Diagonal Historia way 1700786 tertiary
Diagonal Historia way 1700787 tertiary
Plaza Bongo Bongo way 1700795 pedestrian
Paseo del Ancho way 1700891 tertiary
Paseo del Ancho way 1700892 tertiary
Paseo del Ancho way 1700893 tertiary
Paseo del Ancho way 1700894 tertiary
Calle 81 way 1700990 unclassified
Paseo Cuarto de Piedra way 1700994 residential
Calle Octavio La Fourchet way 1701081 residential
Calle Pedro Comala way 1701082 residential
Pasaje Abejas Blancas way 1701089 residential
way 1701125 service
way 1701126 service
way 1701127 service
way 1701128 service
way 1701129 service
way 1701130 service
way 1701131 service
way 1701132 service
way 1701133 service
way 1701134 service
way 1701135 service
way 1701136 service
Bulevar Ciudad way 1702633 tertiary
Bulevar Ciudad way 1702634 tertiary
Calle 65 way 1702635 tertiary
Diagonal Cerezos DF 118 secondary
Diagonal Cerezos DF 118 secondary
Glorieta Bulevar Ciudad way 1702638 secondary
Glorieta Bulevar Ciudad way 1702639 pedestrian
Avenida 64 way 1706793 unclassified
Avenida 76 way 1706794 tertiary
Avenida 76 way 1706795 unclassified
Avenida 79 way 1706796 unclassified
Avenida 79 way 1706797 unclassified
Avenida 79 way 1706798 unclassified
Avenida 79 way 1706799 unclassified
Avenida 80 way 1706800 tertiary
Avenida 80 way 1706801 tertiary
Avenida 80 way 1706802 tertiary
Avenida Edmunda Franco Dir Sur way 1706803 tertiary
Avenida Edmunda Franco Dir Sur way 1706804 tertiary
Avenida Edmunda Franco Dir Sur way 1706805 tertiary
Calle 90 way 1706806 tertiary
Calle 90 way 1706807 unclassified
Calle 91 way 1706808 unclassified
Calle 95 way 1706809 unclassified
Callejón 80 way 1706810 unclassified
Callejón 80 way 1706811 residential
Diagonal Federación way 1706812 tertiary
Diagonal Federación way 1706813 tertiary
Diagonal Federación way 1706814 tertiary
Diagonal Federación way 1706815 tertiary
Diagonal Federación way 1706816 tertiary
Diagonal Grandes Lagos way 1706817 tertiary
Diagonal Poetas way 1706818 tertiary
Diagonal Poetas way 1706819 tertiary
Diagonal Poetas way 1706820 tertiary
Diagonal Poetas way 1706821 tertiary
Diagonal Riqueza way 1706822 tertiary
Diagonal Riqueza way 1706823 tertiary
Diagonal Riqueza way 1706824 tertiary
El Arco de la Soberanía way 1706828 tertiary
Glorieta Cervantes way 1706829 tertiary
Glorieta Secularismo way 1706830 tertiary
Glorieta Secularismo way 1706832 tertiary
Carretera Pistolas way 1706844 motorway
Carretera Pistolas way 1706845 motorway
way 1706846 motorway
Calle 91 way 1706966 unclassified
way 1706968 service
way 1706969 service
way 1706970 service
way 1706971 service
way 1706972 service
way 1706973 service
way 1706974 service
way 1706975 service
way 1706976 service
way 1706977 service
way 1706978 service
way 1706979 service
way 1706980 service
way 1706981 service
way 1706982 service
Avenida 126 way 1718254 unclassified
Calle 133 way 1718264 unclassified
Calle Antarephia way 1718265 residential
Callejón 124 way 1718266 residential
Callejón 133 way 1718267 residential
Calle Marco Talbott way 1718467 residential
Carretera Pistolas way 1718468 motorway
Carretera Pistolas way 1718469 motorway
Conector way 1718470 tertiary
Conector way 1718471 tertiary
Conector way 1718472 tertiary
Conector way 1718473 tertiary
Avenida 36 way 1718698 residential
Calle 83 way 1718699 unclassified
Calle Albor de Gronik way 1718701 residential
Calle Velorio Daralbeid way 1718702 residential
Callejón 82 way 1718703 residential
way 1718714 service
way 1718715 service
way 1718716 service
way 1718717 service
way 1718718 service
way 1718719 service
way 1718720 service
Avenida 23 Dir. Oeste way 1718804 tertiary
Avenida 23 Dir. Oeste way 1718805 tertiary
Avenida 23 way 1718806 tertiary
Avenida 23 way 1718807 tertiary
Carretera Avenida 23 way 1718808 motorway
Carretera Avenida 23 way 1718809 motorway
Carretera Avenida 23 way 1718810 motorway
Carretera Avenida 23 way 1718811 motorway
Avenida 121 way 1721203 unclassified
Calle 151 way 1721218 unclassified
Calle 155 way 1721219 residential
way 1721234 service
way 1721235 service
way 1721236 service
way 1721237 service
way 1721238 service
way 1721240 service
way 1721241 service
way 1721242 service
way 1721244 service
way 1721245 pedestrian
way 1721246 service
Avenida 11 way 1723105 unclassified
Avenida 12 way 1723106 unclassified
Avenida 13 way 1723107 tertiary
Avenida 14 way 1723108 unclassified
Avenida 16 way 1723109 unclassified
Avenida 17 way 1723110 unclassified
Avenida 18 way 1723111 unclassified
Avenida 7 way 1723112 unclassified
Avenida 8 way 1723113 unclassified
Calle 225 way 1723114 unclassified
Calle 226 way 1723115 unclassified
Calle 227 way 1723116 unclassified
Calle 228 way 1723117 unclassified
Calle 229 way 1723118 unclassified
Calle 231 way 1723119 unclassified
Calle 232 way 1723120 unclassified
Calle 233 way 1723121 unclassified
Calle 234 way 1723122 unclassified
Calle 235 way 1723123 unclassified
Calle 237 way 1723124 unclassified
Calle 238 way 1723125 unclassified
Calle Arely Arraiz way 1723126 unclassified
Calle Arquíloco Aguirre way 1723127 unclassified
Calle Calatrava way 1723128 unclassified
Calle Fernando Abenzoar way 1723129 unclassified
Calle Jaime Armandolfi way 1723130 unclassified
Calle Llano en Llamas way 1723131 unclassified
Calle Mapamundi way 1723132 unclassified
Calle Parnaso way 1723133 unclassified
Calle Tomás Arambel y Domínguez way 1723134 unclassified
Calle Ángeles way 1723135 unclassified
Calle Árbol Mágico way 1723136 unclassified
Camino de Servicio - Carretera Costa de Dragones way 1723137 tertiary
Avenida 35 way 1725880 residential
Avenida 82 way 1725881 unclassified
Calle 90 way 1725906 unclassified
Calle 90 way 1725907 unclassified
Calle Albor de Gronik way 1725908 residential
Calle Dionisio Châteauguay way 1725909 residential
Callejón 89 way 1725910 residential
Callejón 89 way 1725911 residential
Callejón 90 way 1725912 residential
Carretera Pistolas way 1725913 motorway
Carretera Pistolas way 1725914 motorway
Carretera Pistolas way 1725915 motorway
Carretera Pistolas way 1725916 motorway
Diagonal Federación way 1725921 tertiary
Diagonal Federación way 1725922 tertiary
Diagonal Federación way 1725923 tertiary
Diagonal Federación way 1725924 tertiary
Diagonal Federación way 1725925 tertiary
Diagonal Federación way 1725926 tertiary
Diagonal Federación way 1725927 tertiary
Diagonal Federación way 1725928 tertiary
Diagonal Poetas way 1725929 tertiary
Diagonal Poetas way 1725930 tertiary
Diagonal Poetas way 1725931 tertiary
Diagonal Poetas way 1725932 tertiary
Diagonal Poetas way 1725933 tertiary
Diagonal Poetas way 1725934 tertiary
Diagonal Poetas way 1725935 tertiary
Diagonal Poetas way 1725936 tertiary
Paseo Delfines way 1725951 residential
way 1725991 service
way 1725992 service
way 1725993 service
way 1725994 service
way 1725995 service
way 1725996 service
way 1725997 service
way 1725998 service
way 1725999 service
way 1726001 service
way 1726002 service
way 1726003 service
way 1726004 service
way 1726005 service
way 1726006 service
way 1726007 service
way 1726008 service
way 1726009 service
way 1726010 service
way 1726011 service
way 1726012 service
way 1726014 service
way 1726015 service
way 1726016 service
way 1726017 service
way 1726018 service
way 1726019 service
way 1726020 service
way 1726021 service
way 1726022 service
way 1726023 service
way 1726024 service
way 1726027 service
way 1726028 service
way 1726029 service
way 1726030 service
Avenida 100 way 1786976 unclassified
Avenida 101 way 1786977 unclassified
Avenida 102 way 1786978 unclassified
Avenida 103 way 1786979 unclassified
Avenida 104 way 1786980 unclassified
Avenida 105 way 1786981 unclassified
Avenida 108 way 1786982 unclassified
Avenida 110 way 1786983 unclassified
Avenida 111 way 1786984 tertiary
Avenida 112 way 1786985 unclassified
Avenida 113 way 1786986 unclassified
Avenida 114 way 1786987 unclassified
Avenida 115 way 1786988 unclassified
Avenida 116 way 1786989 unclassified
Avenida 117 way 1786990 unclassified
Avenida 117 way 1786991 unclassified
Avenida 118 way 1786992 unclassified
Avenida 119 way 1786993 unclassified
Avenida 120 way 1786994 unclassified
Avenida 121 way 1786995 unclassified
Avenida 122 way 1786996 unclassified
Avenida 123 way 1786997 unclassified
Avenida 124 way 1786998 tertiary
Avenida 124 way 1786999 tertiary
Avenida 125 way 1787000 unclassified
Avenida 126 way 1787001 unclassified
Avenida 127 way 1787002 unclassified
Avenida 128 way 1787003 unclassified
Avenida 129 way 1787004 unclassified
Avenida 130 way 1787005 unclassified
Avenida 131 way 1787006 unclassified
Avenida 132 way 1787007 unclassified
Avenida 133 way 1787008 unclassified
Avenida 80 way 1787009 secondary
Avenida 80 way 1787010 secondary
Avenida 87 way 1787011 unclassified
Avenida 90 way 1787012 unclassified
Avenida 93 way 1787013 unclassified
Avenida 94 way 1787014 unclassified
Avenida 95 way 1787015 unclassified
Avenida 96 way 1787016 unclassified
Avenida 97 way 1787017 unclassified
Avenida 98 way 1787018 tertiary
Avenida 98 way 1787019 tertiary
Avenida 99 way 1787020 unclassified
Avenue 84 way 1787021 unclassified
Calle 40 way 1787024 unclassified
Calle 40 way 1787025 unclassified
Calle 42 way 1787026 unclassified
Calle 43 way 1787027 unclassified
Calle 44 way 1787028 unclassified
Calle 45 way 1787029 unclassified
Calle 46 way 1787030 unclassified
Calle 48 way 1787031 unclassified
Calle 49 way 1787032 unclassified
Calle 50 way 1787033 unclassified
Calle 51 way 1787034 unclassified
Calle 52 way 1787035 unclassified
Calle 54 way 1787036 unclassified
Calle 55 way 1787037 unclassified
Calle Alfonso Schumann way 1787039 unclassified
Calle Ambrosio Anil Yi way 1787040 unclassified
Calle Antarephia way 1787041 unclassified
Calle Archanta way 1787042 unclassified
Calle Armando Towne way 1787043 unclassified
Calle Arnoldo Van Zandt way 1787044 unclassified
Calle Askendom way 1787045 unclassified
Calle Atlante Sineterisset way 1787046 unclassified
Calle Bernal Zúñiga way 1787047 unclassified
Calle Byórn way 1787048 unclassified
Calle Calisto Zimmermann way 1787049 unclassified
Calle Constance-Reid way 1787050 unclassified
Calle Dagelanden way 1787051 unclassified
Calle Demetrio Urbonas way 1787052 unclassified
Calle Demócrito Urizabal way 1787053 unclassified
Calle Derindonderak way 1787054 tertiary
Calle Emilia Waterford Grandín way 1787055 unclassified
Calle Ergolanyum way 1787056 unclassified
Calle Esmeralda Tsevet way 1787057 unclassified
Calle Fanshawe way 1787058 unclassified
Calle Galicia way 1787059 unclassified
Calle Géronimo Van Ess way 1787060 unclassified
Calle Hipólito Zumalacárragui way 1787061 unclassified
Calle Jack Woss way 1787062 unclassified
Calle Perseo Washburn way 1787063 unclassified
Calle Perseo Washburn way 1787064 unclassified
Calle Policarpo Van Kill way 1787065 unclassified
Calle Roque Santisidro way 1787066 unclassified
Calle Samara Washington Kim way 1787067 tertiary
Calle Tetrarca Puig way 1787068 tertiary
Calle Tetrarca Puig way 1787069 tertiary
Calle Tetrarca Puig way 1787070 tertiary
Calle Tetrarca Puig way 1787071 tertiary
Calle Verónica Vieulle way 1787072 unclassified
Calle Vladimir Smith way 1787073 unclassified
Callejón 40 way 1787074 residential
Callejón 40 way 1787075 residential
Diagonal Grandes Lagos way 1787076 secondary
Diagonal Grandes Lagos way 1787077 secondary
Diagonal Grandes Lagos way 1787078 secondary
Diagonal Grandes Lagos way 1787079 secondary
Avenida 24 way 1906950 tertiary
Avenida 24 way 1906951 tertiary
Avenida 25 way 1906952 residential
Avenida 46 way 1906953 unclassified
Avenida 47 way 1906954 residential
Avenida 48 way 1906955 tertiary
Avenida 48 way 1906956 tertiary
Avenida 49 way 1906957 unclassified
Avenida 50 way 1906958 unclassified
Avenida 51 way 1906959 unclassified
Avenida 52 way 1906960 unclassified
Avenida 53 way 1906961 unclassified
Avenida 53 way 1906962 unclassified
Avenida 54 way 1906963 tertiary
Avenida 54 way 1906964 tertiary
Avenida 54 way 1906965 tertiary
Avenida 54 way 1906966 tertiary
Avenida 55 way 1906967 unclassified
Avenida 55 way 1906968 unclassified
Calle 10 way 1906969 unclassified
Calle 16 way 1906970 tertiary
Calle 16 way 1906971 unclassified
Calle 16 way 1906972 tertiary
Calle 16 way 1906973 tertiary
Calle 16 way 1906974 unclassified
Calle 17 way 1906975 residential
Calle 17 way 1906976 unclassified
Calle 18 way 1906977 unclassified
Calle 19 way 1906978 unclassified
Calle 19 way 1906979 unclassified
Calle 19 way 1906980 residential
Calle 20 way 1906981 unclassified
Calle 20 way 1906982 residential
Calle 21 way 1906983 unclassified
Calle 21 way 1906984 residential
Calle 21 way 1906985 unclassified
Calle 22 way 1906986 tertiary
Calle 22 way 1906987 tertiary
Calle 23 way 1906988 residential
Calle 24 way 1906989 tertiary
Calle 24 way 1906990 tertiary
Calle 24 way 1906991 tertiary
Calle 24 way 1906992 tertiary
Calle 2 way 1906993 residential
Calle 5 way 1906994 unclassified
Calle 9 way 1906995 unclassified
Calle Alerces way 1906996 residential
Calle Antonino Gohhomassara way 1906997 residential
Calle Antonino Gohhomassara way 1906998 residential
Calle Cora Galán de Rawlings way 1906999 residential
Calle Cora Galán de Rawlings way 1907000 residential
Calle Esmeralda Ezquiaga way 1907001 residential
Calle Estafanía Fokker de Garriz way 1907002 residential
Calle Felipe Foucault way 1907003 residential
Calle Fin Ghiuletti way 1907004 residential
Calle Fin Ghiuletti way 1907005 residential
Calle Noé Fung way 1907007 residential
Calle Noé Fung way 1907008 residential
Calle Polidoro Grijalva way 1907009 residential
Calle Polidoro Grijalva way 1907010 residential
Calle Teodoro Bettencourt way 1907011 residential
Diagonal Vapores way 1907012 tertiary
Diagonal Vapores way 1907013 tertiary
Diagonal Vapores way 1907014 tertiary
Diagonal Vapores way 1907015 tertiary
Avenida 24 way 1907279 tertiary
Avenida 24 way 1907280 tertiary
Avenida 25 way 1907281 unclassified
Avenida 26 way 1907282 tertiary
Avenida 26 way 1907283 tertiary
Avenida 27 way 1907284 unclassified
Avenida 27 way 1907285 residential
Avenida 28 way 1907286 residential
Avenida 28 way 1907287 residential
Avenida 29 way 1907288 tertiary
Avenida 29 way 1907289 tertiary
Avenida 29 way 1907290 tertiary
Avenida 29 way 1907291 tertiary
Avenida 29 way 1907292 tertiary
Avenida 29 way 1907293 tertiary
Avenida 29 way 1907294 tertiary
Avenida 29 way 1907295 tertiary
Avenida 30 way 1907296 residential
Avenida 30 way 1907297 residential
Avenida 32 way 1907298 residential
Avenida 33 way 1907299 residential
Calle 12 way 1907300 residential
Calle 12 way 1907301 residential
Calle 13 way 1907302 tertiary
Calle 13 way 1907303 tertiary
Calle 14 way 1907304 residential
Calle 1 way 1907305 residential
Calle 1 way 1907306 residential
Calle 2 way 1907307 residential
Calle 3 way 1907308 residential
Calle 4 way 1907309 residential
Calle 4 way 1907310 residential
Calle 5 way 1907311 unclassified
Calle 6 way 1907312 tertiary
Calle 6 way 1907313 tertiary
Calle 6 way 1907314 tertiary
Calle 6 way 1907315 tertiary
Calle 6 way 1907316 tertiary
Calle 6 way 1907317 tertiary
Calle 7 way 1907318 residential
Calle 7 way 1907319 unclassified
Calle 8 way 1907320 unclassified
Calle Angular way 1907321 residential
Calle Apolonio Condedetorres way 1907322 residential
Calle Apolonio Condedetorres way 1907323 residential
Calle Baltasar Chong way 1907324 residential
Calle Bisonte way 1907325 residential
Calle Californio Côté way 1907326 residential
Calle Dionisio Châteauguay way 1907327 residential
Calle Mario Climoy way 1907328 residential
Calle Norberto Clavel way 1907329 residential
Avenida 61 way 2081347 unclassified
Avenida 62 way 2081348 unclassified
Avenida 63 way 2081349 tertiary
Avenida 63 way 2081350 tertiary
Avenida 63 way 2081351 tertiary
Avenida 64 way 2081352 tertiary
Avenida 64 way 2081353 tertiary
Avenida Chongola way 2081354 tertiary
Avenida Chongola way 2081355 tertiary
Avenida Engranaje way 2081356 unclassified
Calle 60 way 2081357 unclassified
Calle 61 way 2081358 unclassified
Calle 62 way 2081359 unclassified
Calle 62 way 2081360 tertiary
Calle 62 way 2081361 tertiary
Calle 62 way 2081362 tertiary
Calle 62 way 2081363 unclassified
Calle 63 way 2081364 unclassified
Calle 64 way 2081365 unclassified
Calle 65 way 2081366 tertiary
Calle 65 way 2081367 residential
Calle 66 way 2081368 unclassified
Calle 67 way 2081369 unclassified
Calle 68 way 2081370 unclassified
Calle 69 way 2081371 unclassified
Calle Adolfo Kac way 2081372 unclassified
Calle Amadeo Khan way 2081373 unclassified
Calle Maximiliano Korhonen way 2081374 unclassified
Calle Platón Horowitz way 2081375 unclassified
Calle Tiberio Johannes way 2081376 unclassified
Diagonal Futuro way 2081380 tertiary
Diagonal Futuro way 2081381 tertiary
Diagonal Guardia Civil way 2081382 tertiary
Diagonal Guardia Civil way 2081383 tertiary
Diagonal de las Estrellas way 2081384 tertiary
Diagonal de las Estrellas way 2081385 tertiary
Ovalada Platón Horowitz way 2081387 tertiary
Avenida 57 way 2081738 unclassified
Avenida 58 way 2081739 unclassified
Avenida 59 way 2081740 unclassified
Avenida 60 way 2081741 unclassified
Calle Aulo Jauregi way 2081742 unclassified
Calle Aulo Jauregi way 2081743 unclassified
Calle Gaia Heguy Parent way 2081744 residential
Calle Platón Horowitz way 2081745 unclassified
Calle Tiberio Johannes way 2081746 unclassified
Callejón 61 way 2081747 residential
Pasaje Solar way 2081748 residential
Paseo Bosquecito way 2081749 residential
Paseo Bosquecito way 2081750 residential
Paseo Cerro Chongola way 2081751 unclassified
Paseo San Rafael way 2081752 unclassified
Avenida 49 way 2140778 unclassified
Avenida 49 way 2140779 unclassified
Avenida 50 way 2140780 residential
Avenida 51 way 2140781 residential
Avenida 51 way 2140782 unclassified
Avenida 52 way 2140783 unclassified
Avenida 53 way 2140784 residential
Avenida 54 way 2140785 tertiary
Avenida 54 way 2140786 tertiary
Avenida 56 way 2140787 residential
Avenida 57 way 2140788 residential
Avenida 58 way 2140789 unclassified
Avenida 59 way 2140790 unclassified
Avenida 60 way 2140791 unclassified
Avenida Pedro Ornitorrincodeturquesa way 2140792 tertiary
Calle 10 way 2140793 unclassified
Calle 11 way 2140794 unclassified
Calle 12 way 2140795 unclassified
Calle 13 way 2140796 tertiary
Calle 14 way 2140797 unclassified
Calle 15 way 2140798 unclassified
Calle 16 way 2140799 unclassified
Calle 17 way 2140800 unclassified
Calle 18 way 2140801 unclassified
Calle 3 way 2140802 residential
Calle 3 way 2140803 tertiary
Calle 6 way 2140804 tertiary
Calle 7 way 2140805 unclassified
Calle 8 way 2140806 unclassified
Calle 9 way 2140807 tertiary
Calle 9 way 2140808 unclassified
Calle 9 way 2140809 unclassified
Calle Antonino Gohhomassara way 2140810 residential
Calle Antonino Gohhomassara way 2140811 tertiary
Calle Aulo Jauregi way 2140812 residential
Calle Cora Galán de Rawlings way 2140813 residential
Calle Felipe Foucault way 2140814 residential
Calle Fin Ghiuletti way 2140815 residential
Calle Gaia Heguy Parent way 2140816 residential
Calle Irene Fonseca y Böhm way 2140817 residential
Calle Noé Fung way 2140818 residential
Calle Platón Horowitz way 2140819 unclassified
Calle Tito Foruria Pelletier way 2140820 tertiary
Calle Tito Foruria Pelletier way 2140821 unclassified
Calle Zacarías Gunn way 2140822 residential
Pasaje Arista Pope way 2140823 unclassified
Pasaje Dea Harpootlian way 2140824 unclassified
Pasaje Draco Mills way 2140825 unclassified
Pasaje Eliécer Laszlewski way 2140826 unclassified
Pasaje Eucaliptos way 2140827 unclassified
Pasaje Lucero way 2140828 unclassified
Pasaje Lucero way 2140829 unclassified
Pasaje Maitreya way 2140830 unclassified
Pasaje Pomona Soriano way 2140831 unclassified
Paseo Cruz Ruinascirculares way 2140832 unclassified
Paseo Dárdano Nicolaïdis way 2140833 unclassified
Paseo La Paz way 2140834 unclassified
Paseo Octágono way 2140835 tertiary
Paseo Rafael Throop way 2140836 unclassified
Paseo Ratoncito way 2140837 unclassified
Paseo Solo la Mente way 2140838 unclassified
Paseo Valledelhaz way 2140839 unclassified
Paseo Zanita Takaishvili way 2140840 unclassified
Paseo Zanita Takaishvili way 2140841 unclassified
Calle 14 way 2140935 unclassified
Pasaje Cesario de Bary way 2140937 residential
Pasaje Eloy Carusone way 2140938 residential
Pasaje Eufrosine Reinhardt way 2140939 residential
Pasaje Hiparco Matamoros way 2140940 residential
Pasaje Ingerina Kisbarnak way 2140941 residential
Pasaje Isaias Pigliucci way 2140942 residential
Pasaje Jairo de Montejo way 2140943 unclassified
Pasaje Juana Cajadearena way 2140944 unclassified
Pasaje Leocadia Capella way 2140945 unclassified
Pasaje Mercedes Belardinelli way 2140946 unclassified
Paseo Gloria way 2140947 unclassified
Paseo Jerjes Slobodeniouk way 2140948 unclassified
Paseo Las Rosas way 2140949 unclassified
Paseo Las Torres way 2140950 unclassified
Avenida 53 way 2140961 residential
Avenida 57 way 2140962 unclassified
Calle 14 way 2140963 unclassified
Calle 16 way 2140964 unclassified
Calle 18 way 2140965 unclassified
Calle Cora Galán de Rawlings way 2140966 residential
Calle Diabólica way 2140967 residential
Calle Fin Ghiuletti way 2140968 residential
Calle Gaia Heguy Parent way 2140969 unclassified
Calle Gormagasén way 2140970 residential
Calle Hombre Demolido way 2140971 residential
Calle Noé Fung way 2140972 residential
Calle Río del Árbol way 2140973 residential
Pasaje Cesario de Bary way 2140974 residential
Pasaje Modestino Aldazábal way 2140975 unclassified
Pasaje Modestino Aldazábal way 2140976 unclassified
Pasaje Máquinas way 2140977 residential
Pasaje Nerón Maldacena way 2140978 residential
Pasaje Nigrino Draguez way 2140979 residential
Pasaje Sauces way 2140980 residential
Paseo Postres way 2140981 unclassified
Calle Antonino Gohhomassara way 2141075 residential
Pasaje Los Lotos way 2141077 residential
Pasaje País Bello way 2141078 residential
Paseo Balas way 2141079 residential
Paseo Carmesí way 2141080 residential
Paseo Carmesí way 2141081 residential
Paseo Congregaciones way 2141082 residential
Paseo El Mapa way 2141083 residential
Paseo Impermanencia way 2141084 residential
Paseo Nona Aguinaga way 2141085 unclassified
Paseo Sombreros Blancos way 2141086 residential
Paseo Tierra Pura way 2141087 residential
Paseo Tierra Pura way 2141088 residential
Avenida 74 way 2141115 unclassified
Avenida 75 way 2141116 unclassified
Avenida 76 way 2141117 unclassified
Avenida 76 way 2141118 unclassified
Avenida 77 way 2141119 unclassified
Avenida 78 way 2141120 unclassified
Avenida 79 way 2141121 residential
Avenida 80 way 2141122 residential
Avenida Aérodromo way 2141123 residential
Calle 191 way 2141124 unclassified
Calle 192 way 2141125 unclassified
Calle 193 way 2141126 unclassified
Calle 194 way 2141127 unclassified
Calle 196 way 2141128 residential
Calle 197 way 2141129 residential
Calle 198 way 2141130 unclassified
Calle 200 way 2141131 residential
Calle 201 way 2141132 residential
Calle Domingo Murchison way 2141133 unclassified
Calle Domingo Murchison way 2141134 unclassified
Calle Gedeón Murgatroyd way 2141135 tertiary
Calle Gedeón Murgatroyd way 2141136 tertiary
Calle Huidobro way 2141137 unclassified
Calle Ibarbourou way 2141138 unclassified
Calle Ildefonso Narbáez way 2141139 residential
Calle Loynaz way 2141140 unclassified
Calle Machado way 2141141 unclassified
Calle Martí way 2141142 unclassified
Calle Mistral way 2141143 unclassified
Calle Mitre way 2141144 unclassified
Calle Neruda way 2141145 unclassified
Calle Nervo way 2141146 unclassified
Calle Virgilio Morris way 2141147 unclassified
Avenida 39 way 2162245 unclassified
Avenida 41 way 2162246 residential
Avenida 42 way 2162247 tertiary
Avenida 95 way 2162248 unclassified
Avenida 96 way 2162249 unclassified
Avenida 97 way 2162250 residential
Avenida 97 way 2162251 unclassified
Avenida 97 way 2162252 residential
Avenida 98 way 2162253 tertiary
Avenida 98 way 2162254 tertiary
Avenida 98 way 2162255 tertiary
Avenida 98 way 2162256 tertiary
Avenida 98 way 2162257 tertiary
Avenida 98 way 2162258 tertiary
Avenida 98 way 2162259 tertiary
Avenida 99 way 2162260 residential
Avenida 99 way 2162261 residential
Avenida 99 way 2162262 residential
Avenida 99 way 2162263 residential
Calle 138 way 2162264 tertiary
Calle 139 way 2162265 residential
Calle 140 way 2162266 residential
Calle 141 way 2162267 residential
Calle 142 way 2162268 residential
Calle 143 way 2162269 residential
Calle 144 way 2162270 residential
Calle 145 way 2162271 residential
Calle 146 way 2162272 tertiary
Calle 146 way 2162273 residential
Calle 146 way 2162274 tertiary
Calle 147 way 2162275 residential
Calle 148 way 2162276 residential
Calle 149 way 2162277 tertiary
Calle 149 way 2162278 tertiary
Calle 149 way 2162279 tertiary
Calle 150 way 2162280 residential
Calle 150 way 2162281 unclassified
Calle 151 way 2162282 unclassified
Calle 151 way 2162283 tertiary
Calle 152 way 2162284 tertiary
Calle 152 way 2162285 residential
Calle 152 way 2162286 tertiary
Calle 153 way 2162287 unclassified
Calle 153 way 2162288 residential
Calle 154 way 2162289 residential
Calle 154 way 2162290 unclassified
Calle 155 way 2162291 secondary
Calle 155 way 2162292 secondary
Calle 155 way 2162293 secondary
Calle 155 way 2162294 secondary
Calle 156 way 2162295 residential
Calle 156 way 2162296 residential
Calle 157 way 2162297 unclassified
Calle 158 way 2162298 residential
Calle 159 way 2162299 residential
Calle 160 way 2162300 tertiary
Calle 160 way 2162301 tertiary
Calle 161 way 2162302 residential
Calle 162 way 2162303 residential
Calle 162 way 2162304 residential
Calle 163 way 2162305 residential
Calle 164 way 2162306 residential
Calle 165 way 2162307 residential
Calle 165 way 2162308 residential
Calle 166 way 2162309 residential
Calle 167 way 2162310 residential
Calle 168 way 2162311 residential
Calle 169 way 2162312 residential
Calle 170 way 2162313 tertiary
Calle 170 way 2162314 tertiary
Calle 172 way 2162315 residential
Calle 173 way 2162316 residential
Calle 174 way 2162317 residential
Calle 174 way 2162318 residential
Calle 175 way 2162319 residential
Calle 176 way 2162320 tertiary
Calle 176 way 2162321 tertiary
Calle 177 way 2162322 residential
Calle 178 way 2162323 residential
Calle 178 way 2162324 residential
Calle Amelia Salisbury Hooke way 2162325 residential
Calle Amelia Salisbury Hooke way 2162326 unclassified
Calle Edén way 2162327 residential
Calle Gervasio Rodríguez Memmegehha way 2162328 residential
Calle Luciano Doon d'Orange way 2162329 unclassified
Calle Orlando Duquederrosas way 2162330 tertiary
Calle Petronio Robilyle way 2162331 residential
Calle Rocío Sainz Thorvald way 2162332 residential
Calle Rocío Sainz Thorvald way 2162333 residential
Calle Rocío Sainz Thorvald way 2162334 residential
Calle Rocío Sainz Thorvald way 2162335 residential
Calle Sonia Dolletessy way 2162336 tertiary
Calle Ésteban Rossa way 2162337 residential
Calle Ésteban Rossa way 2162338 residential
Calle Ésteban Rossa way 2162339 residential
Calle Ésteban Rossa way 2162340 residential
Calle Ésteban Rossa way 2162341 residential
Paseo Casa Pequeña way 2162344 tertiary
Paseo Casa Pequeña way 2162345 tertiary
Paseo Oceanos way 2162346 tertiary
Paseo Oceanos way 2162347 tertiary
Avenida 38 way 2162559 unclassified
Avenida 42 way 2162560 residential
Avenida 43 way 2162561 residential
Avenida 43 way 2162562 residential
Calle 139 way 2162563 residential
Calle 141 way 2162564 residential
Calle 142 way 2162565 residential
Calle 142 way 2162566 residential
Calle 143 way 2162567 residential
Calle 146 way 2162568 unclassified
Calle Esmeralda Ezquiaga way 2162569 tertiary
Calle Eustaquio Estranjero way 2162570 residential
Calle Eustaquio Estranjero way 2162571 residential
Calle Sonia Dolletessy way 2162572 residential
Calle Sonia Dolletessy way 2162573 residential
Pasaje Artístico way 2162575 residential
Pasaje Atlético way 2162576 residential
Pasaje Científico way 2162577 residential
Pasaje Filosófico way 2162578 residential
Pasaje Literario way 2162579 residential
Pasaje Ribera del Lago way 2162580 residential
Pasaje Ribera del Lago way 2162581 residential
Paseo Mahuma way 2162582 tertiary
Paseo San Miguel way 2162583 residential
Paseo San Miguel way 2162584 residential
Paseo San Miguel way 2162585 residential
Avenida 36 way 2289332 unclassified
Avenida 37 way 2289333 unclassified
Avenida 38 way 2289334 unclassified
Avenida 39 way 2289335 unclassified
Avenida 40 way 2289336 tertiary
Avenida 40 way 2289337 unclassified
Avenida 40 way 2289338 unclassified
Calle 148 way 2289339 unclassified
Calle 149 way 2289341 tertiary
Calle 149 way 2289342 tertiary
Calle 150 way 2289343 unclassified
Calle 150 way 2289344 residential
Calle 151 way 2289345 tertiary
Calle 152 way 2289346 unclassified
Calle 153 way 2289347 residential
Calle 153 way 2289348 unclassified
Calle 154 way 2289349 unclassified
Calle 154 way 2289350 residential
Calle 154 way 2289351 unclassified
Calle 155 way 2289352 secondary
Calle 155 way 2289353 secondary
Calle 155 way 2289354 secondary
Calle 155 way 2289355 secondary
Calle 155 way 2289356 secondary
Calle 155 way 2289357 secondary
Calle Carlos de Leuze way 2289358 unclassified
Calle Fernando de Puy way 2289359 unclassified
Calle Luciano Doon d'Orange way 2289360 unclassified
Calle Orlando Duquederrosas way 2289361 residential
Paseo Abejas way 2289362 residential
Paseo Bandada de Estorninos way 2289363 tertiary
Paseo Bandada de Estorninos way 2289364 tertiary
Avenida 42 way 2289548 tertiary
Avenida 42 way 2289549 tertiary
Avenida 46 way 2289550 residential
Calle 162 way 2289551 unclassified
Calle 163 way 2289552 unclassified
Paseo Ballenas way 2289553 residential
Paseo Cachalotes way 2289554 residential
Paseo Rorcuales way 2289555 residential
Paseo Yubartas way 2289556 residential
Avenida 10 way 2305485 unclassified
Avenida 11 way 2305486 unclassified
Avenida 12 way 2305487 unclassified
Avenida 13 way 2305488 unclassified
Avenida 13 way 2305489 unclassified
Avenida 14 way 2305490 unclassified
Avenida 15 way 2305491 unclassified
Avenida 17 way 2305492 unclassified
Avenida 18 way 2305493 unclassified
Avenida 19 way 2305494 unclassified
Avenida 21 way 2305496 unclassified
Avenida 8 way 2305497 unclassified
Avenida 9 way 2305498 unclassified
Avenida La Cama way 2305499 unclassified
Bulevar Kensington way 2305500 tertiary
Bulevar Kensington way 2305501 tertiary
Calle 156 way 2305502 unclassified
Calle 157 way 2305503 unclassified
Calle 158 way 2305504 unclassified
Calle 159 way 2305505 unclassified
Calle 161 way 2305506 unclassified
Calle 162 way 2305507 unclassified
Calle 163 way 2305508 unclassified
Calle 164 way 2305509 unclassified
Calle 165 way 2305510 unclassified
Calle 166 way 2305511 unclassified
Calle 167 way 2305512 unclassified
Calle 170 way 2305513 unclassified
Calle 170 way 2305514 unclassified
Calle Arquíloco Aguirre way 2305515 unclassified
Calle Calatrava way 2305516 unclassified
Calle Fernando Abenzoar way 2305517 unclassified
Calle Llano en Llamas way 2305518 unclassified
Calle Machete way 2305519 unclassified
Calle Mapamundi way 2305520 unclassified
Calle Parnaso way 2305521 unclassified
Calle Árbol Mágico way 2305522 unclassified
Callejón 159 way 2305523 unclassified
Callejón 161 way 2305524 unclassified
Callejón 163 way 2305525 unclassified
Callejón 165 way 2305526 unclassified
Callejón 167 way 2305527 unclassified
Diagonal Costa de Dragones way 2305528 tertiary
Diagonal Costa de Dragones way 2305529 tertiary
Avenida 22 way 2305566 unclassified
Avenida 23 way 2305567 unclassified
Bulevar Sancha Gandhi way 2305568 tertiary
Bulevar Sancha Gandhi way 2305569 tertiary
Paseo Loro Morado way 2305570 unclassified
Vía Páramos way 2305571 unclassified
Vía Páramos way 2305572 unclassified
Avenida 10 way 2836942 residential
Avenida 11 way 2836943 residential
Avenida 12 way 2836944 residential
Avenida 12 way 2836945 residential
Avenida 12 way 2836946 residential
Avenida 13 way 2836947 tertiary
Avenida 14 way 2836948 residential
Avenida 14 way 2836949 residential
Avenida 15 way 2836950 residential
Avenida 16 way 2836951 residential
Avenida 17 way 2836952 residential
Avenida 18 way 2836953 residential
Avenida 8 way 2836954 tertiary
Avenida 8 way 2836955 tertiary
Avenida 8 way 2836956 unclassified
Avenida 8 way 2836957 unclassified
Avenida 9 way 2836958 residential
Avenida Andrágoras Rhennes way 2836959 residential
Avenida Textiles way 2836960 tertiary
Avenida Textiles way 2836961 tertiary
Avenida Textiles way 2836962 tertiary
Calle 104 way 2836963 residential
Calle 104 way 2836964 residential
Calle 105 way 2836965 residential
Calle 105 way 2836966 residential
Calle 106 way 2836967 residential
Calle 106 way 2836968 residential
Calle 107 way 2836969 residential
Calle 107 way 2836970 residential
Calle 107 way 2836971 residential
Calle 108 way 2836972 tertiary
Calle 108 way 2836973 tertiary
Calle 108 way 2836974 residential
Calle 109 way 2836975 residential
Calle 109 way 2836976 residential
Calle 110 way 2836977 residential
Calle Arquíloco Aguirre way 2836978 residential
Calle Calatrava way 2836979 residential
Calle Calatrava way 2836980 residential
Calle Calatrava way 2836981 residential
Calle Fernando Abenzoar way 2836982 residential
Calle Jaime Armandolfi way 2836983 residential
Calle Llano en Llamas way 2836984 residential
Calle Machete way 2836985 residential
Calle Machete way 2836986 residential
Calle Mapamundi way 2836987 residential
Calle Mapamundi way 2836988 residential
Calle Parnaso way 2836989 residential
Calle Árbol Mágico way 2836990 residential
Callejón 102 way 2836991 service
Callejón 102 way 2836992 service
Pasaje Chango way 2837003 residential
Paseo Cerro Fantasmas way 2837004 tertiary
Paseo Cerro Fantasmas way 2837005 tertiary
Paseo Cerro Fantasmas way 2837006 tertiary
way 2950595 service
Calle Archanta way 3176725 tertiary
Calle Archanta way 3176726 tertiary
Calle Archanta way 3176727 tertiary
Calle Galicia way 3176728 residential
Calle Galicia way 3176729 residential
Calle Penitenciario way 3176733 residential
way 3176760 service
way 3176762 service
way 3176763 service
way 3176764 service
way 3176765 service
way 3176767 service
way 3176768 service
way 3176769 service
way 3176770 pedestrian
way 3176771 service
Calle 1 way 3177164 residential
Avenida 15 way 3355597 residential
Calle 48 way 3355598 residential
Calle 60 way 3355599 residential
Calle 64 way 3355600 tertiary
way 3605927 unclassified
way 4080996 service
way 4080997 service
way 4198803 unclassified
way 4296599 service
Plaza Zigurat relation 3804 pedestrian
Plaza Juan Card Díaz relation 5032 pedestrian
Plaza Torre Kapanadze relation 6311 pedestrian
relation 6603 pedestrian
Plaza de Delegación X relation 9813 pedestrian
Peotonales del Circo Permanente relation 9944 pedestrian
Plaza Museo Bellas Artes relation 11937 pedestrian
Plaza Cuarto de Piedra relation 12853 pedestrian
Plaza Cervantes relation 16879 pedestrian